How to change the color of a fragment in Photoshop. Description of the Color Replacement tool in Photoshop. Replace Color Dialog Box

By using Color Replacement Tool(Color Replacement Tool), in Photoshop, you can easily perform such a rather complicated and painstaking task as replacing colors in an image.

Yes, there are many ways in Photoshop to accomplish this task. Of course! After all, this is a program for working with color! But still, the developers of the program considered that such a powerful tool would be preferable when deciding how to achieve this kind of task and therefore brought it closer in the form of a tool, and also endowed it with excellent capabilities, which, perhaps, in most cases will be enough to do color replacement.

Location of the Color Replacement toolbar

In earlier versions of Photoshop, this tool was located in the retouch block, next to the . In subsequent versions, it moved to drawing elements. And to this day it dwells and is called hot key B , like its "neighbors".

How to use the tool

So the tool Color replacement can change the color of the image to another one you have chosen. For example, in the picture below, I changed the color from yellow to green:

It took me less than one minute to complete this task! Everything is very simple, and most importantly effective.

The mouse pointer will change to a crosshair (a circle with a crosshair inside). You need to work with the tool like a brush, painting over the image with strokes a little bit, in accordance with the set size of the brush.

By the way, I remind you that the size of the brush is changed either by calling context menu, pressing right click mouse or hotkeys [ and ] on keyboard.

So it's time to understand basic principle of operation of the Color Substitution:

An important role is played by the crosshair inside the pointer circle. It doesn't just indicate the center, it's a point that does nothing more than compare. When you left-click on any part of the image, this point falls into the pixel (I recommend that you definitely read it, without this you will never understand Photoshop); a pixel must contain a color, any, it doesn't matter! Photoshop then compares that color to other pixels that are centered around the crosshair but within the circumference of the brush. If the color of this pixel matches the colors around it, magic happens - Photoshop replaces all the pixels in the circle with the color that you chose.

What is the main feature of this algorithm

Let's dive into the details below. After all, the color in the image fluctuates, it can be darker / lighter, go yellow / red, and so on. To do this, we set up the tool and first of all use the option Tolerance.

But the trick lies elsewhere - it is important for us that Photoshop does the replacement of adjacent pixels of similar color. However, when we inevitably touch other areas containing a different color, these places should remain untouched. It is the fact that after replacement you don’t have to correct mistakes, halos, places where you drove with a brush, clean something up with an eraser - all this saves a lot of time, which is why the tool is considered super fast and convenient for performing these tasks.

Look at what Photoshop is doing - by swiping the brush on the border of contrasting colors, the color replacement occurs only on one side, because that other color is no longer adjacent.

What happens in the example: I chose to change to green. Then, by clicking on the blue color of the image, I deliberately walked along the meeting line of the two colors. They are very different from each other. And although the brush circle touches pixels that are different shades of blue, Photoshop ignores this and does not change the blue, and then the yellow.

So, by clicking on the blue pixel, I asked Photoshop to change exactly the blue color and its adjacent shades within the tolerance, and the rest of the colors will be ignored.

And it’s convenient, you don’t have to be a damn neat person and even move the brush over the image with a shaking hand, while the replacement will be clear and fast. Here it is the magic of Photoshop and the power of the tool!

Instrument settings

Element 1 - Selecting Presets (Tool Presets)

This is a standard element for most Photoshop tools. It allows you to save the settings of the tool in a certain "favorites", for example, which you are going to use often. That is, it is convenient when you can press a couple of clicks, you can switch between two or more sets of parameters. There are no ready-made presets in Photoshop for Color substitutions. But by clicking on the arrow at the very beginning of the parameters panel, you can create them yourself. You can learn more about sets.

Element 2 - Brush Preset

Another standard option for brush tools. Allows you to adjust the size, hardness of the brush, as well as a number of other parameters.

Element 3 - Painting Mode

There are only four modes here:

  • Color tone (Hue).
  • Saturation
  • Chromaticity (Color) - set by default.
  • Brightness (Luminosity).

If choose Color tone, then only the color of the area you need will change. The saturation and brightness of the pixels will remain the same. Best used in small areas.

Saturation changes the intensity of the color without affecting the tone and brightness.

Chroma- combined mode of influence on the hue and its saturation.

Brightness affects only the characteristic of the same name of the selected pixels, preserving the original tone and its intensity.

Element 4 - Sampling

There are only three algorithms for sampling target pixels:

  • Continuous (Continuous) - by default.
  • One-time (Once).
  • Background Swatch.

For the color sample to be replaced, Photoshop takes the parameters of the pixel that is located exactly under the center of the cursor cross. At Continuous sampling, you change it by moving the cursor. It is used most often, because objects in the photo usually have tonal transitions, highlights, shadows, etc.

At one-time defining parameters, the program takes into account data only from the point you click on when you start working with the tool. Useful when working on large areas of a photo with a completely uniform color.

The third option is a spare. If the first two modes do not work correctly, you can try background sample. The color corresponding to the background is to be replaced.

Element 5 - Limits

Constraints define the impact zones of the tool:

  • All pixels (Contiguous).
  • Adjacent (Discontiguous) - by default.
  • Definition of edges (Find Edges).

In the first case, the parameters of all pixels within the cursor boundaries corresponding to the selected sample are changed.

In the second case, if within the cursor circle, the target impact area is diluted with a foreign color, changes occur only with those pixels that are adjacent to the cursor cross. For more accurate work in this area, you need to configure the following parameter - Tolerance.

You can try automatic edge detection if you can't get the job done in the previous two modes. But usually, it copes worse, so it is practically not used.

Element 6 - Tolerance

Tolerance expands the range of the replaced color. The higher the value is set, the more shades of color will be affected by the tool.

Element 7 - Anti-aliasing

Check mark Smoothing helps to improve the effect of the brush on the borders of overpainted areas. Makes color transitions softer.

Element 8 - Tablet pressure controls size

This option speaks for itself and can be used by those who use graphics tablets.

Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thank you!

There are dozens of ways to change colors in the program Adobe Photoshop. The easiest and fastest is to use the special command Replace color or “Replace color”. This function is convenient to use when working with any object in the photo. Also, this command is useful when replacing the color of several small details randomly scattered throughout the image. This article describes the detailed step-by-step instruction for this simple task.

Open the image in Photoshop. Create a duplicate of the main layer. To do this, go to the "Layer" tab in the top menu and select "Duplicate Layer" or press Ctrl+J. Go to the Image tab. Select “Correction” (Adjustments) – “Replace color” (Replace Color). A dialog box will appear. At the top, check the box next to Localized Color Clusters . Below are 3 pipettes. With the first one selected, click on the area of ​​the object where you want to change the color. It will appear in the upper square of the dialog box.

An eyedropper with a plus sign adds an area. Use it when there are unselected areas on the object. Dropper with a minus - reduces the part of the image that is not subject to color replacement.

Adjust the "Scatter" parameter. If the slider is left at the beginning, only those pixels that exactly match the color of the sample will be replaced. At the maximum values ​​of the parameter, the program will replace all shades of the selected color. Set the "Replace" option. At the bottom of the dialog box are three commands: Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. Use them to select the color and the desired shade to replace. Focus on the square on the right with the inscription "Result".

Click OK. good effect obtained in contrasting images, especially in the absence of similar shades of the color being changed. If there are many tones of the selected paint, and you need to change only one area, first select it using the appropriate tool on the taskbar. Thus, changing the color of any object in Photoshop is simple and fast.

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Hello dear readers. Replacing colors in a picture is quite an interesting and addictive activity. Personally, I can spend quite a lot of time on this entertainment. There are several tools that will help in this work, and each of them is suitable for its case.

Today I will tell you how to change the color of an image in Photoshop and how to use it in each specific case. You will like it, I assure you.

It should be noted that I use Photoshop CC, but we will not do anything specific, so you can safely start reading even if you have a simpler version of this program. Not online service, of course, it is weak and non-functional, but in cases with CS3, 5 or 6 you will not notice discrepancies.

Shall we start?

Simple color correction

The equipment for high-quality shooting is quite expensive, and it does not matter if you do not have it. You can get good pictures with the help of editor programs such as Photoshop. To be honest, I use this opportunity for almost every photo that I post on my blog. I like the colors brighter than what is usually posted on the Internet.

By the way, if you are interested, read the article already published in Start-Luck. I will take a pre-prepared picture to start a story about a simple color correction and move on to work.

I open the tab in the top menu "Image", and then the category "Correction". Take the time to learn from your own experience what Brightness/Contrast, Vibrance, Hue/Saturation and other options you will find in this tab are.

You won't spoil or break anything, and you can always return to the original version by simply refusing to save changes when you close the picture. Just look at how certain tools behave. As they say, what you reach yourself is always remembered better than when everything is explained to you on the fingers.

For example, open the "Color tone" and pull the various sliders, you will immediately see how the picture changes colors and you can build a logical chain between your actions and the result. Don't forget to check the box next to View.

The color balance changes colors more strongly, the setting is more subtle and interesting.

If you want to work with a certain element, that's enough, I have already talked more than once in a simple and understandable language about how to do this with more than 8 tools and methods. I will not repeat myself, it is not difficult to find a publication, just follow the link a little higher.

Now I will use the most in a simple way- Magic Wand. I just click on the object and the desired fragment is selected. Using the tolerance setting, I set the color spread.

As you know, there are many shades of white, blue and any other color. The higher the tolerance number, the more shades from the spectrum the program will determine and highlight with a stick.

Change the direction of the curve and the color becomes different.

By the way, if you want to work with the background in this way, that is, with the area that is outside the selection, then you must first select it, and then select the “Invert” position in the “Select” tab of the top menu.

Running ants are removed using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D.

Replacement for contrast

I talked about this method in great detail in the article. « » . Now we will quickly run through the main functions. I will give a little instruction, which will be enough.

This tool is ideal for replacing a bright, eye-catching color in an image. For example, a yellow apple on a white background, a red car in a green forest, or, as it is now, a bright girl in a dark room.

I return to the "Correction" section and select the "Color Replacement" tool here. Using the eyedropper tool, which appears automatically, I select the shade that should change. In this case, I click on the curtain. Then I move the Scatter slider so that the girl becomes almost black, and all other objects have outlines ( I wrote a whole article about how to draw a black background).

Please note that the curtain and the wall should still have outlines, just setting the spread to 200 will not work. Otherwise, the program will not take into account the shades and paint over everything ugly, with a single color. Now I click on the plate with the color at the very bottom of the window, under it is written "Result".

I click on the spectrum and various shades until I achieve the perfect result.

Ready. Without repainting the photo, we got an excellent result. In just a few seconds. Now let's talk a little about the disadvantages. As I said above, it is convenient to use this method if the image is contrasty. To recolor the dress of a particular girl in a different shade, it will have to be selected. I can offer another interesting one, in which much attention is paid to complex objects, for example, hair.

I myself will use the tool "Magnetic Lasso".

Now I'm transferring the dress to new layer by pressing Ctrl+J at the same time. ? Read the publication with a detailed story about them, which I recently prepared for beginners.

We return to the “Color Replacement” of the “Correction” section. In this case, the hue will have to be changed using the "Hue", "Saturation", "Brightness" sliders. If I click on the “Result” box, it turns out to be extremely disgusting and implausible.

In my opinion, the shade of the young lady's dress is still far from ideal, and therefore I want to blur it a little. I open the "Filter" tab and select everyone's favorite "Gaussian Blur".

The attire has become less clear, but the shade has somewhat evened out.

As I said, this method works best if there are contrasts, so I'll be satisfied with that, and I'll tell you about the last tool for today.

A quick tool for difficult cases and dramatic changes

I like the Color Replacement brush more than any other tool for a similar task. You can find out about it in the article « » in which I turn the most ordinary girl into a red-haired blue-skinned female smurf.

Finding a brush is not difficult, for this you need to right-click on a regular brush. An additional menu will open in which you can select the desired tool.

I choose a color. Everything is as usual. Window on the right. In this case, black, and then I paint over part of the girl's hair. Note that all shades are preserved.

You can put green.

Use the keys to change the size of the brush.

I can also offer an instructional video on this topic.

Well, if you want to understand the program more professionally and understand exactly how this or that function in the Photoshop program works, then I offer a very useful course " Photoshop for beginners in video format ».

Maximum useful information about tools. That's basically it. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest, most useful and simple information.

See you again and good luck.

How to change the color of an object in Photoshop?

Probably every girl at least once in her life thought about changing her hair color. But not everyone dared to do so. After all, a new color can both decorate and spoil the whole image. But how can this be checked even before staining? Everything is very simple, you just need to use the Adobe Photoshop photo editor.

So, open your photo with the File > Open command or with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O. Select the hair using the Magic Wand Tool (W key).

To do this: set the tolerance, and select the desired part of the photo, alternating between the buttons "Add to selection" (1) and "Subtract from selection" (2). If the Magic Wand selected too much area, you need to reduce the tolerance.

In the Image menu, select the Correction item and the "Color balance ..." sub-item or press Ctrl + B. In the window that opens, you can change the color of the selected part of the photo (in this case, the hair) by adjusting the sliders in one direction or another.

When you get the color you want, click OK. If the hair color turned out to be too dull, or, conversely, bright, in the Correction item, select the "Brightness / Contrast ..." sub-item.

Move the sliders left or right to set the desired contrast and brightness.

Now save the image in a new file, compare it with the old one, and conclude: do you need to change the color of your hair? :)

Of course, in Photoshop, you can change not only the color of the hair. It can be the color of a dress, a car, the sky ... In general, whatever your heart desires!