How to copy something that cannot be copied. How to copy a web page if it has copy protection installed

I'll describe it practically universal method copying. Typically, scripts and copy protection tags are written in the header of the page code or at the very beginning. The text itself and the pictures that need to be copied are located somewhere in the middle of the source code of the page. They no longer contain copy protection tags. The task is to source code pages, find, select and copy the desired text and pictures.

First, you need to open the source code of the page.

For this purpose in Internet Explorer Go to View -> View HTML Code.

In Firefox you need to go to Tools -> Web Development - Page Source Code.

IN Google Chrome Click the Settings icon in the upper right corner. Then select Tools -> View Source Code.
In Opera, click the Opera button in the upper left corner of the screen and select Developer Tools - View Source from the menu.

Usually at the beginning of the page code there are style descriptions, various scripts for copy protection, advertising links, etc. We skip all this and look for the actual text, pictures, i.e. what we want to copy. HTML tags will be included in the text. Try to determine the beginning and end of the complete, complete fragment that you need. It starts with div, p tags, h1, h2, h3 heading tags, table tags, etc. Typically, such text is located in a heap and is quite easy to identify in the source code of the page. It's somewhere in the middle of the code.
But sometimes an entire paragraph of text or even an article can be in one, very long line. Carefully review the source code so as not to miss such a line. It can be especially difficult to see when there are a lot of advertising inserts on the page. It is also difficult to highlight a fragment of the article itself when there is little text and a lot of inserted pictures.
Select this fragment with the mouse and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl + C). Open Notepad and paste the text from the clipboard. When viewing the code, do not copy advertising inserts like Yandex.Direct, etc. But even if you accidentally copy them, they are unlikely to be displayed in the resulting document, since they fall out of the page display context.

To ensure that the text is displayed correctly in the browser, enter the tag in the first line , and at the end of the text enter a closing tag. Save the text as a file with the htm extension.

The problem is solved. In Explorer, click on the file name and it will open in your default browser. With this method Windows opening sometimes it displays the page incorrectly, so it is better to select File - Open File in the browser menu. In Firefox, to do this, you need to enable the Menu Bar if it is disabled.
The information you need will be displayed on the screen, although not as beautifully as on the original page. This means that you still managed to copy the page to your computer.

Sometimes, instead of readable text, crappy text is displayed, since the html file is not entirely correct. In this case, you just need to change the text encoding. In Firefox, for example, in the top menu go to View - Text Encoding and select Unicode or sometimes the older one - Cyrillic (Windows). Another way is to force the encoding to be changed by writing it in the file header. You can try different encodings. To do this, at the very beginning of the htm file after the tag write the lines, for example, like this:

You can determine the text encoding in Notepad++. Open the htm file in this program. The encoding will be indicated in the status bar at the bottom of the window. All that remains is to write it in the tag . You can change the encoding. Select Encoding from the top menu. In the list that opens, select Convert to the desired encoding. The encoding in the status bar will change. Save the resulting file.

If the text is displayed as a table, but the cells are not highlighted with lines, then this is also easy to fix. In the htm file, find the table tag and add border=1 cellspacing=0 at the end of the tag. It will look something like this:

Save the file and open it in your browser - the table will be highlighted with thin lines. If you remove cellspacing=0, then the table cells will be highlighted with double lines.

But opening a page in a browser every time is not very convenient. In addition, it often happens that the text is copied, but the pictures are not. So let's continue. Again, select the text of the resulting htm page, copy and paste it into Word document. You will have to manually insert the pictures into the Word document.
On the site page, right-click on the image and select Save Image As... from the menu. The Save window will open, in which the file type should be JPEG Image or another graphic format (GIF, PNG). Enter the desired file name or leave the one specified. Remember the place where you saved the picture. Open a Word document and place the cursor where you want the picture to be. From the Word main menu, select Insert - Picture. In the Insert Picture window, select the saved picture and click Insert. The picture will be inserted into the document in the right place. Repeat these steps for all other pictures. Don't forget to save the modified Word document.
On Linux, you can use Notepad instead text editor gedit or similar, and instead of Word - the free LibreOffice package.

In short, do you understand? First, in Notepad, we create an HTML document without security scripts and advertising inserts, containing the information you need, then open it in your favorite browser. Select the entire page that opens and copy it into Word. If the pictures were not copied, then go to the site again. We copy the pictures from the site one by one and paste them into the required places in the Word document. Save the Word document. This is the technology. In 90% of cases it works great.

Sometimes the pictures extend beyond the edge of the sheet or, conversely, are very small. This is easy to fix. Click on the picture (squares will appear in the corners). Move your mouse cursor to the lower left (right) corner of the picture. Once the double-headed arrow appears, click left button mouse and, without releasing it, move the cursor in (or out) diagonally on the picture, reducing (or stretching) it. Release the button. The picture will decrease (increase) in size and fit within the sheet.
It often happens that the text after insertion is aligned to the width of the page, i.e. There are several spaces between words. Such text is difficult to read. To correct, select all the text and click the Align Left button.

If the picture is small and the details are hard to see, try clicking on it to make it appear larger. Many sites allow you to do this. All that remains is to save this enlarged copy of the picture. It happens that an enlarged image cannot be copied or saved. When you right-click on a picture, a menu appears with Copy link, etc., but no Save as... or Copy image. This happens when viewing an image gallery. Then open the source code of the page and look in it for a link to the picture that contains the extension .jpg. For example, something like Click on the link. An image should open. If you haven’t guessed right, then look for the next similar link. When the required picture is found, right-click on it and select Save As... or Copy Image. Check that the saved file has the extension .jpg, .png or .gif, i.e. graphic format.

It happens that a webmaster inserts text onto a page in the form of a picture. You can't select text and copy it, but you can copy the picture itself and paste it into Word. Right-click (RMB) on the text and select from the menu Save image as... If there is no such item in the menu, but there is Save as... This means the browser offers to save it as a web page. In this case this is not required. Then click on the text with the mouse, usually after this the text is presented in an enlarged form. Right-click again and an item should appear in the menu Save image as.. since the text will be displayed as an image. Save the image and then paste it into Word. Similarly, you can copy other pages of text.

So far I know of one resource where this technique does not work. This Google Play Books.

The free portion of the book is highlighted, but it cannot be copied. You can do the following.

Select the desired fragment of a book page and click Search in Book in the menu window. In a new window, select the desired fragment again and press Ctrl+C.

Now the fragment can be copied and pasted into a Word document. Only line breaks get lost, you have to manually correct them. Place the cursor in the desired location and press Shift+Enter to break the line. It's still better than nothing at all. This method does not copy well text in two languages ​​(English and Russian) or containing special characters.

Sometimes the text is not visible against the background of the inserted image, since the colors of the text and the background are the same. Select this block and change the background color or text color to make the text stand out.

It happens that a page is copied without problems, but the text pasted into Word is pale gray and all the lines are underlined. Such text is difficult to read and links contained in the text are masked. This happens when the site is laid out in tabular formats. The table tags table, tr, td are visible in the source code. Of course, you can manually remove them. But this is a thankless task. It's easier to do it differently. On the site page, select the first paragraph of text and copy it. Insert the paragraph into a new Word document. Right-click on the image following the paragraph and select Copy Image from the menu. Paste the picture into the Word document following the paragraph copied earlier. In this way, you can copy all the information from a page into a Word document. The text is displayed normally and all links to other resources are saved in it. This is also tedious, but the result is worth it. Those. We copy the table layout cells separately into a Word document.

Often there are tables on the page that need to be copied. Use the Internet Explorer browser for these purposes. Despite all its shortcomings, it copies tables correctly. Microsoft Edge from Windows 10 also copies tables correctly. Select the table and press Copy (Ctrl+C). Open MS Word and paste the copied fragment. The table should be inserted into the MS Word document without distortion. When using Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome browsers, instead of a table, you will most likely get a solid paragraph of text with a bunch of words without any division into rows and columns.

Sometimes there is text on the site, but it is not in the htm file - instead there are spaces and line breaks. And this block of text cannot be saved as a picture. This often happens in articles devoted to the html language. Then I use a “power” technique. I take a screenshot of the desired part of the page (press Alt+ PrintScreen to save the active window). Launch Paint and paste the image (Ctrl+V). Click the Select tool and select the desired part of the image. Right-click and select Copy from the menu. Go to the Word document, place the cursor in the right place and paste the picture (Ctrl+V).

If you are well versed in html code, you can find and delete (comment out) the copy protection script in the source code. All that remains is to save the modified code as an htm file.

Select the source code with the mouse or select Select All from the menu. Press Ctrl + C or select Copy from the menu. Paste the copied code into Notepad (not Word!). WordPad is also not recommended. It sometimes gives an error when inserting text.

Source code is text that has a title - head and a body - body. Find a line like this:

This tag specifies copy protection settings. You need to remove these parameters, leaving those that do not affect protection. In this case, you can leave the parameter that sets the background color and delete the rest. It will turn out like this:

Another option is to comment out the original tag and add a new shortened one.

Save the corrected text as text file with extension .htm. Open the saved page in your browser. To do this, in the line for entering the site name, type the name of the htm file. Or simply click on the file name and it will open in the browser. Now it becomes possible to select and copy text, pictures and paste them into Word or another program.

Often you don’t even need to adjust the code; after saving it as a .htm file, copying becomes possible without any corrections.

Webmasters use different copy protection methods. If the above does not help, try removing the header of the html file, i.e. all text between tags And. The display of the html page will be disrupted, but copying will be possible. The copied page can be pasted into MS Word and edited at your discretion.

If you need to copy text without graphics, you can use a text browser. Linux has several text (console) browsers. They display only text without graphics or advertising, so they are very fast. They can also be used to copy protected pages.
To copy plain text without tables, you can use the lynx browser; there is a version for Windows. In the lynx browser, simply select the text with the mouse and copy it to the clipboard. At the bottom of the screen there is a status bar and help lines.
If the page contains tables and frames, then use links. It displays tables correctly. For example, the above page can be copied like this. On Linux, open a terminal window to full screen and issue the command links

If Russian text is displayed in English letters (transliteration), then you need to make settings. Press Esc, the top menu bar will appear. In it, select File -> Setup -> Character Set. In the list, select the Unicode UTF-8 encoding or other Russian encoding in which the web page is written. It can be viewed in the source code of the page in the header. You can also change the menu language to Russian. Go to File -> Setup -> Language -> Russian. And lastly: File -> Settings -> Save Settings.
From the menu, select Save formatted document. Save it as a regular text file. Moreover, the text will be in black letters on a white background. As they say, cheap and cheerful.
To go to another page, click on the link. Links are highlighted in brighter colors.

How can I copy a web page if the page has copy protection installed? Many of us have visited sites on the Internet where we were unable to copy the contents of the site page in the usual way.

To copy content, select the contents of the web page with the right mouse button, so that you can then copy the selection, but it is not possible to save the web page this way. This site may have copy protection software or plugins installed.

The plugin blocks the use of mouse selection. Many webmasters want to protect their intellectual property to protect content from copying.

Some not very conscientious site owners copy the contents of other people's articles on other sites and publish the copied articles under their own name.

Most of those who copy articles on website pages are still conscientious people. They copy just so they don't lose necessary information. The addresses of visited sites are lost; it is not always possible to remember on which site you previously saw this information, which has only become necessary now.

But, unfortunately, and for some, perhaps fortunately, 100% copy protection does not exist. There are several ways to copy the content of a website page or a specific article on a website.

The easiest way is, of course, simply copying the text from the site page, but this is a rather labor-intensive process.

You can bookmark an individual web page or site in your browser, but this is not copying.

There are several more copying methods, and I want to tell you about them. You'll learn how to copy a web page even if the site has content copy protection installed.

Web page screenshot

The second easiest way is to take a screenshot of the entire page or a specific article.

Using the operating room Windows systems, when you press the “Print Screen” keyboard key, copying occurs open page site. After copying to the clipboard, we can open the page in graphic editor, for example, in the built-in operating system graphic editor Paint.

In the Paint editor, click on the “Home” tab, and then on the “Insert” button. After inserting an image, you can edit it if necessary, and then save it in the desired graphic format.

The disadvantages of this method are that the copy is saved as a graphic file, the text cannot be edited in it, and not the entire page can be included in the image if it does not completely fit on the monitor screen.

For those users whose computers have operating systems installed Windows Vista and Windows 7 (in older editions), installed good program for taking screenshots - Scissors.

With its help, you can copy not only the entire page, but also a separate part of the article, or just the article itself if it is small. This can also be done using other programs for taking screenshots, as well as using appropriate browser add-ons (extensions).

How to save a web page as a web document or web archive

Let's consider the question of how to copy a web page in the most popular browsers.

In the Internet Explorer browser, you will need to enter the “Tools” menu => “File” => “Save as...” (or simultaneously press the “Ctrl” + “S” keys on the keyboard). After this, an Explorer window opens.

In the Explorer window, after selecting a save location, you are offered a choice of several options for saving the file.

If you selected the options: “Web page in full” or “Web page, only HTML”, then after saving the page, next to the file - “HTML document”, a folder with the contents of the site page will be saved.

After opening the web archive, you will see a saved page of the site, from where you can copy the entire page, or just the article, or part of the article in the usual way for further editing or saving, for example in Word program from Microsoft Office.

IN Opera browser you need to click on the “Opera” button, then “Page” => “Save as...”, then select the save option, similar to the Internet Explorer browser.

In the browser Mozilla Firefox you need to click on the “Firefox” => “Save as...” button, then select the desired option for saving the web page. Saving in a web archive in the Mozilla Firefox browser is possible if you install in Firefox browser corresponding extension.

To copy a web page, in the Google Chrome browser, click on the “Settings and Google management Chrome" => "Save page as...", then you need to select a saving method from two options: “Complete web page” or “Web page, only HTML”.

Save a web page to PDF using a virtual printer

Virtual printer allows you to convert any document or image from a program that supports printing into PDF format.

To use a virtual printer in Internet browsers Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, you need to install a program on your computer - a virtual printer, for example.

In this example, I'm using free program- virtual printer Bullzip PDF Printer.

The installation of the program is standard, and it occurs in Russian. The program is installed into the operating system as a virtual printer. After installation on your computer, Bullzip PDF Printer appears in the list installed printers and faxes.

After you have visited the site page that you need to save, in your browser settings you need to click on the “Print” item.

In the window that opens, you will need to select the Bullzip PDF Printer virtual printer from the list of installed printers. After this, you need to click on the “OK” button.

The page is saved to your computer, and you, in the Explorer window, must select a location to save PDF file A.

You can save a web page to PDF in a form convenient for reading and printing using online service, as well as using extensions (add-ons) of the same name to the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Read on to learn how to copy a web page using a browser.

Saving a page as PDF in the Google Chrome browser

When using the Google Chrome browser, it is possible to save website pages as a PDF file, without using a third-party virtual printer. A virtual printer is built into the Google Chrome browser.

To do this, press the key combination “Ctrl” + “P” on your keyboard. In the “Print” window that opens, in the “Target Printer” tab, select “Save as PDF”.

The web page will be saved in PDF format.

RightToClick extension for Mozilla Firefox

By installing this extension to the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can remove protection from using the right mouse button to select the desired content on the site for further copying.

To install the RightToClick add-on, you need to click on the “Firefox” => “Add-ons” => “Get add-ons” button. In the “Search among add-ons” field you need to enter the expression “RightToClick”. On the RightToClick extension page that opens, click on the “Add to Firefox” button, and then on the “Install now” => “Restart now” link.

On the panel Mozilla browser Firefox (at the top or bottom), there will be an icon for the RightToClick extension, in the form of an arrow.

Now, in order to copy text or images from a web page where the right mouse button is blocked, just click on the RightToClick extension icon.

After this, you will be able to copy the contents of the web page using selection, using right button mice.


There are several ways in which you can copy a web page to your computer.

The problem of content theft is more pressing now than ever. Thousands of webmasters every day are faced with how some “clever guy” publishes their posts and thereby harms the site, and in general takes advantage of what they spend their energy and money on. Because of this, many have blocked the function of copying and highlighting text.

In this article we will explain how to copy protected text, but you can only use this if you are copying information for personal use(for example, read on your phone on the way to work).

Copying copy-protected text is easy!

Protection on sites varies, but most often a special code is added that blocks the selection and opening of the context menu. If the selection works, try copying the text using the Ctrl+C key combination. Basically, such code not only closes context menu, but also does not allow text to be selected.

If you use Google browser Chrome, then in a couple of simple steps you can copy the information. To do this you need to click F12, which launches the special assistant.

After that, use the Loupe tool and click on the block with the text that you want to save:

For example, we selected text from our blog, it opened separately in the assistant, all you have to do is copy it from here and you can save it in regular Word or notepad.

What if I'm not using Google Chrome?

The method described above helps to extract text information from the site page code. In a similar way, you can “get words” in any other browser. To do this, open the page code (Ctrl+U):

Then you need to find the part of the code that represents the text. This is not difficult to do; the Russian-language text stands out against the background of the English-language functions:

Unfortunately, the text in the code is accompanied by tags, but removing them is not difficult. Follow this link and paste the copied information:

Just click “Remove Tags” and the cleared text will open in the lower form. In this way, you can copy data from any site, because if the letters are displayed on the page, then they must be in the code.

How to copy text from a protected PDF?

While talking about copying protected text, I would also like to talk about a radical method that is suitable even for converting articles from PDF format. To do this, you will need the FineReader program; it scans images and reads text information from them:

You can use a PDF file or just take a screenshot of the screen (). This method requires a lot of steps, but you can get the text from anywhere, even from e-book, even from a website, even from a protected Word file.

If an error or warning window appears when you try to copy, try stopping the script; this may also remove the restrictions.

Information can be extracted from any file, so there are no means of protecting against copying protected text.

The only way to be safe is to use Flash technology and a complex text format so that programs cannot recognize it. All this is difficult and not worth the effort; protecting information on the Internet is almost impossible.