Who is the most popular blogger on Russian youtube. How to get the most subscribers on Youtube

This video hosting is a resource with which you can upload, view, rate and comment on videos. The ease of use of this service has made it one of the most popular around the world.

In addition, the platform allows you to earn money by watching videos, which is why many novice bloggers try to attract more attention to the page. You can increase the number of fans by asking your friends, as well as sending out invitations on social networks.
However, the largest number of subscribers on Youtube can only be achieved if you use the help of special services.

VTope website will help to achieve the largest number of subscribers on Youtube

The Internet offers us a large number of different applications that help popularize the page. Among them, the VTope resource stands out, with the help of which you can achieve the desired result without making your own efforts and financial costs. This site is distinguished by convenient functionality and a large number of options, due to which the number of its regular users is increasing every day.
In order to get the largest number of subscribers on Youtube, you need to create an account on the site, register a task that needs to be implemented and pay for its implementation with the site’s special currency.

VTope is not a Youtube subscriber program, but a full-fledged service that allows you to get an effective result

With this platform, you can quickly increase the number of your fans and thus popularize the channel. This resource has many benefits, including:
Obtaining a guaranteed result in a short time.
Cheat fans real users not bots.
Complete data anonymity.
VTope is not a Youtube subscriber program. You do not need to download and install any applications to use this site. All manipulations are easily carried out online.

In addition, with "VTope" you can make popular not only your account, but also your friend's profile. To do this, just specify a link to his page and wait for the first results to appear.

the largest number of subscribers on Youtube, most subscribers on youtube,

» I want to tell you what and how to do so that your channel becomes successful in the future. Today I will give you instructions on how to how to promote a channel for freeYouTube and how to get subscribers to your channel.

I would like to make a reservation right away, for those who value personal time very much, or simply don’t have it, there is also a way out. Do you need views, likes, comments under the video, subscribers to the channel, all this without labor costs and in the shortest possible time? The promotion and promotion service will help you - social like. Only effective methods, democratic prices and, of course, complete confidentiality of cooperation.

About, how to create a youtube channel and arrange it beautifully, I won’t tell, it just doesn’t make sense to repeat, it’s better to watch a video lesson about this from Evgeny Popov (link is at the end of the article).

So how do you get YouTube subscribers for free?

  1. Using annotations in videos.
  2. A call to subscribe in the video itself.
  3. Friendly recommendations.
  4. Personal invitations.
  5. Method "I can not live without you."
  6. Commenting in other channels.

And now more about each method.

  1. Video annotations

Using annotations in the video itself increases the conversion of subscribers on the YouTube channel. It is a fact. Annotations are used by many advanced YouTubers.

annotation is a clickable message that appears in the video itself and contains some message for the viewer, for example:

"Subscribe for new videos, click here"

"Subscribe to new videos and be the first"

Annotations are added to your YouTube channel under Video Manager.

  1. Call to subscribe in the video itself

The essence of the method lies in the fact that in the video itself you must call on people to subscribe to your YouTube channel by voice. For example, at the beginning of the video (and this is important, because not everyone makes it to the end of the video), you say the following:

“Good afternoon my dear viewers. Today I'm going to talk about this and that. And before I start my story, I will share useful information, please subscribe to my channel if you have not subscribed yet. To do this, click on this button (show with your hand where the button is and then insert an annotation into this place).

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This feature works very well.

I also recommend inserting a special frame at the end of the video in which you ask “Did you like the lesson? Press "I like it!" and specify where the button is located. It helps promote and promote your YouTube video.

There are many different channels on YouTube, you can arrange a mutual recommendation with several of them. To do this, on your channel in the "Friends" or "Interesting" section (the section may be called differently, you choose its name yourself) you put links to these channels, in response they put a link to your channel. Naturally, you need to access channels with approximately your attendance, tk. promoted channels are unlikely to pay attention to you, unless, of course, these are your friends.

  1. Personal invitations

This is probably the most difficult and tedious, but effective and free way to attract subscribers for a young YouTube channel. In this way, it is possible to gain 200-300 subscribers literally in 1-2 weeks. To achieve this result, you should send 40-50 personal invitations daily to registered YouTubers. You should not send more than 50 per day, otherwise YouTube will consider you a spammer and block your account.

How to do it?

There is nothing complicated, it is done like this. Enter your keyword in YouTube search, choose the channels with the most subscribers.

Open the most popular videos in these channels and look below the video who commented.

"Hi Ivan, visit our channel, we have a lot of videos on the topic ... Thank you."

In the subject of the message, indicate: "I invite you to visit my channel."

You can also attach your video to a private message.

  1. Method "I can't live without you"

The essence of the method is to constantly provide such high-quality interesting and useful information that a person simply cannot help but subscribe.

This is of course difficult, requires experience and will not work right away. But when you come to this, the result will not keep you waiting. It is thanks to this attachment that most of the promoted channels on YouTube exist.

  1. Commenting in other channels

This method is quite simple and effective. You also find popular videos on your topic with a large number of views and post your comments under them. At the same time, anyone who reads the comments can click on your name and get to your channel. Therefore, write interesting comments to interest and make a person want to click on your name and see what else you have on your channel.

Read also: How to make video from photos for free in 1 minute

Now YouTube has the ability to add video responses in addition to simple comments. Be sure to use this opportunity.

How to promote a channel on YouTube?

Any promotion on the Internet is preceded by technical training. The result of promotion will depend on how well you prepared your video.

How to prepare a video for promotion on YouTube:

  1. MP4 is the best format for uploading to YouTube. If it is not possible to save your video in mp4 format, use AVI, FLV format.
  2. Think of a title for your video not just “anyhow” - find keywords that match the topic of your video and use these keywords in the title, and try to include the keyword 2 times! Add a description to the title as well. English language. But remember, the title should not be too long, otherwise it will not be displayed in its entirety, only the beginning of the title will appear.
  1. Before uploading a file to YouTube, we include a keyword in its name, and it must be in Russian, for example:



If you do not know how to change the name of the video file, take it, just move the mouse cursor over the desired file, click right button, from the menu that appears, select the "Rename" command and enter a new file name. OK?

  1. After uploading a video to YouTube, in the "Video Manager" indicate the keywords in the tags, the more the better, but do not overdo it. How do you know when it's busted? Watch the video of your competitors who are in the TOP 10 for your key phrase, how many keywords do they have in tags?
  2. Next, write a description for your video. The description should be long enough (search engines love a lot of content) and should contain your keyword. The longer the description, the better, let it be at least 500 characters or more.
  3. Another trick is to use a temporary route in the description. In other words, if your video can be arbitrarily divided into several stories (for example, introduction, main, addition, conclusion, etc.), note the start time of each story (for example, 0:00, 0:45, 2:33, etc.) .p.) and indicate it in the description. For example like this:

Felix Kjellberg, a popular Swedish gamer and vlogger, earned $4 million from ads in his videos last year, according to The Wall Street Journal. The YouTube channel called PewDiePie is one of the fastest growing and has the most subscribers of any YouTube channel.

Kjellberg receives income from affiliate YouTube programs, showing ads before the start of the videos. most popular video, A Funny Montage, has amassed 51 million views since its publication on June 4, 2013.

Felix created his channel in April 2009. In 2012, his channel began to grow rapidly. So, on July 11, 2012, it had 1 million subscribers, and in September of the same year, the number of subscribers doubled.

In February 2012, Felix took part in the online competition King of the Web ("King of the Web"). His first attempt was a failure and he did not receive the major title. But soon, after voting from February 1 to 15, Kjellberg still became the "Gaming King of the Web". According to the results of the next vote, he won again and transferred all the money won to the account of the World Wildlife Fund.

In June 2012, Kjellberg gave a speech at the Nonick Conference. In October 2012, OpenSlate ranked PewDiePie's channel number one among all YouTube channels based on its SlateScore.

In April 2013, Felix's channel grew to 6 million subscribers, according to The New York Times.

In May 2013, Kjellberg won the Most Popular Social Show award against Jenna Marbles, Smosh, Toby Turner and the Swedish Social Star Award at the Starcount Social Stars Awards, held in Singapore.

In 2012 and 2013 The PewDiePie channel was recognized as the fastest growing channel on YouTube, and on August 15, 2013, it came out on top in terms of the number of subscribers, overtaking the American duo Smosh.

In September 2013, Felix was awarded the Guinness Book of Records certificate for the largest number of subscribers, as he announced in his video blog.

In March 2014, his channel grew to 26 million subscribers, and in May of the same year - to 27 million.

Kjellberg's YouTube channel mainly consists of walkthroughs of various video games, which were initially accompanied by his voice-over, and since March 2011, most PewDiePie videos contain footage from his video camera.

Felix specializes in horror and action games. One of the first games he recorded a walkthrough of was Amnesia: The Dark Descent, and he still goes back to modifying it.

His channel also promotes indie game developers, which greatly increases interest in the game included in the walkthrough. One of the most popular games of this kind is the Happy Wheels flash game, thanks to which it also gained great popularity.

Felix Kjellberg

Video blogger, game reviewer

"I think that, unlike many other shows on YouTube, I managed to create a closer connection with the audience, thereby breaking down the wall between them and what is happening on the screen. What I do and other YouTube channel authors is completely different things. The thing is, I can make it feel like you're hanging out with me and watching me play games."

From September 2, 2011, Kjellberg began uploading weekly vlogs to the channel, such as Fridays With PewDiePie ("Fridays with PewDiePie"), or others describing trips to different cities.

Chelberg himself said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that he managed to "destroy the wall" between the viewer and what is happening on the screen. He tries to create the feeling that the viewer is playing the game with his friend.

Recently, the 23-year-old Swede signed a contract with the largest multimedia company Maker Studios, founded by the owners of Time magazine and actor Robert Downey Jr.

"When I created my YouTube channel in 2010, I never imagined that one day it would become the most popular and that such a wonderful community of video game lovers would gather around it," said PewDiePie.

YouTube video hosting is gaining more and more popularity. The audience of many channels has long overtaken TV. Now this resource is a huge platform where you can easily find any video that is interesting to a particular user (by tags or in the search). Accordingly, various agencies tend to make ratings of the popularity of various video bloggers. But, the most objective way to measure the popularity of a channel is to estimate the number of subscribers. This allows you to assess how wide the audience of a particular person is. This information can be viewed on specialized resources. The number of subscribers exceeds tens of millions and the number of channel views is over a billion!

number of subscribers: more than 54 million
subject: computer games
real name: Felix Kjellberg
over 13 billion

This Swedish blogger produces great videos on the passage of computer games. Real name Felix Kjellberg. At this point in time (as of October 2016) he has 48,875,921, which provided him with more than 13 billion views. The channel has been operating since 2010. One of the first Felix began to use the recording from the webcam inserted into the video of the passage of the game. PewDiePie's channel, was repeatedly recognized as the best social show according to versions of various publishers.

number of subscribers: more than 47 million
subject: movie trailers and reviews
author's name: unknown
YouTube channel creation date: June 10, 2015

Channel dedicated to modern cinema. Here you can see reviews of upcoming films. Some pictures may also be posted. As of October 2016, the channel has 44,659,764 (44 million) subscribers. And their number is constantly increasing.

number of subscribers: more than 29 million
subject: humor, music, creativity
author's name: Erman Garmendia
total number of views: over 2 billion
YouTube channel creation date: September 8, 2011

This channel was created by Chilean comedian and singer Erman Garmendia. Thanks to his talent, the channel became popular not only at home in Chile, but also far beyond its borders. The main direction is humor. But, at the same time, there are also music videos. At the moment, the resource ranks third in the world in terms of the number of subscribers (29,828,790). The first video was uploaded in 2011. At first, the channel was not given due attention on the part of the author, but gradually Ehrman appreciated the potential, and began to deal with this process more carefully. As a result, he received two diamond buttons in the entertainment video category.

Justin BieberVEVO

number of subscribers: more than 25 million
subject: humor, music, creativity
author's name: Justin Bieber
total number of views: over 13 billion
YouTube channel creation date: 2007

It's official Justin Bieber vlog. Now he has 25,078,686 subscribers. This is due to the popularity of the young musician. On the blog you can see clips for various songs. There are also live recordings. The blog is developed by the singer's mother. In fact, she first posted her son's performance on YouTube in 2007. This was a good start for the musician. Now the resource is developing rapidly, if we take the subscriber growth index, then it is now in the very first place.

youtube spotlight

number of subscribers: more than 24 million
subject: sports, news
author's name: one of the official YouTube channels
total number of views: over 1 billion

This is one of the official YouTube channels. The main focus is an overview of various sports and social events. The guys working on this channel attend all the significant events. This allows them to cover events as fully as possible and at the same time almost live. They are often the first to post the latest news online. Now the channel has 24,130,068 subscribers. This allows you to provide mass viewing of videos posted daily on the channel. Now there is a certain decline, the number of people visiting the channel is insignificant, but regularly decreases.

number of subscribers: more than 23 million
subject: music, creativity
author's name: Rihanna
total number of views: over 10 billion
YouTube channel creation date: May 12, 2009

This is Rihanna's official channel. Accordingly, it is dedicated strictly to music. Here you can see clips and concert recordings. There are also some recordings that reveal preparations for concerts. Now the channel has 23,321,610 subscribers. Moreover, the channel is constantly developing, sometimes the singer uploads recordings of her friends, with whom she periodically works.

number of subscribers: more than 22 million
subject: parodies, flash videos
authors name: Anthony Padilla and Ian Hickox
total number of views: over 6 billion
YouTube channel creation date: November 19, 2005

Humor channel from the USA. It is led by two friends: Anthony Padilla and Ian Hickox. The main direction is parody flash videos. Although the guys are not shy about uploading popular songs in their own performance to the network. The channel has existed since 2003. Updates are released four times a week. In total, the channel has 22,448,852 fans. Thanks to talented jokes, the number of their fans is constantly growing.

number of subscribers: more than 21 million
subject: letsplay
authors name: Ruben Doblas Gundersen
total number of views: over 4 billion
YouTube channel creation date: December 20, 2011

This is the channel of the Spanish blogger Ruben. The main direction is letsplay. Many fans of such games as Skyrim, Battlefield 3 studied the passage of difficult places on his videos. Perhaps he is one of the most famous specialists in the passage of RPGs and shooters. Now it has 21,290,269 subscribers. Main Feature of all videos is detailed analysis gameplay.


number of subscribers: more than 21 million
subject: music, band work
authors name: one direction
total number of views: over 6 billion
YouTube channel creation date: December 4, 2010

The official channel of English music One Direction groups. At the moment, the channel is only gaining popularity, this is due to the growing popularity of the group. At the end of October 2016, 21,015,390 subscribed to the channel. Moreover, the number of subscribers is increasing by 3-4 thousand per day. It is likely that the channel will enter the top five most popular channels within a year.

number of subscribers: more than 20 million
subject: music, creativity
author's name: Taylor Swift
total number of views: over 9 billion
YouTube channel creation date: May 12, 2009

This channel is owned by American country singer Swift Taylor. The channel has repeatedly received various awards for the best music video. The bulk of subscribers are fans of the singer. At the moment, the channel has 20,307,309 subscribers. This allows you to enter the top ten most popular YouTube resources.

The remaining channels (from top 11 to 20 places) in the international popularity rating.

channel name KatyPerryVEVO

number of subscribers - 19,961,093
views - 8,507,450,812

channel name EminemVEVO

number of subscribers - 19,794,307
views - 7,446,499,869

channel name VanossGaming

number of subscribers - 18,945,633
views - 6,010,998,372

channel name

number of subscribers - 18,565,868
views - 3,018,838,084

channel name TheEllenShow

number of subscribers - 17,650,376
views - 8,572,595,139

channel name JennaMarbles

number of subscribers - 16,608,663
views - 2,137,567,435

channel name Fernanfloo

number of subscribers - 16,465,230
views - 3,819,094,670

channel name yuya

number of subscribers - 16,326,922
views - 1,678,667,641

channel name VEGETTA777

number of subscribers - 15,796,118
views - 5,724,734,368

channel name Juega German

number of subscribers - 15,593,757
views - 3,698,609,712

Russian channels

Domestic video bloggers are somewhat behind their Western counterparts. This is due to the use of the Russian language in the video, and not everyone knows how to properly advance in the European segment of the Internet.

The most popular in our YouTube segment is the official GetMovies video hosting channel. It's family educational channel. It has over 8 million subscribers. Please note that this refers to the Russian-language version of the channel.

The Masha and the Bear video channel is also very popular. This cartoon channel has collected 7,483,354 subscribers. The popularity is associated with an excellent animated series, which is loved not only by children, but also by adults. It fills up as new episodes are filmed.

third most popular Runet video blogger Frost. He does game reviews and let's play. The Minecraft game brought him immense popularity, with which he began his career on YouTube. Now he has 5,708,527 subscribers.