How to update the application in world of tanks. If you need to update your Microsoft Word office suite, you should use one of the methods below. Incorrect entry into the game

How to update a game on iOS

In this short guide you will learn how to update World of Tanks Blitz to current version. Just three simple steps will help you with this:

1. You can find out about available updates using the icon App Store. The number in the red circle in the upper right corner will indicate the number of applications that can be updated.

If you use the words "French" and "shield" in a sentence, you're laughing, wait for Update 21 to arrive this December. These heavyweights have what it takes to shatter several stereotypes about the French with elegance and style.

Content is available when the browser window is wider. And if the defense wasn't un-French, they are also equipped with traditional cargo cannons. Each tank has two top guns: one with high impact alpha and the other with reduced alpha but fast cadence. Are you going to trade shots from the outside or the second line with a quick cadence? Try both and find out which one is better for you.

2. Open the App Store and go to the Updates tab at the bottom of the screen.

3. In the window that opens, you will see a list of applications that can be updated. Find World of Tanks Blitz and click the Update button on the right. You may need to confirm the update using your password.

Option: You define your role in the second, in which you choose a gun. A high alpha attack with a long cooldown will work better in close combat. Select a target and start shooting, using the front and turret armor to repel enemy attacks. If you go down the damage canyon in a minute, stay on the second line as support. Wait until your target is distracted or reloading, appears and starts shooting.

They can do everything from serving as second line support to flanking and engaging in short-range duels. Adapt as the battle unfolds to help your team swing the game in their favor! Durability: Strong frontal armor, a thick chassis, and a strong cannon mantle will increase your chances of staying alive in the middle of battle.

How to update a game on Android

In this guide, you will learn how to update World of Tanks Blitz on Android to the latest version.

Method one. Update the application when it starts

1. If an update has been released in World of Tanks Blitz, then when you start the game you will be notified that the current version of the game client needs to be updated. To do this, click the button Update.

Avoid moving into corners: a regular side shield reduces the chance of deflecting incoming rounds when fighting corners. Don't expose your tower: even though you have decent mantles, there are still weak spots; just the ones that are necessary to make you vulnerable to someone who knows where to point. You use ridges and take advantage of uneven terrain: the low plates are weak compared to the rest of the frontal armor. Choose your battles: weapon damage per minute won't get you very far in close combat. Stay on the second line and support your allies by covering them from behind. If you choose a high impact alpha effect, it solves the opponent without thinking twice. Stay close to your team: you lack the mobility to zigzag quickly and can barely avoid enemy projectiles when advancing in an open field.

  • Instead of exposing your flanks, attack the enemy from the front and at an angle.
  • Keep them protected by objects and edges!
Rather than forcing the gun and run tactics, these new tanks serve a variety of roles well and will be very attractive to fans of regular heavy tanks.

2. Once in the Play Store, update the game.

Wait for the installation to complete - and go into battle!

Method two. Update via Play Store

1. Go to Play Store.

They're not the best tanks in the world, but they go out and get the job done without requiring large doses of skill or advanced maneuvers. In addition, you will have new experience thanks to the choice of two guns; just make changes when you get tired of fighting one. If you want to install the update manually.

Run the initializer and wait for the update to be applied to the game client. Download the file directly or torrent. . There are many exciting adventures coming and we can't wait for you to see it all. We will also be paralyzing the Global Clan War Map for 24 hours in preparation.

2. Using the menu in the upper left part of the screen, go to your Play Store profile.

3. Open My Apps.

4. In the list of applications, find World of Tanks Blitz and press the button Update.

If you want to make any payments or purchases in the game, please wait until the servers are up and running again. During the update tests, you shared an incredible amount of feedback with us, helping us cast each new element on the list. Below is a definitive summary of the update's main features.

Activation, grace period and limited functionality

In the weeks leading up to release, we introduced new content and features in a series of news stories. If you want to know more about a specific feature, click on the images below to jump to their description. We've been very concerned about cutting through the heart of the game and solving the problems you care about most, which is why the model hasn't grown much lately. But now it's time to give him a promotion!

5. Once on home page, dedicated to World of Tanks Blitz in the Play Store, click the button again Update.

All! All you have to do is wait for the installation to complete, and you can go into battle!


— If you do not see current updates, but an update has been released, restart your device and check for updates again.
- When you enter the game, if it has not been updated, you may be prompted to update it. If you agree, the update will be installed automatically.
- If in Google settings Play If you have automatic application updates installed, then immediately after the game update is released, it will be installed automatically. Automatic update can be configured in Google Play under the conditions: “Always” - applications will be updated when accessing any network connection, including through Mobile Internet; “Only via Wi-Fi” - applications will start updating when connected to Wi-Fi.

Incorrect entry into the game

The second great addition is the Paris map. In the latter, new sensors will give you a better idea of ​​what's happening in battle: you can see how much damage you're doing to enemy tanks with each shot, as well as how much damage you're blocking and taking; and where it comes from. Damage indicators are also great for tracking the progress of your personal missions during a match. The great thing is that you can choose the features that work best for you and disable the ones that don't, right from the settings panel.

What to do if the game does not update

Dear players!

Due to technical problems On some devices an error occurs with the inability to update the game client to the current version 1.8.

If your mobile device does not detect an available update for World of Tanks Blitz, you need to delete the game and install it again.

Restoration of the vehicle and crew

You will no longer need to contact the service technical support to get premium or rare tanks that have been sold. Server scheduling performance has been significantly optimized, reducing the time required for featured vehicles.

You've done it online, and now you can capture up to 20 cars at a time and examine them inside the game client. Compare different configurations, including crew training levels. And it's not just for your tanks - compare parts of any vehicle, any nation, any type or level.

If after installing the update you notice significant FPS drops, contact the User Support Center by creating a ticket in the World of Tanks Blitz category.

Incorrect entry into the game

Dear players!

If, when entering the game, you find that credits, equipment and other game progress are missing, you just need to log into the server again, choosing the correct authorization method:

Many of you have indicated that negative chat is still a big problem, even with the banish system. Chat conversations between different teams will be muted in all battle types, and you can instantly mute annoying players in your team chat. Update 16 includes 30 more redesigned mini-maps: Cliff, El Halluf, Ensk, Erlenberg, Fisherman's Bay, Kharkov, Lakeville, Malinovka, Arctic Region, Muravinka, Prokhorovka, Swamp, Paris, Wide Park and Westfield.

We're making it easier to check mission progress, including personal missions. The seminar not only gives you complete information about the mission, but you can also receive notifications about completed missions or one of your conditions during battle. Navigation options have also been expanded so you can search for a list of missions for a selected vehicle, organized by type - you can select a tank and see a full summary of missions completed and in progress. For all this, a feature is really needed: a separate carousel for your prizes.

If you previously played using a Wargaming ID, log in using your password.

If your Game Center/Google Play account was linked to a Wargaming ID, or if you previously played through Game Center/Google Play without using a Wargaming ID, select logging in through the appropriate service.

What to do if the game does not update

Notifications are now organized into three groups: general notifications, invitations, and custom notifications, making it easier to track and navigate through the latest announcements. While we were working on 16, we also considered your feedback on new features and improvements you'd like to see. Rest assured that we are always happy to include you in future updates.

If you use "French" and "armor" in the same sentence, you're laughing, wait until Update 21 arrives in December. These heavyweights have how to crush various stereotypes about the French with taste and style. Content is available in larger browser window widths.

After logging in with your account, you will see the familiar Hangar with your equipment and can continue playing.

To avoid a similar situation in the future, we recommend that you link account to your Facebook, Game Center or Google Play account. This can be done in Menu > Profile.

Also note: if you have played World of Tanks Blitz before, we kindly ask you not to click the arrow in the upper left corner on the login method selection screen.

And if some armor wasn't French enough, they also traditionally equipped cannons automatic download. Each new guy has two top guns: one with a strong alpha and one with a faster firing lower alpha. Will you be trading shots at close range or swinging down the second line with a shooting cannon? Try it and see what works best for you.

Choose: You determine your role according to your choice of gun. A high alpha attack with a long cooldown will work best in close combat. Select a target and put your cannon to work, using your front shields and turret to block enemy attacks. Wait until your target is distracted or reloaded, then appears and starts shooting.

This material is addressed to all conservative comrades who still use MS Office 2007 and younger, but are timidly thinking about switching to the new, 2010 version.

Versatility: The combination of reliable armor, two excellent weapons and solid energy makes the new French heavy tanks extremely versatile. They can do anything from second line support to flanking to close combat. Adapt as the battle unfolds to help your team score in your favor!

Durability: Strong frontal protection, a thick hull, and a powerful cannon mantle increase your chances of staying alive in the heat of battle. Energy combines with other "versatile heavyweights" to further enhance your ability to survive, and effective cannon depression means you can use the terrain to conceal your helmet.

Updating is very simple: download the distribution you need from the official Microsoft website or use installation disk, if you have one.

There is no need to remove the existing 2007 package before installing 2010.

There are several versions for PC MS Office 2010, This:

Avoid side shielding: Side shielding reduces the chance of deflecting projectiles received when fighting in the corner. Don't expose your tower: While decent, mantellas still have flaws; enough to make him an easy target for those who know where to shoot. Work in grooves and use uneven surfaces: the bottom plate is weak compared to the rest of the front shield. If you choose a heavy alpha, then move towards the enemy without thinking twice. Stay close to your team: You lose mobility in zig-zags and can barely avoid enemy projectiles in the open.

  • Instead of opening your sides, find the enemy directly at a right angle.
  • Stay on the second line and support your cover teammates.
Rather than forcing shoot and run tactics, the newcomers work well in a variety of roles and should satisfy fans of conventional heavy tanks.

In addition, there is also a version for mobile devices running OS Windows Phone- Office Mobile 2010, as well as for collaboration with documents in the cloud - Office 365 (Web Apps) and Office 2010 for Mac.

Almost all of these releases are available for purchase online and can be downloaded from the official website of the developer. The exceptions to the above editions are Office Standard, Office Professional Plus (for enterprise customers), and Office Student (for educational institutions only). During the installation process, downloadable editions of MS Office may not be activated. In this case, the so-called “grace period” for using the product will be 30 days. Quote:

They aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, but they relax and get the job done without requiring much skill or advanced maneuvers. In addition, you get a new experience thanks to the choice of two guns; just switch places once you get tired of playing with each other.

In addition to providing an oddly named world, the Swedes also have a great tank industry. While German designs were the mainstay of engineering, the Swedish military focused their country's attention on creating a range of interesting designs. Rich and varied, the Swedish tank industry has enough models to create a varied technology tree.

Activation, grace period and limited functionality

To gain access to all product features, you must activate. Microsoft Product Activation is a technology to protect against illegal copying of programs, which verifies the legality of licensing of software products.

Activation This process verifies that the product key specified during installation is allowed to be used on the affected computers under the terms of the license.

Grace period Without entering a valid product key, you can work with software within 30 days. This period is called the grace period. During grace period Some features and programs not included in the product you purchased may operate. Once you enter a valid product key, only the features and programs that you purchased will be present.

Mode limited functionality After the grace period expires, if a valid product key is not entered, the software product enters a limited functionality mode similar to demo mode. In this mode, it is impossible to save changes to documents or create new documents, and other features may be disabled. While running in reduced functionality mode, no harm is done to existing files or documents. After entering the product key and completing the activation, all functions of the purchased software product will work.

To check the activation status of your office suite MS Office 2010, open any of its components (for example Word or Excel), click the “File” menu and select the “Help” section:

If the program is activated with a legitimate key, the text that you saw in the previous screenshot will be missing:

To check the activation status of MS Office 2007, the path is different (using Word as an example): Menu – Options – Resources – Activate Microsoft Office:

Interesting observation: Windows Update, which I had configured to automatically search for and install updates, was silent about SP3 for MS Office 2007 like a guerrilla until I downloaded and forced its installation.

Further, in order not to indulge in lengthy descriptions of all the many aspects of using MS Office, I suggest going to the questions and answers page, where everything is outlined in detail and along the way I will give a couple more useful links that may be useful:

Using the distribution disk, the current installation can be changed, deleted, restored (in case of malfunctions in the operation of components) and activated:

By the way, regarding reactivation with another key, there is a little trick:

For reference: open the system registry editor and go to the branch:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration

We delete the entry in it DigitalProductID And Current, then we launch any office application, Office 2010 will immediately require you to enter a license number, enter (the office distribution must be inserted into the drive), office will quickly configure new number and that's all.

Naturally, MS Office 2010 opens and edits all files created in previous office suites. Changing file associations is involved:

Well, a few pictures of individual components of the 2010 version, for those who have not seen it yet.


File menu:

In conclusion, it remains to be said that in addition to the expanded and improved functionality, MS Office 2010 began to work even faster. Opening any document occurs in a split second. A worthy replacement for its predecessor in this regard, especially for PCs with a weak configuration.

Naturally, with this article with “funny pictures” I did not discover America for someone. The package was released a long time ago and only the laziest Chukotka it-blogger hasn’t written about it. I just simply talked (and perhaps with unnecessary details) about how you can update an existing installation of an office suite to the latest version to date - the 2010 version.

Successful use!