Low computer performance how to increase. We increase processor performance. Motherboard BIOS Settings

When a laptop no longer meets our needs, it's time to think about buying a more modern and faster machine. But this will hit your wallet to some extent. It is possible to overclock the laptop processor, thereby increasing its performance. We'll look at how to overclock a processor on a laptop in this article. It is important to know that overclocking the processor of a desktop personal computer and a laptop has a number of differences. And you need to comply with a number of necessary conditions for the safe acceleration of your car. It is possible that if you do it incorrectly, your computer will fail. Therefore, you need to think carefully before increasing productivity, unless you specifically want to damage the device and purchase a new laptop with a clear conscience. In the article we will tell you through BIOS.

Possible options for overclocking a laptop

The overclocking process itself is quite easy, and even an ordinary user can perform the manipulations. But it is worth keeping in mind that increasing system performance can both improve processor performance and harm the laptop. It is highly recommended that you think carefully and weigh the pros and cons before you start overclocking.

Laptops do not have extensive BIOS settings, which will undoubtedly add complexity to the work. Problems will also arise due to the lack of jumpers on the motherboard, which will raise the question of the bus frequency. All mobile devices are designed to last longer than after overclocking. This may lead to unscheduled failure as some components will be forced to work under greater load. The overclocking process involves changing the characteristics of the video card, processor and RAM. How to overclock the processor on a laptop? This issue remains acute in the improvement of hardware.

There are several options for overclocking the processor:

  1. Via BIOS.
  2. Using special programs.

Improving processor performance through BIOS

The central processor interacts with the RAM through the bus. Of course, in this case, you can go for the easiest way - increasing its frequency. But most manufacturers mobile devices block this function in the BIOS.

To enter the BIOS while turning on the computer, you must periodically press the DEL or Delete key.

Increasing processor performance through BIOS

To do this, you must:

  • reduce memory frequency;
  • set a fixed frequency;
  • increase the system bus frequency.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Setting the minimum frequency

  • In BIOS, open the Advanced Chipset Features tab.
  • Use the arrows to select the Memclock index value function and confirm by pressing the Enter button.
  • Select the smallest value from the list that appears.
  • Open the Memory Timing tab and set the parameters higher than the default.
  • Press the F10 key to save the changes.
  • After all the manipulations done, the device must be rebooted.

Set a fixed frequency

  • In BIOS, open the Power BIOS Features section.
  • In the AGP/PCI Clock tab, set the value to 66/33 MHz.
  • Decrease the value in the HyperTransport option.
  • Save changes by pressing F10.
  • Reboot your laptop.

After all the changes made, your device should show better performance.

Increasing the parameters of the FSB system bus

  • Go to BIOS.
  • In the POWER BIOS Features section, select CPU Clock.
  • Change the value to 10 MHz.
  • Press F10 to save changes.
  • To restart a computer.
  • Next, we need the Everest program, in which we need to monitor the temperature of the central processor. Values ​​exceeding 70 °C should not be allowed. If the indicators are still high, you need to lower the FSB frequency.
  • If the laptop shows stable performance, you can increase the value by another 10 MHz.

If, after all the operations performed, the laptop is unstable, you need to reset the settings in the BIOS. To do this, we restart in the Load Optimized Default item, after which the system will return to factory settings. The question of how to overclock a processor through BIOS is asked by most users who want to increase the performance of their mobile device. If you do not abuse the improvement of parameters, your laptop will last for many more years.

Overclocking the CPU using programs

How to overclock the processor on a laptop if for some reason you cannot use the BIOS settings? will come to the rescue software created specifically for such purposes. Overclocking potential depends on large quantity factors. All existing programs today are not suitable for all types of processors. To overclock the “heart of the computer,” the program must be suitable specifically for your hardware. When choosing a utility, you need to rely primarily on the processor manufacturer. Let's look at the most common solutions.

AI Booster

The program was created to overclock AMD Athlon processors. Upon startup, a small window will appear in which the current frequency is written. There is an arrow at the bottom of the control panel. If you click on it, a tab with percentages will open. In this field you need to enter a value that determines by what percentage you want to increase the processor's work. After this, the action must be confirmed, and the computer will reboot. After the restart, the changes will take effect. The main advantage of this program is that if the laptop is unstable after overclocking, the program itself will return the system to its original state. As a bonus, this utility has a nice and simple interface.

AMD OverDrive

The program is suitable for both beginners and professionals. The software was created specifically for AMD Phenom. It is based on two modes. The first one is for novice users, where you just need to specify the value for overclocking. The second is for experienced programmers. In this mode, you can increase the performance of each core individually, control the bus frequency and other parameters. The program has a built-in status monitor, which can be used to track core performance and temperature. Additional tests will help diagnose the system before and after overclocking, thereby comparing the values. The software has an automatic overclocking option. It will calculate the maximum possible frequency and collect information about the processor, motherboard and cooling system. The program will take some time to complete all manipulations.

Intel Desktop Control Center

To increase the performance of Intel processors, the Intel Desktop Control program was created. With its help you can control the operation of the processor in full. There is a function for switching laptop parameters between overclocked and standard. Like the AMD utility, there are a huge number of system tests. Before overclocking, you need to take care of a good cooling system, on which the performance of the processor will directly depend; if necessary, purchase an external cooling pad. You can also increase the rotation speed of the cooler. How to properly overclock the processor can be read in the instructions included with the program.

How to increase the processor on a laptop without harming the device? The answer is simple, you need to select a program that will monitor the condition of the device and, if necessary, reduce the frequency automatically. This is not the entire list of overclocking software that exists today. If we compare overclocking through BIOS and through utilities, then the second method is safer and easier. Smart software will automatically analyze the configuration of the laptop and select the optimal parameters for overclocking. If you need to quickly overclock the processor, the program will help you.

Overclocking the processor on Android

Every mobile device owner wants to increase processor performance. How to overclock a processor on Android if there is no BIOS? It is recommended to overclock gradually and check the parameters using additional utilities after each addition of frequency. It is worth remembering that overclocking the processor is done at your own risk, but if you just raise the parameters a little, nothing bad will happen. Before you begin, you need to make sure you have Rott rights.

To overclock the processor on Android, there is a SetCPU program. Using this utility, you can not only increase its speed, but also reduce it. Lowering the clock frequency is mainly important to extend the time between device recharges. The functionality of the program is also great. It is possible to create profiles and set maximum and minimum frequency values ​​for each device state. For example, at a certain charge level and temperature, the application will select the optimal speed. It is worth considering that overclocking may not be possible on a standard core. But on the modified kernel everything will work out.

Many people will ask why overclock the processor. A huge number of laptops are produced every year, and their equipment and power are constantly improving. Buying a new device every year is at least impractical. If the computer no longer meets the performance needs, you can increase the settings. This article explains in detail how to overclock the processor on a laptop. It is important to remember that the miser pays twice. There is no need to strive to increase the performance of the processor by 100%, this will only lead to damage to the laptop. But increasing productivity by 10-15% is quite possible. It is worth considering that when greater load The processor will heat up more, and therefore good cooling is necessary for its normal operation. We hope this article will help you increase the processor performance on your device.

Complex BIOS configuration is a process for professional engineers and requires special equipment.

How to increase computer performance without buying new spare parts?

However, usually in the settings menu we can set the necessary values. Most, but not all motherboard models allow you to adjust the processor frequency.

By increasing the voltage supply, it’s as if we have “removed the lock” from the last performance point, and are ready to give the processor a new command. This can be done either by increasing the CPU bus frequency or by accelerating the multiplier. The first method is more effective, but entails a greater likelihood of failure. This operation is also performed in the CPU control menu. The result of your manipulations should be an increase in the CPU frequency by up to 500 Hz. Don't overdo it, high processor frequency is good, but you shouldn't get carried away.

How to Increase CPU Efficiency

My friend the computer
April, 2014

Modern processors are able to adjust their performance depending on the tasks being performed. If desired, dynamic changes in clock frequency can be optimized, and for older processors a corresponding feature can be added.

The test bench is equipped with an AMD Phenom II X6 processor. But most of the time it runs at a low, economical 800 MHz - no faster than a twelve-year-old Pentium III. Under load, all six cores quadruple this figure - up to 3.2 GHz. All representatives of new generations of CPUs increase their efficiency and performance thanks to this dynamic adjustment of clock speed. We'll cover how this technology works and how it can be optimized to improve laptop battery life or PC performance, as well as how to enable it in older processors.

Today, desktop computers and laptops work more efficiently thanks to a flexible system of processor activity modes. Initially, this principle was used in laptops. Starting with the Pentium III processor for mobile platforms, Intel introduced energy-saving SpeedStep technology, which, in battery mode, reduced the processor clock speed in order to provide longer battery life by reducing performance.

SpeedStep: Battery Saver

Since 2003, when the Pentium M was introduced, laptops have gone to great lengths to make efficient use of battery power and deliver sufficient performance when needed. They analyze the processor load and provide their full potential only when it is really necessary. This allows you to be more careful with the battery and makes the cooling system work noticeably quieter.

Since the main goal of laptop manufacturers is to reduce power consumption and increase the efficiency of the cooling system, mobile computers leave almost no room for overclocking. Therefore, there are fewer BIOS settings available on a laptop than on a desktop PC. Tuning programs from manufacturers are also rare. However, there are safe ways to optimize dynamic clock speed - using power plans in the Panel Windows management. The need for such actions arises if, for example, after a few minutes of processor operation under high load, the laptop’s performance unexpectedly drops and HD video begins to slow down.

Another reason may be the constant switching of fan operating modes. This means that the processor, under full load, forces the fan to work at its limit, which is not enough to fully cool the CPU in this mode. As a result, the latter overheats, despite the fan rotating at maximum speed. As a result, the processor reduces the clock frequency, after which its temperature and fan noise decrease. When it cools down enough, it increases the frequency again, and everything repeats all over again. In this case, limiting the maximum processor performance using the Windows power plan will help.

Power Plan: Safe Optimization

To eliminate fluctuations in laptop performance, go to the "Power Options" section in the Windows 7 Control Panel. Here you can select one of the power plans - it is best to choose "Balanced" as the starting point for settings.

Check it and click on the “Set up power plan” link, and then on “Change advanced power settings”. Expand the “Processor power management” item in the list, and then the “Maximum processor state” sub-item. There are two options here - “On Mains” and “On Battery” - with the default value set to 100%. Now we need to find out at what value the processor maintains the required performance without overheating. At 95 or 90%, laptops often run more consistently under full load and don't take longer to complete long-running computing tasks due to the lack of power surges. If battery life and low fan noise are your most important concerns, set the battery life setting to an even lower setting.

Changing the parameters in power plans is not dangerous, as they are within the boundaries provided by the manufacturer. Of course, you should avoid the anti-power saving "High Performance" plan, which is only useful for benchmarks. It maintains the processor's rated performance constant, which increases power consumption and fan noise, thereby shortening the life of the computer. This applies not only to mobile phones, but also desktop computers, which allow more extensive intervention in controlling the processor clock speed.

Desktop: floating clock speed

Desktop PCs also adjust their clock speeds to suit the needs of the day. In this case, the main attention is directed to optimal use processor and to improve performance. This Intel technology is called Turbo Boost and appeared in Core i5 and P processors. At first, it was only about solving the problem that many programs could not fully use the capabilities of multi-core processors. As a result, one core was loaded at 100%, and the rest were inactive. Processors with Turbo Boost support use free potential to overclock a loaded core above the rated clock speed. The latest Sandy Bridge-based processors, which appeared earlier this year, have gone one step further: they can overclock all processor cores for a short time, which would lead to failure if used for a long time due to overheating.

But since the interval during which the processor and radiator heat up is known, the first of them, not reaching the overheating limit, begins to gradually reduce the clock frequency to a given level, so that the temperature curve stops at the upper limit of the permissible value. This means the processor can deliver noticeably faster performance for up to 25 seconds—enough to do things like boot up, run a program, or speed up Photoshop operations. AMD offers a similar technology called Turbo Core in its latest Phenom II processors, which are labeled with the letter T.

BIOS setup: dealing with frequency and voltage

Achieving both goals of dynamically changing processor settings (increasing performance as needed and reducing power consumption as possible) depends on two parameters - clock speed and processor supply voltage. It is important to understand their interdependence before making changes that are outside the manufacturer's specifications and will void your warranty.

The clock frequency determines how many times per second the transistors switch, that is, how many computational operations per second the processor can process. To improve its performance, it is necessary to raise the clock frequency above the nominal value so that it can perform more operations in the same time. However, due to manufacturing features, not all transistors in the processor (and there are millions of them) can support the same speed. This leads to errors in calculations, instability and system failures.

The solution is to increase the processor supply voltage, which allows you to stabilize the system due to the fact that with it all transistors can switch faster. But this simultaneously causes a rise in temperature, which can lead to an emergency shutdown. In addition, if the temperature is too high, sensitive transistors may fail or fail. Therefore, the limits for increasing the processor supply voltage are very narrow.

To save energy, it is first necessary to reduce the chip's supply voltage, since its energy consumption is a quadratic function of this indicator. This means that with a 20% reduction in voltage, power consumption will decrease by 36%. In this case, problems again arise due to the uneven sensitivity of the transistors: when the voltage is reduced, some of them stop switching or do not do so quickly enough. This rarely causes system failures, but there may be calculation errors that may appear as unstable work PC, damaged files and incorrect calculation results. Therefore, after changing the supply voltage or processor clock frequency, it is recommended to run the Prime95 program and let it run for at least six hours in stress test mode (Options | Torture Test). If the program does not generate error messages, the system will work reliably for a long time. You can change the clock frequency and voltage of the processor through the BIOS or using software tools from the manufacturer motherboard.

Overclocking: Maximum CPU Performance

You can enter the BIOS immediately after turning on the computer by pressing the Del or F2 key, depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard or laptop. Refer to the user manual for information about setting parameters for your processor. On our test computer with motherboard ASUS M4A89GTD they are located on the BIOS Al Tweaker tab.

3 best programs for overclocking an Intel processor

Most settings are set to Auto by default. Before manually setting the clock speed, you must disable Turbo Boost or Turbo Core. Instead of the desired processor frequency value, you should enter two parameters - the clock frequency of the system bus, which is the basis for synchronizing the entire system, and the processor multiplier. This multiplier indicates how much faster the chip is relative to the system bus speed. The last parameter on our test PC is 200 MHz, and the processor multiplier is Phenom IIХ61090Т-16. This corresponds to a clock frequency of 3200 MHz. The system bus clock speed and processor multiplier for your computer can be found in the CPU | Clocks of the CPU-Z program.

Overclocking steps depend on whether your computer can freely change the processor multiplier value. This is quite rare - for example, with CPUs for overclockers, which Intel can recognize by the letter k at the end of the marking, for example Core i5 2500k. AMD adds the Black Edition mark to the name of such processors. Gradually increasing the multiplier value, test using Torture Test from Prime95 how stable and error-free the system works. If errors or failures occur, carefully increase the supply voltage and repeat the test.

It's more difficult when you can't set the multiplier higher than the preset value, which is the case with most processors. Then the only way out is to increase the clock frequency of the system bus. A small increase, like on our test PC (from 200 to 210 MHz), does not cause problems in most cases. If you raise the FSB clock much higher, you will have to worry about overclocking RAM. To do this, you need to set its frequency manually. For some models, this is achieved by increasing the memory divider in the BIOS. Special programs for Windows OS allow you to configure the processor during operation for higher performance or lower energy consumption. This is most conveniently done using configuration programs from motherboard manufacturers. For example, ASUS supplies the TurboV Evo overclocking utility in the Al Suite package, which will give you the ability to change the above parameters. Once you find values ​​that deliver the results you want, you can save them as profiles and activate them as needed—for example, one profile to save energy and another to improve performance. If your motherboard or laptop manufacturer does not provide tuning software and your processor is relatively old, use the RightMark CPU Clock Utility or CrystalCPUID software tools to change the processor clock speed or voltage to increase performance or reduce power consumption.

Graphics card: performance or efficiency?

By dynamically adjusting the GPU clock frequency, you can achieve good results in terms of increasing the efficiency of the entire system, because their power consumption is comparable to the CPU.

For example, the GeForce GTX 590 video card from NVIDIA consumes over 400 W in modern games like Crysis, which is 2.5 times more than the entire PC with a six-core processor under full load. When dissipating heat, its fans make a terrible noise with a volume of more than 8 sones. All the more important is that in 2D mode the noise level and energy consumption are significantly reduced. The card significantly reduces the clock speed of the GPU, power consumption drops to 55 W, although the fan noise of 3 sones remains quite loud. Since less productive video cards become quite noisy under increased load, almost all models use dynamic adjustment of power and energy consumption, which is performed automatically, just like processors.

Adjusting the CPU clock speed

Similar to the CPU, it is possible to increase or decrease the clock frequency of graphics chips within the limits provided by the manufacturer. There is an OverDrive item in the AMD video card driver menu. By activating this feature, you can change the clock speed of the GPU and memory of the card - raise it to improve performance and lower it to reduce power consumption. The cooling system can also be controlled here. To change the clock speed on NVIDIA graphics cards, in addition to updating the driver, you will need to download system tools from the video chip manufacturer.

Laptop: Disabling GPU

A more effective way than reducing the clock speed of your graphics card is to disable it completely. Laptops supporting Optimus technology from NVIDIA or PowerXpress technology from AMD contain both powerful discrete and economical built-in video adapters. Most of the time, the integrated chip works, and when it is necessary to solve more serious problems, the discrete one comes into play.

A powerful computer is the dream of any user, especially if he uses programs that are demanding on the machine’s resources. Buying new hardware can put a big dent in your wallet, so you often have to resort to unconventional methods to improve PC performance. And the first thing that comes to mind is overclocking the central processor. The complexity of this task is moderate and any user armed with detailed instructions. However, not to overdo it and burn out the processor is a completely different issue. Artificially increasing the power of PC components is called “overlocking,” but to put it simply, in this article we will figure out how to speed up the processor.

CPU overclocking

The computer processor processes everything logical operations, specified in executable programs, and controls components system unit: motherboard components, RAM, power supply, video card. After turning on the computer, the processor accesses the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), basic services are launched that check the presence of memory media, saved settings for further booting, and carry out latest preparation to work - for example, to further download operating system With hard drive. Since the system itself turns on completely active computer, it is logical to assume that the processor must accept the operation parameters before loading it. This means that to overclock the CPU we need to go directly to the BIOS.

So, we'll start with the most obvious - the BIOS interface. To get into BIOS menu we need to press the “Delete” key if we are talking about a desktop PC, or “F2” if we are using a laptop. Sometimes other keys are responsible for this; a text hint can be seen at the bottom of the screen when loading starts.

Afterwards we need to select the menu responsible for supplying voltage: as a rule, it is called “Power settings”. In some cases, we need a menu that is responsible for the processor - “CPU” or “CPU settings”. One way or another, you should find a submenu called “CPU Voltage”. This item contains a numerical parameter that we can change at our discretion, but remember: if you set the value too high, the CPU will burn out and you will not be able to improve the processor's performance in any way. Therefore, experiment carefully by increasing the voltage by one or two tenths of a volt.

How does CPU overclocking work?

So, basic configuration You made. Now it’s time for basic processor performance tuning.

By increasing the voltage supply, it’s as if we have “removed the lock” from the last performance point, and are ready to give the processor a new command. This can be done either by increasing the CPU bus frequency or by accelerating the multiplier. The first method is more effective, but entails a greater likelihood of failure.

Increasing processor performance

This operation is also performed in the CPU control menu. The result of your manipulations should be an increase in the CPU frequency by up to 500 Hz. Don't overdo it, high processor frequency is good, but you shouldn't get carried away.

After this, you need to save the settings by pressing “F10” or selecting “Exit saving changes”. Your computer will restart and launch the operating system. Before you start actively using a PC with increased specifications, you need to make sure that the changes made do not exceed the permissible limit. You can do this using software - for example, the Aida or CPU-Z program (more detailed report). If the CPU temperature is normal, then you can repeat the upgrade following the previous steps.

Alternative solution for overclocking the processor

You can bypass working with the BIOS - for example, if you don’t want to go so deep into the PC settings, or if the motherboard does not have the appropriate functions. This is done using the Clock Gen program for Windows OS. By increasing Agp and Fsb, you can also overclock the CPU. The main thing is to remember to do this carefully, checking the operation of the processor after each change.

It is worth considering that the temperature of an “overclocked” processor is higher than usual, so worry about additional cooling in advance. However, some motherboards also contain a menu for setting the cooler power - so you shouldn’t have any special difficulties. Now you know how you can increase processor power. The main thing is not to increase its power too much, otherwise it may simply fail.

HitForum - Mariupol City Network Forums > HiTech > Computer hardware > Tell me about the processor

View full version: Tell me about the processor

Tell me, does anyone know or have encountered this on my second computer:
2GB RAM DDR-2 PC-6400,
Sapphire ATI Radeon HD4650 1Gb
Processor seleron 2.6 Ghz
Mother Socket 775 GIGABYTE GA-G31M-ES2C G31, FSB 1333MHz, 2 DDR2 800, 4 SATA II
Hard sata 2 120 GB

put Intel processor Pentium Dual Core E5400 2.7GHz/2MB/800MHz
the index was 3.9

The question is why this productivity has increased so little
although I looked at it on a laptop with a worse configuration and a weaker percentage, the index costs 5.1

These grades are based on the MINIMUM score. That is, according to the weakest component of the system. :)) For example, my weakest component of the system is the processor. Therefore, the overall system rating is based on the processor rating - 3.9 :)) The other components have higher scores.

So here the person has not the lowest indicator, but the processor indicator (as I understand)

really little
Maybe the multiplier has “fallen”???
check Everest for frequency
you should have a percentage indicator above 5 - that’s one hundred percent, but generally in the range of 5.5-5.8

28.03.2010, 22:17

Well, the 5400 is unlikely to be rated higher than 5. The E7500 Vista is rated at 5.2.

Well I do not know
I have a processor rating of 5.9 - so I have an Athlone 5600+
so I think there should clearly not be 5

Celeron and Pentium Dual Core are budget processors, small second-level cache, the communication bus is below par, why are you surprised?

I have the lowest rating for the processor

Added after 1 minute

Added after 3 minutes
The frequency of the percent is given as required: 2.7 Ghz

Added after 2 minutes
Windows 7 has recently been installed with a good build, so I think there are no glitches there, just the Pentium Dual processor index has increased by only 0.5 from the seleron processor, I think this is very little!

Added after 36 seconds
Maybe something additional needs to be installed?

Phenom II 550@x4 3.6GHz – 7.4

Maybe someone has an approximate percentage, tell me what the index is in Windows 7
I have a Pentium 4 630 3.00 Ghz - 4.1. You really don't show enough!

I have a Gigabyte P35C-DS3R, the multiplier automatically changes depending on the processor load. With a x6 multiplier - 2000 MHz, and with x8 - 2667 MHz. The test may have been performed at reduced performance. Now I use Windows XP.

maybe there is no comparison with the motherboard

Added after 9 minutes
and how else can I check?

SULTAN, try WinRAR "Hardware Performance and Reliability Test"

SULTAN, Install Cpu-z, run it and you will see at what frequency the processor operates. If your performance changes automatically, you can control it.

Thank you! I'll try

Maybe the "firewood" for the percent is needed
I am advised to install dual core optimizer on my AMD, although the test is already running fine
It’s just that even with the performance reduction function, the test should pass adequately, because

Optimizing your computer on Windows 7: how to increase gaming performance

where did you see that it works at 2.7 percent?
if on the system tab, then it shows how much it should be and not how it works (my sales during overclocking show 2.8)
and my percentage shows 5.9
I think these two percents are in the same weight category and the values ​​should be approximately equal

29.03.2010, 22:28

Well, Vista e7500 with an overclock of more than 3.6 does not show, although it worked at 4ghz. And c2q 9450 3.2 Max although the clock runs at 3.5 .=)
It's just that Windows shows it unfairly for overclocking.

it turns out strange then
Does Windows understand AMD better than Intel?
I know for sure that the C2D 7200 without overclocking (2.53) shows 100% more than 5.5 (6.1 in my opinion)
this is from personal experience

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A powerful computer is the dream of any user, especially if he uses programs that are demanding on the machine’s resources. Buying new hardware can put a big dent in your wallet, so you often have to resort to unconventional methods to improve PC performance. And the first thing that comes to mind is overclocking the central processor. The complexity of this task is moderate and can be completed by any user armed with detailed instructions. However, not to overdo it and burn out the processor is a completely different issue. Artificially increasing the power of PC components is called “overlocking,” but to put it simply, in this article we will figure out how to speed up the processor.

CPU overclocking

The computer processor processes all logical operations specified in executable programs and controls the components of the system unit: motherboard components, RAM, power, video card. After turning on the computer, the processor accesses the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), basic services are launched that check for the presence of memory media, saved settings for further boot, and make final preparations for work - for example, for further loading the operating system from the hard drive. Since the system itself is turned on on an already fully active computer, it is logical to assume that the processor must accept the operating parameters before loading it. This means that to overclock the CPU we need to go directly to the BIOS.

Complex BIOS configuration is a process for professional engineers and requires special equipment. However, usually in the settings menu we can set the necessary values. Most, but not all motherboard models allow you to adjust the processor frequency.

So, we'll start with the most obvious - the BIOS interface. To get to the BIOS menu we need to press the “Delete” key if we are talking about a desktop PC, or “F2” if we are using a laptop. Sometimes other keys are responsible for this; a text hint can be seen at the bottom of the screen when loading starts. Afterwards we need to select the menu responsible for supplying voltage: as a rule, it is called “Power settings”. In some cases, we need a menu that is responsible for the processor - “CPU” or “CPU settings”. One way or another, you should find a submenu called “CPU Voltage”. This item contains a numerical parameter that we can change at our discretion, but remember: if you set the value too high, the CPU will burn out and you will not be able to improve the processor's performance in any way. Therefore, experiment carefully by increasing the voltage by one or two tenths of a volt.

How does CPU overclocking work?

So, you have done the basic configuration. Now it’s time for basic processor performance tuning.

By increasing the voltage supply, it’s as if we have “removed the lock” from the last performance point, and are ready to give the processor a new command.

10 ways to increase computer speed

This can be done either by increasing the CPU bus frequency or by accelerating the multiplier. The first method is more effective, but entails a greater likelihood of failure. This operation is also performed in the CPU control menu. The result of your manipulations should be an increase in the CPU frequency by up to 500 Hz. Don't overdo it, high processor frequency is good, but you shouldn't get carried away.

After this, you need to save the settings by pressing “F10” or selecting “Exit saving changes”. Your computer will restart and launch the operating system. Before you start actively using a PC with increased specifications, you need to make sure that the changes made do not exceed the permissible limit. You can do this using software - for example, the Aida or CPU-Z program (more detailed report). If the CPU temperature is normal, then you can repeat the upgrade following the previous steps.

Alternative solution for overclocking the processor

You can bypass working with the BIOS - for example, if you don’t want to go so deep into the PC settings, or if the motherboard does not have the appropriate functions. This is done using the Clock Gen program for Windows OS. By increasing Agp and Fsb, you can also overclock the CPU. The main thing is to remember to do this carefully, checking the operation of the processor after each change.

It is worth considering that the temperature of an “overclocked” processor is higher than usual, so worry about additional cooling in advance. However, some motherboards also contain a menu for setting the cooler power - so you shouldn’t have any special difficulties. Now you know how you can increase processor power. The main thing is not to increase its power too much, otherwise it may simply fail.

Is it possible to increase the processor frequency on a laptop?

It happens that the hardware resources on a low-power computer are not enough to ensure uninterrupted operation of graphically complex games or programs like Adobe Photoshop. The power of the device is largely influenced by such an indicator as the processor clock speed. If desired, you can increase it a little by doing some manipulations. You will learn about these manipulations and how to increase the processor on a laptop (that is, its clock frequency) in this article.

General information about computer processor frequency

Before you start following the instructions, it is advisable to have at least a little understanding of the theoretical issues about processors and their clock speeds.

In short, the processor frequency is a value that shows the number of simultaneous operations performed by the processor per unit of time. Most modern processor microchips have a nominal frequency of 1 to 4 GHz. It is a mistake to believe that if you “overclock” the processor, that is, increase its frequency, the number of simultaneously performed actions will increase. No, the number of tasks will be the same as before overclocking, but the computer will cope with them significantly faster than before. The number of operations performed is influenced by the number of processor cores (most modern laptops are quad-core), and the frequency is responsible for performance (information processing speed).

How to increase the processor frequency on a laptop - consequences

Here are some more key points that are worth checking out:

  • Increased energy consumption. The higher the frequency, the more to the computer it takes energy to perform the same operations. If you have a desktop PC, this indicator is not particularly important, but for laptops, autonomy is one of the main characteristics.
  • Increased heat generation. The compactness of laptops is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage: all parts, unlike the system unit of a desktop PC, are located close to each other, and the cooling system is also not particularly reliable. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid prolonged overheating or use special cooler stands for laptops.
  • Not warranty cases. If the user performs any manipulations with the processor incorrectly, which will result in critical overheating of the computer components, this situation is not considered a warranty. That is, you will pay for repairs out of your own pocket.
  • Before overclocking the processor frequency, think about the consequences of the work, especially if you are not a professional in computer matters. All actions are performed at your own peril and risk, so strictly follow the instructions.

Change your power plan

This is the safest way to increase productivity using system tools. Change your power plan to provide more power to your PC's components while improving the performance of your entire device. Do the following:

Of course, in this way you will not overclock the processor frequency several times. However, this method allows you not to lose the factory warranty, and is absolutely safe for computer components and the operating system as a whole.

Changes in BIOS settings

Another way to increase processor performance on a laptop is to change the parameters in the BIOS routine. Go to the BIOS menu when you start the device again (keys F1-F12, Delete or Escape on different models laptops, depending on the manufacturer).

How to increase processor performance

You can find the right key using the “poke method” or find information on your model on the Internet. After you enter the BIOS, look in the sections for the item “CPU Frequensy” or “CPU Lock” (also depends on the manufacturer) and set the computer system bus frequency to the value you need. Confirm your actions, exit the menu and restart the device.

Check whether the processor temperature has increased significantly as a result of the manipulations you have performed. Download and install one of the programs designed for this (for example, Aida 64). Without opening other programs, check the temperature at minimum load. If it rises above 50 degrees Celsius, it is imperative to reduce the set processor frequency.

How to increase processor performance on a laptop: an easy way

If you do not want to understand the BIOS interface, install a program that can slightly increase the maximum frequency. They automatically perform the necessary actions for you. You need to choose software depending on the processor manufacturer:

  • AI Booster or AMD Overdrive (for laptops on the AMD platform);
  • Intel Desktop Control Center(for laptops on the Intel platform).
  • Read the instructions carefully before operating the programs.

There are different methods for overclocking a computer processor, but each of them is quite a serious risk. You can simply burn out the processor if something goes wrong. Therefore, it is best to decide before purchasing a laptop what exactly you need it for and select a computer with sufficient power.

It happens that the hardware resources on a low-power computer are not enough to ensure smooth operation of graphically complex games or programs like Adobe Photoshop. The power of the device is largely influenced by such an indicator as the processor clock speed. If desired, you can increase it a little by doing some manipulations. You will learn about these manipulations and how to increase the processor on a laptop (that is, its clock frequency) in this article.

General information about computer processor frequency

Before you start following the instructions, it is advisable to have at least a little understanding of the theoretical issues about processors and their clock speeds.

In short, the processor frequency is a value that shows the number of simultaneous operations performed by the processor per unit of time. Most modern processor microchips have a nominal frequency of 1 to 4 GHz. It is a mistake to believe that if you “overclock” the processor, that is, increase its frequency, the number of simultaneously performed actions will increase. No, the number of tasks will be the same as before overclocking, but the computer will cope with them significantly faster than before. The number of operations performed is influenced by the number of processor cores (most modern laptops are quad-core), and the frequency is responsible for performance (information processing speed).

How to increase the processor frequency on a laptop - consequences

Here are some other key points to consider:

  • Increased energy consumption. The higher the frequency, the more energy the computer needs to perform the same operations. If you have a desktop PC, this indicator is not particularly important, but for laptops, autonomy is one of the main characteristics.
  • Increased heat generation. The compactness of laptops is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage: all parts, unlike the system unit of a desktop PC, are located close to each other, and the cooling system is also not particularly reliable. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid prolonged overheating or use special cooler stands for laptops.
  • Not warranty cases. If the user performs any manipulations with the processor incorrectly, which will result in critical overheating of the computer components, this situation is not considered a warranty. That is, you will pay for repairs out of your own pocket.
  • Before overclocking the processor frequency, think about the consequences of the work, especially if you are not a professional in computer matters. All actions are performed at your own peril and risk, so strictly follow the instructions.

Change your power plan

This is the safest way to increase productivity using system tools. Change your power plan to provide more power to your PC's components while improving the performance of your entire device. Do the following:

Of course, in this way you will not overclock the processor frequency several times. However, this method allows you not to lose the factory warranty, and is absolutely safe for computer components and the operating system as a whole.

Changes in BIOS settings

Another way to increase processor performance on a laptop is to change the parameters in the BIOS routine. Go to the BIOS menu when you start the device again (F1-F12, Delete or Escape keys on different laptop models, depending on the manufacturer). You can find the right key using the “poke method” or find information on your model on the Internet. After you enter the BIOS, look in the sections for the item “CPU Frequensy” or “CPU Lock” (also depends on the manufacturer) and set the computer system bus frequency to the value you need. Confirm your actions, exit the menu and restart the device.

Check whether the processor temperature has increased significantly as a result of the manipulations you have performed. Download and install one of the programs designed for this (for example, Aida 64). Without opening other programs, check the temperature at minimum load. If it rises above 50 degrees Celsius, it is imperative to reduce the set processor frequency.

How to increase processor performance on a laptop: an easy way

If you do not want to understand the BIOS interface, install a program that can slightly increase the maximum frequency. They automatically perform the necessary actions for you. You need to choose software depending on the processor manufacturer:

  • AI Booster or AMD Overdrive (for laptops on the AMD platform);
  • Intel Desktop Control Center (for laptops on the Intel platform).
  • Read the instructions carefully before operating the programs.

There are different methods for overclocking a computer processor, but each of them is quite a serious risk. You can simply burn out the processor if something goes wrong. Therefore, it is best to decide before purchasing a laptop what exactly you need it for and select a computer with sufficient power.

When you buy a laptop, based on its price, you expect good performance. And still it is not enough. But you can increase the data processing speed of the central processing unit (CPU) from that declared by the manufacturer. Therefore, the question arises: how to overclock the processor on a laptop to get more efficient performance for the same money. There are several affordable and safe options that we will look at in this article.

Let's start with the question "why"

It seems that the laptop is only 3 years old and it has never failed in performing any task (playing a new shooter, watching the latest video rental products, transcoding videos).

But now he can’t cope with half of his needs. What will you have to do - change your laptop? But you can try to “revive” your electronic friend by overclocking the processor. Productivity will increase slightly. If you do everything correctly, the results will please you. In addition to increasing the clock frequency, the memory starts to work faster, and as a result, the speed of applications increases slightly.

But overclocking a laptop processor is half the battle. For everything in this life you have to pay:

  • Performance will increase, but at the same time energy consumption will increase. This means that battery life will inevitably decrease.
  • In addition, the laptop will now heat up much more. You'll have to think about the cooling system or, at a minimum, not block the special slots on the bottom and sides.
  • The lifespan of the CPU will likely be reduced.

Windows also increases productivity

Overclocking the processor in a laptop is a little difficult, but possible. Manufacturers of mobile devices, of course, thought about protection and took care in advance to ensure the best performance at the maximum frequency when it is necessary to speed up the work. When the processor is idle, the frequency automatically drops. But you can increase performance without harming the laptop using system means by changing the power supply mode.

To do this in the operating room Windows system There is software tool - « Power supply" You can find it by going to Control Panel. The figure below shows the window that will appear in Windows 7 or 8.1.

You need to go to the section " Power supply" and select the item " High performance».

This is how you can “overclock” a laptop processor without the risk of breaking something. The performance gain will be immediately noticeable.

Overclocking via BIOS

In some models, it is possible to overclock the laptop processor using standard means from the BIOS. To get into this system, you need to turn on the laptop and press a certain key on the keyboard. A hint about which button to press will be visible for a few seconds on the monitor screen. For example, the inscription shown in the figure below will appear on the hp monitor screen.

After this condition is met, the initial menu will appear, which will indicate the key that must be pressed to get into the BIOS.

Let's look at the sequence of actions that need to be performed to overclock the processor:

It is necessary to warn that most often manufacturers lock the CPU to prevent the user from independently changing the clock frequency.

Overclocking using special applications

For relatively old laptops, it is possible to overclock the processor using a small program paired with the program Prime95.

Continuing to perform any overclocking method carries the risk of damaging the laptop. All actions must be performed with extreme caution, in small steps.

You need to understand that the maximum you can achieve is a small increase in processor frequency - within 10–15%. A further increase is possible if you prepare the cooling system and change the power supply to the chip. Since during acceleration, along with an increase in frequency, heat generation also increases. By the way, modern processors have a two-level overheating protection system. If the temperature threshold is exceeded, the processor automatically forcibly reduces the frequency and voltage, which leads to a decrease in heat dissipation. If the temperature does not drop below 95–110º, the laptop either turns off or freezes.

CPU-Z program

Before overclocking, you need data about the chip installed in the laptop. The utility will help with this CPU-Z. This information is necessary for the program.

SetFSB utility

Deliberately designed for quick and easy CPU overclocking. With its support, you can safely change the system bus frequency without rebooting the operating system, bypassing the BIOS.

The program has a very easy-to-use interface, and the entire overclocking process occurs step-by-step by moving just ONE slider.

If this laptop supported by the program, chip frequency data will be visible in the lower right corner.

The sequence of actions is extremely simple: increase the bus clock frequency in small steps and test with the program Prime95.


A small utility that can measure computer performance. The measurement process is based on performing calculations of Mersenne primes. This action uses all the capabilities of the laptop.

Optionally, you can check both the RAM and the processor itself. While the program is running, you must be prepared for the computer to slow down noticeably.

The frequency is increased in small steps until a freeze occurs. Once the performance data has been saved, Prime95 testing should be stopped and the CPU setup program should be exited.


If everything went well, you can stop there. But this is not the whole complex of work. Performance depends not only on the processor frequency, but also on the memory frequency. It can also be increased by selecting the necessary timings. Advice from friends and searching on the Internet will help you set up your laptop. Overclocking without prior preparation can cause harm. For game lovers, the next step is to overclock the video card. The main thing is that all actions are thoroughly thought out, and then the efforts will not be in vain.

Video on the topic

This publication will discuss another third-party tool for optimizing the operation of multi-core processors - free program CPU Control. “More” – because the author has already touched on this topic, see about ICEAffinity. The brainchild of German developer Matthias Koch ( Matthias Koch), Russified utility CPU Control will be especially interesting for novice computer users due to the presence of a multi-functional auto optimization mode, but first things first.

"Why is this necessary & what will I get from it?"

This issue was raised in the published article, so I’ll defragment what was said into a couple of paragraphs:

  • Some applications do not support multi-core mode, so for correct operation you need to manually allocate a separate processor core for them. Another “problematic” option is that the motherboard initializes the cores asynchronously. In both cases, user intervention is required.
  • By default, Windows gives all running processes equal priority in the use of processor power. Which is not entirely correct when running resource-intensive applications, for example, when your favorite Call of Duty is hampered by an antivirus along with a dozen other “minor” software. CPU Control will help distribute processes proportionally across cores, which will directly affect overall performance systems.


The utility supports dual- and quad-core processors, but, according to reviews, it works correctly on 6–8 cores.

We optimize

1. First you need to download a utility, for example, from my Catalog of the best software . There are no “tricks” in the installation, so click “ Next" ("Further") until complete installation. By the way, the program does not “litter” the registry, i.e. it is portable and portable on removable drives.

2. After launching, first of all click on " Options" ("Options") and Russify CPU Control through " Languages" ("Languages") → "Russian". Next, in accordance with the following screenshot, check the boxes next to " Autostart with Windows ", "Minimize" And " 4 cores" (for four or more cores). It is clear that if the CPU is dual-core, there is no need to activate “4 cores”.

3. Having closed "Options", in the main application window we see 5 CPU control modes: " Auto", "Manual", "CPU1" (all processes run on the 1st core), " CPU2" (all processes are running on the 2nd core) and " Disabled" (without optimization). The last three modes are not interesting to us, so we will focus on the first two.

For beginners the author recommends simply selecting the " Auto " and, closing the window, check for future Windows downloads, to CPU Control was in the list of startup applications (!). This is easy to do, for example, through any version, look in the menu bar " Tools" → "Startup manager"(if you need to add an application, click the applet" Add").

4. For those who like to dig around this simple utility gives you a chance to “expand”: in auto mode there is 9 basic profiles-variations in the distribution of processes across cores (screenshot below). If you have time and open on the " tab Performance"Task Manager ("Ctrl + Alt + Del" ), to monitor the results, you can choose the optimal profile for your system.

5. The most advanced users who want to achieve maximum results in increasing system performance using this method, will certainly be interested in the " Manual ". In this mode, you independently distribute processes among cores or groups of cores. It’s simple: select the process(es) and use the right mouse button to “hang” it on the desired core or combination of cores. For example, when selecting " CPU1" the process will hang on the first core when selecting " CPU3+4" – on the third and fourth cores, etc.

Here a good option ranking for a 4-core PC: leave system processes to the 1st core, distribute the most resource-intensive applications (such as Photoshop) between all cores (option as in the last screenshot), and give “middle-class” applications such as an anti-virus scanner to combinations of 2 cores, let's say, " CPU3+4". Dispatcher Windows tasks will help you make the right choice. For ease of monitoring, when the "tab" is open in the Manager Performance", check that the function " According to schedule for each CPU " (see "" → searched " According to schedule for each CPU").

In general, experiment and your efforts will definitely pay off handsomely!