Computer terminology for beginners. Basic computer terms: information for dummies. Dictionary of English computer terms

Hello! Dear friends, can you imagine your life without modern technology? I suppose not, and it is especially difficult to imagine the absence of a computer. The computer has taken a very important position in all areas of activity. That is, over the past decades, the computer has become a way to spend interesting leisure time, as well as an integral part in many areas of work: engineering, medicine, etc.

Many programs, computer "innovations" are developed abroad and distributed around the world. It happens that the program does not have the Russian language, but for sure, when you install it, you will find English in the list of languages. So there is a need to know the basic dictionary of computer terms in English. In addition, many of the programs have a certain number of identical terms, which greatly simplifies the task of studying them, since they are found in almost all programs. Thus, it will not be difficult to remember their translation and meaning over time.

For example, in any program you will encounter

  • open- open
  • file- file
  • error- error, etc.

In addition to the fact that knowledge of computer terms is useful to many in their work, it will be useful for others in non-professional work, for example, to install a program on a computer. Almost always during installation, you will encounter words such as:

  • next- Further
  • cancel- cancel
  • to close all other applications- close all applications
  • accept- accept

English computer terms Mastering a dictionary of computer terminology will increase your computer "literacy". Those who use a computer for an impressive period of time mistakenly consider themselves "advanced" users. In fact, encountering an English term often becomes an insurmountable obstacle.

Another argument for you to learn a dictionary of English computer terms is the fact that many of them are borrowed in Russian. It is well known that the computer has become one of the reasons for the intensive use of anglicisms in the Russian language for the last half century. For example, the word " feast"comes from the English words" peer”, which means “accomplice” in translation and has acquired a new word meaning: a client participating in the distribution in programs such as torrent.

Computer and global system Internet

As mentioned a little above, the computer and the Internet have become the causes of the emergence of anglicisms in the Russian language, they change the Russian vocabulary with amazing speed. You are right in thinking that there is nothing wrong with that. However, imagine that you hear the following dialogue on the street:

I changed mine yesterday avik, poured Jolie to himself. And set myself aku Best

  • avik (from the English "avatar") - means a picture that serves as a "face" on forums and blogs
  • aka (from the expression "also known as", translated "also known as") - means nickname, that is, the name by which the network user is known

Okay, I'll be aware. What is it you?

What is your opinion? Does it sound Russian? Of course not. All this is reminiscent of some strange, ridiculous slang. Why did it happen? Yes, because many, due to ignorance of the translation into Russian, began to distort English words, adding only Russian endings.

That is why today's topic is relevant, since the study of the following will help you not speak a fictional half-Russian-half-English language. You will be able to keep a purely Russian language, and if necessary, you will not be embarrassed by the program in English.

Dictionary of English computer terms

For more convenience, we divide computer terms into peculiar topics. Each topic includes a small glossary of terms that you may encounter in a given situation.

Computer and its accessories

Computer - computer
laptop - laptop
monitor - monitor
Flash drive - flash drive
Disk - disk
projector - projector
Scanner - scanner
Printer - printer
keyboard - keyboard
Key - key
Mouse - mouse
Mousepad - mouse pad
Power strip - extension
floppy disk drive
motherboard - motherboard
hard drive- HDD
Random access memory - RAM
modem - modem

Audio and video player


Internet - Internet
Hard link - direct link
Home page - home page
hyperlink - hyperlink
history - history
Internet address - Internet address
join - connection
net - network
E-mail - e-mail
Spam - spam
Off line - off line
traffic - traffic
Trojan horse
user - user
Web page - web page
website - website
weblog - blog
Browser - browser
log in
World Wide Web

The program and its installation on a computer

program - program
programming - programming
software - software
Data processing - data processing
Main program - main program
Processing program - processing program
Testing - testing
Recovery program - recovery program
install - install
Demo version - demo version
Freeware - free software
Algorithm - algorithm
Menu bar - menu bar
prompt - hint
Exit - exit
uninstall - uninstall
update - update

Working with text data

Printer - printer, printing device
Listing - printout
text - text
File store - file storage
cipher - cipher
Copy - copy
Insert - insert
Delete - delete, exclude
symbol - symbol
Gap - space
Cell - cell
A scrollbar
colon - colon
comma - comma
Quotation marks - quotation marks
semicolon - semicolon
font - font
Font size/ style/ weight - font size/ style/ boldness
Erasing - erasing
Copy protect - copy protection
word processing - word processing

General computer terms

This is by no means the entire dictionary of terms in English that you may encounter if you have a computer with Internet access, but these are the most common of the terms. You can download a more voluminous dictionary of terms in English with translation

A GAME (on the VM) - a game presented by the VM program that provides the user with the opportunity to actively participate in changing game situations using hints or instructions and a video image. In I. partners are a person or a group of people and VM. These can only be those I. who use the display screen to show situations, and the keyboard - to convey a person's reaction. There are visual arts: spectacular (observation of the development of history and human intervention to organize turns in history), dynamic (hockey, billiards, etc.), guessing games, puzzles and exercises, visual (development of cognitive, artistic, professional, and other abilities ), positional or logical (checkers, chess, etc.), evolutionary or educational (for example, "Life") and design or design games. I. are designed to develop a person's skills in working with CM, the ability to make decisions in various situations, for entertainment and recreation, for training in professional work.

IDEAL MODEL[ ideal model ] - a mental model built with the help of images of objects, phenomena and processes based on analogy. Them. are subdivided into sign and visual-figurative, network, conceptual, informational, theoretical, algorithmic and systemic.

ID - a single letter character or a sequence of alphabetic characters, digits, and possibly special characters beginning with a letter character, used to form object names and reserved (or standard) words in programming languages. I. is introduced in the texts of programs by an explicit or implicit description that determines the scope of its action, in which this I. is directly visible. I. serves as a name in a syntactically defined context. I. should be selected or assigned in accordance with the requirements of formal or natural languages, natural language greatly improves the readability of programs. In intelligent programming, I. is replaced by the term as a means of generalizing I.

USER ID- the code cipher (password) assigned to the user, with which the registered user enters the system and which is used by the system to determine the level of his rights, as well as to register the fact of access and the nature of the work performed by him or the services provided to him.

IDENTIFICATION - the process of establishing the identity, equivalence of any objects on the basis of certain features; The identity of a sign is the unambiguous assignment of a perceived sign to one specific class.

IDEOGRAM - a written sign, which, unlike letters, does not denote the sound of any language, but the whole concept (mathematical sign, hieroglyph, emblem, etc.).

IDIOM - an indecomposable, inseparable and invariable combination of words of any language, the meaning of which does not consist of the meanings of the individual words that make it up.

HIERARCHICAL CLASSIFICATION- a classification in which a subdivision of a higher order consists of non-overlapping subdivisions of a lower level (linear classification).

Hierarchy - This is the arrangement of parts or elements of the whole in order from highest to lowest. Systems whose elements are in the relationship “is a variety”, “is part of” and other subordination relationships are called hierarchical systems (systems with a hierarchical structure).

REDUNDANT INFORMATION- information that exceeds the volume or meaning of complete and sufficient information and is formally superfluous in the message, without I.i. it is possible to accurately and unambiguously establish the meaning or meaning of the message. I.i. used to ensure the reliability of data transmission.

redundancy - additional elements any system or program that is running, running, or held in reserve to improve the reliability of the system or program. I. is also called a reservation.

EDITION - a set of printed works intended for distribution and printed by a printing house from one set and under one name. I. are: bibliographic, library, internal, dated, additional, daily, periodic, custom, illustrated, informational, corrected, cartographic, card, mass, multi-profile, multi-volume, scientific and technical, periodic, survey, industry, official, revised, repeated, subscription, full, specialized, one-time, advertising, abstract, summary, abbreviated, reference, anniversary.

PRESENTATION - the process of sequential transmission in oral or written form of any thoughts, reasoning, descriptions, stories, signs, etc.

MEASUREMENT - the process of preliminary study of objects, phenomena or processes, aimed at obtaining quantitative characteristics, data related to the scope of the study and intended to establish relationships between the measured value and a pre-selected unit of measurement, scale or standard.

IMAGE - a visual expression of the external features of an object in another object, obtained either naturally (traces), or with the help of visual means and techniques specially (drawing, drawing, painting, photograph, etc.); I. - an image of some object, phenomenon or process. There are visible, graphic, negative, positive, hidden I. And - this is in some way (for example, on a physical medium) presented visions from nature or dreams (imaginary vision), theater or movie scenes, a picture or drawing, graphics or drawing, geometric lines or graphs, signs or symbols, various mixtures of the above, which are a means of transferring knowledge. Any information perceived by sight or formed by the imagination, fixed in any way on the carrier, is an I. They are intended for orienting a person in the world around him, recognizing and understanding objects, phenomena or processes, determining the characteristics or properties of images, classifying or qualifying images, accumulating images in that or some other form (for example, the creation of libraries), the formation and application of the theory of visualization, the acquisition of new information or facts, the synthesis of new visualizations. .

INVENTION - the first stage in the creation of an object or process, at which ideas, techniques, methods and methods of generating initial data or knowledge for designing, identifying a problem, task or issue, forming requirements for ways to solve them are creatively developed.

INVENTION - the process of creative activity, culminating in the solution of a new problem or task, put forward by the needs of social production. I. is the invented object or process itself.

STUDYING - the process of obtaining knowledge, including such forms as research, assimilation of material in the learning process, etc.

ILLUSTRATION - visual, reproduced in print graphic image of a drawing, drawing, photograph, etc., which is an addition to the text and contributes to the disclosure of its content.

industrial society- society, determined by the level of development of industry, its technical base.

NAMED MAPPING- linking an element of a composite value (aggregate) with a position in the aggregate using position naming (in other words, key matching).

REFERRED COMPONENT- a compound name, including a prefix and a postfix, separated by a dot, and used to designate the components of the record, the discriminant, the object indicated by the access value, and task inputs of objects of the task type.

RELATED TYPE - a composite type of components named by different identifiers, having, generally speaking, different types, moreover, several or none of the components are called discriminants. An object of a named type is called a record. A record is characterized by the number of fields, the type of each field, and the possible options. Values ​​of a named type are called record aggregates. The bean name is a compound name containing the name of the field, which can be of the newly named type.

NAME - a means of designating a concept described explicitly or implicitly. I. are proper, such as constants, and improper, such as simple names, components, segments, attributes. Some naming conventions include a prefix and a postfix, separated by a dot, and are called extended names. The subject of an i. can be a thing, a property, a relationship, a phenomenon, or a process. The concept indicates the meaning of the AI ​​is used to refer to the meaning of the concept represented by the term.

INVARIANT - an expression that remains unchanged under a certain transformation of the variables associated with this expression.

INDEX - a conventional sign or a combination of them, denoting a certain concept and used to record, for example, the results of classification. I. is a list of terms or names (see INDEXING). I. are: alphabetic, alphabetic, auxiliary, decimal, catalog, basic, simple, arrangement, complex, mixed, compound. And. is also a way of specifying the location of the position of a given element, especially a composite one.

INDEXING - a mechanism that provides access to an array element by referring to the array and to one or more expressions, the values ​​of which determine the position of this element in the array. I. is also a system or set of indices adopted for indexing and corresponding to one or another chosen classification.

INDEXING [ indexing] - the process of selecting or compiling one or another index and assigning it to the corresponding text, document, etc., performed on the basis of classification. I. can be: automatic, literal, deep, detailed, coordinate, multidimensional, permutational, free, digital.

INDEXED COMPONENT- a name consisting of a prefix and a set of indices and denoting a component of the data array. In other programming languages, I.K. is called a variable with indices pointing to one element of the array.

INDEXED TYPE- composite type from components of the same type (arrays). The value of I.t. is called an array aggregate. The component name has one or more index values ​​that belong to discrete types. An object of an indexed type is called an array. An array is characterized by the number of indices, the type and position of each index, the upper and lower bounds of each index, and the type of values ​​of the array's components.

INDUCTION SYSTEM- a set of rules for constructing inferences from facts to a hypothesis (general statement). The basis of I.S. constitutes the method of induction.

INDUCTION - research method, which consists in the transition from knowledge of particular provisions to knowledge general provisions. In general, I. is a form of thinking in which thought is directed to some general rule, a general position inherent in all individual objects.

KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING- a scientific discipline that studies the problems of building intelligent (in particular, expert) systems, the formation of methods and means for ensuring the design and development and maintenance of such systems, as well as the creation, maintenance, debugging and maintenance of knowledge.

ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY- a branch of psychology that studies the psychological characteristics of a person's labor activity in order to create optimal working conditions, for example, on a VM.

ENGINEERING PROGRAMMING- such an application of natural and mathematical sciences, through which the potential capabilities of hardware and software become useful to a person. I.p. implies a particular, typical or general programming technology, economic and administrative organization.

INTEGRATION (in a system or systems) - restoration and (or) improvement of the quality level of the relationship between the elements of the system, as well as the process of creating from several heterogeneous systems unified system, as well as the process of creating a single system from several heterogeneous systems, in order to exclude (to the technically necessary minimum) functional and structural redundancy and increase the overall efficiency of functioning.

INTERACTIVE MODE, DIALOGUE MODE- a method of interaction between a user or operator with a computer, in which there is a direct and two-way exchange of information, commands or instructions between a person and a computer.

INTERNET - a global computer network that unites many regional, departmental, private and other information networks with communication channels and uniform rules for all its participants for organizing the use and receiving / transmitting data, determined by the TCP / IP protocol.

USER INTERFACE, USER INTERFACE- 1. A software package that ensures user interaction with the system; - 2. Means of communication between the system and users.

INTRANET - a distributed departmental computer network (including firms, corporations, organizations, enterprises, etc.) designed to provide teleaccess for its employees to corporate information resources and using software products and Internet technologies.

INFORMATION - organizational socio-economic and scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and exercising the rights of citizens, public authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.

INFORMATION SECURITY- state of security information environment society that ensures its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations, and the state.

INFORMATION SYSTEM- an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communication tools that implement information processes;

INFORMATION COMPATIBILITY- the ability of two or more computers or systems to adequately perceive equally presented data. A part of information compatibility, as well as a means of ensuring it, is the compatibility of data presentation formats.

INFORMATION SPHERE (ENVIRONMENT)- the sphere of activity of subjects associated with the creation, transformation and consumption of information.

INFORMATION PROVISION (IS)- 1. The totality of a unified system for classifying and coding information, unified documentation systems and data arrays used in automated system. - 2. Providing the user with the information he needs.

A set of linguistic-algorithmic and technical means intended for storing, searching and issuing the necessary information.

INFORMATION PRODUCTS (PRODUCTS)- documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of users and intended or used to meet the needs of users.

INFORMATION PROCESSES- processes of collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search and dissemination of information.

INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES- individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems).

INFORMATION SERVICES- actions of subjects (owners and owners) to provide users with information products.

INFORMATION SEARCH- methods and procedures for detecting information in a data array.

INITIALIZATION - the operation of assigning initial values ​​to changing quantities (variables) before starting calculations (using this value), which should ensure the normal execution of the program.

ENCAPSULATION - combining programs and data for execution; with I., the program code can be placed among the data and initialized when accessing this data; initialization of program code may result in the use of data placed in the body of this program.

INSTALLATION - the procedure for installing software or a program on a VM.

INSTRUCTIONS - 1. A document that gives instructions for the implementation of any processes, actions or work. I. - this is a prescription for the performance of manual or automated work, leading to the receipt of final products according to the original task; 2. VM processor command.

Information Technology Toolkit- a set of software products, the use of which allows you to achieve the goal set by the user

TOOLBOARD (STITCH)- part of the display screen (line), intended to play the role of a control, located, as a rule, at the top of the window. On I.p. there are buttons that correspond to certain user commands. The choice of such buttons is carried out only by pressing the left mouse button.

TOOL(in programming) - a software, hardware or software and hardware tool that automates the design, development and maintenance of programs. Usually I.s. is intended to automate some work, a set of works or a stage of the technological cycle of the production of a software product. I.s. include editors, compilers, translators, assemblers, loaders, debuggers, and other systems.

TOOL COMPLEX(for intelligent systems) - a software and hardware system designed to form the structures of knowledge bases and intelligent systems, generate an intelligent application system and represent, transfer, process, debug and store knowledge.

Tool software. - Programs used during the development, correction or development of other programs: editors, debuggers, auxiliary system programs, graphics packages, etc. By purpose, they are close to programming systems.

INTELLIGENT PROGRAMMING TOOL- a software or software and hardware tool (intellectual programming tool and tool complex) designed for input, processing, saving, debugging and outputting results, program synthesis of such objects as knowledge, lexicons and queries, as well as for initializing and configuring an intelligent system .

Integrated circuit. - The implementation of an electronic circuit that performs a certain function, in the form of a single semiconductor crystal, in which all the components necessary for the implementation of this function are made.

INTEGRATOR - a functional analog block of an analog VM that continuously performs the operation of integrating a certain value. Sometimes I. tracking, with parallel or sequential transfer, partially impulse, etc. Mechanical I. is called an integraf.

INTEGRATION OF SCIENCE- a trend in the development of science, manifested in the merging of various scientific areas and branches and in the penetration of the methods of one branch of knowledge into other branches. So, as a result, the penetration of informatics into other sciences (in the process of integration) gives rise to new informatics, for example, informatics of mathematics, informatics of biology, informatics of sports, etc.

Integrated software packages. - Software packages that perform a number of functions for which specialized programs were previously created - in particular, text editors, spreadsheets, database management systems, programs for constructing graphs and diagrams.

INTELLIGENCE (in computer science) a measure of a system's ability to infer a solution to a problem based on knowledge, and to detect consistency, independence, and completeness of knowledge.

INTELLIGENT VM- the process of invention, design, development and implementation of VM intelligent user interface tools. I.VM can be evaluated in the following nominations: 1. Visibility or external intelligence, 2. Meaningfulness or internal intelligence (equipping with languages), 3. Conceptuality or the foundations of the complex, 4. Availability of a database for the relationship, integrity and security of data, 5. Logical conclusion to build responses to user requests, 6. Software for customization, adaptability, 7. System - the social life of the complex. The average expert assessment speaks about the intelligence of the program and the VM on which it operates.

INTELLIGENT DATABASE- a database that contains data linking logic that allows the formation and selection of interrelated data and data sets. The concept of IBS blurs the line between databases and knowledge bases.

INTELLIGENT DATA MODEL- separated logic, control mechanisms, restrictions that should be applied when accessing data regardless of specific applications and which may be associated with the records or associations themselves. I.m.d. used to validate data that meets specified requirements.

INTELLIGENT SYSTEM(Intellsist) - human-machine or object-machine software system, which logically derives the solution of a logical equation that formally represents the user's knowledge and requests or messages from the environment surrounding the system in accordance with the knowledge representation language, lexicon, databases, and answers to the system's questions for the user in connection with the clarification of knowledge. The algorithm for solving the problem is built or generated automatically based on the logical conclusion (proof) of the query on the knowledge base entered into the memory of the VM. The mathematical definition of I. is a program for the logical derivation of a user's query in propositional calculus or in predicate calculus, specified by the user's axioms and calculus rules that make up the knowledge base (axioms of the problem domain), queries are the initial statement or theorem-statement in calculus extended by the axioms of the problem area. areas.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY- products of creative work, the distribution and use of which is regulated by legal norms that establish precise sanctions for the owner on the rights to use, copy and distribute these products. K I.s. include algorithms, databases and knowledge, programs, software packages, etc.

INTELLECTUAL SOFTWARE- a set of data and knowledge that allows you to logically resolve a specific class of problems.

INTELLIGENT PROGRAMMING- a new direction in computer science, based on the input into the computer of knowledge about the subject and problem areas (represented by logical dependencies, mainly in natural language) and the logical derivation of the answer to user requests (as a result of solving a logical equation), also expressed by logical dependencies. Toolkit I.p. are intelligent systems or, in particular, expert systems.

INTELLIGENT SUBSCRIPTION TERMINAL- a terminal that incorporates software for performing various operations of a service nature. I.a.t. is focused on the use of natural language tools for human-machine communication.

INTELLIGENT INTERFACE- an auxiliary system of software and hardware that ensures the use by the end user of VM programs in solving problems of his professional activity without the help of programmers or with little help from a knowledge scientist. I.i. performs the functions of setting tasks, forming the information environment and presenting data or programs.

INTERACTIVE MACHINE GRAPHICS- dynamic human control through the terminal of computer graphics for image recognition, drawing graphs and drawings, creating maps, automating drawing and design work, modeling, animation, process control, for art and advertising.

INTERVIEW- an oral dialogue between a researcher and a developer, customer or consumer in order to collect information about a certain product in order to evaluate development tools, financing and consumer qualities. For statistical processing of results And. VM is used.

INTERPRETER - VM software that executes the program of some (possibly different) VM command by command in the sequence prescribed by this program, generally speaking, another VM. The execution of each command is carried out according to a program that simulates the execution of this command.

INTERPRETATION - comparison of all initial concepts and relations of some mathematical objects and relations between them. The ultimate goal of I. is to set the meaning of the formulas of a given formalized language. At the same time, according to certain rules, to any formula of a given language, another formula of another language is compared, and it is considered that both formulas mean the same thing.

INTERPRETIVE SYSTEM- software of an object VM that performs the operations of a program of another (interpreted) machine written in a formal language without first generating the program code of the object VM. The operation of the interpreted VM program is most often implemented by calling a subroutine of the object VM from the library.

Interface - means that ensure the relationship between the objects of the "man - computer" system. Distinguish: hardware interface - interaction between computer devices; software interface - interaction (compatibility) of programs with each other, as well as software and information resources; hardware-software interface - the interaction of computer hardware and software; user interface - human-computer interaction.

INTUITIONIST LOGIC- the field of mathematical logic, recognizing potentially realizable infinite sets and covering research on the construction of algorithms and the study of their properties.

INTUITION - the ability of a person to find the right solution without a clear understanding of the process as a result of which this solution was obtained. Distinguish I. sensual, associative, sorting, scientific, conceptual, acting and intellectual.

INTUITIVE KNOWLEDGE- direct knowledge of the meaning of concepts or facts, the receipt of which is based on intuition.

INFORMATION OF SOCIETYsocio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting the information needs of citizens, public authorities, local government organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.

INFORMATIC - a specialist engaged in implementation or research work in the field of informatics. I. in a production environment is called a systems programmer or knowledge engineer. The main duties of the second are to obtain knowledge about knowledge, look for forms of representation, transfer and indication of knowledge, develop methods and programs for storing and replenishing knowledge in the memory of the CM, as well as methods for protecting knowledge from destruction.

Computer science - a science that studies the patterns of the processes of transmission, storage and processing of information in nature, society, technology, as well as ways to automate these processes using a computer.

INFORMATIONAL LOGIC- logical foundations of computer science, designed to build a calculus for solving logical equations to search for the desired object (new knowledge). See also computer science logic.

INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE - a set of various means of searching, transferring, providing and processing information or knowledge and synthesizing new knowledge, which are an important resource of society.

INFORMATION MODEL- representation of an object model by means of one of the types of knowledge: descriptive (texts), semantically (networks), conceptually (conceptually), coded (codes), axiomatically (formulas with truth values), procedurally (algorithmically) or systematically (intelligent systems).

Information - information about the world around us; information for a person is the knowledge that he receives from various sources. A message received by a person can replenish his knowledge if the information contained in it is understandable and new for a person.

INFORMATION NEED- a property of an individual, team or any system, reflecting the need to obtain information corresponding to the nature of the actions or work performed.

INFORMATION SYSTEM- a hardware-software system for storing and issuing data or messages upon request. The main types of I.s. - reference, search, advertising, etc.

INFORMATION SCHEME- graph of data flows in the program; the nodes of this graph are associated with actions, and the arcs are associated with data transfer. I.s. most often combined with a block diagram of the interaction of control modules. I.s. is an important means of representing streaming (functional) computing systems.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- a set of methods for creating, processing and storing information implemented in the process of information production. I.t. is designed to identify patterns of the most efficient and cost-effective information processing processes. I.t. covers all means of storage and transmission of representations of knowledge, computer technology, communication technology, television and radio broadcasting.

INFORMATION ECONOMY- a set of production relations in a given socio-economic formation in information production.

INFORMATION SUPPORT- documents and programs containing standard procedures, standard solutions, implementation rules, data for solving a certain class of problems.

INFORMATION SOCIETY- the society of the future, which is influenced by informatics and computer technology, minimizing contradictions in society and increasing the intensity of the use of information from a wide variety of sources (libraries, radio, computer, etc.).

INFORMATION FIELD- one of the three fields (gravitational, energy and information) in which life takes place on Earth, affecting the flow of information and knowledge, for example, on the human senses through the signal system.

INFORMATION PRODUCTION- the process of creating and disseminating information or its representations. As in material production, two sides of the mode of production can be distinguished: productive information forces - people, participants in information production, information production relations - a set of information relations between people in the process of production, distribution and consumption of information.

INFORMATION SEARCH SYSTEM(IPS) is a hardware and software system designed to store and accumulate data in a database, quickly search for information in accordance with user requests and issue a message to him based on the search results.

Human information- knowledge that he receives from various sources. A message received by a person can replenish his knowledge if the information contained in it is understandable and new for a person.

information culture- the ability to purposefully work with information and use computer information technology, modern technical means and methods to receive, process and transmit it.

Information Model -a set of information about an object or process.

Information channels- human sense organs as well as telephone, radio, television, computer. With their power, people exchange information.

Executor - a person, a group of people, an animal or a technical device capable of carrying out specified commands. There are informal and formal performers. An informal executor can execute the same command in different ways. A formal executor always executes the same command in the same way. For each formal executor, you can specify the range of tasks to be solved, the environment, the system of commands, the system of failures and modes of operation.

A source of information- one who conveys information.

INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES- means, values, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds intended for the storage, processing, distribution and consumption of information in order to obtain new knowledge.

INFORMATION RESOURCES OF THE STATE- a direct product of the information production of the most qualified and creatively active part able-bodied population countries. The basis of I.r.g. are: research and design developments that allow you to create high-tech products, patents, licenses, technical and scientific ideas, inventions, scientific publications, conference materials, etc. Active I.r.g. is the information entered, processed and stored in the CM in the form of knowledge representation.

INFO EXPLOSION- a rapid increase in the total amount of information (boom) created in any industry, field of activity or society as a whole at a certain stage of development, as well as in the memory of the VM with memory limitations or with a poor coding method.

INFORMATION CRISIS- a transitional, unstable state of any system associated with a serious violation in the organization of information flows and the implementation of information processes.

INFORMATION STREAM [ information flow] - information in an orderly movement in given directions with fixation of the initial, intermediate and final points.

INFORMATION AUTHORITY- an institution or department that constantly carries out information work. There are the following acting: center, institute, bureau, department; head, branch, specialized, territorial, as well as technical, scientific or scientific and technical.

INFORMATION - a set of facts, phenomena or events of interest and subject to registration and processing. I. - the value of data with certain conventions adopted for the process of perception. I. refers to knowledge communicated by someone or obtained as a result of research, analysis or training. The physical meaning of I. is the result of the interaction of material objects, transmitted through a material channel. I. - the basic concept of cybernetics. I. are: bibliographic, secondary, incoming, selective, outgoing, graphic, documentary, redundant, true, original, false, scientific, incomplete, review, operational, industry, patent, primary, written, political, complete, user, production, industrial, relevant, retrospective, abstract, semantic, signal, social, current, thematic, technical, oral, factographic, phonetic, purposeful, digital, economic, elementary.

INFORMATION - the process of bringing information or information to the interested consumer.

EXCEPTION - designation of an erroneous situation that may occur during the execution of the program. Throwing an exception consists in terminating the normal execution of the program by signaling the presence of an error. An I. handler is a reserve part of the program that is executed only when the corresponding I. is excited as a reaction to this I.


ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE(AI) - a section or discipline of computer science that studies the methods, methods and techniques of modeling and reproducing with the help of CM intelligent human activity related to solving a problem. The fundamental goals of AI are the study of methods for representing knowledge, describing facts, patterns, studying methods for processing data presented in natural language, studying methods for understanding and reproducing speech and purposeful behavior of a person or device. AI is implemented in intelligent (expert) systems, inference programs, robotics and in building knowledge bases.

USE OF KNOWLEDGE- a means of reflecting known knowledge that can be used with benefit in industry, science, culture and everyday life.

TEST OF KNOWLEDGE- the process of establishing compliance of knowledge from the base with the initial requirements and documents for the creation of a knowledge base by running test tasks.

PROGRAM TEST- the process of establishing the compliance of the VM program with the specified requirements and policy documents by running test tasks.

STUDY - the study of objects and phenomena, processes of the material, energy or information world, aimed at identifying their inherent patterns and performed by certain methods. Often the concept of I. is expressed by the term "study" - it is wider. I. There are laboratory, review, scientific, conceptual, useful, applied, theoretical, experimental.

TRUE - correct and adequate reflection of objects, phenomena or processes of reality by the cognizing subject or VM, reproducing them as they exist outside and independently of consciousness; objective content of human knowledge. I. contains an element of absolute knowledge. Reliability criterion I. - practice. I. is always specific.

TRUE KNOWLEDGE- correspondence of knowledge to objective reality; correct reflection of the real world in scientific concepts, judgments, conclusions, theories, facts, rules, etc.

SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE - any system that uses the means of storing and processing information. Such systems are sign, language, writing, book, theory, algorithm, VM.

INITIAL DATA - data for the formation or solution of the problem. Development of I.D. precedes the development of algorithms.

CALCULUS - a set of language of well-formed formulas, axioms and rules of inference, presented in a certain language of formulas; the basis of inductive, deductive or informatic systems. There is an I. of statements, open predicates, predicates of the first order, predicates of higher orders, etc.

propositional calculus- a way of formalizing logical reasoning, which takes into account only logical structure statements.

FRAME - 1. A single message of a certain standardized format, transmitted over channels. 2. Information in the form of a single whole, presented on the screen (carrier) of the terminal as a result of information retrieval or message generation.

CALCULATOR - portable computer for calculations of small capacity. K. are the simplest, engineering, programmable, equipped with small printing devices and with replaceable programs.

CHANNEL - a device (for example, computer technology) designed to transfer data between two other devices. K. can be subscriber, analog, discrete, information, main, multiplex, machine, reverse, data transmission, direct, communication, selector, physical, logical, etc.

COMMUNICATION CHANNEL (DATA TRANSMISSION)- a part of the network that interconnects each pair of its end terminals and consists of technical means for transmitting and receiving data, including a communication line, as well as software and protocols.

PENCIL (light) - a device for identifying data on the display screen in the dialogue mode with the VM. K. is also called a light pen.

CARD FILE - a collection of cards arranged and systematized in a certain order and used for reference work. K. is not connected with the fund of documents, it is a manual information search system. K. is bibliographic, vertical, rotating, auxiliary, magazine, names, translations, flat, suspended, abstract, summary, special, reference, factographic, elevator. The order of the cards is determined by alphabet, topics, author names, etc.

CATALOG - a set of data sets or brief descriptions used by a control or system program to determine the location of an object and available for reference and other purposes. K. can be authorial, alphabetical, auxiliary, newspapers, general, geographical, magazines, publications, publishing, card, machine, numbering, general, branch, cross, printed, auxiliary, subject, working, consolidated, systematic, with edge perforation, special , trade, firm, chronological, central, reader.

CATALOGING - the process of preparing and compiling a catalog from descriptions; distribution and systematization of these descriptions.

KILOBYTE (Kb) - the same as a kilobyte, equal to 1024 bytes.

QUANTIZATION - 1. One of the ways to share VM resources, time between two or more resource consumers. K. prevents the possibility of long-term downtime of consumers due to lack of resources. K. also has the conversion of analog values ​​into discrete ones. 2. The process of forming a discrete representation of a quantitative characteristic, which had the form of a continuous value.

QUANTIZATION - 1. the operation of converting data from a continuous form to a discrete one; - 2. division of data into subgroups (classes), for example, in digital image processing.

QUANTOR - the general name of logical operations that, according to a predicate, construct a statement that characterizes the truth region of this predicate. Universality means that the domain of truth of the predicate coincides with the domain of the value of the variable. K. existence means that the truth region of the predicate is non-empty. K. are widely used in natural language: K. of universality is expressed in words for, for everyone, etc., K. of existence - in words exist, find, etc.

CYBERNETICS - the science of the general laws of control in nature, the animal world, society and in artificially created systems based on feedback information. K. is based on mathematics, the theory of automata, the theory of operations research, the theory optimal control, theory of algorithms, theory of information, etc.

CYBERNETIC KNOWLEDGE- knowledge about systems, represented by sets of interconnected symbolic objects (arrays, tables, graphs, figures, etc.).

KILOBYTE (Kb) A unit of measure for the size of the data memory. KB = 1024 bytes.

KEYBOARD - external device of keys arranged in a certain order (matrix of labeled keys) to generate characters (forming a signal to the system) by pressing a key. K. Used in a typewriter, personal computer, printing device. The keys are divided into data keys and control keys.

CLASS - the highest taxonomic category in the systematics of facts, data, programs, libraries, etc. K is an element of the classification system, taken as the main one and representing a set of objects, phenomena, etc., combined according to one or more characteristics. K. is also a classroom or a group of students.

Object class - a group of objects united by one or more identical parameters.

Keyboard - essential device entering texts of information into the computer memory. All its keys are conditionally divided into the following groups: function keys; symbolic (alphanumeric) keys; cursor keys; special keys; additional keyboard.

CLASSIFICATION - 1. A system of subordinate concepts in any field or type of knowledge, used as a means to establish links between these concepts. K. is a system whose structure provides for the ordered arrangement of a multitude of any objects, phenomena, or processes on the basis of establishing links and dependencies between the features of these things. K. can be library, auxiliary, dichotomous, decimal, natural, hierarchical, artificial, multidimensional, basic, patent, subject, universal, faceted. 2. The process of assigning a thing to a certain division of this classification, carried out on the basis of determining the presence or absence of specified features for a thing

OLE Client - an application that uses an OLE object.

Clients - network computers that have access to information resources or server devices.

CLIENT - SERVER - the architecture or organization of building a network (including local and distributed), in which the division of the computational load is carried out between the computers included in its composition, performing the functions of "clients" and one powerful central computer - the "server".

KEY - a data element or combination thereof used to identify and/or locate an instance of a data group; a rule for the relationship between codes when they are converted.

KEYWORD (reserved word) - a lexeme that, when used in a given context, determines the interpretation of the context in which it is used or serves as a search feature.

Key - a field that uniquely identifies the corresponding record.

Code - a system of symbols for presenting information.

CODE - a system of symbols and unambiguous rules for their interpretation, used to represent data or commands in a discrete form with their subsequent processing in the computer. To. is used to prescribe the way data is represented by characters of a certain set. Other interpretations of the concept of K. are similar. K. is a means of mapping characters from one set to characters of another set of characters according to coding rules. K. - a system of conventional signs (symbols) and their combinations, which are assigned certain values ​​and which are used in coding. K. is a set of words of one alphabet, which is put in a one-to-one correspondence with a set of words of another alphabet. K. is additive, alphabetic, binary, additional, combinational, corrective, magnetic, irreversible, irreducible, reversible, inverse, optimal, optical, parity, perforation, full, ordinal, direct, uniform, selector, semantic, triangular, color, digital .

Coding - recording information using a specific code.

code table - a table specifying the correspondence of characters and their codes.

Amount of information- a measure of reducing the uncertainty of some situation, arising from the fact that the outcomes of another situation become known.

"KOLOBOK" [kolobok] - an external device used to manually control the movement of the cursor on the display screen. "TO." has the form of a box, rolling freely on any surface. The main sensor "K." is a ball with a division grid for fixing two angular coordinates with an accuracy of a degree. Any move "K." changes the angular coordinates of the ball and the position of the cursor vertically and horizontally. Move "K." may be accompanied by the issuance of a control signal to the VM by pressing a button set to "K."

TEAM - a single step in the operation of the executive device of the VM, presented in the form of a prescription in machine language. K. contains an operation code and, possibly, operands and an elementary act of the process of executing a VM program.

A COMMENT - a sequence of any characters (starting with two hyphens) used to increase the readability of a program or knowledge and intended for a person. K. is optional text for the program, highlighted with special characters. K. does not affect the correctness or incorrectness of the program and its meaning. K. is intended to explain, interpret the text or any part of it.

Compact disc (CD-ROM).- Permanent memory, made using a special optical technology. In a number of storage devices, it occupies a place between floppy and hard drives, being both mobile and very capacious.

COMPILABLE MODULE- a module included in the compilation along with a context specifier indicating the module's execution environment.

COMPILER PROGRAM- software that, before running for execution work program collects together all its parts, program modules.

COMPILER - system program(or technical device) that translates VM programs from one programming language into machine code and assembles modules into a single program. K. is interactive, optimizing, debugging, testing and industrial.

COMPLEX - a set of objects, phenomena or processes that make up one whole. K. are basic, computing, display, robotic, terminal, specialized, typical.

COMPOSITION - the operation of joining, in a certain sense, two or more objects or their values ​​to obtain a new object or value. For example, the K. of two functions is the result of applying the first function to the result of the second function.

COMPONENT - an object that is part of a more complex object; a datum that is part of a more general (complex) composite datum. The K. of a component is called a subcomponent.

COMPUTER - the same as VM.

COMPUTERIZATION- general education of people in informatics, computational mathematics and other sciences for the effective use of CM in all spheres of human activity. K. is also a restructuring of all types of human activity, aimed at constant and wide application VM.

COMPUTER LITERACY- a set of knowledge, skills and abilities in the use of informatics and computer technology to solve problems of various kinds, spend recreation and use computer as a tool of intellectual labor. K.g. is based on general educational and cultural literacy, including the understanding of such objects as a symbol, language, concept, data, the truth of statements, an algorithm and a human-VM system.

CONVERTER - a software tool for transcoding data from one machine code to another or from one format to another.

LANGUAGE CONVERTER - a translator from one high-level language to another high-level language.

FINITE FLURY LOGIC- an area of ​​computer logic that uses a finite set of truth values ​​derived in many-valued logics. The difference between K.r.l. from many-valued logic is the same as computer logic differs from classical logics.

CONCATENATION (CATENATION) - the operation of combining two texts into one text or two sequences of objects into one sequence.

SPECIFICATION (subroutine or package) - a library module designed to form an instance of a subroutine or package according to the template specified by the name. Essentially, C. is a macro call that forms an instance of an executable program by means of a high-level language.

SPECIFIC CONCEPT- a concept that reflects the given object itself, the phenomenon itself or the process itself, a class of objects, phenomena or processes.

CONSTANT - own scalar or composite data that does not change its value during the execution of the program and is the original data.

CONTROL OF THE CORRECT RECORDING OF THE PROGRAM- a computer science method that establishes the correctness of recording and identifying operations in expressions and operators to control the logic of the application of language constructs. K.p.z.p. method is designed to automate the process of searching for syntactic, semantic, logical and pragmatic errors, in particular, the correct use of combined identifiers and operation designations.

Controller. - A device that connects peripheral equipment or communication channels to the central processor, releasing the processor from direct control of the operation of this equipment.

CONTROL OF VALUE BELONGING TO A SET- a computer science method for establishing the belonging of the values ​​obtained during the calculation to a specific set of values ​​to ensure the reliability of the process of forming structures from language primitives; K.p.z.m. are also methods of syntactic and semantic description of types and subtypes, their attributes and permissible operations on them.

SYSTEM CONFIGURATION- expression or representation of a specific set of system elements connected by specific relationships, characteristics or connections between them

Team - one sentence per language to indicate actions.

Communication environmentis a set of conditions for the exchange of information.

Computer - a universal software-controlled device for working with information; can be used for many purposes: processing, storing and transmitting a wide variety of information, applications in a variety of human activities; a system that includes subsystems of hardware, software and information resources.

Computer graphics- different types graphic images generated or processed by a computer

computer modelis a model implemented by means of the software environment.

computer design- the process of creating a computer object from typical elementary objects.

Computer network- a system of interconnected computers and terminals designed to transmit, store and process information.

Computer communication Wednesday - a set of conditions necessary for the exchange of information between people through computers.

Computer techologies- information Technology based on computer data processing.

Constructor - the mode in which the table or form is built.

CONCEPT SUPPORT- a set of concepts and their definitions, which establishes the subject and problem area for the formulation and resolution of problems.

CONCEPT PROGRAMMING- a direction in computer science based on the description of concepts to express the meaning and form of a specific problem, according to the description of which results can be automatically obtained or programs are synthesized for execution. K.p. includes such a sort of programming as object-oriented.

Context menu- the menu associated with the object. Context menu expands on click right click mouse pointer if the mouse pointer is on the object. Through context menu you can view the properties of the object (in some cases, you can change them), as well as perform valid actions on the object.

CONJUNCTION - logical operation"and", which evaluates to true only if both operands are true.

COPY - the formation of a copy of some records or messages in another part of the memory (storage device), for example, to prevent the loss or distortion of important records or messages.

COPY - a record or message identical with the original, constituting a circulation for the dissemination or protection of information.

CORTAGE - a composite value formed by a variable or an infinite number of components of the same type - K. elements (unlike an aggregate).

Conjunction "I" - a logical operation that has the value "true" if all the components of the statement are true together.

Basket - system folder where deleted files are placed. The file physically disappears from the computer memory only after the recycle bin is emptied.

Corporate network- association of local networks within one corporation.

CRYPTOGRAPHY - a set of methods and means of semantic transformation of information in order to ensure the secrecy of its content; protecting the message by turning it into a meaningless set of characters that can only be decrypted by a person or device that knows the key; Before a message is transmitted, it is encoded, and upon reception, it is decoded.

CRITERION - a quantitative or qualitative sign, which, when assessed (compared), is taken as the most significant. K. is designed to evaluate or / and select an object, phenomenon or process from an acceptable set. K. is used to select the optimal subject or process from an acceptable set or to evaluate existing items or processes.

CROSS - a prefix for a word denoting a software tool on a VM other than the VM on which the tool is resident (for example, cross-assembler, cross-translator, cross-compiler, etc.).

CROSS COMPILER- a compiler that converts and translates a program written in one of the programming languages ​​into a machine language with a command system (architecture) that is different from the one on which the compilation is performed.

CURSOR - a mark (character) on the display screen in the form of a spot of light, such as a flashing underscore, indicating the place where the next character can be displayed. The shape of the K. may be different, and the display may be stable in glow, flashing or indistinguishable.

CACHE - variety over random access memory to store the most frequently used commands and data from RAM.

Laser (optical)disk - an information carrier in the form of a plastic or aluminum disk intended for recording and/or reading information using a laser beam.

LEXICOGRAPHICAL ORDER- the order on the set of texts, in which one text precedes another, if the characters that make it up, starting from the first (from left to right), are less in value, if the values ​​of the characters are equal, there are fewer of them.

LEXICON - a glossary of terms used to describe the subject and problem areas, along with the characteristics of each term, its meaning and definition. L. is the basis of the knowledge base.

LEXICAL ANALYSIS- part of the grammatical analysis of texts (for example, programs) to highlight lexemes with their subsequent replacement with conditional codes to facilitate further parsing. Procedure L.a. generates tables of lexemes created by the author of the text.

LEMMA - an auxiliary sentence used in the proof of other statements.

LEMMATIZATION - automatic compilation of dictionaries.

Laptop (knee pad).- Computer. The size is close to the usual portfolio. According to the main characteristics (speed, memory) approximately corresponds to desktop personal computers.

LIMITED TYPE- a private type with a description postponed to the corresponding private section of the package and with a limited number of operations determined by the introduction of this type.

LINGUISTICS - a branch of knowledge that studies the language (its structure, properties, etc.). L. is mathematical and structural.

LINGUISTIC ERROR- the result of misuse of forms and characteristics of terms in known contexts. L.o. are detected automatically in tables, dictionaries of words and terms (with the help of a lexicon) when translating source texts into the formal internal language of Leibniz.

LINGUISTIC PROCESSOR- a mathematical machine, the processor of which implements the operational primitives of a certain programming language, and the memory - descriptions of the objects of this language.

LINGUISTIC SUPPORT- a set of data languages, programming languages ​​and their descriptions used in a specific area of ​​solving a class of problems

Linear algorithm- an algorithm in which commands are executed in the order in which they are written, that is, sequentially one after another.

Program List - a sheet containing all programs and allowing them to be edited.

LIPS - a unit of measurement of speed when performing inference according to a program composed of operations-steps of inference, applying transformation rules. LIPS is expressed as the number of inference steps per second. In modern logic programming, the speed of programs is characterized by the number of 10,000 steps per second.

LISTING - printout of data and program representations as a result, for example program broadcast; L. may contain the text of the source program, intermediate or object code, a table of links or characteristics, diagnostic

messages, etc. Texts of different form in the printout can be compared in pairs (bilisting), in threes (trilisting), etc.

LITERA - element of the alphabet. L. there are written, printed, sound, impulse, punching. Each L. has an idea.

LITERAL - an image of a value of a certain type, which specifies in the program the corresponding basic operation for converting an image into a value; see numeric literal, enum literal, null literal, and character literal.

LITERAL Enumeration- a term denoting meaning or modality in many-valued logics.

LITERAL EMPTY - the only basic operation on a reference type to obtain a reference to nothing; the base operation specified by the reserved word null and producing an empty reference value that does not point to any object at all.

PERSONAL TYPE - a type whose description is deferred and located in the personal section of the package and whose use is limited only by the package. L.t. can be limited, limited, then a smaller number of operations is applicable to the data of the type.

LOGICS - the science of methods of proof and refutation; set of scientific theories. The most common are deductive and inductive logic. L. is probabilistic, two-valued, mathematical, multi-valued, modal, normative, formal, intuitionistic, informatic.

LOGIC INFORMATION (IL)- theoretical foundations of informatics, based on methods for solving logical equations. IL is called informatic logic, it consists of the language of professional prose, a set of axioms for determining constants, quantities and operations, a set of inference rules and a single axiom "truth" to designate the goal of logical inference (see informatic logic).

LOGIC COMPUTER- VM, for which the basis of programming is logical programming: objects, operations and statements about them are declared, the processor builds the conclusion of the statement (user request) and finds the conditions for their truth.

LOGIC DEBUG KNOWLEDGE- establishing global and local consistency, independence and completeness of knowledge in the database and queries.

LOGICAL RECORD- a portion of data for processing or as a result of one processing step. L.z. - it is also a unit of exchange of the program with the database or database, with the knowledge base.

LOGIC PROCESSOR- a virtual processor used when it is necessary to execute several programs (tasks) in parallel in the presence of one or more physical processors.

LOGICAL TYPE - a predefined enum type of two enum literals, false or true , false or true , related by the known inequality relation lie .

LOGICAL EXPRESSION- an expression that, as a result of execution, takes a truth value from the set (false, true).

LOGICAL STRUCTURE OF INFORMATION AND COMPUTER NETWORK- a form of representation of an information-computing network in the form of its interconnected logical elements - functions performed by systems.

Logic element (gate).- A part of an electronic logic circuit that performs an elementary logic function.

logical statement.- Any sentence, in relation to which it is possible to say unequivocally whether it is true or false.

LOCAL DB - a database located on one or more media on one computer;

LOGIC PROGRAMMING- a new direction in computer science, based on a set of techniques for formalizing knowledge about a problem and setting tasks in the language of logical calculus, transferring them to a computer to replenish the knowledge base necessary for solving a problem or task, or for synthesizing programs. L.p. provides for a study on machine proof of theorems, which considers the specification of the problem in the form of a logical expression, the output tree of this expression and the extraction of the algorithm (program) from the output tree. L.p. is the basis for automatic program synthesis.

LOGICAL EQUATION- an analytical record of the problem of finding the values ​​of the arguments for which the values ​​of two given logical functions are equal. The arguments on which these functions depend are usually called unknown, and the values ​​of the unknowns, for which the logical values ​​of the functions are equal, are called solutions to the equation.

LOCAL COMPUTING NETWORK- a set of computing facilities of terminal devices, information exchange facilities, combined into a distributed data processing system, all elements of which are located in a small area and have a common channel for transmitting messages.

Logics - a science that studies the laws and forms of thinking, methods of reasoning and evidence.

Logic model- a model in which various conditions are analyzed

LOCAL OBJECT- an object internal to a given program or a given program module (defined in the composition), which takes an initial value when the program or program module is executed and, possibly, loses it after the program is executed and a new value is assigned.

The local network - the association of computers located at short distances from each other.

MEGABYTE (Mb) - unit of data storage. Mb = 1024 Kb.

SHOP - sequentially organized memory with a top, which, when the M. is filled, is released, moving data deeper, and when the M. is released, it is filled, moving data from the M. (see stack).

DATA SHOP - see data stack.

HIGHWAY - internal communication channel of devices in the VM, used for data exchange between devices.

LAYOUT (programs) - a pre-created program, a draft program design, a trial copy of the program, the properties and functions of which correspond to the program that is the final software product.

MACROASSEMBLE - macrogenerator, the base language of which is assembly language.

MACRO CALL - an indication in a (macro) program of the need to substitute a specific program template, configured according to its settings and ready for execution.

MACROGENERATOR - a system program that replaces the source language macros with a certain equivalent sequence of commands in the object language. A set of macros forms a macro library. The source of object text generation is a macro definition. Object text generation is the process of obtaining object text from macro definitions as a result of a macro call by a macro command. M deals with instantiating a custom module's configuration to obtain an instance of a subroutine or package.

MACRO COMMAND - line of code of the source program, which initiates the procedure for generating a line of code of the object program.

MACRO DEFINITION- a set of templates corresponding to a separate macro, and an algorithm for calculating the inserted text based on these templates, taking into account the properties and parameter values.

MACRO PROGRAMMING- a computer science method containing methods for syntactic and semantic description of development tools, parametric custom software modules that are used to automatically generate various instances of executable modules. The actual settings can be objects, data types, subroutines and texts. The M. method is intended for creating program templates for a family of various programs. The instantiation of templates leads to a form suitable for execution. The M. method is usually formalized in assembly languages ​​and is sometimes formalized in high-level programming languages.

MACRO - a command programming tool indicating the need to insert text instead, obtained from templates and its actual parameters.

MACRO LEVEL - the top level of some hierarchy of elements accepted and participating in the design and development processes (macromodules, macros, etc.).

Master - software module to perform any operation.

MARKER - a special sign on the information carrier for marking the boundaries of the zone and recognizing the properties of the recorded information.

MASK - a positional code, each bit of which serves to perform a specific function, for example, highlighting a bit, byte, word, etc.

ARRAY - an object of an indexed type whose values ​​are aggregates of values ​​of the same type. M. is a one- or multidimensional data structure, the elements of which are ordered in such a way that their description uniquely determines the position of each element or the access path to it.

MASS STORAGE, MASS STORAGE- 1. External mass storage device. - 2. A backup storage system such as a tape cartridge library that can contain very large volumes of data records.

SCALING- representation of values ​​in such a way that their values ​​and the results of operations on them are in a given range. Scale factors are used to bring values ​​to a given range.

MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION- acceptance of the proof of general provisions in mathematics and mathematical logic. The basic principle of M.I.: let P be some property of natural numbers; the number 0 corresponds to some property P; if the number n has some property P, then the number following it has the property P; then each natural number m has the property P. P(n) is an induction sentence, the variable n is an induction variable, P(0) is the basis of induction, the properties of the natural number following n is an induction step.

MATHEMATICAL LINGUISTICS- mathematical discipline, the subject of which is the development of a formal apparatus for describing the structure of natural and artificial languages.

MATHEMATICAL LOGIC- a field of mathematics that studies formal systems using mathematical methods and special apparatus for the study of thinking with the help of calculus. M.l. explores the patterns of inferred knowledge obtained from previously established and verified truths without resorting to experience. German philosopher and mathematician G.V. Leibniz was the first to introduce mathematical symbolism into logic. He dreamed of creating a logic in which the rules of inference would be replaced by computational rules. They presented the first sketches of the construction of logical calculus. G.V. Leibniz laid the foundation for the foundations of computer science.

MATHEMATICAL MACHINE (MM)- a virtual VM implemented by software interpreter of the architecture of this VM. MM can be deterministic, probabilistic, non-deterministic or deductive. MM is an abstract device or a programmed machine that processes data or representations of information.

MATHEMATICAL MODEL- a complete set of mathematical objects (objects, numbers, variables, matrices, sets, points, figures, etc.) and relations between them, reflecting some properties of the thing being modeled.

MATHEMATICAL SIGNS- conditional graphic symbols intended for recording mathematical concepts, sentences and calculations. The very first M.z. - numbers.

MATH MODELING- a method of studying natural (for example, physical) phenomena or processes using special information models; the method is based on the identity and uniqueness of forms and relationships between the quantities (in equations) of the original and the model.

MATH SOFTWARE- a set of information models, methods and algorithms for solving problems on the CM tasks.

MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE OF THE AUTOMATED SYSTEM- a set of algorithms and programs necessary to control the system and solve problems of information processing by computer technology with its help.

CAR (information) - a device that mechanically performs the operations of converting information representations. M. is diagnostic, virtual, computing, control, mathematical, keyboard, teaching, sorting, counting. In addition to informational M., there are energy M. (wedge, reactor, engine, etc.) and M. of substance transformation.

ALGEBRAIC DERIVATION MACHINE (MAV)a mathematical or physical machine that operates with expressions according to the laws of algebra to obtain solutions to user requests. MAV is a part of the intelligent system processor.

logical inference machine (inference machine)- a mathematical or physical machine that operates with knowledge bases presented in some internal language, and with user requests to display an answer to this request. MLM is a part of the processor of an intelligent (in particular, expert) system.

POST MACHINE is a type of Turing machine.

TURING MACHINE [ Turing machine] is a mathematical machine that is defined by a finite number of states, a finite number of input and output symbols, and instructions for converting a pair (state, symbol) into a triple (state, symbol, moving the tape one position). MT. studied to evaluate the general properties of algorithms and is usually used to establish the properties of mathematical machines of some structure.

MACHINE GRAPHICS- creation, processing, storage of models of objects or processes and their images using computers and terminal devices: printing devices, tablet or drum plotters, film cameras or video recorders, display terminals, gaming computers with TVs, gaming microprocessors, etc.

MACHINE ORIENTED LANGUAGE- a programming language that allows you to take into account the features of the command system, data representation and architecture of the VM. An example of M-o.i. is assembly language.

MACHINE (COMPUTER) GRAPHICS- the use of computer technology to create graphic images, display them various means(for example, on the monitor screen, in the form of hard copies, etc.) and manipulating them.

MACHINE READABLE MEDIA- media suitable for direct writing and reading of data technical means(COMPUTER).

MACHINE WORD - an ordered set of digits or a finite sequence of codes (characters) stored, selected or written from RAM at one address as a single code group.

MACHINE TRANSLATE- translation of texts from one (usually natural) language into another, performed according to formal rules implemented in the form of programs. M.p. includes text input, lexical analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, output text synthesis and its output from the computer. M.p. - the problem of programmable intelligence.

MACHINE LANGUAGE - a formal programming language for writing algorithms that takes into account all the resources of the VM.

Mathematical model- description of an object or process by a set of formulas linking their quantitative parameters.

machine word - number of bits (for example 8, 16 or 32) to which the processor has simultaneous access.

MEGAFLOP - a unit of VM speed, measured by the number of millions of operations per second over bits.

MAINFRAME - a large, high-performance computer with a very significant amount of operational and external memory, which performs the functions of a server in developed local computer networks(LAN) with a large number of peripheral computers and terminals.

Menu - a list of commands, by choosing which the user can control the computer.

META - a prefix for words denoting a recursive (reflexive) application of the corresponding concept.

METASUTCH- a statement about a statement for its definition, analysis or synthesis.

METADATA - data about knowledge of data, information about data that is stored in data dictionaries, data models, schemas, and other representations.

METAPONCE - a concept defined by a list of known and described concepts of the lower level of some classification. M. are used to classify concepts and determine sets of known concepts for manipulation with them.

METARULE - a rule for constructing and using a rule in logic or analytical transformations.

METAPROGRAM - a program designed to process other programs that are data for M, such as a compiler or assembler.

METASYMBOL - a symbol used in the construction of formal grammars.

METALANGUAGE - the language in which the consideration of any other language is carried out, the study of the structure of expressions, the proof of theorems on deductive properties and on relations to other languages ​​of the language under consideration. M. is a formal conditional language for the formal description of another language.

MARK - statement identifier, intended to indicate the point of the program text to which control can be transferred. M. is a simple name placed before a statement, block, or loop and used to jump to or exit from a block or loop. The use of an M to jump to the execution of that labeled statement occurs after the execution of the jump statement with that M. Placing an M before a statement or expression implicitly introduces a new identifier or term. The use of an M to exit a block or loop is carried out after the execution of the exit statement with this M.

METHOD - a way to achieve the goal, the process of solving a specific problem, a set of methods and operations of practical or theoretical development (cognition) of reality.

METHOD OF ANALOGIES - a computer science method of the invention stage, designed to create a new object or process based on the use of analogies. M.a. uses practical analogies - direct, factual, literary, personal, mixed; theoretical analogies - physical, mathematical, technical, logical, functional, structural.

ACCESS METHOD - method and means of organizing the storage and exchange of data between the VM and storage devices. The following types of access are most often used: direct, random, virtual, sequential, index-sequential, library, graphic, index, hierarchical, etc., access methods: with queues and basic, collective and telecommunication.

RESEARCH METHOD- a method, a technique in which the study of an object, phenomenon or process is carried out.

METHODOLOGY - the doctrine of the structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity. M. science - the doctrine of the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific knowledge. M. consists of three components: science, technology and folklore.

PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY- a combination of three parties: computer science (see definition), programming technology and pragmatics (practical applications). Pragmatics includes the systematization of requests, experience, needs of programming practice.

PROGRAMMING PERFORMANCE METHOD- ways to take into account the human factor, reduce the complexity of the program, possibly reduce the reliability of the program, reduce restrictions, use modern programming methods and tools, unification, the use of mathematical machines and high-level languages.

TRIAL AND ERROR METHOD- a computer science method of the invention stage, based on finding ways to solve a problem and assessing their quality or suitability, their acceptance or rejection depending on success or failure in achieving the goal. M.p.o. involves searching by the vector of inertia - the use of habits, the ability to find bottlenecks, etc.; in all directions - the use of a multidimensional vector of inertia of thinking; in striving for an ideal final result - purposeful search, restraint of aspirations, etc.; with abstraction from trends - transition to other trends; a combination of other search methods.

TOP-DOWN METHOD- a method of invention, design, development or maintenance of a program, consisting in the sequential creation of modules (or a consistent solution to a problem) that have not yet been created, but there is a link to them in already developed modules (for problems: from a general problem to its constituent parts) .

BOTTOM-UP METHOD- a method of invention, design, development or maintenance of a program, consisting in the sequential creation of modules (or a consistent solution to a problem), references to which will be used in the created modules (for problems: from its part to solving the target problem).

TECHNICAL SYNTHESIS METHOD- the method of informatics of the stage of invention, based on the use of: combining, from combining, crushing, rearranging, mediation, replacement; improvements in convenience from transfer, adaptation, change of states; changes in the quality of forms, amplification, weakening; cost factors from cheapening, revaluation; on the use of techniques for constructing anti-objects: anti-objects, anti-phenomena or anti-processes.

FOCAL OBJECT METHOD- method of informatics of the stage of invention, based on the analysis of the properties of the source and resulting objects and the formation of a new object by attributing the properties of the source objects to the result object. For example, earth-ball (source object), house-dwelling (resulting object) - we build a house-ball. M.f.o. can use sets of original objects or properties to create new objects or properties.

METHODS FOR FORMING NEW KNOWLEDGE- a set of techniques and methods for constructing new descriptions, ways of understanding, definitions of concepts, representations, formalizations and use of knowledge. There are a significant number of specific methods, among which one can note: searching for the required data, reasoning about data and information representations, combining and dismembering data, building modules, controlling the state or development of objects, phenomena or processes, building action plans, compiling new ideas, learning , analysis and synthesis, as well as other methods and techniques.

MICROCALCULATOR- portable microcomputer for individual use. M. are the simplest, engineering and programmable.

FIRMWARE - a sequence of microinstructions of a specific microprocessor and data, intended for the execution of macroinstructions (processor instructions or machine instructions).

MICROPROGRAMMING - representation of machine instructions by a sequence of microinstructions (or microprogram), usually implemented in hardware and software.

MICROPROCESSOR - a processor, usually designed on a single chip or in the form of a large integrated circuit that performs a small number of simple operations that make up microprograms.

IIPS - unit of measurement of VM performance; M. is equal to 1 million operations per second.

mnemocode - a symbolic record of the command, including records of the operation code, operands, addresses, etc. this instruction, in machine-oriented programming languages ​​or assembly languages.

IMAGINARY - existing only in the imagination.

MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC- the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmathematical logic in which a finite or infinite number of truth values ​​are accepted. M.l. used in solving paradoxes in various fields of knowledge.

A BUNCH OF - a set, set, collection of any nature of various objects, called elements of M., which have a characteristic property common to all elements; there always exists an element with some properties, it belongs to some M.; for all elements of M., a certain property is fulfilled.

Model - an object that is used as a "substitute", a representative of another object (original) for a specific purpose

MODELING - representation of certain properties of the behavior of the system by the actions of the VM with the provision of functional conformity, for example, the VM interpreter simulates the execution of the program of another VM. M. is based on inferences by analogy. M. is carried out with the aim of studying things when it is impossible to study them in natural conditions. M. can be subject, linguistic, physical, logical, mathematical, symbolic, etc.

MODEL - physical system(device, machine, network of machines, etc.), Information system(diagram, drawing, sign system, algorithm, etc.) or a mathematical description of functions that reflect the essential properties of the object, phenomenon or process being studied; M. is also any image of any object, phenomenon or process. The researched thing is called the original, sample, prototype.

DATA MODEL - logical data structure with properties independent of hardware and software; ppm can be represented by diagrams, structures, in some format, and in other ways.

Model information

Mathematical model

Model natural

Model verbal

MODEL NUMBER - the value of the real type exactly represented in the memory of the VM; all operations are defined in terms of operations on; set of properties and operations on them are minimal, prescribed for all realizations of real numbers of a given type.

MODULE - a functionally closed structure (for example, a subroutine) that has the properties of blocking, integrity, syntactic and semantic independence, hiding data, objects, and control, having a specification for establishing an interface with other M. and a body for specifying actions; formal definition of software M. Usually defined in programming languages.

MODULAR PROGRAMMING- a computer science method aimed at applying methods for representing large and extra-large programs from visible, controlled and modifiable parts-modules that meet the requirements of integrity, functional closure, syntactic and semantic certainty, relative independence, interface specificity, independence in design, development and maintenance, hiding their data, objects, operations and management, which are small in size, the only inputs and outputs for management, rejected from the project. M.p. designed to organize the work of a team of programmers on one project and to ensure reuse programs.

MODULARITY - property of the program or technical device represented by modules.

SOFTWARE MODULE- a syntactically and semantically defined program unit containing a header (description or specification and body), possibly a description of internal objects, a sequence of statements and redundant sequences of statements to ensure the reliability of the program and designed to hide (abstract from) data, operations and control, reuse this unit, increasing the efficiency and quality of work on the creation of the program, the visibility and protection of program texts.

BRAIN ATTACK - a method of informatics for the study of objects, phenomena or processes, based on the collective formulation of ideas. Group M.a. works in accordance with a friendly code that excludes any form of criticism and allows the formulation of ideas without justification. M.a. group code encourages group members to quickly generate a large number ideas.

PROGRAM MONITOR- a system program that monitors the execution of programs; The M. performs the following functions: collecting information representations, allocating memory for programs, controlling the time of resource use, determining the order in which programs are launched, monitoring the correct execution of programs, handling interrupts, and synchronizing programs.

Model information- description of the original object in one of the information coding languages. There are figurative, symbolic and mixed information models.

Mathematical model- a model built using mathematical concepts and formulas.

Model natural - a real object, in a reduced or enlarged form, reproducing appearance, structure or behavior of the modeled object.

Model verbal- description of the situation, event, process in natural language.

My computer - system folder, hierarchical root file system Microsoft Windows. Always located on the desktop.

Multi-column layout- arrangement of text in several columns.

Modeling - study of objects by building and studying their models

Model - a simplified representation of a real object.

Client-server modeldefines the software development process of two parts - server and client, where the protocols for the exchange of information between them are observed.

Object Model - a simplified representation of a real object

Modem - a device designed to convert and transfer data between remote computers.

Module - an independent object that can be part of other, more complex objects.

Program module - a set of procedures (objects-tools) associated with certain rules.

Monitor - a device for outputting video information.

MULTIPROGRAMMING- a programming method that allows simultaneous execution of two or more independent or data- and control-dependent programs with dynamic allocation of VM resources.

MULTIPROCESSOR PROCESSING- simultaneous processing of parts or segments of one program under the control of a single operating system.

MULTISYSTEM - a system of several VMs with data exchange or on a common data stream.

GARBAGE - used, corrupted or useless information that can be removed from memory by assembling M.

THOUGHT - the result, the product of the thinking process in the form of a judgment, conclusion or concept that reflects the general in the mass of individual objects, phenomena or processes, fixes the essential, whole, natural in all the diversity of the real world.

THINKING - the highest product of specially organized matter, active process reflections of the objective world in the human brain in the form of judgments, concepts and conclusions; the spiritual activity of a person is sensations, comprehension, isolation, representation, generalization, formation or reflection. M. is factual, contextual, conceptual, intuitive, logical, procedural and predictive.

"MOUSE" - a device that fixes a flickering mark (square, dash, rectangle, arrow or other icon) on the display screen during the movement of "M." and keystrokes, leaving a graphics path on the screen when using graphics programs. See "KOLOBOK".

multimedia product- interactive computer development, which may include musical accompaniment, video clips, animation, picture and slide galleries, various databases, etc.

"Concise Dictionary of Computer
terms for beginners.

Often, when novice users hear certain words and expressions exchanged by more sophisticated users of computers and the Internet, they cannot understand what they are talking about at all.

Therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most commonly used computer expressions in everyday communication.

ID, ID, Ai-di (Identifier)- an identification number. For example, any product in the catalog of an online store. Often, ID is understood as the user's login on the site (i.e. his name, identifier account required for authorization on the site).

IE, IEInternet Explorer. Browser (web browser) built into Windows.

IMHO, IMHO- "In my humble opinion" (In my humble opinion, English). It can be used wherever the interlocutors express their opinion and make it clear that they respect the opinions of other participants in the discussion: on forums, blogs, articles, etc.

A variation of this abbreviation is IMO when the author does not consider his opinion modest.

lol- "I want to laugh at the top of my lungs" (Laughing out loud, English). Used to indicate the irony or absurdity of a situation.

FAQ- answers to frequently asked questions about something (Frequently Asked Questions, English). Another version of this abbreviation is FAQ("FAQ").

Account- the user's personal area on any site, into which he gets, passing authorization (most often by entering a login and password).

glitch- a single failure in the operation of the program, website, etc.

Bug- a repeated failure (glitch) in the operation of a program, website, etc.

Browser- a program for viewing web pages. The most common browser is Internet Explorer because it is built into the operating system. Windows system. There are also other browsers that are considered more convenient and reliable: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome...

Clipboard- a memory area in the computer where the copied object (file, text, picture, etc.) is temporarily placed. When the computer is turned off, the clipboard is cleared, so if the content copied to it is not pasted into any document and saved to disk, it will be lost from the clipboard.

Windowsoperating system Windows.

Domain- in simple terms, this is the address of a site on the Internet that the user types in the address bar of the browser in order to access this site. There are different levels, for example, is a second-level domain; is a third level domain.

Drivers, "firewood"- small utility programs (system modules) that ensure the interaction of the processor with other computer components: video adapter, drives, keyboard, printer, etc. The operation of the drivers is not directly visible to the user, but it is thanks to them that all computer components are able to function.

IronHardware personal computer: processor, hard drive, video adapter and its other components.

PS- postscript. This abbreviation is often used in place of P.S. to avoid switching to English language and vice versa (Russian letters ZY are on the same keys as the Latin letters PS).

installation- the process of installing the program on a computer, as well as a group of files necessary for installing the program (in a word, these files are called "distribution kit").

Login- user ID in the system that requires authorization, i.e., most often, entering a name (login) and password.

moderator– a user on a forum or in social network, which is empowered to monitor compliance with the rules of communication and apply sanctions to those who violate them: delete or correct messages, block violators.

SoapEmail(from English "Mail").

offtopic- a message that is not related to the topic.

Conductor- a program for managing files and folders built into Windows.

topic– topic of discussion (usually on a forum).

Subject- what is placed in the title of the topic ("Subject").

Screenshot- screenshot of a computer. Used to illustrate a particular situation that occurs in a computer.

Soft– computer software: operating system, user programs, utility utilities, etc.

User- a user of a personal computer (from the English. "User").

Sooner or later, but almost every modern person begins to master the computer. Without him now nowhere. And if someone wants to have a normal job with a decent salary, then computer literacy is one of the conditions for this. We do not talk about youth at all, since already from the school bench most of them from the PC to "you". Where do you need to start? The answer is simple - to study computer terms, the basis of all subsequent learning.

The presentation of information is impossible without special expressions, turns, phrases, even when explaining to "dummies". And so you need to slowly study and memorize them. Let's take some common computer terms as an example.

For general development, more specific computer terms are presented below.

  1. Subscriber digital Internet line format, ADSL - data is transmitted up to 1Mbps, received - up to 8Mbps.
  2. Advanced Technology Attachment, ATA - this is the name of the bus for connecting various drives, such as hard drives.
  3. Basic Input / Output System, BIOS - a set of programs for checking the operation of PC hardware at startup.

You should not be afraid of incomprehensible names, in the process of mastering computer terms are gradually remembered, and over time you will no longer get confused in them.

In fact, all this is not a matter of one day, and in order to successfully master this task, you will need: the computer / laptop itself, a tutorial on how to work on it and the Internet. Unless, of course, you sign up for specialized courses, but continue to master the computer on your own.

Initially, it is advisable to at least read the tutorial, or even part of it, and you can start your device. After downloading, open the help and support section and pay attention to it. Put what you read into practice. So slowly things will go. Over time, you will notice that you no longer need to look at tips every time to perform some action.

With the development of the computer, you can purchase more complex literature or a self-study disk, and do not hesitate to ask friends or work colleagues. You can learn the basics without a device, but it will be more difficult. And remember that theory without practice is quickly forgotten.

In conclusion, I would like to note that despite the fact that most of the computer equipment in our country is still imported, companies producing Russian computers are gaining momentum. This could be seen at the latest exhibitions in the Expocentre complex, where visitors were shown domestic personal computers, new processors, laptops, other various electronics that work on components and software of our own production. All this is intended not only for the military departments and the civil production industry, but also for business and civilians, that is, for you and me. And, frankly, there is something to see. So master the computer and enjoy all the benefits of civilization!

Authorization– a procedure for checking the authenticity of a combination of a logical identification name and a password (or only a password) entered by the user in some interactive form.
admin- administrator, leading position in the computer world. Network administrator, database, website ...
Aka, aka, aka- (from the English. Also Known As) a combination of two nicknames (or names). For example "Batman aka Vasya" where "Batman" is a nickname, "Vasya" is a name.
Account- account - login (username) (login) and password (password).
Antivirus- a program that detects and removes viruses.
Antilich(from English antileech) - a system for protecting files from direct downloading. In order to download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first visit the website. See also Lich.
Apache- one of the implementations of http-servers intended for use under the control of the UNIX operating system. The program is a virtual server that you can install on your computer. With the help of it, it is possible to imitate a real Internet server (from the English Apache).
Upgrade- modernization of computer hardware, expansion of capabilities, improvement of its functional characteristics, as well as improvement of software (to a lesser extent).
Upgrade- update something.
applet- an independent application written in the Java language and intended to be included in an html document as an element of a web page.
Upload- the process of downloading files to a remote computer. (from English Upload).
Apxivator- a program that allows you to compress information by eliminating redundancy (spaces, repetitions, etc.). Compression happens with and without losses. You can compress anything: text, music, video, photo, etc. At the same time, the more homogeneous information, the better it is compressed.
Aska (ICQ)- a communication program for the Internet that allows you to exchange short messages (analogue of a pager), as well as send files, photos, etc. One of the means of communication on the Internet.
Attach- attached file.

Bug bug, error in the program. From (from English bug) beetle, insect. The electronic lamps of large and ancient computers often burned out due to beetles and moths flying into the light and heat, and the machine went out of order. So they began to blame all the flaws on the beetles ...
Byte– 8 bits, unit of measure for the amount of information. The same as the "bit", only 8 times more. There are also the following units of measurement: kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte, exabyte.
Ban, send to the bath– deprive access rights to something, for example, to a forum.
Banner- an advertising image of a fixed size, as a rule, containing animation, which acts as a hyperlink to one or another Internet resource.
attendant- a person who makes banners.
Browser (browser) is a special client program designed to view the content of web sites and display HTML documents.
Baton- any key on the clave (example: stomp the loaves) (from the English. Button).
backup- make a backup.
Bebeska, biBizba, bibisA, bibisIna, bibiEsina, boardA, biba- BBS (bulleten board system), the bulletin board of the FIDO era, the prototype of modern sites.
Bit– minimum unit of measurement of information (0 or 1).
blank- CD.
Walker- a browser, or a computer game. IN
Varese- free, "pirated" software (from the English. Ware - products).
Windows, vindovoz- the same as Mazda.
Screw, broom- Winchester, hard drive.
Rope- wire, cable, channel of connections to the Network. G
Gamer- a person who does not think of himself without toys. Gambling - play.
guestbook- guest book (from the English. Guestbook). Guest book - a section of the website, equipped with a special interactive form, with the help of which the visitors of this resource can leave their wishes and proposals for the development chicks or recipe owners.
glitch- an incomprehensible failure in the program (if it repeats, then this is already a Bug). Glitchy - works with errors.
Gig- the same as "meg", only 1024 times more.
Gifets- familiar from GIF.
Bang- delete something, erase from the disk.
Guru- a respected person, an experienced master. D
Danload(download) – the process of copying files from a remote network computer (server) to the calling computer (client). In common technical jargon, this procedure is sometimes called "downloading".
Tree- directory structure.
Defaults– default values.
Directory- a folder (not a colony, as one might think).
Domain- this is usually the name of a articulate address on the Internet. (Let's take Here ".ru" is the domain of the first level, ".design" - the second, "www" - the third).
Firewood- drivers.
Driver- a program that controls any external or internal device of a computer (scanner, mouse, keyboard, disk drive ...). The driver is an intermediate link between the hardware (device) and the operating system. After changing or adding a device, you need to change or install its driver and the operating system and programs can work with this device. The program or operating system does not need to be changed. F, W
Iron (hardware)- computer stuffing (processor, hard drive, memory).
Goon packed- an archive packed first with tar and then with gzip.
Pour- upload the file to the server.
Release– officially release the finished software product.
Save- save (from the English. Save).
Setapit– install the program or set the system configuration. (from English setup)
zip- use the zip archiver.
PS– post scriptum (afterword). It's just that on the keyboard the letters Z and Y are in the same place as P and S. Too lazy to change the layout ... (from English P.S. short for Post Scriptum) AND
UPS (UPS)- uninterruptible power supply (prevents the computer from failures in the electrical network and unexpected power failure). It has an accumulator battery, designed to work from several minutes to several hours when the mains voltage of 220 V is turned off.
ignore- an abbreviation for the word "ignore", a special programmatic procedure for relating to individual chatlans or forum users, when applied, messages do not go to the addressee. Ignore is private and general (total).
IE, IE- Internet Explorer, browser from Microsoft.
IMHO- “in my humble opinion” - (from the English. In My Humble Opinion). Expressing this phrase, a person expresses his opinion, trying not to offend anyone, as well as the True Opinion Fuck You will dispute (according to the situation).
Installation- installation of the program on the computer. Programs are distributed in a distribution - a kind of packaging. Before starting work, most programs require installation. At the same time, they copy the necessary files to the hard drive of the computer and register in the operating system.
seeker– search engine (eg Yandex). TO
Stone- processor.
Quoting- citation (from English quote).
Kilo, Kb, Kb- kilobyte. Kilo" - the same as "byte", only 1024 times more.
Klava- keyboard. Stomp on the clave (loaves, i.e. keys) - work with the keyboard.
Client- a computer (or program) that is served by the server.
command line- an interface in which interaction with the system is carried out by entering commands and parameters to them, in response, some action is performed. It has less clarity for perception, in contrast to the icons of programs similar to Windows. In cases with a command line, a line hangs on the monitor against a black screen, which is incomprehensible to the average user.
Comp(wheelbarrow, apparatus, number of bites) - computer, PC.
Root– the first directory in the tree (the root directory).
Cracker- a person who hacks the system with a criminal purpose: theft of information, compromise, ransom. Not to be confused with hacker.
Crack, crack- (from the English crack), which means to break. This is usually a Key-generator or a little program that allows you to use licensed program without paid registration.
Crack, break, hack, pick– open any software and change the data in it at your discretion.
Connect– connection to the Internet or connection to a server.
Cookies- from the English "cookies" - cookies. This is confidential information regarding your IP, your settings on a particular site. On the one hand, this is very convenient, because, for example, you do not need to constantly enter a password on the website of your provider. However, these cookies can be used for bad purposes.
Kuler- from the word "cooler" - a fan. There are coolers that cool the processor, power supply and other devices: graphics accelerator, etc. That is, a computer can have several coolers (usually at least two).
Web page caching- the process of saving downloaded from the Internet html documents and graphic files to a special folder on the hard disk of the user's computer. When you re-access the site, browsers open this web page already from the hard drive, which allows you to significantly reduce the time it is read. L
lol- (from English Laughing Out Loud) which means to laugh loudly, laugh, etc. There is a corresponding emoticon.
Lamer- a complete idiot, fool, teapot, dumbass. Not to be confused with a novice user. Lamer is dangerous for himself and for others.
Sheet- mailing list, used to notify the general public with one simple letter (from the English. Mailing List).
Lich (lich, leecher)- specify a direct link to an object on a foreign server (from the English leech - a leech). Lichery is considered bad form on the Internet. For example, someone posted a file for download on their website. The leecher does not upload it to his server, does not indicate the address of the site where this file can be found, but gives a specific file address, thereby using someone else's traffic and labor. The same applies to pictures. In the case of warez, this creates additional problems, since the authors of programs, in the case of screenshots from offsite, can track where and on what resources they were used and at the same time find unlicensed copies of their programs.
Holders of serious resources are struggling with leeching, checking the referrer, installing antileech (from the English. antileech) - a system for protecting files from direct downloading. In order to download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first visit the website.
Login– the identifier used to log in to the system (for example, to a website or forum).
locale- the local network, which does not necessarily have access to the Internet.