How to delete a group vk. How to quickly and permanently delete a VKontakte group - detailed instructions. We are looking for the section "Management"

A huge number of new groups and communities are being created in the VKontakte public network. Some do not reach development and must be removed due to lack of visitation. How to delete a group in VK - let's take a look at the steps.

It is important to know that only the community administrator is allowed to delete a group in VK. You need to go to the registered VKontakte account, then go to "My groups". We find the desired group in the list and go to the community. Go to the "Community Management" category, it is located under the group's avatar. In the "Information" tab, you need to change the type of community to be deleted in VK to closed if it is open. This is necessary so that other users cannot view the group in the future.

Next, go to the “Members” tab, delete all subscribed to the group, you must delete yourself as the group admin at the very end of the procedure, otherwise you will not be able to perform a single action, since you are no longer a member of the group. You can remove each member of the community by clicking the "Remove from Community" button, which is located opposite the member's photo.

Now we change the parameters of the group. In the name of the group, you can write "Group deleted", delete the "Community Description", "Theme" of the group, do this by pressing the "Delete" button. In the "Website" line, delete the name of the site, select "Not selected" in the "Location" column. We destroy all group data: Photos, Wall, Videos, Discussions, Materials, Documents, Audios, inserting the "Off" parameter.

Remove Links, if any. Click "Save".

We return back to the group by clicking on its name. Now it remains to leave the group. After all the described actions, the group will be inactive and deleted.

Important: do not rush to delete the group in VK, because if your community is promoted, then you can successfully sell it or make money on it.

Hello, friends! Many Vkontakte users have not only their own page in this social network but also a group. In the previous article, we figured out if you have a lot of posts there, not all of them relate to the topic of the community, or if you even want to change the theme of the group.

Before deleting the Vkontakte group that you yourself made, weigh the pros and cons. If you have a lot of subscribers, posts are actively discussed, users themselves add various material to the group, then it may not be worth deleting it completely. Try to find someone who will agree to take over the management of this community.

In the same case, if everything is quite the opposite, and you have no desire to engage in a group, you need to delete it. There is no such function on Vkontakte, so you need to delete all subscribers, make the group closed or private, and exit it. You can also delete all posts, photos, audio and video. Let's consider all this in more detail.

Delete from computer

If you access Vkontakte from a computer or laptop, then through the browser we go to our page. Then, in the left menu, select the "Groups" item, go to the "Management" tab and click on the desired community.

On the right side under the cover, click on the three vertical dots and select "Community Management" from the drop-down list.

Then on the right side of the menu, click on "Settings". In the "Basic Information" section, you can change the name of the group - write something like "Group deleted". Also clear the "Community Description" field, select "Group Type" - "Private" or "Closed" and remove the cover. Click Save.

Scroll down the page and in the "Additional Information" section, clear the "Website" field. Save your changes.

If desired, you can completely remove all information from the group: video, audio, photos, documents, and more. I will clean the wall using the Instrumentum app. I wrote about it in detail in the article: deleting records from the wall, a link to which is given at the beginning of the article.

After deleting members, information and changing the type of group, click on the button "You are a member of the group". From the drop-down list, select "Leave the group".

Confirm that you really intend to leave the community that you are the administrator of.

If you are still not completely sure and, perhaps, in the future you want to restore the deleted group in VK, then you do not need to leave the community. In this case, at any time you can make the group open and invite people there.

Via phone

For those who access Vkontakte through mobile app on a phone or tablet, you need to follow the same steps as described above. Open your page and select "Groups" in the side menu.

Find the community you want to remove from the list and click on it.

Now in the upper right corner, click on the gear icon.

The Manage Community page opens. Select "Information" from the list.

Here you need to change the name of the group, delete its description and information in the "Website" field.

Scroll down and change "Group Type" to "Private". Save your changes by clicking on the checkmark in the upper right corner.

You can delete your own VKontakte group, regardless of the reason, thanks to the standard functionality of this social network. However, even considering the simplicity this process, yet there are users who find it too difficult to delete a previously created community.

In case you are having difficulty deleting your group, it is recommended that you follow the instructions below in strict order. If this condition is not met, you can not only not delete the community, but also create additional problems for yourself.

First of all, you should know that the process of creating and deleting a community does not require you to use any additional tools. That is, all actions are performed by standard tools provided to you by the administration as the creator of the community.

It is much easier to delete a VKontakte community than, for example, delete a personal page.

Also, before you start deleting your own group, it is recommended to think about whether it is necessary to do this. In most cases, deletion is due to the user's unwillingness to continue the activities of the group. However, in this case, the most correct option would be to change the existing community, remove subscribers and resume work in a new direction.

If you definitely decide to get rid of a group or community, then make sure that you have the rights of the creator (administrator). Otherwise, you can't do anything!

Having decided on the need to remove the community, you can safely proceed to the recommended actions.

Public page transformation

In the case of a public VKontakte page, you need to perform a few additional steps. Only after that it will be possible to start deleting the required community from this social network.

If you are the creator of the group and not public page, you can safely skip all the items after the third and go straight to deletion.

Having finished with the transformation of a public page into a VKontakte group, you can safely proceed to the process of deleting the community forever.

Group deletion process

After the preparatory steps, being on home page your community, you can proceed directly to the removal. It is also worth noting here that the VKontakte administration does not provide group owners with a special button "Delete".

As the owner of a community with a large number of members, you can run into serious problems. This is due to the fact that each required action is performed exclusively in manual mode.

Among other things, you should remember that deleting a community means completely hiding it from prying eyes. At the same time, the group will have standard visibility for you.

If you make a mistake, you can always return to your community as a creator. However, for this you will need only a direct link, because after all the described actions, the group will disappear from the search and leave your list of pages in the section "Control".

Doing everything right, removing the once created community will not cause complications. We wish you good luck in resolving this issue!

How to delete a group in a contact if I am the creator? The question is quite relevant, many users ask it. We will carefully study all the nuances in order to provide a detailed answer.

  1. VK was able to attract the most active audience - young people.
  2. A simple user-friendly interface has been created.
  3. It was much easier to master the site than other social networks.
  4. The first users began to invite friends, over time a huge audience was formed.
  5. Many features are provided.
  6. The social network is constantly evolving and only gets better with time.
  7. It is possible to comfortably communicate with all your friends in one place.
  8. There are many communities where you can have fun.
  9. You can create your own music library in a special section and listen to music.

Creating groups is one of the useful features. You can find friends with similar interests in the community or just share different information. Also, a popular group can become a source of income.

How to delete your group in VK if you are the creator? First, let's see why this is necessary at all:

  • You no longer want to be involved in community management.
  • Little free time.
  • Completely lost interest in the community.
  • The group seems hopeless.
  • There may be other reasons, it all depends on the situation.

It is not necessary to delete the community. It can be transferred to the administrator or just a responsible person in whom you are sure. A popular group manages to sell. The cost of the community depends on the number of subscribers and their activity.

How to delete a group in VK, which he himself created on the phone?

Many people ask: how to delete a group in VK, which he himself created from the phone? Neither on a smartphone nor on a computer you can do this. There is no such function in the social network, it is pointless to waste time looking for it.

Why did the administration not provide for the removal of communities? The reasons can only be guessed at. Probably, the administration had reasons for making such a decision.

You can't delete a community you've created, but you can still get rid of it. In the future, we will offer several methods.

Through technical support

The creator needs:

  1. Open the help section.
  2. Select the point to contact the administration.
  3. Write a message asking to delete the community. Be sure to include a link to it.
  4. The appeal will be considered within 24 hours.
  5. In case of a positive decision, the administration will independently close the group.

Breaking the rules

You can grossly violate the rules of the service by posting posts of dubious content. After receiving complaints, the administration will ban the community. But the disadvantage of this method is that often the blocking is imposed for a certain time. Getting a permanent ban is not easy.

A quick way to destroy a community

How to delete a community in VK if you are the creator? You can use the following method:

  • Go to group settings.
  • Close all sections and functions in it.
  • Save changes.
  • Leave the group.

Over time, members will also begin to leave the community. You can not worry about his fate, all activity in the group will be stopped.

Complete removal of information

If you have enough free time, you can perform a complete cleanup of the group. For this you need:

  1. Delete photos and notes.
  2. Remove video.
  3. Close all sections through the settings.
  4. Remove members.
  5. Set the community to closed status.
  6. Remove links.
  7. Clear blacklist.
  8. Check that no information is left in the group.
  9. Leave her.

The disadvantage of the method is that you will have to spend several hours cleaning up a large community. Therefore, few creators use this method.

The best option

We offer the best option:

  • Close the group and all sections in the community settings.
  • Remove only important information.
  • Leave the group.

Important! After leaving, the creator loses all rights to manage the community. Restoring them in the future will be problematic, so think carefully before making such a responsible decision.

The further fate of the group

After the activity in the community has ceased, it may remain on the server for some time. But sooner or later, the administration will delete the group when cleaning the social network from old pages.


If the community has more than 5-10 thousand members, then it can be sold. The creator will need:

  1. Find a buyer.
  2. Negotiate a price.
  3. Get money.
  4. Appoint the buyer as an administrator and transfer all management rights to him.
  5. Leave the group.

It is advisable to agree with the buyer on the preservation of the theme. Then the participants will not start unsubscribing from the group and will hardly notice the change in the leadership of the community.

Hello friends! In this short article, I will talk about deleting my VKontakte group. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the community cannot be completely deleted, it will exist until the administration deletes it. But in order for the administration to take up this process, it will be necessary to take certain actions, which we will talk about now.

What needs to be done to delete delete a community on VKontakte?

2. After that, go to "My groups" and look for your own.

3. When you find it, go into it.

4. Now go to the "Community Management" tab.

5. In the "Information" tab, set the following:

  • Wall: Closed;
  • Photos: Limited;
  • Video recordings, Audio recordings, Documents, Discussions, Materials, set to "Off";
  • Group type: Closed or private.

6. After you set the same parameters, go to the "Participants" tab, and delete all participants to the last, except for yourself.

7. There is only one member left in your community, and that is you. Now you also need to get out of it. On the main page, click on the “You are in a group” tab, after which an additional menu will pop up, in which click “Exit the group”.

As I said at the very beginning of the article, these actions do not completely delete the group, the administration must erase it, and this may take some time. I don't know exactly how long it takes, it's always different.

If you are unbearable, and you want to delete it as soon as possible, then you can write to the VK support service and ask the administration to do it as quickly as possible. If you contact the support service, then in no case leave the community so that the administration sees that you are the creator, and then your request is legal, so to speak. But again, this method has not been personally tested by me, so I will not say whether it is working or not. If anyone checks, then please unsubscribe in the comments what happened.