How to open tabs in the browser from the list. Where can I find my bookmarks? How do I change the name and location of a bookmark

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    If the file already exists, you will have to choose between replacing it or discarding it. During the download, a transfer window is displayed. You can pause the transfer to eventually resume it, permanently stop the download by deleting or deleting successful transfers. Indeed, the translations that have been made remain displayed by default, but the preference option allows you to automatically delete them.

    The translation window is in progress or has already been completed. Nothing stops you from dragging and dropping to a folder on your hard drive. Synchronization works well in both directions, but you will need to confirm the operation to be performed in order to avoid any kind of error. Who has never deleted a file they wanted to keep? Synchronization window.

    How to use bookmarks to remember and organize your favorite sites

    Note: Bookmarks are also known as "Favorites" in Internet Explorer.

    How do I bookmark a page?

    To bookmark a page, simply click on the star in the toolbar.

    Editing directly on the server. In fact, this file will be downloaded to the user's temporary folder and then uploaded to the server every time a modified file is saved.

    • The private window has a dark gray search bar color.
    • The history list does not display individual window windows.
    Saved pages use them offline without leaving the Internet.

    Automatic forms filling

    To save the web page, click "File" - "Save Sub-Source" of the "Open Offline Page" page. "Save as Web Archive" contains all the images, styles, and scripts for offline playback of the page. Then reload the Control window - open the Favorites menu - Edit Favorites or Hide Toolbar from the View menu.

    • Open all favorites at the same time.
    • Add new folder to save bookmarks.
    • If you change bookmarks - they changed all devices.
    Use browser autocomplete to save connections.

    While bookmarking a page, the star will turn blue and a pop-up window will appear allowing you to name, move, and tag the bookmark.

    Advice: Do you want to bookmark everything? open tabs straightaway? on any tab and select from the context menu. Give the new bookmark folder a name and choose where to save it. Click Add Bookmarks to complete.

    In Contacts, you can see a small human head icon that tells your contact. You can see other saved forms.

    • Click the Change button.
    • Enter your contact details to fill out the forms.
    Use advanced browser settings to fine-tune your workspace.

    You can choose the site's default encoding. To display the "Expand" menu - check the box.

    • You can view the full site address.
    • Only one domain name.
    • You can change the scale of the page.
    • Use the short buttons and the increase and decrease buttons.
    You can add or remove buttons and other items from the toolbar.

    How do I change the name and location of a bookmark?

    Where can I find my bookmarks?

    How can I organize my bookmarks?

    The Library window allows you to view and organize all your bookmarks.

    While the Library window is open, you can also drag bookmarks to other folders, such as the folder Bookmark menu, which will show your bookmarks in the menu below the "Bookmarks" button. If you bookmark a folder Bookmarks bar, they will be shown in the Bookmarks Bar. Read the following articles for more information on managing your huge bookmark list:

    In customized development mode, you can test the layout of the website's web inspector, a very powerful tool for website development.

    • Revert cache to reload new website elements.
    • Activate the status bar to show the path of the link under the cursor.
    • To view the web page on the Internet, click "Read More".
    • Web page not loading when uploading files.
    • You can handle tracking.
    Here's a handy feature you may have missed. You can switch from one device to another and easily find the web pages you were browsing.

    • Sort your bookmarks to quickly find the bookmarks you need

    How to enable Bookmarks bar?

    If you want to use the Bookmarks Bar, you can enable it like this:

    • Click the View menu at the top of the screen, go to Toolbar and select Bookmarks bar.

    How can I add a Bookmark Menu button to the toolbar?

    If you want the Bookmark Menu button to appear on the toolbar, you can add it using the Library button:

    Tab synchronization will surely make your daily life easier. Only the imperative should be associated with it on all devices. To find open mobile devices, just hover your mouse over the "History" heading and " Recent Tabs”, and then select the site you want to visit from the list.

    Navigate using a combined address and search bar

    This is where your device is configured. Undoubtedly, this feature should provide you with many services. Combined address and search bar. Predictive search suggestions are displayed when you write in the box below the combo bar and can be filtered search engine on the tabs at the bottom right.

    To remove the Bookmarks menu button on the toolbar, repeat the above steps and after clicking Bookmark Tools, click Remove bookmark menu from toolbar.

    To create a bookmark, click on the star on the toolbar. The asterisk will turn blue and your bookmark will be created in the folder Unfiled bookmarks Other bookmarks. That's all!

    Manage multiple tabbed pages

    Tabs allow you to interact with multiple pages at the same time. To open new tab, click the button on the tab bar.

    Map Content Preview

    It can be activated optionally, allows you to display a "tab preview" when you move it with your mouse cursor without opening them. Tab preview is especially useful when working with many tabs. To activate or deactivate tab preview.

    Advice: Want to bookmark all your open tabs at once? Click right click miceHold down the Ctrl key and click the mouse. on any of the tabs and select from the context menu Bookmark all tabs.... Specify a folder name for new bookmarks and choose a location to save it. To complete, click on Add Bookmarks.

    In UI check window preview the "Show" tab.

    • Select "Settings" from the main menu.
    • Click "Browser" in the sidebar.
    To close all tabs except the active tab, right-click on the tab bar and select Close Other Tabs. To avoid accidentally closing an important card, you can block it. A locked card cannot be closed. The locked tab is moved to the left side of the tab bar for easier access.

    To view a tab in a separate window, simply drag it from the tab bar. Tabs can be dragged from one window to another. To open a copy of the page in a new tab, right-click the tab and select the Duplicate tab.

    How do I change the name and location of a bookmark?

    Where can I find my bookmarks?

    How do I organize my bookmarks?

    The Library window allows you to view and organize all your bookmarks.

    View additional options in context menus

    Closed tabs can be reopened. In doing so, it also improves browsing speed on particularly slow networks. Context menus appear when you right-click anywhere on a web page. Depending on the selected element, page, text, link, image, form, another menu will appear.

    The pages context menu is displayed when you right-click on a web page where there are no links, images, or modules. This menu allows you to navigate through pages, save them as bookmarks or in quick access mode, view source and much more.

    If you like to automate your work and are constantly looking for ways to save 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there, this article will tell you how you can easily open a lot of links without extra costs (time and nerve cells), thereby increasing your productivity while browsing the Internet. .

    The most typical case is a search in Yandex / Google, etc. All modern browsers using the combination + [ Left Button Mice] opens the link in a new tab. But from running around the screen for a long time and clicking after a hundred or two clicks, there is often a feeling of unnecessary tension. This is where plugins come to the rescue.

    The context menu link displayed when you right-click a link lets you choose how to open or save the document associated with the link or the address of the link itself. The image context menu appears when you right-click on an image and open, copy, or save it.

    Increase text size

    When you click on an image that also contains a link, the displayed context menu both menu entries are displayed: images and links. To zoom in or out on the main menu, click the two left and right arrows next to the word Zoom. Optionally, you can set a default magnification level that will be used with all pages. To set the default scale.

    For Chrome, Link Clump works simply and conveniently:

    Snap Links successfully copes with the same task in Chrome. For the last of Mozilla (today it is version 20.*), put Snap Links Plus. The version for Opera works a little differently: links are selected not with the right mouse button, but with the left mouse button while pressing or , depending on individual settings.

    • Click on Sites in the sidebar.
    • In section " Appearance» click the Zoom Page drop-down menu.
    • Select the desired zoom level.
    At the end of the setup, new tabs will be displayed at the zoom level set. Pre-opened tabs will need to be updated to match the new default magnification.

    Reclaim screen space

    Full screen mode hides the menu bar. When you insert a stylus heading into a document, you can affect all page formats. The stylist is in the header. The appearance of moving objects can be changed for various things, for example it is practical in the case of a table that changes background color when moved.

    With the same effect on Mozilla, you can work with Multi Links.

    The main thing is not to get too carried away, and not to open 100 extra tabs. Then you have to hold down + [W] - and see how quickly your browser can "reel in the fishing rods" by closing tabs and windows. If the tab is closed by mistake, you can return it by pressing + + [T] (tested on Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, did not work only in Safari).

    Obviously, you can turn off the underline. This would work even if only the parent was given. By the way, trying to underline links is a pretty stupid idea. In practice, they are only interested in various navigational flags, where the clickability of the text is obvious other than by subtraction. Otherwise, users, according to the underlined text, are very knowledgeable about what to do. They are used to clipping, so let the links in the text allow it to clip. This is also the opening of the study.

    Everything, perhaps a whole chapter, can be found in the link. Sometimes and a lot of photos, it looks like it's in the source. Where is the link and this is the picture. Please note that the image is overlaid with a link. After wrapping the link, the whole picture works as a link. The initial look of the view is that they show the images around the images in the rhyme link so it's clear that it's a link. The previous example has a problem in that it contains two photos. In the meantime, when we skip the image, it's suddenly a second painting, but at that point it hasn't been built yet.

    For closing, you can also seek help from other plugins. For example, put Close Tabs on Chrome, with which it is easy to close all tabs on the left, all tabs on the right, everything except the active page, all tabs with pages from a specific domain, and so on.

    Did your %friend%|%partner%|%bot%|%boss% send you links by email, or do you just have them somewhere in text form? There are 200 of them and you need to see all the pages? You don't even want to think about an hour of copy-paste and cursing?

    This has already been mentioned in various scenarios, but Peter Stanitsky came up with a good trick and became famous. He took photos against the background of a link that contained both graphical states. Only the image is displayed at the top of the screen. Removed, time stopped working.

    To prevent the second image from getting through, it can go ahead, it's called preloading. This example figure at the top of the screen actually bypasses without a link. Sometimes you may come across a small square yellow bubble above the text you want.

    If anyone here is a fan of VB and Excel, you can drive links into a column of this template, press the start button, run for coffee or tea and calmly start viewing all the pages. In the “settings” tab, you can enter the command line for the desired browser yourself. Tested on all versions of Excel since 2000 and all Windows versions starting from XP.

    It's text here because it's best to give link hints so people know what they want after clicking. The page with the link will be displayed in a new tab. There is no branch to clarify concepts. Confusion in the terminology of various deciphering searches. In practice, it looks like you're at the top of the column with the page title and the shuttle.

    There were no tabs during polls, so in different windows viewing were similar things. In addition to allowing the user to open the link in a new tab, you can also ensure that the link opens automatically in a new tab. This is a link that shows the new portal list in a new tab.

    200 links at a time may be too much: it all depends on the power of the computer. I try not to open more than 50 Chrome. I just split the list into parts in Excel and run it in batches of 50 links separately.

    But when Excel or a template for opening many links is not at hand, the simplest javascript will solve the problem in a second:

    For(var i=0;i An experienced% habrauser% will immediately create a form with a textarea and, when the button is pressed, will take the links line by line and call But why reinvent the wheel? We already have a nice, slightly tucked away, dedicated page :

    Unlike other similar services, there are several additional features. The same 200 links can be asked to open in batches of 20 and take already open entries from the list.

    The service works on all browsers and systems, including mobile and portable devices. But you need to remember some nuances of javascript and Every self-respecting browser will not open so many links at once with one click. What if there are bad pictures? As a rule, protection against pop-up windows (pop-ups) will work automatically.

    Therefore (and this is IMPORTANT), in order for or another similar script to work normally, you must, once, add the domain to your friends list. You can find detailed information on which menu to look for this option in.

    Alternatively, via you can open all links in one window, and he, in turn, will try to open them in subtabs via iframes. In this case, it will be very convenient to close all links: with one click. Here, however, there is another nuance: not all sites want to work in iframes. Habrahabr, by the way, is one of them. Dislike for iframes was seen in 5% of popular sites. In any case, in assemblies, in the zero table of contents tab below the list of links, there is a button to transfer everything to separate browser tabs.

    All browsers, including mobile ones, listen well and open links in tabs. The only exception is Chrome, which still opens all windows, as well as the mobile version of Opera - where there is no option to disable pop-up blocking yet.

    With the help of such links, you can easily check whether everything works in the text on the site and are not afraid to miss something.

    I would be glad to hear in the comments of the community about other recipes used.