Create a desktop shortcut for a Microsoft Office application. Quick Launch Panel Pinning Shortcuts to the Windows 7 Desktop

What are labels for? The main purpose of labels is to facilitate access to certain files and programs. For example, in the section hard drive C there is a folder "documents", it has another folder called "Home", in the folder "work" there is a folder "Photos", this folder contains frequently used photos. To get to these photos, you have to go this way every time. All this takes a lot of time, in addition, you can get confused or simply forget, such a long way. To save time, you can make a shortcut for the Photos folder and place it on the desktop, in the start menu, or on the quick access panel. By launching this shortcut, the user opens the "Photos" folder and it takes only two seconds.

That's what labels are for. Now let's see how to create them.

So, how to install a shortcut on the desktop? To begin with, it is worth noting that shortcuts can be created for any files (at the same time, when the shortcut is launched, the program is launched, by default these are the type of files, for example, a player will open for a video file), folders (directories) and shortcuts (yes, yes, you can make shortcuts for shortcuts ).

To create a shortcut in Windows XP, you need to click on the file of interest (shortcut or folder) right click mouse and select "Create Shortcut" from the menu that appears. The shortcut created in this way is placed in the same folder, but it can be moved anywhere and it will work (if you move the file referenced by the shortcut to another location, the shortcut will become inoperative).

In order not to drag the shortcut to the desktop, you can use the "send" function, for this you need to right-click on the file (shortcut or folder) and select "send" and "Desktop (create shortcut)" in the menu that appears.

You can send a shortcut for a particular program to the Start menu, or rather the left part of it, which opens immediately, as follows - right-click on the file that launches the program or on the shortcut and select "Pin to Start Menu" .

You can also add a shortcut to the "All Programs" menu, for this you need to right-click on the "Start" button and select "Open a common menu for all". In the folder that opens, you need to open the "Programs" directory and copy the desired shortcut into it.

Many users are faced with the problem: lovingly and diligently lined up on the desktop Windows shortcuts move on their own and violate the established order. Very often this happens due to a change in screen resolution, especially after launching games that usually have their own, different from the system, resolution settings.


  • Arrange shortcuts on your desktop the way you want. It is important that this is set to your standard resolution, such as 1920*1080, or 1024*768. If you are a Windows 7 user or Windows Vista- it's a little easier for you. These systems have redesigned the way the system "remembers" the location of icons on the desktop. Right click on free space, select the View menu bar, uncheck Arrange Icons Automatically. Right-click on an empty part of the desktop, and left-click on Refresh.
  • Now the icon positions are saved in the system cache and at this screen resolution, the shortcuts will be positioned that way. If the resolution has changed, just return the correct value and the icons will fall into place. To set the resolution you need in Windows 7, right-click on the desktop and select "Screen Resolution". A window will appear in which the name of your monitor will be indicated and in the second line there will be a drop-down list, by clicking on the black triangle, you can select the desired monitor settings. When you choose - click "Apply" and confirm your choice.
  • On the older Windows XP operating system, this mechanism does not work as it should, so the best way out is to use third party programs. Open an internet browser and search for "Download Icon Position". This is a small free program to save the selected desktop icon layout. There are other programs of a similar type, such as Icon Restore, or Desktop Icon Position Saver 64-bit. Download the program for managing icons, run it.
  • Now, to restore the location of the icons that you have chosen, just run the program and click the third button - "Restore ...". Other programs of similar purpose work on a similar principle. This method also works in Windows 7, for example, for cases when the positions of the icons are changed not due to permission, but by accidentally pressing the “Place in order, by name” button or due to someone else's intervention.
  • Instruction

    Arrange labels on working table the way you want. It is important that this is set to your standard resolution, such as 1920*1080, or 1024*768. If you are a user of Windows 7 or Windows Vista - it's a little easier for you. These systems have redesigned the way the system "remembers" the location of icons on the working table. Right-click on free space, select the "View" menu bar, uncheck "Arrange icons automatically". Right-click on an empty part of the desktop, and left-click on Refresh.

    Icon positions are now saved in system cache and at this screen resolution labels will be positioned that way. If the resolution has changed, just return the correct value and the icons will fall into place. To set the resolution you need in Windows 7, right-click on working table, and select Screen Resolution. A window will appear in which the name of your monitor will be indicated and in the second line there will be a drop-down list, by clicking on the black triangle, you can select the desired monitor settings. When you choose - click "Apply" and confirm your choice.

    In the older Windows XP operating system, this mechanism is as it should be, so the way out is to use third-party programs. Open an internet browser and search for "Download Icon Position". This is a small free program to save the selected location of desktop icons. There are other programs like Icon Restore, or Desktop Icon Position Saver 64-bit. Download the program for managing icons, run it.

    Arrange the icons as you need, and in the Icon Position program, click the first button - "Save Icon Position". Then click the second - "Refresh Icon Cache".

    Now, to restore the location of the icons that you have chosen, just run the program and click the third button - "Restore ...". Other programs of similar purpose work on a similar principle. This method also works in Windows 7, for example, for cases when the positions of the icons are changed not due to permission, but by accidentally pressing the "Place by, by name" button or due to someone else's intervention.

    It should be remembered that the program remembers exactly the order that you saved, and if you add or remove some icons, repeat the process of saving the label positions.

    You probably already noticed that when you change the screen resolution or computer crashes that cause the computer to restart, the location of the icons on the desktop changes. It's good if there are only a dozen of them, but putting the icons in order when there are several dozen of them is a rather tedious task.

    You will need

    • Icon Protector software.


    How often have you tried to clean up the clutter of shortcuts on your desktop? Sooner or later, but it has to. Someone installs a new wallpaper (desktop wallpaper) and lays out the labels according to the picture on the "wallpaper", but at one moment all the design of the labels, so you can use standard system tools or an additional one to solve the problem. software.

    The simplest solution would be the banal pinning of desktop icons. To enable this option, right-click on an empty spot on the desktop, select the "Arrange" menu item and select the "Pin" command from the list. The method is effective, but it does not allow you to move shortcuts to any folders, etc.

    There are several utilities for managing shortcuts correctly, unfortunately, Microsoft has not yet developed such a utility, so you have to use third-party utilities, such as Icon Protector. You can download it from the following link

    The program takes a small amount random access memory and after its launch is constantly in the system tray (next to the clock). The archive with the utility contains 2 files, they must be copied to any directory, preferably to the C:\Program Files\Icon Protector folder.

    To automatically start the program, its shortcut must be placed in the "Startup" folder. Click the "Start" menu, select "All Programs", right-click on the "Startup" folder.

    In the directory that opens, right-click on an empty space, in context menu select the New group and then Shortcut. In the window that opens, click the "Browse" button and specify the path to the executable file, which you have chosen as C:\Program Files\Icon Protector\IconProt.exe. Click the OK button to close this window.

    To save the arrangement of icons on the desktop, right-click on the program icon and select the Save Desktop section, then select any scheme. Restoring a saved location option is done in the same way, instead of the Save Desktop section, select the Load Desktop section.

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    The task of restoring shortcuts to a computer running Windows can be caused by both a settings failure and the impact of malicious software.

    operating room Windows system 7 allows you to customize the design and other subtleties for each user personally.

    The main page, which most often catches the eye and performs the function of quick access to applications and files - the desktop, is also subject to detailed editing, and its main components - shortcuts - can be changed: reduced or enlarged, assigned other properties and an icon.

    What is a "Label" what function does it perform

    A shortcut is a direct link to the executable module of a program. That is, in the folder in which you installed something, there is a special application, by running which you can open the program itself. In order not to look for this application in numerous folders every time, create its shortcut to the desktop or to another convenient place.

    For even faster access to applications, there is a taskbar that does not disappear when you open windows or programs, and all shortcuts on it are launched with one click.

    The taskbar contains the most important shortcuts

    To see which application the desktop shortcut belongs to, right-click on it, and then select the "File Location" section.

    Click on the "File Location" button

    To find out the same information about a shortcut on the taskbar, right-click on it, then right-click on its name or icon and click on the "Properties" option.

    Go to the properties of the shortcut located on the taskbar

    In the window that appears, the path to the source application will be indicated in the "Object" section:

    The file location is under "Object"

    Reduce or enlarge - adjust the scale

    If there is no more space on the screen, and there is no way to remove extra shortcuts, then you can reduce their size. If for some reason you are not comfortable using the standard size labels, then you can increase each of them. But remember that after changing their sizes, the order may go astray, as the grid format will change, and you will have to arrange the labels again.

    Through editing desktop properties

    To change the size of shortcuts through the built-in desktop settings, do the following:

    Using the mouse wheel

    There is another way to edit label sizes that gives you many more than three scale options:

    Video: big and small - how to change the size of icons on the Windows 7 desktop

    How to remove arrow icons

    To remove the arrow from the shortcut icon, do the following:

    There is a second way to achieve the goal:

    Video: how to remove shortcuts from the desktop

    Removing the shield icon

    The shield icon indicates that the application only works if you have administrator rights. To disable User Account Control, and with it the shield icon, follow these steps:

    How to change properties and appearance

    If for some reason you feel uncomfortable appearance shortcuts of the programs you installed, then use this instruction:

    To change labels system programs, such as Recycle Bin or My Computer, do the following:

    Video: change the icon

    How to remove one label or hide all at once

    To remove a specific shortcut, right-click on it and select Remove.

    Delete the shortcut

    If you want to hide all shortcuts at once, then do the following:

    How to recover

    If you haven’t cleaned the Recycle Bin since the shortcut was deleted, then go into it and right-click on the desired file and select Restore. If the trash has been emptied, the shortcut cannot be restored.

    Restoring the shortcut

    What to do if shortcuts are removed by themselves

    The reason for such incidents may be an error in the application to which the shortcut led. After each reboot, Windows checks all the shortcuts on the desktop, and if any of them leads to an application with an error, it automatically removes it. But if this function does not work correctly or interferes with you, then there are two ways out:

    Reduce the number of shortcuts on the desktop to four, as a result of which the system's self-cleaning will stop working. You can do this by grouping all the shortcuts into folders, or by deleting the extra ones.

    The second way is to disable the self-cleaning feature by following these steps:

    To make it pleasant and convenient to work at the computer, try not to clog the desktop once again with shortcuts and files. If possible, group them into folders, this will help you not to worry about the amount of free space on the screen for as long as possible. If this is not possible, then reduce the scale of each label. But remember that the system can independently decide to remove the shortcut from the desktop if it is sure that it does not lead to a running program.

    After installing a game and launching it Windows users 10 can observe the screen resolution change of the monitor. Because of this change, desktop icons are automatically moved to the left side of the monitor. The entire order that was previously set by the user is violated. Such chaos can also appear when connecting the TV to a PC or any other device. To pin program shortcuts on the Windows 10 desktop, you should read the following recommendations.

    We fix icons on the Windows 10 desktop using the program

    Previously, in Windows 7, pinning icons to the desktop was fairly easy. It was necessary to right-click on the desktop and select the appropriate action. Now, by calling the options and selecting "View", you can only arrange the program shortcuts (they will all be located on the left side of the desktop).

    Therefore, users are often interested in how to pin shortcuts on the Windows 10 desktop so that they do not move when the screen extension is changed.

    To solve this problem, you will need the ReIcon utility. Download it and unpack the archive. In the folder, select the exe.file, in accordance with the bitness of the system.

    AT latest versions Windows 10, including the Fall Creators Update (Redstone 3), there is a bug that affects the location of icons (shortcuts) on the desktop. Who faced - knows that attempts to move desired icon to the left side of the screen usually end in failure - at the moment of "landing" it instantly returns to its original place. The topic of the "anomalous zone" has been raised many times on computer forums, read below for tips on solving the problem from popular experts IT-portals Deskmodder and gHacks.

    First, I will give a simple life hack from the team They noticed that when dragging the shortcut, luck was much more likely to favor those who placed the mouse pointer on the left side of the shortcut.

    One of the authors of the articles and the founder of the visited site Martin Brinkmann ( Martin Brinkmann) gave a detailed solution to the problem of "jumping icons" in Windows 10. Nothing complicated: you need to enable the "Align to Grid" function, known since Windows XP. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the table and select " View"("View") → further, voiced by " Align icons to grid"("Align icons to grid").

    After fixing the elements of the rabstol, another "trouble" may appear - a large distance between them.

    This can not be solved through the settings operating system due to the lack of an option, but the interval is easily adjusted through the system registry. To change the spacing between desktop icons (shortcuts):

    • press the logo key Windows() → in the search field enter regedit.exe → "Enter";
    • open the branch in the registry editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics ;

    • In chapter WindowMetrics parameter IconSpacing defines the horizontal spacing between icons (default value is "-1725", in Windows 8.1 / 7 the default value was "-1125", i.e. labels were closer horizontally), set its value between "-480" and "-2730";
    • parameter IconVerticalSpacing defines the vertical spacing between icons (default is "-1725"), has the same minimum and maximum values ​​as IconSpacing.

    After setting the optimal distance between the elements of the desktop, restart the computer or force close and restart Explorer. I wrote about how to implement this in practice in " How to restore the location of shortcuts on the Windows 10 / 8 / 7 desktop": via key combination " Win +R"Open the Run window and type cmd → "OK" → in the console type taskkill /IMexplorer.exe /F → "Enter" (to launch Explorer, run the command in the console explorer →"Enter"). The final!

    Dmitry dmitry_spb Evdokimov

    For ease of use and organization of quick express access to your favorite site, you can pin the Odnoklassniki icon to the taskbar (PT).

    In this article I will show you how to put a label social network on firmware.

    How to install the Odnoklassniki shortcut on the taskbar

    To install a shortcut (icon) of Odnoklassniki on the taskbar, you need:

    1. Create a copy of the browser shortcut you are using on your desktop.
    2. Open the properties of the new shortcut and add a link to Odnoklassniki at the end of the "Object" field:
      It should look something like this:
      "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
    3. If you click on this shortcut, you will immediately be taken to the Odnoklassniki website. Half done. It remains only to change the picture and display the shortcut on the taskbar.
    4. Let's start with the icon. Download the archive of Odnoklassniki icons - ok-icons. Preferably on the desktop so that everything is at hand. And then unpack it.
    5. You need to open the properties of the browser shortcut again. And click the "Change Icon" button. A window will open with many icons, but of course Odnoklassniki will not be among them. Therefore, you need to click on "Browse" and select one of the pictures that you have saved to your desktop. Install it and save your changes.
    6. The final touch is to pin the Odnoklassniki shortcut to the taskbar. Simply hold and hold the browser shortcut with the left mouse button and drag it to the taskbar.

    That's all, so in a simple way you can make express access to the Odnoklassniki website from the panel quick launch.