A program that puts a password on applications. How to put a password on an android app

Surely you have often had to give your smartphone to someone to call, send SMS, look at something on the Internet, etc. But you cannot be sure that your sensitive data will remain private after using the device. An excellent way out can be to set a password for applications that cannot be entered without your knowledge.

To set a lock on certain programs and games on Google Play, there is an excellent application Smart AppLock, which will be discussed in this manual. But, there are also other ways to protect the information on your phone or tablet.

Read about them in these articles:

Lock apps with Smart AppLock

1. Open the Smart AppLock application and enter the password "7777" (this is the default password, you can easily change it).

2. In the "Applications" tab, click on the "+" icon.

3. In the list that appears, check the boxes for the applications that you want to protect with a password and click the "Add" button.

4. To change the blocking, go to the "Settings" tab and open "Security Settings".

5. You can choose the type of lock: number password, graphic pattern, letter and number password, gesture.

6. Then click on your chosen input method and change it.

The program has many other useful settings such as protection against deletion, adding profiles, blocking a lost/stolen device, and much more. In general, everyone who cares about the safety of personal data will definitely like Smart AppLock.

The issue of security for a large number of users plays a very important role. Many set restrictions on access to the device itself, but this is not always necessary. Sometimes you need to put a password on a certain application. In this article, we will look at several ways in which this task is carried out.

A password must be set if you are worried about the safety of important information or want to hide it from prying eyes. There are several simple solutions to this problem. They are performed in just a few steps. Unfortunately, without installing third-party software, most devices do not provide additional protection for these programs. At the same time, on smartphones of some popular manufacturers, whose proprietary shell differs from the “pure” Android, it is still possible to set a password for applications using standard means. In addition, in the settings of a number of mobile programs, where security plays an extremely important role, you can also set a password to launch them.

Do not forget about the standard Android security system, which allows you to securely lock the device. This is done in a few simple steps:

So, having decided on the basic theory, let's move on to a practical and more detailed consideration of all existing methods for blocking applications on Android devices.

Method 1: AppLock

AppLock is distributed free of charge, easy to use, even an inexperienced user will understand the controls. It supports the installation of additional protection on any device application. This process is carried out very simply:

The disadvantage of this method is that by default the password is not set on the device itself, so another user, simply by removing AppLock, will reset all settings and the protection will be lost.

Method 2: CM Locker

CM Locker is a bit similar to the representative from the previous method, but it has its own unique functionality and some additional tools. Protection is set as follows:

Among the additional functions, I would like to note a tool for cleaning background applications and setting the display of important notifications.

Method 3: Standard system toolkit

As mentioned above, manufacturers of some Android smartphones and tablets provide their users with the standard ability to protect applications by setting a password. Let's consider how this is done using the example of devices, or rather, branded shells of two notorious Chinese brands and one Taiwanese.

Meizu (Flyme)

  1. open "Settings" your smartphone, scroll down the list of options available there to the block "Device" and find the item "Fingers and Security". Go into it.
  2. Select subsection Application Protection and move the toggle switch located at the top to the active position.
  3. In the window that appears, enter the four-, five- or six-digit password that you want to use to lock applications in the future.
  4. Find the element you want to protect and check the box to the right of it.
  5. Now, when you try to open a locked application, you will need to enter a previously set password. Only then will it be possible to access all its features.

Xiaomi (MIUI)

  1. As above, open "Settings" mobile device, scroll through their list almost to the very bottom, up to the block "Applications", in which select the item Application Protection.
  2. You'll see a list of all the apps you can lock, but before you can do so, you'll need to set up a shared password. To do this, tap on the corresponding button located at the very bottom of the screen and enter the code expression. By default, you will be prompted to enter a pattern, but you can change it if you wish. "Method of Defense" by clicking on the link of the same name. In addition to the key, a password and pin code are available to choose from.
  3. Having decided on the type of protection, enter the code expression and confirm it by pressing both times "Further" to move on to the next step.

    Note: For additional security, the specified code can be linked to your Mi account - this will help you reset and recover your password in case you forget it. In addition, if the phone has a fingerprint scanner, it will be suggested to use it as the main means of protection. Do it or not - decide for yourself.

  4. Scroll through the list of apps installed on your device and find the one you want to password protect. Move the switch located to the right of its name to the active position - this way you activate the password protection of the application.
  5. From now on, every time you run the program, you will need to enter a code expression in order to be able to use it.

In their proprietary shell, the developers of the eminent Taiwanese company also allow you to protect installed applications from third-party interference, and this can be done in two different ways at once. The first involves setting a graphic password or pin code, and a potential hacker will also be filmed on camera. The second one is practically no different from those discussed above - this is the usual setting of a password, or rather, a pin code. Both security options are available in "Settings", directly in their section Application Protection(or App Lock Mode).

Similarly, standard protection tools work on mobile devices of any other manufacturers. Of course, provided that they added such an opportunity to the proprietary shell.

Method 4: Basic features of some applications

By default, certain Android mobile apps have the ability to set a password to launch them. First of all, these include clients of banks (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, etc.) and programs close to them in terms of purpose, that is, those related to finance (for example, WebMoney, Qiwi). A similar protection feature is available in some social network clients and instant messengers.

The security methods provided for in a particular program may differ - for example, in one case it is a password, in another - a pin code, in the third - a graphic key, etc. In addition, the same mobile banking clients allow you to replace any from selected (or initially available) security options to even more secure fingerprint scanning. That is, instead of a password (or a similar value), when you try to launch the application and open it, you just need to put your finger on the scanner.

Due to the external and functional differences between Android programs, we cannot provide you with a generalized instruction for setting a password. All that can be recommended in this case is to look into the settings and find there an item related to protection, security, pin code, password, etc., that is, something that is directly related to our topic today, and the screenshots attached in this part of the article will help you understand the general algorithm of actions.


This concludes our guide. Of course, one could consider several other software solutions for protecting applications with a password, but they all practically do not differ from each other and offer the same features. That is why, as an example, we used only the most convenient and popular representatives of this segment, as well as the standard features of the operating system and some programs.

From this instruction, you will learn how to set a password for applications on an Android device, without any special skills.

Many have faced this situation more than once: a friend asked for a smartphone or tablet, and it is inconvenient to refuse. At the same time, the device contains information that it is undesirable to trust even acquaintances. And everyone is well aware that most people are naturally curious and climb where they should not. It is for such moments that we have written an article for you on how to set a password for an Android application. We are not talking about the lock screen, because the smartphone is transferred to the wrong hands already unlocked.

Most often, users seek to secure messengers and the gallery, since they are likely to store compromising evidence, to one degree or another. And in general, everyone has the right to secrets, so you should not blame yourself for such a desire, because personal is personal.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to perform such an operation using the Android operating system itself, but special applications created by understanding developers are provided for this.

Setting an App Password with Smart AppLock

As the name of the method suggests, the user needs to download and install a small application on the device. It allows you to set a password or pattern to launch any game or program, and it is not difficult to use it:
  1. Immediately after launch, the utility will prompt you to create a pin code, which in the future will be used for the .
  2. The code will have to be entered twice. To confirm the entry, do not forget to click the checkmark to the right of Zero.
  3. Then the main window of the utility will become available to the user, in which we are interested in the Applications tab.
  4. Click on the plus sign at the bottom of the screen, and Smart AppLock will open a list of all installed games and programs.

  5. The user should select the required applications from the list and change the position of the switch on the right side.

  6. After that, click again on the plus sign below.

  7. Starting with Android 5.0+, when using the tool for the first time, a notification pops up informing you of the required access rights (not root). You must click Apply.

  8. The "Apps granted access" tab from the standard settings will open. The user should change the position of the switch opposite Applock and confirm the action (OK button).

    After completing all of the above steps, when launching the selected applications, the system will require you to enter a pin code (password). It is worth noting that in the Smart AppLock settings you can change the type of protection, as well as add a suggestive hint.

    Setting an app password with Hide Pictures

    This is a multifunctional program, earlier with its help we learned. This time the utility is used to create a password when starting the game / program.

    1. Download .
    2. After installation and launch, hold your finger on the AudioManager logo.

    3. Next, the user will have to create a password that will be used in the future.
    4. After entering the password, the user enters the main menu of the utility.
    5. Select Lock Apps. At the first start, you will have to install the plug-in of the same name, the icon of which will also appear in the application menu. In this case, the user will be redirected to the plugin page in the Play Market.
    6. After installation, you will have to re-enter the set password and select Lock Apps.
    7. Instructions will open, you must click Done (Start).

    8. Next, select the type of protection: "PIN-code", "Pattern", "Error screen". The latter, by the way, masks the lock with a sudden error, and to start, you must enter a pre-created password, which can contain not only numbers, but also any other characters.
    9. In the next window, you need to select the All Apps tab (All applications), a list of all installed programs on the device will be displayed.

WhatsApp, Instagram and others on mobile, you may have already thought that it would be nice to protect them with a password so that an outsider, picking up your phone, could not access personal information. Although Android allows you to set restrictive measures for customizing settings and installing software modules, there are simply no integrated tools for password protection of individual programs. Therefore, in order to protect the launch of discrete applications, as well as receive notifications from them on the top panel, we will use third-party utilities, which will be discussed later. So, in the new material, I will talk about how to put a password on an Android application, and with what programs this can be done.

Setting a password for an Android app using AppLock

AppLock - official page in Google Play

As far as I can tell, AppLock is the best free software in its class available. As you probably guessed, it allows you to secure the launch of programs on your phone with a password. An important note: for some reason that I can only guess about, the name of the program is constantly changing on Google Play: now it's AppLock Fingerprint, then Smart Applock, and now it's just AppLock. The probable reason for such a strange behavior of the utility is the presence in the store of programs of the same name, but completely different and from other manufacturers.

The main advantages of AppLock are a package that is voluminous in terms of functionality with Russian-language localization and the absence of a massive number of permissions (in particular, you need to set only those permissions that are absolutely necessary to apply the required AppLock tasks).

Even someone who does not have great skills in working with an Android gadget can deal with the program. How does it work, i.e. how to put a password on an android application?

1. When AppLock is launched for the first time, a form will appear on the screen with a choice of programs that you want to secure access to with a password. Here and social networks, and instant messengers, and photo services. You can leave at least one selected, any of them, and add the rest later at any time.

2. The next pre-configuration item is the indication of the graphic key used to gain access to the parameters customized in the program (to locks and other chips).

Enter the key twice and remember its sequence, because every time you want to make changes to the configuration of the application, you will need to enter this same key.

3. At the last iteration, the program offers to enable permissions for applications with access to history (by history we mean data about which programs you use, how often, as well as information about the mobile operator, etc.) Select those programs whose history access would like to get, and we finally get to work with AppLocker itself.

So, the main form of the AppLocker settings menu opens. The most basic point here is the app lock. It is here, by clicking on the plus sign, that you can specify a list of programs that are protected by a pattern. By default, only the application that we specified during installation is indicated here.

And yet, how to put a password on the Android application? Click on the "plus" button and configure this list in more detail.

The first tab "Recommended" contains only social networks and instant messengers installed on your phone. It is to them that the average user refers most often. A little lower, in the "Photos and Videos" section, there are video platforms and cloud services. The last category "Tools" includes those utilities that do not belong to either of the two lists above. Click on the button with a lock next to those programs that you want to secure from unauthorized access.

The trigger, located next to the section title, makes it possible to set protection for all programs from an entire category at once, but this tool does not give us enough flexibility, so we will bypass it.

However, AppLocker is capable of more, namely to provide protection for absolutely any software module installed in the bowels of your OS. You can do this on the "A ~ Z" tab. Here, in alphabetical order, all software products used by Android are listed without exception. We make the desired choice, again using the button with the lock.

The last tab called "Locked" provides a cumulative view of all AppLocker-protected apps and should be used as a last resort when you've made your choice and want to make sure. didn't miss anything.

From now on, when you try to access any of the applications specified in AppLocker, this form will appear asking you to enter a pattern.

A few words about the additional features available in the application:

Charging protection. This option displays detailed real-time data when charging the device from a computer or from the network.

Personal album. By posting photos and videos here, no one but you will see them on your phone. A very secure option for storing passwords from social accounts and photo services.

Confidential notes. A secure notebook where you can enter important things, a shopping list, keep a diary, write down ideas or facts - in a word, use it exactly like a regular notebook, with the only difference being that no one except you can read your own notes.

As you can see, the functionality of AppLocker is quite wide and plentiful, and it will come in handy not only for protecting applications on your smartphone, although the utility copes with its main function literally with a bang and leaves no complaints about itself.

How to put a password on an Android app using CM Locker

CM Locker - official page in Google Play

Another application. allowing to implement similar tasks is CM Locker. Its main advantage is the ability to use a digital password for protection, and not a graphic key, as in AppLock. However, this product is not without some significant drawbacks, which I will discuss later.

When you first start CM Locker, it offers to protect your phone from so-called "threats", which in reality do not pose any danger and serve only to throw dust in your eyes. Threats mean the lack of password protection of messengers and photos, as a result of which they can be viewed by third parties. But you could do this setting yourself, as soon as you entered the application and tried to use it for its intended purpose. The next type of "threats" are background applications that have settled in the device's RAM and do not manifest themselves in any way. Such a defense looks completely unnecessary and completely absurd. The last category includes those programs for which you do not receive notifications. If you yourself decided to configure the corresponding programs in such a way that notifications from them do not come, then after such a “protection” all your settings will fail and you will have to put up with it or look for an alternative to such a blocker. At the end of everything, the program offers to fix all these nuances in one fell swoop - namely, by pressing the "Protect" button. As soon as you click it, all parameters will be set as the module engine pleases, and you will be left without your settings. Okay, let's assume this is okay. Click the "Protect" button and start working with the utility.

At the next iteration, we get even more notifications. What the program missed last time can now be manually configured. We make the choice we need, or we don’t make it at all and move on.

The next form will prompt you to activate CM Locker. We agree with this, activate the program and finally get to the main menu.

We press the button to call the main menu in the form of three horizontal stripes and select the option "Lock screen and applications".

Here, first of all, we will set a password for access to blocked objects. To do this, tap on the "Set password" field.

On the next form, select the type of key. As you can see, we are offered up to 7 protection options to choose from, most of which are varieties of a graphic key and a digital password. Let's choose one of the types and specify the key itself.

Finally, it's time to select the programs you would like to secure access to using the newly created key. Click on the lock icon next to the name of the corresponding software product from the list.

If you later want to make any changes to these settings, go to the menu item "Select items to block" and check the appropriate options to set a password for the Android application.

What other functionalities have CM Locker developers in store for us?

First of all, a feature called “Intruder Photo”. It works as follows: after three incorrect attempts to enter the password, the utility sends you an e-mail with a photo taken from the front camera of the smartphone. Agree, it’s very convenient, just what to do with this photo later - that’s the question (unless you contact the relevant authorities).

Theft protection. By connecting to a Facebook account, you will be able to remotely lock the gadget, give an audible signal warning the thief of danger, and control real-time protection, among other things, allowing GPS to determine the location of the missing device.

Another additional option is configuring notifications. There are a lot of options here that are not available with the default notification setting in Android. It is impossible not to note the flexibility of many of them, which is very beneficial for the most demanding users who are trying to get the most out of their device.

In general, working with the CM Locker software module does not cause any complaints and provides a detailed answer to the question "How to put a password on an Android application." All that remains for you to do is to choose the most optimal program for yourself from the two proposed. In terms of convenience, AppLock bypasses its competitor, but due to the fact that in the latter of the programs you can set digital passwords, many will find it uncontested for themselves.

In this article, I will talk about a method that allows you to set a password for Android applications, so that not everyone will be able to open and use these programs on the device. I will solve this problem with the help of a small, free and simple AppLock application.

How to put a password on android apps

First of all, I will talk about how to set a password for programs using AppLock, and then I will show what else this tool can do. Download AppLock to your device from the link below and install it.

Run the downloaded program. At the first start, you will need to come up with a PIN code. This code will be used to launch AppLock itself, as well as to launch applications that need to be protected (you can change the code at any time or assign a different protection method, such as drawing or gesture).

The program interface will appear in front of you, the ion will open on the "Applications" tab. In order to put a password on Android applications, you need to add the necessary programs here. To do this, click on the button with the plus icon.

A list of installed programs will appear. Here, select which applications you want to protect with a password, and click on the button with the plus icon.

The selected programs will appear in the list in the Applications tab. Now you can exit AppLock and try to launch the protected application. At startup, you should be prompted for a password. The password is the PIN code that was created when you first opened AppLock.

Other features of AppLock

In addition to the fact that AppLock can put a password on Android applications, this program has other useful features. I will briefly describe them below:

  • A PIN, pattern, or gesture can be assigned as a security method.
  • You can set a hint for a password.
  • It is possible to limit the maximum number of incorrect cipher input.
  • There is a very useful surveillance function that allows you to keep track of incorrect password attempts, as well as take a photo of an intruder using the front camera.
  • You can manage device protection via SMS.
  • The ability to protect AppLock itself from being deleted.

And there are also a couple of functions that are not related to protection, but also useful for some users: the choice of applications that will be launched with the screen always on or rotated.