How can you convert a scanned document into Word? How to save a scanned document in word. Scan and edit a document. Final editing of a scanned document in Word

If you want to paste into Word document printed document or drawing, this can be done in several ways.

Note: If you are looking for instructions on how to connect your scanner or copier to Microsoft Windows, visit the device manufacturer's website.

Scan an image into Word

To scan an image into a Word document, you can use a scanner, a multi-function printer, a scan-able copier, or a digital camera.

Inserting scanned text into Word

To scan a document into Microsoft Word the easiest way is to use our free application Office Lens on your smartphone or tablet. It takes a snapshot of a document using your device's camera and saves it as an editable document directly in Word. It is available for free on iPad, iPhone, Windows Phone and Android.

If you don't want to use Office Lens, it's best to scan a PDF document using your scanner's own software and then open that PDF in Word.

For more information, see Edit the contents of a PDF document in Word.

Note: The accuracy of text recognition depends on the quality of the scan and the clarity of the scanned text. Handwritten text is rarely recognized, so scan printed materials for best results. Always check the text after opening it in Word to make sure it is recognized correctly.

Additionally, the scanner may come with an OCR application. Consult the documentation for your device or its manufacturer.

Word text editor from Microsoft Office installed on most users' computers. This is a convenient and practical program for typing and editing any information. The only annoying thing is that using such software it is almost impossible to open files that differ in format from doc. When this is necessary, the question arises: how to translate it into Word? A number of programs cope with this task quite simply. The most popular of them is Fine Reader. In a matter of seconds, it recognizes texts in various languages ​​from images and easily translates them into doc format.

Program for scanned documents No. 1

The user does not need to have a scanner at hand. FineReader is a tool with which anyone can easily solve the problem of how to transfer a scanned document into Word from a flash drive, digital camera or mobile phone. The user just needs to connect the gadget to the computer and launch the program.

Interface and available tasks

After starting the program, the computer monitor will display a menu logically arranged by commands. FineReader's main tasks include:

  • saving the document in Word;
  • converting images from PDF to doc format;
  • just scan and save the image;
  • create a searchable PDF document;
  • moving photos to Word.

At this stage, the user can configure the color mode: color or monochrome, and recognition languages. The following languages ​​are available for processing: English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German. The user can also use a selection of artificially created languages: Esperanto, Interlingua, IDO.

If the user is faced with the task of scanning a document containing, for example, medical text, then the program will recognize the Latin font after the required checkbox is ticked. FineReader also sees formal languages. It successfully copes with recognizing simple chemical formulas. A user who often works with documents in different languages ​​can save his time by using the automatic settings feature.

An example of how to transfer a scanned document into Word

Let's consider the simplest problem. We have a document in Russian, scanned and saved on a flash drive. To transfer it to a Word document, you need to:

  1. Launch the Abby FineReader program.
  2. Insert the drive into the USB connector of the computer.
  3. Select the “File in Word” menu item.
  4. In the Explorer window that opens, specify the path to the image that needs to be converted.
  5. Double click right click mouse over the selected file.

After all the above steps, the program begins to work independently. The FineReader window will then be divided into three columns. The first one will display all pages of the document. In the column located in the middle, the user can see which program is currently working with. The leftmost column remains empty during the recognition process.

Upon completion of work, the converted document automatically opens in Word. The user can only edit the text in those places where FineReader could not recognize the text and save it on his computer or flash drive.


It is clear that to the question of how to transfer a scanned document to Word, the answer turned out to be quite simple. But is everything always so rosy? Often the images are low resolution. And then FineReader gives an error instead of a finished file in doc format. But there is no reason to be upset. Many reasons that interfere with text recognition can be eliminated using the same FineReader. To do this, the program has a menu of “Edit” commands. By selecting it, the user has the opportunity to:

  • change resolution;
  • correct skewed scanned image;
  • adjust brightness and contrast;
  • crop, split and rotate a document and much more.

Scanner, Document, FineReader

Speaking about the functionality of the program for text recognition, I would like to say separately about the ability to work with various office equipment and gadgets. So, installing FineReader on HDD The device removes the question from the user - how to scan a document onto a computer?

The fact is that one device driver is not always enough to operate any office equipment. The scanner is no exception. As a rule, a disk with a program is included with it, which ensures operation of the device. But the functionality of such software is often limited.

FineReader is compatible with all scanners from well-known manufacturers. By installing it on your computer, the user can use this program as software for working with images. Documents can be simply scanned and saved; set the command to leave the captured image directly in Word; create PDF files. From them, translate texts into text Microsoft editor Office. As a result, one small program can easily cope with such a task as scanning a document onto a computer, and can replace cumbersome graphic tools, while ensuring the smooth operation of the entire office.

After scanning a document, you can open the document in Word to edit it. The method depends on what version of Office is installed on your computer.

Scan a document as a PDF and edit it in Word

Advice: The conversion is best suited for documents that are primarily text.

    Scan the document according to the scanner instructions and save it as a PDF file on your computer.

    In Word, open the menu file > Open.

    Browse to the PDF file folder on your computer and click Open.

    A message appears indicating that Word is converting the PDF to an editable Word document. Click the button OK.

There may not be a complete page-by-page match of the converted document with the original one. For example, line and page breaks may be in different places. For more information, see Open PDFs in Word.

additional information

The "from scanner or camera" option for scanning documents and pictures is not available in Word 2010. Instead, you can scan the document using a scanner and save the file on your computer.

Microsoft program Office Document Imaging has been removed from Office 2010, but you can install it on your computer using one of the options described in Install the MODI application for use with Microsoft Office 2010.

Before you continue

    Open Microsoft Office Document Imaging by searching for in the Windows Start menu.

    On the menu File select team Open.

    Find the scanned document and click the button Open.

    After you launch Microsoft Office Document Imaging, press CTRL+A to select the entire document, and then press CTRL+C.

    Launch Microsoft Word.

    On the tab File click the button Create.

    Double-click an element new document.

    Press CTRL+V to paste the contents of the scanned document into a new file.

The "from scanner or camera" option for scanning documents and pictures is not available in Microsoft Office Word 2007. Instead, you can scan a document using a scanner and save the file on your computer.

Step 1: Install Microsoft Office Document Imaging

    Quit all programs.

    Advice: We recommend that you print this section before closing all programs.

    Open Control Panel: Right-click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel or enter in the field Windows search Control Panel element .

    On control panels click Programs, and then - Programs and components.

    Right click the name installed version Microsoft Office or right click Microsoft Office Word 2007(depending on whether Word is installed as part of Office or as a separate program), and then click change.

    Select Add or remove components and then click the button Continue.

    In chapter Installation options Click the plus sign (+) next to the component Office Tools.

    Click the arrow next to the component Microsoft Office Document Imaging, select an option Run everything from my computer and then click the button Continue.

Step 2: Create a document that can be modified.

Scan the document following the instructions for your scanner.

Before you continue Convert the file generated by the scanner to TIFF format. You can convert the file using Paint or another program.

You now have a document that can be edited. Don't forget to save the new file so you don't lose your changes.

We make sure that the computer has the drivers necessary for the printer. This is done in the “device manager”, “imaging device” tab.


  1. Open and launch Fax and Scan tools.
  2. On the top panel, select the “new scan” tab and set its parameters.
  3. Select what needs to be scanned - photo or Text Document.
  4. Start scanning from preview result or without it. Click the “scan” button. After this, the document became available in the “scanned documents” tab.

It is more convenient to scan a document by installing the 3 MB ScanLite program on your computer.

The program is easy to use, but allows you to perform a minimal set of options:

  • enter the name of the document - this will have to be done constantly;
  • mark the folder where the document will be saved;
  • scan by pressing the start button.

In order to quickly scan and accurately recognize text, pictures, PDF files, you need other software. ABBYY FineReader is a good program.

Can save scan results to applications:

  • Microsoft Word;
  • Excel;
  • PowerPoint;
  • Adobe Acrobat;
  • WordPerfect;
  • OpenOffice Writer.

ABBYY FineReader has a user-friendly interface and supports about 200 languages ​​and dictionaries.

For more advanced users, the program to scan a document to a computer from a printer allows you to use the “settings” tab and select the format, color and quality.

If you want to get a good quality photo, you should use the VueScan product.

Printer and multifunction device HP Deskjet 2130, Minolta, Nikon, Polaroid, Epson L210, Canon PIXMA MP 250, Canon i-SENSYS MF3010 work well with this program.


  • - automatically removes defects;
  • - suppresses grain;
  • - allows you to save files in a raw file and work with them when the device is turned off;
  • - the program works great with negatives, slides, and other transparent images.

Features of connecting various brands of equipment

Scanning a document to a computer from a printer is not difficult, especially if you take into account the connection features. A lot depends on how well the computer sees the printer, copier, scanner, and multifunction devices.

How to scan a document to your computer from Canon printer: connect your computer, printer and scanner to the network, install the necessary software, open the scanner lid and place the document on the glass surface and click “start scanning”, if necessary, pre-setting its parameters. Having seen the result on the monitor, click the “import” tab. If the document is an image, then this is enough, if it is text, then it must be recognized using ABBYY FineReader, then saved to the computer.

How to scan a document to your computer from an HP printer? The procedures that need to be performed do not differ from the features of working with Canon. But there is one feature: the HP Deskjet 2130 is an inkjet multifunctional device that not only allows you to scan and copy, but also contains a printer. There is a possibility of color and photo printing. Speed ​​from 5.5 to 7.5 pages per minute. It all depends on the budget appearance, depending on what interface you like. The same program as for Canon will allow you to scan a document to your computer from the Deskjet 2130 printer.

You can scan using the Epson L210 with this by no means budget device, which is excellent as a printer and leaves much to be desired in its ability to scan a document. In terms of photo scanning quality, it is inferior to HP.

If you choose for a home or small office between the MF3010 and the Deskjet 2130, you need to take into account that they are both made of inexpensive plastic. More ergonomic dimensions of the MF3010, print and scanning quality are worse than the Deskjet 2130, but better than the Samsung.

To help you make your purchasing decision, consider the PIXMA MP250 printer, which new technology The manufacturing of the ink nozzle allows you to print documents and pictures without graininess. The MP250 turns on quickly and can automatically detect document size, scan and print. But there is a certain danger in this, when a computer is set to print 1 document, it can print several.

Scanning tricks

To scan a document you need to know small nuances:

  • - set the resolution to 300 dpi;
  • - use a frame to select the area to be scanned;
  • - save in tif or bmp format, since jpg has a smaller format.

When scanning photos, be sure to use the preview function in order to make changes in time. You can choose any orientation of the image, but the resolution will determine the quality of the image. How can the printer convey this clear and detailed image? Is it possible to send this photo by mail, or will it weigh a lot and I will still have to reduce the file size? By answering these questions adequately, you can save your time when scanning photos.

In order to choose the right printer, you need to understand what it is needed for: for home, office, school, printing photos, text files, what kind of computer is available, what are the quality requirements. Should it be laser or inkjet? Currently, there is a compact printer that has a built-in battery; it can easily be synchronized with a tablet, phone, or laptop via Wi-Fi. A mobile printer allows its owner not to depend on the constantly changing circumstances of our lives.

Nowadays you can choose a computer for gaming or professional use, for ordinary everyday needs and serious tasks. When the hardware is compatible with the devices attached to it, the life of the owner becomes carefree and enjoyable.

When working with paper documents, manuscripts or books, there is often a need to convert everything into electronic format. This opens up many more possibilities and greatly simplifies the editing process. If you have a scanner or a high-resolution digital camera, this will not be difficult, but then the question arises: how to convert a scanned document into Word format? To avoid having to retype everything manually, you should use a specialized software.

Software solutions for converting scanned documents

Such a task should not cause difficulties. Modern programs allow you to either partially edit a scanned document or completely convert it into a convenient Word format. Moreover, this can be done in just a few minutes.

Tip: thanks to high-speed Internet you can easily find the desired program for editing scanned documents. Moreover, you can now use online text recognition services.

Among the popular programs for performing such operations are:

1. ABBYY FineReader (including online);

3. Readiris PRO;

6. online service OCR Convert, etc.

Rich functionality and ease of use make them quite popular. High reliability and performance are valued by both ordinary users and business representatives. Even an inexperienced person can quickly figure out how to scan a document in Word.

Text recognition and conversion of scanned documents

Usually you have to deal with pictures in .jpg, .tiff, .png, .bmp format - this is the result of scanning or photographing. How to convert a scanned document into Word for further work? The text cannot be edited in the usual ways. Some scanners support automatic conversion to .pdf format, but the capabilities are still limited.

To get a full-fledged text document, you should upload the file into the program through a special form (click “open” or “download”). To improve accuracy, you can specify a page range and select a specific area of ​​text. After some time, the preliminary result will appear. After this, all that remains is to save the .doc file so that you can later figure out how to edit the scanned document using MS Word.