Restore the Beeline Internet shortcut to your desktop. How to create an Internet shortcut or program on your desktop

And so, today we will talk about how to correctly create shortcuts in Windows 7. But, let's start with what they are needed for. Few people like to complicate their lives and perform any unnecessary actions; as for the computer, users do not want to make extra clicks if they can only do 2 on the desktop. But it happens that in order to launch some program or file, you need to make a bunch of extra clicks to go to the place where it is located. Here you have 2 options - either copy all the files somewhere “closer” or create a shortcut on the desktop. Moreover, the second option is much faster and more effective. Well, now let’s move on to the question of how to create a shortcut on the desktop. Moreover, you will have to consider several options, since some need a program shortcut, others need an Internet shortcut, and so on...

Create a desktop shortcut
Using this method, you can create a shortcut to almost any file - a program, picture, folder, document, Opera, Skype, and so on. And everything is quite simple, to achieve the desired result, you need:
We go to the folder where the launch file itself is stored and click on it right click mouse, in the menu that appears, select the item "Send to" -> "Desktop (create shortcut)"

After which, it will appear on the desktop, so you need to make sure of this. It will remain there, and you can rename it if necessary.

Create an Internet connection shortcut
This is a fairly common case when you need to create an Internet shortcut in order not to log into the Internet every time. network connections. To do this you need to go to Start > Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center shared access . In the left column select Changes to adapter settings . A window will open where you will see all network connections; in order to make an Internet shortcut, simply grab and drag it to your desktop.

Or, right-click on it and select action " Create a shortcut".

If you want the Internet to connect automatically, then I have already written about how to do this in previous articles.

Create a shortcut to the Odnoklassniki page and other sites
Some of us spend a lot of time on some Internet sites, most often this social media. You can simply launch the browser and manually open the desired site in it, or you can create a shortcut to the page and launch it. Let's look at how to create a shortcut using the Odnoklassniki site as an example. To do this, right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop and select the item:

In the window that appears, enter or copy the page address from the browser’s address bar:

Click " Further", in the next step you need to enter a name, here you can enter anything, but we will enter Classmates

Press the button " Ready". Now on the desktop we have this shortcut:

When launched, it will open the specified site in the default browser.
Well, in principle, this is the end of the article about creating a shortcut on the desktop, as usual, we looked at everything in detail and with pictures, I think there should be no questions, but if suddenly they arise, then ask in the comments, I will definitely answer everything. In the future, it will be described in detail how to make an automatic connection to the Internet and much more. Follow the news.

Shortcuts located on the desktop are designed to provide quick access to the necessary folders and applications. If a user frequently logs on to the network, it is easier to display the Internet icon on the desktop than to access the folder where it was located during installation each time.

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Depending on your specific conditions, you may need to place one or two icons. If the Internet connection is established automatically when you log in, it will be enough to have only a browser shortcut on your desktop. If the user must log into the Internet, you will also need to display a shortcut for connecting via the network. To connect to the network from your desktop, click the Start button or Windows key and select “Network Neighborhood” from the menu. In the folder that opens, click on the “Show network connections” item in the common tasks panel (located on the left side of the window). If the panel is not displayed, select “Folder Options” from the “Tools” menu and check the “Display a list of common tasks in a folder” option on the “General” tab in the “Tasks” group. Apply the new settings. When all network connections are displayed, navigate to the desired icon cursor and right-click on it. IN context menu select “Send”, in the submenu – “Desktop (create shortcut)”. Another option: press and hold the connection icon left button mouse, drag it to the desktop. The browser shortcut (the program you use to surf the Internet) is placed on the desktop in a similar way. Go to the directory where the browser was installed. As a rule, the path is as follows: the “My Computer” element - the disk with the system - Program Files - and then the folder with the name of your browser. Find the launch file (IEXPLORE.exe, firefox.exe) and repeat the steps described in the third step with its icon. Login and browser icons can also be placed on the panel quick launch(to the right of the Start button). To do this, move the cursor to the desired icon, hold down the left mouse button, and drag it to the taskbar in the Quick Launch panel area. If there is not enough space on the panel, right-click on it and remove the marker from the “Lock taskbar” item. Adjust the size and re-dock the taskbar. How simple

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Shortcuts located on the desktop are designed to provide quick access to the necessary folders and applications. If a user frequently logs on to the network, it is easier to display the Internet icon on the desktop than to access the folder where it was located during installation each time.


  • Depending on your specific conditions, you may need to place one or two icons. If the Internet connection is established automatically when you log in, it will be enough to have only a browser shortcut on your desktop.

    If the user must log into the Internet, you will also need to display a shortcut for connecting via the network.

  • To connect to the network from your desktop, click the Start button or Windows key and select Network Neighborhood from the menu. In the folder that opens, click on the “Show network connections” item in the common tasks panel (located on the left side of the window). If the panel is not displayed, select “Folder Options” from the “Tools” menu and check the “Display a list of common tasks in a folder” option on the “General” tab in the “Tasks” group. Apply the new settings.
  • When all network connections are displayed, move the cursor to the desired icon and right-click on it. In the context menu, select “Send”, in the submenu – “Desktop (create shortcut)”. Another option: Click on the connection icon and, while holding down the left mouse button, drag it to the desktop.
  • The browser shortcut (the program you use to surf the Internet) is placed on the desktop in a similar way. Go to the directory where the browser was installed. As a rule, the path is as follows: the “My Computer” element - the disk with the system - Program Files - and then the folder with the name of your browser. Find the launch file (IEXPLORE.exe, firefox.exe) and repeat the steps described in the third step with its icon.
  • Login and browser icons can also be located on the Quick Launch panel (to the right of the Start button). To do this, move the cursor to the desired icon, hold down the left mouse button, and drag it to the taskbar in the Quick Launch panel area. If there is not enough space on the panel, right-click on it and remove the marker from the “Lock taskbar” item. Adjust the size and re-dock the taskbar.
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