Presentation "educational and research project "information technologies in medicine"". New technologies in medicine Presentation on the topic of innovation in medicine

Modern innovative technologies of medicine

Modern medicine is developing dynamically and rapidly. Its rapid perfection puts this branch of science at the forefront of world science and its new innovative trends. Undoubtedly, this is directly related to the social aspect of medicine itself. Innovations in medicine every day and hour more and more affect the quality of life of the population of the planet Earth.

In our time, many healthcare projects certainly belong only to the category of innovative technologies in medicine. we have long been accustomed to human organ transplants, stem cell transplants and even rumored cloning processes. Today, modern innovative technologies restore health to tens of thousands of patients every day. In many ways, the state of affairs in the health care of the nation depends on the very process of investing in the industry, it is worth noting that the provision of pharmaceuticals in Russia is almost six times less than in Europe and the USA, the level of state support is also desirable to improve.

Considering innovation in medicine, it should be understood that these are modern technologies for the creation and use of pharmaceutical and diagnostic tools, tools or techniques with the highest standard of competition to existing analogues. Usually, the incentive to start an innovation project is a scientific discovery or achievement.

Based on all this, in modern world medicine is entering a completely new trend of achievements and as a result we can feel the increase in human life expectancy and the very level of development of modern innovative technologies and assistance to the population, setting ourselves the main goal of rational use of natural resources with the possibility of achieving the goal of meeting the required human needs..

The development of medicine, in addition to investment processes, is supported by a huge number of enthusiasts who are not driven by monetary enrichment, but by the desire to see people's lives joyful, long and easier.
Undoubtedly, the process of perfection of information technologies will also be attributed to innovative trends.

They came to the health sector with some delay. Nevertheless, the massive introduction of IT in medicine has given rise to the emergence of a scientific direction of science - medical informatics. The foreign and Russian IT market is rapidly changing today. Appear modern innovative technologies of medicine, capable of providing a breakthrough in the field of improving the health of the population of our planet. In particular, information technology in medicine includes the latest biochip implants, medical applications, mobile diagnostic devices, software for electronic patient health records and other innovations inherent in modern science.

The rapid introduction of IT developments in the improvement of the population is due to the following reasons: a decrease in the cost of medical care in many countries, an increase in the quality of patient care, an increase in the efficiency of medical staff, and an increase in the profitability of medical institutions.

On the basis of world experience, it can be concluded that the construction of global information systems in health care based on the innovations of healthcare facilities (treatment and prevention institutions). Experts identify three main trends in this direction: technological innovations open the way to new approaches in healthcare; joint management of the patient from the district doctor in the clinic through hospitals to rehabilitation is unthinkable without the growing electronic data exchange; the focus from the collection of treatment data should shift to their analysis. These modern innovative technologies are called upon to play an important role in the medicine of the future. Healthcare Technology

To ensure the life of patients, improve the professionalism of doctors and medical insurance agents, . In a foreign version, it was called Healthcare Technology. Its main task is to provide professional medical care to the patient. Of great importance is the possibility of interaction with each other between doctors from different medical institutions through online symposiums and conferences. This allows the attending physician to hear the opinion of more experienced colleagues and solve a complex problem without leaving the patient. This opportunity very important for small remote hospitals.

Another interesting area that allows the use of modern computer technology in medicine is the cooperation of hospitals with pharmacies. If the prescription is not given to the patient in writing, but is sent directly to the pharmacy, from where the patient will buy the medicine, this will make it possible to control the purchase of the desired drug and reduce queues in pharmacy chains. In the real world, Healthcare Technology innovation is on the rise.

The development of the trend of modern computer technology contributes to Healthcare, including government regulation in many countries around the world. International IT standards are IHE, HL7, DICOM systems. The technology of working with large volumes of information is considered promising. It is already being used in medical program planning, clinical trials, and bioinformatics. Mobile diagnostic devices Another evolutionary direction is mobile diagnostic devices. They can balance the number of doctors and the number of patients. This is especially important for regions where medical institutions are experiencing certain difficulties. Also important is the availability of individual medical devices: blood pressure monitors, glucometers, scales, cardiographs, insulin injectors, etc. They should help to remotely monitor the patient's condition by connecting to smartphones and computers through interfaces standardized according to ISO and IEEE. Remote monitoring provides a reduction in the patient's stay in the hospital, tracking the dynamics of vital important parameters after discharge, avoidance of critical conditions and timely provision of advisory assistance.

At the same time, in our country, the mass introduction of telemedicine, mobile and hospital-replacing technologies is hindered by the lack of integrated management systems. information bases data and the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework. And information interaction at all levels could significantly help both doctors and patients, often living in remote rural areas, where this would be especially important. Electronic patient health records.

One of the most demanded features of modern computer technologies in medicine is electronic patient records. They provide the concentration of all required information in a single common database for storing unique electronic data. For Russia, the formation of a full-fledged electronic patient health card through the informatization of clinics, hospitals, laboratories and other medical institutions is a paramount task. But informatization of health care should take place globally, that is, at all levels. In addition, this system allows to reduce the mortality of patients in the intensive care and intensive care units. The development of streaming data processing technologies ensures the rapid development of methods for predicting conditions that threaten the health of the patient. This is done by real-time analysis of a large number of patient parameters. The use of innovative technologies of modern healthcare will help optimize the distribution of human resources. Doctors and nurses, especially from small medical institutions located in the interior of Russia, will be able to immediately receive necessary information about the condition of the patient, without exhausting tons of papers. In addition, it will reduce the amount of paper medical reporting.

As for the costs of creating and implementing specialized software for the successful operation of medical institutions staff with information in digital format, they are much lower than the costs of the same actions with paper documents. In addition, in this case, the efficiency of the work of physicians is significantly increased due to instant access to the necessary data. For prescribing electronic information about patient information, the following types are used: software like EMR, EHR and PUR. All three types describe patient electronic health records, electronic health records, and personal health records. The formats outlined are used to avoid confusion between users, healthcare providers, and other technology models. Companies providing medical services should implement a computerized medical order (order-prescription) for ordering medicines and an electronic prescription for providing patients with online access to medical records. Having a single database can be of great help during natural disasters, as medical professionals will have access to individual information about the health of the victims, their blood type, chronic diseases, etc. In this case, microcomputers and wireless Internet will provide instant communication with a single base center and help maintain an up-to-date list of victims. Many physicians have begun to use tablet computers to record patient data. Nexus 7, iPad , Nokia and other tablets of the corresponding format are ideal devices for working with electronic medical records of the patient. But various factors will influence the intensive penetration of this tablet market. The main one is the perfect comfortable convenience in using gadgets: an intuitive interface, simple input of information, clear visibility on the results screen.

Problems of progress in the development of modern computer technologies in medicine.

Medical informatization also has an undesirable side. People who fight to control the storage of confidential information about patients' diseases fear that hackers can break into existing information databases and gain access to disease descriptions and test results. No company can resist the topical action of hackers. But if the due careful level of a set of security measures is observed, the risk of disclosing the available confidential information about the patient is reduced to almost zero.

In today's world, anyone can receive advice on the Internet around the clock, has the opportunity to order an insurance policy online and get an explanation on insurance programs. Remote consultations will reduce the cost of re-hospitalization of patients with chronic diseases. But in order for the effect of informatization of medical organizations to be quickly felt by all user groups, it is necessary to use corporate clouds, their deep integration both among themselves and with other information systems used to manage the organization of a region, country, with public service portals. Isolated systems, even created at the regional or national level, will not bring serious benefits to the public health of the state as a whole. On the other hand, measures such as electronic record for appointments or viewing the schedule of doctors, can reduce queues at clinics. Another problem with IT developments in the medical field is the lack of a well-thought-out, efficient legislative framework. So far, all existing documents are constantly reorganized and finalized. In conclusion, it should be said that at present, medical organizations are not only aware of the need to automate the input of current indicators about the actual state of the patient's health, but also the urgent need for its meaningful use. Today, the Russian market of medical information innovations is undergoing significant changes, and therefore it is partly ready to accept these trends. However, it has yet to get rid of immaturity, low customer requirements, imperfect regulatory framework and pressure from monopolists in the field of communications. For example, in the United States, the number of certified electronic medical record systems is more than five hundred, while our only company, Rostelecom, has a monopoly.

Let's hope that the market of information technologies in medicine in the near future will become competitive, having a progressive impact on the treatment of human pathological processes, including

I would like to especially note the innovation of the invention of telescopic individual lenses and the undoubted perspective in this discovery for mankind.

Or bionic contact lenses, where elastic lenses with a printed electronic circuit are scientifically connected, fantastically allowing the patient to see the world around him with superimposed digital computerized pictures, as if on top of his natural vision. This invention is a breakthrough in its professional use by drivers, pilots, laying and visualizing routes for them, laying out information about weather conditions and the vehicle itself.

Another sensational innovative solution from the field of innovative technologies of medicine came to us from Japan, where scientists have developed artificial skeletal muscles with three-dimensional functionality. The muscle frame is able to fully contract and the command signals for this are impulses passing through the nerve cells invasively introduced into the muscle layer. The muscle system grown in artificial conditions has a decent strength and under the influence of living nerve endings can be of unique interest in the application of this technology of medicine to the attraction of damaged human muscle structures or equipping robots with an artificial muscle frame.

In applying this muscle system to a person, scientists go further and work out the possibilities of interaction on the innervation of an artificial muscle with the central nervous system of the brain.

Another innovative invention that interested the entire scientific world came to us from the walls of Stanford University, where scientists invented the ability to stain the organs of both animals and mammals and make them even initially transparent. That is, initially, through various manipulations, the organ becomes transparent, and then, by introducing into them chemical compounds in the form of dyes, the cells required by the scientist are “tinted”.

This technique was called CLaRITY - it has already made it possible to make the brain transparent, and after tinting the required areas or parts of the brain, scientists can conduct unique studies in modern event visualization.

Huge interest in the scientific community was generated by the possibility of using luminescent antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases in the human body. At its core, an antibiotic entering the patient's body becomes a kind of illuminating marker of a localized infection, easily tracked and visible when viewed through special microscopes. The treatment process becomes more predictable and effective

The method of innovative mammography using the Internet and a bra, which captivated the female reader so much, was considered in the article of the site

The topic of the fight against cancer in medicine is very topical. In recent days, medicine has been developing not only surgical surgical methods of treatment and chemotherapy, or the use of destructive rays for a cancer cell, but also treatment with micropulses that destroy pathological processes in the body and initiate the self-destruction of malignant cells. Innovative science has learned to diagnose many diseases, including oncology, at the early stages of the pathological process and the development of the disease, which directly affected the increase in human life expectancy and this is almost 20 years. Moreover, this indicator is steadily growing and human life is increasing.

A huge role in the detection of malignant diseases and early detection of cancer cells was played by the invention of the microscope, which we previously wrote about on the pages of our website -

Do not ignore in our article the invention of a pharmacological preparation used in case of a biological clock failure. In simple terms, Canadian doctors invent a medicine that can reset our biological clock. This invention makes it possible to save people from sleep problems, suffering from insomnia or working at night.

Innovative methods of laser correction in modern cosmetology were popularly described on the page of the site in the article -.

Carrying out plastic surgeries and surgical corrections in cosmetology are discussed by us in the article -

We are dedicated to Sci-fi methods of rejuvenation of the human body

An innovative remedy for sleep problems will synchronize the leukocyte balance in such a way that a person will begin to count day and night in the opposite direction

Modern developments in cardiology have made it possible to practically invent a new generation of artificial human heart Abiokor.

Abiokor is an innovative breakthrough in the modern world of medicine, it is absolutely autonomous and exists independently inside the human body without various additional related devices, tubes or wires. The only condition is to regularly recharge it battery through an external network connection.

Modern surgery quickly includes robots that help in carrying out surgical intervention and, in fact, carry out independent most complex surgical procedures. One of these devices is called Da Vinci, which is a four-armed automaton-surgeon with a 3-D visualized system that displays the operating field on the monitor. This robotic surgeon is also successful in the treatment and removal of cancerous metastases and tumors.

A complete review of the articles on our website dedicated to the topic of innovative technologies in medicine can be viewed

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Medical Informatics Information processes are present in all
fields of medicine and health care. From them
orderliness depends on the clarity of functioning
industry as a whole and the effectiveness of its management.

Classification of medical information systems

The key link in healthcare informatization is
Information system.
The classification of medical information systems is based on
hierarchical principle and corresponds to a multi-level structure
healthcare. Distinguish:
1. basic level medical information systems
2. medical information systems at the level of medical institutions.
3. medical information systems of the territorial level.
4. federal level, intended for information
support of the state level of the health care system.

Medical instrument-computer systems

Medical instrument-computer systems
An important type of specialized medical
information systems are medical instrument-computer systems (MPCS).
There are three main components to the MPCS:
medical, hardware and software.
In relation to the MPCS, medical support includes
ways to implement the selected range of medical tasks,
solved in accordance with the capabilities of the hardware and
software part of the system.

Medical diagnostics

Development and implementation of information systems in the field of medical
technologies is quite an urgent task. Application Analysis
personal computers in medical institutions shows that computers
are mainly used for processing text documentation, storage and
database processing, statistics. Part of the computer is used in conjunction with
various diagnostic and therapeutic devices. In most of these
areas of computer use use standard software
security - text editors, DBMS, etc. Therefore, the creation
information organizational and technical system capable of
timely and reliably establish the diagnosis of the patient and choose
effective treatment tactics is an urgent task

Monitoring systems

The task of prompt assessment of the patient's condition arises in a number of
very important practical areas in medicine and in the first
queue for continuous monitoring of the patient in the wards
intensive care, operating and postoperative
In this case, it is required on the basis of a long and continuous
analysis of a large amount of data characterizing the state
physiological systems of the body to provide not only operational
diagnosing complications during treatment, but also predicting the condition
patient, as well as to determine the optimal correction of emerging

Treatment management systems

Treatment and rehabilitation management systems include
automated systems of intensive care, biological
feedback, as well as prostheses and artificial organs created
based on microprocessor technology.
One of the main ways to solve a number of medical, social and
economic problems are currently
informatization of the work of medical personnel. To these problems
concern the search for effective tools capable of providing
improving the three most important indicators of health care: quality
treatment, patient safety, economic
the effectiveness of medical care. Basic link
informatization is the use in modern hospitals
clinical information systems equipped with mechanisms
decision support.


Telemedicine is a complex of modern medical and diagnostic methods that provide remote
medical information management.
The emergence of telemedicine is usually associated with medical
space flight control. It was originally
measurement of vital signs in animals on
spacecraft, then astronauts.

Requirements for information systems in medicine

Scientists say that the place of the information system
in the enterprise is the same as in the nervous system in
human body. Just like health
individual depends to a large extent on
state of his nervous system (it is known that all
diseases - "from the nerves"), and vitality
businesses are largely dependent on their
information system.

Information support of any enterprise is constantly
develops is the law.
The system can be thought of as a building whose foundation
we are laying information environment, software
products and logistics,
including PCs, servers, local network, appliances. On
this foundation is loaded with information, increasing
number of users and growing
you should pay attention to which database is used in
application and in what development environment it is made.

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GBOU SPO MU No. 13 DZM Scientific and practical conference on the theme Head Molodova E.Yu. Innovation in regenerative medicine research

Objectives: to talk about new achievements in this field of research; the possibility of applying the results of research in practice in the near future; to present conclusions about the prospects of the announced studies.

Relevance Nowadays, there are a lot of disabled people (without one or more limbs) due to traumatic or surgical amputation. They are limited in movement and other human capabilities. Modern engineering and the medical industry in the form of prostheses come to their aid in our time. But prostheses can never completely replace a real lost body part.

In this regard, scientific and industrial programs were launched aimed at the development of priority research and practical developments in regenerative medicine.

The tasks of regenerative medicine are: creation of new medical devices; the creation of artificial organs (this science is called "bionics"). Tissue engineering and cell therapy are also involved in the creation of new developments. New biomaterials are being developed and translational medicine is being developed for the fastest introduction of progressive regenerative technologies into clinical practice.

A great discovery in the field of regeneration was made by American scientists, who conducted experiments on laboratory mice. Their main goal was to inhibit the processes of scarring of tissues for their complete healing without residual scars on the damaged surface.

The honeycomb-like material turns stem cells into bone. It was created by employees of the universities of Edinburgh and Southampton. The structure of the material resembles a honeycomb. This allows the stem cells to stay in a certain place. Attached to the material, stem cells automatically turn into bone tissue cells.

This will save people with osteoporosis. In them, in place of old worn bones, new ones will grow, and the frame will dissolve. The material is already being tested on animals (tested on mice and planned to work with sheep). Efficiency has also been proven in laboratory conditions using human tissue. Clinical trials will begin at least five years later.

As a result of all the scientific information that was presented on this topic, we can conclude: Currently, regenerative medicine is developing at a rapid pace and, given its enormous potential for restoring damaged tissues and human organs, in the near future we will witness amazing discoveries that will help disabled people to become full members of society. Conclusion

We thank you for your attention!

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Today there is a colossal hunger for social innovation. All aspects of the social sphere need to be updated. It has traditionally been considered and is considered that the social sphere is very
conservative. People get used to living in certain conditions and fear
change, even where it is most needed. Second, almost all
innovations in the social sphere are accepted without taking into account the positions of the citizens themselves.
Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to interact with people, how to cook them.
to innovative change.
For example, how difficult is the process of transition to electronic media. Just
because many, especially older people, do not know the simplest
computer skills. Sometimes they don't even know how to turn it on.
Therefore, the computer literacy training program for the elderly
arose not by chance. Until we teach citizens to enjoy the benefits
innovative achievements, we will continue to meet a rebuff from their side
any changes.
Over the past three years, about 200
projects. But one of the first directions in which
innovative change, has become health care.

Innovations in the field of healthcare are carried out in the form of the creation of new technologies, medical devices, drugs,

treatment methods, or organizational processes implemented in
production of goods or provision of services.
From the standpoint of innovation management, it is advisable to single out
the following types of healthcare innovations:
Medical technological innovations that are associated with the emergence of new methods
(methods, techniques) for prevention, diagnosis and treatment based on available drugs
(equipment) or new combinations of their application.
activities of the health care system, improving the organization of work of personnel and
org. management structures.
Economic innovations that ensure the implementation of modern methods
planning, financing, stimulating and analyzing the activities of institutions
Information technology innovations aimed at
processes of collection, processing, analysis of information flows in the industry.
medical and technical
a variety of medical technological innovations, however, suggesting how
imperative, use of new medicines (technical systems),
competitive in price and basic parameters of medical efficiency.

Innovation can be technical, involve the development or improvement of products, or
processes, or administrative, i.e. be focused on improving
organizational structure and processes for managing and carrying out work. Such innovations
can often be performed independently of each other. However, in some cases
the implementation of innovations in one area may depend on or even require innovations in another.
Innovation always means a leap into a new area or an attempt to implement an innovation. AT
In this regard, the results of innovation activities are not always obvious
immediately. On the contrary, the path to improvement can be laid during
a long time, making many experimental attempts, both successful and not
quite successful.
The unity of science, education and practice should ensure healthcare not only
fundamentally new ways of diagnosing and treating a variety of diseases, but also
modern methods of quality management in healthcare. Continuous translational
the process of updating medical technologies, providing an increase in the effectiveness of treatment and
prevention, requires the formation and adequate financial support of targeted scientific
programs in priority areas of development of medicine and healthcare.

Progress is evident: 10 Russian innovative projects in the field of medicine
Steve Jobs envisioned that the greatest breakthroughs of the 21st century would occur at the intersection of biology and high
technologies that will lead to a new era of medicine. The trend of the last five years confirms his words:
the developments of modern scientists endow devices with the abilities of superheroes, which is increasingly attracting
business attention. Russia also has incubators and individual clusters that support
exclusively high-tech startups related to the development of medicine. Innovation actively
are being introduced into various areas of healthcare, as well as into the very system of interaction between doctors
with their patients. T&P compiled an overview of Russian projects illustrating the situation in the industry.

The Teledoctor service is a telephone clinic that plays the role
intermediary between patients and doctors in real clinics. In addition, in the state
"Teledoktora" consists of its own specialists who advise and conduct electronic
medical records of patients.
From a financial point of view, the service is quite affordable: a single call costs
from 180 rubles, annual subscription - from a thousand. The main advantage of the platform
is still the principle of remote work on which it is built. The idea is that
From now on, patients do not need to waste time and effort waiting in queues: with the help of
phone call, you can access the right specialist.
The Russian Forbes recognized the project as the best startup in the country in 2014.

Oriense develops high-tech assistance devices
visually impaired: the device is attached to the chest of a blind or visually impaired person,
analyzes the environment and with the help of a speech synthesizer
reports obstacles and ways to bypass them.
The device's stereo camera helps you navigate during daylight hours or
in lighted rooms, as well as in the dark thanks to the infrared sensor.
The project has been developing since 2006 in St. Petersburg. Since the founding of the company
became a resident of Skolkovo, and in March of this year took 3rd place in the world
final of the StartUp Cup competition.

Cloud medical CRM system founded in 2008 by Khabarovsk programmers
Dmitry Lazutkin and Vladimir Kovalsky. The first caught fire with this idea after
how I ended up in one of the Tokyo hospitals, where the paper bureaucracy was completely replaced
computers. Medesk is a medical clinic management platform aimed at
to improve its efficiency.
For six years, the startup managed not only to cover a considerable territory of the Russian Federation (services were introduced
in 21 regions of the country) and get the approval of Dmitry Medvedev. In 2013 he was in the top 15
of the most promising projects in the world in the field of digital health according to Stanford
University, and in 2014 became the winner of the international competition of high-tech
The Cloud Innovation World Cup companies. Now the company is scaling, and in the foreseeable future
plans to connect clinics in Ukraine, Turkey, Brazil and Argentina to its system.

Tomsk company "Akvelit" was established in 2005 with the assistance of the Bortnik Foundation,
one of the few organizations that support domestic innovative
projects. VitaVallis is a unique development of this company, which is
antimicrobial sorption material and wound healing dressings. This modern
alternative to antibiotics protects against infections and is suitable for all types of wounds.
The principle of operation of the material is based on a safe mechanism in which growth
microbes are suppressed within the dressing itself. Thus, the infection is destroyed
not toxic, as is the case with antibiotics, but physically. The innovation was developed
and approved by the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, Siberian Branch
RAS and can be widely used in surgery, dentistry and many other areas

My gene
"My gene" is a Russian service for the analysis of human DNA. The company is engaged
determination and analysis of the composition of the human genetic chain in order to obtain
the most diverse information about the body: from a hereditary tendency to those or
other diseases to the ethnicity of his distant ancestors.
All that is needed is to pay for the order and hand over the saliva to the courier who arrived on call, according to her
a specialist will analyze your genome, taking into account epidemiological data
by territories Russian Federation. The project was created with the assistance of scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences
and young businessmen. The idea came to Russia from Western countries, where a similar service
appeared three years ago.

The project will compare prices for laboratory tests, ECG, ultrasound and other functional
research and offer the best option based on the location of the laboratory
or clinics. Here you can read the descriptions of the analyzes and make a preliminary
order, as well as learn about possible discounts. The project covers not only Russian
clinics, but also Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. For service users
"AnalysisMarket" are free.

3D Bioprinting Solutions
With the efforts of Russian innovators, the printing of organs on 3D printers is becoming more
more real. The 3D Bioprinting Solutions project was created in 2013 and represents
laboratory, which is engaged in the design of a device with three-dimensional technology
bioprinting of organs and tissues of the human body, as well as the printing itself.
The company's specialists presented the first domestic 3D bioprinter with its own
configuration and design. Scientific leader of the team - Vladimir Alexandrovich
Mironov, professor at the University of Virginia, author of the first publication on printing

Free online service connecting patients and doctors of private Moscow
clinics. "Infodoctor" works on the principle of ordering air tickets online. Client
fills in the search criteria: doctor's specialization, city district and desired cost
initial appointment, and then chooses the appropriate option, that is, he makes an appointment with a doctor,
working in one of the partner clinics of the project.
The project is growing: every day several hundred patients turn to the services of the company,
and the database of the platform consists of more than five thousand doctors from 443 clinics in Moscow. Exist
and the service app of the same name for iPhone and iPad.

"Button of Life"
A project designed to help the elderly, disabled people in case of an accident, deterioration
well-being or a fall caused by it. According to statistics, 30% of older people over 65 fall
once a year or more. Half the time they can't get up and get help.
on your own if no one is around.
The device itself is mobile phone with a single button configured
to call for emergency assistance. There is also a built-in GPS tracker, thanks to which the dispatcher
automatically sees the location of the person. The Life Button is open 24/7. After
determining the reason for the call, the doctor on duty contacts the necessary assistance service: ambulance,
by the police or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and notifies relatives or caregivers. The "Button of Life" project has become
the best socially significant startup according to several ratings, and also made it to the final
startup competition from Forbes.

The project was developed by the young company Liandri Healthcare, founded by Moscow
students and has already managed to interest the Skolkovo Foundation. medical expert
iHematologist system allows you to get a transcript of a blood test and diagnose
more than 50 syndromes and diseases without leaving home. The patient just needs to enter
the results of your blood test in an electronic form on the site and receive an analysis in return,
made automatically by the system. The authors of the service emphasize that their project
does not replace an appointment with a real hematologist, but only serves the purpose of obtaining a primary

Dengvaxia - the first dengue vaccine
Dengue fever, spread by the yellow fever mosquito, affects 400 million people
annually. The disease causes fever, excruciating headaches, nausea, and sometimes
to lethal outcome. About 40% of the population is at risk, and increasing
climate change can further increase this percentage. Dengvaxia from Sanofi Pasteur has become
the first dengue vaccine that protects against all strains of the virus. For its development
scientists took 20 years. The vaccine has received WHO approval, and people in Brazil and the Philippines
have already been able to receive Dengvaxia vaccinations. Containment of the virus will allow for $9 billion a year
reduce the losses caused by dengue to the global economy.

Probufin implant for the treatment of opioid dependence
In the treatment of opioid dependence, it is enough to skip one or two doses
replacement drug, and the condition will worsen again. Probufin implants
from Braeburn Pharmaceuticals are sewn under the skin, where they are located during
half a year. Four sticks of matchstick-sized probufin deliver stable
a dose of buprenorphine, a substance that makes the syndrome easier to bear
opioid withdrawal. The development has already received the approval of the Office
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

IMLYGIC - virus against cancer
Scientists have long known that viruses can make the immune system
attack cancer, but debugging and modifying these viruses took time.
Amgen's melanoma viral drug IMLYGIC received
FDA approval at the end of 2015. It is based on a modified virus
herpes - when injected into a tumor, it can provoke an immune response
against cancer.

Absorb - soluble cardiostent
Metal stents are small tubes that help uncork
and treat arteries - are widely used in cardiac surgery. Often around
metal plaques begin to form, which is not beneficial to the patient. stent
Abbott's Absorb is made from bioresorbable polylactide polymer,
which has the same therapeutic effect and then dissolves
in organism. Clinical trials have shown that it is in no way inferior
metal counterparts.

Thermo - high-speed thermometer
To measure temperature with modern thermometers,
which are placed under the tongue, can take up to three minutes. Thermo
from Withings performs the same task in a couple of seconds, and
The measurement takes place in a non-contact way. Device
equipped with 16 infrared sensors that collect
more than 4000 parameters when brought to the temporal artery.
The cost of the thermometer is $109.

Autonomous Robot Surgeon STAR
Developed by the Danish National Medical Center
robot STAR copes with one of the most difficult tasks
in surgery - stitching intestinal tissues. Special
the touch system helps the device to work properly
surgical instruments - somewhere to press harder, somewhere
weaker. An experiment on the intestines of a pig showed that
that a robot can do a better job than humans and machines,
assisted by people.

Second Skin - second skin with increased elasticity
Sunburn, wrinkles, pigmentation - soon these inevitable
age markers can be hidden, and possibly
and prevent. Elastic polymer Second Skin from Olivo Lab
superimposed on the skin as a protective coating, and visually
adds youth. Cover can also be used as
a means of delivering medicines, such as ointments for eczema, or

Nima - Pocket Gluten Finder
Patients with celiac disease - gluten intolerance - when ordering meals
forced to rely on the decency of the cook, in the hope that in food
really gluten free. Nima lets you test food
on one's own. $199 Tiny Device Detects Gluten
even at 20 ppm, the lower limit set by the FDA.
In the future, the startup plans to create detectors for other allergens, for example,

Freestyle Libre - needleless glucometer
People with insulin-dependent types of diabetes are forced to draw blood
finger up to 10 times a day. The device from Abbott eliminates this painful
need. It is enough to place a tiny sensor under the skin, which
continuously monitors blood sugar levels. To find out the scores,
you need to bring a small scanning device to it. Research
showed that patients using Freestyle Libre were 38% less likely to experience
low sugar level.

A quick and cheap Zika virus test
The main threat posed by the Zika virus is the likelihood of developing
birth defects in the fetus, while the mother of the child may not even suspect
about her being sick. Traditional laboratory tests require several
days for diagnostics, and in rural areas there are almost no specialized
laboratories. Scientists from MIT have created a paper test that gives the result already
in three hours. If blood contaminated with the card gets on the surface of the card
Zika, the yellow dots turn purple.

Kovanaze nasal spray as anesthesia at the dentist
The most annoying part of getting a filling is the injection.
anesthesia. Spray from St. Renatus has exactly the same effect
like a prick. It is enough to spray twice into that nostril, which
is closest to the diseased tooth - and caries treatment
will be painless.