A dispatch information system is being created. Automated system of a unified duty dispatch service (as edds). Main features of the program

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The development of an IS for a taxi dispatch service is carried out using the example of the compiled catalog of a taxi dispatch service. The catalog will show cars, their drivers, customers, dates of orders, order fulfillment, order cost, order addresses.

1. Subject area

The area of ​​consideration is the activities of taxi service dispatchers, who must:

Maintain a list of clients in which you enter the card number, first and last name, home address and mobile phone number.

A list of cars in which you enter the car number, car make, car license plate, car driver.

A list of orders in which the order code, order date, car number, card number, order amount, order status are entered.

A list of drivers, in which the driver’s last name, first name, and length of service are entered.

2. Formulation of the problem

The development of process models is illustrated by the example of creating the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

Modeling of system elements.

IDEF0 diagrams

DFD Charts

3. Conceptual requirements

To design the database, the universal design method ER method (entity-relationship method) was chosen. When using this method, it is necessary, first of all, to create an ER model that reflects the relationships between entities of a given subject area. Next, based on the ER diagram, databases are built.

Entities are conceptual requirements that must be taken into account when developing a database: catalogs of clients, orders, cars, drivers.


To create a database, it is necessary to uncover the essence of the conceptual requirements and normalize them. Table normalization is a sequential change in the structure of the table until it satisfies the requirements of the last form of normalization.

I normal form

A table is in first normal form if and only when none of the fields contains more than one value and any key.field is not empty.

We reveal the essence of conceptual requirements:

Cars (Car Number, Car Brand, State Number of Car, Driver).

Client (Card Number, Last Name, First Name, Home Address, Phone Number).

Order (Order Code, Order Date, Order Time, Car Number, Card Number, Order Amount, Order Status).

Driver (Last name, first name, length of service).

II normal form

A table is in second normal form if it satisfies the requirements of first normal form and all its fields that are not included in the primary key have a full functional dependence on the primary key:

Table 1 - Car

Table 2 - Orders

Table 3 - Clients

III normal form

A table is in third normal form if it satisfies the requirements of second normal form and none of its non-key fields is functionally dependent on any other non-key field:

Figure 3 - Car table

Figure 4 - Orders table

Figure 5 - Clients table

Figure 6 - Driver table

4. Structural scheme

Based on the third normal form, we create a structural diagram of the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

Creation block diagram Database.

Enter the data schema: Working with Databases tab.

On the toolbar, click “Data Schema”.

Figure 7

Window with a list of tables

Double click on the table name to add tables to the field

Figure 8

Establish a relationship between tables

Figure 9

5. Work order

First, let's create a database by clicking "File - New - New base data." Set the database name, save location, and click Create.

Figure 10

Now we set the table structure.

On the Home tab, select the “Design” mode.

Figure 11

Save the table under the selected name.

Figure 12

Create a table in the designer window.

Figure 13

6. Creating Tables in Design View

Click “Create table in design mode.”

Enter a field name.

Select data type.

Set the primary key by clicking on the “Key” button on the toolbar, after placing the cursor on the field to the left of the desired name (the key field must be in the first place in the list of fields).

Set the name of the closing table after entering all the required fields and their types.

The tables are built in a similar way:



Creating a relationship between tables.

Click on the “Data Schema” icon on the toolbar to open the data schema.

From the additional “Add tables” window that appears, click on the required table names and click on the “Add” button.

Merge key fields of tables: by clicking the mouse, select a field in one of the tables that will be combined in the field of the same name in another table, and, holding down the mouse, drag this field onto the field to be joined. Release the mouse, and the “Change connections” window will open indicating the fields of the corresponding tables to be connected and the type of connection of these fields: “one-to-one”, “one-to-many”:

If the connection type is “one-to-one”, check the data integrity checkbox and click OK.

With the one-to-many type of communication.

Ensuring data integrity.

Cascade update of related fields.

Cascade deletion of related fields.

Click OK.

As a result, we have a diagram of connections between the tables of the Taxi Dispatch Service database.

7. Creating Forms

Go to the Create tab. Click on the “Form” button on the panel at the top. A form is created to fill out. Save the form under the name “Input Form”. Save. Click right click mouse over the name of the form and select “Form Mode”. Or in the “Creation” tab, select “Form Wizard”:

8. Creating queries

taxi database constructor

Types of requests:

Simple query - creating a query from specific fields.

Cross-Query - Create a query that outputs data in a compact format, similar to a spreadsheet.

Duplicate Records - Create a query to find duplicate records in a simple table or query.

Non-Subordinate Records - Create a query to find records that do not match any records in the subordinate table.

Simple request

On the Create tab, in the Queries group, click Query Wizard.

Figure 14

In the New Query dialog box, select the Simple Query option and click OK.

Figure 15

Figure 16

In the Tables and Queries group, select the table that contains the data you need. Note that you can use another query as the data source. Once you select a table, its fields appear in the Available Fields area.

9. Crossrequest

On the Create tab, in the Other group, click Query Builder.

Figure 17

In the Add Table dialog box, double-click each table or query that you want to use as record sources.

Add the fields you want to use to the Selected Fields list, and then click Next. Now you should set the grouping criteria used to divide your rows into columns

Add the fields you want to use to the Selected Fields list, and then click Next. Now you need to set the grouping criteria used to divide your rows into columns. At this point, you can select one field.

Select the field to group the columns and click Next. The last step is to select the calculation you want to perform to get your results. Select the field to calculate and then the function to calculate the summary data.

10. Generating reports

In order to create a report, you need to go to the “Creation” tab and select “Report”

Reports can be created using:

Report designer.

Report Wizards.

And manually.

In our database, a report is created using the Report Wizard. You need to click on “Report Wizard”. A window will open.

Figure 18

We transfer the available fields one by one by clicking the “>” button.

To transfer all fields at once, click the “>>” button

Figure 19

In the next window you can distribute grouping levels.

In the next step, you can select the type of report layout, as well as select portrait or landscape orientation.

You can attach stickers to the report. You can also create a blank report.

At the end of the database creation, an overall report should be created that includes all the fields.


The development of a taxi dispatch service process model was carried out using the example of compiling a taxi dispatch service catalogue.

The taxi dispatch service catalog shows the cars of their drivers, clients, dates of orders, order fulfillment, order cost, order addresses.


1. Gvozdeva V.A., Lavrentieva I.Yu., fundamentals of building automated information systems - Moscow, Publishing House Forum - INFRA - M, 2007. - 320 p.

2. Fufaev D.E., Fufaev D.E. Development and operation of automated information systems - Moscow, Academy Publishing Center, 2010. - 304 p.

3. Gagarina L.G., Kiselev D.V., E.L. Fedotova. Development and operation of automated information systems - Moscow, Publishing House Forum - INFRA - M, 2009. -384p.

4. Dimov Yu.V. Metrology, Standardization and Certification - Peter, 2005

5. Pirogov V.Yu. Information systems and databases: organization and design: textbook. Manual - SPB.BVH- St. Petersburg, 2009. -528 p.

6. Kharitonova I.A., Mikheeva V.D. MicrosoftAccess 2000 - St. Petersburg. : BVH-Petersburg, 1999. - 1088 p.

7. Maksimov N.V. and others. Modern information technologies. Textbook-M: “FORUM”: INFRA-M, 2011.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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The dispatch service is understood as a centralized form of operational management based on the application technical means communication, collection of information, its processing and implementation of operational control and regulation of agricultural production.

The organization of a dispatch service can significantly increase the productivity of managerial labor, expand controllability standards and increase management efficiency. It consists of the following elements: dispatch personnel of the central control center, control posts in brigades and farms; a set of technical management tools (in-house radio and telephone communications, technological and documentary communications, means of visual display of information); applied methods of centralized operational management.

The dispatch service is created to perform the following types of work:

in the field of information support:

Collection, storage and processing of current operational information on the progress of production processes in all divisions of the farm and the presentation of relevant data to managers, chief specialists of the farm and agricultural authorities at the district level;

Implementation of two-way operational communication between managers and chief specialists with each other, as well as with managers and specialists of on-farm production units; transfer of all command information emanating from managers to primary production units;

Collection of various questions and requests coming from structural divisions and addressed to business managers, as well as heads of individual functional departments;

Conducting dispatch meetings according to a specially developed schedule;

in the field of accounting and control:

Monitoring the implementation by all on-farm departments of the instructions and orders of farm managers;

Monitoring the implementation of work plans approved by all structural divisions of the economy, including such parameters as the timing and volume of planned work, delivery of products to the state;

Control over the timely implementation by all functional services and various on-farm departments of requests and applications transmitted to them from the dispatch service;

Monitoring the operation of the machine and tractor fleet;

in the field of operational management- operational management of production, coordination of economic activities of all structural divisions of the economy; elimination of deviations arising in production activities;

in the field of organization and maintenance of production:

Organization and implementation of timely maintenance and emergency repairs of agricultural machines and mechanisms by means of special units (teams and units of adjusters);

Collection of requests and control over the on-farm logistics supply of all structural divisions, including fuel and lubricants, spare parts, etc. based on relevant plans developed by functional services together with the heads of primary structural divisions;

Organization of centralized on-farm transport transportation of goods and people in accordance with developed plans, as well as at the request of structural divisions.

The scope of work performed by the dispatch service may vary, especially in terms of operational management. In recent years, due to the expansion of independence of on-farm divisions, many types of work on operational management have been transferred to a lower level of management - managers, foremen, but this does not exclude the need to coordinate work with the help of operational management throughout the enterprise.

Thanks to the dispatch service, other functional and line management services have the opportunity to solve problems related to long-term prospects for economic development, to deal with such fundamental problems as improving equipment and production technology, labor organization, and introducing the latest scientific achievements and best practices into production.

To resolve issues of operational management, the dispatch service apparatus must have the appropriate knowledge. The activity of the dispatcher is based on a correct assessment of the progress of production, the ability to foresee the consequences of deviations from the plan and outline specific measures leading to the elimination of detected deficiencies. To do this, the dispatch apparatus, in addition to knowledge of agricultural production, must have the ability to forecast and analyze, and the ability to quickly navigate in a complex, constantly changing production environment.

The structure of the dispatch service is determined by the scale of production, its concentration, territorial location, remoteness of production units, content and volume of work performed. In large agricultural enterprises, operational management is carried out through a central control panel and a network of control points at production departments. In medium and small farms, this is carried out through a central control center and control posts in brigades and farms.

Manages the dispatch service on farms chief (senior) dispatcher, acting as deputy for operational management. Qualified, experienced specialists with experience in managing agricultural production are usually appointed to this position. All heads of divisions of the main and service productions report to the chief dispatcher on operational issues.

The scope of activity of the chief (senior) dispatcher is extremely diverse. The practice of the dispatch service has shown that he has to solve issues that require a wide variety of knowledge.

The direct assistant to the chief (senior) dispatcher for operational management is dispatcher-operator, ensuring timely receipt, reception and processing of operational information on the progress of the production process, its preparation for management of the economy and higher organizations.

During busy periods of agricultural work, a position is added to the dispatch service staff temporary dispatcher-operator for duty at the control center. Radio operator technician carries out Maintenance communications equipment and is responsible for their serviceability. Responsibilities dispatchers-informants on farms, they are assigned part-time to foremen of crop production teams, accountants of dairy farms, farm managers, accountants of transport teams and vehicle fleet, foreman of a construction team, and heads of auxiliary workshops.

The decisive factor ensuring the efficient functioning of the dispatch service is the clearly regulated activities of its employees on the basis of developed functional rights and responsibilities. To achieve the greatest efficiency of the dispatch service, employees of the enterprise are obliged to adhere to the rules for the exchange of official information, use dispatch communication means and comply with labor protection requirements, promptly inform the dispatch service about the results of the execution of orders regulated by deadlines.

In the work of the dispatch service, regulation, the procedure for using technical means of dispatch communication and the timing of the submission of operational information are of great importance.

The organization and operating procedure of the dispatch service in a particular farm are determined by the relevant documents:

1. Regulations on the dispatch service, which reflects its tasks and place in the management structure, staff and job descriptions employees, organization of dispatch accounting, purpose and procedure for filling out its forms, communication schedules for department informants, procedure for organizing and holding dispatch meetings, etc.

2. The work schedule of the dispatch service, which determines the hourly time for receiving information from production sites, processing it and holding dispatch meetings.

The working day schedule of the dispatch service depends on the intensity of work on the farm and is drawn up for the summer and winter periods.

The effectiveness of the dispatch service is largely determined by the organization of its work. The dispatch meeting and dispatch squad are important. In practice, a certain system has developed for conducting dispatch meetings and work orders.

Technology for holding a dispatch meeting. Held once a week from 17 to 18 hours. Present: the head of the farm, the chief dispatcher, and also, depending on the agenda, chief and senior specialists.

The meeting is held according to the following scenario:

1. Report from the chief dispatcher on the progress of work plans (tasks) over the past week. The percentage of completion of the work plan and the largest shortcomings in the organization of work, technology and use of equipment are noted (10-12 min).

2. Reports from department managers, foreman and workshop managers on the work done during the week (only about shortcomings, shortcomings and non-fulfillment) (2-3 minutes for each).

3. Reports by chief specialists (5-8 minutes each), which should consist of three parts: analysis of the progress of work over the past week, identifying shortcomings and their causes; proposals for eliminating deficiencies; draft work plans, previously drawn up together with the managers for each department.

4. Comments on work plans.

5. Conclusion of the director or his deputy for production.

Technology of carrying out a dispatch task. Held daily from 18:00 to 18:30. 11present: at the central control point - the head of the farm, the chief dispatcher, the main specialists; at the department control center - the manager, department specialists, foremen and farm managers.

The dispatch plan is as follows:

1. Roll call of those present.

2. Report from the chief dispatcher on the progress of tasks for the past day. The percentage of plan completion and the reasons for downtime of people and equipment in the departments are noted, and the culprits are indicated (5-6 minutes).

3. Short reports (2-3 min) by the chief agronomist, chief engineer and chief livestock specialist on technology violations in the use of equipment. If desired, other specialists are also given the floor.

4. Department managers analyze the causes of disruptions and downtime, and propose a work plan for the department for the next day if for some reason they consider it necessary to deviate from the work plan for the week (2-3 minutes).

5. The chief dispatcher distributes cars and other equipment that is at his disposal, according to requests previously received from the departments (1-2 minutes).

6. Conclusion of the director of the farm (3-4 min). Conducting dispatch meetings and dispatch orders

allows you to increase the efficiency of operational management, promotes the reality of management and disciplines workers.

Integrated dispatching of agriculture at the district and regional levels is being carried out at a rapid pace. Here, the dispatch facilities, in addition to agricultural enterprises, include all organizations related to agriculture. This allows you to quickly resolve many issues related to the sale of agricultural products, supply and maintenance of agricultural enterprises. In addition, the creation of regional and district dispatch systems and connecting them with computer centers allows for a gradual transition to automated control systems.

2.1 SCADA systems: general concepts and structure.

Dispatching ensures the coordinated operation of individual parts of the managed object in order to increase technical and economic indicators, rhythm of work, better use of production capacity, control in order to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations. The system allows you to keep operational records of energy consumption and control the parameters of engineering equipment.

When the equipment is located without permanent maintenance personnel or in another remote location, there is a need for remote monitoring and control from a central control center. It is also necessary to maintain records of the condition of the equipment, deviations from the norm of its parameters with the possibility of further archiving and viewing data for any period of time.

Control systems that allow the implementation of remote monitoring and control functions are called building management systems or dispatch systems.

The following systems are subject to dispatching:

Power supply and electric lighting;

Fire fighting equipment and fire extinguishing devices;

Ventilation and air conditioning;

Heating and hot water supply;

Sewerage and drainage systems;

Gas distribution points and stations.

It should be noted that the dispatch system is a superstructure over local automation, since the main tasks of managing engineering

equipment will be performed regardless of the operation of the system


Communications between system elements can be made using a variety of technologies, using various types of communication interfaces - both wired and wireless.

A significant advantage of dispatch systems is the support of several communication interfaces (protocols), and in cases of joint use with equipment from other manufacturers, there is the possibility of further expansion of the system without being tied to specific equipment.

It is often necessary that information about events that require attention and

rapid response of service personnel, reached, in addition to the control center, persons who directly service the system, who do not always have access to Personal Computer. In this case, in addition to transmitting data to the control center, information via SMS can be transmitted directly to a mobile phone.

A full-fledged dispatch system usually immediately includes a dispatch server - a specially dedicated computer on which the SCADA system is installed.

SCADA is an acronym for Supervisory Control Data Acguistion. SCADA is software that performs the following functions:

Collection of data on the condition of engineering equipment from controllers of local automation panels;

Storage and display of information about the operation of equipment for the entire period of its operation;

Notifying service personnel about events requiring attention via e-mail, SMS or fax;

Access to control and management of equipment via the facility’s local network, via the Internet, etc.

A dispatch server with a SCADA system installed on it is often called the “top level”.

The SCADA system has the ability to expand/merge with other control systems.

2.2 Functional structure of SCADA.

Remote terminal units (RTU). Communication channels (CS). Control towers (MTUs). OS. Application software. Central control point.

SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition is the main and currently remains the most promising method of automated control of complex dynamic systems (processes) in vital and critical areas from the point of view of safety and reliability. It is on the principles of dispatch control that large automated systems are built in industry and energy, transport, space and military fields, and in various government agencies.

Over the past 10-15 years, interest in the problems of building highly efficient and highly reliable dispatch control and data acquisition systems has sharply increased abroad. On the one hand, this is due to significant progress in the field of computer technology, software and telecommunications, which increases the capabilities and expands the scope of application of automated systems. On the other hand, development information technologies, an increase in the degree of automation and redistribution of functions between humans and equipment has exacerbated the problem of interaction between the human operator and the control system. Investigation and analysis of the majority of accidents and incidents in aviation, land and water transport, industry and energy, some of which led to catastrophic consequences, showed that while in the 60s human error was the original cause of only 20% of incidents (80%, accordingly, due to technological malfunctions and failures), then in the 90s the share of the human factor increased to 80%, and, due to the constant improvement of technology and increased reliability of electronic equipment and machines, this share may increase further (Fig. 1)

Fig.1. Trends in the causes of accidents in complex automated systems

The main reason for such trends is the old traditional approach to the construction of complex automated control systems, which is often used today: a focus primarily on the use of the latest technical (technological) achievements, the desire to increase the degree of automation and functionality of the system and, at the same time, , underestimation of the need to build an effective human-machine interface (HMI Human-Machine Interface), i.e. user (operator) oriented interface. It is no coincidence that specifically for the last 15 years, i.e. The period of the emergence of powerful, compact and inexpensive computing tools marked the peak of research in the United States on human factor problems in control systems, including optimization of the architecture and HMI interface of supervisory control and data acquisition systems.

The study of materials on the problems of building effective and reliable dispatch control systems showed the need to use a new approach when developing such systems: human-centered design (or top-down, top-down), i.e. focus primarily on the human operator (dispatcher) and his tasks, instead of the traditional and widely used hardware-centered (or bottom-up, bottom-up), in which, when building a system, the main attention was paid to the selection and development of technical means (equipment and software). The application of the new approach in real space and aviation developments and comparative testing of systems at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), USA, confirmed its effectiveness, allowing to increase the productivity of operators, reduce procedural errors by an order of magnitude and reduce critical (non-correctable) errors to zero. ) operator errors.

SCADA is the process of collecting real-time information from remote points (objects) for processing, analysis and possible management of remote objects. The requirement for real-time processing is due to the need to deliver (issue) all necessary events (messages) and data to the central interface of the operator (dispatcher). At the same time, the concept of real time differs for different SCADA systems.

The prototype of modern SCADA systems in the early stages of development of automated control systems were telemetry and alarm systems.

All modern SCADA systems include three main structural components (see Fig. 2) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) - a remote terminal that processes the task (control) in real time. The range of its implementations is wide, from primitive sensors that collect information from an object, to specialized multiprocessor fault-tolerant computing systems that process information and control in hard real time. Its specific implementation is determined by the specific application. The use of low-level information processing devices makes it possible to reduce the bandwidth requirements for communication channels with the central control center.

Rice. 2. Main structural components of the SCADA system

Master Terminal Unit (MTU), Master Station (MS) control center (main terminal); carries out high-level data processing and control, usually in soft (quasi-) real time; One of the main functions is to provide an interface between the human operator and the system (HMI, MMI). Depending on the specific system, MTU can be implemented in a wide variety of forms from a single computer with additional devices connections to communication channels to large computer systems (mainframes) and/or integrated into local network workstations and servers. As a rule, when constructing an MTU, various methods are used to increase the reliability and security of the system.

Communication System (CS) communication system(communication channels), is necessary for transmitting data from remote points (objects, terminals) to the central interface of the operator-dispatcher and transmitting control signals to the RTU (or a remote object, depending on the specific design of the system).

Functional structure of SCADA

There are two types of control of remote objects in SCADA: automatic and initiated by the system operator.

Sheridan (Fig. 3) identified four main functional components of supervisory control and data collection systems: a human operator, a computer interacting with a person, a computer interacting with a task (object), a task (control object), and also identified five functions of a human operator in the system dispatcher control and characterized them as a set of nested loops in which the operator.

Rice. 3. Main structural components of SCADA systems

Plans what next steps need to be taken; teaches (programs) computer system for subsequent actions; monitors the results of (semi-)automatic operation of the system; intervenes in the process in the event of critical events when the automation cannot cope, or if it is necessary to adjust (adjust) process parameters; learns while working (gains experience).

This presentation SCADA was the basis for the development of modern methodologies for building effective dispatch systems.

2.3 Features of SCADA as a management process

Areas of application of SCADA systems

The main areas of application of dispatch control systems (according to foreign sources) are:

Electricity transmission and distribution management;

Industrial production;

Power generation;

Water intake, water treatment and distribution;

Production, transportation and distribution of oil and gas;

Transport management (all types of transport: air, metro, railway, road, water);


Military area.

Currently, in developed foreign countries there is a real rise in the introduction of new and modernization of existing automated control systems in various sectors of the economy; In the vast majority of cases, these systems are built on the principle of supervisory control and data collection. It is characteristic that in the industrial sphere (in the manufacturing and mining industries, energy, etc.) the modernization of existing production facilities with new generation SCADA systems is most often mentioned.

Local control system

A local system is a set of equipment that is designed for local (local) management, protection, control, monitoring, collection and transmission of technological parameters of engineering equipment.

Local systems are completely independent systems and can operate in their own cycle without interaction with “top-level” systems.

The system consists of the following components:


Local controller/controllers;

Executive devices.

Sensors are designed to provide controllers with the necessary information about the condition of equipment. There are two types of sensors: discrete (relay), which can only transmit information of the type “Normal”, “Deviation”, and analog - which transmit the current value of the parameter. The local controller is a universal tool for processing and analyzing information from sensors, and managing, monitoring and storing information about the state of equipment. The controllers used can be either freely configurable, in which specific schemes for application and work with engineering equipment are already prescribed, or freely programmable, in which it is possible to program any algorithm for the operation of the device.

The main task of actuators is to control/change the operating parameters of engineering equipment. According to their purpose, actuators can be either regulating or protective.

Central control center

The Central Dispatch Center (hereinafter referred to as the CCC) is a hardware and software complex that performs the functions of collecting, processing and transmitting all the necessary information for the safe and reliable operation of facilities on which local systems are installed.

The Central Dispatch Center is intended for:

1. Prevention and remote identification of the cause of an accident or failure.

Dispatching allows you to prevent an emergency or damage to installed equipment. If the parameters of the process equipment go beyond the parameters, the system will promptly respond to the deviation and, depending on the priority level of the accident, will transmit to the control center a message about the parameter deviation with the ability to block the failed elements or turn them off. If an accident does occur, the operational team goes to the scene of the incident already knowing what happened and why, with the necessary tools, spare parts, and components. Ultimately, this will affect the speed of troubleshooting.

2. Assisting service personnel in making operational decisions.

Dispatching allows you to avoid hasty actions by personnel and remotely accurately plan a set of operational activities of station personnel before the arrival of the service team.

3. Minimizing the influence of the human factor in an emergency. When an alarm occurs, personnel often take hasty action to prevent an accident, and if the cause is not correctly identified, this can lead to serious consequences and long-term disruption.

4. Accounting for consumed energy resources. The complex is designed for recording, archiving and transmitting information in real time about the consumption of natural gas, heat, cold and hot water and electricity. EXO4 is dispatch system software. EXO4 has a graphical user interface. All settings and commands are performed using the keyboard and mouse.

The software is supplied only together with the corresponding hardware key, which is designed in the form of a USB key or a card that is inserted into a free PCI slot on the computer.

EXO4 and the EXO system perform the following functions:

Dynamic visualization of objects and processes;

Management and monitoring of objects;

Remote reading of alarms and data;

Multi-user system with authorization and control structure

by users;

Event registration and management;

Tracking accidents and conditions (4 levels of emergency priorities);

Creation of reports and reports on accidents and malfunctions;

Confirmation, blocking and unblocking of emergency messages;

Sound and visual support of emergency messages;

Redirecting alarm messages to one or more printers in

depending on time and (or) event;

Construction of graphs and trends (points) in real time;

Data and archiving management;

Network communication using client-server technology and support for various



Temporary programs;

Multi-window interface;

Database management;

Supports wired and wireless data transfer devices;

Automatic transition to winter and summer time;

System synchronization.

The user is provided with a convenient, intuitive graphical interface. Management and visualization of all engineering equipment can occur both using mnemonic diagrams and with the help of animation, graphs, using photographs and histograms.

Communication lines

The concept of communication lines refers to systems for transmitting and receiving information using various technical means.

Depending on the method of transmitting information, a distinction is made between wired landline communications (via the transmission of information packets over telephone lines) and mobile radio communications (via a radio signal).

Wired services telephone communication are provided by both state-owned companies and some commercial operators.

When using wired communications, the optimal solution is to use secure communication channels, also called VPN channels. Information transmitted through such channels is encoded with special hardware and cannot be used by third-party users. It is also possible to protect channels by using communication only between channel endpoints. There are three connection options: using a dedicated Ethernet line or broadband ADSL connection (using the Internet) and via a dial-up telephone connection using telephone modems. Each of the above options depends on the technical capabilities of the operator in a particular region.

Mobile radio services are provided exclusively by commercial Operators. Data transfer methods are similar wire transmission the only difference is that instead of dial-up connections, the service operator's base stations are used. At the same time, it is possible to order a certain amount of received and transmitted information per calendar month or pay upon use for each month of service provision.

When choosing a communications service provider, you need to know whether the operator has a full set of permits and licenses for all types of activities carried out, and also has certificates of conformity for all supplied systems and communications equipment.

2.4 Trends in the development of technical means of dispatch control systems

General trends

Progress in the field of information technology has led to the development of all 3 main structural components of the dispatch control and data acquisition systems RTU, MTU, CS, which has significantly increased their capabilities; Thus, the number of controlled remote points in a modern SCADA system can reach 100,000.

The main trend in the development of technical means (hardware and software) of SCADA is migration towards completely open systems. The open architecture allows you to independently select different system components from different manufacturers; as a result, increased functionality, easier maintenance and reduced cost of SCADA systems.

Remote Terminal Units (RTU)

The main trend in the development of remote terminals is increasing processing speed and increasing their intellectual capabilities. Modern terminals are built on the basis microprocessor technology, operate under the control of real-time operating systems, if necessary, are combined into a network, directly or through the network interact with intelligent electronic sensors of the control object and upper-level computers.

The specific RTU implementation depends on the application. These can be specialized (on-board) computers, including multiprocessor systems, ordinary microcomputers or personal computers (PC); for industrial and transport systems, there are two competing directions in RTU technology: industrial (industrial) PCs and programmable logic controllers (in Russian translation the term industrial controllers is often used) PLC.

Industrial computers are, as a rule, software compatible with conventional commercial PC machines, but adapted for harsh operating conditions, literally for installation in production, workshops, gas compressor stations, etc. Adaptation applies not only to design, but also to architecture and circuitry, since changes in ambient temperature lead to drift in electrical parameters. As interface devices with the control object, these systems are equipped with additional expansion cards (adapters), of which there is a wide variety on the market from various manufacturers (as well as the suppliers of industrial PCs themselves). Windows NT is increasingly being used as an operating system in industrial PCs operating as remote terminals, including various real-time extensions specially developed for this operating system (see below for more details).

Industrial controllers (PLC) are specialized computing devices designed to control processes (objects) in real time. Industrial controllers have a computing core and input/output modules that receive information (signals) from sensors, switches, converters, other devices and controllers, and control a process or object by issuing control signals to actuators, valves, switches and other actuators. Modern PLCs are often networked (RS-485, Ethernet, various types of industrial buses), and the software developed for them allows them to be programmed and controlled in a convenient form for the operator through a computer located at the top level of the SCADA system in the control room. (MTU). PLC market research showed that the most developed architecture, software controllers from Siemens, Fanuc Automation (General Electric), Allen-Bradley (Rockwell), and Mitsubishi have functional capabilities. Also of interest are the products of CONTROL MICROSYSTEMS, industrial controllers for monitoring and control systems for oil and gas fields, pipelines, electrical substations, urban water supply, wastewater treatment, and environmental pollution control.

A lot of materials and research on industrial automation are devoted to the competition between the two areas of PC and PLC; each of the authors provides a large number of arguments for and against each direction. However, a major trend can be identified: where increased reliability and hard real-time control are required, PLCs are used. This primarily concerns applications in life support systems (for example, water supply, electricity), transport systems, energy and industrial enterprises that pose an increased environmental hazard. Examples include the use of Simatic (Siemens) PLCs to control the power supply of a monorail in Germany, or the use of Allen-Bradley (Rockwell) controllers to modernize the outdated emergency ventilation and air conditioning control system at Plutonium Plant 4 at Los Alamos. PLC hardware enables efficient construction fault-tolerant systems for critical applications based on multiple redundancy. Industrial PCs are used mainly in less critical areas (for example, in the automotive industry, modernization of production by General Motors), although there are examples of more critical applications (metro in Warsaw, train control). According to experts, building PLC-based systems is usually a less expensive option compared to industrial computers.

Country support:
operating system:Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Supervisory control system

Main features of the program:

    You will have a unified database of clients and suppliers with all the necessary contact information

    In order not to forget anything, for each client you can mark any planned or completed work

    You can easily control each of your orders

    For each order, it will be possible to track the stage of execution and the employees involved

    You will have the opportunity to keep records of any services

    You will have the opportunity to sell any product. The program can work with any number of departments and warehouses. All branches will work in a single database via the Internet

    All employees will be under your control


    Our program will remind you of all important matters

    You can view the to-do list for any date for each of your specialists

    Each of your marketing decisions will be taken into account and analyzed by the number of new clients and payments

    All payments made will be under your full control

    The report will show which customers have not fully paid for their purchases or which suppliers you have not yet fully paid

    All financial movements will be under your complete control. You can easily track what you spend the most money on for any period

    Your managers can be easily compared based on various criteria: number of applications, profit and productivity

    Application statistics will help you easily analyze the company's activities and profitability

    All financial relationships with your service providers will be under full control

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your clients and deservedly gain the reputation of the most modern company

    An automated dispatch control system ensures the uninterrupted operation of the entire enterprise, performing not only an accounting, but also a monitoring function, which makes it a full-fledged management body. Supervisory control systems can be organized in a wide variety of ways, but they all require the intervention of specialized programs.

    The dispatch control system includes: monitoring the continuous functioning of all areas of the enterprise; ensuring quality work; dealing with unforeseen situations.

    To fully perform all these tasks, the dispatch communication system must meet modern requirements for technical support. This will also make it possible to operate a centralized dispatch system. A unified dispatch system unites all divisions and provides full coverage of all company activities. This is important not only at the control level, but also for analyzing the efficiency of the enterprise. At the same time, dispatch and process control systems go hand in hand, jointly ensuring the performance of all functions vital for the company.

    The automated dispatch control system developed by the Universal Accounting System company meets the highest requirements for software. With an accounting system, your business will always be under reliable control. Our supervisory control and management system makes it possible to track all employee actions in the program, recording all completed operations and the results of the work done. Based on this information, problem areas can be identified and problems that interfere with normal operation can be resolved.

    Control room Information system is a storehouse of useful data that can and should be used to optimize the work process and improve the business as a whole. The dispatch control system and means, when used correctly, cannot have a negative impact on the enterprise. An automatic dispatch control system always serves as a tool for improving your business, helping to identify and correct all the irregularities in business management.

    The work dispatch management system records all stages of order fulfillment, which provides not only control over the work of employees, but also guarantees a high-quality and timely response to customer requests. Losing clients is an unaffordable luxury, which with professional software no longer threatens you. We provide maintenance of dispatch systems, monitoring the vital activity of this important management body of any company.

    The creation of supervisory control systems includes the development of programs for a wide variety of industries. This may be a single duty dispatch system or a housing and communal services dispatch system. We are ready to work on each program individually, completely adapting it to a specific field of activity, taking into account all the intricacies of the enterprise’s activities. The structure of the dispatch system can be very diverse; only the principle of operation of the service as a whole remains unchanged. An integrated dispatch system may include several different subsystems that perform accounting and control functions.

    Dispatcher automation systems give you ample opportunity to analyze and make rational decisions. management decisions. That is why the dispatch control and data collection system requires the most serious treatment. By taking care of its comfortable functioning, you thereby ensure the efficiency of the entire enterprise as a whole. In performing such an important task, you simply cannot do without the help of professionals.

    The program can be used by:

    By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you don't see what's uploaded to YouTube video, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

    In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry, majoring in engineering. After graduation, he worked as a programmer. Then - a system programmer. He first appeared on screen in 1989 in the club “What? Where? When?", then - at the Brain Ring. In the television “Own Game” he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of “Own Game”. Four-time champion of Moscow in the sports version of “My Game”, bronze medalist of the same competition, silver in 2017. Silver medalist of the “Connoisseur Games” - the World Games of Connoisseurs - 2010 in “Your Game”.

    Addition to the program for professional managers: for business development and increased income. A unique product developed at the intersection of two sciences: economics and information technology. There are no analogues

    With the development of technology, life speeds up. You need to be on time everywhere - because the faster you do things, the more you earn. For this reason, it is very important to have a feature-rich mobile application at hand.

    In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Alexander Druz is the first master of the intellectual game "ChGK". He was awarded the Crystal Owl prize six times as the club's best player. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" - a prize for the best player. Champion of the television version of the Brain Ring. IN television program“Own Game” won “Line Games”, “Super Cup”, won the “III Challenge Cup” with the team, and set an absolute record for performance in one game. Author and presenter of intellectual games and educational programs on various TV channels.

    In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When?”, four-time winner of the “Crystal Owl” prize, twice world champion, three-time Russian champion, six-time Moscow champion, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game “ChGK”. Based on the results of a general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in the entire 25 years of the elite club’s existence. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. He received the “Big Crystal Owl” and the main prize of the anniversary games - the “Diamond Star” of the master of the game. Member of the board and since 2001 - vice-president of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - mathematician, marketer, business coach. Graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at MIPT. In August 2010, he was elected president of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Sports Bridge Federation”. He heads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

    In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Sergey Karyakin. At the age of 12 he became the youngest grandmaster in human history. Included in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. Winner of the FIDE World Cup. World champion in rapid chess, world champion in blitz. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. Awarded the Order of Merit, III degree. Member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation VI composition. Repeated winner of children's and youth world and European championships. Winner and medalist of a number of major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian team, silver medalist of the Olympics as a member of the Russian team. He showed the best result on his board and received the first individual prize (on board 4). Champion of Russia with the best result on board 1. World champion in the Russian national team. World Cup semi-finalist. Winner of a number of international tournaments.

    Control room control and management capabilities

The successful operation of any modern company depends on prompt fulfillment of customer requests, efficient use of equipment, uniform loading of production capacity, and constant monitoring of the production process. To quickly solve such problems, automated systems for managing the activities of dispatch services are being developed.

Automation of dispatch service - the possibility of significantly increasing the efficiency of its work, accounting, control and management of activities. For companies and organizations that have such a division, the development and implementation of an automation system provides a solution to a whole range of tasks determined by the specifics of the activity:
  • increasing the speed of response to requests and events;
  • reducing the influence of the human factor;
  • reaching a qualitatively new level in relationships and establishing effective interaction with applicants, clients, counterparties and other persons with whom work is carried out through the dispatch service;
  • optimization and increase in the efficiency of resource use, including through uniform distribution of the load on dispatch service personnel;
  • simplification and acceleration of work processes, automation of routine operations;
  • effective monitoring, control, accounting and management, including in real time.
The development of automation systems for dispatch services should be carried out on the basis of an individual approach. Practice shows that even if an industry solution is used that is focused on a strictly specific area of ​​activity, for example, housing and communal services, taxis, trade, warehouses, facility security, etc., it is impossible to achieve maximum efficiency. This is explained by the difference in algorithms and mechanisms for the operation of dispatch services, even among companies of the same narrow industry. The existing management system, the composition of the IT infrastructure, and the need to specify tasks and their solutions play a role in this.

Development of automation systems for dispatch services

The Mobidom company develops and implements automation systems for dispatch services, basing its work on an individual approach. We will create a solution that is exclusively suitable for your organization, company or enterprise. This means that it will be 100% effective and economically feasible.

By its architecture, an automation system can be local or distributed. The construction of distributed systems, the core of which is the dispatch service, makes it possible to unite diverse and remote segments of the organization, for example, warehouses, terminals, production sites, retail outlets, ultimately creating a single integral information environment.

The development of automation systems for dispatch services is a set of step-by-step measures that ends with the system being put into commercial operation. After implementing the automation system, Mobidom is ready to provide information and technical support, ensuring a high level of system performance, preventing operational failures and promptly eliminating them.

We create automation systems with an easy-to-understand interface, flexible parameter settings, and implement advanced protection and security tools, including the use of different access rights. The developed system can be integrated with other external/internal customer information systems and services (telephony, cartography, navigation, online payment systems and others). It can also be included in the complex automation system operating in the organization.