How to clean your PC from unnecessary programs. Cleaning your computer from junk: why clean it, what programs to use and how to do it. Manual removal of programs and files

Everyone has encountered this problem at some point when the computer starts to freeze and files load very slowly. And in most cases, people simply forget to clean out junk from their computer. Size hard drives on modern PCs it can reach several terabytes, but someday the free space still runs out.

What are junk files?

Unneeded files on your computer are movies, videos or games that you have not been interested in for a long time, but you simply forgot to delete them. Some files, after using the uninstallation utility built into them, leave behind a memory and, as a result, turn into a pile of junk. This also includes your unresolved browser history and all files created by the operating system.

Cleaning a laptop from unnecessary files without installing unnecessary programs and without registration

We have already figured out what unnecessary files are on your laptop and why you need to get rid of them. Now we will tell you how to clean your computer of junk and speed up its operation without installing unnecessary programs.

How to clean your computer: removing programs

Cleaning a laptop from unnecessary garbage carried out by uninstalling programs. To do this, run "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove Programs" - "Add/Remove Programs" (Windows XP) or "Programs and Features" (Windows 7, 8). You will see a list of programs that are installed on your personal computer. After this you can remove all garbage from hard drive.

Disk cleaning

Every operating system has a utility called Disk Cleanup. With its help, you can destroy any file without compromising the performance of the OS.

The program is launched as follows:

  1. Open "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "Disk Cleanup". Select the disk on which you want to clean.
  2. Open “My Computer” and with one click select the desired section and its properties. Click "Properties" - "General" and "Disk Cleanup".
  3. Open the program search "cleanmgr" and select the partition to clean your computer.
  4. By simultaneously pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys, you automatically launch the "Dispatcher" Windows tasks", where you can select the "File" tab, and in the "New command (execute)" field, write "cleanmgr" and select the desired section.

Additional programs for removing unnecessary files on your computer

how to clean your computer from unnecessary files? In addition to standard system tools, we can use programs to clean our PC. Let's consider two options that are the most popular and reliable.

CCleaner program

This program cleans system folders and registry operating system. CCleaner can be downloaded completely free of charge by simply going to the official website. She is considered the best program for cleaning unnecessary files, because it is quite understandable even for beginners. It is also often installed on a mobile phone.

This cleaning program consists of several sections, and this will allow you to quickly find the required option. For example, in the Cleaning section, you can manually mark a list of files to remove from your computer. With the help of analysis, you can understand how much will be freed HDD.

This program can be used to clean files of various types. You can manually restrict access to deletion cookies or the program will not pay attention to them at all. The versatility of CCleaner lies in the fact that it can be used to eliminate errors in the registry. Mostly such errors appear due to incorrect removal of programs from the computer.

Programs in the "Service" section

  • "Remove programs". This function is designed to display absolutely all programs on the computer.
  • allows you to see a number of programs that run along with the operating system. You should not experiment with this function - it is better to entrust it to professionals.
  • "System Restore" restores the system from a point that is automatically created by the operating system.
  • "Erase Disc" suitable for those users who do not want their deleted files to be recovered.

Uninstall Expert

The Uninstall Expert program is necessary not only to speed up your computer, but also to remove unnecessary programs. Even after uninstallation, many small files remain on your computer that need to be deleted. Uninstall Expert completely removes all unnecessary files from your PC and improves the performance of your computer. This is absolutely free program, which is easy to install on your computer and launches quickly.

The Program list displays the list previously installed programs, which can be easily removed and, in addition, all debris can be cleaned behind them. Using Startup Items, you can remove those programs that are activated along with the operating system. If you don't want your disk to be full of unnecessary files, you'd better download Uninstall Expert.

Regular cleaning of unnecessary files is the key to speedy operation of your computer!

Now you know what you need to work for long and fast work your PC. Sometimes you need to perform a function to remove several programs, and all your problems will be instantly solved. Also, do not forget to clear your browser history, because even there it can accumulate a large number of garbage. We strongly recommend that you clean your computer in a timely manner, and then you will not constantly receive unpleasant reminders about the lack of space on your hard drive.

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Sooner or later, almost every computer owner asks himself the question: how to clean your computer from dust? Some people come to this idea on their own. And someone waits until, as they say, “the cancer on the mountain whistles.”

Often, users encounter problems with the unsatisfactory performance of their “iron friend”, which are not caused by an outdated processor, weak video card or insufficient RAM. There are often times when you sit down to play your favorite 3D shooter, and at the most inopportune moment the computer freezes, and on the screen at that second we contemplate a screenshot of an enemy bullet flying at you. 3-5 seconds pass - and you are already on the list of heroically killed.

Questions arise: why is this so? What's wrong with the computer? Should I contact a professional PC repair? After all, just yesterday I played the same game, and there were no interruptions in the system?! What's happened? Maybe the video card is damaged? Is the processor “tired”? Or maybe friends brought not only new movies on a flash drive, but also a couple of viruses?

So what happened to the computer?

And you start with different antivirus programs“gut” your computer for “disease-causing” Trojans, worms, etc. Also, using various utilities that optimize system operation, fix errors, clean the registry, etc.

Having cured all the viruses, corrected the errors, and with a feeling of fulfilling our duty to our computer, we download our favorite game again. And-and-and... after a couple of minutes of playing, out of anger we almost break the monitor with the mouse! Same thing again...

Now we’re calling our friends and waiting for an answer from them about who is to blame and what to do about it. And then one of them, jokingly or seriously, suggested cleaning the computer from dust. And you, in the absence of other options for solving the problem, pick up a brush and a vacuum cleaner, 15 minutes of simple manipulations and BINGO!!! We turn on the computer, and it’s like he’s been born again.

Dust is the main enemy of the computer!

Today you can hardly find a family that does not have a single computer in their home. But over time, unnecessary files accumulate on it. They remain after installing various programs and applications, or dust that accumulates inside system unit, settling on hard drives, video card, motherboard.

In addition, dust envelops wires (loops), fans and radiators, thereby interfering with their cooling and increasing the fire hazard. In this case, the processor temperature can reach 90°C, when its normal temperature varies from 30 to 60°C, depending on the model of the processor itself.

Immediately before cleaning your PC from dust, you need to check the temperature of your processor, chipset, hard drive and video card. After cleaning your computer from dust, you will notice a significant decrease in temperature. This point is very important, because in the absence of the necessary cooling, your computer will often automatically restart or not turn on at all.

So, we clean the computer from dust, and what is needed for this?

  • Vacuum cleaner (if you don’t have one, ask your neighbors)
  • Screwdriver (phillips)
  • Brush (it is better to take one with soft bristles)
  • Simple pencil
  • Eraser
  • Two skillful hands
  • Accuracy
  • Optional - rubber gloves

Cleaning your computer from dust. Stages.

Stage one. Preparing for cleaning

1. Disconnect the computer from the network (take out the plug from the socket).

2. Disconnect all components from the system unit ( external modem, printer, sound system, etc.) By the way, in order to avoid later problems with reconnecting all these “devices” to the computer, you should remember how everything was originally connected, label the wires or take a photograph.

3. It should be noted that a small amount of static voltage sometimes collects in the hole into which the mains plug is connected. It can be removed by simply touching the three exposed contacts with your finger. It may give a slight electric shock, but it is not painful, much less fatal (after all, you have already turned off the power from the network).

4. Next, you should unscrew the bolts from the back that hold the side wall of the system unit. After unscrewing the bolts, remove the cover. It is important here not to mix up the covers, otherwise if you remove the one on the side where the motherboard is attached, in this case you will definitely not clean anything. If you look from the front, you need to unscrew the left side of the system unit.

5. Place the bolts in a jar or any other place where you will not forget that this is where you put the bolts. Those who have a case with latches can skip this step.

6. Place the system unit on the right side, so that the motherboard faces us. You can clean your computer from dust while standing, but when the system unit is lying down, it’s much more convenient.

7. Removes RAM from the system unit. And don’t forget to remove the latches at the ends of the board. There may be one or two.

9. In addition, your system unit may also have a sound card, modem, etc. Most often they are located under the video card - we take them out too.

10. After the above mentioned manipulations, disconnect the hard drive (hard drive) and the drive.

11. Place all the parts that you removed carefully on the floor, preferably in the order in which you took them out. Knowing the order, it will be more convenient for you to install them backwards.

Stage two. Cleaning your computer from dust

1. Take the vacuum cleaner, plug it into a power outlet, remove the tube and nozzle so that you only hold the hose with the handle in your hands. Some vacuum cleaners have special small plastic attachments, we can use them.

2. Take the brush in your second hand and press the “Start” button. Not on a computer, but on a vacuum cleaner!

3. Next, slowly but surely, and most importantly, thoroughly clean the motherboard and system unit with a brush. At the same time, we hold the vacuum cleaner tube five centimeters from the place where we clean with a brush. So, all the dust that is raised by the brush will be sucked into the vacuum cleaner - this is one of the most important points in cleaning your computer from dust.

4. You should also pay attention to cleaning the coolers themselves from dust and dirt due to the fact that the bulk of the dust collects there. In this case, the vacuum cleaner tube must be inserted close to the cooler, then it begins to spin, and the dust located there is sucked out from there. There is a grill on top, and we don’t have to worry that cleaning the dust will damage one of its blades.

5. ATTENTION! You should be careful when holding the vacuum cleaner tube near motherboards, since you may not be able to hold the tube and it will stick to the board. Of course, components motherboard the tube will not get sucked in, but it may cause a slight blow. Even such a blow can cause damage to the fragile circuit board. You should be careful with this. Do not bring the vacuum cleaner tube too close.

7. After this, we begin drawing, where the very simple pencil from your arsenal will be used. You will need it for the following: the point here is that the contacts - those sections of the boards that are directly inserted into the connectors of the motherboard, sometimes tend to oxidize, as a result of which the board is unstable, and sometimes stops working altogether. Such cases are not uncommon when neither the RAM nor the video card works. There is nothing terrible about this; you need to clean it as carefully as possible from dust.

Let's get back to drawing. We take the board in our hands and, as gently as possible, sketch out the contacts (edges) on both sides with a simple pencil. Be sure to be gentle and careful. It’s as if you were given an engraving by a famous Italian Renaissance artist for restoration. This simple procedure allows you to get rid of oxide on the contacts.

8. Then we take an eraser and again gently and carefully erase what we have drawn. In this case, you should not press hard with the eraser so that there is no rubber left on the contacts. If it still remains, you can simply wipe it off with clean hands.

That’s it, now at this simple stage, cleaning your computer from dust is completed, and you can now proceed to the next steps.

Stage three. Reassembling the computer after cleaning it from dust

After we have cleaned the computer from dust, we assemble our clean system unit into a single whole. In this case, we do everything as during disassembly, only in the reverse order. All components are connected to the system unit. You should assemble very carefully, so that everything is installed in its place and in its connectors. In this case, your hands should be clean or wearing gloves.

We click on the “Start” button, now of the computer, and rejoice. After all, cleaning the system side from dust is finally completed.

  • It is not advisable to place the system unit against the wall itself. 5 centimeters from the wall will be enough. This is necessary for normal ventilation and to prevent the processor from overheating.
  • When you next do wet cleaning in a room, you should definitely wipe behind the system unit, as a lot of dust collects there. Moreover, systematic wet cleaning behind the system unit reduces the accumulation of dust inside it.
  • Your computer should be cleaned of dust at least once every six months.

To summarize, let us remember that ordinary dust can cause serious malfunctions during computer operation. It collects inside the system unit, which all leads to your computer starting to freeze, slow down, various kinds of errors appear, and so on. Often, accumulated dust even leads to a sudden shutdown of the computer.

In this article, we told you how to clean your computer from dust, and what you need to have and be able to do for this, and also showed what stages the cleaning of your computer from dust and dirt consists of.

If you have difficulty cleaning your computer from dust, you can always contact the computer help center website. Our service technicians will thoroughly and professionally clean your system unit from dust and give valuable recommendations on how to protect your computer from dust in the future.

Call a specialist

Currently, most services operate over the Internet, and the user needs to work with a computer. Everything is collected on the device over time more files, which are not used by humans or the system itself. They take up space and load your PC, slowing it down. You need to know how to properly clean your computer to get rid of loads and freezes.

Purpose of prophylaxis

Hard disks on modern PCs they have large capacity, but even they can become full, resulting in the need to delete unused files. This procedure is necessary for home, office systems and laptops. The accumulated “garbage” prevents the machine from working normally and slows down the process of searching for data on the hard drive. But when deleting, you need to get rid of only unnecessary files without affecting important system records.

A large amount of “garbage” remains after installing games and programs. The system starts to boot and open more slowly dialog boxes. When installing some software, additional applications may also be installed if the user does not uncheck the corresponding boxes. All this loads the PC.

If there is too little space left on the hard drive, the system will display a message indicating the need to clean it up. Regularly deleting unnecessary data has the following benefits:

  • the computer will work faster;
  • there will be more space for necessary files and documents;
  • programs and the system itself will launch much faster;
  • the risk of critical errors that automatically crash a running game or application will be reduced.

DIY cleaning methods

To clean your computer of unnecessary files yourself, you do not need to manually search for each of them and delete them. For this there is special utilities and tools that automate work and do not require much user intervention. You can completely remove “junk” using the system function located in the properties of the hard drive. Another way is to install additional software, such programs, for example, include Unistall Expert, CCleaner.

Media files and shortcuts

Over time, a significant number of documents and shortcuts accumulate on the desktop, which are no longer used and only take up space. This makes it more difficult for the user to find the necessary programs. Excess files can be selected and moved to the trash. The latter needs to be cleaned after removing the “garbage”.

In second place after games in terms of weight and memory footprint there are video files. The user may forget to delete a watched movie or TV series. Such a file can weigh from 700 MB to 30 GB. You should also remove any accumulated torrents.

All browsers support the function of saving pages of interest. A large accumulation of such bookmarks also slows down the application and the opening of new windows.

Unused programs

There are special utilities that scan the hard drive for old and unused data that can slow down the system. Such programs include the built-in Windows Disk Cleanup, as well as some third-party, more functional applications (Revo uninstaller, CCleaner). The utilities collect old registry entries and files and then offer to get rid of them. The process can be performed manually or enabled in automatic mode.

There may also be copies of files stored on the computer that programs use for some operations, but are not subsequently deleted. For the system to work well, it must be cleared of such data. The CCleaner utility is suitable for this. Once you launch it, you need to do the following:

  1. Select the “Service” tab in the left menu.
  2. Select “Search for duplicates” from the list.
  3. Use the checkboxes to specify the criteria by which the search will be conducted.
  4. It is imperative to check the “System” column so that the application does not get rid of important Windows files.
  5. Folders with the required data can also be added to the "Exceptions" list.
  6. Click on the “Search” button, the summary information will be displayed in alphabetical order.
  7. You need to select unnecessary files and click on “Delete selected”.

A hard drive with an operating system installed on it is called a system drive. Its clutter directly affects Windows performance. There should always be free space on this disk so that programs can create temporary files for work. The optimal reserve is 20 GB.

You can get rid of temporary files manually by deleting all data from the Temp folder in the Windows root directory. This operation can be performed automatically by selecting the “Registry Cleaner” function in CCleaner.

You can remove “garbage” from the disk by standard means. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Call context menu at system disk, by clicking right click mice.
  2. Select “Properties” and in the “General” tab click the “Disk Cleanup” button.
  3. In the window that appears, select the desired removal options.
  4. Click the “Ok” button and wait for the cleaning to complete.

At Windows update are being created backups files stored in separate folder. Over time, they become useless and clog the disk. The PatchCleaner program will help you carry out proper cleaning.

The utility asks the system what data is being used, compares it with the contents of the Installer folder, and identifies broken items. Before starting the uninstallation process, it is recommended to make a restore point. It will allow you to return cleared data if errors occur in the system.

To remove "garbage" you need to run the PatchCleaner program and click on the Delete button. The utility will clean it automatically.

Removing unnecessary files from your computer is easy. If you follow the instructions, even an inexperienced user can complete this task. Regular cleaning of the system will allow it to work quickly, without brakes and errors.

Over time, the system becomes full of garbage that slows down the operation of the laptop: unnecessary programs, temporary files, registry entries. You can clean the system and speed up its operation using built-in tools or special software.

How to clean the system

The main thing in cleaning your laptop from debris is regularity. If you have never tried to clean the system, then so much unnecessary data will accumulate in it that you can forget about normal operation. Many users immediately begin to think that the hardware no longer holds up, and they need a new laptop or at least a complete reinstallation of the system.

Reinstalling will solve the problem, there will be no garbage left, but you can speed up the system in a less radical way, which does not involve deleting user data from the laptop. Even cleaning with built-in tools will have a huge positive effect. But in order not to forget anything, let’s create a clear sequence:

  1. Cleaning the desktop. Remove unnecessary files and shortcuts to unused programs.
  2. Checking documents, including downloaded torrents. A typical situation: I downloaded a season of a series, watched it, and left it as dead weight on the disk. Delete - the more space, the faster the system works.
  3. Uninstall unused programs.
  4. Cleaning the disk from temporary files.
  5. Cleaning the registry using CCleaner.
  6. Checking the startup list.

If the file is not deleted, use the Unlocker utility. It independently unloads from memory the processes that are occupied by the file, helping to quickly clean the system of data that, when deleted, gives the error “Unable to delete. The file is being used by another program."

Uninstalling programs

Try to ensure that only valid required applications. It is better to clean the system of software “garbage” in order to free up space and slightly increase performance. There are several ways to remove a program:

  1. Through the “Uninstall a program” applet in the control panel.
  2. Using your own uninstall file Uninstall.exe.
  3. Using the capabilities of the Revo Uninstaller utility (there is a free version).

The third option is preferable, because Revo Uninstaller removes the program completely, including erasing entries in the system registry. After a standard uninstallation, traces remain that are not beneficial to the system.

After uninstallation, Revo Uninstaller will offer to clean the system of remaining debris. Select a mode and click "Scan".

The program will show the remaining files and folders. Select them and click "Delete".

With advanced scanning, you can erase entries in the registry, so that the application will be destroyed without a trace.

Deleting temporary files

A lot of temporary files accumulate in the system, clogging up memory, which need to be gotten rid of.

The same operation can be performed using the free cleaning utility CCleaner:

Deleting temporary files will empty the Recycle Bin, so make sure there is nothing useful in it before you start cleaning your system. Additionally, you can clean up system files:

Another list of data that can be deleted will be generated. Among them will be old updates, which sometimes take up a lot of space on your hard drive. After generating the list, click “Ok” to clear it.

Cleaning the registry

A huge amount of garbage also accumulates in the system registry - entries about programs that were deleted long ago. If you uninstalled using Revo Uninstaller, then there will be no entries left, but it won’t hurt to clean the registry in any case - there are still incorrect extensions or incorrect firewall rules. Manual deletion is out of the question: it is too time-consuming and dangerous - you can erase the wrong entry and get errors in the system. The registry should be cleaned using CCleaner:

If you have never performed such a procedure before, you will immediately notice that the system has become faster and more stable.

Setting up autorun

To speed up your laptop boot time, you need to clear the startup list. It adds programs that are loaded with Windows. The more applications there are, the longer it takes to launch them. To clear the startup list of garbage:

In the standard startup list, you can only disable programs, but you cannot delete them. If you want to literally clean your startup of junk to speed up your system, use CCleaner.

Since you have opened the “Tools” tab in CCleaner, use another convenient laptop cleaning function – duplicate search. Everything is simple here: run a search, look at the result, select which version of the file you should get rid of (usually they are completely identical and created at the same time), and click “Delete selected”.

After cleaning your laptop of debris this way, you will notice a serious increase in system performance. The main thing is not to let all the work go down the drain due to irregular cleaning. But you shouldn’t delete temporary files and clean the registry too often: it’s enough to clean the system 1-2 times a month.

Does your computer take a long time to get ready to work when you turn it on? Are running programs and games opening and running slowly? Does the browser speed also leave much to be desired? All these symptoms indicate that it is high time for you to clean your computer of debris. For these purposes, there are special free programs in Russian that remove all unnecessary files from your hard drive and promote stable operation of the operating system. Most of them are comprehensive programs to clean your disk and offer to further clean the registry and speed up work random access memory etc. We will talk about such free computer cleaning programs in Russian later in the article.

Advanced SystemCare Free - PC cleaner

Program Advanced System Care is a very popular set of routines for cleaning and optimizing your computer's hard drive. This utility is developed for the Windows platform and is its optimizer.

In some cases, Advanced SystemCare improves operating system performance by up to 300% or more. There is a special mode for gamers - Turbo Boost, which allows you to optimize the system for launching and maintaining the game. To use the utility, follow the link and select the program from the list of developer products.

Advanced SystemCare disk cleaning program
  1. Download and install the program.
  2. When you start, a window will open in front of you in which you can navigate through the program using the tabs at the top. There are 5 of them in total - “Cleaning and Optimization”, “Acceleration”, “Protection”, “Tools”, “Action Center”.
  3. Most often we will use the first 2. When you open the “Cleaning and Optimization” tab, you will see all the available functions that are marked with a checkmark. Those functions where there is no checkmark are available only when purchasing the PRO version.
  4. In the main window, click the start button and all the items marked below will be applied. Namely: clearing garbage, repairing shortcuts (useful for those who often lose shortcuts to programs and games), Internet acceleration, removing unnecessary software, cleaning the registry.

Wise Care 365 - cleans and optimizes the system

The PC cleaning program Wise Care 365 differs from similar products in its high-quality built-in disk defragmentation function. After you clean the disk, you can perform useful optimization of hard disk files here. The software can clear the browser cache and increase its performance. The paid version of the program has additional useful features, For example, backup registry, search for duplicates, etc. The software is compatible with .

The features of the application are:

  • File optimization.
  • Removing useless files.
  • Convenient browser cleaning and optimization.
  • The menu is entirely in Russian.
  • There are utilities that allow you to protect your files and folders.
  • It is possible to produce diagnosis of hard disk and computer.
  1. To use Wise Care 365, go to the official website
  2. Click the green "Download" button if you already have free version, you can upgrade it to the PRO version by clicking the orange “Upgrade to PRO” button.
  3. To troubleshoot problems, click on running program on the main window, the “Check” button.
  4. After this, you will be able to see as a result of the check what kind of problems your computer has.
  5. Click fix and all problems will be fixed automatically.

CCleaner is a free junk removal program.

CCleaner is one of the most popular programs for removing junk and viruses from your computer and registry. It will quickly and thoroughly clean your hard drive, eliminating all damaged or unused files. The program is distributed free of charge and has a completely Russian-language interface.

The features of the utility are:

  • The application is completely free, there is a mobile version.
  • There is a clipboard.
  • Supports all versions of Windows.
  • Complete browser cleanup.
  • There is a mode for comfortable work in the background.

To use the program, follow the link and select one of two versions - CCleaner, CCleaner Portable.

  1. Launch the program and click on the broom icon on the left side of the menu, then click “Analysis”. It will start checking for unnecessary files and other garbage.
  2. Once the files are found, click the "Clean" button and the files will be deleted.
  3. To fix problems with the registry, select the “Registry” icon in the menu on the left and run a problem scan.
  4. After defining CCleaner program problems in the registry, click the "Fix" button.

Glary Utilities - a computer cleaning utility for Windows

Glary Utilities– this is a whole set of utilities for optimizing the operating system Windows systems. This product's tools include more than 50 routines that can clean your hard drive, defragment it, and much more. The paid version significantly expands this set. Distinctive features Glary Utilities:

To use Glary Utilities, download it from the link

  • Installation does not take much time and is standard. When you launch the program, you will be taken to the initial window where you can give it a brief overview.
  • The window is divided into 3 blocks. In the first block, you can configure automatic maintenance, cleaning your computer from garbage, etc.
  • The second block contains information on the loading time of your OS. Below you can configure autostart programs on your PC.
  • The third block contains information on Glary Utilities updates.
  • In the lower part home screen The program contains all the basic tools. Select any of them and start cleaning and optimizing. Each program is signed and has an intuitive design.

Wise Registry Cleaner

Wise Registry Cleaner differs from other similar programs in its thorough cleaning Windows registry. The utility will quickly identify problem areas and get things working in a short time. The cleaner can be configured to operate automatically, and it is possible to make backups. The program is distributed free of charge. To use the utility, follow the link and click on the green “Download Free” button.

  • When you first launch the program, you will be prompted to backup the registry.
  • In the next window you will see 3 buttons - “Quick Scan”, “Deep Scan”, “Categories”. I advise you to do a deep scan of your system.
  • After the scan you will see all the problems your computer has with the registry, click the big green "Fix" button. All problems will be resolved.

ADWCleaner - quickly uninstalls adware

The ADWCleaner program is designed to find and clean your computer from various types of advertising, special software (PUP), and browser hijackers. The cleaner will protect your PC from various annoying objects that could accidentally get into the OS. To use the tool to remove all junk from your PC, follow the download link ADWCleaner has a Russian-language interface, so it won’t be difficult for you to understand it.

PrivaZer - scans browsers perfectly

Another program for cleaning your computer from junk, which you can use for free. The application has a standard set of utilities for clearing garbage from your hard drive, cleaning your browser and registry. It is easy to set up and has a clear interface. To download and install the program, follow the link and click the blue “Download” button. During installation, select the interface language – Russian.

  1. Launch the program. Select one of the necessary actions - “Optimize the program” or “Go to the main menu”.
  2. Next, select the device with which the program works from the list.
  3. In the top panel, select the scan type. Click the "Ok" button at the bottom of the window. In the next window, select the required disk to scan and click “Scan”.
  4. Once the program finds all the junk and other unnecessary files on your PC, click the Clean button and select Normal Cleanup. This method will clean the debris efficiently, but it takes a lot of time (the description indicates up to 90 minutes).


FreeSpacer is a free and simple utility that is designed to clean your disk from unnecessary files. Optimizer It has a simple and intuitive interface and high search speed. program you can configure and use a large number of masks in order to detect unnecessary files of your Windows operating system.

FreeSpacer has a number of distinctive properties:

This software is lightweight (825 Kb) and is extremely easy to use. To download, follow the link Install and launch FreeSpacer. To identify unnecessary files, click the first button at the top “Search”. After the program finds the garbage, click “Delete” in the menu.

Unlocker is a small but very useful utility that allows you to unlock files and programs occupied by other system processes for access. You've probably seen a message in Windows that notifies you that a file cannot be accessed because it is occupied by another process. Unlocker solves this problem. To download the utility, follow the link

Utility for removing blocked programs and files Unlocker

After installing the program, it will be available through the context menu.

  1. To delete a problematic file or folder, hover your mouse cursor over it and click the right button.
  2. Find the line in the drop-down menu “Unlocker” and click on it.
  3. Then in the window that appears, select the action - delete.
  4. Ready.

Do not forget that Windows OS has its own computer cleaning utility Cleanmgr in Russian, which also allows you to clean the disk of temporary and unnecessary files.

To run it:

  • Press the WIN+R key combination and enter the following command "".

Windows OS system utility - Cleanmgr
  • A window will open in which you need to select the disk partition that needs to be cleaned and click “OK”.
  • After evaluating the disk, you will see a window where you need to select the category of files that will be deleted. Select the required ones and click “Ok”.