How to force close your browser. What does browser mean?

One of these new software products was the relatively recently released Yandex browser. If you have already installed it on your computer, appreciated how it works, saw the minimalistic interface and the functioning of integrated Yandex services, and now you want to clean HDD computer from being no longer the desired program, then we offer simple instructions to remove Yandex browser.

General browser settings. Alt + F. Close browser. Fast loading of programs. Browsers. Yandex browser. Amigo from Mail.

Uninstalling it is not much different from uninstalling any other program. Using the Windows 7 operating system as an example, it will consist of the following steps.

How to remove Yandex browser? In the control panel, when I delete it, it says “Close all Yandex windows and try again.” Varvara Karpova Znatok (461), closed 1 year ago.

Close all windows in the Yandex browser and the web browser itself.
Go to Control Panel. To do this, click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” from the list that appears. Like any other program, Yandex Browser is removed from the “Uninstall Programs” component of the panel.

How to close the browser or any programs when frozen. For this we use the browser program, I, for example, am an amateur Google Chrome, and you may be using Yandex Browser, Opera, Firefox or another.

Hotkeys in Yandex Browser are needed in the same way as in Chrome and in many ways they are very similar. General browser settings. Alt + F. Close browser.

After closing the Yandex browser application, when you turn on the laptop, the window “The Yandex program has stopped working” appears. Close this topic, we will discuss here; one is enough for us.

For example, the address of a normal Yandex will be: And if most browsers allow you to close such a window and the entire tab, then this cannot be done in Google Chrome - when you try to close the tab, the window appears again, and so on

Go to home page Yandex. Call the task manager (if tabs and windows freeze). No. General browser settings. ⌘ + , Close browser.

The browser itself will help us close the “harmful” tab; for example, we will use Google Chrome. By analogy, the method works in all browsers based on the web kit engine (Yandex browser, Komodo, Opera and others) April 4, 2015

To open other recently closed tabs, repeat these steps. Closing Google Chrome. To close all open tabs and windows, open the Chrome menu in the browser toolbar and click Exit.

Yandex released new browser with the simple name "Yandex". If you close Yandex completely, automatic instant invisible cleaning is activated, and when you open it again.

During installation, Yandex Browser suggested closing Google Chrome in order to correctly copy all settings from it. I accepted this offer. As a result, not only the settings were copied, but also all passwords. October 1, 2012

The page collapses in the upper left corner, preventing itself from being closed and, accordingly, closing the browser itself. Moreover, you can minimize any open site, for example my favorite, or Yandex.

How to close Yandex browser processes. First of all, close (turn off) the Yandex browser itself. Next, call up the Windows task manager by simultaneously pressing three keys: Esc+shift+ctrl.

It is necessary and highly advisable to remove the Yandex browser as follows: 1. You need to use the Revo Uninstaller program. It will help not only completely remove the Yandex browser from your computer

This browser supports up to 10 closed tabs, so if you closed several of them at once, all tabs can be Yandex.Browser - a web browser built by Yandex based on a browser with an open source code Chromium.

What kind of program is Yandex Browser Manager, what is it for and how to remove it?! Comments (24). Now the development of digital and computer technology It's moving at a wild pace.

As a result, even with closed Yandex In the browser on the tablet, the message does not disappear: “Yandex Browser is blocked from receiving the current location.” I'm not going to allow you to determine your location. November 2, 2015

The developers of Yandex Browser took care of convenience, because for this you just need to click on the address bar. - open recently closed tabs; - see history; - open one of your frequently visited pages; - view and October 31, 2015

When I saw the new Yandex.Browser for the first time, I decided that I finally had a normal one for review. good browser. - If you close the browser and then start it, it will restore all tabs and sites opened in the previous session.

Such programs include Yandex browser. Made by Russian programmers search engine Yandex. Yes, this is a minimalist browser.

Yandex browser has a list of recently closed tabs (displayed in the display when opening a new tab). Here's how to keep this list from being tracked. those. I don’t want him to remember which site I recently closed. February 20, 2013

We would like to present to your attention an article on how to close a tab, as well as the procedure for closing a tab in the browser. How to view history in Yandex. Let's take a closer look at the history in the Yandex browser.

Sometimes when you try to change a tab (especially if the desired tab is pinned), the Yandex browser closes. In the second case, double-clicking simply closes the application.

Web browsers are set by default to save your personal data when you close it, which includes your browsing history, cookies s, yours search queries, what and when you downloaded. If third parties have access to your computer, then anyone can view what pages you visited, what requests you made, and much more. All this can be removed manually in your browser settings, only when you yourself want to do it.

If you are a privacy advocate and clear your personal data manually every time you finish working on the Internet, then know that the browser can perform this function automatically. Once you click the exit button, the browser will do all this work for you. Please note that if you configure your browser according to this guide, your browser will be cleared cookies. This means that you will have to log in again to the websites you are registered with. Also, clearing cache files will cause web pages to load more slowly after restarting the browser.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome doesn't include the option to automatically delete your personal data when you close it. However, it is possible to set the browser to automatically clear itself when you exit. To do this, you need to install and use the extension, but more on that later. To get started, open the settings in the Chrome menu, at the very bottom of the page click Show advanced settings, column Personal data, press the button Content Settings. In the opened block in the column Cookies install Delete local data when closing browser and press the button Ready .

Now when you close Chrome, the browser will automatically clear cookies.

To ensure that the browser clears all your personal data when you close it, you must install the Click&Clean extension in the Chrome Web Store.

Extension description: Click&Clean will help you delete your browsing and download history, clear the cache, speed up Chrome and free up space on your hard drive!
A simple and effective solution to clean your PC: Clears browsing history, clears download history, deletes cookies, clears cache, deletes Silverlight cookies, deletes Flash LSO files, clears Java cache and much more. After installing it, click the Click&Clean button on the browser toolbar and select Settings.

Turn on " Run cleaning when closing Chrome» in the Additional section.

You can control what types of data are automatically deleted using the options in this window.

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox has the built-in ability to clear all your personal data when you close it, no extensions required. Although if you look at the image above, the Click&Clean extension has a link in the header Get for Firefox! to directly install the extension in the browser. If you click on the link, it will automatically launch Firefox browser and install the extension. But if you are against extensions, then configure the browser using your own means. Open Firefox settings. Go to the tab Privacy and select " Will use your history storage settings. Check the box Delete history when closing Firefox .

You can control what types of personal data Firefox automatically clears by clicking the button Options .

Choose what you want to clear when you close your browser and what you want to leave as is.

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer also has a built-in ability to clear your personal data when you close it. Click Service and select Internet Options to start settings. On the tab Are common in the column Browser history enable the option " Delete browsing history on exit". To configure what types of data Internet Explorer will clear when you exit, click Delete .

For example, you can uncheck the " Save data from your favorite websites" and then Internet Explorer will not clear cookies and cache files for websites saved as favorites. Click the button Delete when you are done with the settings. Internet Explorer will immediately start the cleaning mechanism. The browser will now clear personal data when you close the browser.


Opera, as always, is not like everyone else. It does not include features that may automatically delete all of your personal data when you close your browser. To do this, Opera uses a mechanism called Private Browsing. To view pages in this mode, select the item in the Opera menu Create a private window or Ctrl+Shift+N .

Private browsing means that all information about your online activity in the history will be deleted immediately after closing the window. When you close this window and all associated tabs, Opera browser will delete all data associated with them: Browsing history, Cache items, Cookies. A closed private window cannot be restored from the Recently Closed list in the main menu. After using private windows, no information is saved about the sites you visited, however, if you want to specifically save some data, there is a “Piggy Bank” function.

If you save your password or download a file, these items will remain available after you close the window.
Note! Please note that Opera will not clear existing cookies. To clear them, use All cookies and site data.

Open in menu Settings, go to the tab Privacy and Security. In the column Cookies install Keep local data until you exit the browser. Click All cookies and site data, delete Cookies.

Please note that you will have to close your browser to completely clear your personal data. For example, if you have multiple Firefox windows open, closing one or more will not automatically delete your data. You will have to close all browser windows.

When we get onto the Internet, we come across a lot of incomprehensible terms, many of which are borrowed from the English language.

This applies, in particular, to the term “browser”, which comes from the English verb “to browse”, which means “to view”, “to scroll through”.

Thus, “Web browser” is literally translated as “Internet viewer”. So what does browser mean?

A browser is a program for viewing Internet pages (more precisely, the World Wide Web).

Fans of the Russian language prefer to use the word “observer” instead of the word “browser,” but in essence they are the same thing. A browser or browser is a program that turns the codes of Internet sites that are incomprehensible to us into those nice pages that we see on our screens. Reading this article is currently possible for you precisely thanks to the inconspicuous operation of the browser program.

An interesting fact about the English word “browser” that allows you to better understand what a browser means. This term is ambiguous, that is, it has several different meanings V English language. Also in Russian the word “key” has multiple meanings:

  • key from door,
  • key in the sense of “spring”,
  • key as a code for a cipher, etc.

Similarly, the browser, except that it is computer program, in the theory of ecology, also means a herbivorous animal that feeds on foliage and branches from the tops of trees. A classic example of such a browser is the giraffe.

I like this analogy between a computer browser and an environmental browser, that is, a giraffe. This analogy can be expressed in the words from the song “I can see everything from above, you know that.”

The giraffe sees all the treetops suitable for food, and the Internet browser sees all Internet sites, allows them to be displayed on the user’s screen, and thus serves as our guide to the endless expanses of the Internet.

Browsers are also used on various mobile devices that allow you to access the Internet: smartphones, communicators, cell phones and so on.

What types of browsers are there?

The most common browsers currently:

  • Internet Explorer,
  • Google Chrome,
  • Mozilla Firefox,
  • Opera
  • Safari.

If your computer has the Windows operating system installed, it automatically includes the Internet Explorer browser. “Tamara and I go as a couple,” and Windows always comes with Internet Explorer.

If the computer has an operating system Mac system OS, then it comes with it Safari browser from Apple.

Browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera – free programs, at the user’s request, are installed on the computer from the official websites of these browsers. Please note that when downloading from official sites, no SMS or other fees are required for installing them on your computer.

Of course, there are many other browsers besides the five above, but for the average user one or two browsers are enough for the reason that one browser is already built into operating system, and install the second browser “for fun”. For example, for the sake of my soul I used to have a browser Mozilla FireFox, now Google Chrome.

Let's consider three options.

Option 1: how to log into the browser:

using the browser shortcut on the Desktop or using the browser icon on the taskbar.

To do this, the computer must be connected to the Internet. If you bought a computer with software, this means that the browser is already on your computer and you will not pass by it.

A browser is a program, so the question “how to access the browser” can be answered like this: “you need to open the browser just like a regular program.”

  • To do this you need to double click
  • by browser shortcut on the desktop,
  • or by the browser icon in the taskbar.

A browser shortcut is different from a browser icon in that the shortcut has a small arrow in the bottom left corner.

The figure below shows the following browser icons on the Taskbar (indicated by numbers 1-4):

1 – Internet Explorer
2 – Opera
3-Mozilla FireFox
4 – Google Chrome.

Browser shortcuts on Desktop Windows desktop 7 look like shown in the figure (numbers 5-8):

5 - shortcut for Google browser Chrome,
6 - shortcut for Mozilla browser FireFox,
7 – shortcut for the Opera browser,
8 - shortcut for Internet browser Explorer.

2nd option:

by launching a browser program.

Go to the Start menu. For Windows XP click on the “Programs” option, look for a browser in the list that opens, at least Internet Explorer should be there, because this browser is a required program included in Windows.

We act similarly for Windows 7: Start – All programs – browser, for example, Internet Explorer:

3rd option.

This automatically launches the browser installed on your computer by default. Having launched the browser in the proposed way, you can then use it at your discretion.

1st option. The browser is a program, so you can close it just like other programs. Typically, this is done using a cross in the upper right corner. If you click on it, a window “Close all tabs or just the current one?” may appear.

If you click on the “Close current tab” button, this tab will be closed, and all other tabs and the browser itself will remain open.

If you click on the “Close all tabs” button, all tabs will be closed, and the browser will also be closed.

2nd option how to close the browser. You can use a hotkey combination ALT+F4. In this case, the “Close all tabs or just the current one?” window, which is described in the 1st option, may also appear.

Many users don't like browsers that display a warning dialog when they try to close them with many tabs open. On the other hand, this functionality prevents the browser from closing if you accidentally click a button, since you will have to wait for all the tabs to load when you reopen it. Unfortunately, in the most popular browser on computers, Chrome, there is no such dialog box even in the advanced settings.

If you want to see this dialog before closing Chrome browser, the solution still exists. It's kind of a hack, but it works.

Check out Prevent Close from German developer Michael Armbruster. This site uses JavaScript to display a dialog box that asks if you are sure you want to leave this site.

The idea is to always keep a tab with this site in your Chrome browser. When you click the X button to close your browser, this site displays a dialog box asking if you are sure you want to leave this page. If you click "Stay", the browser does not close; if you select "Close", Chrome closes with all tabs. This trick has been used by many shady websites over the years. This time the method will be used for good.

The size of the pinned tab will be reduced compared to the others open tabs. Next, grab the tab with your mouse and drag it to the left side of the tab bar. In this position, it will not interfere, but will be shown every time the browser is launched and will not allow you to accidentally close it.

Tip: Pinning function Chrome tabs is insidious. Pinned tabs only appear in one Chrome window, not in every window you open. To keep pinned tabs in place, you must first close all other Chrome browser windows, and only lastly the window with the pinned tab. If you don't do this, the pinned tab will be lost.

The question arises about the reasons why in Chrome in Windows system no dialog box is offered. The best answer can be found on the Google Chrome support forum. The absence of this feature turned out to be a philosophical choice of the developers. Google is trying to make Chrome as simple and fast as possible, which means there is no unnecessary functionality. The dialog box when closing the browser was considered just such an extra function. Chrome has an option to enable a warning before opening, but only on Mac computers, due to keyboard shortcuts for closing windows and tabs on that platform. U Windows users there is no such choice.