Computer network technician job. Computer majors

In the 21st century, with the rapid development of information technology, the pace of life is accelerating, and the main resource is information that “compresses” space and speeds up time.

In modern conditions, knowledge, intellect, culture, education, intelligence should become a priority in the life of a modern person. The main directions of innovative education include democratization, humanization, fundamentalization, informatization, integration, multivariance, technologization and are determined by the social order, since modern society needs competitive professionals who are in demand on the labor market. Education as a socio-cultural phenomenon focused on the formation of personality performs the most important functions of professionalization and socialization.

These changes affect not only established values, but also the choice of a profession, where the criterion for the correctness of a decision is primarily practical meaning. In addition, Russia's entry into the world information space entails the widest use of the latest information technologies, and in the first place, computer networks.

Today it is impossible to imagine any enterprise, organization, technological process or production, educational process or entertainment industry without the use of computer technology in modern society. Sooner or later, the issue of automation for most enterprises and organizations becomes more relevant than ever, and many managers seek to use the achievements of modern information technologies. Consequently, the programmer is a kind of consultant, performing an intermediary function between what the manager wants to receive and what the world offers at the moment. high technology. An important feature of information technology is, of course, computer software and computer technology.

At the same time, the user's capabilities sharply increase and qualitatively change both in providing services to their customers and in solving their own organizational and economic problems. Information technologies, developing and improving, modify business: the mechanisms of its conduct, methods of communication, provision of services and production of goods. Thus, a modern information society is being built. That is why the specialty "Programming in computer systems” is one of the most popular not only in Russia, but also in the world.

Programming is now a particularly booming field, and a programmer must be able to quickly adapt to the current state of technology and constantly learn new ones.

At the time of its inception, programming was akin to art, since the basic laws and rules had not yet been developed. It is noteworthy that the first programmer was a woman - Ada Lovelace, daughter of the famous English poet Byron. In 1833, the English mathematician C. Babbage invented and designed the first model of a mechanical "analytical" machine that performed the simplest arithmetic operations. Ada Lovelace wrote several programs for this machine. In the 40s of the 20th century, digital computers appeared. The idea of ​​their creation belongs to the American mathematician von Neumann. For machines of the first generation, the maximum detailed programs, providing for each step, each operation of calculations. Moreover, the machine did not yet understand any language other than its own. There are many developments in the field of computing and programming at present, and incredible progress has already been made. There is a lively debate among scientists about the future of computerization, but the results of progress in this area will undoubtedly exceed all our expectations.

Thanks to international standards, the ease and speed of the spread of new products and technologies (the pinnacle of which is the Internet), programming leaves other types of production far behind.

This specialist ensures the smooth operation of computer equipment, local network, software in offices and companies. Responsible for network security, computer operation and computer programs. The range of his duties is wide - from the purchase of equipment and components to writing Web sites. Such a wide range of knowledge is highly valued and well paid. In this case, the competence of one specialist may be servicing enterprises with numerous user stations and powerful servers, or working with local networks of small firms.

Today, the dominant activities of the programming profession are development of programs based on the analysis of mathematical algorithms that implement the solution of various problems: the choice of a method for the numerical solution of a problem, that is, the reduction of complex mathematical formulas to elementary arithmetic operations; drawing up an algorithm - a detailed plan for solving a problem - or choosing the optimal algorithm for solving a given problem; determination of information to be processed on a computer, its volume, structure, layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and issuance of information, methods of its control; determination of the possibility of using ready-made programs; choice of programming language and translation of used models and algorithms into it; preparation of the program for debugging and debugging and correction; development of instructions for working with programs; participation in the creation of technical documentation; ; support of implemented programs and software tools; development and implementation of programming automation methods.

And the success of the programmer's professional activity is provided by such qualities as logical thinking; flexibility and dynamism of thinking; the ability to analyze the situation (analytical abilities); good level of memory development; a high level of development of concentration, volume, distribution and switching of attention; the ability to correctly express their thoughts; high level of development of technical abilities; mathematical ability; developed imagination.

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations are also important: attentiveness; accuracy; patience; persistence; purposefulness; a responsibility; propensity for intellectual activities; the ability to make decisions independently; independence (having one's own opinion). The programmer needs to develop his horizons and level of thinking. Much depends on the individual qualities of a person, but to become a real professional, you need to work a lot on your own (for example, independent study languages ​​and technologies).

In programming, not only practical skills are put in the first place, but also the ideas of a specialist. Technician-programmer today develops software modules software for computer systems and databases, performs database administration, participates in the integration of software modules.

This specialty is and will be of great importance in professional and everyday life. The programmer has a huge choice of the most interesting and promising areas of application of his knowledge and skills.

Technicians-programmers work in computer centers, IT companies, banks, educational institutions. They are engaged in software development, troubleshooting of computer equipment, equipment adjustment, user training. They also update the databases, the software used, monitor the validity of license agreements related to the operation of programs. Develop instructions for working with computer programs, draw up technical documentation. A computer systems technician performs the development and production of software and hardware systems, operates and conducts Maintenance computer systems, is engaged in technical support and configuration of both the system as a whole and its individual elements, ensures the process of protecting information in software complexes computer systems. He installs and configures peripheral equipment, designs digital devices, maintains and repairs computer systems and complexes, and develops computer system diagrams.

Without such specialists, the technical progress of the future is impossible, and the need for qualified personnel at the enterprises of the city is increasing.

The salary of a computer network technician is quite high, even for those who are just starting their careers. This is despite the fact that doing the work necessary for enterprises and production, he does what he loves, because people who are truly in love with technology go into this profession. When applying for a job, a person with a diploma in the specialty "Computer Networks" can take both the position of a system administrator and become a technician for designing the cable structure of computer networks, as well as an adjuster for setting up and operating them. Even not the most advanced specialist can find a job in accordance with his level of knowledge, and then gradually learn and gain experience. It is important that in the course of work, the programmer can move within the framework of his specialty, improving professionally.

If you are one of those in whom all of the above is combined with the desire to acquire a profession related to computers, we invite you to RADIO ENGINEERING COLLEGE to obtain a specialty

Programming is an immense field of tasks and knowledge. A good specialist has a huge amount of theoretical baggage and knows how to put it into practice. Entering the Radio Engineering College, you will learn the basics of the profession from the very beginning. To this end, the college created a modern material and technical base with well-equipped computer classes.

Programmer is a difficult, intellectual and respected profession. The education and training of programmers is aimed at ensuring that students receive a detailed knowledge of computational methods and the ability to apply them, including maintaining and operating computer equipment.

The state educational standard in the specialty for the training of a specialist in this profile provides for the study of many professional and special disciplines:

  • OS
  • Computer systems architecture
  • Technical means of informatization
  • Information Technology
  • Basics of programming
  • Fundamentals of Economics
  • Legal support of professional activity
  • Theory of Algorithms
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Engineering graphics
  • System Programming
  • Application programming
  • Infocommunication systems and networks
  • Database development and protection technology
  • Software development technology
  • Software development tools
  • Documentation and certification
  • Modeling and analysis software
  • Project management
  • Implementation and support of software for computer systems, etc.

But this is not all the knowledge that students will receive while studying at the Radio Engineering College. It is important for a future programmer to learn how to think, find the right solutions, “wiggle their brains. And here students need basic knowledge of economics and history, mathematics and physics, and in order to understand others and clearly express their thoughts, they need knowledge of the Russian language and literature. Often he needs to have geographical knowledge to create an electronic atlas, physical and geometric knowledge to learn how to move the body after an impact, in order to then create a three-dimensional game. Ownership English language at the level of reading technical documentation is another mandatory requirement for representatives of this profession.

The programmer needs to develop his horizons and level of thinking. Much depends on the individual qualities of a person, but to become a true professional, you need to work a lot on your own (for example, self-learning technology).

As a result of mastering the professional educational program "Programming in computer systems", the graduate should be ready for professional activities related to the use of computer systems and networks, the creation, implementation and maintenance of computer software.

During your studies at the "Radio Engineering College" you will receive all the necessary skills and knowledge in order to realize yourself in the profession.

"Radio Engineering College" is waiting for children who are fond of programming and computer technology. your well the desire to "be with a computer" is feasible in the "Radio Engineering College"!

Now it is difficult to imagine the work of any enterprise without computers. People who are engaged in maintenance, installation of computer networks, information protection are always in demand in the labor market.

Dmitry Podzorov, the head of the ITC of the VSUES branch (Blagoveshchensk Technological College), a teacher of the specialty "computer networks" told about how to learn the necessary profession.

About specialty and work

- Dmitry, tell us what the specialty "computer networks" is and what the main disciplines are studied by your students?

In this direction, we train specialists in the field of network communications. Graduateafter training, he will be able not only to maintain computer equipment, but also to design and install networks.

The main discipline is called the same as the specialty itself - computer networks, students also study the basics of information theory, the technology of the physical level of data transmission, the mathematical apparatus for building computer networks, and so on.

- Where and with whom can your graduates work?

Now we can safely say that almost any organization requires specialists in computer networks. A graduate can easily find a job immediately after graduating from a technical school or continue his studies at a university.

A specialist can work as a system administrator, a data center technician, a database server administrator, a technician for the operation and design of network communications, and, of course, a computer network technician.

What is needed for admission

- How can I enter this specialty?

Right now we are accepting documents from applicants. Therefore, if you have a desire to get the desired profession, then we are waiting for you at the selection committee until August 24. For admission, a document on education is required, enrollment is based on the average score of the certificate, no USE results are needed. Recruitment is carried out on the basis of 11 classes.

- How many students study and in what form of education?

Students study for 2 years 10 months, full-time only. In parallel, the guys have the opportunity to enter the correspondence department in another specialty and graduate from a technical school with two diplomas.

- Can graduates continue their studies at the university?

Of course they can! Since we are a branch of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, it will be much easier to enter there. In addition to the fact that in this case only internal exams are taken, the training takes place in an abbreviated form.

Special mindset?

There is an opinion that only men work as system administrators or information security specialists. Do girls come to you for this specialty?

Yes, there is such an opinion, but recently there are more and more girls in this area. This proves that everyone can master such a specialty.

- Is it necessary to have a special technical mindset to study computer networks?

If you did well in school, then this will be enough. The baggage of knowledge that you already have will simply help you understand and learn new disciplines. There is no need for a special mindset here. The main thing is that a person has a desire. And teachers will already teach all the basics and subtleties of this profession.


- Where do your students practice?

The branch has concluded agreements with social partners, and they accept our students for practice in their production. Basically, these are organizations that are engaged in information systems, network communications, including service centres installation and maintenance of equipment. If a student performs worthily during the internship, then a successful recommendation for a job is provided to him. Students of this specialty will not experience a lack of employment.

The main desire!

- Give a couple of tips to those who are going to enter or have just entered the “computer networks”.

First of all, I advise you to take your chosen specialty seriously. While studying, try to increase your knowledge and experience. This will allow you to either continue your studies at the university without any problems, or immediately get a prestigious job.

By the way

In addition to the fact that graduates are awarded the qualification of "computer network technician", the student receives an additional working profession - "hardware and software adjuster".

Today, thanks to the process of informatization, not only production is changing, but the way of life and lifestyle of people, the system of values. The wider the information space, the more valued intellect and knowledge. Therefore, the profession of "Computer Systems Technician" is one of the most demanded in the workplace. This specialist ensures the smooth operation of computer equipment, local network, software in offices and companies. Responsible for network security, the operation of computers and computer programs. The range of his duties is wide - from the purchase of equipment and components to writing Web sites.

A computer network technician connects and maintains network equipment, diagnoses and troubleshoots one or more elements of a local network and network equipment, ensures the exchange of information over the local corporate network, performs preventive work, coordinates the operation of computer networks, covering segments of the global Internet. A computer network technician performs another important business for any organization - protecting the local network from hacker attacks thus protecting important information.

Such a wide range of knowledge is highly valued and well paid. The salary of a computer network technician is quite high, even for those who are just starting their careers. This is despite the fact that doing the work necessary for enterprises and industries, he does what he loves, because people who are truly in love with technology go into this profession.

The advantages of this profession

Specialty 230111 (“Computer Networks”) is the specialty, having received which graduates will no longer need to think about how to get a job. Computer professionals are needed now more than ever in our country. Network administration, information security, cable structure design, installation, configuration and maintenance of technical and software and hardware - this is not a complete list of what yesterday's schoolboy who entered the Computer Networks specialty will learn. Not a single large enterprise and private company can do without such specialists. In addition, a large salary, the opportunity to do what you love, because people go into this profession for real, in love with a computer. A highly qualified computer network specialist will be needed anytime, anywhere.

The objects of professional activity of a technician are computers, complexes, systems and networks, methods and methods for designing, manufacturing, debugging and operating computer hardware and software used in various objects.

is a fairly young profession in the labor market. It appeared and actively developed over the past 40 years thanks to technical progress, invention and the rapid development of electronic technology.

Modern electronic technology is very diverse. Office equipment, radio electronic equipment, mobile phones, complex electronic household appliances - televisions, video recorders, music centers, computers - all these technical devices and devices are assembled from the smallest electronic parts based on advanced technologies. It is even difficult to imagine how a modern civilized person can live and work effectively if all electronic equipment suddenly disappears or simply fails. Computer systems technician- a specialist who designs, assembles, debugs, modifies, repairs electronic equipment and helps users to operate it correctly. Computer systems technicians carry out maintenance and repair of various devices, electronic equipment, communication facilities and automatic regulation and control devices, as well as advise users on these issues. The profession is already in great demand in the labor market. It is safe to predict that this profession will be one of the most demanded in the future.

Profession benefits: interesting promising creative work; stable income.

Profession Restrictions: high level of mental stress; sedentary work.

Type and class of profession

Profession computer systems engineering refers to the type: "Man - Technique", it is focused on the creation, design, installation, assembly and adjustment, operation of technical devices, management technical devices. This profession requires a high level of development of visual-figurative and spatial thinking, good motor skills, physical endurance, propensity for manual and technical work. Additional profession type: "Man-Sign", since it is associated with work with symbolic information: numbers, formulas, tables, drawings, diagrams. This requires logical abilities, the ability to concentrate, interest in working with information, developed attention and perseverance, the ability to operate with numbers, and spatial thinking. Profession computer systems engineering belongs to the class of heuristic (creative), it is associated with analysis, research and testing, design and engineering. Such a profession requires high erudition, originality of thinking, the desire for development and constant learning.

The main task at work computer systems engineering: to ensure the correct technical operation and uninterrupted operation of electronic equipment. To do this, he develops plans and schedules for the maintenance and repair of equipment, measures to improve its operation, prevent defects and downtime, and effectively use electronic equipment. He prepares electronic computers for operation, technical inspection of individual devices and assemblies, controls the parameters and reliability of electronic elements of equipment, conducts test checks for the timely detection of faults and eliminates them. Computer systems technician conducts adjustment of elements and blocks of electronic computers, radio-electronic equipment and individual devices and assemblies. He organizes the maintenance of electronic equipment, ensures its working condition, rational use. He carries out preventive and routine repairs, tests of electronic equipment. It controls that users of electronic equipment comply with the rules for their operation. An electronics engineer checks the technical condition of electronic equipment, conducts routine inspections, current repairs; accepts and masters newly commissioned electronic equipment.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist

In order to successfully master the profession of a technician in computer systems, deep knowledge of physics, mathematics and information and communication technologies is required.

A qualified computer systems technician should know:

  1. purpose, design and principles of operation of electronic devices, devices, systems and equipment, incl. electronic computing technology, instruments and measuring equipment, automation, robots and robotic systems, household radio-electronic equipment,
  2. advanced domestic and foreign experience in the operation and maintenance of electronic equipment,
  3. operating systems of calculations, ciphers and codes, standard programs and teams
  4. fundamentals of software and programming,
  5. maintenance organization,
  6. labor organization and safety standards.

A qualified computer systems technician should be able to:

  1. work with technical documentation, understand the schemes of electronic equipment,
  2. to diagnose electronic equipment, its individual devices and components and determine their suitability for further operation,
  3. to carry out maintenance and repair of electronics, automation and communication equipment,
  4. control the parameters and reliability of electronic elements of equipment,
  5. to carry out test checks for the timely detection of faults and their elimination,
  6. analyze, summarize and systematize the arrays of information, keep records,
  7. plan the placement of electronic equipment and the organization of workplaces, taking into account its design features and safety precautions.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

To be successful as a computer systems technician, you must have the following professionally important qualities:

  1. good vision,
  2. precise fine motor skills (manual dexterity),
  3. organization,
  4. dominant propensity to work with technology,
  5. pronounced propensity to work with information,
  6. pronounced ability to concentrate,
  7. logical ability,
  8. mathematical ability,
  9. emotional stability.

Working conditions

Computer systems technician works indoors, mostly "sitting". Highly intelligent work. In the process of work, there is occasional communication with colleagues on work issues (with the head of the department automated systems management, with a power engineer, chief engineer). Computer systems technician uses in his work, first of all, internal means of labor: his professional knowledge, logical thinking, attention and memory. He also uses diagrams, technical documentation, hand tools, computers and special software. Computer systems technician solves problems that require high erudition, ingenuity, heuristic thinking, the desire for development and continuous learning. Increased responsibility for the results of work is characteristic.

Medical contraindications

Medical restrictions for an electronics engineer:

  1. dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system,
  2. hand deformity,
  3. respiratory diseases,
  4. diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  5. skin and allergic diseases,
  6. serious visual and hearing impairments,
  7. neuropsychiatric diseases.

Fields of application of the profession

Computer systems technicians work in the development and maintenance of electronic devices and devices:

  1. at any modern enterprises where there is a fleet of household and office equipment,
  2. in specialized workshops for the repair of electronics and microelectronics,
  3. at research institutes,
  4. in military organizations
  5. in educational institutions of a technical profile.

Career prospects

Specialization and development of related areas

Since electronic engineering and microelectronics are rapidly developing, it is possible to master newly emerging specialties within the framework of an existing profession. In the future, you can also master related professions, for example, the profession of a design engineer.

Scientific career

By developing or improving electronic technology, an electronic engineer can perform research work. Grant work available. In the future, you can get a higher profile education, defend a dissertation, get a PhD or even a Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Organization of own business

Computer systems technician with an "entrepreneurial streak", with relevant experience, design skills electronic devices and generating promising creative ideas, even at a young age may decide to work for himself. He can start his own business. With this career option, it is recommended to build up entrepreneurial skills and abilities, to master such professions as an entrepreneur.

Depending on the features of the chosen direction of computer specialties, the specifics of training are distinguished. Regardless of this, specialties related to computer technology require a variety of skills. Their acquisition will take a lot of effort, do you need it?

Demanded computer specialties

Each graduate is faced with the question of what profession to choose in order not to be left out of life in five years. The era of technology reigns in the world, respectively, IT-specialists will be in demand on the market in 10 years. Consider what areas modern universities offer and vacancies that you can apply for after graduation.

Computer networks specialty

You have mastered the specialty of computer networks, who to work with - the question arises. One of the options is a network adjuster. You will be responsible for the operation of computer equipment, networks, software at the enterprise. You can become a sysadmin, a computer networking technician.

Specialty 09.02 02 computer networks

Starting salary of 30 thousand rubles. Professionals are divided into administrators:

  1. web servers - maintains web server software;
  2. databases - manages them through the DBMS;
  3. networks - serves networks;
  4. network security - monitors information security.

Attention! Now, for the position of a system administrator, knowledge of technical English is required.

Specialty computer systems

At the beginning of your career, count on 25 thousand rubles / month. as a computer systems technician. With an experience of 3 years or more, he can count on the position of an instrumentation and automation fitter with a salary of 35-45 thousand rubles. To do this, you need to understand the schemes of the European standard, work with converters, and speak English.

Computer science specialty

Already during the training, you will learn how to create useful and entertaining programs.

Specialty computer science - who to work

Plus and minus at the same time computer science and information Technology specialty allows you to work remotely.

Mathematics and computer science specialty who to work for:

  1. database administrators;
  2. web designer;
  3. Net developer;
  4. System Administrator;
  5. Computer network administrator;
  6. web developer;
  7. 3D modeling and printing, development of computer games - this can be earned after mastering Blender 3D.

Computer security specialty

Attention! According to the State Standard, the period of study in this specialty will take 5.5 years.

Specialty code computer security 10.05 01 .

Specialty computer security - who to work with?

The task of an information security specialist is to protect data from hacking. Therefore, it will be your responsibility to look for possible channels for the leakage of important information. Hacking methods are improving, you must be one step ahead of attackers.

It is advisable for graduates to start their journey with the work of a programmer, and it is better in a group of developers. With experience, a position in the IT departments of the state or companies is available. The average salary in the industry is 50-70 thousand rubles.

Specialty programming in computer systems

The main thing here is to master well the information, mathematical, technical and organizational aspects of providing computer systems. Specialty 09.02 03 programming in computer systems is the most profitable direction for learning.

Wages in the industry range from 20 to 90 thousand rubles. You can start with an assistant programmer, then, mastering more and more new ways of programming, you will begin to manage your projects, increase your salary.

Specialty computer technology

After graduation, you will have access to positions where the implementation of systems is required computer-aided design invented technology: engine building, turbine building, instrument making, transport engineering, and more.

Computer engineering specialty

It is interesting that without completing your studies in the specialty of computer engineering, what to work with, only after receiving a bachelor's degree, you will be able to configure computers and networks. The responsibilities of the position will range from system maintenance to scientific research.

It is best to work in a circle of the same specialists - in specialized software development companies and computer projects.

Specialty computer graphics

Stable demand for your services will be from design and advertising agencies. You will make videos to promote client companies.

Having mastered computer graphics, you can independently develop web-design, carry out advertising projects, draw cartoons. All this is available remotely by downloading the appropriate programs.