How to remove junk files. How to manually remove unnecessary files from your computer. Clearing temporary files in the temp folder

To ensure normal operation of your computer, it is not at all necessary to install third party programs to clean your hard drive or system registry. All this can be done using standard tools. operating system. You just need to know where to go and what to press so as not to do something irreparable and prevent the OS from completely crashing.

In this case, the “garbage” is temporary files that may remain after installing applications, registry entries that persist even after uninstalling programs using standard means, and various logs. All these arrays are capable of filling up the hard drive and RAM. This naturally leads to necessity.

The hard drive starts to fill up first. Remnants of deleted programs and various temporary files appear on it. System restore points take up a lot of free space.

You can delete junk files very easily; you just need to use the built-in utility that is available in the Windows operating system. It can be activated in two ways:

  1. Use the “Run” command, which is launched by the Win+R key combination. In the window that opens, you need to type “cleanmgr.exe” and complete the operand by pressing Enter. First of all, the cleaning manager will ask you to select a disk to analyze for the presence of garbage.
  2. The second method launches a similar built-in utility, but allows you to bypass the selection step the required volume. You can call the program by clicking the right mouse button on the letter the desired disk. Select Properties from the drop-down menu and proceed to Disk Cleanup.

The following user actions are the same for both methods of calling the utility. After launch, the analysis of the partition begins, the result of which is the appearance of a window with a list of what can be easily deleted. The user can only check the boxes and click “Ok”.

The system will once again remind you that this procedure is irreversible and will ask for consent to perform the action. After some time, the duration of which will depend on the amount of accumulated garbage, you will be able to verify that there is more free space on the disk.

Another reason for disk fullness is the accumulation of a large number of recovery points, which are located in the Prefetch folder. But cleaning the folder manually is not the most optimal way, especially since there are built-in system tools ready to help.

To run the tool to remove unnecessary restore points, you must take the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the letter of the desired volume and select the “Properties” menu item.
  2. Go to the “Disk Cleanup” tab.
  3. Select the “Clean up system files” option. This will require administrator rights.
  4. By clicking on the “Advanced” tab, the user will see two items: “Programs and Features” and “System Restore and Shadow Copies”.
  5. Having selected the second item, you must press the “Clear” key.
  6. The system will issue a warning prompt, notifying the user that he is about to delete all restore points except the last one.
  7. After clicking the “Delete” button, cleaning will occur.


In some cases, performing such manipulations allows you to free up gigabytes of free space, since the older the system, the more space its copy takes up, since the checkpoint is precisely a copy of the OS at a certain point in time.

Disk Defragmenter

After cleaning the hard drive from residual debris, it will not be superfluous. Thanks to it, the media will become more “responsive” and faster interaction with files will occur.

To better understand the meaning and necessity of defragmentation, a few words should be said about this process. A hard drive is made up of many cells called clusters. Information is recorded in them. Moreover, file fragments are not placed in cells in a row, but only in free ones.

It turns out that at a certain moment, when the user often wrote and erased information from the hard drive, the file could be fragmented during the next write. Its parts can be located in different places on the carrier. This leads to the fact that the next time you access information, the system will take more time for the desired program to start.

Defragmentation, the process of organizing clusters, helps to avoid this. All occupied cells are transferred to the beginning of the hard disk, all free cells are moved beyond. Thus, the system performance is improved by speeding up the process of accessing files.

It is quite possible to carry out the procedure using internal OS tools. To do this, the user will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Call the context menu by right-clicking on the desired drive letter.
  2. Go to properties.
  3. Open the “Service” tab.
  4. Select "Defragment...".
  5. To start the procedure, you will need to analyze the desired volume.
  6. Clicking on the "Disk Defragmentation" button will begin the process.


Solid State Drives or SSD drives do not require defragmentation, since they have a slightly different structure and file recording feature.

Cleaning the registry

The next step to improve the performance of your computer is to clean the system registry, which accumulates a large number of old or non-existent keys. This also affects the performance of the PC.

The best way to achieve optimization is to use specialized programs, since performing the procedure manually requires certain knowledge.

To access the system registry you need to open command line and run the command: “regedit”. Using a key allows you to gain access as an administrator.

Before you start cleaning the registry, it is recommended to do it backup copy. To keep it in the same condition as it was before the adjustment. To do this, in the editor you need to select the “File” menu item, then click the “Export” button, noting first that you will need to copy the entire registry. The system will ask the user to indicate the save location and come up with a name for the file.

Direct cleaning consists of removing unnecessary keys manually, selected from the general tree.


To clean your computer of garbage, you need to audit the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section. It is here, in the SOFTWARE section, that application entries are located.

It is quite difficult to search for the required key on your own, so you can use the built-in search system, which is activated by pressing the Ctrl+F key combination. This is how you can search for sections corresponding to a specific program.

Removing unused programs

Very often, the user does not even think about the need to remove old or unused programs. This leads to less and less space on your hard drive.

In the operating system, deleting an application is quite simple. Windows has a standard uninstall tool. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • go to “Control Panel”;
  • select “Programs”;
  • In the list of all installed applications that appears, select the one you need and click the “Delete” button.


Clearing browser cache

Every browser reserves some space on your hard drive called a cache. It is used to save the pages most frequently visited by the user to ensure they load quickly in the future. Over time, the cache grows and can reach hundreds of megabytes.

You can manually clear saved pages directly from the browser. To do this, you need to go to your browser settings, then go to the “Advanced” item and select deleting your browsing history. Depending on the type of browser, the names of the items may differ slightly, but the algorithm of actions remains the same.

The user will also need to select the period for which the saved data will be deleted. This could be a day or the entire time you use the browser. Additionally, when cleaning, you can choose what exactly needs to be deleted: browsing history, download history, cookies, images.

Cleaning your desktop

Many users do not think at all about appearance desktop, which over time begins to fill with folders, shortcuts and just documents. Some people think that by putting the files they need on their desktop, they make them easier to access. But when there are a lot of them, it becomes difficult to navigate through this chaos.

To clean your desktop, you can run the built-in utility called Cleanup Wizard. To activate it, you need to right-click on the free space and select the menu item “Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard”.

A window will open showing your unused shortcuts and the date they last accessed the app they link to. After checking the required boxes, click “Next”.

Upon completion of the wizard, the following will appear on the desktop: new folder, called “Unused Shortcuts”, where all outdated links will be placed.

The second way to put things in order on your desktop is to create a special folder, which is best placed on another logical drive. When placing it on a system partition, there is a high probability of data loss during a failure.

After the folder has been created, you just need to move all the items on your desktop there. Thanks to this, the user will receive a single place where the necessary files, folders and shortcuts will be located.

Cleaning torrents

Those who like to download movies or TV series via torrents may encounter the problem that over time a large number of old files will accumulate on their hard drive.

There are two ways to get rid of outdated torrents:

  1. The first is to use uTorrent's own menu. By going into it, you can select already downloaded files and, by clicking right click mouse, activate the “Delete” command. This way you can get rid of torrent files and downloaded movies.
  2. The second method involves manual removal. All saved downloads are located at C:\username\ApplicationData\uTorrent. By going there, you can simply select all the files in the folder and delete them through the trash bin, or bypassing it (key combination Shift+Del).

Autorun cleaning

Most programs are added to autorun during installation. This, on the one hand, allows them to launch faster, but on the other hand, it takes up PC resources, causing it to slow down.

To get to the list of programs that are allowed to start when you turn on the computer, you will need to go to the task manager. It can be called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Del.

In the window that opens, you need to go to the “Startup” tab, where a list of applications will be displayed, their status (on or off) and the degree of impact on the processor.

Clicking the right mouse button on the selected program allows you to select an action. You can disable the application, view the location of the file in the folder, and find information about this product on the Internet.

To turn off autorun, select the appropriate item context menu.


The best third-party programs for cleaning your computer

You can clean your computer of accumulated debris manually, but this requires certain knowledge and time. To speed up the process and automate it, you can use it, most of which are distributed completely free of charge. There are comprehensive solutions that make it possible to carry out complete cleaning through one program.

For comprehensive cleaning

Perhaps the best program for cleaning your computer is the CCleaner application. It is distributed completely free of charge, although there is a paid version. There is also a ported version that can be used without installation. Using this application, you can remove programs, clean the system registry, disable programs at startup, and clear cookies and browser cache.

To clean junk from your hard drive

The optimal program for cleaning your hard drive from accumulated garbage is the Advanced System Care application. It is also distributed absolutely free of charge. This utility is optimized for working with the Windows operating system, which allows you to use it not only to remove accumulated garbage, but also to eliminate system errors. The developers claim that using their application increases PC performance by 400%.

To remove old programs

The most important requirement for third-party applications that remove installed programs is to uninstall completely, removing not only files, but also system registry keys. This is exactly what is possible when using the Revo Uninstaller product. The program offers several removal modes, in which you can completely get rid of outdated applications. There is a ported version that works without installation. The developers, with their usual sense of humor, endowed the utility with a hunting mode (when removal is done using a sight on the desktop) and drag function and drop (uninstallation is carried out by transferring the desired program to the fireplace).

To defragment a hard drive

To organize files on your hard drive, it is best to use programs that are specifically designed for this. One of best apps is Auslogic Disk Defrag. The utility is distributed free of charge. With its help, the process of consolidating free space can be fully automated. The program has a built-in scheduler that makes it possible to configure the computer to shut down after the defragmentation process is completed.

To remove viruses

One of the best free utilities To clean your computer from malware, there is a product from the Dr.Web laboratory called CureIt!. The program is distributed completely free of charge. After downloading latest version, which contains current virus databases, the user can choose which objects to scan: hard drive, RAM or running programs. The advantage of this particular application is that the developer is a company that specializes in producing antiviruses.

Cleaning your computer of debris is a procedure that should become mandatory for every PC user. Removing unnecessary files, tidying up the system registry, and clearing the browser cache not only helps free up space, but also speeds up the machine. Once again, you can learn the intricacies of cleaning your computer from the presented video.


For the last 10 years, a PC has been not a luxury, but a vital necessity. More and more services are switching to the Internet and people have to master this device. Over time, a certain number of files accumulate on the computer, which are no longer used by the system or a person, but take up space and complicate the work of the PC. To avoid various freezes and loads, you need to regularly clean your system.

Why do you need to clean your computer from junk?

Modern PCs are equipped with huge capacity hard drives, but even they become full at some point and you have to start deleting unnecessary files. Cleaning your computer of junk is a mandatory procedure for both home and work computers, because they interfere with the normal operation of the machine and slow down the search on the hard drive. The main difficulty of the removal process is not to erase important system records, but only garbage.

Most of the unnecessary documents appear when installing programs, games, the PC begins to load the system more slowly and open windows. Some software even automatically installs additional utilities into the system if an inexperienced user forgot to uncheck the boxes during installation. All this leads to deterioration in computer performance. When your hard drive is critically full, a special window will begin to appear, which indicates the need to free up space on the disk. There are the following positive aspects of regular cleaning of unnecessary files:

  • PC operation will be much faster;
  • you have more space for important documents and files;
  • programs will open and the system will boot faster;
  • There is less risk that a critical error will occur that will close the application or game at the wrong time.

Cleaning methods

To clean the system, it is not necessary to search for each file manually and delete it through the trash. There are special tools that automate the process and require minimal user intervention. Cleaning your computer of unnecessary files can be done using a system function; it is located in the properties of the hard drive itself. The second method is to install special software that was developed specifically for these purposes, for example, Cсleaner, Uninstall Expert.

How to clean your computer of unnecessary files yourself

Most of the “garbage” is collected due to a person’s reluctance to get rid of files that he no longer needs. Someone downloaded the series, watched it and left it on the disk. Any user who knows how to move from folder to folder and remembers what they downloaded or installed recently can manually clean their computer of junk. Most importantly, do not delete anything from the Windows or Program Files folder on your system drive. To clean them of unnecessary files, it is better to use special utilities.

Remove junk from your desktop

Over time, a huge number of shortcuts and documents accumulate on the screen that are no longer needed and only create chaos. This will not directly affect the operation of the system, but will make it easier for you to find the applications you need. Simply select the files you don't need and drag them to the Trash. If you accidentally placed something you need there, you can restore this document. When everything unnecessary is sent to the trash, do not forget to empty it. Right-click on it and select Cleanup.

Torrents and unnecessary videos

The second place in terms of memory capacity on a PC is occupied by video files (the first is modern games). Most users, after watching a series or movie, forget to delete them. Depending on the quality of the picture, such a file can occupy from 700 megabytes to 30 gigabytes. To clear your computer of movies and eliminate lack of space you need:

  • go to the folder with the file;
  • select it with the left mouse button;
  • hold down the Shift button and press Del;
  • the film will be permanently deleted.

Services that distribute free movies use a torrent system, i.e. The download speed depends on the number of people who have already downloaded it and left it for distribution. A very convenient system that saves you from losing the connection during downloading and allows you to pause this process. Over time, you accumulate a large number of these torrent files that can be deleted. You can find them by a noticeable green icon with the Torrent program logo. You can safely “demolish” them.

Extra bookmarks in the browser

All modern programs for surfing the Internet support the function of saving interesting pages. They are called “bookmarks” and can be located in special folders in the browser itself or directly on the quick access panel. If you do not clear unnecessary links, the program may become “dumb” and take a long time to load windows. To clean you need:

  • hover your mouse over the unwanted bookmark;
  • right click;
  • Select "delete bookmark".

Unused programs

It will be extremely difficult for a person to check all folders for unnecessary files and clean them. For this purpose, special utilities have been created that scan the contents of the hard drive and identify the oldest, least used files that can be cleaned. There is a Disk Cleanup utility built into Windows, but you can also use more advanced applications, for example, CCleaner, Revo uninstaller. The program will collect all outdated files and registry entries and offer you to delete them. You can do everything automatically or manually.

Finding duplicates and removing them

The operating system and some programs sometimes create copies of files for certain operations, but then do not delete them. This data clogs up your PC and can negatively affect the operation of the OS, so it should be cleaned. The CCleaner application is well suited for these purposes. Download and install the program, launch it from the desktop shortcut. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. In the left menu of the interface you need to select “Service”.
  2. Next, in the adjacent list, select “Search for duplicates.”
  3. You should set criteria for searching for unnecessary files. If you don't know them, then it is recommended to simply enable all 4 checkboxes.
  4. Be sure to check the box next to the “System” line so that the program does not accidentally delete important data from Windows.
  5. If a folder contains important files, you can add it in the “Exceptions” tab.
  6. Next, click on “Search”, the results will be displayed in alphabetical order.
  7. Select the files you want to destroy and click “Delete selected.”

One of the disks was selected to install the operating system on it. It’s called system, the more junk, garbage, or suddenly a virus on it, the worse your Windows will work. Regular cleaning will ensure stable operation of the system and speed it up, so you should carry out “cleaning” regularly, as a rule, this is a volume called “C”. It should always have a reserve of memory in case some programs suddenly create temporary documents for their work. At the moment, the optimal amount is considered to be at least 20 GB of free space.

Removing residual files on a computer with a TEMP extension

The system for speeding up the loading of programs, files, pages in the browser (Chrome, Opera, Yandex) creates temporary documents and remembers some data. Over time, a lot of them can accumulate and take up disk space. You can clean them yourself in the Windows folder, then Temp and simply use the Shift+Del combination to destroy them all without regret. Another option is the CCleaner program. It will do everything for you automatically, you need:

  1. Download and install the utility.
  2. In the left menu, select “Analysis” and run it.
  3. The application itself will collect all the data, analyze the contents of the folders, you just need to check them (in case something important accidentally ended up in the list).
  4. Confirm clearing of unnecessary documents.

Disk cleanup using standard Windows tools

The developers of the operating system knew that garbage would accumulate on the computer over time, so they created a native function for deleting unnecessary files. To clean the disk you need to do the following:

  1. Go to “My Computer” or open File Explorer.”
  2. Right-click on the required disk.
  3. In the context menu, click on “Properties”.
  4. In this window at the bottom right there will be a “disk cleanup” section.
  5. A window will appear in which you can select additional removal options.
  6. Then click “Ok” and Windows will delete the files itself. It can destroy temporary documents, internet data, cache Chrome browser, Mozilla, and, if necessary, system documents.

How to delete temporary files after a system update

Add-ons are regularly released for Windows that are installed on top of existing files. To do this, backup copies are created in a special folder, which then become useless and only clog up the disk. To properly clean these files, you can use the PatchCleaner utility. It helps to detect unused unnecessary documents, which are called orphaned.

The application sends a request to the system and receives a response, which of the data is in use, compares it with the data from the Installer folder and determines the idle elements. Before use, it is recommended to create a recovery point so that if an error occurs, you can return all deleted documents. You just need to launch the application, then click the “Delete” button and all unnecessary system update files will be destroyed.

Removing garbage from the windows system registry

Important Windows operating parameters are stored in the registry; it is responsible for the adequate operation of many programs. It is difficult to clean it yourself; not every user will be able to determine which of these records is unnecessary and which is important. For these purposes, it is better to use the CCleaner program. She will be able to conduct a deep analysis of the data and identify duplicate files of registry entries, broken pieces and simply outdated ones. Before cleaning, it is recommended to create an OS restore point. You need:

  1. Launch CCleaner and click on the “Registry” section.
  2. Then click the “Search for Problems” button.
  3. Next, a list of damaged or unnecessary documents will appear.
  4. Click the "Fix Selected" button. The system will prompt you to make a backup copy of the registry and it is recommended that you complete this procedure. If Windows malfunctions, you can restore lost registry entries.

How to clear Startup of unnecessary programs

The newly installed operating system will boot quickly without any problems. Over time, the user installs additional software, which begins to load automatically along with the OS, slowing it down. You won't really need all of these utilities, so you can disable them and run them manually if necessary. You can clean autorun yourself or using special utilities. If you chose the first option, then you need to do the following:

  1. Press the key combination win+R.
  2. A command line will open, in which you need to write “msconfig” (without quotes).
  3. In the top menu, select the “Startup” tab.
  4. The list will be long and some names will be unclear to you, but some can be turned off intuitively, for example, agent programs from different services, players for playing videos, music, etc.

For users of Windows version 8 and above, the developers have simplified this task. When you press the Ctrl+alt+del key combination, a menu opens in which you need to select “task manager”. In the top menu, a tab called “Startup” is immediately available, where you can disable everything unnecessary applications. You can also see a list of these applications and disable them through the Ccleaner utility. Click on the “Service” section and in the additional list go to “Startup”. There you can also clean all unnecessary applications.

Scan your computer with an antivirus program

Malware poses a serious threat to any computer. Viruses are not so easy to clean, so you need to use special antivirus programs. They can get onto your computer by installing suspicious utilities, along with hacked games, or through a browser. The most annoying are the “worms” that settle in your browser and open unnecessary tabs for you, add various advertisements, obscene or shocking announcements to your pages.

You won’t be able to clean your computer of viruses manually, so you should choose one of the products that will do this efficiently, without damaging the system. Among paid options, Kaspersky antivirus is very popular, and Malwarebyte is used to clean the browser and registry. These two utilities will automatically scan your computer and offer you to clean all potentially dangerous documents. No additional action is required from you.

Before using a flash drive, CD or DVD (if someone else uses them), it is recommended to check the data with an antivirus. This will protect your computer from malware entering through these media. If you don’t want to pay for Kaspersky, you can find a free alternative. How to clean your computer of unnecessary files without investing money and neutralize viruses:

  • Dr.Web;
  • 360 Total Security;
  • Avast Antivirus (Free);
  • AviraFree Antivirus;
  • AVG Antivirus.


Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

Recently I came across a survey “how much space do you have on drive C”, which prompted me to show you how to clear drive C of unnecessary files without deleting anything unnecessary.

As the survey showed, most people have only 100 GB allocated to drive C, of ​​which a couple of GB are free. This is not surprising, the OS and the necessary software take up 50 GB, plus garbage, temporary files, and as a result, the memory is all occupied. Let's get started and remove all the junk from the computer one by one.

Quick Clean Windows 10

Cleaning downloads

I think everyone knows what this folder is and why it is full. If anyone is in the “Downloads” tank, this is the place where all your files that you downloaded/saved on the Internet are located. To find this folder on your computer, open “Computer/My Computer” and in the left menu there will be “Downloads”.

If for some reason this folder is not in the left menu, then go to: Drive C, Users, “User name of your PC”, Downloads.

Now, as you understand, I suggest deleting everything from this folder except what you need. It is better to move the remaining files that will be useful to you to another drive.

To move files to another section, hold down the “Ctrl” key and left-click on the files/folders you need. Once you have everything selected, press “Ctrl” + “X” (Cut) then open the folder where you want to move it and press “Ctrl” + “V”.

Move the downloads folder to drive D, E, F

If you have little space on drive C and you cannot/want to expand it, it would be logical to transfer downloads to another drive where the space allows it. You can’t just transfer it like that, so you’ll have to use the following method:

  1. Go to drive C, Users, “Your PC username”, “Downloads”.
  2. Right-click on the “downloads” folder and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. In the top menu, go to "Location".
  4. Here is the path of your folder, which you can change manually or click “Find folder”.

  1. Once you have selected a folder on another drive, click "Apply" and you're done!

Deleting temporary files

Temporary files are stored in the "Temp" folder and they are all unnecessary junk that clogs up your computer. These files remain after installing programs, updates, etc. You can remove absolutely everything without even looking at what is there.

First, let's open the "Temp" folder. Open “Disk C”, then “Windows” and then open the “Temp” folder. Select all files using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “A” and delete them.

Windows may notify you that you can only delete a certain file with Administrator rights. Click yes/continue.

If you have Windows XP, then move on to the next point, if Windows 7-10, then do the following:

In the search, on the start panel, write “%temp%” and open the folder.

Alternative opening option: enter “C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp” in the address bar. Where “UserName” you need to enter the user name of your PC.

In this folder, delete everything that can be deleted. Personally, in 1 month I collected almost 2 GB of temporary files.

We clean with the CCleaner utility

I would like to suggest you use a program called “ccleaner”. This is a very powerful utility that does half of what is mentioned above, and also clears the cache, browser history and much more. If you don’t need to clear something, for example, browser history, you can turn it off in the settings.

In any case, I advise everyone to use it, so let's see where to download it and how to use it:

Go to the official website “” and download the program.

Install and run the program. During installation, uncheck the boxes next to unnecessary programs(Avast, etc.).

Go to the “Options” tab then “Setting” and select Russian instead of English.

Go to the cleaning tab and uncheck everything that you do not want to clean (browser history, etc.). After that, click "clean".

You will be pleasantly surprised, after cleaning the program will show how many MB it has freed up your computer.

Remove unnecessary programs

Over time, a large amount of software is collected that is essentially not used. Some you installed yourself, some installed themselves (viruses from, Avast, etc.). Earlier, I already wrote « » , so let's look at it as an example:

Uninstalling a program in Windows 7:

  1. Open the Start menu and click on Control Panel. Now find “Programs and Features” in the list.

  1. In the menu in front of you are all the programs that are installed on the computer. Select “Avast” among them, click on it once and click “delete” in the top menu.

  1. The program installer will open, in which at the very bottom there is an inconspicuous delete button. Click on it. After which, the antivirus program will try to convince you, but you continue what you started and don’t believe it.

  1. Ready! Next time, be more careful when installing software and games.

Uninstalling Avast in Windows 10:

  1. Open “Start”, then “Settings”, then “System”.

  1. Find “Avast” in the list, click on it, and then click “delete”.

In this way, remove all programs that you do not use. Don't delete nothing that you are not sure of, especially software from Adobe and Microsoft, and the rest is not particularly important.

Increasing space on drive C

Increasing space on drive C at the expense of another drive is quite simple, and in order not to take a million screenshots, I suggest watching a short video:

Cleaning the cart

After you delete a file or folder, it goes into the trash in case you change your mind. These files accumulate there until you empty the trash manually or restore them back.

After such a global cleanup of the C drive, you definitely need to empty the Recycle Bin. In general, I recommend doing this regularly (once a week will be enough), especially since it does not take much time.

So that Empty trash, find on the desktop the icon with a trash can and the corresponding inscription, then right-click on it and select “Empty Trash” from the menu. Ready! Case for 10 seconds. and there is more disk space.

What not to do

Here I will try to list all possible mistakes of inexperienced users, as well as mention advice from other sites and explain why you should not do this (if you forgot something, add it in the comments):

  • Under no circumstances should you delete any files or folders on drive C if they are there without your actions. Those. You can only delete folders that you created. Otherwise, it may cause the OS to crash.
  • Don't do anything with the hibernation file. Don't disable it, don't delete it. Only experienced users can disable it correctly, so as not to encounter problems in the future. system error. The megabytes won are not worth it.
  • Do not disable or change the size of the page file - this will affect the performance of your system.
  • Standard Disk Cleanup. In the computer properties there is a standard utility that supposedly cleans drive C of debris. Yes, this is true, but for example, in 1 year of using a computer, 60 MB of files will be collected there (this is very little). It's just not easy anymore not relevant and don't waste your time.
  • Uninstall programs completely (this is described in detail above) using special installation files uninstall.exe. There is no need to delete programs along with the folder in the “program files” section, otherwise there will be many other files of this program on the disk.


As you can see for yourself, a lot of unnecessary files, programs and folders were deleted. Now you have a lot of free space on drive C. I also recommend cleaning your computer so that it doesn’t slow down.

Good day.

Whether the user wants it or not, sooner or later any Windows computer accumulates a large number of temporary files (cache, browser history, log files, tmp files, etc.). This is most often called “garbage” by users.

Over time, the PC begins to work slower than before: the speed of opening folders decreases, at times it pauses for 1-2 seconds, and there is less free space on the hard drive. Sometimes, an error even pops up that . So, to prevent this from happening, you need to clean your computer of unnecessary files and other junk (1-2 times a month). Let's talk about this.

Cleaning your computer from junk - step-by-step instructions

Built-in Windows tool

You need to start with the fact that Windows already has a built-in tool. True, it doesn’t always work perfectly, but if you don’t use your computer very often (or there is no way to install a third-party utility on your PC (more about it later in the article)), then you can use it.

Disk cleaner is available in all versions of Windows: 7, 8, 8.1.

I’ll give you a universal way to run it in any of the above OSs.

Result: HDD was very quickly cleared of most unnecessary (but not all) and temporary files. All this took was min. 5-10. The only downside, perhaps, is that the standard cleaner does not scan the system very well and misses many files. To remove all garbage from your PC, you need to use a special one. utilities, read about one of them further in the article...

Using a special utility

In general, there are quite a lot of similar utilities (you can find the best ones in my article:).

In this article, I decided to focus on one utility for optimizing Windows - Wise Disk Cleaner.

Why on her?

Here are the main advantages (in my opinion, of course):

  1. There is nothing superfluous in it, only what is needed: disk cleanup + defragmentation;
  2. Free + supports 100% Russian language;
  3. The speed of operation is higher than that of all other similar utilities;
  4. Scans your computer very thoroughly, allowing you to free up much more disk space than other analogues;
  5. Flexible system for setting up scanning and removing unnecessary things; you can turn off and turn on literally everything.

Step by Step Actions

Defragmenting a hard drive in Windows 7, 8

In this subsection of the article it is necessary to make a small reference to make it more clear what we are talking about...

All files that you write to your hard drive are written to it in small pieces (more experienced users call these “pieces” clusters). Over time, the spread of these pieces on the disk begins to grow rapidly, and the computer has to spend more time reading this or that file. This moment is called fragmentation.

In order for all the pieces to be in one place, arranged compactly and quickly read, you need to perform the reverse operation - defragmentation (in more detail). This will be discussed further...

By the way, you can also add that the NTFS file system is less susceptible to fragmentation than FAT and FAT32, so you can defragment it less often.

Standard optimization tools

Using Wise Disc Cleaner

By regularly cleaning your computer of junk, you not only free up disk space, but also speed up your work and the operation of your PC.

That's all for today, good luck everyone!

Comments on this post: 5

Hi all! In this article I will show you a proven program that cleans your computer of junk.

Every user sooner or later has a need to clean out junk from their computer. Garbage appears for all users; if it doesn’t exist yet, it will still exist. At permanent job with the operating system or programs in it, it creates temporary files for itself and does not delete them after operation. Because of this, the computer begins to slow down, freeze, and even worse if it leads to a blue screen.

We will introduce a discussion about the CCleaner utility. Why do I use it? Because it is safe, reliable and quite functional, there is nothing unnecessary in it for cleaning your PC. Why do I say safe, because with some utilities it can be cleaned in such a way that it will lead to reinstalling windows. And you can use this utility with complete peace of mind. And you can clean it by just pressing one button, in one click!

Now we’ll talk about how to get rid of this unnecessary and harmful garbage using a program for cleaning your computer from garbage. After all, sometimes you want to get speed from your computer!

Program installation

Download the utility for cleaning your computer from junk:

First select Russian language

Select the required items. I installed the ones I need.

Click install and that's it.

You can clean your computer using programs, or you can also remove garbage manually. And in this article we will talk about how to clean your computer using the program.

Let's launch installed program. After launching, we are immediately taken to the window for cleaning your computer from garbage. On the left, select the items, and on the right, click the analysis button to start. After the analysis, if everything is satisfactory, click cleaning.

Don't forget to check the second tab of the application. If you do not pay attention to this point, you can delete saved passwords, history, browser session, etc.

If everything is fine, then click clean.

This program also has a registry cleaner. It does not deeply affect the registry, so it is better to choose a specialized program to clean the registry.

Cleaning the registry follows the same pattern. Just click search for problems, and then fix.

This program has other useful functions, such as cleaning startup, browsers, removing programs, duplicates, etc. But that's another story.

That's all, if the computer still slows down, you need to do manual cleaning, as described here, or check for viruses using the antivirus of your choice.

In fact, there are a lot of programs for cleaning your computer, but not all of them do their job conscientiously, and some can lead to system crash. Here is a poll from Google in which people voted for computer cleaning programs.

How to clean up drive C: effective ways to remove junk from your PC

Computers are so ingrained in our lives that it is simply impossible to imagine a world without them. Despite this, many users do not know how to care for their “iron horse”. For example, not everyone knows how to clean up drive C. This article will help fill the gap in knowledge.

Why clean drive C?

Filling the system disk can lead to a number of inconveniences. If there is little space on drive C, the following problems may occur:

  • You cannot install new programs;
  • There is no room for operating system updates;
  • PC speed decreases.

The first problem is easily solved. If there is not enough space on drive C, then you can install new programs in other partitions (D, E, etc.). But what to do with the second and third points? There is only one way out - you need to clean it system disk. How can this be done? How to free up space on drive C? The answer can be found in this article.

How to free up space on your system disk?

Many people have no idea how to clean up local drive C. People mistakenly believe that it is very difficult. Cleaning your computer is a quick and simple process that does not require any specialized IT knowledge. However, this procedure should not be neglected. The system disk should be cleaned at least once a month.

There are many ways to clean your computer from junk. We will look at the most effective ones in this article. Before we begin, it should be noted that the methods given below can be used to clean drive C from garbage on Windows 10, Windows 7 and other versions of this OS.

Manually removing unnecessary programs

Of course, software takes up the most space. Therefore, when you need to clean drive C from garbage, first of all you need to pay attention to the software.

How to clean drive C from unnecessary files? To uninstall the program, you need to use the built-in Windows utility. To launch it, you need to go to the “Start” menu and select “Control Panel” in the drop-down tab. Then you need to go to the “Uninstall programs” section.

A new window will open containing information about all the programs that are on the computer. They can be sorted by size, date or name. What can I delete? First of all, software that is not used at all must be uninstalled. As a rule, these are completed games. To remove a program, right-click on it, after which the corresponding tab will appear.

Built-in Windows utility

You can free your computer from junk using standard utility windows. This is done very simply. You need to go to “Computer” and right-click on the disk that we will clean. In the drop-down list, click on the “Properties” item, after which a new window opens with information about the memory partition. We are interested in the “General” tab. Go there and click on the “Disk Cleanup” button.

The built-in utility will begin to analyze the data and look for unnecessary files. This will take a certain amount of time. After the program analyzes the computer's memory, it will produce a list of unnecessary files. They need to be ticked and then click “OK”.

You won’t free up a lot of memory this way, but you can win a couple of tens of megabytes.

Temporary files

To carry out the correct installation or update of programs, antiviruses, etc. Temporary files are created on the computer. The operating system stores them in the Temp folder, which is located on drive C. Temporary files are not needed for the daily operation of programs. Therefore, software that uses intermediate resources deletes them automatically upon completion of installation or update.

However, sometimes a glitch occurs due to which temporary files are not deleted. This leads to the Temp folder gradually becoming clogged and taking up more and more space on the system disk. To fix this, you need to remove the intermediate files manually. This is done very simply. You need to go to the Temp folder, which is located at “Computer” > Drive C > windows folder. To free up memory on drive C, you need to uninstall the contents of this folder.

In Windows 10, Windows 7 and other versions of the OS, there are two folders for storing temporary files. You can get to the second one through the Start menu. You just need to enter the search query %Temp%. The folder needs to be opened and cleaned. It is worth noting that sometimes the operating system may issue a warning that some files cannot be deleted. This indicates that they are currently being used by some program. If such a message appears, then simply click the “Skip” button.


“Trash” is a special folder that is temporary storage for deleted files. Everything stored there takes up computer memory. Therefore, the “Trash” needs to be cleaned from time to time. To do this, you need to right-click on the folder and click on the “Empty Trash” item in the drop-down list. After this, the folder will be freed from garbage, and there will be more memory on drive C.


Users quite often download movies, music, and games through the standard browser downloader. Files from the Internet are automatically saved to the Downloads folder. And, as you know, it is located on drive C. If a user often downloads some files from the Internet, then the free disk space runs out very quickly. To prevent disk C from becoming clogged, you need to check the boot folder from time to time for the presence of large files.

You need to open “Computer” and go to “Downloads”.

You need to check the folder for large files and if there are any, they need to be deleted or moved to another drive.

Swap file

In Windows OS there is a paging file. How does it affect memory and why is it needed? Sometimes the system does not have enough RAM to perform certain operations. In such cases, the file takes a certain amount of permanent memory from the disk and uses it as RAM.

To free up drive C, you need to make sure that the paging file takes resources elsewhere. You need to go to the “Computer” folder, and then press RMB. In the tab that appears, click on “Properties”. A window will appear. In it, open “Advanced system settings”.

Then click on “Options”.

In the new window, go to the “Advanced” section and click on “Change”.

We install the disk from which the paging file will take memory. This is done as follows. Select drive C and check the box next to the “No paging file” property. To confirm, click on the “Set” button. With another disk, do the opposite and check the “Size by system choice” property.

If the window does not allow you to change properties (the field with disks is dimly highlighted), then uncheck the box next to the “Automatically select paging file size” option.


To save memory on drive C, you can turn off hibernation on your computer. You need to activate the command line (Win + R combination) and write in it: powercfg.exe –h off. Press Enter and voila – hibernation is disabled. After restarting the computer, you may notice that there is a little more memory on the system disk.

However, it is better not to turn off the hibernation mode unless absolutely necessary. This is extremely useful feature, which allows you to restore previously running programs, even if the computer was turned off. To reactivate hibernation, you need to write the command powercfg.exe –h on in the console and restart the PC.


Checkpoints are created after various changes in the system (updating drivers, installing new software, etc.). They allow you to roll back the system if any problems arise. But for such an opportunity you need to pay with system memory. To free up drive C, you can delete checkpoints. This will give a couple of megabytes of memory. In this video you can learn how to delete restore points and thus clean up your local drive C:


The memory on drive C gets clogged up pretty quickly. This can cause a whole range of troubles. To avoid problems, you need to monitor the amount of free space and clean the system disk from time to time. Cleaning the C drive has a positive effect on the performance of the computer and does not take much time. There are many free ways to free up disk space when memory is full. Moreover, these methods are the same on all Microsoft operating systems. That is, disk cleanup on windows 10, windows 7, windows XP, Windows Vista happens identically.

How to remove junk from your computer

During operation, a computer tends to become littered with all sorts of unnecessary folders and files, and registry entries. And, of course, you absolutely need to get rid of all this “digital trash” - periodically clean your computer, so to speak, at the software level.

From this article you will learn how to clean your computer of junk using standard using windows and through special programs.

How to clean your PC with utilities?

On the Internet you can find a huge number of utilities that remove garbage from your computer automatically. But we will get acquainted with the most successful solutions that have proven themselves in practice (i.e. they clean up garbage on the computer most efficiently).


A powerful and at the same time easy-to-use computer cleaning program from the English company Piriform Ltd. It is distributed free of charge (Free version) and shareware (Professional and Professional Plus versions). Correctly neutralizes “system junk” from registry branches, windows partitions and program directories. Can clear browser caches, memory dumps, and OS logs. It has additional functions: managing startup and task scheduler, uninstalling programs, setting up a context menu. Delicately and effectively optimizes the registry: analyzes DLLs, detects incorrect extensions, Class and ActiveX errors, application paths and other elements that clutter up your computer.

1. Open the official page in your browser to download the utility -

2. Click the green “Download Free Version” button.

3. On the new page, click “... download” again in the first panel.

4. In the table, in the first column (Free), click the “” link.

5. Run the downloaded installer.

6. In the installer window, in the drop-down list, select “Russian”. Click the blue “Install” button.

7. Launch the utility. To completely remove unnecessary files from your PC, in the “Cleaning” section, click “Analysis”, and then, after scanning is complete, click “Cleaning”.

8. Open the “Registry” section. Click “Search for problems”, and after checking, click “Fix...”.

Wise Disk Cleaner

Solution from Chinese developers. In a few clicks, it completely rids your PC of unnecessary, useless files and registry keys. Has a Freeware license (provided to users free of charge). Fully compatible with all windows versions, supports English and Russian languages. Monitors disk space and effectively optimizes the system. Accurately detects software junk.

1. Open the offsite utility -

2. In the installer window, in the “Install SpyHunter” panel, click “Decline” to disable the installation of additional antivirus software.

3. Click “Install”.

4. When the installation is complete, run the utility.

5. In the “Quick Cleanup” section, select objects that need to be completely neutralized from the OS or cleaned.

6. Click "Search" and then "Cleanup".

Note. You can also use the “Deep Cleaning” function.

Reg Organizer

Multifunctional utility for servicing operating systems of the Windows family. It is provided free of charge (there is a trial - a test period of use without a license). Completely frees the OS from garbage and speeds up its operation. It is equipped with convenient functions for managing startup and registry entries. Cleaning is carried out automatically, displays found useless items, and monitors disk space. Monitors changes in the registry.

1. On the official download page - - click the "Download" button.

2. Install and launch Reg Organizer.

3. Click the “Disk Cleaning” section in the menu.

4. Click Scan. After checking, activate the “Clean up” command.


A comprehensive windows optimizer developed by the German company Ashampoo. It combines a large number of utilities and functions for software “tuning” of the system. Speeds up your PC and frees it correctly free space on disk without violating the integrity of system directories and processes. Available on the website in paid and free versions. Has options to create fine tuning system (Tweaking Tool), a module for cleaning traces of your browsing on the Internet, a built-in Drive Cleaner utility for neutralizing digital junk from PC disks. Capable of detecting spyware and defragmenting the hard drive.

1. On the application developer’s website, open -

2. In the top panel, set the interface language to Russian.

3. Click the “Downloads” section.

4. Select one of the versions of WinOtimizer (Free, 12, 14 or 2016) in the table: in the panel, click “Download”.

5. Run the installer, in the window that opens, configure the installation if necessary (specify the path, access, creation of shortcuts). Click Next.

6. Click the Favorites tab and select the Drive Cleaner icon.

7. When the OS scan is complete, click the “Delete” button to get rid of unnecessary objects.

“Cleaning” the computer with standard functions

Cleaning the system partition

1. Press the keyboard shortcut - Win + E.

2. In the Run panel, enter the command - cleanmgr.exe. Click OK.

3. In the settings window that appears, select the objects that need to be deleted (check the box next to them with a mouse click). And then click on “Clean up system files”.

Removing junk from the Temp folder

1. Open temporary file storage:

Drive C → Users → → AppData → Local → Temp

2. Press Ctrl + A to select all files in the folder.

3. Right-click on them. From the windows options list, select Uninstall. Empty the Trash (its icon is located on the desktop).

Removing unnecessary files from browsers

1. Having finished browsing the Internet, while in the browser window, press “Ctrl+Shift+Del” (this “hot” combination works in almost all popular browsers - Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, etc.).

2. In the settings panel, specify for what period you want to delete saved temporary files (it is recommended to set the value to “All time”).

3. Select the items (what you want to remove).

4. Click the “Clear...” option. "

Happy PC cleaning! Always keep it clean and tidy, and it will never let you down.

How to remove excess junk from your computer (part 2)

Hi all! And so, my little hands finally got around to the second part, “Cleaning your computer from junk.” If anyone has not read the first part, they can read it here. In this section, I will tell you how to remove junk on a PC manually. But first, you need to allow hidden files and folders to be shown. I won’t go over exactly how to do this, as this is a completely different topic.

1. First, you need to find out where the garbage is stored for windows 7 and 8

C:\windows\Temp C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Temp C:\Users\All your users\TEMP C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temp C:\Users\All Users\ TEMP

Recent documents:

C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\windows\Recent\

Temporary Internet files:

C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\windows\Temporary Internet Files\

2. A standard tool for cleaning a disk from temporary or unused files.

In the first step, you need to go to "->" All programs" -> then go to "Accessories" -> then to "Service" and run the "Disk Cleanup" program.

In the second step, you need to select the disk to clean:

Click on “Ok” and the disk scanning process will begin...

In the third step, you will see a window with information that you can free up space from temporary files.

Now you need to select the partition that you want to free from temporary files. To do this, you need to check the box next to each selected section and only then click “Ok”.

Let's move on to the fourth step, the point here is this if you installed Windows 7 on your PC, but not on a blank disk. Why not on a blank disk? But it also happens that windows are installed on the surface of old windows.

And after such actions, you end up with folders such as $WINDOWS.~Q, windows.old, which take up a lot of space. By the way, you can also delete system recovery checkpoints, but I want to note that you should never delete the latter.

And so, to complete these steps you need to do steps 1 to 3, but this time click on the “Clean up system files” item. In the fifth step, you need to open the “Disk Cleanup” window again, as written in step 2. But now you need to click on the “Advanced” section. In this section, you click on the “Clear” button at the very bottom, where it says “System Restore and Shadow...”.

3. Files pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys

These files are located in the root of the disk and take up a lot of space. I’ll explain to you a little what kind of files they are and what they’re chewing with.

1. The pagefile.sys file is system file paging, in simple words, virtual memory. This file cannot be deleted, but it can and should be transferred to another disk.

How to do it? It’s very simple to hold down the win+R keys, and in this window enter this command “SystemPropertiesAdvanced”. And so, a window has opened, in this window go to this order “Advanced” => “Performance” then again “Advanced” and click on “Change. I advise you to set the size according to the system's choice, then select the disk to which you want to transfer the file and click on "OK".

2. This hiberfil.sys file creates a hypernation mode, in simple words it saves the contents of RAM when the hypernation mode is turned on. You can, of course, disable this file, but, in my opinion, it is better not to do this. If you still want to disable it, then you need to hold down the win + R keys, then write the command “cmd” and enter the command “powercfg / hibernate off” into the window that opens.

4. Removing programs you don’t need from the disk

This section frees up space very well and increases system performance. Moreover, why keep programs that you don’t use.

The easiest way to do this is to go to the control panel and click on the “Uninstall programs” section. A window with a list will open where you can select unnecessary programs and remove them.

5. Defragmentation

I will try to explain in simple words what defragmentation is. And so, defragmentation is when a program rewrites files in sequence, making order. Thus, this is a very good way to speed up your PC.

In general, you run a standard defragmentation program. Where can I find it? It’s very simple, go to “All Programs”, look for “Accessories”, then “System Tools” and click on “Disk Defragmentation”.

This program is already built into Windows; if you look at the screenshot above, this is what this program looks like. It first needs to analyze the disk and after that it will tell you whether you need to defragment it.

I can also recommend the Defraggler program, you can download it here, its interface is also quite simple.

In this screenshot I want to show you the advantages over the standard program.

          1. I recommend that you do a disk analysis once a week, and do defragmentation only after you have done the analysis. Why is that? Because after the analysis, you will be given an appropriate recommendation on what to do.
          2. If you have added a large number of files, I recommend analyzing them.
          3. You need to have 15% free space for complete defragmentation. But if you have less free space, the program will only perform part of the defragmentation. So free up 15% of the space and everything will be fine.
          4. I recommend defragmenting the disk after updating Windows or installing Windows.
          5. One last tip, to save time on defragmentation, remove all junk first.

6. Remove everything unnecessary from the desktop.

What exactly to delete is up to you. That's all, see you in the next article.

Sincerely, Roman Rvachev!

PS. Subscribe to update the article, and you will find out when there will be a competition with cash prizes, as well as a lot of cool chips and useful tips to your email.

How to speed up Windows 7

Over time, your computer starts to slow down. The system boots slowly, programs take a long time to open, etc. There are many factors that cause Windows to slow down. Of course, you can reinstall the system, but it’s better to use less radical methods to speed up Windows 7.

Why does Windows start to slow down?

After you have installed the Windows 7 operating system, the system boots quite quickly, programs work normally, without any brakes. Over time, the speed of work decreases.

This is due to the fact that the system is gradually becoming cluttered (the remaining files remote programs, fragmented files, etc.), new programs appear in startup, gadgets and add-ons are installed, which take up some of the computer’s resources. Together with the operation of unnecessary services, this slows down the system.

What to do to speed up Windows 7

Cleaning the system of debris

The very first step is to clean the system of debris. By “garbage” we mean files remaining after deletion, unnecessary shortcuts, temporary files, etc. Junk files accumulate on your hard drive. If there are a lot of them (especially on the system drive “C”), then Windows will work very slowly.

You can remove junk from the system using the built-in tools of Windows 7. The utility is called “Disk Cleanup”. The easiest way to open and launch this utility is to enter the query “Disk Cleanup” in the search bar of the Start menu.

Select the system drive from the list (usually “C”). Let's wait a little while the system analyzes all the files and identifies unnecessary ones. After analysis, tick the items that need to be deleted.

After this operation, 3.5 GB of space was freed up on my computer.

Disk Defragmenter

In a nutshell, defragmentation is the process of collecting pieces (elements) of files into one sequence of elements. Pieces of one file can be located in different places. This slows down access to them. To speed up Windows 7, you need to periodically defragment it. Defragmentation should be done after cleaning the system of debris (previous point).

Defragmentation can be done using Windows 7, but I would advise you to use special programs. Read the review of programs for hard defragmentation disk. The review presents best programs for defragmentation and help on how to defragment.

Remove unnecessary programs from startup

There are programs that, after installation, are registered in startup and start when the system starts. Not all of these programs are needed when starting the system. Any additional program, which automatically starts when the system starts, slows down Windows.

To speed up Windows, you need to remove unnecessary programs from startup. How to remove a program from startup is described in detail in the article How to remove a program from startup.

Cleaning the registry

Registry - a directory (database) in which various operating system settings are located windows systems. When installing new programs or games, changing system settings, launching new services, etc. New entries are added to this directory. After programs are deleted, the recordings are saved. You end up with unnecessary directory entries. The directory becomes filled with unnecessary entries and slows down windows.

Cleaning the registry of unnecessary entries helps speed up Windows. There are many programs to clean the registry. I would recommend using the free Wise Registry Cleaner (download the program).

After launching the program, select the desired language and click on the “Scan” button. The program will scan the registry and find all unnecessary entries.

After that, click on the “Clean” button and Wise Registry Cleaner will remove all unnecessary entries.

Acceleration using a flash drive or memory card

If you have an unnecessary flash drive or memory card, then you can use it to speed up windows work. This Winodws acceleration technology is called ReadyBoost. Read about it in detail in the article Speeding up Windows using a flash drive.

Restart your computer

Some users, instead of turning off the computer, send it to “Sleep”. It's comfortable. You can turn on your computer and continue working. All open files and the folders will be restored, and there is no need to wait windows loading.

But the longer you do not turn off the computer, the more different data is stored in RAM. Gradually, the RAM fills with information, and the computer begins to work slower.

To clear the RAM, it is enough to restart the computer at least 2 times a week.

How to set up system 5.1 on windows 7

How to disable chkdsk disk check on boot in windows 7