Managing page bookmarks in Google Chrome - import and export. Editing or deleting bookmarks. Change bookmark information

Half a year has passed, literally and figuratively.

Surfing the Internet, we bookmarked the sites we liked. Every month there were more and more bookmarks.

And now the list of bookmarks won't fit even on the screen. Now it is more difficult to find the bookmark we need, and instead of saving time, we are now wasting it.

Let's make our life easier. And we will use the tools provided to us for this.

We will now clear this pile and make all the saved links easy to find and navigate.

For this we will create thematic folders and “add” the corresponding links in them.

Right off the bat, I see that I have links to major portals, to torrent sites, to news sites, to gaming sites. And also there are links that do not fit these topics.

What am I doing? I create folders: "Portals", "Torrents", "News", "Games", "Miscellaneous".
To do this, I call the “Tab Manager”, as I described (True, I myself Google Chrome updated. And now I have a button with "three horizontal stripes" instead of a "wrench" button. But that doesn't change the point.)

Move the mouse pointer over the "Bookmarks Bar" folder and click the left mouse button. The folder with the inscription will be highlighted with a blue background.

Then we move the mouse pointer over the “arrow” of the “Arrange” menu item and press the left mouse button. In the drop-down submenu, move the mouse pointer over the submenu item "Add Folder" and click the left mouse button.

We have created a folder in the Bookmarks Bar folder. Now we need to name it. We write "Portals" and press the "Enter" key.

Create the rest of the folders in the same way.

!!! Attention. Start creating the next folder by clicking the left mouse button on the "Bookmarks Bar" folder.

As a result, we get:

  • hover the mouse over the link to the portal
  • press the left mouse button and, holding the button down, move the mouse pointer over the "Portals" folder
  • release the left mouse button

Move the mouse pointer back to the Bookmarks Bars folder and click the left mouse button. We will again see the remaining list of links.

Thus, we “scatter” all (well, or not all) links in our folders.
Now it's much easier to find the right link.

I also want to focus on the Miscellaneous folder. Here you can also create your own pre-sorting, so that you can then pull the corresponding thematic folder to the main bookmarks bar.

Let's create a subfolder "Likbez" in the folder "Miscellaneous".

For this:

  • hover the mouse pointer over the "Miscellaneous" folder and left-click on it;
  • hover the mouse pointer over the arrow of the "Arrange" menu item and click on it with the left mouse button;
  • hover the mouse pointer over the menu item "Add Folder" and click on it with the left mouse button.

We will be prompted to create a folder. We call it "Likbez". Press "Enter".
We “throw” the necessary links into this folder.

Now we see our links in the "Miscellaneous" folder in the "Likbez" subfolder.

And, if we now want to move this folder to the bookmarks bar, perform the following steps:

  • hover the mouse pointer over the folder "Likbez" and press the left mouse button
  • keeping the button pressed, move the mouse pointer to the bookmarks bar
  • release the mouse button

As a result, we get “full order” with our links.

Well, a couple more points.

In the window that appears, move the mouse pointer to the “arrow” for selecting the folder and click the left mouse button.

Then move the mouse pointer over the "Portals" folder and click on it with the left mouse button.

Then we move the mouse pointer over the “Done” button (it is not visible now, the button has blocked the list of folders) and click on it left mouse button.

By the way, the bookmark manager can be called up by simply pressing the right mouse button on the Bookmarks Bar, then move the mouse pointer to the Bookmark Manager menu item and left-click on it.

That's all for today. Good luck and creative success to all.

Google Chrome browser bookmarks separated from bookmarks stored in the service Google Bookmarks. Since it is currently not possible to automatically sync these two sets of bookmarks, you can use the bookmarklet to easily create Google Bookmarks in Chrome.

Bookmarked sites can be edited, organized and deleted to make it easier for you to find them. You can also update bookmarks on devices so that everyone can see them in Chrome after you sign in.

Import and export bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser

If you have bookmarks or favorites saved in another browser, you can easily import to google chrome. You can also always add bookmarks in Chrome as an HTML file.

Import bookmarks from Firefox, IE or Google toolbar

If you have not yet created Chrome Bookmarks, the imported bookmarks will appear directly in the bookmarks bar, which is usually pinned below the address bar.

If you already have bookmarks in Chrome, the imported bookmarks will appear in a new folder called "Imported from Firefox" or "Imported from IE" located at the end of this panel.

Bookmarks can be found by clicking the Chrome menu and selecting Bookmarks.

Are you using a Chrome device? This option is not available here. However, you can export your bookmarks as an HTML file and import them using the bookmark manager.

Import bookmarks from other browsers

Import Bookmarks from Google Toolbar

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Open Google Toolbar.
  3. Log in to the same account The Google you use to sign in to the Google Toolbar.
  4. Click "Export bookmarks" in the menu on the left side home page. Bookmarks will be downloaded to your computer in HTML file.
  5. In the upper right corner of the browser window, click the Chrome menu.
  6. Select Import bookmarks and settings.
  7. From the menu select HTML file with bookmarks.
  8. Click the button select a file.
  9. Download the saved HTML file.
  10. Click Done.

Import bookmarks from other Chrome devices

If your bookmarks are stored in Chrome browser on another computer, the easiest way to move these bookmarks to the device you are using is on both computers and sync the bookmarks to your account.

Export bookmarks from Chrome browser

Google Chrome exports bookmarks to an HTML file, which can then be imported into another browser.

Editing or deleting bookmarks

Drag bookmarks to arrange them in the bookmarks bar. You can rename bookmarks, change the URL or the location folder directly from the bookmarks bar. You can also use the bookmark manager if you need to organize multiple bookmarks at the same time.

Access panel or bookmark manager

Move bookmarks to another location

  • Move one bookmark. Just drag it to a new location on the bookmarks bar. Remember that a bookmark cannot be in different folders at the same time.
  • Moving multiple bookmarks. Use a bookmark manager. While selecting the elements you want to move, hold down the Shift key. After that, you can move them all at the same time to a new location.

Change bookmark information

Deleting bookmarks

  1. Find your bookmarks in the bookmarks bar or bookmark manager.
  2. Click right click click on the bookmark you want to delete.
  3. Select an option from the menu Delete. Deleting a folder will delete all bookmarks stored in the folder.

Deleted bookmarks cannot be recovered!

If you want to hide bookmarks in the bookmarks bar, save it in the "Other Bookmarks" folder. This folder cannot be deleted, but it does not appear if it is empty. If you hide it, you can still add bookmarks to this folder using the bookmark manager.

If the bookmarks are synced with your Google account, any changes you make to your bookmarks will immediately be reflected on other devices where you sign in to Chrome.

  • 1. Hover over the small arrow bookmarks, click once with the left mouse and select "Go to bookmarks". After that, you will be taken to a beautiful interface where we have to create a folder and something else.
  • 2. To create a folder, click on the " Create a folder". A window will pop up, where in the "Name" field you need to write any word suitable for the folder in which you will lay the necessary sites. Then click on the "Finish" button. And do not forget to update the toolbar so that in list was displayed your folder.

  • 2. a. Refresh bookmark list.

  • 2. b. Make sure the folder you created displayed in the list.
  • 3. If there are many folders and there are many sites in them, then you can use the search engine assistant. It is located on the right side and is easy to find. You can also use other tools for sorting links, they are visible next to the search engine.

  • 4. To learn more about bookmark And How enjoy it, then go to the section " Help". He located at the bottom right corner, then click on the " Help".
  • 5. Now you are in this section" Help". On the left side there are categories in order to find out all the details for the action.

How many bookmarks can I make on Atavi?

Any quantity!

How many bookmark groups can I create?

Unlimited amount!

How to make a bookmark in Atavi?

Method one. Copy the address of the page you need, open Atavi, click on any unoccupied block and paste the copied address in the "Add" dialog box that appears. If you wish, here you can set any name for the bookmark or rename it later. Click Save.

Method two. For greater convenience of our users, we have created the Atavi Bookmarks extension. Install it and you will be able to add an interesting site to Atavi bookmarks without going to the page of the service itself. Link to the extension for your browser on the page.

How to move a bookmark from one group to another?

Method one. Hover over the image of the bookmark you want to transfer. Edit and Delete icons will appear in the lower right corner of the image. Click on the gear ("Edit"). In the dialog box that opens, click on the field with the name of the current group. In the list that appears, select a new group, click on "Edit" - you're done!

Method two. Just drag the bookmark image down to the desired group.

I can't move a bookmark, what should I do?

This bookmark may have been deleted before, please refresh your bookmarks page.

How to create a new group for bookmarks?

When you first get acquainted with Atavi, you see only one group by default - "Initial". Creating thematic groups is simple: click on the gear in the lower right corner and click "New Group". Give the group a name and click Add.

How to organize bookmarks into groups?

When creating a new bookmark in your account or using the Atavi Bookmarks extension, you can immediately define a group for the new bookmark. To learn how to create groups and transfer bookmarks, see questions and

Is it possible to sort the groups alphabetically?

There is no automatic sorting. However, you can arrange groups of bookmarks in a way that suits you. Enter group editing mode (gear in the lower right corner), hover over the group you want to move. Keeping the left mouse button pressed, drag the group to the desired location on the group panel.

Is a tiered folder system supported?

Atavi assume the division of bookmarks into folders only at one level.

Is it true that bookmarks are not lost anywhere?

Your bookmarks are securely stored on our own server, so it's impossible to lose a bookmark. You can easily reinstall operating system and don't be afraid to lose your bookmarks.

Who can see my bookmarks?

Nobody but you. Your bookmark collections are completely private. An additional degree of protection is also provided - the ability to set a password for any folder with bookmarks.

How to set a password for a group?

Open the group settings, select "Edit". Click on the group you want to set a password for. Select Protect Group. Enter the password in the special field. Click Save. Click on "Finish Editing" in the group menu.

How to make bookmarks appear as a list?

In the user menu, select the appropriate icon in the "Settings" section.

Deleted the bookmark, there was an empty window (empty bookmark) in the middle of the group. Why and how to remove?

How to delete a group of bookmarks?

To delete a group of bookmarks, click on the gear to the right of the group panel. Then select "Edit". A cross will appear next to the name of each group. Find the desired group and click on the cross. Confirm deletion.

How to change the number of bookmarks per line?

Customize the display of bookmarks to your liking in the settings: choose to display as a tile, two columns or a list, and change the number of bookmarks per row (in "Tile" mode).

How to disable groups?

Open the user menu:

In the menu, uncheck the box next to "Enable Groups":

How to enable groups?

Open the user menu:

Check the box next to "Enable Groups":

Formatting and other issues

What are "Favorite" bookmarks and "Recently visited"?

We have made special sections for the sites that you view most often.

  • "Favorite Bookmarks"- this is a dozen sites that you visit most often - the list is generated automatically;
  • "Recently Visited"- the sites you visited recently are displayed here, also up to 10 links.

Is it possible to change the search string from Yandex to something else?

Yes, it is possible to do it in the user menu.

How to add a bookmark without opening the Atavi site each time?

Install Atavi in ​​your browser. You can add sites to Atavi bookmarks, change the name and assign a group without going to the page of the service itself.

Few topics, will there be more?

Of course, we are expanding the number of options for background images. There are currently over 30 backgrounds available by default. Also now available is the option to set your picture as a background image and choose a color scheme for the bookmarks presented in the list.

I want to put my picture in the background. Is there such an option?

Yes, you can set any image as a background and choose the design of the theme as a whole. From the menu, under Themes, select My Theme.

I want a separate background for each group!

You can only set one general background image. Otherwise, the switching will take a very long time and will affect the comfort of your work with the service.

I want to have Atavi in ​​a new Chrome tab, but when the browser starts, the tabs opened in the previous session are opened. How to do it?

Install the Atavi extension for this browser - it will manage a new tab, with the option "open on startup earlier open folders» will be saved.

How to customize your theme?

In the "Themes" section, select "My Theme" and set your own picture! The image will be automatically centered.

If you prefer your bookmarks to be displayed as a list, you can change their color scheme using the settings below.

  • Bookmark name- select a new color for the bookmark name.
  • Link- change the color of the link address in the bookmark.
  • Background- choose the background color for bookmarks.
  • Backlight- select the color of the bookmark when hovering over it with the cursor.
  • Icon style- choose dark or light bookmark editing icons.

To learn how to change the display style of bookmarks from a visual thumbnail to a list, see here.

How to tell your friends about Atavi? Is there Atavi in ​​social networks?

How to remove or change a widget?

Click on the gear at the end of the row with widgets:

To remove a widget, click on the cross. In order to edit (for example, select another city for the weather forecast) - gear. After that, click "Finish":

Registration, authorization

Why do I need to register on the service, can't I make bookmarks just like that?

Of course, you can create bookmarks on the Atavi service without creating an account. But in this case, the bookmarks will not be saved after the end of the current session and will not be available from other devices.

How to create an Atavi account?

Is it possible to log in through a social network?

Is there an app for iPhone or Android, mobile version?

There is a service as well as an app for Android users. Apps for iOS and Windows phone are under development. We make every effort to make our service as accessible and convenient as possible for you!

Is anything other than my email required?

No, no more personal data is required to register on Atavi and use our service.

How to delete your account? Is it possible?

Yes, if the need arises, you can delete your account. Click on the trash can icon in the lower right corner of the Atavi menu.

After that, an email will be sent to your mail where you will need to confirm that you really want to delete your account.

How to change your email address?

Now you can do it yourself! In the user menu there is a section "Account". In it select " Security Settings". In the window that appears, you can change the password, email or bind a phone number.

Why make Atavi your homepage?

We recommend making Atavi start page so that your bookmarks are always at hand. With the Atavi start page, you can start your web journey from your favorite sites. In addition, adding new bookmarks will also be more convenient. Click and follow the instructions.

How to rename or delete a group?

Click on the "Gear" icon at the bottom right. Select "Edit". Click on the group you want to rename or delete. Click Save. Click on the gear again, select "Finish".

How to change the password?

On the user panel there is an item "Security settings". Click on it, in the window that appears, change the password to a new one.

How to link your phone number?

On the user panel, go to security settings.

Possible problems

Can not log in to my account!

Check if you are typing your username and password correctly. You may not have switched layouts, used lowercase letters instead of uppercase letters, or the letter "O" instead of the number 0. If you are sure that the data you entered is correct, use the password recovery option.

I forgot my password, what should I do?

press "Login". In the window that appears next to the button, click "Forgot your password?". You will be prompted to enter your email, to which your new password for authorization on the service will be sent. Later, you can change this password to any other in your account settings.

Can't change password! I don't receive a password reset email!

Please check your mailbox. If you don't see the password reset email, check your Spam folder - the email may have been accidentally placed there. If there is no letter in the Spam folder, repeat the request for a new password a little later (about an hour later). We also recommend that you make sure that when sending a password recovery request, you write your email address without errors (there are no spelling errors and the address is exactly the one that you indicated when registering for the service). If the repeated request for a new password did not work, and the mailbox is correct, please contact our support team.

I can't register, why?

Several options are possible:

  • you enter the wrong address Email(for example, specify [email protected] instead of [email protected])
  • passwords do not match
  • An Atavi account has already been registered to the email you specify. Try using the Reset Password feature.
  • I can't find the bookmark. Where did she go?

    The bookmark itself could not disappear, since all bookmarks are stored on servers, and their disappearance is impossible. Most likely, you deleted the bookmark or moved it to another group.

    I saved bookmarks, registered, and all my saved bookmarks disappeared, how can this be?

    Most likely, you added bookmarks to Atavi without registering yet, and later closed the browser. In this case, the bookmarks really could not be saved. In order for the bookmarks to be safe and you can have access to them at any time and from any device, you need to register. In this case, the situation will not repeat itself.

    The theme I selected is reset. Why and what to do about it?

    There are two reasons for the problem:

  • your browser is in incognito mode
  • the option "do not save the history of visited sites" is enabled
  • 'Do not allow sites to save data' or 'Delete local data when browser closes' is selected
  • The theme is stored in browser cookies, and if they or history are not enabled, the theme may be reset.

    Where to check cookies in Chrome?

    You can see if cookies are enabled in Chrome in your browser settings. Go to the menu, select "Settings". Open " Additional settings". In the section "Personal data" Press on " Content Settings. In the window that appears, select " Allow saving local data" . Save your changes.

    My bookmarks are missing, I can't see the "Login" button

    Most likely, you have been logged out (you or someone else has logged out of your account or cleared your cookies, for example). And after that you added a bookmark in guest mode. What to do in this situation. At the top, click on "Have an account? Sign in". Enter your username and password, so you will be taken to your account.