What is an update and Yandex updates. What is an update and Yandex updates Was the last Yandex update

For many optimizers Yandex updates are the most anticipated. After the search engine finds new texts and links, enters them into the database, and also takes into account various factors according to which projects are ranked, that desired and long-awaited update of the results comes, in simple terms, a change in the positions of sites in the search results.

There are also other types of search engine updates.

After issue update may change, or the positions of sites in search results change, as a result of changes in the ranking of projects by the search system.

It is difficult to say how often this update occurs. This usually happens 1-2 times a week. But you need to know and remember that the site’s position may change between Yandex updates, although such changes are minor.

If after the update the position of your project has risen, it means that you are on the right path and can continue to work in the same spirit. But if the position has “shaken”, then this is already an alarming signal, which indicates erroneous actions and probably at some stage mistakes were made in optimizing the resource.

Sometimes it even happens that after the next Yandex update, all pages of the resource may fall out of the search, but then they take their places again.

Text update usually happens once or twice in seven days, and the database is updated with new text content on pages on various resources. During the Up, new text content appears in Yandex search results, which was indexed some time ago.

Positions associated with the emergence of new text documents change, and in addition, technical changes are made (duplicates are closed, a region is assigned, pages are optimized, etc.).

Link update occurs simultaneously with the text one, but with an interval of up to three hours, data on all new links that lead to your project is updated.

During this Upgrade, there is a change in the positions of resources in the Yandex search results, which are caused by the appearance of new links, as well as the re-counting of the link mass that was supplied earlier.

TIC update

With this update, the thematic project citation index is recalculated, which is due to a change in the number of sources citing your resource. The TIC indicator usually changes no more than once every two months.

It must be said that TIC update can be push-button and toolbar. In principle, they occur almost simultaneously. First, the push-button TIC is updated, and then the toolbar TIC is also updated. Therefore, Apa time can last from one hour to 24 hours. The push-button TIC is therefore more accurate, thanks to which its value is displayed in Yandex.Webmaster.

A push-button TIC is, in fact, a button in the form of “money”, so to speak (which can be obtained from Yandex) and which you can often find on many resources. Or you can install the TCI and PR informer on the site at once. The toolbar TIC is usually displayed in the Yandex.Bar panel; such an extension can be installed in your browser if desired.

The TIC update can occur consistently once a month, or you can wait for it for more than two months. But it also happens, although rarely, that it happens a couple of times in two weeks. The frequency of this Apa remains a mystery for now. Unless she is known to Yandex employees.

Excessive frequency or long breaks are usually associated with updating and testing new Yandex algorithms. During such testing, resource positions for promoted queries can fluctuate quite a bit and change significantly. But don’t worry, after “such a storm” (testing) positions usually return to their places.

That’s why, before the next TIC update takes place, there is a lull on link exchanges. Then, after the update is completed and the sites receive new TIC values, traffic is reactivated on the exchanges and prices for regular and permanent links are adjusted by webmasters.

Accurate and correct Yandex updates

Determine exact Yandex updates Many services can do this. You can highlight, for example, tools.promosite.ru or seobudget.ru/updates. They also offer their own update calendar and the ability to notify about upcoming Upgrades by Email or SMS.

The search engine itself can show you the correct Yandex updates. It is enough to configure the receipt of messages in Yandex.Webmaster. The content will be approximately the following: “The Yandex search database has been updated” and the date is indicated.

Unfortunately, the message arrives after the Up, but you can definitely be sure of the correctness of the update and feel free to check the site’s position.

Google updates

Google updates occur so frequently (in principle, daily) that optimizers do not track a site’s position in Google “from Apa to Apa”, but check them daily. During such Google search updates, link and text changes on the promoted resource are simultaneously taken into account.

PR update represents a recalculation of the document's authority value. After such an update, a new Page Rank value is assigned to each page on the site.

When a PR recalculation occurs, all changes that have occurred in the number and quality of links leading to a given document are taken into account. Page Rank updates usually occur once every three or four months, although the parameters are constantly recalculated.

Among optimizers, you can often hear such expressions as “update” or “Yandex/Google AP”. But not all beginners are familiar with this concept. And if you are just starting to get acquainted with search engine optimization, then it is worth learning a little about the terminology of this area of ​​​​business. So what are search engine updates and what are they?

The word “update” comes from Up to date (from English - “relevant for today’s date”, “keeping up with the times”), and the verb to update is translated exactly as “update to the most current state”. From an SEO point of view, an update is an update of data in search engine databases, which entails a change in the positions of sites in search results.

If the web resource has improved its position after the work, then the result of the promotion is positive. If the site’s position has decreased, then the result is negative, which means that the promotion strategy should be reconsidered and unused growth points should be worked out.

How often do Yandex and Google updates happen? The Google search database updates quite often - every day, or even more often. Yandex updates are eagerly awaited by all optimizers, as they happen less frequently, and this is a real event. There is no clear calendar of search engine updates, you can only predict their certain frequency.

Monitoring Yandex and Google updates

It is easier to monitor changes using specialized services. Each of the tools has its own approach to determining updates (the sum of the difference in values, the similarity of content according to the Oliver algorithm, the Levenshtein algorithm, pairwise comparison of array elements), which makes their analytics complementary.

All update analyzers also operate with the concept of “degree of change in output”, or “storm”. The storm refers to the degree of change in search results as a percentage, i.e. which documents and sites appeared in the top positions for certain queries, and which disappeared or moved lower. By how much the search results have changed, one can judge the emergence of a new algorithm for ranking information in search engines. Usually the so-called storm is measured in values ​​from 10 to 40%. Anything less is a weak update. And if the changes are more than 40%, most likely, a new algorithm could not have happened without the appearance of a new algorithm.

At the same time, there is another option that allows you to find out whether Yandex has had an update. This is the Yandex.Webmaster panel. Go to the settings of this service, configure the desired item (“Search database update”), and you will be aware of the updates.

Example letter:

Types of updates: list of the most significant changes in search results

Let's start with the first part:

Why analyze updates?

Webmasters regularly monitor search engine updates, analyze the consequences and effectiveness of the chosen strategy, and adjust it if necessary. It is necessary to analyze the update, because in fact this is the only source of operational information that helps make correct decisions. For example, you purchased links using one strategy, but after the update the positions dropped or the site fell under the search engine filter. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider link tactics. Or you decided to adjust the content on the promoted pages; after the text update, the positions on the pages with new content dropped, and on the pages whose content was saved, on the contrary, they increased. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the format of the texts.

Thanks to the analysis of updates, you can identify promotion errors, select the optimal strategy, and subsequently attract truly interested visitors to your website.

We wish you only good updates and effective strategies!

Hello dear readers! Today I decided to take a break from the WordPress topic and talk about Yandex updates. Why Yandex? Yes, because, unlike Google, it does not make updates so often. It should also be said that Yasha is today the leading search engine on the Runet, so special attention is paid to him. Below I have provided a list of all updates (updates):

  • Search results update;
  • T&C update;
  • Yandex Catalog update;
  • Favicons update;
  • Updating the image database;
  • Search algorithm update;
  • Behavioral factor update.

I think I’ve indicated all the updates, but now let’s look at each of them in more detail.

I think the most attention is focused on updating the search results. Yandex makes these updates at different intervals. Now this period is approximately 9 days. Previously it was more often almost every two days.

Once upon a time I didn’t pay much attention to this update, but now for 4 months in a row, I’ve been watching it and hoping that some kind of HF request will “shoot” for me. Plus, as you remember, I conducted an experiment to increase site traffic, which did not succeed. You can track this update by following this link: https://seobudget.ru/updates/

As you can see here you can monitor 4 types of updates simultaneously. At the moment, many people have begun to confuse the usual Yandex random with search results. In detail, there are such concepts as text and link updates. What is it?

A text update is the appearance in the search results of site documents with a later date that were indexed after the last crawl by the robot.

Link update - changing the number of external links that point to your site.

Usually a link up follows a text up, but not vice versa. Lately, Yasha has started making link updates less and less often, but text updates always happen differently (you have to wait 1-2 weeks). It is better to track the appearance of these APs through http://tools.promosite.ru/

T&C update

The second most important update (at least it was for me) is the T&C update. Previously, when I was just starting to be interested in making money on the site, this app was in the first place for me, I dreamed that my site would earn the top ten. After they gave me TiC 10, I practically stopped being interested in this update. Although for many webmasters it is very significant since the profit from the sale of links directly depends on the T&C. I gave up Sape 1-1.5 years ago. It brought in income, but not as much as I wanted, and I don’t have enough pages on my website to trade in it.

Yandex Catalog update

This update occurs more often than all others, on average every 2 days. I don’t follow this Yandex update at all, because my site has not yet been included in this directory. Yes, in principle, I think even those who have sites in the Yandex Catalog do not particularly monitor it as much as the traffic from this directory is very small and that is, not everyone who is in the directory.

Favicons update

In principle, it doesn’t affect anything, I followed it when I first created my site. For those who don’t know, a “favicon” is a mini-logo of a site that is displayed in searches and is also visible in browsers at the top.

And I watched this up because I didn’t have any favicon in Yandex search.

Updating the image database

I think this type of change is followed only by those webmasters whose main traffic comes from image searches. For example, you may have a website dedicated to paintings from a certain era, and it will be presented in the form of a gallery of pictures. Here I think you will follow this app.

This update is followed by many, especially young sites and those that have moved to a new domain. And the essence of this app is that it involves gluing together the site’s mirrors. A simple example of a mirror: website And www.site. That is, an address with and without www. It is very important to indicate the same address both in the webmaster panel and in the file .htaccess via redirect and in the file robots.txt and wait for the mirrorer's update. After the update, the following message will appear in the Yandex Webmaster panel:

Search algorithm update

Perhaps for some it is a very unpleasant update, for others it is excellent. The thing is that search engines are improving and it happens that they change their algorithms. So Yandex, without exception, sometimes makes itself felt. Now this update is called Minusinsk. Yandex lowers the position of the site that had purchased links. Today, too, another update of the search algorithm took place, how this affected the site’s results is too early to tell, you never know what else could happen during this week.

Behavioral factor update

The last type of update that we will consider is an update of the behavioral factor. In fact, this update was a very long time ago - November 26, 2014, so it’s too early to talk about it. Although behavioral factors greatly influence the site’s position. I'm really looking forward to this update, as behavioral indicators on my site have improved.

Hello everyone!

“What are search engine (SE) updates?” – a question that arises for all beginners in SEO without exception. Today I would like to give a complete and clear answer to it. Although I should have done this several months ago.

First, let's look at the word “update”. This word is a transliteration of the English “update”, which means “updating something.” It is used in almost all areas of our life - let's say you have an iPhone 6, you receive a notification that such and such an update for iOS has been released and you need to install it. By installing this update, you will update the operating system. The exact same analogy can be drawn with computers.

If we look at the word “update” from the SEO side, we can see that it is used only to mean updating search results and website ranking data. In essence, a search engine update is an update of the search engine databases, that is, the index.

Why are updates carried out?

In order for any new page on your website to be shown in searches, it needs to get into the index - the PS database. Pages get into the index only after they are crawled by a search robot, but it’s not the pages themselves that get there, but their saved copies. Simply put, the robot remembers them.

After a page is included in the index, it is assigned a specific position. This is done based on the work of various algorithms known only to their developers. The algorithms, in turn, analyze the quality factors of the page:

  • Behavioral;
  • Reference;
  • Relevance of the page to the request;
  • Text quality and spam ();
  • And others.

Taking all these factors together, the algorithms give a score to the page based on which the position is assigned. The higher the score, the higher your position in search results. However, quality assessment is carried out not only for new pages, but also for those already in the index.

The search robot scans the pages included in the PS database with enviable regularity. Therefore, if you have made any significant changes, for example, to the content (rewritten the text), a re-evaluation will occur.

Reassessment of the quality factors of pages occurs after a certain period of time, after which the update occurs. Therefore, positions in search results are constantly changing and that is why every webmaster needs to know this.

Types of search engine updates

So, each search engine has its own characteristics and differences, this also applies to updates. For example, in Yandex there are three types of updates:

  • Search results update;
  • Update of the thematic citation index (TCI). Read about how the TCI is formed;
  • Update in Yandex.Catalogue.

In Google, I only know two: SERP update and PageRank(). Moreover, the update of search results here is very different from Yandex. The fact is that in Google the permanent search results are constantly changing. Roughly speaking, the update occurs several times a day. Whereas in Yandex updates occur 2-3 times a week.

In addition, updating the search results of the Russian search engine has several other types of updates:

  1. Text update. A text index is laid out - new pages with text, and already indexed documents are updated. Meta tags are also included in the update. Period: from 1 day to 10 (sometimes more);
  2. Link update. External links from the posted saved copy are taken into account. During this update, new links to your resource from other sites are taken into account;
  3. Update of behavioral factors. Update the search results taking into account data on user behavior on sites. Read more about the influence of behavioral factors on ranking. Occurs approximately once every six months;
  4. Updating the image database. During this update, images from sites are uploaded to the index;
  5. Favicon update. The site icon appears or changes in Yandex results.

That's how complicated everything is in Yandex. Even well-known SEO forums have separate threads dedicated to ups of the Russian search engine. It is worth noting that they contain a very heated discussion of the results of the update, as well as the impact of certain measures taken to optimize the site.

How to track Yandex updates?

To track Yandex updates, you can use both third-party services, for example, Cy-Pr or tools.promosite.ru, and Yandex services, namely. You just need to sign up for email updates. You can do this in the service settings:

As for tracking positions, I recommend using Allpositions.ru. In this article I described in detail how to work with this tool, read it. You can also track search engine updates directly on the main page:

Well, that’s all for me, dear friends!

I hope this lesson brought you at least some benefit, otherwise it was a bit difficult for me to write it. If so, please share the link to the lesson on social networks. You can do this by simply clicking on the icon of the desired social network under this text.

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates if you haven’t already.

See you later!

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