A program to run programs on a computer. Programs for quick launch of programs. What exactly do I advise you to do?

We live in a world at a very frantic pace. We try to save our time on everything. Do a lot of things at once. We try, we learn. But many do not stop there and are looking for additional ways to find time when working at a computer.

And here there is one such simple option - to add more automatism to your work on a PC or laptop. But first things first.

There are two main methods of working at a computer (purely conditional, they practically do not occur in their pure form):

  • manual. When they start on their own desired applications, the necessary documents are opened, and so on. The most common method. And the most time consuming. Various things can improve its performance. That is, panels will be created for quick launch programs and files, for example, as on Mac OS. This is done using programs such as RocketDock and Winstep Nexus.
  • auto. A certain algorithm is already prescribed here, for example, 10 minutes after turning on the computer, an application for reading and sending will start Email. This really saves time, but first you have to watch yourself: what applications and when you open. It can be programs such as Hot Keyboard.

Accordingly, all programs for quickly launching programs are divided into:

  • manual. That is, they have more manual actions, their main tool is quick launch panels. They are similar to shortcuts, but they are much more convenient and have various additional features. And besides, they make working at the computer more enjoyable.
  • automatic. From the name it is clear that they do everything according to a pre-written algorithm.

Now let's take a closer look at the second group of software for quickly launching applications and files. And in particular, the launch algorithm, which can be of three types:

  • by pressing a specific key combination. That is, the so-called "hot keys", which are also in Windows. But only for certain commands, such as "Copy" and "Paste". And here, for any application, their own special key combinations can be assigned. It is very convenient. Quickly clicked on the key and no need to look for a shortcut or icon to launch.
  • by pressing a certain combination on the mouse. Here, by analogy with the previous version. But here the number of applications or files to launch is already much limited. Because the mouse basically only has three buttons.
  • by time. For example, launching an application 10 minutes after the computer is running. Here it will already be necessary to specifically prescribe each application for automatic launch. You can also turn the computer on and off according to a schedule. Use it, for example, as an alarm clock, that is, the computer turns on itself at 7:00, launches the media player and your favorite song is already there and you stand up to it.

However, before you start working with programs for quickly launching programs, you need to answer yourself the following questions:

Virtual desktop programs

(just click on its name to go to the analysis and then download it):

She is appreciated for her excellent work, if tuned; for convenience in working with a PC and a laptop; for putting things in order on the desktop; for free; for being great for quickly launching applications; for helping to optimize the work with files; for being convenient and not buggy; for being nice to look at.

It is appreciated for its stable operation on 64-bit OS; for the ability to take screenshots; for looking beautiful and working effectively; for being comfortable; for the ability to create multiple desktops; for free; for being pretty and cute.

She is valued for being simple; for saving a lot of time; for what really works; for being convenient and efficient; for excellent support of modern operating systems; for great functionality; for being great for web designers and editors; for easy navigation; for freeing the desktop of all rubbish.

Winstep Xtreme- this solution serves to change appearance working Windows desktop, start menu, taskbar as you wish. The program will add various panels, docks and widgets to your desktop. After installation, you will have at your disposal several independent modules - NextSTART, WorkShelf, FontBrowser, start menu Organizer), each of which can work separately together with other modules of this program, each module performs a specific task in the design of the shell and has its own unique set of functions.

System requirements:
-500 Mhz processor.
-256 MB of RAM.
-30 MB of free hard disk space.
-Screen resolution 800x600 or higher.

Torrent Quick Launch Panel - Winstep Xtreme in detail:
NextSTART module will completely replace the Start menu, Taskbar and system tray (tray), while not only replacing, but allowing you to use many settings that are not in the standard Windows Explorer. The WorkShelf module is a desktop replacement, FontBrowser is a handy font viewer, NeXuS is a multi-level quick access toolbar to the most frequently used applications. NextSTART - a convenient replacement start menu and a taskbar that supports changing skins.

workshelf is a powerful, multi-page desktop replacement, application launcher and document organizer. WorkShelf can be used as an alternative to the standard OS desktop. It has various modules - a clock that can synchronize time via the Internet, weather forecast, mail check, etc.

NeXuS- a utility for quickly launching the necessary programs, which allows you to organize the most frequently used programs and place them in special docks.

FontBrowser - fast browser with a simple interface for convenient operation with fonts.
Winstep Xtreme has the following modules: a talking atomic clock, a shopping cart, an e-mail auditing program, a weather monitor, a CPU application display program, network and memory sensors, and the impressive Wanda Wanda program. Newer modules are added relentlessly.

Program features
Complete change of appearance with the help of design themes
Addition latest panels, widgets and gadgets on desktop
Integrated utility for organizing and cleaning rations "Launch"
Support for Windows Vista and Windows 7
Limitless elasticity and expansion of desktop space
Reduce desktop clutter
Adding Panel Functions Windows tasks 7 on Windows XP or Vista
Absolute multi-monitor support
Allows you to drag icons of explorer objects in the Winstep panel
PNG, TIFF and ICO file support for panel icons
Probability of applying passionate buttons
Multilingual interface with Russian language support

treatment procedure
- Install Winstep software.
- Do not run after installation is complete.
- Run Activation with administrator rights. Confirm the replacement and continue.
- Open the Winstep program, use any name and key to register in the "Settings / Registration" tab. Restart the program for the changes to take effect.

Hello! In this article, we will look at the most necessary programs to run games, namely components and applications, without updating which, you may not start the game. I am sure that everyone has already encountered this problem, and on our site all sorts of difficulties and their solutions have already been considered more than once. The set of programs does not guarantee the launch of games if your computer does not comply system requirements(if you pour triple cologne into a car, it won’t go - right?). We will list programs for games, provide links to download them. All programs are free and anyone can and should download them to play on their PC without dancing with a tambourine. Also, all drivers for devices (chipset, video card, sound card etc.).
So the work of Windows is built on various components, applications, libraries and instructions that are necessary to run games and other programs.

Programs needed to run games

1. DirectX (Direct X)- This is a set of instructions designed to control multimedia, video, audio, graphics functions on computers with the Windows operating system, most often used in games. Now, in your own words: directx is a kind of "ensemble conductor", in which people are your computer components (video card, sound card, processor, RAM other). He, that is, direct x, tells these components to output sound, video in one case or another.

2. Microsoft package Visual C++ is a necessary component of the operating Windows systems, therefore, it must be installed without fail by each user in order to avoid all sorts of errors when starting programs and especially games. The package is absolutely free and can be downloaded free of charge.

3. Microsoft Net Framework (no framework)- a set of components and libraries of the Windows system, necessary for the operation of most programs. In other words, this is the platform on which almost all Windows applications are developed - updating it is necessary for every user of Windows operating systems.

4.Nvidia PhysX is a technology (driver) that gives realistic physics in new games for computers based on Windows operating systems and others. Physx deals with how objects move and interact in the game. Without Physx, the environments in modern games would be lifeless, meaning grass would not move, walls would not collapse, glass would not break, and so on.

5. Games for Windows Live - a game service from Microsoft for Windows, although very buggy, made for network game. In addition, in the absence of Games for Windows Live, some games, even if they start, will not be saved. Most played games with GFWL: Batman: Arkham Asylum Batman: Arkham City, Battlestations: Pacific, Bioshock 2, Colin McRae: Dirt 2, Fable, Fallout 3, Fuel, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V, Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Resident Evil 5, Section 8, Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken,Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes

Xna Microsoft - what is it? Microsoft xna framework is a package of tools created by Microsoft to facilitate the development and management of computer games. The point of XNA is to get rid of repetitive lines of code for writing games. This is an optional tool for microsoft net framework, which, as previously written, was created in order to windows applications were multi-platform and ran on all versions of "windows".

These are the most necessary programs for running games. We recommend downloading and installing them on new, newly purchased laptops and computers, as well as on computers with a freshly installed Windows operating system. But setting and forgetting them is not enough! It is necessary to periodically monitor the relevance of the versions of these components and update them in a timely manner. If these applications are installed on your computer, in 99% of cases you will run any game, I repeat once again, provided that your PC meets the minimum system requirements of the game and all the latest components are installed system block. Good luck!!!

After using Windows OS for a long time, operation and installation software often there is an accumulation of various unnecessary data, which leads to a slowdown in system startup. Adequate maintenance is needed and you can get your PC up and running again.

There are various programs for cleaning the operating system in order to eliminate unnecessary applications autostart or delay their start time in order to use Windows as soon as possible, and only then they start their work. Which programs are similar to those tasks, best of all, we will try to figure it out, and it's up to you to decide what suits you best.

Many users use the hibernation mode of the computer, as they somehow try to speed up the download. Another group again recommends only using MSConfig on a system where only the services you need are enabled.

For less experienced users who are not sure about MSConfig, here are some tips on programs that can solve a big problem in a simple and safe way.

CCleaner has received significant support among users. This is a very versatile and capable cleaning program, removing all unnecessary and incorrect entries in the registry, as well as cleaning up temporary files and traces of browsing the Internet (system and applications such as IE, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, MS Office and many others).

The application also has the advantage that you can use it absolutely free and you can always have a portable version with you on a flash drive. We recommend CCleaner for good performance and convenience.
An ordinary user can also cope with the management of the program.

Auslogics BootSpeed.

Program with a full range of functions to start the system faster. Cleans the registry, defragments hard disks, cleans up space from previously deleted data, even restores accidentally deleted files and, of course, provides a wide range of useful information obtained from a thorough scan of the computer.

It also contains functions for working with programs that automatically start when Windows boots. You can disable or even remove applications that you consider unnecessary and holding back the system.

A very simple utility with a clear mission - to prevent processes and programs from autorun. It comes in a table of these applications, classified according to criteria in 17 different categories, so that it is easy for the user to find the problematic process.


Soluto is a specialized Windows fast boot program. The main advantages of this program are free licenses, ease of use and a graphically pleasing interface. The app also provides backup in the event of any damage done by the user in order to put the system back into working order. After the reboot, the program will indicate how long it takes to load each application.

You can easily choose which processes and programs to disable, and which ones just to delay the start for (seconds, minutes, tens of minutes). Thanks to this, you will be able to work normally with your computer, and these applications will start slowly and smoothly.

If your task is to speed up Windows boot, and you need to do this without using third party programs then you definitely need to read this article. Since it contains simple, and most importantly effective ways speeding up the loading of the Windows 7 operating system, the impact of which you can feel without a stopwatch.

When starting work, any computer first of all launches the BIOS (from the English Basic Input / Output System - Basic Input / Output System), and therefore you need to start accelerating Windows startup with it. In the BIOS(e), we are interested in two things: the boot priority queue, and the Fast boot feature.
The latter can significantly speed up system startup by canceling the search and checking by the BIOS (th) of connected devices. However, this function has its disadvantages - by disabling it, the user disables the use of devices connected via non-standard connectors (USB, S-Video, hosts for mobile devices). They will start working after the full start of Windows.

To speed up booting through BIOS setup, you must:

Important! The figure shows the "Download Queue" for Dell laptop Inspiron. It may vary slightly on other devices. As a rule, the differences concern only the visual component, while the names of bookmarks and commands are almost always identical (standardized) for all devices.

Also of note, Fast boot sometimes works too well. As a result, users physically do not have time to click on time desired button to re-enter the BIOS. This problem is solved by pressing the button to open the BIOS setup (a) before turning on the computer.

Second step

The next step to speed up the boot refers to the connection of all processor cores (if there are more than one) to start the operating system. For this:

The performed manipulations will start working at the next reboot of the operating system.

Step Three

The next step is to disable unnecessary programs and services that affect system startup.

Disabling services

Here it is necessary to disable unnecessary services, since they load the system even if they are not used by the user. Especially when Windows startup. You can read in detail about what can be disabled and what is better not to touch on the Internet, however, you can guess about some services yourself. For example, you do not need "Print Manager" if you do not have a printer.

"Service" is turned off by clicking on it right click mouse, where the item "Properties" is pressed. After that, a window will open, where in the "Startup type" column, select "Disabled".

Step Four

Next, we set up what Windows programs should automatically start at system startup. Since a lot of programs like to register in autorun, while the user not only does not use them, he does not even suspect that they work.

Configuring Windows 7 Startup

The changes you make will take effect the next time you start the operating system.

Step five

The last point to speed up system startup is to organize the space occupied by files on the hard disk, in other words, defragmentation hard drive. This procedure is similar to arranging the arrangement of books in a library. What is required for a more convenient, quick search for books (in our case, files) and their use.

The disk defragmentation service in Windows 7 is launched by a separate command - defrag.exe. It must be entered in the search bar of the Start menu or in the Run window (Win + R).

By running this command, you will open the "Defragmentation" window, where you should select the drive on which you installed operating system and start defragmenting it.

The defragmentation process may take a large number of time, sometimes several hours.

Also in this window it is better to immediately enable the function of periodically starting defragmentation by clicking "Set up a schedule".

And choosing the launch options that are optimal for you. After that you can start defragmentation of the hard disk.

Advice. You should not boot your computer during defragmentation, it is best to leave it until the process is over.