Uefi secure boot how to disable. What is Secure Boot and when you might need to disable it. Instructions for disabling Secure Boot

How to disable Secure Boot in BIOS UEFI? Hello admin, could you do a short review on this topic? Very often you have to reinstall friends on Windows 7, and to do this you know, you need to disable the “Secure Boot” option in UEFI. Laptops and computers are from different manufacturers and the interface is also different, so the options containing this setting are slightly different and sometimes it’s difficult to figure it all out.

How to disable Secure Boot

Hello friends! The Secure Boot secure boot protocol based on special certified keys (currently available only in Windows 8) will not allow you to boot your laptop from any boot disk except for the installation disk with the G8 itself. Therefore, to boot your laptop or computer from an installation disk with a different operating system, you need disable Secure Boot in BIOS UEFI.

The Secure Boot protocol option is mainly found in the Security sections, less often System Configuration or Boot, but I want to say that for Windows installations 7 on a new laptop with a UEFI BIOS, it’s not enough to disable just one Secure Boot option in the UEFI interface; you also need to enable “compatibility mode with other operating systems"and it is also called differently for all manufacturers: "Launch CSM", or "CMS Boot", "UEFI and Legacy OS", "CMS OS", and is located in the main section of the UEFI BIOS called Advanced, then see the subsection "BOOT MODE" or "OS Mode Selection".

Let's look at the settings of the InsydeH20 setup utility, typical for all laptops, with UEFI elements, for example, Acer laptops have this BIOS, and then we'll also look at other similar utilities that the latest laptops and desktop computers may have.

How to disable Secure Boot on a Toshiba laptop. InsydeH20 setup utility

We go into the BIOS and go to the Security section, see the “Secure Boot” option we need, move to it using the arrows on the keyboard and press Enter,

Again, use the arrows to select Disabled (disabled)

And press Enter. With these simple steps we were able to disable Secure Boot in the UEFI BIOS.

But that’s not all, now we need to enable the “compatibility mode with other operating systems.” Go to the “Advanced” section and find the “System configuration” option

And go into it, here we select the option "Boot Mode" or "OS Mode Selection", and set it instead of the UEFI OS position (maybe UEFI BOOT) to the "CSM Boot" or "UEFI and Legacy OS", "CMS OS" position

For our changes to take effect, we save our changes in the BIOS, press F10,

Then agree Yes and press Enter

reboot occurs. Now we can boot our laptop from the installation disk with any operating system.
Next, you can enter the laptop boot menu (usually you need to press the ESC or F10 key when turning it on) and select your (already connected) bootable USB flash drive with the operating system or installation disk If you don’t know how to do this, read our article.

How to disable the Secure Boot option on an HP laptop

Sometimes things don’t go so smoothly; for example, on some laptop models you need to go through a few extra steps.

We enter the UEFI BIOS and select the “System Configuration” option, enter it and select Boot Options, and also enter it.

We see our secure boot option Secure Boot, set it to Disabled (disabled), and set the “compatibility mode with other operating systems” option “Legacy support” to “Enabled”,

We answer Yes to the warning.

We save the settings, press F-10, select Yes and Enter, reboot the laptop, after the reboot this window appears with the warning “A change to the operating system secure boot mode is peding...” In English they do not suggest entering code 8721 on the laptop keyboard (in your case the code will be different, of course) and pressing Enter, after this changes in the UEFI BIOS settings will be saved and the laptop will reboot.

When you turn on the HP laptop, press the ESC key and get into start menu, in it we select F-9 Boot Device Options (change boot settings), then select our flash drive or floppy drive with the installation disk to boot.

How to disable the Secure Boot option on a Samsung laptop. Aptio Setup Utility

This utility is mainly installed on Samsung laptops. When booting the laptop, press the F2 key and enter the BIOS. Go to the Boot section, disable the “Secure Boot” option,

Using the arrows on the keyboard, select it and set it to “Disabled”, press “Enter”

At the warning that the computer may boot with an error, press Enter.

In the same section below, the “OS Mode Selection” parameter appears, select it and press “Enter”

set it to “CMS OS” or “UEFI and Legacy OS” and press “Enter”.

Again a warning appears about the possibility of the next boot of the laptop with an error, press Enter. We save the changes we made in the BIOS, press “F10”, agree Yes, press Enter. The laptop reboots, press F10 when loading and get into the boot menu, in it select the laptop drive or bootable USB flash drive.

How to disable Secure Boot on an Acer Aspire laptop

Friends, firstly we have, but here I’ll just note that on laptops Acer Aspire The Secure Boot option is inactive by default; in order to activate it and then disable it, you must first assign a password to enter the UEFI BIOS. What do I need to do!

Go to the tab " Security" and select the item " Set Supervisor Password", press Enter and assign a password. After assigning a password, the Secure Boot option will become active and can be set to Disable.

How to disable the Secure Boot option on a Packard Bell laptop

Press the button when loading F2, less often F6 and get into the UEFI BIOS of the laptop,

Here we go to the tab Boot.

If before turning on the laptop you connected a flash drive to it, then it may not decide immediately in this menu.

Set the Boot Mode option to Legacy BIOS.

And the option Secure Boot set to position Disabled.

Now the flash drive should determine. Place the flash drive in the first position, save the settings and reboot. If bootable flash drive done according to our articles, the download will be successful.

How to disable Secure Boot on a desktop computer

Many desktop computers have modern motherboards with UEFI BIOS and the Secure Boot protocol. Let's take the mother's as an example. ASUS board, Asrock, Gigabyte. It must be said that on motherboards for desktop computers functionality UEFI BIOS is much expanded, here you have the Russian language and the ability to use a mouse and make all kinds of adjustments to the operating parameters of components.
When loading, press Delete or F2 and enter the UEFI BIOS. Click Advanced (F7).
Go to the Boot tab, then select the Secure Boot option ( Secure Boot),

Press Enter and enter it, press Enter again and select Other OS (other operating system),

Now we leave here and select CSM (Compatibility Support Module),

Set the Launch CSM option to Enabled.

In the additional options that open, select Boot device options and set Legacy OpROM only or UEFI and Legacy OpROM.

With these steps we disabled Secure Boot and enabled advanced boot mode. Press F10 and save the changes we made to the UEFI BIOS. Save configuration and reset? Yes.

Disable the Secure Boot option in the UEFI interface of the Asrock motherboard.

If you have a Gigabyte motherboard, read our detailed article.

Motherboard MSI. Subsection "Boot mode select".

Note: On many laptops it is impossible to disable the Secure Boot option, since it is inactive, in this case it can help.

The security mode in UEFI, or security boot, provides startup protection on a laptop or desktop computer: it blocks access to changing the boot priority from a CD/DVD, USB drive (including the ability to use the OS from a bootable USB flash drive), prevents attempts installation of an unlicensed, unauthorized OS, unauthorized intervention in the boot shell. In such situations, when loading, the message “secure boot violation” appears on the display, indicating that it is impossible to modify the boot in the BIOS (in BIOS), UEFI.

To remove this blocking, you need to disable the corresponding options in UEFI. After disabling protection, you can change the boot priority from disks and USB flash drives, as well as install any OS distributions.

This article will tell you how to disable secure boot in boot shell options. It describes in detail how to turn off the protection mode on devices of popular brands, and how to find out using the system settings whether Secure Boot is enabled.

Checking whether a function is active

You can find out the boot protection activation status in two ways:

Method number 1: in options

1. Press the “Win” + “R” keys together on the keyboard.

2. In the Run panel, type msinfo32, press Enter.

3. Find the “Loading Status” option. View its value: "Off." - protection mode is disabled, “On” - included.

Method number 2: in the Powershell console

1. Run the utility:

  • open the Start menu;
  • in the search bar, enter the name of the utility - powershell;

2. Click the utility line that appears in the Start panel list.

3. In the console, enter the command - Confirm-SecureBootUEFI.

4. Press "Enter".

5. The system will immediately display the protection status after entering the command: True - enabled, False - disabled.

How to open UEFI/BIOS settings

To deactivate Security Boot, you first need to open the UEFI or BIOS boot shell. This procedure can also be performed in different ways:

Method No. 1: using “hot keys”

Restart the OS. Press "Del". If login to the shell failed, it means that another " hotkey» to enter boot settings mode. This could be “F2” or the combination “FN+F2” (on a laptop).

Note. The BIOS button may be indicated on the monitor during system startup.

Method No. 2: standard OS option

(option for 8/8.1)
1. Activate the slide-out panel (on the right side of the screen).

2. Go to: Settings → Change settings... → Update and... → Recovery.

3. In additional add-ons, set the restart mode to “Settings via UEFI”.

4. Activate the "Reboot" command.

Disablement Guides

ASUS motherboard (PC)

1. Restart your PC. Press the "Del" or "F2" key (depending on specific model ASUS). When the shell is displayed, press "F7", "Advanced Mode" will be displayed.

2. In “Boot”, click on the “Secure Boot” line.

3. In the settings panel, set “Other OS”.

4. Go back to “Boot”, Compatibility Support Module (CSM).

5. Enable the Launch CSM option: set its line to Enabled.

6. In “Boot Device Control” set the value to “UEFI and Legacy …” or “Legacy OpROM …”.

7. Below in the list, in “Boot ... Devices”, select “Both, Legacy ... first” or “Legacy OpROM ...”.

All. The setup is complete. Protection is deactivated. Press “F10”, confirm the modification of the settings. Reboot your OS.

Asus laptop

1. In the boot shell, in Security - Secure Boot, set it to “Disabled”.

2. In “Boot” - Fast Boot, change the parameter to “Disabled”.

3. Save the options configuration (F10), reboot. Open BIOS.

4. In Boot - “Launch …” change the value to “Enabled”.

5. Save the changes and reboot the OS.


1. In UEFI, open “Security” (the “Shield” icon in the top menu).

2. In “Secure Boot”, move the switch to “Disabled”.

3. Press "F10" to save the settings. Restart your PC.


1. In UEFI, open the “... Features” menu.

2. Set options:

  • Windows 8 Features - Other OS;
  • Boot Mode Selection" - "Legacy only" / "UEFI and Legacy" (possible options);
  • Other PCI Device ROM Priority - Legacy OpROM.

3. Save the modifications made using the “F10” key.


1. In the shell menu, go to: SETTINGS → Boot.

2. In Boot Mode Select, change the parameter to “Legacy+UEFI”.

3. Press F10 to save changes to options.


1. In Security - “Secure Boot” set the position to “Disabled”.

2. Go to the shell: Advanced → System Configuration.

3. Find “Boot Mode” (it can also be called OS Mode Selection) and set its switch to the “CSM Boot” position (alternative names for the parameter are CMS OS, UEFI and Legacy OS).

4. Activate the command to save settings using the “F10” key. Restart the system. Now you can use boot disks and flash drives, as well as install any OS.


In HP Pavillion laptops, to deactivate you need to perform a few additional settings:

1. To enter the UEFI-BIOS during the reboot process, press the “F10” key (in some models: ESC → F10).

2. In the shell, go to: System Configuration → Boot Options.

3. Change the position of the following options:

  • Secure Boot - Disabled (disabling protective mode);
  • Legacy support - Enabled (enable compatibility with other OS).

5. For the new settings to take effect, activate saving the parameters using the F10 key.

6. Reboot the OS. Once the system restart is complete, a warning will appear and a request to enter the specified code (displayed in the line ... to complete the change). Type it and press "Enter". The laptop will automatically reboot.

To change the boot priority in order to use the installation USB flash drive when turning on the laptop, go to the start menu (ESC key) and execute necessary settings in the “Boot Device Options” section (F9 key).


1. To go to the UEFI-BIOS shell, press the “F2” key while starting the laptop.

2. Go to the “Boot” panel, place the cursor in the “Secure Boot” line.

3. In the submenu, change its parameter to “Disabled”.

4. At the warning message, select OK (confirm the change).

5. After disabling the protection, the “OS Mode Selection” item will appear in the same list. Set the CMS OS (or UEFI and Legacy OS) parameter in it.

6. Save your settings changes (F10).

7. Restart the laptop and go into the UEFI-BIOS again.

8. Go to: Security → Set Supervisor Password. Press "Enter", enter earlier set password. In subsequent fields, press “Enter” without entering any data.

At the "Changes...saved" message, use the Enter key again. Now the password has been reset and you have access to activate/deactivate Secure Boot protection.


  1. Enter the UEFI console using the F2 key or the Fn+F2 combination (depending on the model).
  2. Open: “Security” section → “Secure Boot” option. In its column, put the value “Disabled”.
  3. Save the option value (press F10).


IN Dell laptops, equipped with an InsydeH2O shell, deactivation of the protection is performed as follows:

  1. The menu opens: Boot tab → UEFI Boot subsection.
  2. The “Secure Boot” line is set to “Enabled”.
  3. The settings are saved and the laptop restarts.

Bottom line

As you can see, the principle of disabling Secure Boot protection is different models almost the same except for some nuances related to the location of the menu and additional add-ons. Even if this review does not include the model of your PC or laptop, use the basic algorithm to deactivate the protective boot option. Namely: entering the UEFI shell → disabling Secure Boot (+ on some computers, enabling compatibility with other OSes) → saving the created shell configuration → rebooting the system.

Successful and quick computer setup! Be extremely careful when changing the value of options in the UEFI console.

What is Secure Boot and how to disable it? I will try to answer these questions in this article.
Owners of modern computers should be primarily interested in this topic, but owners of prehistoric computers will also sooner or later encounter this topic. So... let's begin...

Instructions for disabling Secure Boot on various platforms

I will give you a few examples of disabling the secure boot feature on various motherboards and laptops. If you don't find your option on the list, don't be upset. After reading how this is done on other platforms, you can do it on your own, since on most devices that support this function, the methods for enabling/disabling are similar. In the instructions I will describe the steps starting from the fact that I have already entered the UEFI interface.


Consider disabling the Secure Boot function on laptops and motherboards from the company Asus. What do we have to do?

  1. Go to the tab BOOT(download) and click on the item
  2. Click on the item OS Type(operating system type)
  3. Select an option Other OS(other operating system)
  4. Save the settings by pressing the F10 button on your keyboard

On some Asus motherboards, instead of the Boot tab, there is a Security tab, where in the Secure Boot item you need to set the switch to the Disabled status.


To disable secure boot on laptops from the company Dell, you need to go to the Boot tab and select UEFI there. Next you need to set the value to "Disabled" and save the settings by pressing the F10 button


On laptops Lenovo go to the Secure Boot tab and set the value to Disabled. Next, save the settings.


On laptops HP in the BIOS go to the System Configuration tab and select Boot Options. Next, find the Secure Boot item and set it to Disabled.
You already know how to save the settings.


On laptops Acer To disable Secure Boot, you must first unlock the ability to disable it. To do this, you need to set a password on the Secure tab using Set Supervisor Password. And only after that, on the Boot tab for the Secure Boot item you can set the value to Disabled


For motherboards from this manufacturer, you can disable secure boot on the BIOS Features tab

There is no point in listing other manufacturers further. In most cases, the options for disabling the function will not differ much. If you still have problems with this, write in the comments and I will try to help you.
Finally, I’ll show you how you can find out whether the Secure Boot option is enabled or not on your PC.

How to find out if Secure Boot is activated on Windows

  1. Press the WIN+R buttons (where Win is a button that looks like this ).
  2. Type the command msinfo32 and press Enter.
  3. In the system information window that opens, look at the item "Secure Boot State" There will be ON/OFF or NOT SUPPORTED, which means the same as OFF.

How to disable Secure Boot in BIOS UEFI? Hello admin, could you do a short review on this topic? Very often you have to reinstall friends on Windows 7, and to do this you know, you need to disable the “Secure Boot” option in UEFI. Laptops and computers are from different manufacturers and the interface is also different, so the options containing this setting are slightly different and sometimes it’s difficult to figure it all out.

How to disable Secure Boot

Hello friends! The Secure Boot secure boot protocol, based on special certified keys (currently available only in Windows 8), will not allow you to boot your laptop from any boot disk other than the installation disk with the 8 itself. Therefore, to boot your laptop or computer from an installation disk with a different operating system, you need disable Secure Boot in BIOS UEFI.

The Secure Boot secure boot protocol option is mainly found in the Security sections, less often System Configuration or Boot, but I want to say that to install Windows 7 on a new laptop with a UEFI BIOS, it’s not enough to disable just one Secure Boot option in the UEFI interface, you also need to enable “ compatibility mode with other operating systems” and it is also called differently for all manufacturers: “Launch CSM”, or “CMS Boot”, “UEFI and Legacy OS”, “CMS OS”, and is located in the main section of the UEFI BIOS called Advanced , then see the subsection “BOOT MODE” or “OS Mode Selection”.

Let's look at the settings of the InsydeH20 setup utility, typical for all laptops, with UEFI elements, for example, Acer laptops have this BIOS, and then we'll also look at other similar utilities that the latest laptops and desktop computers may have.

How to disable Secure Boot on a Toshiba laptop. InsydeH20 setup utility

We go into the BIOS and go to the Security section, see the “Secure Boot” option we need, move to it using the arrows on the keyboard and press Enter,

Again, use the arrows to select Disabled (disabled)

And press Enter. With these simple steps we were able to disable Secure Boot in the UEFI BIOS.

But that’s not all, now we need to enable the “compatibility mode with other operating systems.” Go to the “Advanced” section and find the “System configuration” option

And go into it, here we select the option "Boot Mode" or "OS Mode Selection", and set it instead of the UEFI OS position (maybe UEFI BOOT) to the "CSM Boot" or "UEFI and Legacy OS", "CMS OS" position

For our changes to take effect, we save our changes in the BIOS, press F10,

Then agree Yes and press Enter

reboot occurs. Now we can boot our laptop from the installation disk with any operating system.
Next, you can enter the laptop boot menu (usually you need to press the ESC or F10 key when turning it on) and select your (already connected) bootable flash drive with the operating system or installation disk, if you don’t know how to do this, read our article.

How to disable the Secure Boot option on an HP laptop

Sometimes things don’t go so smoothly; for example, on some laptop models you need to go through a few extra steps.

We enter the UEFI BIOS and select the “System Configuration” option, enter it and select Boot Options, and also enter it.

We see our secure boot option Secure Boot, set it to Disabled (disabled), and set the “compatibility mode with other operating systems” option “Legacy support” to “Enabled”,

We answer Yes to the warning.

We save the settings, press F-10, select Yes and Enter, reboot the laptop, after the reboot this window appears with the warning “A change to the operating system secure boot mode is peding...” In English they do not ask you to enter code 8721 on the laptop keyboard (in your case the code will of course be different) and press Enter, after this changes in the UEFI BIOS settings will be saved and the laptop will reboot.

When you turn on the HP laptop, press the ESC key and get to the start menu, select F-9 Boot Device Options (change boot settings), then select our flash drive or floppy drive with the installation disk to boot.

How to disable the Secure Boot option on a Samsung laptop. Aptio Setup Utility

This utility is mainly installed on Samsung laptops. When booting the laptop, press the F2 key and enter the BIOS. Go to the Boot section, disable the “Secure Boot” option,

Using the arrows on the keyboard, select it and set it to “Disabled”, press “Enter”

At the warning that the computer may boot with an error, press Enter.

In the same section below, the “OS Mode Selection” parameter appears, select it and press “Enter”

set it to “CMS OS” or “UEFI and Legacy OS” and press “Enter”.

Again a warning appears about the possibility of the next boot of the laptop with an error, press Enter. We save the changes we made in the BIOS, press “F10”, agree Yes, press Enter. The laptop reboots, press F10 when loading and get into the boot menu, in it select the laptop drive or bootable USB flash drive.

How to disable Secure Boot on an Acer Aspire laptop

Friends, firstly we have, but here I’ll just note that on Acer laptops The Aspire Secure Boot option is inactive by default; in order to activate it and then disable it, you must first assign a password to enter the UEFI BIOS. What do I need to do!

Go to the tab " Security" and select the item " Set Supervisor Password", press Enter and assign a password. After assigning a password, the Secure Boot option will become active and can be set to Disable.

How to disable the Secure Boot option on a Packard Bell laptop

Press the button when loading F2, less often F6 and get into the UEFI BIOS of the laptop,

Here we go to the tab Boot.

If before turning on the laptop you connected a flash drive to it, then it may not decide immediately in this menu.

Set the Boot Mode option to Legacy BIOS.

And the option Secure Boot set to position Disabled.

Now the flash drive should determine. Place the flash drive in the first position, save the settings and reboot. If the bootable flash drive is made according to our articles, then the download will be successful.

How to disable Secure Boot on a desktop computer

Many desktop computers have modern motherboards with UEFI BIOS and the Secure Boot protocol. Let's take ASUS, Asrock, Gigabyte motherboards as an example. It must be said that on motherboards for desktop computers the functionality of the UEFI BIOS is much expanded, here you have the Russian language and the ability to use a mouse and make all kinds of adjustments to the operating parameters of components.
When loading, press Delete or F2 and enter the UEFI BIOS. Click Advanced (F7).
Go to the Boot tab, then select the Secure Boot option,

Press Enter and enter it, press Enter again and select Other OS (other operating system),

Now we leave here and select CSM (Compatibility Support Module),

Set the Launch CSM option to Enabled.

In the additional options that open, select Boot device options and set Legacy OpROM only or UEFI and Legacy OpROM.

With these steps we disabled Secure Boot and enabled advanced boot mode. Press F10 and save the changes we made to the UEFI BIOS. Save configuration and reset? Yes.

Disable the Secure Boot option in the UEFI interface of the Asrock motherboard.

If you have a Gigabyte motherboard, read our detailed article.

MSI motherboard. Subsection "Boot mode select".

Note: On many laptops it is impossible to disable the Secure Boot option, since it is inactive, in this case it can help.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about one seemingly complex topic, which will sound like this: UEFI Boot - what is it? and how to disable UEFI in BIOS.

Of course for simple user all these names and abbreviations do not mean anything, but nevertheless, buying modern desktop computers and laptops, you will still come face to face with these concepts.

Yes, friends, this is the same settings section on a blue background, which you can enter at the very beginning when you turn on the computer. Here's a picture to refresh your memory:

Many more enthusiasts here have tried to play with the voltage and frequency of the main processor in order to increase the power of their machine. So, the BIOS microprogram was replaced by another, more modern one.

And as you already understood, it is called UEFI. Among the new innovations in it, we can note support for high screen resolutions, very large disks and work with a mouse.

If you read all the lines above and did not understand anything at all, then watch a short video to reinforce the topic:

So, it should definitely be said that a full-fledged UEFI system is not yet implemented in all modern computers. But some of its new functions, hitherto unseen, have been successfully implemented into the old BIOS shell.

And one of them is the so-called UEFI Boot (full name Secure Boot). The purpose of its work is to prevent substitution of the system boot source, thereby reducing the use of unlicensed software.

That is, the picture turns out to be such that now we will not be able to boot, for example, from a flash drive or a third-party drive. Indeed, in this situation, they simply will not be in the list of available devices:

But really, decide this problem it is possible and very easy. To do this you need to make a couple of settings and that’s it. So let's get to work. So to speak, enough theory.

And in order to disable UEFI functions in the BIOS, you must immediately enter it. As mentioned above, to do this you need to press a certain key combination immediately after turning on the computer.

Thus we disabled main function UEFI protection from third-party boot loaders. Then you should go to the “Boot” section and set the parameters as in the screenshot below:

After this, we should have a list of available devices. Now, by changing their position in the list, you can manipulate download sources. Again, using the author’s example, this can be done with a keyboard shortcut Fn+F5/F6:

Well, after all the parameters have been entered, all that remains is to save the changes. This is done in the "Exit" menu by selecting "Exit Saving Changes":

That's all, my friends, now you know exactly the answer to the question: UEFI Boot - what is it and how to disable UEFI in the BIOS. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Well, if you suddenly want to learn more about UEFI BIOS, then watch a short video where this topic opened more widely.