Go to bios on acer aspire laptop. Entering BIOS, restoring and reinstalling windows on an acer laptop. Launching the BIOS menu on an Acer laptop using the function keys

How to enter BIOS on Acer laptop? Recently, many users have a question: how to get BIOS (BIOS) on Acer laptops? The development of technologies in the field of IT is also proceeding at a rapid pace and concerns the basic input / output systems known as BIOS (Basic Input / Output System).

And if once there was one unified login procedure, now each company, in addition to developing its own system, is also implementing its own login options.
Acer is no exception here. In the latest models of Acer laptops, an unpleasant gift was the lack of prompts with which combinations you can get into the BIOS or select the boot priority.

Basically, Acer in the latest models uses the BIOS (BIOS) of two modifications Phoenix and InsydeH20. And if at the first (Phoenix) We can see a hint what and how to press, then (InsydeH20) we see only a black start screen without any information.

Below are the most common keys and combinations to get into the BIOS on Acer laptops, these are: F1, F2, Delete and Ctrl + Alt + Esc.

It should be remembered that when exiting new version BIOS or updates to it, the login options may also change, as well as the fact that when using the multimedia keyboard, sometimes you have to press the Fn key.

You can also often go into the BIOS on Acer from the boot priority selection menu by pressing the F10 key.
The BIOS is a special system that determines the progress of the computer boot process. BIOS is considered the basic system for input and output of information. The full BIOS decoding speaks for itself: basic (basic) input (input) / output (output) system (system). In order to proceed with the settings, you need to go into the BIOS.

The BIOS is stored on a chip and has a wide range of purposes:

The initial startup of a computer that will subsequently launch the operating system.
Performs routine testing of various parts of a personal computer.
With the help of software interrupts in the BIOS, the input and output function is supported.
Stores the hardware configuration of various individual devices and the entire computer system. This happens with the help of special settings (BIOS Setup).

The BIOS code is located on system board and written to flash-memory (microcircuit).
From this it follows that the BIOS is an integral part of any computer. However, as a rule, an ordinary user does not understand the BIOS settings. It is closer to programmers. However, BIOS sometimes does not work correctly, and there may be some reasons for this.

Problems and Solutions

Problems that can cause the BIOS to work incorrectly:

When starting the computer system, an error appears that prevents it from turning on.
Devices are not recognized on the computer or laptop.
Periodic failures that are caused by the instability of the system.
The operating system does not load.
It is very important to return the BIOS to the original (factory) settings. This will help you avoid many problems. To do this, you need to go into BIOS and take a few steps:

Power on the computer. Then, from the moment the logo appears on the screen, you must immediately press the DEL or F2 key. This action will open the BIOS. The screen should turn blue.
If the BIOS is still not loaded, then you need to press F9. Then it is very important to go to the settings called Load Default Settings. You can control using the arrows on the computer.
The F10 key will save all changes.
What is BIOS Setup?

BIOS Setup - these are settings that allow you to enter the BIOS system and configure options. Users who solve any problem with a computer deal with BIOS Setup. Translated from English, setup means "settings". This section is managed using certain options and tasks.

Sometimes it happens that the computer fails. Many problems can be solved by the user. It is known that masters require a significant amount of money for a visit, that is, primitive knowledge of the BIOS settings system allows a person to save both time and money. Moreover, some secrets will improve computer performance. Most of the errors that occur in the computer are in the BIOS.

Initially, this system was supposed to control the keyboard and mouse, but over time, functions were added to it. These figures are constantly growing.

BIOS stores writable chips. Two types are known today:

EEPROM chips. You can remove the contents with an electrical signal. To do this, it is not at all necessary to remove it from the computer.
EPROM chips. You can remove data using ultraviolet radiation. For this, a special device is used. However, this technique is now considered obsolete.
Most BIOS settings are similar even for different firmware from several manufacturers

Modern computers contain not only an improved BIOS system, but also advanced features. motherboard generally. That is sound card, video card and so on. In such computers, you can disable or allow the use of boards in the settings. I went into the BIOS - allowed everything necessary.

What settings does the system BIOS contain?

Modern computers in BIOS motherboards contain a lot of different settings that can be changed if you go into BIOS:

Set the calendar date and time of the system clock.
Setting up peripherals that are not designed to work in plug and play mode
Disable or enable onboard hardware on the motherboard. For example, built-in sound or video adapters, as well as LPT, COM and USB ports.

Starting equipment in a gentle or forced mode or resetting the settings to factory settings.
Speeding up the operating system by disabling some tests.

The ability to enable bypass branches to eliminate visible errors in the operating system.
Creating a queue of media from which the computer boots. This includes HDD or CD-ROM. All possible options can be installed if you go into the BIOS. If any one possibility fails, then the BIOS automatically tries all the other options in turn.

AT modern world computers are used almost everywhere. Someone uses them for work, and someone organizes their leisure time. But every person wants his computer to work perfectly. That is why it is very important to refer to the settings in the BIOS (Bios Setup) in a timely manner. If the BIOS is working correctly, then the computer does not arouse suspicion (does not slow down, does not freeze, does not give errors in the OS). If the BIOS settings are not set properly, then numerous failures occur. This issue can be resolved in two ways:

Log in and reset all settings to factory defaults.
Try to understand the problem and find the cause of the failure.

BIOS setup on Acer laptop

In computers, it is always easier to replace a part that has failed. In a laptop, things are much more complicated. Therefore, those who constantly work with a laptop just need to understand the BIOS settings.

Consider these settings on an Acer laptop.

This is where knowledge helps a lot. of English language, but if they are not there, then it is enough to simply understand what the main words (options) mean. In order to enter the BIOS, you need to press the hot keys DEL or F9.

EXIT - exit and save settings in BIOS.
BOOT - the ability to select a priority device that will boot the system.
SECURITY - the ability to set passwords to enter the BIOS settings.
MAIN is the main setup menu for working with BIOS settings, which contains all the mechanisms for managing a laptop.
INFORMATION is information about the state of the laptop and all settings related to it in BIOS.

You don't have to read too much into the information. It is enough just to correctly set the calendar date and time. It is also worth checking the temperature of the processor and comparing it with normal parameters. If it is higher, then it is best to let the laptop cool down. Laptop heating is a very common problem. That is why now there are special stands that cool the processor in an Acer laptop. In this section, you can also check which devices are connected to the laptop.

The situation is much more complicated with the MAIN section, since it controls all processes.

System Time - system time.

System Date - system date.

System Memory- system memory. The amount of memory cannot be changed, it only shows information.

Video Memory - video memory size.

Quiet Boot - determines the boot type in a laptop. There are two options:

Enable - quiet. That is, information about the status of the device will not be displayed on the screen. The only exception is the manufacturer's logo.

Disable - the screen shows all the complete information about the state of the device. It occurs before the main operating system is loaded.

F12 boot menu- if you enable this option, then before loading the operating system, the user will be prompted to select a device from which to start loading.

Network Boot - literal translation - "network boot". This option is usually disabled and should not be enabled. Only in rare cases does it speed up system boot. In other situations, it may be necessary only if the laptop is connected to a network with a raised TFTP server. This is a server that allows you to download the laptop system kernel through the network.

Power On Display is the Acer laptop screen control. It contains two values: Auto and Both. Here you need to look at the situation. If an external monitor is connected to the laptop, then you need to decide: turn off the built-in screen and allow the image to be displayed through the connected display, or leave two screens to work.

D2D Recovery is a feature that allows you to activate System Boot Recovery. D2D Recovery only makes sense if you use the additional Acer eRecovery Management utility. In other cases, it is not needed. This function allows you to write data to a hidden partition in the laptop system.

These settings are basic in an Acer laptop, but you can also install some add-ons. It is important to remember that it is highly undesirable to use non-original BIOS firmware, as they can cause a number of complications.

This section does not have much effect on the operation of the laptop. It provides the ability to set passwords.

Supervisor password - this is the master password (to enter the BIOS and to the hard drive).

This section allows you to create a queue of requests to the laptop to install the operating system.

For example, if the following order is specified:

Flash drive
then initially loading will occur from the CD-ROM sector, then from hard drive and last but not least, via flash media.

It is necessary to contact the BIOS only for those who understand well what they are doing. Since any wrong or thoughtless decision can even lead to mechanical failure.

Often a person needs to enter the BIOS of a laptop in order to change any settings, find out information about the machine, or change the boot order of the device. But the trouble is that different laptops use various ways entrance. How to enter BIOS in Acer? The answer to this question cannot be monosyllabic, since even different Acer models differ in the way they enter. But we will try to understand this issue.

A little about the manufacturer

Acer is very popular in the computer market. Its monoblocks and laptops can be found in almost every store. It should also be noted that in the current realities of the domestic technology market, Acer products are in second place in terms of popularity. The first is occupied by the Chinese from Lenovo. And this already says a lot. Equipment from "Acer" - reliable, stylish and productive. What else does the average user need? Know how to enter the BIOS in Acer. Consider the most popular laptop models.

Acer Aspire line

Everything is complicated here. However, sometimes it is vital to get into the Acer Aspire Bios. How to enter it? For this, there are some keys that can help. But the trouble is that even in this line of laptops there can be a variety of combinations. The easiest way is to try holding down the F1 or F2 button. On some models, this option works. If these keys do not work, then you can try pressing Delete or Tab. These are also very popular buttons. It is reliably known that they work in Acer Aspire V3 models. If this does not work, then you can try the combination Ctrl + Alt + Esc. Yes, clamping it is very inconvenient, but sometimes it works.

There is also such an interesting laptop - Acer Aspire v5. How to enter the BIOS? Very simple: hold down the combination Ctrl + Alt + S. This option looks simpler than the others. However, you need to understand that the company has a lot of laptops of various series. And they can all be different.

TravelMate and Extensa ranges

It also depends on which Acer laptop you have. How to enter the BIOS on it? If you own a TravelMate series laptop, you can try pressing F2 or Delete. For devices of the described line, these are standard buttons. But sometimes TravelMate laptops can be equipped with a separate button, which will be located somewhere on the case. And then you have to look for it. As for the devices of the Extensa series, things are even worse here. By default, the Ctrl + F2 key combination should load the BIOS on the device. But in some models it does not work. And then users have to randomly clamp all conceivable combinations.

Some Extensa models also respond to Ctrl + Alt + Esc. Worth a try, even though it is terribly uncomfortable. However, what if none of the combinations helped? There are several ways out of this situation.

Studying documentation

If you need an answer to the question of how to enter the BIOS in Acer, then the most reasonable thing would be to refer to the laptop's accompanying documentation. The desired combination must be written in the user manual. Somewhere in the BIOS section. Also, some models have specifications written on the box. There may also be data on "service buttons". Including those that run the BIOS of the computer. But what if there are no documents left? What to do then? And even then, there is a way out.

Examining information while booting a laptop

Many laptop models display boot information when turned on. Among other things, there may be data on the BIOS of the laptop. You just need to have time to carefully read all the points. Although this is not easy to do (since the picture lasts only a few seconds). If there is a phrase like Press Tab to enter setup, then you can safely press Tab.

This button will open the BIOS settings. Instead of Tab, there may well be another button. This one was chosen just as an example. In fact, this is how you can find out information about the buttons for entering the BIOS on any laptop. However, it is not possible to read all this at once. You will have to restart the machine several times. Best case scenario.


So, we have just comprehensively considered the question of how to enter the BIOS in Acer. It should be noted that this is quite difficult to do, since each model can have its own entry combination. There may even be separate buttons on the case to carry out this process. But now it is known exactly where you can find information on the service keys: in the laptop documentation. And if it is not there, then when the computer boots, the key to enter the BIOS settings will definitely be written. You just need to remember it. And there will be no more problems with entering the BIOS.

So, there is a need to install Windows 7 or Windows 8 on an Acer Aspire ES1-511 laptop from a USB flash drive. We need to configure the BIOS on our laptop.

We turn on the laptop and press the F2 key to enter the BIOS. After clicking, we will see the Acer logo, and then we get, in fact, into the BIOS.

Immediately pay attention to the fact that the flash drive, with which we will then install the operating system, must be placed in the black USB connector of the laptop.

Go to the "Boot" menu tab.

In this window, go to the first line - "Boot Mode" with the up / down cursor keys ("?" and "?").

By default, "UEFI" is active. Select this line with the Enter key. A new small window will appear.

In the small window that appears, select the "Legacy" value. The computer may ask you about something a couple of times, we press Enter all the time.

After that, go to the "Exit" menu tab.

We have the first line "Exit Saving Changes" active. Press the Enter key. The computer will ask us about the need to save the changes and then exit.

We make sure that after the first press of the Enter key, the Yes value is active in the window that appears. We confirm our exit and save the changes by pressing the Enter key again.

The laptop should restart. At the end of the reboot, press the F2 key.

We are back in the BIOS.

We pass to the tab “Boot” already familiar to us. We see in the window that we already have the download sequence available. That is, where in turn the computer will look for our operating system to boot.

We find and use the cursor keys to go to our flash drive. The title should look something like this. USB HDD: model of our flash drive". In the picture, the name of our flash drive is Generic Flash Disc.

Go to the "Exit" menu tab. Press the Enter key. The computer in a new window will ask us about the need to save the changes made. We make sure that Yes is active and press Enter.

No matter how perfect our laptop works, over time it starts to slow down. This is affected by the piling up of programs of various kinds, games and applications. Therefore, many decide on rather desperate measures - reinstalling the operating system. On the other hand, some simply do not have enough hardware power in applications or games. In this regard, we decided to tell you about how to enter BIOS on Acer laptops. Thanks to our instructions, you will not encounter any difficulties in the process.

Key combination as a way to get into the BIOS

It doesn't matter if you want to reinstall the OS, are going to overclock the processor or increase the frequency at which the RAM works - we will definitely help you enter the BIOS, where you can do all this. So, you must do the following:

As you can see, the process is really extremely simple. However, there are some nuances here too. For example, on different models other keys may be used. Moreover, keyboard shortcuts can also be used. Thus, on older devices, you can get into the BIOS by simultaneously pressing CTRL + Alt + Esc, on others - F1.

What to do if none of the options fit?

Have you tried every way to enter the BIOS suggested above, but none of them worked? Then we advise you to pay attention to what is written below when starting the laptop. As a rule, developers indicate there:
  • How to get into bios
  • Button to start system recovery (aka Recovery);
  • Key for troubleshooting;
  • laptop configuration.

    You need to pay attention to the item called "Setup" or "Setup BIOS". If the options above do not fit, it is possible that your laptop uses one of the following keys to access the BIOS: Esc, Tab, F8, F10 or F12.

    We still do not recommend you do this if you are not sure that you understand its device, the BIOS on acer laptops. The fact is that an inexperienced user can knock down the settings and then it will be problematic to restore them on their own. If you just want to reinstall the system, then it's better to use the regular Boot Menu.

  • For many people, computers have taken an important place in their lives and are successfully used at work or during leisure. But in order for the computer to work quickly and without failures, it is necessary Make the correct settings in the program responsible for the operation of the equipment - BIOS Setup.

    This program is responsible for the following parameters: setting the date, selecting boot devices (CD, HDD, Flash-Drive), processor operation and other parameters, which will be discussed below. At correct setting- You can increase the performance of your PC by an order of magnitude, but incorrect BIOS settings can lead to numerous system failures. At the same time, the prices for repairing laptops at home are very significant today.

    In every computer BIOS setup has parameters set "by default" by the factory, but they are not always optimal, which means they do not give the maximum return of the system. And if the performance of a PC can be increased by replacing the hardware (without interfering with the BIOS), then in the case of a laptop, things are more complicated. It is worth noting that changing BIOS settings you only need if you clearly understand what you are doing. So now we'll take a look at what it looks like Laptop BIOS setup - in pictures and with a description of the main settings. For the review, we will consider the Bios Setup of an Acer laptop.

    In outline, Laptop BIOS setup consists of the following items:

    1. Information– information about devices and BIOS settings
    2. Main- the main menu of the Bios Setup installation, containing the settings for managing laptop equipment
    3. Security- setting passwords for entering Bios Setup
    4. Boot– selection of device priority for system boot.
    5. exit– Exit and save BIOS settings

    As for the first point, I think everything is clear here. We look at whether the time is set correctly, what devices are installed, the temperature of the processor.

    With the second paragraph, it is much more difficult, so let's consider how this paragraph is carried out BIOS setup - in pictures and we will try to describe each item in more detail, since this menu is the most important for our system.

    In this section, the first paragraphs ACER BIOS settings are date and time settings: System Time, System Date.

    ParameterTotalMemory(also, depending on the BIOS version of the acer laptop, you can find Extended Memory, System memory) - shows the amount of system memory. It cannot be changed - it is for information only.

    videoMemory- the size of the memory integrated into the motherboard, video cards. In our example, the video memory size is 128MB. Therefore, the following parameters are available to us: 64MB, 128MB and MaxDVMT (dynamic allocation of video memory within 128 MB.)

    QuietBoot- This option allows you to select the type of download. The “Enable” value turns on the so-called silent boot mode - until the system boots, no information is displayed on the screen (with the possible exception of the manufacturer's logo). If you disable this area (disable), the screen will display all the information and test results carried out by the system before loading the OS.

    Power On Display– has two values: Both and Auto. This item controls the Acer laptop screen. Depending on whether an external monitor is connected to the laptop, it will be determined: do not turn on the built-in screen or allow two screens to work together.

    networkBoot- if literally, then this is downloading over the network. In most cases, it is best to disable this option (in particular cases, the system boot is accelerated). Basically, this option is needed in cases where your laptop is connected to a network with a raised TFTP server (a server that allows you to boot the system kernel over the network).

    F12 Boot Menu- If you activate this item, before the system boots, a selection of devices from which you can boot your OS will appear.

    D2D Recovery– activation of the system boot recovery function. Data is written to a hidden system partition. This function, in my opinion, is not very effective, and if you do not plan to use the Acer eRecovery Management utility, this function can be turned off.

    Very rarely, but users need to enter the BIOS, for example, to change the order of boot devices when reinstalling the operating system, to disable unused components and deep self-test, or when overclocking the computer.

    For the previous generation of Acer computers and laptops, after power-on, the subsystem self-test process (power-on self-test) starts. You can enter the BIOS only at this stage. While the monitor screen displays a graphic splash screen (Splash Screen) of the motherboard manufacturer or the results of self-test in text form, press the key a couple of times "Delete". A hint about which key or combination of keys to press is present on start screen. As a rule, for Acer computers this is Delete, and for laptops from this manufacturer it is F2. If pressing the indicated keys fails to enter the BIOS, we study the instructions for the motherboard or laptop. It is possible that Acer has chosen a different combination for this model, or the device is equipped with a new software interface. In any case, attempts to enter the BIOS should be made after the indicators on the keyboard blink or light up, but before the operating system starts loading.

    Instead of the Basic input / output system, new models of laptops and PCs can use the successor to replace the BIOS - the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). This interface differs significantly from its predecessor, including the loading time, which is no more than a few hundred milliseconds. In such conditions, it is very difficult to “catch” the moment to press the desired key. Fortunately, in the operating room Windows system 8 provides an alternative UEFI login mechanism. Press the key combination Windows + "C" and call the side menu.

    Then successively press "Options" and "Changing computer settings".

    Depending on the installed version of Windows, then click "Renewal and Recovery" or "Are common" and in the item Special boot options button "Reboot Now".

    The computer restarts in a special mode, resulting in the Choose an option or Choose an action screen. Click here "Diagnostics".

    In the menu that appears on the Diagnostics screen, select the item "Extra options".

    If the UEFI Firmware Settings item is present in the next menu, it means that the computer is equipped with a new interface and can be restarted with automatic entry into its graphical shell. To do this, click on the appropriate button.

    We agree with the proposal to restart the computer and after a short wait we get into the UEFI graphical menu.

    A special Windows restart mode (to display the Select Action screen) can also be invoked through the Run window. To do this, press the key combination Windows + "R", enter the command in the window field shutdown.exe /r /o /f /t00 and click the button "OK".

    As a rule, there are no problems with entering the BIOS. The main thing is to press in time hot key or correctly perform a special reboot in Windows 8 and above.


    Anyone who has launched the BIOS control panel on any desktop PC is already accustomed to frequently pressing the Del button to launch the BIOS. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of motherboards have the same supplier of chips for the basic input-output system (“Basic Input-Output System” - BIOS). With laptops, the situation is somewhat different - for different manufacturers, the BIOS launch key may differ.

    Look carefully at the bottom of the screen when you turn on the laptop. Either at the left or at the bottom right of the screen, an inscription like “Press F2 to enter setup” briefly appears. Perhaps on your laptop the inscription will be slightly different, but the most important thing is to remember the key indicated in this line. It is this key that plays the role of the “Delete” button when starting a regular computer.

    Restart the laptop if you didn’t have time to press the key in time and immediately after the boot starts, press the previously indicated key several times (many, in order not to be mistaken, use the multiple-press technique until the BIOS screen appears).

    Also, the required button can be found in the manual for using the motherboard installed on your laptop. In the manual (often referred to as "manuals"), look for the "Bios Features" section. It describes step by step not only the process of calling the BIOS screen, but also recommendations for setting up your laptop, as well as a description of all the items contained there.

    Download the manual for using the motherboard from the official website of your laptop manufacturer in case the paper version of the manual was lost for one reason or another.

    Often, PC users have problems setting up Bios to boot from disk. This function is needed not only to start installing Windows, but also to diagnose the operating system with various utilities.


    First you need to enter the BIOS - to do this, restart your computer and as soon as the device check starts and the letters appear on a black screen, press the Delete key. For new motherboards and laptops, you can also use the F2 key. Navigation in the Bios menu is done with arrows. Esc is used to cancel any action, Ctrl+Alt+Delete is used to reload, and Enter is used to save changes.

    Select Advanced Bios Features and press the Enter key. In the menu that opens, find the items First Boot Device, Second Boot Device (depending on the motherboard and Bios version, the names may differ slightly). These options are responsible for the order of devices from which the operating system will be loaded. By default, Floppy will be selected in the first item, Hard Disk in the second, and Cd-Rom in the third. Highlight First Boot Device, press the Enter key, use the arrow to select the Cd-Rom boot option and press Enter again. Next, select Second Boot Device and set it to Hard Disk. After that, exit to the Bios main menu, select Save and Exit Setup and confirm saving the changes. Your operating system will now boot from the disk.

    After completing the necessary steps for installing Windows or diagnosing the system, return the previous boot order, otherwise the boot from disk procedure will be performed again and again. To do this, enter Bios again, open the Advanced Bios Features menu. Then select First Boot Device, set it to Hard Disk. Set Second Boot Device to Cd-Rom.

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    When it changes bios settings Be careful, incorrect settings can adversely affect the operation of the system.

    Each user who strives to understand his computer must work in the BIOS (BIOS). With it, he can make many useful settings. But before beginners, the question often arises about the way to enter the BIOS system. In fact, everything is very simple.


    The BIOS is the basic input/output system. It is intended to prepare computer devices for booting under the operating system. With the help of the BIOS, computer components take control of the computer and take over their functions. Having a good understanding of the BIOS of your computer, the user can set the values ​​\u200b\u200bof power supply, device boot order, and so on.

    Restart your computer. At the moment when the screen saver passes, you must press a certain key. Sometimes it is quite difficult to guess the moment of pressing, so many users press a key or key combination several times in a row. This is done to ensure that inexperienced users do not accidentally call the BIOS.

    Now about the keys. Basically, the DELETE key is used. Less commonly, you can call the BIOS with the "F2" or "Esc" keys. On laptops, when calling the BIOS system, quite a variety of keyboard shortcuts can be used. Therefore, before trying to do this, you need to read the laptop manual. It contains all the information on the BIOS call. The main keyboard shortcuts that are used to call the BIOS of laptops are "F1", "F2", "F10", "insert", "ctrl + alt + esc", "ctrl + s", "alt + enter".

    BIOS is the holy of holies in the world of computers and programming. After all, this is a kind of “beginning” of working with a computer. It is thanks to the BIOS that you can install a new operating system, remove the old one, split the hard drive into several departments, and much more. But how to get into this very BIOS?


    In fairness, it is worth noting that most computers in their device are very similar. Therefore, in order to perform this or that operation, one should simply perform a certain set of actions. This applies not only to desktop computers, but also laptops.

    Therefore, in order to get into BOIS, you must perform certain actions in a certain sequence. Like on a landline

    Modern BIOS versions look different, but they have the same task - initial setup and checking the performance of the computer. You can also access them in the same ways. Even if you have a UEFI interface in front of you, often differing not only appearance, but also support for the mouse and the Russian language.

    UEFI Interface / pcInside.info

    To go to the BIOS menu on a desktop computer, you need to press the Del key at boot, in rare cases - F2. Usually the desired key is indicated on the screen before information about operating system. The message looks something like this: "Press F1 to continue, DEL to enter setup", "Press DEL to run setup", or "Please press DEL or F2 to enter UEFI BIOS settings".

    It is necessary to press the indicated key exactly at the moment of displaying such a message. For fidelity, you can press several times. But if you still do not have time, wait until it starts and restart your PC to try again.

    At each boot, try only one key. You may simply not have time to check several options.

    Depending on the manufacturer, year of manufacture and series of the laptop, you can enter the BIOS in different ways. Various keys or even are used, and there may not be any messages on the screen indicating the necessary ones.

    It is better to check only one of the possible options at a time. If it doesn't fit, wait. Windows startup, restart your PC and try a different key or combination. You should not check several options at once, as you may simply not get into the right period of time.

    Asus laptops

    Most often, the F2 key is used to enter the BIOS while turning on the laptop. Less common options are Del and F9.

    If that doesn't work, turn off the laptop, hold Esc, and then press the power button. Do not release Esc until the Boot menu appears on the screen. In it, you need to go to Enter Setup and press Enter.

    Acer laptops

    In Acer laptops, the most commonly used keys are F1 and F2, as well as the combination Ctrl + Alt + Esc. Acer Aspire series may require Ctrl+F2. In the TravelMate and Extensa lines, you usually need to press F2 or Del to enter the BIOS. In older models of Acer laptops, the combinations Ctrl + Alt + Del and Ctrl + Alt + Esc may occur.

    Lenovo laptops

    To enter the BIOS on Lenovo laptops most often you need to press the F2 key. On many ultrabooks and hybrid laptops, a number of F-keys can only be activated with Fn, which means that you will need to press Fn + F2. The F8 and Del keys are much less common.


    Many laptops from the company have a special key on the side panel or next to the power button to enter the BIOS. You can click on it only when it is turned off.

    HP laptops

    To enter the BIOS on HP laptops, you usually need to press the F10 or Esc key. But on older models, Del, F1, F11, or F8 may be required.

    Samsung laptops

    AT Samsung devices most often you need to press F2, F8, F12 or Del to enter the BIOS. If you access the F-row only through the Fn button, you will need the appropriate combination: Fn + F2, Fn + F8 or Fn + F12.

    Sony laptops


    Vaio series models may have a dedicated ASSIST button. If you click on it while the laptop is booting, a menu will appear with the option to select Start BIOS Setup.

    Older laptops may use the F1, F2, F3, and Del keys.

    Dell laptops

    In case of Dell laptops The most common option for going into the BIOS is the F2 key. Slightly less common are F1, F10, Del, Esc and Insert.

    How to enter UEFI from Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10

    AT latest versions on laptops with UEFI, you can enter the I / O subsystem even when the system is already loaded. To do this, go to "Settings" and act depending on the version of the operating system.

    For Windows 8

    "Change PC settings" → "General" → "Special boot options" → "Restart now" → "Diagnostics" → "Advanced settings" → "UEFI firmware settings" → "Restart".

    For Windows 8.1

    Change PC Settings → Update and Recovery → Recovery → Advanced Boot Options → Restart Now → Diagnostics → Advanced Options → UEFI Firmware Settings → Restart.

    For Windows 10

    Update & Security → Recovery → Advanced Boot Options → Restart Now → Troubleshooting → Advanced Options → UEFI Firmware Settings → Restart.

    For Windows 10 there is alternative way accessing UEFI from the login screen or via the start menu. In both cases, you need to click on the "Shutdown" icon and, while holding the Shift key, start the reboot. This action will open the special boot options section of the system.

    After that, you will need to follow the same steps as in the previous method. That is, you will need to go to the "Troubleshooting" item, select "Advanced Options" and "UEFI Firmware Settings", and then click "Restart".

    I am glad to welcome you, my dear friends. This article is dedicated to everyone who wants to know how to enter the BIOS on an Acer laptop. This technique is very popular, it is distinguished by high reliability and a combination of the best functional qualities.

    It satisfies the needs of both simple users and advanced users who are able to independently understand the most complex issues. software and layout of computer devices.

    Three easy steps

    The first method is the simplest and works in most cases. Its essence is to press the desired key when turning on or restarting the laptop.

    The only thing that is required of you is the observance of several simple conditions:

    • We check the presence of a sufficient battery charge or connect the laptop to the power supply;
    • Turn on and completely reboot the PC;
    • We follow the screen. As soon as the image with the Acer logo appears, we immediately begin to press the F2 key every second;

    After performing these operations, you must enter the BIOS. If you are doing this for the first time, you may not understand if you got there. Here I will help you with my tips.

    Typically, the interface is a simple English text menu with sections containing the following terms: "Main", "Advanced" (advanced), "System", "Power" (power supply), "Boot" (boot), "Exit". The font is the same everywhere (DOS-ovsky) and may differ in colors. There are several varieties of BIOS, but in Acer devices, options from AMI are more common.

    The same, for example, on Acer Travelmate , you can get on beautiful picture UEFI settings or their simpler counterpart - the Insyde H20 utility, which looks like a classic BIOS, but in fact is. We will remember this later.

    You will succeed!

    And now I want to talk about what to do if you followed all the recommendations, but didn’t get into BIOS or UEFI, but got a black screen or Windows boot.

    The "F2" button does not work in all cases, and this is normal.

    Try 'F1', 'Esc', 'Delete', or 'Fn+F2' or 'Ctrl+F2' instead. As a last resort, try everything from "F1" to "F12", and then the same, in combination with different function keys "Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt", "Fn".

    On the oldest laptops and netbooks, the combination "Ctrl + Alt + Esc" worked.

    I have listed all the possible options, but I think it will not come to their full testing. In any case, I will say right away that numbers and letters do not participate in this matter.

    You could simply not have time to press the main button. But there is reason to be too proud quick start cars.

    The way to BIOS through UEFI

    Now, as promised, I'll tell you what to do if you get to UEFI. In principle, this is an analogue of BIOS and it not only duplicates many functions, but provides the user with a more understandable interface (sometimes even in Russian). But still, the capabilities and priority of the BIOS are much higher, and in difficult situations you cannot do without it.

    The reason why UEFI boots is the mode secure boot. How to deactivate it, I will show the example of Insyde H20 in Aspire laptops:

    • Go to the "Boot" tab;
    • The “Boot Mode” parameter is translated from “UEFI” to “Legacy”;
    • We disable the “Secure Boot” mode by replacing “Enabled” with “Disabled”;
    • Save changes "F10";

    If something cannot be changed, we carry out the following tricky maneuver:

    • In the “Main” tab, enable (“Enabled”) the “F12 Boot Menu” parameter;
    • In the "Security" section, select "Set Supervisor Password". A typical procedure with entering and confirming a password, as well as recording changes (“Changes have been saved”). We confirm everything Enter;
    • Repeat the steps in the "Boot" section;
    • We return to "Set Supervisor Password" and delete the password (in the first field, enter the existing one, leave the rest empty).

    We overload the laptop. We remember with which button we entered the BIOS and use it again. But if you only need to install the boot from the device, press F12.

    Now, my dear readers, you have received a collection of my main tips on how to enter the BIOS on an Acer laptop. If you have just such a device in front of you, I recommend that you immediately try them out in practice (if there are difficulties, immediately write to me in the mail or in the comments).

    Even if there is no such need now, then with practice you will simply get a skill that you can use when this article is not at hand.

    With this, I will say goodbye to you and wish you all good luck.