Rotate the image on the monitor 90 degrees. Three ways to flip the screen to the home position. Operating system settings

Random screen rotation is a very common problem. Agree that it is inconvenient to work when the screen is turned over, say, 90 degrees. In this article, you will learn how to flip the screen of a computer or laptop using a keyboard shortcut.

Hot keys for screen rotation

If the screen of your laptop or computer is accidentally turned upside down, then the fastest and easiest way to return it to its original position is to use a special combination of buttons. For all devices and this combination is the same - "CTRL"+"ALT"+"Up Arrow".

Keyboard keys to rotate the screen to its original position

In order to rotate the screen 90 degrees, you need to press the combination - CTRL+ALT+Right Arrow.

Keys on the keyboard to rotate the screen 90 degrees

To rotate 180 degrees - CTRL+ALT+Down Arrow.

Buttons on the keyboard to rotate the screen 180 degrees

And to rotate the screen 270 degrees - "CTRL"+"ALT"+"Left Arrow".

Buttons on the keyboard to rotate the screen 270 degrees

Correctly use this key combination as follows: First, hold down "CTRL" + "ALT", and then without releasing their arrow key.

It is worth noting that screen rotation hotkey data may not work if the driver is missing.

Rotate the screen through its properties

In order to flip the screen through the properties, you need to click on the desktop right click click on any free space and select " Personalization«.

Display Properties

After that, in the upper left corner, select " Screen resolution setting«.

Screen resolution setting

Screen rotation in its properties

In line " Orientation» Choose the option you want:

  • landscape- without turning, standard arrangement;
  • Portrait— rotation by 270 degrees;
  • landscape (inverted)— rotation by 180 degrees;
  • portrait (inverted)- Rotate 90 degrees.

The last thing to do is to accept the changes by clicking "ok" and "save" in the appropriate windows.

These are the ways you can easily flip the screen of your computer or laptop.

After launching games or the Ease of Access Center, the desktop image may be flipped. And sometimes users themselves inadvertently press the buttons on the keyboard. In any case, it is impossible to work at a computer in this mode. The Windows 7 hotkeys will help you rotate the screen. The easiest way to fix the problem is this way.

Hot for screen rotation

No need to explore the settings and parameters of installed drivers for a long time. Returning the image to its original form will help hot key Windows 7. Rotate the screen buttons (photo below) will launch instantly.

Hold down Ctrl+Alt and one of the following arrow keys at the same time:

  • up - turn by 0° (normal view);
  • to the right - turn by 90 °;
  • down - rotate 180°;
  • to the left - turn by 270 °.

So you can choose the best option. The screen will turn off for a few seconds and then return to normal. If this hot combination is inconvenient for you, you can change it in the video card settings. Open device management via desktop (for example, for Intel HD Graphics - "Graphic characteristics"). Go to the options and select the combination that is convenient for you. Now, if you need to change the rotation of the screen that you have assigned, they will perform the action in a few seconds. You can choose a combination that you rarely use. Then the problem with accidental button presses will disappear.

Rotation by means of the system

If you need to rotate the screen (Windows 7), hotkeys will become an indispensable tool. However, they do not always work - it depends on the manufacturer of the video card. In this case, returning the desktop to its previous appearance is a little more difficult. In general, the procedure does not take much time, but "catching" desired icons When the image is upside down, it is very inconvenient.

Go to and open "Screen Resolution". The settings window will appear. The "Orientation" section offers four rotation options.

This is how Windows will flip the image:

  • landscape - 0°;
  • portrait - 270°;
  • landscape (inverted) - 180 °;
  • portrait (inverted) - 90 °.

After choosing the image orientation, a window will open where you will be prompted to refuse changes by default. 15 seconds are given to confirm the decision, and then the screen will return to its previous form. The function is provided in case the user changed the settings by mistake. But since you are launching the process intentionally, just save the changes.

Rotate through graphics card settings

When you need to fix screen rotation, Windows 7 hotkeys make it easy and fast. But if the video card does not allow you to use them, you will have to solve the problem through its settings.

In the control panel, find the "Screen Resolution" item. To open the properties of the video card, you should go to the advanced settings. In the window that appears, click on the "Control Panel" tab. In the drop-down menu "Rotation" select the appropriate value. If you want to change other settings, go to display settings. Here you can specify the resolution, scaling ratio, depth and color quality.

How to disable rotation through hotkeys

So, if an unnecessary screen rotation was made, the Windows 7 hotkeys will return to normal. But what if the function is constantly triggered just because of these buttons? For example, the user is just learning shortcuts, or children love to play with the keyboard. Or maybe a cat basks on it sometimes. Then it's easier to disable this key combination.

Call on desktop context menu. In the "Graphics Options" section, find "Keyboard Shortcut". Disable this feature. If there is no such item (depending on the video card model), follow the same procedure in the driver settings. Go to the "Device Control Panel" and check the box for the desired action. Now Windows 7 hotkeys will not be able to start screen rotation.


The easiest way to flip your computer desktop is through a hot combination. Of course, you can turn it off if you frequently press keys by mistake. But imagine a situation where the screen turned upside down for another reason (for example, because of a game), and the hot button is turned off in the settings. Windows key 7. Screen rotation buttons will not start, and you will not have to convenient way get to the video card settings.

Recently, a friend had such a case - the image on the monitor screen on the laptop turned upside down. No matter how he turned the laptop, he could not understand what had happened. I did not find any additional keys, the laptop itself is new.

In this article, we will try to figure out what actually causes such a problem with turning the monitor screen on a laptop, and also show possible ways problem fixes.

What could be the reasons why the laptop screen suddenly turned upside down? For example, the user accidentally pressed some keys on the keyboard, causing the screen to rotate 90, 180, or 270 degrees.

So, let's move on to how to solve the problem:
1) If some hot keys were pressed, then everything is solved by pressing Ctrl + Alt + up arrow. If it doesn't help, move on.

2) Use System Restore. This option is a good helper when malfunctions occur. personal computer or laptop. We select a restore point before the moment when the case of flipping the laptop screen occurred.

3) We are trying to deal with the settings of the video card. Usually the video card icon is placed in the tray (at the bottom next to the time). If there is no such icon, go to the Control Panel, look for the video card control panel. The settings and types of panels may be different for different video cards, but whoever searches will find it.

4) If the third method does not help, then this one will do for sure. Understanding hotkeys. You can disable them altogether at the video card, so that they do not interfere once again. But first we rotate manually using the settings:
In the graphics card settings we find "Graphics Options" (or right-click on the desktop) - "Rotate" - "Normal View" or "Normal Position" (there may also be rotation options: 90, 180, 270 degrees, but they are not available to us now needed).
Now we are trying to remove the ability to use hot keys on the laptop video card. Go to the "Graphics" settings of the video card. Here we are looking for hotkey settings. We find something like “functions of shortcut keys” or “use of hot keys”, uncheck the box, and rejoice.

5) If nothing helped, no matter how sad it may sound, reinstallation will help out operating system. You should rarely resort to this method, because reinstallation is usually a long process, from half an hour to a whole day.

6) Last tip, give the laptop to service center or to the workshop, I hope that this will not be needed, because I tried to outline the main ways to solve the problem above.

Very often, many users of laptops and netbooks are faced with a problem when the image on the monitor screen is upside down by 90 or 180 degrees. At the same time, due to confusion, people begin to look for an answer to the question of how to turn the screen on a laptop to its initial state. As a rule, the image on the screen turns over, not due to a breakdown of the computer's video card, as many users believe, but due to inaccurate pressing of hot keys on the keyboard. Perhaps a cat looked like it, the child played and tapped on the keyboard, or the keyboard is faulty and the keys spontaneously actuate. In general, the solution to the problem is quite simple and you and I will need to perform some actions to return the monitor image to its original form.

How to flip the screen on a laptop using system hotkeys?

In order to flip the image on the monitor, there are special hotkeys. Consider which combinations you need to press.

As a rule, to solve the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop, pressing a keyboard shortcut helps Ctrl+Alt+guarantee up arrow, if this action does not return the screen orientation to the desired state, then we try all combinations.

Note! In order to completely disable the hot keys, by pressing which the screen will be turned over, you need to right-click on the desktop, select "Graphics Options" - "Hot Keys" and set the work status to "Disable (Disable)"

Turn off screen rotation in Intel graphics settings.

Sometimes it happens that the method described above does not allow you to answer the question of how to flip the screen on a laptop, since the key combinations differ from the system ones. In this case, most likely other hotkey combinations are registered in the Intel graphics settings to control the settings of the video adapter. Therefore, we will now turn them off so as not to fall into the trap of an inverted screen in the future. To disable settings, follow these steps:

Advice! In order not to turn off this function, you can set the correct keyboard shortcuts that will be used to rotate the screen. To do this, enter the necessary button names in the appropriate fields, as indicated in the previous paragraph.

As you can see, all the settings in this paragraph boil down to correctly configuring the hotkey combinations that are set in the Intel Graphics Control Panel or turning off this feature.

Flip the monitor screen using Windows settings.

In the system settings of the operating Windows systems, there is also a screen rotation function, so let's use these settings and try to solve our problem. In order to figure out how to flip the screen on a laptop Windows tools. We need to do the following:

If the above methods do not help.

Sometimes there are cases when the above methods do not help, or the user cannot understand how to perform them correctly, then you can try using the Windows System Restore function. Thus, we can roll back to those operating system settings when the monitor screen was not turned upside down.

In order to perform a system restore, you need to open "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Recovery" - "Start System Restore".

After that, select the date to which you want to roll back the settings and start the recovery process. After the system is restored, the screen position should return to the correct position.

The most extreme option that will 100% solve the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop is reinstalling the operating system. But this is as the very last option, if others do not help.

Let's summarize.

As you can see, if you are faced with the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop, then in many cases you can solve it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. In most cases, the problem lies in incorrectly pressed hot keys. But if the problem lies more deeply, then reinstalling the operating system will help.

The desktop is a key tool in managing the entire system, where the most important and frequently used files are located. Thus, setting up such a tool cannot bypass the user, because the desktop is the first thing a person encounters when using Windows.

Turning the screen along with the desktop is not required so often, but in cases where you attach the monitor to the wall and have any difficulties installing it in its original form, you can resort to using this Windows features. Also, this function can be convenient for transformer computers and tablets with a mobile station. You can safely install it in any position, and then turn the display in any convenient direction with simple movements.

Often such needs are faced by users who use programs where there are hotkeys similar to those installed in Windows. This problem is especially common on Windows XP, since it is on it that screen rotation occurs due to keyboard shortcuts that are often mistakenly used in applications, which we will discuss below.

There are 3 main ways to flip the desktop or return it to the correct position. Let's start with the simplest and fastest option, which is suitable for Windows Vista and newer versions.

Flip the desktop through the "Screen Resolution" menu

  • You need to right-click on an area of ​​the desktop that is free from shortcuts;
  • In the window that opens, you should find the option "Screen resolution" and click on it;

  • Among several settings, select "Orientation" and indicate the one you need, what they mean, we will consider below;

Available desktop screen rotation options

  1. landscape– this is the standard screen view;
  2. Portrait- rotated counterclockwise by 90 degrees;
  3. landscape inverted- this is a 180-degree inverted view (the taskbar is located at the top of the screen);
  4. portrait inverted- rotated counterclockwise by 270 degrees or clockwise by 90.

Along with the flip of the desktop, the taskbar also changes its place, the mouse cursor is inverted, starting to work along other X and Y axes. Use this function only when necessary, because it is extremely inconvenient to flip the desktop to an angle that does not correspond to this monitor.

Flip the desktop through the settings of the video adapter

We will consider an example with nvidia, that is, a Geforce video card, but similar actions are performed for the Radeon manufacturer. The only difference Radeon - is in the title of the table of contents.

1 way

1. Click on an empty space on the desktop with the right mouse button;

2. Select the "NVIDIA Control Panel" item, note this item will be available if you have installed drivers, for your device model, most likely you already have them;

3. Find the "Display" chapter in the right menu, from which a few more sub-items will drop out, for Radeon the name is "General Display Tasks";

5. You will see the same settings as in "Screen Resolution", so we will not dwell on this.

Pay attention to the chapter at the bottom of the window, which says "Typical Application Situations", it may help you to correctly set up your monitor screen.

2 way

Another method, which also applies to this point, is discussed below, since it uses the same video adapter driver.

  1. Click on the nvidia driver icon with the right mouse button, it is usually hidden from the taskbar and located in the tray;
  2. Hover over "Graphics Options";
  3. Several additional options will open, you need to select "Rotate";
  4. Specify the option you need with a simple click of the mouse.

Hotkeys for flipping the desktop

This method works for Windows XP due to the support for this desktop reorientation option. In order to perform these actions, press and hold Ctrl + Alt + up arrow - this combination will rotate the desktop to its original position. The angle of rotation of the desktop corresponding to the direction of the pressed arrow.

Try to avoid such hotkeys in utilities, programs, games and other applications, as this will most likely be misinterpreted by the system. In this case, instead of the action that the interceptor program should perform, you may change orientation. Choose which buttons to set actions in applications wisely so as not to get into such situations.

Using this function, you can increase your productivity when you install the monitor in a position that is different from the original.

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