Speed ​​regulation in a dual feed machine. Optimal control of a dual feed machine Systems with dual feed machines

Electrical complexes and systems 25 ELECTRICAL COMPLEXES AND SYSTEMS UDC 621.3.07 A.V. Grigoriev OPTIMAL CONTROL OF A DOUBLE-POWERED MACHINE The term “double-fed machine” (DMM) refers to an asynchronous motor with a wound rotor, which can receive power from both the stator and the rotor. Let's consider the MIS control problem with the goal J = inf ∫ (M Z − M) 2 dt, where Mz is the specified 0 (required) value of the electromagnetic torque of the motor, M is the instantaneous value of the electromagnetic torque of the motor. To solve the control problem, we present the MIS model in a coordinate system fixed relative to the rotor voltage vector: ⎧ dΨSX ⎛Ψ ⎞ k = U SX − R S ⎜⎜ SX − R Ψ RX ⎟⎟ + ω 2 ΨSY , ⎪ dt L " L " S ⎪ ⎝ S ⎠ ⎪ ⎞ ⎛ ΨSY k R ⎪ dΨSY = U − Ψ RY ⎟⎟ − ω 2 ΨSX , SY − R S ⎜⎜ ⎪ dt ⎝ LS " LS " ⎠ ⎪ ⎪ dΨ RX ⎪ dt = U RX − ⎪ ⎞ ⎛Ψ k ⎪ - R R ⎜⎜ RX − S ΨSX ⎟⎟ + (ω 2 − pω)Ψ RY , ⎨ L " L " R ⎠ ⎝ R ⎪ ⎪ dΨ ⎪ RY = U RY − ⎪ dt ⎪ ⎞ ⎛Ψ k ⎪ - R R ⎜⎜ RY − S ΨSY ⎟⎟ − (ω 2 − pω)Ψ RX , ⎪ ⎠ ⎝ LR " LR " ⎪ ω 1 d ⎪ = (M − M C), ⎪ dt J ⎩ where ΨSX, ΨSY, ΨRX, ΨRY, - components of the stator and rotor flux linkage vectors along the coordinate axes x-y systems , stationary relative to the rotor voltage vector; USX, USY, URX, URY, - components of the stator and rotor voltage vectors along the axes of the x-y coordinate system; ω 2 = 2πf 2 - circular frequency of the rotor voltage; f2 - rotor voltage frequency; p - number of motor pole pairs; ω - circular speed of the engine rotor; RS , RR , L S " = L Sl + k S Lm , L R " = L RL + k R Lm , kS , kR active resistance of the stator, rotor, transient inductances of the stator and rotor, electromagnetic coupling coefficients of the stator and rotor, respectively; J is the moment of inertia of the motor rotor; M, MC are the electromagnetic torque of the motor and the resistive torque of the mechanism, respectively. Recording the MIS model in the x-y coordinate system allows us to divide the control action from the rotor into two components - the amplitude of the rotor voltage Urm and its circular frequency ω2. The latter makes it possible to eliminate the dependence between these influences and time in the synthesized control system. We take the rotor voltage frequency as the control action. We will seek a solution to the optimal control problem using Pontryagin's maximum principle. The necessary auxiliary function: H(ΨS ,ΨR ,US ,UR ,α) = ⎛ ⎞ ⎛Ψ ⎞ k =ψ1⎜USX − RS ⎜⎜ SX − R ΨRX ⎟⎟ + ω2ΨSY ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ LS" LS" ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ΨSY kR ⎞ +ψ 2⎜USY − RS ⎜⎜ − ΨRY ⎟⎟ − ω2ΨSX ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ LS" LS" ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛Ψ ⎞ k +ψ3⎜URX − RR⎜⎜ RX − S ΨSX ⎟⎟ + (ω2 − pω)ΨRY ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ LR" LR" ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ΨRY kS ⎞ +ψ 4⎜URY − RR⎜⎜ − ΨSY ⎟⎟ − (ω2 − pω) ΨRX⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ LR" LR" ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ 1 +ψ5 ⋅ ⋅ (C ⋅ (ΨSYΨRX − ΨSX ΨRY) − MC) + J +ψ0 ⋅ (MZ − C(ΨSYΨRX − ΨSX ΨRY))2 , where ψ 1 , ψ 2, ψ 3, ψ 4, ψ 5, ψ 0 - components of the non-zero vector function ψ. The transversality conditions additionally provide: ∂f 0 (Ψ S , Ψ R ,U S ,U R) L S " ⎧ = ⎪ψ 1 = ψ 0 ∂Ψ RX RS ⋅ k R ⎪ ⎪ 2CL S " = Ψ SY (M Z − M), ⎪ RS k R ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ψ = ψ ∂f 0 (Ψ S , Ψ R ,U S ,U R) L S " = 0 ⎪ 2 ∂Ψ RY RS ⋅ k R ⎪ 2CL S " ⎪ =− Ψ SX (M Z − M ), ⎪ RS k R ⎩ 26 A.V. Grigoriev Fig.1. Change in the components of the MIS rotor voltage vector Fig. 2. Changes in the electromagnetic torque, rotational speed and resistance torque of the motor Fig.3. Change in motor stator and rotor currents The main condition for the optimality of the control process in relation to the problem under consideration is: ψ × U = max (1) where U = is the vector of control actions. If we take as control actions the frequency of the voltage supplied to Electrical complexes and systems 27 Fig.4. Changing the amplitudes of the flux linkages of the stator and rotor of the motor rotor, then expression (1) will take the form: 2CL S " Ψ SY (M Z − M)ω 2 + RS k R 2CL S " + Ψ SX (M Z − M)ω 2 = max RS k R from which the MDP control algorithm follows: (2) ⎧(M Z − M)(ΨSY + ΨSX)< 0, ω 2 = −ω 2 max , (3) ⎨ ⎩(M Z − M)(ΨSY + ΨSX) >0, ω 2 = ω 2 max, One of the possible technical implementations of the obtained control method is to change the phase sequence on the rotor. The resulting control method was tested on a computer model compiled using the Delphi 7 programming environment. For modeling, the parameters of the 4AHK355S4Y3 engine with a power of 315 kW were used. The engine start was modeled as unregulated, the load before t = 1 s was fan, after that it was pulsating, varying according to the law MC = 2000 + 1000 sin(62.8t) N×m. The result of the control is to maintain the electromagnetic torque at the level of MZ = 2000 N×m after time t = 1.4 s. Figure 1 shows changes in the components of the voltage vector in the α-β coordinate system, stationary relative to the stator. Figure 2 shows graphs of the electromagnetic torque, the resistive torque and the circular speed of the engine. Figure 3 shows the graphs of the modules of the motor stator and rotor current vectors, and Figure 4 shows the graphs of the modules of the stator and rotor flux linkage vectors. In Fig. 2 - 4 it can be seen that the task set is Fig. 5. Fundamental electrical diagram MIS with a converter that changes the phase sequence 28 A.V. Grigoriev Fig.6. Schematic diagram of an MIS with a converter that changes the phase sequence and equivalent circuits of a three-phase circuit alternating current is completed, and stabilization of the stator flux linkage vector also occurs at a certain acceptable level. To implement the resulting control method, you can use the converter circuit shown in Fig. 5. The circuit in Fig. 5 includes only 4 fully controllable elements (transistors VT1..VT4) and 16 diodes (VD1..VD16), which distinguishes it favorably from control circuits with frequency converters containing an intermediate DC link and an autonomous voltage inverter , including 6 fully controllable elements. To simplify the circuit diagram, you can replace the three-phase AC circuit with an equivalent two-phase one. If phase voltages are used as line voltages in an equivalent circuit, i.e. It is necessary to have the output of the midpoint of the transformer N, then the phase sequence is changed by switching on the power supply of phase B instead of phase A as shown in Fig. 6. In the case of using a converter of the second type, the cost of installation is reduced, but for its implementation it is necessary to have an output of the middle point of the transformer. REFERENCES 1, Chilikin M.G., Sandler A.S. General electric drive course: Textbook for universities. – 6th ed., add. and processed – M.: Energoizdat, 1981. – 576 p. 2. Eschin E.K. Electromechanical systems of multimotor electric drives. Modeling and control. – Kemerovo: Kuzbass State. tech. univ., 2003. – 247 p. 3. Theory of automated electric drive / Klyuchev V.I., Chilikin M.G., Sandler A.S. – M.: Energy, 1979, 616 p. 4. Pontryagin L.S., Boltyansky V.G., Gamkrelidze R.V., Mishchenko E.F. Mathematical theory of optimal processes. - 4th ed. -M.: Nauka, 1983. -392 c. Author of the article: Grigoriev Alexander Vasilievich - student gr. EA-02

DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION TO THE AUTHOR'S CERTIFICATE Union of Soviet and Socialist Republics 773887 (23) Priority 12,10,78 Published on 10/23/80. Bulletin RI 39 in cases of inventions and discoveries Date of publication of the description 10/25/80 A. A, Krugly, N. G. Bo Chkova and B. N. Abramovich (71) Applicant Central Design and Technological Bureau of Large Electrical Machines (54) DOUBLE-POWER MACHINE The invention relates to electrical engineering, namely to an alternating current electric drive controlled by a thyristor frequency converter and can be used to drive high-power industrial installations , for example, ore-enamel mills. A device is known that contains an asynchronous machine with a multiphase armature connected to the supply network through a 30-res switch, and an inductor connected directly to the output of a frequency converter, the input of which is connected to the output of the power source of the specified converter, a control unit 15 of the frequency converter ; the input of which is connected to the steady-state mode controller through a switch, the second input of which is connected to the output of the control unit when starting the engine. However, the known device has an installed power of the frequency converter and its power source greater than that required for regulating the engine in steady-state modes, and also requires the use a complex stator switching circuit in the form of a switch with a short circuit or several switches. The purpose of the invention is to reduce the installed power and simplify it. equipment, The goal is achieved by the fact that one input of the control unit at start-up is connected to the output of the frequency converter, and its second input is connected to the output of the power source of the specified frequency converter. In addition, the control unit, at start-up, is made in the form of a series-connected signal conditioner, the output of which forms the output of the control unit at start-up, a comparison device, the first input of which forms the input of the control unit at start-up, and an AC-to-DC converter, the input of which forms the second input of the control unit at start-up.3 7738The drawing shows a diagram of the device. The device contains an asynchronous machine 1 with a multi-phase armature (stator) and an inductor (rotor). Through switch 5. body 2 with one closing contact per phase (i.e., normal type) stator machine 1 is connected to the supply network, the rotor of machine 1 is blindly connected to the output of frequency converter 3, frequency converter 3 is connected to the output of its power source 4. The converter valves 3 are switched on by the converter control system 5. The output of commutator 6 is supplied to the input of system 5, which sets the phase. The commutator has two inputs connected through diodes. The output of the steady-state mode regulator 7 is connected to the first input of the switch. The outputs of the regulator 7, for example, the tachogenerator 8, current transformers 9 and voltage 10 in the stator circuit of machine 1 are connected to the input of the regulator 7. The output of the control unit 11 at start-up is connected to the second input of the switch 6. The first input 25 of the control unit at start-up is connected by a circuit 12 with the output of the frequency converter 3, and the second by a circuit 13 with the output of the power source 4. The control block 11 at start-up contains a signal shaper 14, connected by the input to the output of the comparison device 15, one input of which is supplied connection 12, and on the second - connection 13, through the AC-to-DC converter 16. The proposed device works as follows. IN starting position before starting 40 machine 1, switch 2 is turned off, and converter 3, source 4 and control elements 5-16 are turned on. At the moment switch 2 is turned on, the rotor of machine 1, and, accordingly, at the output of converter 3 (which is the same when the connection) a voltage appears, increasing to a value significantly greater than the output voltage of converter 3 in steady state. The final voltage in amplitude 50 is equal to the amplitude of the output of source 4. This voltage, through converter 16, is continuously compared in device 15 with the rotor voltage. Both voltages are supplied to 55 devices 15, 16 through circuits 12, 13. When the rotor voltage (circuit 12) is established in modulus greater than the source voltage (circuit 13). switch 6 and suppressing the output signal of regulator 7, sets the pulse phase in system 5 corresponding to the inverter mode of converter 3. Suppression of the signal of regulator 7 in switch 6 occurs due to the fact that the largest value of the output signal of element 7 is less than the value of the signal at the output of shaper 14 A diode switch allows only the largest number of signals to pass through. As a result, the valves of the converter 3 turn on and limit the rotor voltage to the voltage of source 4. The current in the rotor circuit is determined by the difference between the applied emf and the voltage of source 4. The rotor voltage begins to increase at the moment the current passes through zero, therefore, on the rotor rings the current and voltage coincide in phase, which means that the action of converter 3 is equivalent to the introduction of active resistance. In this case, the current decreases slightly compared to starting with a short-circuited rotor, and the torque increases significantly. Machine 1 accelerates, the voltage induced in the rotor from the stator decreases, the signal from circuit 12 becomes less than the signal from circuit 13, devices 15 and 14 do not produce a signal, and regulator 7 comes into operation. Machine 1 goes into steady state. formula 1, machine double power supply, containing an asynchronous machine with a multi-phase armature connected to the supply network through a switch, and an inductor connected directly to the output of the frequency converter, the input of which is connected to the output of the power source of the specified converter, a frequency converter control unit, the input of which is connected to the steady-state controller through a switch, the second input of which is connected to the output of the control unit at start-up, differing in that, in order to reduce the installed power and simplify the equipment, the input of the control unit at start-up is connected to the output of the frequency converter , and its second input is connected to the output of the power source of the specified frequency converter, 5 773882, Machine according to claim. 1, with the exception that the start-up control unit is made in the form of a sequentially connected signal former, the output of which forms the output of the start-up control unit, a comparison device, the first input of which forms the input of the start-up control unit, and a converter 7 of the alternating current into the direct input of which forms the second input of the control unit at start-up. Sources of information taken into account during the examination 1. Author's certificate of the USSR M 411597, class, N 02 R 7/46, 1972.kaz 7527/77 Circulation 783 All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Inventions and 113035, Moscow, Zh, Rauw


1954690, 17.08.1973



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A significant drawback of all the considered methods of regulating the speed of an asynchronous motor is the increase in energy losses in the rotor circuit as the speed decreases in proportion to slip. However, in a motor with a wound rotor, this drawback can be eliminated by including a source of controlled EMF in the rotor circuit, with the help of which the sliding energy can either be returned to the network or used to perform useful work.

Schemes of asynchronous electric drives with the inclusion of additional energy conversion stages in the rotor circuit for the use and regulation of sliding energy are called cascade schemes (cascades). If the sliding energy is converted to return to electrical network, the cascade is called electric. If sliding energy is converted into mechanical energy using an electromechanical converter and supplied to the motor shaft, then such cascades are called electromechanical.

Electrical cascades in which the rotor circuit is connected to a frequency converter capable of both consuming slip energy and delivering energy to the motor from the rotor side at the slip frequency, i.e., controlling the flow of energy in the rotor circuit in both forward and reverse directions, are called cascades with an asynchronous motor operating in double-fed machine (DFM) mode. The diagram of such a cascade is shown in Fig. 8.38, a.

Analysis of this circuit allows us to identify the most general patterns characteristic of electric drives with cascade connection of asynchronous motors. In steady-state operating conditions of any electrical machine, the fields of the stator and rotor must be mutually stationary to create a constant torque. Therefore, if in the diagram Fig. 8.38, and frequency setting does not depend on the engine load, then the engine speed within the permissible overload remains unchanged:

This operating mode is called synchronous MDP mode. To describe it mathematically, we will use the equations of the mechanical characteristics of a generalized machine in the x and y axes, since

The rotor and stator fields rotate in the considered mode at a speed When writing by analogy with a synchronous machine, we orient all variables relative to the voltage vector supplied to the rotor:

In the synchronous mode of a synchronous motor, the torque is determined by the angle and the axis of the rotor field coincides with the direction of the vector. In the synchronous MIS mode, the rotor current has a frequency

Which in general is not equal to zero. In this case, changes in load and slip cause changes in the angle of shift of the rotor field relative to the voltage; therefore, the stator voltage vector is shifted relative to the vector by an angle which is equal to the angle only at i.e. when the rotor is excited by direct current. At the actual voltages applied to the motor stator phase windings can be written in the form

The MDP equations in the x, y axes have the form

Let us limit ourselves to considering the steady state of operation, putting , and neglect the active resistance of the stator windings To use (8.111), using formulas (2.15) and (2.16), we transform (8.109) and (8.110) to the x, y axes

As a result of the transformation we get

where the dashes indicate the voltage values ​​applied to the stator circuit.

Substituting all accepted and received values ​​into (8.111) and performing some transformations, we present it in the form

Using expressions for flux linkages (2.20), we can obtain

Values are determined using the first two equations (8.112):

then (8.113) upon substitution can be represented in the form

Equations (8.114) allow us to obtain an expression for the mechanical characteristics of the engine in the MIS mode. To do this, it is necessary to resolve the first two equations with respect to , substitute the resulting expressions into the third equation, transform the variables of the two-phase model to three-phase using (2.37), go from maximum voltage values ​​to effective ones and perform the necessary mathematical transformations. As a result of this we get

- shift angle between the axes of the stator and rotor fields.

Analysis of the equation for the mechanical characteristics of an asynchronous motor in the MIS operating mode allows us to establish a number of interesting and practically important features of the cascade circuit under consideration. The motor torque in this mode contains two components, one of which corresponds to the natural mechanical characteristic of an asynchronous motor, and the other to the synchronous mode, due to the voltage supplied to the rotor circuit.

Indeed, when (8.115) takes the form

coinciding with equation (8.76) at With a constant voltage frequency setting in the rotor circuit
. Therefore, motor slip when operating in synchronous mode remains and asynchronous torque component. The dependence of Mc on speed is shown in Fig. 8.38.6 (curve).

the second component is due to the interaction of the voltage-excited rotor with the stator field created by the mains voltage

In Fig. 8.38.6 curves are presented
(curve 2) and at (curve 3).

Resulting motor torque

If the phase rotation of the voltages the same, the stator and rotor fields have the same direction of rotation and slip values ​​s 0 and rotor frequency are positive. The engine operates in motor mode under braking load, and the angle takes on a value at which . This is the region of the cascade operating mode at a speed less than synchronous . If you change the load by applying a driving torque - M s - to the motor shaft, a transient process will occur in which, under the influence of a positive dynamic torque, the motor rotor will accelerate, change position relative to the stator field axis and the angle at the end of the transient process will take a negative value corresponding to (8.118) condition .

Thus, when the engine operates at a speed lower than synchronous, and depending on the load on the shaft, it can operate in both motor and generator modes. In this case, the transition to the generator mode is ensured by a change in the synchronous component (8.118) under the influence of changes in the internal angle caused by changes in the load, and the component remains unchanged. Mechanical characteristics corresponding to two values are presented in Fig. 8.38.5 (straight 4, 5).

When operating in motor mode with (at subsynchronous speed), the power consumed by the motor, if losses are neglected, is supplied to the motor shaft (P 2) and in the form of sliding power P s to the frequency converter:

The sliding power P s is converted by a frequency converter and returned to the network (Fig. 8.39o). If at the machine operates in generator mode then the direction of power flows changes to the opposite (Fig. 8.39.6):

Reducing rotor frequency entails an increase in engine speed, since

Therefore, in Fig. 8.38,b the decrease causes a transition from characteristic 5 to characteristic 4 and then at to characteristic 6.

At the rotor circuit is supplied with constant voltage and the engine operates in purely synchronous mode.. Indeed, in this case s 0 = 0, the asynchronous component and the engine torque is completely determined (8. 117):

Comparing this expression with (8.118) at , you can verify their complete coincidence. Therefore, characteristic 6 in Fig. 8.38, b is a mechanical characteristic of a non-salient-pole synchronous machine, which an asynchronous motor becomes when its rotor winding is supplied with direct current.

By changing the sign, you can change the phase sequence of the rotor voltage. In this case, the rotor field rotates in the direction opposite to the stator field, , engine speed , and slip is negative. Mechanical characteristics corresponding to two values are presented in Fig. 8.38.6 (straight 7 and 8).

Looking at this figure, you can see that here, depending on the load on the shaft, you can have both motor and generator modes of engine operation. In this case, the asynchronous torque component at a given value s 0< 0 отрицательна и неизменна, а значения момента, соответствующие обеспе­чиваются изменениями угла за счет поворота ротора относи­тельно поля статора под действием возникающих динамических моментов.

At supersynchronous speed (s 0< 0) при работе в двига­тельном режиме механическая мощность Р 2 обеспечивается по­треблением мощности как по цепи статора Р 1 , так и по цепи ро­тора (мощность скольжения P s) :

When switching to the generator mode and the same s 0, the power P 2 coming from the shaft is transmitted to the network through both channels, i.e., the flow directions change to the opposite, as shown in Fig. 8.39, c and d.

Mechanical characteristics in Fig. 8.38.6 correspond , while the maximum of the synchronous torque component (8.117) changes in the sliding function s 0 (see Curves 2 and 3). Since the component when the sign of s 0 changes the sign, the overload capacity of the motor in the MIS mode at
turns out to be significantly different. At speeds below synchronous motor moments significantly reduce the overload capacity in generator mode: the maximum values ​​of the braking torque M for a given in this mode are limited by curve 9. At speeds greater than synchronous braking torques limit the maximum values ​​of the resulting torque corresponding to in motor mode (curve 10 in Fig. 8.38, b).

The practically required overload capacity over the entire speed control range can be maintained by changing the voltage as a function of s 0 and the load. In this case, the rotor and stator currents must be limited to an acceptable level in all modes.

Voltage changes are provided by corresponding changes in the frequency converter voltage reference signal. At a given load, for example at by changing it is possible to influence the reactive power consumption in the stator circuit for a synchronous motor.

The analysis shows that in the MIS mode the properties of the cascade are close to the properties of a synchronous motor, and at they match. The specificity is manifested only in the presence of a strong asynchronous component of the torque M c (s 0), in the ability to operate at different speeds specified by the effect on voltage, and in the excitation of the rotor by alternating current of the angular slip frequency

It is known that a synchronous motor is prone to oscillations caused by elastic electromagnetic coupling between the fields of the stator and rotor and to combat them it is equipped with a damper winding that creates an asynchronous torque component. In the cascade circuit under consideration, there is a stronger asynchronous component, determined by the natural mechanical characteristics of the asynchronous motor (without taking into account the internal resistances of the frequency converter). Therefore, when working in the region of velocities close to the field velocity to 0, where - rigidity of characteristics is high, negative and has a strong damping effect on rotor vibrations, similar to viscous friction.

However, when the rigidity of this characteristic changes sign that is, the mechanical characteristic has a positive slope and can have a rocking rather than damping effect, leading to unstable operation of the cascade. This circumstance limits the scope of application of the synchronous operating mode of the cascade to installations that require a small range of speed changes [regulation within ±(20-30)% . Wherein | and the dynamic properties of the cascade can sufficiently meet the requirements.

It should be noted that for the specified range, two-zone speed control in a cascade scheme has advantages over other methods, since it provides economical speed control with a relatively small required power of the frequency converter, which must be designed for maximum sliding power

Accordingly, when regulating the speed within ±(20-30)%, the required power of the frequency converter is 20-30% of the rated power of the motor.

If it is necessary to change the speed within a wider range, by introducing feedback they provide a frequency dependence on the motor speed, similar to the frequency dependence in asynchronous operating mode. In this case, the mechanical characteristics of the cascade have a finite rigidity, determined by the feedback settings, and the operating mode of the cascade is called asynchronous.

The possibilities of dual-zone speed control with operation in both motor and generator modes at each speed in cascade circuits are provided only when using fully controlled frequency converters that have the ability to transmit energy in both the forward and reverse directions (see Fig. 8.39) . With the specified limited range of two-zone speed control, voltage frequency changes are required = These conditions are most fully met by frequency converters with direct coupling; their use is especially economically beneficial in electric drives, the power of which is hundreds and thousands of kilowatts.

The disadvantage of such cascades is the need to rheostatically start the motor to the lowest speed in the control range. This drawback is not significant for mechanisms that operate for a long time, without frequent starts.

The efficiency of powerful cascade electric drives with the operation of an asynchronous motor in the MIS mode is determined under the specified conditions by the high efficiency of the thyristor converter, the possibility of reducing the total consumption of reactive power by rational voltage control, as well as the relatively small dimensions, weight and cost of the converter. The last two advantages manifest themselves to a greater extent, the more narrowly the speed of the electric drive needs to be adjusted within narrower limits.

However, in most cases, the power of electric drives requiring speed control is tens and hundreds of kilowatts, and the required speed control range D exceeds the range that is rational for a cascade with MIS. If , the power of the frequency converter becomes commensurate with the power of the engine. In this case, it is more expedient to use frequency speed control, which makes it possible to implement continuous speed control in all transient processes of an asynchronous electric drive, similar to the G-D and TP-D systems.

Nevertheless, due to the considered features of cascade

schemes, there is a fairly wide range of their application in cases where the operating conditions of the mechanisms make it possible to reduce the requirements for controlling the flow of sliding power on the path of its return to the network or transmission to the motor shaft. Such mechanisms include non-reversible mechanisms that operate with a reactive load on the shaft and do not require engine operation in generator mode during braking processes.

Under these conditions, we can limit ourselves to single-zone speed control, in which in motor mode the direction of the sliding power flow is unchanged - from the motor rotor to the network (Fig. 8.39) or to the shaft. This makes it possible to significantly simplify cascade circuits by using an uncontrolled rectifier in the sliding power conversion channel.

In electrical cascades, the rotor current rectified by the rectifier is converted into alternating current and transmitted to the network. If an electric machine unit is used to convert current and recover sliding energy, the cascade is called machine-valve. When a network-driven valve inverter is used for this purpose, the cascade is called a valve (asynchronous-valve) cascade.

Electromechanical cascades are machine-valve. In them, the rectified current is sent to the armature winding of a DC machine connected to the shaft of an asynchronous motor, which converts the electrical sliding energy into mechanical energy supplied to the motor shaft.

4. Work email motors onto a common mechanical shaft.

4.1 Load distribution between engines operating on a common mechanical shaft, depending on the rigidity of the mechanical characteristics and ideal idle speeds.

in Fig. 2.16 discusses the joint operation of an asynchronous motor with a load on the shaft. The load mechanism (Fig. 2.16.a) is connected to the motor shaft and, when rotated, creates a moment of resistance (load moment). When the load on the shaft changes, the rotor speed, the currents in the rotor and stator windings, and the current consumed from the network automatically change. Let the engine operate with load Mload1 at point 1 (Fig. 2.16.b). If the load on the shaft increases to the value Mload2, the operating point will move to point 2. In this case, the rotor speed will decrease (n2 M1). A decrease in the rotor speed leads to an increase in slip, an increase in currents in the rotor and stator windings, i.e. to an increase in current consumed from the network.

The connection circuit for a DC motor with independent excitation (Fig. 4.1), when a separate DC source is used to power the excitation circuit, is used in adjustable electric drives

Engine anchor M and its field winding LM usually receive power from different, independent voltage sources U And U V, which allows you to separately regulate the voltage on the motor armature and on the field winding. Current direction I and motor rotation emf E, shown in Fig. 4.1, correspond to the motor operating mode, when electrical energy is consumed by the motor from the network: R e= U c I and is converted into mechanical power, the power of which R m= M ω. Dependence between moment M and speed ω the engine is determined by its mechanical characteristics.

Rice. 4.1. Circuit diagram for switching on an independent DC motor
excitement: A– armature winding circuits; b– excitation circuits

At steady state engine operation, the applied voltage U balanced by the voltage drop in the armature circuit IR and the rotational emf induced in the armature E, i.e.

, (4.1)

Where I– current in the motor armature circuit; R= R i+ 1 – total resistance of the armature circuit, Ohm, including the external resistance of the resistor Rp 1 and the internal resistance of the motor armature R i(if there are additional poles, their resistance is also taken into account):

Where k– design factor of the engine; k = pN/2a (R– number of motor pole pairs; N– number of active conductors of the armature winding; 2 A– number of pairs of parallel branches of the armature winding; F– magnetic flux of the motor.

Substituting into the armature circuit voltage balance equation the expression for E and expressing ω , we get:

. (4.3)

This equation is called electromechanical characteristics of the engine.

To obtain a mechanical characteristic, it is necessary to find the dependence of speed on motor torque. Let's write down the formula for relating torque to motor armature current and magnetic flux:

Let us express the motor armature current in terms of torque and substitute it into the formula for the electromechanical characteristics:

, (4.5a)

, (4.5b)

Where ω 0 = U/ kF– machine rotation speed in ideal idle mode; β = (kF) 2 / R– rigidity and mechanical characteristics of the machine.

Mechanical characteristics of the engine with constant parameters U, R And F appears as a straight line 1 (Fig. 4.2). Idling ( M= 0) the engine rotates at speed w 0 . As the load torque increases, the rotation speed decreases, the rated load torque M N corresponds to the rated rotation speed w 0. A change in the supply voltage causes a proportional decrease in rotation speed in all operating modes. In this case, the rigidity of the mechanical characteristic b is preserved, since its value, according to (4.5b), is determined by the resistance of the armature chain, the design coefficient and the magnetic flux of the machine. According to (4.5), by changing the supply voltage U from zero to the nominal value (for example, using a controlled thyristor rectifier), you can change the shaft rotation frequency over a wide range, which is confirmed by Fig. 4.2 (characteristics 2 ). In this case, the range of smooth and economical speed control - the depth of regulation - is found according to the formula , (4.6)

where w max, w min are the maximum and minimum possible rotation speeds for this control method.

In practice, the depth of regulation reaches 10...100 thousand. Such a large range of regulation makes it possible to eliminate or significantly simplify a mechanical transmission.

The second way to regulate the engine speed is to change the resistance of the armature circuits - by connecting an adjusting resistor R P1 in series with the armature circuit (Fig. 4.1). In this case, according to (4.5), as resistance increases, the rigidity of the machine characteristic decreases (Fig. 4.2, line 3). As can be seen from Fig. 4.2, the rotation speed of the machine at ideal idle speed: M = 0 does not change, and with increasing load torque, the rotation speed decreases significantly (β decreases). This control method allows you to change the rotation speed over a wide range, however, due to significant power losses in the control resistor, the drive efficiency sharply decreases:

. (4.7)

Regulation of the rotation speed of a DC machine by the magnetic flux of the machine F - by changing the excitation current with a resistor R P 2 (see Fig. 4.1) - is an economical method, since losses in the resistor R P 2 are not large due to the low excitation current. However, this method only allows you to increase the rotation speed compared to the nominal one (the depth of regulation does not exceed D = 2...3). This control method is provided for most machines.

Previously, the operation of an independent excitation motor in motor mode was considered, which corresponded to the mechanical characteristics presented in Fig. 4.2 and located in the first quadrant of the coordinate axes. However, this does not exhaust the possible operating modes of the electric motor and its mechanical characteristics. Quite often in modern electric drives it is necessary to quickly and accurately stop the mechanism or change the direction of its movement. The speed and accuracy with which these operations are performed in many cases determine the performance of the mechanism. During braking or changing the direction of movement (reverse), the electric motor operates in braking mode using one of the mechanical characteristics corresponding to the braking method being performed. Graphic image The mechanical characteristics of the independent excitation machine for different operating modes are presented in Fig. 4.3.

Rice. 4.3. Mechanical characteristics of an independent excitation DC motor under various operating modes: 1 – mechanical characteristics at rated armature voltage; 2 – mechanical characteristic with armature voltage equal to zero

Here, in addition to the section of characteristics corresponding to the motor mode (quadrant I), sections of characteristics are shown in quadrants II and IV, characterizing three possible ways generator electric braking, namely:

1) braking with energy release into the network (regenerative);

2) dynamic braking;

3) braking by counter-switching.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the mechanical characteristics of in the indicated ways braking.

1. Braking with energy return to the network, or regenerative braking(generator mode of operation in parallel with the network) is carried out in the case when the engine speed is higher than the ideal idle speed and its emf E more applied voltage U. The engine here operates in generator mode in parallel with the network to which it supplies electrical energy; In this case, the current changes its direction, therefore, the sign and torque of the motor changes, i.e. it becomes braking: M= – I a F. If we denote the braking torque by M T= –M, then equation (4.5) for ω > ω 0 will take the following form:

. (4.8)

As can be seen from expression (4.8), the rigidity (slope) of the mechanical characteristic in the considered generator mode will be the same as in the motor mode. Therefore, graphically, the mechanical characteristics of the engine in braking mode with energy output to the network are a continuation of the characteristics of the motor mode into the region of quadrant II (Fig. 4.3). This method of braking is possible, for example, in the drives of transport and lifting mechanisms when lowering a load and with some methods of speed control, when the engine, moving to lower speeds, passes values ω >ω 0 . Such braking is very economical, since it is accompanied by the release of electrical energy into the network.

2. Dynamic braking occurs when the motor armature is disconnected from the network and shorted to a resistor (Fig. 4.4), therefore it is sometimes called rheostatic braking. The field winding must remain connected to the network.

Rice. 4.4. Circuit diagram for switching on an independent DC motor
excitation during dynamic braking.

During dynamic braking, just as in the previous case, the mechanical energy coming from the shaft is converted into electrical energy. However, this energy is not transferred to the network, but is released in the form of heat in the resistance of the armature circuit.

Since during dynamic braking the armature circuits of the machine are disconnected from the network, in expression (4.5) the voltage should be set to zero U, then the equation will take the form:

. (4.9)

During dynamic braking, the mechanical characteristic of the engine, as can be seen from (4.9), is a straight line passing through the origin of coordinates. Family of dynamic braking characteristics at various resistances R anchor chain shown earlier (see Fig. 4.3 quadrant II). As can be seen from this figure, the stiffness characteristics decrease with increasing armature chain resistance.

Dynamic braking is widely used to stop the drive when it is disconnected from the network (especially when the torque is reactive), for example, when lowering loads in lifting mechanisms. It is quite economical, although in this respect it is inferior to braking with the release of energy into the network.

3. Back braking(generator mode of operation in series with the network) is carried out in the case when the motor windings are switched on for one direction of rotation, and the motor armature rotates in the opposite direction under the influence of external torque or inertia forces. This can happen, for example, in a lift drive, when the engine is turned on for lifting, and the torque developed by the load causes the drive to rotate in the direction of lowering the load. The same mode is obtained when switching the armature winding (or field winding) of the motor to quickly stop or to change the direction of rotation to the opposite.

A graphical representation of the mechanical characteristics for back-to-back braking, when, for example, the so-called brake release of the load occurs, is shown in Fig. 4.3, from which it follows that the mechanical characteristic during counter-switch braking is a continuation of the characteristic of the motor mode in quadrant IV.


IN Alternating current flows in the armature winding of a DC machine. If you connect this winding also with slip rings (Fig. 41-1, A), then we get AC voltage on them U^. Such a machine is called a single-choric converter. Its field winding is usually powered with direct current from the collector side, just as in parallel-excited DC machines. Therefore, in terms of design, a single-armature converter is a DC machine equipped with slip rings. The rings are placed on the shaft on the side opposite to the commutator. "To improve commutation, the machine has additional poles.

A single armature converter is usually used to convert AC to DC. At the same time, in relation to the alternating current network, it operates as a synchronous motor, and in relation to the direct current network, as a direct current generator. This machine develops only a small torque on the shaft to cover mechanical, magnetic and additional losses. Difference R"-R_ equal to the losses in the car. The machine can also convert direct current to alternating current.

Single armature converter

Rice."41-1. Design principle (A) and diagram (b) of an ordinary single-armature converter

Synchronous motors are usually started using the asynchronous starting method, for which a starting winding is placed in its pole pieces. If DC power is available, it can be started in the same way as a DC motor and then synchronized with the AC power.

As is known, in generator mode, the active component of the armature current is in phase with the e. d. s, and in engine mode it is directed counter to e. d.s. Since a single-armature converter operates simultaneously as a generator and a motor, a current difference of / and / flows in the armature winding. Therefore, the losses in the armature winding are less than those of conventional AC machines. Since the shapes of the alternating and direct current curves in the winding sections are different and in different sections the curves are shifted in phase in time by different angles, the section currents change over time along curves of complex shapes.

Since the voltage U„ And U_ act in the same armature winding, then their values ​​are rigidly related to each other. If we assume that the excitation field induces purely sinusoidal e.g. in the armature winding. etc., neglect the winding resistances and assume that the number of winding sections

is very large, then the vector diagram e. d s. the armature section will look like a circle (Fig. 41-2). In this case, the voltage U_ equal to the diameter of the circle, and the amplitude Um~ = \"W~ equal to the side of a t-gon inscribed in a circle, where T- number of phases (in Fig. 41-2 yg = 6). Based on Fig. 41-2

For example, when t= 3 and t= 6 respectively U m ~= 0.612 £/_ and And" - 0,354 U_.

From the above it follows that if the value £/_. will be standard, then the value £У„ will be non-standard, and vice versa. Therefore, usually a single-armature converter is connected to the network through a transformer Tr, and often additionally also via an inductive coil IR(Fig. 41-3). By changing the excitation current, the machine can be loaded with inductive or capacitive current and thereby, due to the voltage drop in the inductive coil, the voltage £/_ can be adjusted within certain limits.

Previously, single-armature converters were widely used to power the contact networks of trams and railways and in other cases. Currently

Rice. 41-2. Vector diagram e. d.s. and armature winding voltages of a single-armature converter

Rice. 41-3. Six-phase single-armature converter with transformer and inductive coil

At the time, in these areas they are replaced by mercury and semiconductor rectifiers and are used in special cases, also with separate AC and DC windings. A single-armature converter can also be used as a generator of two types of current - direct and alternating - if it is rotated using some kind of prime mover. In some cases, such generators are used on small ships, etc. In order to obtain voltages of the required magnitude, separate AC and DC windings are placed on the armature. If the DC winding is used only to power the excitation winding, then we get a kind of self-excited synchronous generator. Such generators with a power of up to 5-10 kv-a also find some use.

§ 41-2. Double feed machines

Dual power motor by its design it is an asynchronous machine with a wound rotor, both windings of which are powered by alternating current, usually from shared network, with parallel or serial connection of the stator and rotor windings (Fig. 41-4, A). Stator currents I t and rotor / 2 create n. With. Fj, F 2 and flows Ф 1(Ф 2, which rotate respectively relative to the stator and rotor at speeds n g= fjp. These n. With. and the threads rotate synchronously if

Where P - rotor rotation speed and the plus sign refers to the case when n. With. The rotor rotates relative to the rotor in the direction of its rotation, and the minus sign is when this rotation occurs in the opposite direction. According to this relation, in the first case P= Oh, which is of no practical interest, and in the second case

i.e., the rotor speed is equal to twice the speed of a conventional synchronous machine. In this case, the synchronously rotating fields of the stator and rotor create torque M, the machine can operate in motor and generator modes and is essentially a synchronous machine. Moment M is created when the spatial angle 6 between J^ and F 2 (Fig. 41-4, b) different from zero or 180°, since otherwise the pole axes of the magnetic fields of the stator and rotor coincide and no tangential forces are created.

Double feed machines find some use in special cases as motors. Their disadvantage is that when starting they need to be driven into rotation using an auxiliary motor. In addition, their settling moments are small and these machines are prone to rocking. In general, it is possible to power the stator and rotor with currents of different frequencies.

Asynchronized synchronous machine, proposed by L. A. Gorev, differs from the usual

synchronous machine in that it has two excitation windings - one along the longitudinal and the other along the transverse axis. Therefore, its rotor has essentially a two-phase winding. In normal operation, the field windings are powered by direct current, and this mode is no different from the operating mode of a conventional synchronous machine. However, in emergency modes, when the synchronous rotation of the rotor with the stator field is disrupted (short circuits in the network, rotor swings, etc.), the excitation windings are powered by alternating currents of the slip frequency, shifted in phase by 90°, resulting in an excitation field rotating relative to the rotor . The frequency of the excitation currents s/ x is adjusted automatically and continuously in such a way that the excitation and armature fields rotate synchronously, due to which they create a torque of constant sign. As a result, the machine does not fall out of synchronization and the stability of its operation increases, which is the advantage of this machine.

By its nature, the considered machine is similar to a dual-fed machine. To realize the specified advantage of this machine, the multiplicity

Rice. 41-4. Scheme (A) and vector diagram n. With. and streams (b) dual feed machines

(ceiling) excitation voltage should be high (fy m E= 4 -*■ 5) and strong action regulators should be used. It is advisable to power the excitation windings from ionic or semiconductor frequency converters. At present, prototypes of asynchronized synchronous machines have been manufactured.

§ 41-3. Low power synchronous motors

Some mechanisms require low-power motors with a constant rotation speed (tape drive mechanisms of movie cameras, electric clocks, apparatus, etc.). Synchronous motors without field windings are used as such motors. The absence of field windings simplifies the design of motors and their operation, and also increases the reliability of their operation. In many cases, such motors are single-phase.

The stator structure of multiphase low-power synchronous motors discussed in this paragraph is no different from the stator structure of normal synchronous and asynchronous machines, and the stators of single-phase synchronous motors have the same structure as the stators of single-phase asynchronous motors (with a working and starting winding, capacitor, with shielded poles on the stator - see § 30-2), and the starting of single-phase synchronous and asynchronous motors is carried out in the same way (at the end of the start, synchronous motors are pulled into synchronism under the influence of a synchronous * electromagnetic torque). Therefore, the features of rotors of synchronous motors without an excitation winding are discussed below.

Snachronous motors with permanent magnets usually have cylindrical rotors made of magnetically hard alloys (alium, alnico, etc.) and, in addition, a starting winding in the form of a squirrel cage. The hard magnetic alloy rotor is manufactured by casting and is difficult to machine. Therefore, making a cast squirrel cage in it is impossible. In this regard, the rotor is usually made as a composite - a regular rotor of a squirrel-cage asynchronous motor in the middle and two disks made of a hard magnetic alloy at the edges. The use of materials for such engines turns out to be small, and therefore they are usually built with a power of up to 30-40 Tue. Permanent magnet generators do not. need a starting winding and are built for power P„= 5-“- 10 kv-a, 4- in some cases up to R I= 100 sq. However, due to the high cost of magnetically hard alloys, they are used in special cases when increased operational reliability is required.

Synchronous jet motors. Salient pole synchronous machines without The field windings are called reactive windings. The operating features of such machines have already been discussed in § 35-3.

Various rotor designs for synchronous reluctance motors are shown in Fig. 41-5. The rotor shown in Fig. 41-5, a, is the most widespread, is made of sheet electrical steel and is equipped with a starting winding in the form of a squirrel cage. Its poles are shaped like protrusions!” The rotors shown in Fig. 41-5, b and c, are made by filling steel packages with aluminum, with aluminum acting as a starting winding.

Jet engines have low coscp and therefore also low efficiency< (при R i= 20 - 40 Tue efficiency %= 0.3 -з- 0.4), and their weight is usually greater than that of asynchronous motors of the same power. For single-phase capacitor reluctance synchronous motors, cosq> is improved by capacitors.

Jet engines are usually built to power up to 50-100 Tue, nSh when simple design and increased reliability are of great importance, they are also built for significantly higher powers.

Synchronous hysteresis motors. Low energy and unfavorable weight characteristics of synchronous reluctance engines were sti*

mule for the development and application of hysteresis motors. The rotors of such motors are made of special magnetically hard alloys that have a wide hysteresis loop (for example, Vicalloy alloy). With a massive rotor design, these engines also develop an asynchronous rotation when starting.

Figure 41-5. Rotor design of synchronous reluctance motors

sweet moment. However, this torque is significantly less than the hysteretic torque (see § 25-4), as a result of which the start-up, as well as the retraction into synchronism and operation, occur due to the hysteretic torque.

The difference between permanent magnet and hysteresis motors is that in the former the rotor is subjected to special pre-magnetization, while in the latter the rotor is magnetized by the motor stator field.

Hysteresis motors have better performance than reactive motors and are built for power up to 300-400 em.

Reluctance-hysteresis synchronous motor(Fig. 41-6) with a gearbox was proposed in 1916 by Warren and is widely used to this day for driving electric clocks, for drawing tape in recorders and T.% The stator of this engine has shielded poles (see also § 30-2), and the rotor consists of six to seven plates with a thickness of 0.4 mm from hardened mag-

Rice. 41-6. Hysteresis reaction motor

/ - stator magnetic circuit; 2 - frame;

3 - excitation coil; 4 - short lock-

rolled turns; 5 - rotor

thread-hard steel. Plates

have the shape of rings with jumpers.

Rotor magnetic reluctance

less in the direction of the jumpers,

and therefore Ha f x q . Rotor is seated

onto the roller using slots in the plate bridges and connected to the gearbox.

The rotor together with the gearbox is enclosed in a hermetic housing (in Fig. 41-6

not shown).

The engine starts due to asynchronous (vortex) and hysteresis moments, and operation occurs due to hysteresis and reactive moments, the latter being 2-3 times greater than the hysteresis. Reactive jets produced in the USSR

hysteresis motors f= 50 Hz types SD-60, SD-2, SDL-2, SRD-2 have a shaft power of 12 mkW, and SD-1/300 engines - 0.07 mkW(the numbers in the type designation indicate the rotation speed of the output end of the shaft in rpm). Their efficiency is less than 1%.

§ 41-4. Low-speed and stepper synchronous motors

Single-phase low-speed synchronous reluctance motors are distinguished by the fact that the pole division of their stator is a multiple of the number of tooth divisions of the rotor (Fig. 41-7, A) or the tooth divisions on the stator poles are equal to the tooth divisions of the rotor (Fig. 41-7, b)

The stator flux F of these motors pulsates with the frequency of the current f. If at Ф = 0 the poles (Fig. 41-7, A) or the teeth (Fig. 41-7, b) of the stator are displaced relative to the rotor teeth, then as F increases from zero, the rotor teeth are attracted to the poles or teeth of the stator and the rotor will rotate by inertia even when F decreases to zero again. If by this time the rotor tooth approaches the next pole or stator tooth, then during the next half-cycle 1 change in F the forces will act on the rotor teeth in the same direction. Thus, if the average speed of the rotor is such that during one half-cycle of the current the rotor rotates by one tooth division, then a pulsating torque of the same sign will act on it and the rotor will rotate at an average synchronous speed

n = 2/ 1 /Z a , (41-3)

where Z 2 is the number of rotor teeth.

For example, if h = 50 Hz Rice. 41-7. Single-phase low-speed syn- and 2 2 = 77 then n= 1,3 r/sec = chronic jet engines with clearly- = 78 rpm When powered by winding-expressed poles on the stator (a) through a rectifier, the speed with the gear stator and the common winding is halved.

stimulation (b) to improve working conditions

engine and increase the uniformity of rotation, the rotor is usually performed with increased mechanical inertia. For the same purpose, sometimes motors are made with an internal stator and an external rotor (for example, motors for electric players). If you leave only one tooth at the poles (Fig. 41-7, b), you will get a motor called the La Cour wheel.

When the engine is turned on in a stationary state, the sticking phenomenon occurs (see § 25-4), and the engine must be started by pushing it by hand or using the built-in starting asynchronous motor.

Synchronous gearless motors. In Fig. 41-8 shows the design of a gearless engine developed by American engineers L. Cheb-bom and G. Watts. The motor has a two-phase winding with 2р = 2 and a phase zone of 90°. In Fig. 41-8 stator winding coils are wound through the back, but a conventional type winding can also be used. The winding is powered from single-phase network, and one of the phases is fed through capacitors, due to which a rotating field is formed. The gear rotor has no winding.

The difference in the numbers of rotor and stator teeth Z 2 - Z t = 2р in Fig. 41-8 is equal to two. Under the influence of a rotating field, the rotor tends to occupy such a position.

position in which, along the line of the magnetic flux axis, the rotor tooth will stand opposite the stator tooth (line A in Fig. 41-8). When the flow axis rotates to position IN, prong 2" the rotor will stand against the tooth 2 stator, and when the flow turns from position A 180° tooth 9" the rotor will stand against the tooth 9 stator, i.e. the rotor will rotate by one tooth division. Therefore, the rotor rotation speed A IN

For example, when f x= 50 Hz, 2р - 2, Z 2= 400 and Z y - 398 will be n= 1/4 rps= = 15 rpm

The engine under consideration operates essentially on the principle of interaction of tooth field harmonics, as a result of which a low rotation speed is obtained. This principle is called electrical speed reduction. Therefore, these engines do not require mechanical gearboxes and are called gearless.

There are also other types of gearless motors. These motors are used in cases where reduced rotation speeds are required (for example, electric clocks and a number of automation devices), as well as when using sources with increased power frequency f = 400-1000 Hz.

Stepper motors are powered by pulses of electrical energy and, under the influence of each pulse, perform angular or linear movement

Rice. 41-8. Gearless synchronous jet motor

Rice. 41-9. The principle of design and operation of a reactive stepper motor

by a certain, well-defined value, called a step. These motors are used for automatic control and regulation, for example, in metal-cutting machines with program control for feeding a cutter, etc. In Fig. Figure 41-9 shows a simple stepper motor with three pairs of poles on the stator. When powering the winding of the inductor poles with current 1 -/ the four-pole rotor occupies the position shown in Fig. 41-9, oh, and when powering the poles 1-1 And 2-2 will take the position shown in Fig. 41.9, b, having worked

Reducing the motor pitch is achieved by increasing the number of poles or by placing several pairs of stators and rotors on a common shaft, rotated relative to each other at an appropriate angle. Instead of concentrated windings (Fig. 41-9), distributed windings can also be used. There are a number of varieties of stepper motors for rotational (in steps of up to 180°, up to 1° or less) and translational motion. The maximum pulse repetition rate at which the engine can be started and stopped without loss of pitch and which is also called acceleration, ranges from 10 to 10,000 Hz.

§ 41-5. Inductor synchronous machines

In a number of installations (induction heating of metals, welding of special alloys, gyroscopic and radar installations, etc.) single- or three-phase high-frequency current (400-30000 Hz) Synchronous generators of normal design, having a frequency f= pn, not suitable for this case,

Rice. 41-10. Design of a same-pole (a) and opposite-pole (b) single-phase inductor generator

/ - excitation coil; S- frame; 3 - stator package; 4 - AC winding; 5 - rotor package> 6 - rotor bushing, 7 - shaft

Figure 41-11. Field curve in the gap of inductor generators” made according to the diagram in Fig. 41-10

since the increase in rotation speed l is limited by the conditions of mechanical strength, and the increase in the number of poles 2p limited by the minimum possible value of pole division according to the winding placement conditions. Therefore, in these cases, generators of a special design are used, which are called inductor and are based on the action of tooth pulsations of the magnetic flux. The rotors of all types of inductor generators have the form of gear tracks and do not have windings, which increases the reliability of their operation, and the DC excitation windings and AC armature windings are located on the stator. In some cases, constant current windings are used instead of excitation windings T nits.

Recently, inductor motors have also begun to find application, developing moderate rotation speeds when powered by high-frequency current. Their design is similar to that of inductor generators

The generator shown in Fig. 41-10, A, has two stator and rotor packages and a ring-shaped excitation winding. It is called the same-pole, since the magnetic polarity of each packet along the entire circumference is unchanged. The generator shown in Fig. 41-10, b, is single-packet and is called opposite-pole. In the large slots of its stator there is an excitation winding, and in small slots there is an alternating current winding.

Magnetic field induction curve along the rotor circumference for the generators shown in Fig. 41-10, shown in Fig. 41-11. One can imagine that

Rice. 41-12. Device principle (A) and magnetic field curve (b) single-phase inductor generator with comb tooth zone

the pulsating wave of this field moves with the rotor, and the constant component of the magnetic field is stationary relative to the stator and e.m.c. in a coil with any step from this field is zero. Therefore, this part of the flow does not produce useful work and causes deterioration in the use of machine materials. The rotor teeth are shaped so that the curve in Fig. 41-11 was approaching a sine wave. Then the pulsating field component with amplitude

The pitches of the coils of this winding should be such that in Fig. 41-10 one side of the coil was against the tooth, and the other was against the rotor groove, since in this case e. d.s. AC coil conductors will add up arithmetically. The flux linkage of the excitation windings of the generators shown in Fig. 41-10, when the rotor rotates, they remain constant, and therefore in these windings the e is variable. d.s. is not induced, which is a positive factor.

At / 5= 3000 Hz It is advisable to use the stator design proposed by Guy. In this design, the large stator teeth covered by the windings are comb-shaped and the teeth of adjacent stator poles are shifted relative to the rotor teeth by half a tooth division (Fig. 41-12). Due to this, the flows of the different halves of the poles Ф" and Ф" are different (Fig. 41-12, b) and when the rotor is displaced by half a tooth division, the flow interlocking with the coil

Rice. 41-13. The principle of a three-phase inductor generator with a comb tooth zone

armature windings 2, changes from the value 4- (Ф" - Ф") to the value - (Ф" - Ф") and e is induced in this winding. d.s. frequency /, determined by equality (41-5). At the same time, flux linkage with the field winding 1 does not change.

Other types of inductor machines are also used. In three-phase machines, instead of two large teeth, as in Fig. 41-10, during the double pole division six large teeth are made and the small teeth of the adjacent large stator teeth are shifted relative to the rotor teeth not by half, but by one sixth of the small tooth division (Fig. 41-14). Due to this, the fluxes of adjacent large stator teeth change with a pheasant shift of 180°, and by 60°, which is used to obtain in phases A, B, C armature windings e. d. s, shifted by 120°.

Due to the increased frequency, the armature winding of an inductor machine has increased synchronous resistance x^ And xq. Therefore, to improve the performance of this machine, capacitors are in many cases connected in series with the armature winding.

§ 41-6. Some other types of synchronous machines

Electromagnetic clutch serves for a flexible connection of two rotating shafts, for example, a diesel shaft of a marine power plant with a propeller shaft. Structurally, an electromagnetic clutch is a salient-pole synchronous machine, the inductor of which, excited by direct current, is mounted on one shaft (for example, the driving one), and the armature is mounted on another shaft (for example, the driven one). The armature winding can be phase (in this case it is connected to a rheostat) or short-circuited in the form of a squirrel cage.

If the drive and driven shafts rotate at speeds x and P%(and p x F p 2), then a frequency current is induced in the armature winding of the clutch

and an electromagnetic moment is created, under the influence of which the driven shaft rotates. With a short-circuited armature winding, the sliding of the driven shaft relative to the driving one

is 0.01 - 0.03. With a phase armature winding, slip s and speed Hz can be adjusted by changing the rheostat resistance or excitation current.

The electromagnetic clutch allows smooth connection and disconnection of the driven shaft when the primary motor is rotating, and with a phase winding, also regulation of the rotation speed. In addition, the coupling protects the working mechanism from large overloads, since with a large braking torque the driven shaft stops. If the driven shaft is started while the drive shaft is rotating at a speed of % = p a, then the frequency f is large and to obtain sufficient starting torque, the short-circuited armature winding must be made using the current displacement effect (see Chapter 27).

Electromagnetic couplings are usually built with a power up to Рн = 500 ket.

Non-contact synchronous machines with claw poles. In modern industrial and transport installations, synchronous machines often need to be made without sliding contacts on the rotor for reliability reasons. In these cases, it is possible to use synchronous machines without an excitation winding (reactive), and at higher frequencies also inductor and gear machines. However, machines with a claw rotor and a fixed field winding can also be used. Such machines are built on the same principle as non-contact synchros (see Fig. 31-9), but usually with 2p > 2. At / = 50 Hz It is advisable to build them with a capacity of up to P n = 20 -g-30 ket.

Impact synchronous generators are used to test high-voltage circuit breakers for breaking power. They are built on the basis of turbogenerators with a power of up to 50-200 Meth and operate in sudden short circuit mode. To obtain the highest possible short-circuit current, they are manufactured with reduced inductive leakage resistance and with reliable fastening of the windings, especially their frontal parts.

Some other types of synchronous machines also exist and are being developed.

Rotary transformers

An asynchronous machine with a locked rotor can be used as a converter m 1-phase current in m 2-phase current: for example, three-phase current into five- or seven-phase current. To do this, its stator and rotor windings must be made accordingly m 1 and m 2 phases The machine will work like a transformer, in which energy will be transferred from the stator to the rotor by a rotating field. Such converters are used extremely rarely and only for special purposes.

In practice, rotary transformers have found use, they are designed in the same way as asynchronous machines, and have a device that allows them to rotate their rotor. Let us first consider a machine that, on the stator side, receives power from a three-phase current network. If a constant voltage is supplied to the terminals of its stator, then when the rotor is rotated at the terminals of its winding we will receive a voltage that varies only in phase. Such rotary transformers are called phase regulators and are used, for example, to regulate the phase of the grid voltage of a mercury rectifier or thyratron and in measuring technology, and in the latter case, mainly for checking wattmeters and meters (Figure 3-108).

Rice. 3-108. Rotary transformer for testing devices.

In Fig. 3-109 shown circuit diagram verification of an AC meter using a rotary transformer.

Rice. 3-109. Schematic diagram of meter verification using a rotary transformer (PT).

In Fig. 3-110 shows a schematic diagram of a two-pole rotary transformer with two mutually perpendicular windings on the stator and on the rotor.

Rice. 3-110. Connection diagram of the windings of a sine-cosine rotary transformer.

The diagram of a linear rotary transformer is shown in Fig. 3-111.

Rice. 3-111. Connection diagram of the windings of a linear rotary transformer.

If the stator and rotor windings of an asynchronous machine are powered by an alternating current network (or networks), then such a machine is called a double-fed asynchronous machine. In this case, we usually mean a three-phase machine, the windings of which are powered by the same three-phase current network. These windings can be connected in parallel or in series. The name “dual power machine” characterizes the connection circuit of its windings, and not its operating properties, which will be different depending on the direction of rotation of the stator and rotor.

If the stator and rotor windings of an asynchronous machine, connected to the same network, create NS rotating in different directions, then such a double-fed asynchronous machine can work as a motor or generator. However, to do this, it must first be accelerated by an external motor to a rotation speed equal to double synchronous 2 n 1 .

These dual power machines have not found practical application. When using them in motor mode, an accelerating motor is required, with the help of which it would be possible to bring their rotation speed to double synchronous speed. In addition, when you turn on the machine, you encounter difficulties synchronizing it with the network. Another big disadvantage of these machines is their tendency to swing and, in some cases, the associated lack of stability in operation (see § 4-12).