How to make money on resale: proven ways. Ways to make money selling things, intellectual property, services and affiliate programs on the Internet How to make money selling


Extra funds never hurt, and many people think about the possibility of obtaining additional income. In conditions of financial need, any type of business (on the Internet or offline) becomes important, so the question for many will be what can be sold in order to earn at least some money from it. There are so many options for this.

How to make money on sales

No need to go far - typing in search engine the phrase "make money from sales", you will receive a long list of links to specialized sites and videos. You can profitably sell a lot of things - from jewelry and accessories from Chinese manufacturers from the Aliexpress website to cinder blocks. At the same time, it is not necessary that material objects become the object of trade - you can very successfully trade intellectual property or offer household services (walking animals, babysitting, "Husband for an hour").

Starting your own business

Becoming a businessman, you get ample opportunities to earn income, and this can be not only profit received by the “buy and sell” type, but also products of your own production.

For example, selling soft drinks or cotton candy brings good seasonal returns. This is the most correct approach for those who are looking for the answer to the question "What can be sold to earn money?". This option will provide the entrepreneur with the highest margin, but it will also require initial investments for the purchase of equipment.

Setting up a trading business is a less risky undertaking. But at the same time, in most cases, your income will consist only of the trade margin for the product, and the manufacturer will also have his own “cheat”. Schematically, this can be expressed as the formula CT = CT + M = CT + NP + TN, where:

  • CT - the price of the goods for the buyer;
  • CT - the cost of goods;
  • M - margin, which can be decomposed into two components (NP + TN);
  • NP - cheating the manufacturer, providing his income;
  • TN - seller's markup.

Internet sales

Due to the virtual nature of the work that the online store has, the seller can do without retail space, therefore:

  • there is no need to pay high rent;
  • customers can offer an unlimited range of products.

From the point of view of initial investments, this is a very profitable direction in the field of trade, which makes it possible to earn large sums without serious investments and to flexibly change the assortment depending on demand. In this case, it will be important to find a supplier with a minimum selling price - a good option would be direct deliveries or resale of everyday goods from Aliexpress or other Internet sites.

What can be sold quickly

The sale of goods on the Internet does not necessarily mean the opening of a store. At first, a good income can be obtained by selling liquid goods on the Avito website. With low turnover, this will be a more acceptable option than your own Internet resource, the advertising of which will also require investments. And in the case of Avito (or a popular bulletin board), you get a trading space on a site with high traffic, where much more visitors will pay attention to your offer.


The specificity of jewelry lies in the fact that in many cases you want to touch and measure earrings or a ring. The organization of a salon of jewelry made of precious metals requires large amounts of investment, therefore, it is not up to the average entrepreneur. But if we talk about jewelry of the middle category (up to 1,000 rubles), then it can be effectively sold on the Internet.

The most popular categories of goods are bracelets and pendants, for which you can wind up the price up to 120%, so if you invest 10,000 rubles, in a month the net income (after paying commissions and postage) will be about 10,500 rubles.


Specializing in antiques implies having experience that helps to find profitable offer even at flea markets. Therefore, if you are thinking that you can sell an old one in order to earn money, then study several specialized sites to be "in the know". A pre-revolutionary bust of Peter I or Catherine II cast in Kasli can easily be sold for 20-25 thousand rubles. With the advent of fashion for vintage, old jewelry is very popular - brooches and pendants, the price of which can also be several thousand rubles.

If you want to make money on art objects, then along with Avito, two more options will suit you:

  • commission shops and antique shops - although the percentage for services here is high (up to 15% or more), they have a constant clientele, tourists and foreigners often go there, so you can sell the displayed goods very quickly;
  • foreign Internet resources (eBay, etc.) - many novice users are afraid to use their services because of their lack of knowledge of foreign languages, but these sites are distinguished by quick sales, generating income in foreign currency.

rare books

Second-hand rarities also fit well into the category “What can be sold to make good money”, but here it is also necessary to imagine which books are in high demand. Often everything depends on the circulation and artistic value of the publication (for example, the price of the Soviet mini-book "Alice in Wonderland" in 1982 can reach 8,000 rubles).

With large volumes, it is best to sell books on specialized sites (Alib, Libex, etc.), where there is a very high demand dynamics. Bibliophiles know that you can find a lot of interesting things here, unlike state libraries, so they look here to replenish their collections. By paying for registration, you get the opportunity to put your books up for sale, deducting a percentage of the sale to the site.

What can be sold from home

Have you thought about the fact that your apartment also hides many potential opportunities to help you earn extra money? For example, when buying a new microwave oven, you automatically have to decide what to do with the old one. The Internet again comes to the rescue, which will help you sell and earn money through ads on specialized sites or social networks.


Used refrigerators and washing machines are at the top of the "What can you sell to make money" list. If we study the dynamics of demand, we can see that the new Appliances today it is acquired very actively, while the former does not yet have time to develop a resource. The sale of used equipment, even at half or a third of the cost (12-15 thousand rubles for a refrigerator), has only “pluses”, freeing up space and bringing in additional money. At the same time, you can only sell equipment from time to time, so this method cannot be considered as a permanent income.

Mobile phones and gadgets

The situation is symmetrical to the previous point. It cannot be said that used smartphones are in high demand among buyers, but this is a very liquid product. When selling via the Internet (or via social networks), the main factor that increases the price of this category of goods will be the availability of documentation, and your samsung galaxy S8, you can sell for 75% of the cost (~ 25,000 rubles). If you need money urgently Cell Phones and gadgets can be quickly sold through stalls mobile communications, but then the price ceiling, in any case, will be limited to several thousand rubles.

Decor elements

While inspecting the house in search of what you can sell to earn money, your eye will definitely come across decor items. Here we will include everything that is used for interior decoration - from modern figurines and floor vases to carpets and curtains. It is best to sell such products via the Internet, or with the help of a thrift store - in the first case, be sure to consider that the buyer can bargain, and by giving him part of the amount, you will reduce your income.

Clothes, shoes and wardrobe items

This is a popular product category in the secondary market and a staple in any flea market. Clothes and shoes are sold new and “somewhat used”, and these jackets and boots are sold not only because of the need for money, but also for other reasons (didn’t like the color, the child grew up, etc.). The dynamics of demand for such things is seasonal, but by setting the price at 40-50% of the original one, you can quickly sell off your extra wardrobe. Be sure to keep in mind that the buyer will want to try on boots or jeans, so he should be able to do this when you meet.

Car and real estate

Sales of this kind are distinguished not only by the large size of the transaction, but also by the fact that they are often decided on in the most extreme cases (in the first place - the need to repay the loan taken). Apartments and cars are very liquid goods (not for nothing that banks accept them as collateral), so the sale will not be difficult. As a rule, urgent implementation reduces the cost to 50-70% - for a 1-room apartment in the VDNH area, you can get 4.5 million rubles, instead of the required 6 million. That's why make every effort to ensure that the assessment and search for a buyer pass without rush.

What can you sell and earn

Selling to earn money from homemade goods is somewhat different from the sale of "home stocks", and this type of business requires a certain organization of the process. This does not involve complex market research, but it is necessary to know what is currently in demand among buyers in order to make as much money as possible. The skills you have are also important.

Art objects

For those who own a brush or pencil, the first thing they can sell to earn some money is their own hand-drawn paintings. "Natural" painting always finds connoisseurs and can be sold at a high price. Landscapes for tourists are readily purchased in memory of the trip, so a medium-sized painting (30x40 cm) depicting the Novodevichy Convent will find a buyer for 20-25 thousand rubles. At the same time, it will take you no more than 3-4 thousand rubles for canvas, frame and paint, and 10-15% will be the seller's commission.

Hand-made products

Taking a great interest in embroidery, beads or scrapbooking, you can make a small business out of your hobby, when handmade products bring not only pleasure, but also real money. It will be rational to deal only with the manufacture of handicrafts, shifting the implementation to art salons or Internet resources (“Fair of Masters”, etc.). A simple bookmark made of beads with a runic pattern can be sold for 350-400 rubles, while the cost of materials will be 10 times less. It is also good to sell handmade notebooks a la Moleskin - the price for them can reach 1200-1500 rubles.

Own services

In addition to the most predictable options like a loader or furniture assembler, there are many other opportunities for stable income. With a little initial skill, you can:

  • offer the services of an on-site hairdresser or stylist (from 400 rubles / visit, discounts for regular customers);
  • engage in tutoring (from 600 rubles/hour);
  • set software, set up computers (from 600 rubles/visit);
  • engage in consulting and solving legal issues (resolving a client's issue in court - from 3,000 rubles).

intellectual property

Being an expert in some area of ​​knowledge, you can develop and sell information products. For example, it can be training video courses on writing articles or promoting websites. By selling at a special price (250-300 rubles), you will create a constant flow of customers, receiving an income of 15-20 thousand per month only due to a large turnover. This also includes cybersquatting, when suitable domain names are pre-registered and then sold to interested consumers (for example, at the end of 2015, was sold at an auction for $19,355).

What can be bought and sold profitably

Continuing to work on the question of what can be sold in order to make good money, many come to the option of doing a business on the resale of goods, if you buy them at a bargain price and add your markup. It can be cosmetics, hygiene products or collectibles - knowing the amount of the initial investment, you can calculate the income that you can receive.

Imported goods from foreign sites

If you are interested in what can be sold at a high price with little investment, then goods from Aliexpress and similar sites are the right decision. Even today, one-page landing pages offer customers from different parts of Russia products at a cost that is many times higher than the costs incurred by the seller. Here are two examples to prove this fact:

  • AMST watches, which are sold at a special price of 1,999 rubles, can be found on sale on foreign websites for 600-700 rubles;
  • the seasonal product "Mushroom Picker's Knife" is put up for sale at a price of over 1,500 rubles, despite the fact that the seller paid 70-80 rubles for it.

Goods of domestic manufacturers

Organization of joint purchases is also a profitable idea. By cooperating, the participants purchase the goods they need, receiving a discount due to the large volume of the order. Taking on the responsibility of raising funds, paying the supplier, receiving and distributing goods, you can claim 10-15% of the total wholesale amount, which can be a good additional income, bringing up to 10 thousand rubles a month. The following products are very popular in such purchases:

  • toys and children's accessories;
  • clothing for children and adults;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • jewelry and bijouterie.


Collectibles also refer to goods that can be sold on the Internet for a profit. Even Russian coins in circulation today have their own collection value (for example, a ten-rouble note with the coat of arms of the Perm Territory is sold on the Internet at a price of 2,000 rubles), and those issued in previous years can cost even more. Given that many people have become interested in postcrossing, the sale of original postcards can also bring good income, making it possible to sell a unit of goods for 50-70 rubles, at a cost of 10-15 rubles.

How to make money on affiliate programs

Having their own promoted Internet resource, many try to make money on referral programs. In this case, payment is not charged for viewing ads, but for purchases through links from your site or for attracting new members. All that is needed for the second option is to create a massive flow of interested people. Vktarget offers 15% of the funds earned by referrals (there are much higher, for example, - up to 40%), allowing you to make 10-15 thousand per month from almost nothing.


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Hello! Today you will learn how to make money for a beginner at home and not only.

In this article I will give a lot various ways earnings. All of the methods listed below are working, personally tested by me.

Reselling Items on Bulletin Boards

This way of making money really works because many people don't know the real value of the goods or simply sell cheap to get rid of this or that product faster.

Many collectors are looking for unique items in this way and are willing to offer good money for them. You won’t believe it, but things stale in your grandmother’s closet can benefit someone else, and thereby save you from trash and bring good profit. Soberly evaluate the old things in your pantry and you will certainly earn money selling them. Perhaps somewhere in the bins lies the first Soviet camera, a Singer typewriter, a tablecloth with unique embroidery or a record player.

Some photo studios, as well as theaters and even hand-makers are looking for goods in a similar way and are happy to buy interesting retro items.

On Avito you can find many things that are sold at a reduced price. You just need to buy them and sell them for more, and the difference in price is your earnings!

I will give an example from my own life, because I am talking about proven methods.

Once I accidentally saw how much elk antlers cost, the average price was 5000 rubles. Then I found horns on Avito for 3000 rubles, bought them and after 4-5 days they bought them from me for 5000 on the same Avito. I just made a better photo and description. Net profit 2000 rub. in 5 days. I agree that it is not enough, but if you do it fully, you can sell more.

Also, I tried to buy Macbooks in Moscow with Avito, and sell them in my city, because in our city there are few ads and they are more expensive, but in Moscow there are a lot and prices are cheaper;) The conclusion is simple - you can make money!

Shipping and payment:

  • In your city, you can sell through a personal meeting. Send orders to other cities by agreement. But most often by Russian Post. Shipping costs are usually borne by the buyer. But then again, whatever.
  • Payment can be accepted or by transferring funds to bank card or e-wallet.

Selling goods from abroad

Also a great option, which I have been doing and continue to do, but more formally and on a larger scale. Now there are opportunities to buy goods from Taobao, Aliexpress, 1688 etc.

Almost everything is cheaper there. You can just buy there and sell on the same bulletin boards in your city. With Ebay and Aliexpress you can order absolutely to any city and any country, therefore this species income is available to everyone! I tried to sell a lot of goods, but now I deal with bags from China, but more on that later.

My friends sell phone cases, other friends sell unusual gifts and interior items, others sell iPhones and other Apple equipment. So try it too ;)

Provision of services

We all know something and these skills can be easily sold. If you know foreign languages, then you can teach it to others. Or, for example, you know how to repair plumbing, so why not do it for money.

Today, more and more girls prefer working with flexible hours. What could be better than not managing your own working day. In the service sector, you can make good money on hairdressing and makeup. After completing special courses, more and more girls I know earn on manicure, depilation, hairstyles and make-up, preparing girls for important events (weddings, anniversaries, graduations, etc.). Providing your services is a great way to earn fast money.

How to make money on it? Easy! Just start telling everyone about your services, make your own website, place an ad wherever possible and everything will go uphill for you;) Although what am I telling ...

For those who are interested in this topic, I wrote an article on how to get started. Read it, it's all there step by step! I also provided services for developing websites, setting up contextual advertising, and much more.

How to make money on a website or blog

Making money on the Internet is easy, the main thing is to decide on your niche: your website, blog, online store, selling goods from a one-page etc. But more about everything.

This is one of my favorite activities and for me it is not only earnings, but also a favorite hobby. This blog site, where you are now, I am happy to lead and write articles for you, this is really my hobby. Also, I had and have blogs for making money, on which I earn money on advertising, on affiliate programs ah and so on.

A blog differs from a website in that most often it is tied to the personality of the author, his worldview and life position. It is worth noting that it is these blogs that are more popular. But not the last place in their promotion is occupied by seo-optimization. Read more about this in the Business Promotion section.

Blog is an information site where you write interesting and useful articles on topics that interest people. If your articles are well written, the search engines show them in the search results, thereby giving you visitors. But you can also promote your blog yourself.

When you have a lot of readers on your blog, you can easily earn money from it from advertising, from affiliate programs, or from posting links and paid articles. This is a working way to make money online.

Additional jobs

If you work or study and your schedule allows you to take on additional part-time work, do not miss this opportunity. I, too, when I was a schoolboy and a student, and also worked part-time to earn money.

You can take care of the kids or work in a store doing loading and unloading jobs with pay at the end of the day, or you can do work in your main line of work. Roughly speaking, "left", but not to steal, but to be leftist, to serve any clients on your own, and not in the company in which you officially work. There are also many options for courier and all sorts of handymen positions.

  • If you are a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, then your knowledge is quite enough to give additional lessons to schoolchildren. A modern approach to teaching foreign languages ​​through Skype lessons is a great opportunity to recruit a group of students not only in your city, but also in other areas.

You can package your knowledge into a training course and thus sell it for good money. If the information you collect helps someone, it will quickly spread among potential customers.

  • As an additional income for successful people, during a financial downturn, you can organize the sale of seasonal goods: “anti-freeze” in the autumn-spring period or flowers, on the eve of the spring holidays, as well as live and artificial Christmas trees a couple of weeks before the New Year.
  • If you inherited an apartment from your grandmother, then in order to earn money for its repair, you can, at first, rent it out daily or monthly.
  • If you live in a resort area, then organize a business for tourists. Tents with souvenirs and goods of local origin (honey, fish, sweets) will allow you to decently and really earn money during the influx of tourists.
  • And if you are the owner of a luxurious premium car, then why not offer your services to the newlyweds to accompany them on a significant day to the registry office or a banquet hall.

Receiving dividends or interest on deposits also applies to extra income. But to get started, they require some investment.

Open your online store

After I started selling from China, I soon opened my online store. Thus, the second paragraph of this article can be legalized and made into a full-fledged business. An online store is a fairly profitable business, pays off quickly, requires small initial investments and is quite simple to organize. In general, you can earn a lot of money! At the start, you can work alone or with your spouse, as I did. When the turnover increases, you can think about hiring employees (call center, driver, loader).

Now everyone is very actively buying on the Internet, in addition, you can test a niche on any goods by first purchasing a small batch and selling it on Avito (point 1).

I already wrote an article on how . You can sell almost anything in an online store!

Sell ​​products from one-page websites

Through sales through Landing page you can earn a lot of money faster than with an online store. The whole point of making money is that you analyze demand, choose a product for sale, test it for saleability, create a one-page ( landing page) and sell all over Russia. This type of business is now in trend!


In the continuation of sales in online stores and on bulletin boards, it is worth saying that you can make various goods with your own hands and sell them. There is such a project "Fair of Masters", where they sell such goods and buy them very well.

You can also sell your crafts in the online store, social networks and message boards. Many people like something unusual and this topic works very well. Therefore, if you know how to make something or are a jack of all trades, then this is your kind of making money!

How to make money freelancing

How not to earn

Well, now I will tell you about the ways in which you will never make money.

Be careful! If you are looking on the Internet for ways to make money, then you often come across an advertisement for some quick money money such as pyramid schemes, MLMs, get-rich-quick schemes and so on. Don't believe it! In many of them you are asked to invest some money, then invite friends and acquaintances and earn money for everyone who comes. To a greater extent, these are deceivers, in some cases you will sell crazy goods at high prices (in MLM they often do this), the pyramids will collapse and you and your friends will be left without money.

All sorts of sites offering gold trading also work, but all this is a lie and there is no earnings from gold, but also from invited people. In general, where you are asked to pay money for joining somewhere, then invite people, then most often this is a scam. Just remember one thing...there are no get-rich-quick schemes, they just don't exist and that's it, it's a scam!

You can't make money risking your health.. This includes making money from donating blood, donating cut hair, and other absurdities and experiments that can offer you for money. All this is not worth it. The money you get is small, but the consequences can be very different.

Earnings on computer games. If you are a schoolboy or a slacker, then of course you can try to make money on it. But it is important to understand that you can spend a lot of time on this, and you will not achieve the result.


Perhaps I have not listed all the ways to make money, but I have listed what I am really sure of and checked for myself, what helped me out in difficult times, except for hand-made. But more importantly, I warned you about all sorts of scammers in the last paragraph.

We turn on the brains! Only your ingenuity will help you make money quickly and easily! Therefore, turn on the fantasy and go! At one time, sellers of "sea air" and "therapeutic" mud made decent money on tourists. Good breeding - good money!

It's never too late to learn! If your career has come to a standstill, you feel hopeless, then maybe it's time to radically change your life?! Get additional education or take advanced training courses, learn something new, fortunately, today it is easy to do it without even leaving your home, through online learning.

Saving. Sometimes you just need to cut your expenses to make money. Have you tried counting your monthly expenses? I advise you to do this and you will be horrified at how much you spend on unnecessary things.

What is left for you now? Try yourself in everything that is possible! The main thing is not to sit still, but to constantly move forward and do, do, do, then everything will work out for you! Think big, take risks, create your own business, test niches, generally move, and don't sit still;)

I look forward to your additions, objections and questions in the comments! Thank you for your attention!

Now many people start their online business to create an additional source of income for themselves or in order to make it their main one. Why? Because internet marketing has many advantages over other types of business!

Let's consider them in more detail:


First, you can contact anyone in the world who has access to the internet if you sell your products online. This means you have a wider market that can generate more profit. Secondly, to create an online business, you will need much less money than to create an offline business.


Another aspect that appeals to many people is that you don't need to manufacture your own products to start an online business. In Internet marketing, you can earn a lot of money simply by selling other people's products. To start working on such a marketing strategy, all you need to do is enter into an agreement with an online store and you can immediately start making money selling goods from an online store.


By the way, the most popular and fastest growing way to sell products online is affiliate marketing. Affiliate (affiliate) marketing, in its simplest definition, is the relationship between an online store or seller who has goods to sell, and its affiliates - people who are willing to advertise the seller's product on their websites.


In a typical affiliate marketing scheme, a merchant provides their affiliates with banners and text ads that link to their site. Affiliates (website owners) place these ads on their websites and receive money every time people click on the ad and make a purchase on the seller's site.


Getting started making money online with affiliate marketing is relatively quick and easy. All you need to do is register as an affiliate on the website of a company that offers affiliate programs. An alternative method, and much easier, is to sign up as a member of an affiliate network, which brings together various affiliate programs from various online sellers or distributors in one place. Registration is usually free. The largest in runet is Admitad, abroad one of the largest is


When you sign up for an affiliate marketing program, you usually need to fill out a form containing information about yourself. Some affiliate programs may also require you to provide your site's URL and describe its content. This allows sellers to verify that you do indeed have a site with content that is relevant to their products. Some affiliate programs will not ask if you have a website. After filling out the form, you will be able to select the affiliate programs you want to promote.


After signing up for an affiliate program, you become an affiliate and are ready to start making a lot of money by selling other people's products online. How to earn money? There are many ways for you to make money as an affiliate and most of these ways depend on the type of affiliate program you signed up for.


Many affiliate marketing programs make money for their affiliates in one of three ways: pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-sale (PPS), or pay-per-action (PPL). With pay per click, the partner receives money every time he directs his visitor to the seller's site. PPS and PPL affiliate marketing programs work a little differently. In PPS, an affiliate only earns money when their visitors click through to a merchant's site and make a purchase. In a typical PPS affiliate program, the affiliate typically earns 15% to 20% commission on every sale. In the PPL affiliate program, the partner receives a fixed fee when his visitor goes to the seller's website and performs a specific action (for example: filling out a questionnaire, registering, etc.)


Some affiliate programs are two-tier, when a partner can recommend an affiliate program to other people. In such affiliate programs, a partner can earn not only from sales and traffic that he will send to the seller’s website, but also from the sales of partners whom he brought to the affiliate program and who registered there on his recommendation.


Another way to make good money with affiliate marketing is to participate in an affiliate program based on residual income. Residual affiliate programs are affiliate programs where the affiliate will be paid continuously as long as the buyer he brought buys on the seller's website. In this affiliate program, the partner usually receives a low percentage of the sale, but he can receive a constant income even from one attracted client, unlike other programs where the partner usually receives money only from the first sale or from purchases of one attracted buyer within a month.


Among a large number options and ways to make money, affiliate marketing is by far the most popular and easiest way to make money by selling other people's products online. As far as how much money you can make from affiliate marketing, it's all up to you. Selfless and hardworking partners, of course, earn more money compared to those partners who simply signed up for an affiliate program and forgot about it. For example, the earnings of the best partner on Admitad amounted to 220,492 rubles. for these days.

Buy-sell is a popular and proven scheme for making a profit for centuries. Today, the technique is supplemented with new possibilities. The more actively the reseller uses them, the greater the benefit he can get. They resell anything: from game keys to apartment keys… along with the apartment.

A smartphone is often enough to run a business. To understand how to make money on the resale of goods, you do not need to buy an online training course or attend seminars. You just need to try it once, experienced resellers advise. Did not work out? Try again. with other goods.

In the resale business, as in any other business, water does not flow under a lying stone, and experimentation is often required. Although it is better to start by following proven schemes. You can do without a business plan, but you will need start-up capital.

What kind of resale can you earn?

This question worries all novice resellers. What kind of resale can you earn? This list is headed by products represented by large e-commerce companies. Electronics, clothing, stationery and more are available for resale.

A more difficult way to make money through resale is the direction of the auto business, which promises profits far in excess of the amount from the sale of watches or action cameras. A completely different level, investment, on real estate resales.

Conditional earning instruction

How to make money on the resale of things? The Internet has long promoted large trading platforms offering a variety of goods literally for a penny. It would seem that only the lazy do not use them. That is why business experts so easily answer the question of how to make money on the resale of things. Reselling things from these sites makes a profit. Why? Because many people do not want to wait for delivery and are ready to overpay the reseller, just to get the item immediately and with confirmation that they did not buy a pig in a poke.

For those who want to start a mini-business through the resale of goods, there is a tested conditional instruction:

  1. Accumulate capital - the amount that you invest in the purchase of goods. Minimum 50-100$.
  2. Analyze the Internet market. Look for a popular and advertised product, including one that is not sold in your region, but is in demand. Or will be in demand soon. To help - ratings of orders by popularity on the websites of online stores or groups social networks about trends.
  3. The choice of the seller offering the minimum price for the goods. By monitoring Internet trading platforms, you can compare prices, find a product at a promotion or with wholesale discounts.
  4. Sale of goods. For example, through social networks.

Goods that are easy to sell

For successful business it is important to understand what you can earn on the resale in your city. The list may be long, but the top ten most popular products include:

  • action cameras;
  • auto accessories;
  • bags, wallets, wallets;
  • Puer tea;
  • cosmetics;
  • inexpensive phones;
  • clock;
  • sports accessories;
  • Kids' things;
  • photo, audio equipment and headset.

How to properly present a resale item?

Thinking about how to make money on the resale of goods, you should consider the direction of implementation. The most common platform for the resale of things and goods is groups and communities in social networks. As a rule, successful trading is carried out on promoted pages. It is also important to correctly communicate about the product to customers. There are a few simple rules:

  1. A bright title of the text and an emotional description of the product that will interest you. You can list the characteristics of the product. Better in your own words, not the wording of the instructions. When writing a text, avoid clichés, try to show restraint and taste. End the text with an unobtrusive call.
  2. Photos of good quality. It is advisable to take pictures yourself, and not download. Take a picture of the thing from different angles, do not forget about the details of the product.
  3. Offer a bonus. It may not be related to the item being sold. For example, when buying a watch, you give a silicone bracelet as a gift.

When a product is not being bought at the suggested price, reduce it periodically. If you can't sell the item at a premium, it will still be bought at the original price.

Another important tip on how to make money on the resale of things: consider the possibility of trying on clothes and delivering the purchase.

Car resale

Many people think that car dealers are scammers. They sell trash, giving it a bit of a representative look and cleverly hiding technical problems. So you can work for some time, but then the rumor will still bring the unscrupulous resale to clean water. So if you want to resell cars, remember, this is a business. If you follow its rules and respect the interests of the client, the profit will be good and constant.

How to become a car dealer?

How to make money on the resale of cars? Experience in sales would be helpful. But you need to improve your communication skills and compose an interesting product presentation. It is important to develop business decisiveness and speed of decision-making. If you think about it for a long time, you may miss a good option when buying a car. A good knowledge of the automotive market and car valuation schemes for the purchase and sale will be required.

It is better to start by reselling models that you are familiar with. However, there is no need to stop at one brand, let there be several from the same segment, for example, mass.

Vehicle valuation for resale

When evaluating a car, it is important to consider the integrity of the body, mileage, interior condition and appearance.

In order not to make a mistake in assessing the cost of a car, beginners are advised to turn to resellers as a client. Analyze what the reseller took into account when determining the cost of the car. Pay attention to how the price will change depending on the terms of urgency. Analyze car sales websites, study the presentation of offers, observe under what conditions a buyer found a car faster.

Where does the resale of cars begin?

The scheme of the car resale business can be represented as follows.

Starting capital - the amount that will go to buy a car.

Definition of a strategy that depends on which models you will work with:

  • mass car;
  • domestic cars;
  • premium cars;
  • cars on credit or with a pledge;
  • been in accidents.

Formation of a thoughtful checklist.

An effective checklist and car resale business starts with searching the internet, newspaper ads, and car markets for options. Take the time to legally check the cleanliness of the car and diagnose. Only then proceed to the assessment of the car and proceed to bargaining.

  • How to earn the first money, especially for a schoolboy or student;
  • How easy it is to make money on the Internet without investments for a beginner in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. Methods are universal for different regions;
  • Ways to make money offline: small part-time jobs and your own mini-business.

1. Resale of things on Avito

With the help of, there is a real chance to organize a whole resale business. To get started, sell your own unnecessary things, offer help to friends and acquaintances. Many do not know how to sell their property, they are too lazy to spend time on good description and product photo.

And you can make a profit of 20-70% on this from the cost of production.

A good income will bring the resale of things bought on Avito from less talented sellers. Buy cheaper and offer more. Some things can be restored, which will significantly increase their value. Arrange delivery to other cities. What can you earn? Popular goods: appliances and electronics, furniture, decorations.

2. Selling goods from China

Pretty easy money on the Internet, requiring little investment. You place an order on a Chinese site, like Aliexpress or TaoBao, and sell the goods on social networks or one-page sites.

The purchase of Chinese products is several times cheaper, so the markup is from 50 to 200 percent! It is profitable to sell clothes, jewelry, souvenirs (mugs, posters, badges for fans), small gadgets. On this it is possible to receive from $ 200 net per month.

3. Promotion of accounts on Twitter and Instagram

This method describes in detail, using social networks. Promoted microblogging is a source of constant passive income. With over 500 real subscribers, you should start monetizing your account.

How to promote microblogging?

To attract the attention of followers on Twitter and Instagram, make your blog thematic: fashion reviews, reviews, cooking, needlework, etc. Cross-post from your accounts and communities in other social networks. media. There are special services for naturally attracting subscribers— Twidium Twitter Edition, SocialHammer.

How to make money on a blog?

The easiest way to earn money is to sell your account. A blog with 1000-1500 followers is estimated at $200 or more. Further more.

It is difficult for a novice blogger to look for partners directly, use special sites for monetization:


So for a beginner it is really easy to make money on the Internet without investments: 500, 1000 and even 1500 $ per month with popular accounts.

4. Video tutorials

An ideal way for those who are looking for how to earn a lot of money on their knowledge and skills. Popular topics: work in graphic editors, needlework, beauty (self-care, manicure, make-up), raising children, building relationships with the opposite sex, organizing and promoting business, sports, health, dancing.

Courses start at $10 and can reach 200, 300 and 2000 dollars.

How to promote your video course?

  • Compose a sales page and connect it to a mailing list system such as JustClick or SendPulse. The page must be promoted by gaining subscribers for the mailing list. Letters should be interesting, useful and motivating to buy your information product;
  • Faster gaining popularity and a subscriber base will allow advertising on the pages of more successful information businessmen;
  • Tell your friends and acquaintances about the courses;
  • Participate in webinars, thematic conferences and master classes.

This option allows you to earn money for a beginner without investing large amounts of money.

5. Freelance - work with texts

The relevance of the profession associated with text content is not weakening. These are rewriting, copyright, typing, transcription, content management (filling information resources). Profitable Method how to make money on the Internet without investment for a beginner quickly and virtually from scratch. In the future, you can create your own business service project and deal with large orders by recruiting employees to your team.

The cost of a small informational or commercial text is 3, 4, 6 or more dollars. By creating 4-6 such materials per day, you will receive a good payment. Content managers get from $300 per month. Remote work often involves frequent payments: daily, once a week, twice a month.

Popular sites and forums where you can make money online:


6. Earnings on creating your own website

Let's figure out how to make money on the Internet from scratch at the opening of a thematic portal. It can be a resource dedicated to cooking, relationships, teaching anything, sports, health, cars, news, etc. To obtain real money the portal needs good traffic, the content must be interesting and SEO-optimized.

A promoted site is able to generate income from $ 300 to 3-4 thousand dollars per month.

What can you earn money from?

  • Contextual advertising (Yandex.Direct, AdSense);
  • Banner advertising (AdHub, RotaBan, AdvMaker);
  • Teaser (BodyClick, Teasernet);
  • Sale of links on the portal (most conveniently through the,,, exchanges);
  • Income from affiliate programs (the largest affiliate aggregators are,,,,, The easiest way to make money in CPA for beginners is to have your own resource. Please note that payment is made not for advertising, but for the action performed by the user (registration on the site, purchase, subscription, etc.);
  • Cooperation with file sharing services (,, The file hosting service pays for downloading files by your visitors. To do this, you need to post information on your portal that you need to download from a file hosting service.

7. Earnings on YouTube

You can monetize a youtube channel and get a good profit, without even producing your own content. Using other people's videos is risky, so it's worth taking the time to "uniqueize" it. For example, to re-sound, change the audio sequence, frame parameters, selections and reviews from other people's videos, manually edited, work well.

On the Internet, even for a beginner. You should monetize the channel and conclude an agreement not with YouTube itself, but with a partner media network in order to avoid a ban. The most reliable— ATG Media, AIR, VSP, Quiz Group.

8. Create a vlog

A relatively new way of earning, great for creative people, schoolchildren and students. Famous vloggers like Katy Clap, Ivan Rudsky, Maxim Golopolosov (blog "+100500"), earn thousands of dollars every month from their work. Beauty blogs, letsplays (playthrough of games with commentary), and reviews are especially popular. The video blog receives profit from built-in advertising (Adsense brings $ 3-15 to beginner channels) or advertising products and companies directly in the videos.

9. Earnings on Forex and binary options trading

Trading currencies and options is not an option with which you can make money very quickly on the Internet without investment for a beginner. Forex trading requires analytical skills, a good learning curve and a small investment. It is worth starting trading with at least $50-100.

How to make big money in Forex? Get trained, be sure to try your hand at test trading, choose a good broker. The more money you invest, the more you can help out, but you should not rush. In one month there will be many successful and unsuccessful transactions. A successful trade is one that brings income in the amount of approximately 4-10% of the invested amount per month.

Forex Profit Options

  1. Independent trading;
  2. Trading using "advisers";
  3. Investing in PAMM accounts (professionals work for you, you get interest);
  4. Advising other traders.

The best option for beginners to make money on Forex is to trade with the help of expert advisors that do not allow you to make unsuccessful transactions. When choosing a broker, pay attention to the experience of the company and the size of the commission on transactions (look for not the biggest one). Top Brokers– Alpari, Finam, Alfa Forex, Forex4you, Adamant Finance, Forex Club, InstaForex.

Another way to make money online in the financial markets is binary options trading. Where can I make a profit on binary options:


10. How a beginner can quickly earn money without investing in games

Playing your favorite games, you can earn extra money. Options for making a profit: selling game currency, accounts, characters, armor and weapons, or playing online with the withdrawal of money. Characters and weapons can cost as much as $50 or $1500-2000. An average "tricked out" account in World Of Tanks is estimated at $60-70. Therefore, even without special skills, you can really make money on the Internet.

The best sites to sell characters, currency, accounts–,,,,

To, you have to spend at least 5-6 hours a day.

It will turn out to make a profit in the games GTA 5, stalker online, Russian fishing 3, eve online, elite dangerous, stalker online, in szone online. Portals of games with the withdrawal of currency, which are worth a visit:,, Experienced gamers receive $20-40 per day.

11. Writing term papers and essays to order

How can you earn money while studying? Demanded options: coursework and theses, abstracts, essays, control. Periodically, such orders can be found on freelance exchanges, but it is better to become an author on a specialized resource. Where to earn:


In the search for customers, use offline methods as well: posting ads and recommendations from friends, acquaintances, regular customers.

Average job prices: abstracts and essays cost from $8, term papers- from $ 20, diploma - from $ 90.

12. Profession - webmaster

Website development specialists know best how to make money through the Internet. Often these are remote orders related to layout, programming, and setting up web resources. Website creation costs from $70 for the most simple tasks, complex projects bring the developer from $150-500. Knowledge of layout, programming languages, the ability to work with various admin panels and other skills allow you to earn real money on the Internet without investment, even for a beginner.

There are vacancies for webmasters on the freelance exchanges listed above, as well as specialized portals:


13. Earnings on photostocks and photobanks

An interesting and profitable way to make money from your artistic skills. Selling stock images and illustrations generates revenue from each download. That is, having completed the work once, you get paid for it for a long time.

Relevant and popular types of work: thematic photos (food photos, nature, abstraction, etc.), backgrounds, patterns, icons, vector clipart, thematic illustrations (for the New Year, Halloween, dedicated to sights, etc.)

An experienced artist is able to create many relevant pictures in a short time. Thanks to this, beginners can earn real money in just 5 minutes.

Where to sell works:


14. Administration of sites, forums, communities in the social. networks

This earnings on the Internet requires an almost constant presence at the computer. The duties of the administrator include ensuring the health of the resource, tracking comments, maintaining order, publishing new materials. You can find a suitable site, forum or community on remote work exchanges. Periodically, resources post relevant vacancies. For example, on VKontakte, you should search for a job using thematic hashtags, like #work #administrator. The average salary is $200-300 per month.

15. Sports betting

One of the best ways to make money fast online is sports betting. This is an almost instantaneous profit that does not require a direct labor process. But to earn money, you need to be good at sports, follow the news, teams, players. Beginners who want to make money on the betting exchange should start with small amounts. The most famous exchanges are and

16. Design

A talented designer or illustrator can count on a good income from working remotely by doing one-off projects. These are printing design, web design, layout of booklets and printed publications, development of corporate identity and logos, minor work, such as prepress preparation of magazines, correction of errors in layout, creation of simple templates, etc.

The cost of logo development starts from $15 and can reach $100-150, creating a layout of one page of the site is estimated at an average of $ 15, main page costs from 30-35 $. The simplest posters, menus and booklets bring in $10 per page. A specialist with experience receives from $ 300 per month while sitting at home and doing projects that he chose according to his interests.

The best forums and sites where it is possible to make money on the Internet without investment for a beginner in this field:


17. Resale of domain names

How to make money fast with minimal investment. Over time, this method lost ground a little, since world-famous companies have already created pages on the network. But new ones appear every day, so if you have a good imagination and information about a developing business, you can easily make money on the Internet by selling domain names to companies.

To do this, you need to register the maximum number of relevant domains and find buyers. Some will remain unclaimed, while others will get good money. Sell Domain name it is possible both for $10, and for 50, 100, 1000 and even 10 thousand dollars.

Popular auctions and forums where you can buy and sell a domain name:


18. Promotion of communities in VKonakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki

A group with a large number of subscribers brings a stable income to the owner from advertising or from its sale. How to quickly make money in VK without investments for a beginner? You should start by choosing a popular topic. Among them: quotes, fan groups, humor, relationships with the opposite sex, etc. New feature- communities that profit not only from advertising, but also from the publication of the posts themselves. These are drawings (for example, "Free Moscow") and auctions, announcements, catalogs of performers (artists, musicians). Posting your post in a prank community with 10,000 or more subscribers costs from $5. 3-10 contests are posted per day.

How to make money selling bands? To do this, you need to simultaneously create a dozen pages and simultaneously promote them, fill them with interesting content, and organize repost contests to quickly recruit subscribers. On the sale of a group (30-50 thousand people in the audience) you can get $ 100. The more subscribers and the more active the audience, the higher the price.

19. How to make money on the Internet without investments on reviews

Writing reviews does not require special skills, only a competent and interesting presentation. On average, one review costs 0.1-0.5 $, depending on the size of the text and the topic. And writing it takes no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, this is an ideal option for a beginner, how to make money on the Internet without investment and quickly at 12, 13, 14 and 15 years old.

It is worth looking for a job on freelance exchanges, as well as special sites that pay for reviews and the number of views. So you have to choose hot topic and fun to write.

The best resources for making money on reviews


20. How to make money online by installing applications

With the help of advertapp and payforinstall services, it is possible for a student to receive funds for downloading and installing applications on a smartphone without investments. Usually these are applications from the AppStore or Google Play. Periodically, the customer asks to leave a review about the product. One download brings 0.2-0.4 $, 3-5 $ per day. To receive many orders, it is worth registering on several services. The work is simple and accessible to all smartphone owners. In this way, you can quickly earn money on the Internet with payments to qiwi, phone, webmoney.

21. Mediation and promotion of other people's goods and services

If you do not have your own business and start-up capital, but have a commercial streak, sell someone else's products for a commission. These can be the services of designers, repairmen, artists (in principle, anyone) or goods of various companies: from a small furniture production to the wholesale of nuts. Intermediary commissions are usually 10-50%.

22. Best ways to make money from photos and videos

To open your own photo or video studio, you will need investments in equipment and advertising (at least $ 2,000), but the monthly salary of a sought-after photographer or videographer starts at $ 1,500-1,800.

The simplest one-hour photo session in nature costs from $20, and a wedding photo shoot starts from $300.

An option is to outsource materials shot by other specialists and earn money on their processing. Photographers and cameramen during the season often cannot cope with the volume of orders and are ready to pay for processing and installation. The editing of a video clip or a wedding film takes several days and costs about $150-250.

One-time orders are regularly posted on special platforms:

  2. photovideoapplication.rf;

23. How to earn money for women sitting at home

The services of a hairdresser, make-up artist, manicurist are good because they can really be provided at home, without renting a salon and without purchasing super-expensive equipment. Beginners in this business should take training courses.

Duration - a month or two, cost $ 60-200 for a manicurist, $ 70-250 for makeup artist courses, $ 160-200 for hairdresser courses. The average income of a novice master is $ 40-50 per day, a sought-after professional receives about $ 2,000 monthly. Promote your services with the help of friends and acquaintances, satisfied customers, the Internet.

24. Tutoring

Earn money by sharing your knowledge. A tutor can prepare for school, for entering a university, passing exams, “pulling up” in various subjects. In addition to standard school disciplines, computer literacy lessons, work with specialized computer programs, needlework lessons (cutting, sewing).


25. How to make money on the Internet on transfers

Translation of documents, articles, commercial texts, literary translation is a good way to earn money without leaving home. Most of the vacancies are related to translation into English and from English into Russian. Exchanges with tasks for translators:


26. Stable income on needlework

A way for those who like to create something with their own hands. Handmade jewelry, souvenirs and gifts, natural soap and scented candles, scrapbooking are common and popular. Buying nice little things from a private seller is usually cheaper than buying from a specialty store. How to make money on needlework? Create a web page and communities in social networks to advertise products, participate in thematic fairs and exhibitions.

The best online platforms for the sale of handmade goods:


27. Kindergarten at home

- Take care of several babies at the same time. In your own house, you can organize a playground for three or four children. You should look for the first clients among friends and acquaintances, then you will be recommended to other mothers. Children need to organize leisure, proper nutrition, daytime sleep, perhaps literacy.

28. How to make money from homemade cakes and pickles

Cakes and other sweets, jam, marinated products home cooking very much in demand. Best Methods distribution of products - via the Internet, acquaintances and friends. Creative cakes, cupcakes, pastries sell well on social media as gifts. In this way, you can earn $ 200-500 per month. To create a mini business and earn more, you need state registration and quality certificates for products.

29. Wedding industry

The best ways to make money in the wedding industry:

  1. creation of wedding bouquets, boutonnieres;
  2. decoration of glasses;
  3. development of wedding invitations, wish books and other accessories;
  4. wedding decoration;
  5. organization and coordination of the wedding, selection of contractors.

The business can be turned into a small wedding business. It is necessary to create your own website, social media pages, actively engage in advertising and direct sales of your services. Almost the only investment is in advertising the business.

Organization and decoration of only four or five weddings per month bring income of 2500-3000 $ net.

30. Manufacture of furniture and decor items

Furniture in stores is quite expensive, especially when it comes to unique designer items. This allows us to compete with furniture giants by offering customers exclusive products at an affordable price. To organize a small home production, you will need a minimum area (from 20 sq. M, your own garage is perfect).

What to make? Frameless furniture (sofas, pouffes), tables, chairs, cabinets, pallet beds, folding furniture, interior items such as floor lamps and blinds, garden sculptures, etc. are in demand. Here you can add the production of cat houses and scratching posts.

How to make money in this business? Best of all, products are sold through their own website, in the social. media and with the help of large selling portals, such as,,, etc.

31. Minor repair services

It's a little side job method for guys. To nail shelves, change fallen off tiles, fix wiring, etc. Large firms do not take such orders, and not everyone has acquaintances with “golden hands”. This service is also called "husband for an hour." Where to earn money in this way?

Put up bright announcements around the area listing the types of work, take a look at ad sites like,, Special repair-related services are,,,

32. Animator, promoter

How do schoolchildren and students looking for small part-time work make money? Common options are distribution of leaflets, participation in promotions (tastings, product presentations), part-time work as an animator or assistant animator at children's events.

Best job search sites:


Try to contact advertising and BTL agencies directly, this will reduce the risk of being deceived. The search for vacancies in social networks works well. networks by thematic hashtags(for example, #job #promoter #animator, etc.) The average salary is $2-5 per hour.

33. Minor part-time work, running errands

How to make money as a beginner without the Internet? It is possible to find a part-time job offline, but it will not bring large sums. For the most part, you will need to perform simple tasks (walk the animals, go shopping, clean the house, help with the transportation of things, etc.)

An ideal option for how to earn some money for a schoolboy during the summer holidays. You should look for the first clients among acquaintances, such vacancies are not posted on large job boards, but you should look at special resources:

  4. instruct.rf;

For a small task, like delivering a gift, you can get about $ 2-5.

34. Leasing of real estate, property, equipment

A good option, how to make money even for a beginner in business. If there is free real estate (house, apartment, garage), it can be profitably rented out. A good profit comes from renting equipment. However, some investment will be required. For example, acoustic system for 400 watts costs about $450, and daily rent is $30. A professional heavy smoke generator will cost $600, and renting it will earn you $100-150 per day. Investments pay off in a short time, and the business allows you to earn a lot of money quickly and realistically.

35. How a beginner can quickly make money on the Internet on clicks and comments

A very simple way, available to every network user. Among the common tasks: surfing through the pages, solving captchas and pictures, putting likes, comments, subscribing to accounts and communities, taking surveys, registering on these sites. Approximate rates of work:

  • Clicks per day can earn 0.7-1.3 $;
  • Surfing per day really earn about 0.2-0.3 (for 5-6 hours);
  • Solving pictures (captcha) - $ 1-1.5 (4-5 hours).

The method is not profitable and takes a lot of time.

How and where you can earn money for a beginner without registration, investments and invitations


Additional platforms for earning

Above we have given real ways how to make real money on the Internet for a beginner, but some resources were left without attention. We offer a few more web portals for finding jobs online:

  • Naming service, from a copywriter you need to come up with a domain name, company, slogan;
  • Exchange with a wide range of tasks: from typing a manuscript to developing a print for a T-shirt and editing a presentation from pictures;
  • The main direction is writing texts;
  • Everything for copywriters: naming, translations, proofreading, writing news and press releases;
  • Resource for professional copywriters with a wage level above the average;
  • Copyright Exchange plus an article store;
  • Remote work for programmers;
  • Diverse site for programmers, designers, copywriters, editors;
  • Programming assignments;
  • Catalog of tenders for website development, promotion and advertising projects;
  • Orders and small part-time work for nannies, housekeepers, nurses, tutors;
  • Any kind of work at a fixed price. You need to create your offer, set the price for the service and you can earn real money on the Internet without leaving your home. A good start for a beginner;
  • A wide variety of tasks for specialists in all areas of freelance;
  • Jobs for copywriters, webmasters, IT-specialists;
  • Most tasks in website development and design;
  • A good selection of diverse tasks;
  • Contests from well-known companies for artists, photographers, designers, advertisers and developers;
  • Competition projects(come up with a name, form style etc.), the winner who proposes the most original solution receives the payment.

All the above services allow a beginner to quickly earn money on the Internet without investing money in rubles and dollars. Payment is best accepted on WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, PayPal.

Is it possible to earn large sums easily and quickly?

In search of easy profit, do not fall for the tricks of scammers and the promises of mountains of gold (“$1,000 a day at online casinos,” financial pyramids, etc.). Do not send prepayments as collateral that you won't let the customer down. If you receive a request to drop even a penny amount into someone's account, close the conversation and look further. Feel free to ask for daily pay for your work. This applies to beginner freelancers. If you do not know the customer and are just starting cooperation, it is better to make sure of his honesty. Otherwise, you risk working for weeks for free.

For those who are looking for how to earn money without financial investments and labor, let's say that money does not fall from the sky.

You need to either work hard or be a talented and creative person. Methods of making big and fast money without any effort are often associated with fraud.

We have given the most profitable and interesting ways on how to make money for a beginner in the network, how or just to earn some money. Choose, acquire new knowledge and skills, develop and get a good profit.