How to add caption to excel chart. Data point format. Removing the chart title

You can change the format and image of the data labels displayed on the chart. The format of data labels (font, size, etc.) can be changed using the mini-panel that appears when you press the right mouse button after selecting this element, and the image can be changed using the window Data Label Format, called after selecting the command of the same name in context menu or after pressing the button Selection Format in a group current fragment tab Layout.

Exercise. Change data label display:

· Select all data labels by clicking the left mouse button and placing the pointer on any of them.

· Press the right mouse button to call the context menu, use the mini-panel to select bold italic, size 10 as the style, left-click outside the panel.

Re-select the data labels, press the button Selection Format in a group current fragment tab Layout.

· In chapter alignment set in the area Another corner-10. Click close at the bottom of the window.

Note: You can change the placement of data labels using the tab alignment dialog box Data Label Format, as well as "manually", for which any of the signatures must be selected and moved with the mouse.

Data labels may not be shown on the chart for all points in the series, but only for one, showing, for example, the maximum or minimum value.

Exercise. It is necessary to display data labels for the most expensive item. For this:

Remove all data labels from the chart by selecting them and pressing the key Delete on keyboard. Data labels will disappear from the chart image (data labels can also be deleted using the context menu, where you need to select the command Delete).

· Select the "Price" row.

· With the mouse pointer on the highest column in the given row, click the left button. In this case, markers will appear only around this column.

Without moving the mouse cursor, click right click.

Add Data Signature.

Select the signature that appears and click the button Selection Format in a group current fragment tab Layout.

In the opened window Data Label Format In chapter Number select currency number format, number of decimal places 2 , designation - the sign of the English dollar or euro, press the button close.

Exercise. Change the image of the data signature by placing it in a frame, for which:

· Left-click by placing the mouse pointer on the numerical value that appears above the maximum value of the series.

· Without moving the cursor, right-click.

In the context menu that appears on the screen, select the command Data Label Format.

With the help of the command fill choose solid fill(choose the fill color as desired), using the command border color choose solid line(line color is optional) .

・On the tab alignment leave all parameters unchanged.

· Press the button close.

· Left-click anywhere in the chart to view the result.

To quickly identify the data series in a chart, you can add data labels to its data points. By default, data labels are associated with the values ​​in the worksheet and update automatically when they change.

Adding Data Labels to a Chart

To make data labels more visible, you can move them to data points or even outside of the chart. To move a data label, drag it to the desired location.

If the labels are visually cluttering the chart, you can delete all or some of them by selecting the desired labels and pressing the DELETE key.

Advice: If the font of the data label text is too small, you can increase it by clicking on the label and dragging it to the desired size.

Using Cell Values ​​as Data Labels

Cell values ​​can be used as data labels for a chart.

Change the text of data labels

Advice: If you want to add a note about the chart, or if you only have one data label, you can use a label.

Remove data labels from a chart

Add or remove data labels on a chart in Office 2010

Add data labels to a chart (Office 2010)

Apply another predefined Label entry (Office 2010)

If you entered your own text but want to restore data label elements associated with sheet values, you can click Reset.

Create a custom Label element (Office 2010)

    On the chart, click the label on the data point you want to change, and then click the data label again to select only that one.

    Click inside the data label field to enter edit mode.

    Perform one of the following actions.

The data label field is resized to match the size of the text. It cannot be changed manually, and the text may be truncated if it does not fit within the maximum size field. If you need to put more text, you can use a label. For more information, see Add a label to a chart.

Change the position of data labels (Office 2010)

You can change the position of an individual data label by dragging it. You can also arrange data labels in standard positions relative to their data markers. The available layout options depend on the chart type.

Remove data labels in a chart (Office 2010)

Data labels that contain information about series or individual data points make the chart easier to understand. So, without the data labels on the below pie chart it would not be entirely clear that coffee sales account for 38% of total sales. Depending on what you want to highlight in your chart, labels can be added to a single series, to all series (the entire chart), or to a single data point.

Adding data labels

You can add data labels to show the values ​​of data points from an Excel worksheet in a chart.

Click the button Additional data label options, in order to change appearance data signatures.

Change the look of data labels

  1. Right click on any data label and select command data label format.

    Click the button Sticker Options and in the section signature included select the options you want.

Change the text of data labels

    Click the data label with the text you want to change, and then click it again to select only the label.

    Highlight the existing text, and then enter the replacement text.

    Click anywhere outside the data label.

Advice: If you want to add a note to the chart or have only one data label, you can use the text box.

Removing data labels

If you decide that the stickers will look too fast, you can remove all or all of them by clicking the data labels and pressing the Delete.

Note: This will remove all labels for the data series.

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Chart data labels are often necessary but can be cluttered. We will display only those data labels (values) that are greater than a certain threshold value.

Let's build a MS EXCEL chart in the form of a histogram, display data labels (see the example file).

Let's assume that we are only interested in values ​​above 350. Those below can be omitted.

There are several ways to achieve this result, in this article we present 2.

Hiding values<=350 через Формат

The fastest way to get things done is to use data signatures.

To do this, select data labels and right-click to open the window Data label format..., go to the tab Number.

In the Format Code field, enter [>350]# ##0; (Enter a space after the semicolon).

Click Add.

Here we have applied a conditional format (values ​​>350 are displayed in numerical format, the rest of the values ​​are replaced by a space).

With frequent changes in the threshold value, this technique is not very convenient, because You have to manually change the format.

Hiding values<=350 через Дополнительный ряд

If the threshold value changes frequently, then it makes sense to enter it in a separate cell ( E25 ).

Create in a column B additional row using =IF(A25>$E$25;A25;)

If the value is higher than the threshold value, then the formula displays it, if not, then 0 is returned. Let's add this series to the chart and set the overlap of the series without a gap.

It is necessary to change the color of the histogram of the additional row from green to blue, and change the data label format to # ##0;# ##0; (so that null values ​​are not displayed).

As a result, we obtain the required result, and when the threshold value in the cell changes E25 the chart will dynamically rebuild.

Recently, I had a task to reflect the level of competencies of employees on a graph. As you may know, it is not possible to change the text of the value axis labels because they are always generated from the numbers representing the scale of the series. You can control the formatting of labels, but their content is strictly defined by Excel rules. I wanted instead of 20%, 40%, etc. the graph displayed the names of competency levels, something like:

Rice. 1. Diagram of the level of competencies along with the initial data for construction.

The solution method was suggested to me by an idea gleaned from John Walkenbach's book "Charts in Excel":

When creating the diagram shown in Fig. 1 used the following principles:

  • The chart is actually a mixed chart: it combines a graph and a scatter chart.
  • The "real" value axis is hidden. Instead, a scatter plot series is displayed, formatted to look like an axis (dummy axis).
  • The scatter plot data is in the range A12:B18. The y-axis for this series represents the numerical scores for each competency level, for example 40% for "basic".
  • The y-axis labels are row data labels scatter plot, not axis labels!

For a better understanding of how the dummy axis works, look at Fig. 2. This is a standard scatter plot where data points are connected by lines and series markers mimic horizontal tick marks. The chart uses data points defined in the range A2:B5. All X values ​​are the same (equal to zero), so the series is displayed as a vertical line. "Axis tick labels" are simulated by custom data labels. In order to insert symbols in data signatures, you need to sequentially select each signature separately and apply the insertion of a special character by going to the menu Insert - Symbol (Fig. 3).

Rice. 2. An example of a formatted scatter plot.

Rice. 3. Inserting a character in the data signature.

Let's now look at the steps for creating the diagram shown in Fig. 1.

Select the range A1:C7 and build a standard histogram with grouping:

Place the legend on top, add a title, set the fixed parameters of the value axis: minimum (zero), maximum (1), price of the main divisions (0.2):

Select the range A12:B18 (Fig. 1), copy it to the memory buffer. Select the chart, go to the Home tab and select Paste->Paste Special.

Select the New Rows and Values ​​(Y) in Columns radio buttons. Check the boxes next to Series names in the first row and Categories (X-axis labels) in the first column.

Select the new series and right-click on Change Series Chart Type. Set the chart type to "Scatter with Smooth Curves and Markers":

For the new series, Excel has created secondary vertical (right) and horizontal (top) axes. Delete the minor vertical axis. This will set the scale for the scatter plot series to be the same as for the main bar chart. Select the minor horizontal axis and format it by specifying no for major tick marks and no for axis labels:

Select the main vertical axis and format it by specifying no for major tick marks and no for axis labels.

Select the scatter plot series and format it. The color of the line is black, the marker is similar to the divisions of the axis (select the size of the marker and set the color to black), choose the thickness of the line so that it does not differ from the horizontal line, add data labels (it doesn’t matter which ones). Format the data labels by selecting on the Label Options tab - Left.

Enter the legend, select and delete the description of the series related to the scatter plot.

Select the data labels of the scatter plot series one by one and (as shown in Fig. 3) type in them the words you want (area C13:C18 in Fig. 1).

The chart in the table editor is based on data that is always displayed along the axes. The axes represent the values ​​of this data. But, by default, the editor may leave the axes blank or display numbers in the wrong format. To fix this, you need to understand how to correctly sign the axes in Excelusing the built-in chart settings functions.

The program menu has a LAYOUT tab, which allows you to customize the elements. Find the NAME OF THE AXIS button and select the NAME OF THE VERTICAL AXIS from the drop-down list. Next, the editor offers to make a choice regarding the placement of the inscription from three options: rotated name, vertical or horizontal.

After selecting the first item in the figure, an inscription placed as necessary will be displayed. You need to click on the field and change the text to your liking.

Below you can see how the title is positioned after activating the vertical layout option.

And when choosing horizontal placement, the inscription will look like this.

Horizontal axis name

Actions are performed by analogy with the placement of the name of the vertical axis. But, there are some differences. There is only one way for the user to position the inscription: the title under the axis.

After appearing on the horizontal inscription, we change its content.

How to label axes in Excel? Horizontal axis labels

The axial guide of the diagram is usually divided into several equal parts, which allows you to define curve ranges. They can also be signed in your own way.

On the AXIS button there is an item MAIN HORIZONTAL AXIS. After clicking on it, the inscription settings menu appears, thanks to which you can completely remove the inscriptions by choosing from the list WITHOUT SIGNATURES or NO.

By default, Excel displays text from left to right, but you can change this by clicking the RIGHT TO LEFT menu item.

There are also additional parameters with which you can fine-tune the axial data: the interval between labels, the axis type, its location relative to the text, the recording format, etc.

Vertical axis labels

To adjust the vertical axis, you need to select the MAIN VERTICAL AXIS item of the AXIS button. You can remove labels or display them according to numerical characteristics:



Logarithmic scale.

The figure below shows signatures in thousands.

It is also possible to more carefully configure the axis by clicking on ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS.

These are the main ways to set up the division scale and axis names. By executing this algorithm, even a novice user can easily cope with the diagram editing process.

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