Saving an html page in Yandex. How to save a page in the browser


To read a page on a text-only device, go to the page in any browser, and then choose Save As from the Page or File menu. Select "Text File" or similar from the drop-down menu. Firefox browser will suggest as the file name the name under which it is stored on the server, Opera or IE - the page title. If your device only supports Latin file names, enter a new name. Save the file, and then convert it to an encoding that your device supports. On Linux, you can use the KWrite program for this.

Sometimes it is necessary to save a page along with the images located on it. Of course, this can also be done manually, saving each image separately. But such an operation will take a lot of time, and besides, the links to the pictures in it may have to be edited so that they point to local files. Select “HTML image file” from the drop-down list and this operation will be performed automatically. For images will be created separate folder, and the browser converts all links in the file accordingly. Transferring a file from one machine to another must be done together with this folder and all its contents (if desired, in the form of an archive). It is advisable (but not necessary) to view the save result in the same browser in which it was created.

To save the contents of the page along with images into a single file, use the option called "Web Archive (single file" or similar. The resulting file will have an MHT extension. It is also advisable to view it in the same browser in which it was created.


Do not distribute or post saved pages on the Internet without permission from the copyright holders.

Many people dream of learning how to create web pages themselves, but do not have sufficient knowledge and programming skills. Let's talk about how to create a web page using only the tools of the package Microsoft Office. These tips may be useful to many, since Microsoft Office tools are available to everyone, and working with them, as a rule, does not cause difficulties even for novice users.

You will need


Prepare the page text in Microsoft program Word. Convert it to a web document using the "Save as... web page" operation. However, your page will not look particularly attractive. The main problem is that the text will take up the entire screen space. In order to correct this shortcoming, we move on to the second step.

Use the power of the table. Create a table, give it a frame and place text in it. This way your future page will look much better.

Use the options to change the background and style. To do this, try changing the color and texture of the page background, change the colors of hyperlinks, and experiment with lists. Try applying ready-made themes to your page. Don't make the background too bright so that the text is clearly readable on it.

Insert pictures onto your page. You can take a picture from the Word gallery, or you can insert your own image. If you insert a picture into the text, then change the text wrapping. Add a shadow and frame to the picture if you like. Place it so that there is no extra space anywhere.

You can add a creeping line to the page - this function is provided by the program. To do this, open the web components panel and click on the “Crawling Line” operation button.

Create hyperlinks in your document. If you want to link to any resource on the Internet, then select the word or fragment of text you need, right-click, select “Insert” - “Hyperlink”. In the form that appears, enter the address of the resource you want to link to. The address of the file you select may change when you start building your site. The implicit method of setting a link is suitable for you only if the folder structure on the computer and on the website are the same.

If you want to refer to a specific part of the text in the same document, then use the “Bookmarks” option.

Video on the topic

In order to make their page on social networks stand out from a million others, people experiment with the color scheme and originality of the image itself in the photo, but an animated avatar is undoubtedly better. You can simply upload it as a photo or using a special application.


Check out our animated GIFs. These are pictures that are created in special applications. You can download ready-made ones that are already on the Internet.

Install a special editor on your computer for working with GIF files. There are quite a lot of these editors; to create your own avatar, you can choose any one you like, but it’s better to start with the one that is easiest to use.

Save all the pictures that will make up your animated avatar in the same size and format to maintain the highest quality image during animation. This will make your work easier and help maintain the harmony of changing images.

Import all your images into one GIF project and schedule each image to change. Make sure that the pictures do not change too quickly. Save the result you like on your computer in GIF file resolution.

Make sure that the final image does not exceed the maximum size allowed on the site where you want to upload the animation. On the page in social network Find the avatar changer feature and upload the created image.

To upload a file of such permission on the VKontakte network, use the format for uploading a document to a page. This feature supports most popular resolutions and allows you to upload large file sizes.

On the ICQ social network, animated avatars are loaded provided that the QIP program, released no later than 2010, has been downloaded to the computer. If, when downloading a file, the server responds that an error has occurred, then return to initial position your profile and wait a few minutes, refresh the page - the desired avatar may appear. Then save the settings and continue working as usual.

When you happen to find some useful information on the Internet, you often need to remember it. Remembering website, you will be able to constantly refer to it. Although it is better to do so website I remember your computer. That is, you need to save the page website but on the computer. Then she will always be at hand. This operation is called "Save Web Page".

How to save a website page to your computer. Sometimes you want to save the entire page of a site you like so that later you can easily view it on your computer or tablet, without even going online. There is such an opportunity, but not in all browsers, but for now only in Google Chrome.

All browsers are good in their own way, but I like Google Chrome more than all the others. Many people complain that it slows down a lot, but just push it a little and it will just “fly”. I’ve already written about how to do this, so I won’t repeat myself. Today I would like to tell you how in this browser you can save the entire page with your favorite article as a book in PDF format.

Typically this format is used when e-books, which you download from the Internet. The only thing required to read such books is a special program for reading PDF files. It can be downloaded online upon request. "download reading program pdf files for free", or open such files through online services.

Now let's talk about how to save a website page in PDF format. This is especially convenient when the site has copy protection. Authors of young or good sites often have to put up such protection against thieves who copy other people's articles and appropriate them for themselves.

The fact that they appropriate these articles for themselves is not so bad. But because of such actions on their part, a good site may get banned and even cease to exist. Because search engines They strictly monitor duplicate articles on sites, and do not take a long time to sort them out, but immediately push such sites to the last positions in the search, where the reader will never find them using a search query.

So if you see copy protection on some website, don’t rush to scold the author for it. Often this is a necessary measure. Although it does not always help protect a good site.

But you can save the site page to your computer even with copy protection. Most likely, the thief will not want to redo and rewrite the entire article by hand and then upload it to his website. After all, the PDF format must either be converted or rewritten. He needs a quick and easy option, and this format is very suitable for you and me.

I myself often save good articles by other authors in this format, and then enjoy viewing them on my netbook.

For example, on the Internet you found a recipe for an interesting dish with photographs and detailed instructions, an article on some issue that is important to you, instructions for the program. Of course, in Word program such a document will be very inconvenient to read, since it is impossible to convey the formatting. In this case, you need to use the “Save Web Page” option. This feature is available in all popular browsers, and it is this feature that allows you to save web documents.

At the very top of the browser window you will find a menu button with the Opera logo. Find the “Page” line and select “Save as...” in the additional menu. A small window appears that prompts you to select a path to save the file. For example, if you want to save information to a folder on your desktop, you need to find “Desktop”, select the one you are interested in or create a new one. Pay attention to the "File Name". The title of the document will be indicated here. Enter a new one or use the one that was automatically suggested. An important point is the file type. It is best to select "Web Archive". This format is the most convenient. All you have to do is click on the “Save” button and check for information in the specified folder.

You should have a menu bar at the top of your browser. If it is not there, then click on the gray field. A list should appear from which you need to select “Menu Bar”. Select “File” and then “Save As” or just click Ctrl combination and S. In the window that appears, you will be asked to select a folder to save the information. Change the file name if necessary and click on the “Save” button. The file type should be selected “Web archive” with mht extension.

At the top of the browser on the right side of the menu, find “File” and then the “Save As” line. Or you can, as in Internet Explorer, press the combination of Ctrl and S. A window will appear in which you should select a location for the file name and type. To save information, select the “Full Web Page” type. All that remains is to click on the “Save” button, and the information will be saved on your computer.

There are other ways to save browser pages, for example with an image. Perhaps the easiest way to save a page as a picture is to use the Print Screen or “Prt Scr” button on your keyboard. It allows you to take a screenshot of the monitor and is available on any keyboard. In order to capture the screen, click on the button, then open the Paint program from the “Accessories” through the “Start” menu. Now click on the “Insert” button. A picture of the web page will appear in the file. All that remains is to save it. A significant disadvantage is that only the visible part of the document will remain.

There are also special services on the Internet that can automatically “photograph” the contents of a web document, that is, take a screenshot. You need to find such a service, for example, it could be the service, enter the site URL and click on the “thumb it” button. Under you can select the “page” item, then the service will capture the entire page, or “screen”. In the second case, only the visible part of the page will be available. After scanning the site, the service will prompt you to select the size of the future image. Click on the “go” button and see the resulting image. Everything is very simple and convenient.

These are just a few of the most simple ways, how to save the page. All of them are quite simple and reliable, so you can easily cope. And the necessary information will always be at your fingertips, even if there is no network connection.

Active Internet users often need to save the material they find in order to be able to return to it later. The user can save the page to different formats. For example, it is most convenient to store a web page as a single file. You can also save a web page as an HTML file with images (this option is suitable for flash pages) and without them, or as text file. The first option is considered the most common.

Each browser provides the user with special features. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to save a page in each specific browser.

Internet Explorer

In order to save a page in this browser, the user must go to the "Page" menu, where he will find the "Save As" command. In the dialog box that appears, you should specify the name of the file itself, the location where it will be saved and the type of file (for example, “entire web page”). Having defined all the listed criteria, you can click the “Save” button.

Google Chrome

To save a web page to this browser, just right-click on an empty space on the page. Further actions repeat the work with dialog box browser, i.e. you select a name, save location, file type and click “Save”.

Mozilla Firefox

This browser also works by calling up the save page dialog box using right button mice. In the context menu that appears, you must select the “Save As” command and then, as in previous browsers, decide on the parameters of the future file.


To save a web page from, you should click on the button in the upper left corner (where there is a logo and the name of the browser is written). In the drop-down menu, you select “Page” and then “Save As”. Further procedures do not change: we designate the name, select the location and file type.


This browser also displays context menu with the “Save Page As” command when you right-click in an empty area of ​​the page. The significant difference is that when selecting the file type, you must select "HTML File".


This browser is not much different from its predecessors in the process of saving pages, so in this example you can see the saving using the “Ctrl + S” hotkey. As a result of using this combination, you get the same dialog box.