I can't reset windows 10 settings. Benefits of resetting compared to installing a new Windows

If for some reason your computer has become slow, buggy, or has stopped loading altogether, resetting Windows 10 to factory settings can help. This option allows you to automatically (sometimes semi-automatically) restore the system without losing important files. We will look at all the methods for such a reset and point out possible problems and errors.

When you might need to reset Windows 10 to factory settings

An OS reset may be needed in the following cases:

In previous versions of Windows (7 and 8), it was much more difficult to reset the system than in the new 10. Now, virtually any problem can be tried to be solved with a reset. It definitely won’t hurt, because as a result, only programs will be deleted, your personal files will remain untouched.

How to reset Windows 10 to factory settings

There are several ways to reset Windows 10 to factory settings. We will consider each of them in order of complexity of operations. If the next reset method did not help solve the problem, or it did not work out, try the next one.

Quick system rollback

If old version Windows (8.1 or older) has recently been upgraded to 10, which means you can roll back to the previous OS. The user is given a 30-day period to "test" Windows 10, after which the rollback files are deleted (how to prevent this, we will consider below). To revert to a previous version of Windows, do the following:

By default, the OS will delete recovery files after a month of using Windows 10. However, you can prevent them from being deleted. To do this, simply rename the recovery folders or reset them to a USB flash drive / HDD:

Please note that you cannot use other people's reset folders in this way. They contain unique information about the system version and product key.

Video: how to roll back from Windows 10 to a previous version of the system

Reset the system through the Windows 10 interface

If the OS has not stopped loading, you can reset it directly in the Windows interface:

  1. Enter "Settings".
  2. Go to Update/Security, select Recovery.

    Click on the "Start" button

  3. Click on "Get Started" under "Reset PC".
  4. Windows will offer to keep the user's personal files or delete them. Choose the appropriate option.

    Specify what to do with the user's personal files

  5. If you choose to delete, the system will also offer to completely format the hard drive. This will delete absolutely all files from the computer.
  6. Press the "Reset" button when the system indicates that everything is ready to be reset.

    Click "Reset" to start the system reset to factory settings

During the reset process, the computer will restart several times. If you encounter any errors at any stage, move on to the next option.

Video: how to reset Windows 10 to factory settings through the OS interface

Using the Refresh Windows Tool

Microsoft is aware that a standard system reset does not always work. Therefore, in 2016, a utility was released that allows you to reset the system if the standard method did not work. To reset the system using the Refresh Windows Tool:

  1. Open the Recovery tab through Windows Options.
  2. Find the link "Learn how to start over..."
  3. The Microsoft official website page will open in your default browser. Read the information provided and click Download Tool Now.

    Read the information about the utility and download it

  4. Run the downloaded program.
  5. Follow the instructions.

    Choose what to do with the user's personal files and click "Get Started"

  6. The automatic reset process will begin, which can take quite a long time. As a result, you will get a "clean" system.

Recovery data can take up to 20 GB of free space, which can be used for other purposes.

Resetting Windows 10 if the system won't start

If, due to some problems, you are unable to log in to perform an automatic reset, please use the methods below.

Reset laptop to factory settings

Users of laptops from any manufacturer can full reset system settings through the BIOS. This feature is built into all laptops by default. However, it will only work if you have a licensed version of Windows 10 installed.

Before you start resetting your laptop, disable the option " Quick launch". To do this, enter the BIOS (by pressing the appropriate key for your device when turning on the computer, usually F2 or Del) and find the Boot Booster option in the Boot section. Set the value to Disabled and restart the computer saving the settings.

Disable the Boot Booster option through the BIOS menu

Depending on the laptop model, press the following keyboard shortcuts when restarting:

  • for ASUS models - F9;
  • for HP - F11;
  • for Acer - Alt + F10;
  • for Samsung - F4.

This action will open the reset program. Follow the instructions and it will eventually reset all settings automatically. Data from drive C will be completely deleted.

Pressing the F4 key on reboot Samsung laptop, you can call the reset program

Video: how to reset an Acer laptop

Reset Windows 10 using a flash drive / disk

You can reset the system using a flash drive / recovery disk (how to create it on another working computer with the same OS is described below):

  1. Go into the BIOS and select the desired boot option (from a USB flash drive or disk).

    Select your recovery flash drive from the BIOS boot menu

  2. After the reboot, the recovery program will open. Enter Troubleshooting.

    Click on "Troubleshooting" when the recovery program asks you to choose an action

  3. Select Revert to original state.

    Click on "Reset this PC"

After that, the system will be reset to its original form. If you choose to keep your personal files, they will be in the Windows.old folder.

Create a reset disk on a flash drive

To create a reset disk on a flash drive, do the following:

  1. Log in to Control Panel. Turn on showing icons, not categories. Find the "Recovery" item.

    Click on "Recovery" in "Control Panel"

  2. Select "Create a recovery drive".

    Click on "Create a recovery drive"

  3. In the window that opens, you can select the backup option. Then about 8 GB of memory on the flash drive will be occupied, but restoring the system will be much easier and faster.

    Make a backup system files to speed up the system restore process in the future

  4. Select the flash drive on which the recovery disk will be created. It will be automatically formatted.
  5. Wait until the end of the process.

Now the flash drive can be used to reset the Windows 10 system.

Please note that you can use the free space on the flash drive for your own needs. This will not harm the recovery program.

Video: how to create a Windows 10 recovery image on a flash drive and restore the system from the image

Creating a reset disc on CD/DVD

Before proceeding directly to the reset, consider creating a recovery disc on CD / DVD:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" and go to "Backup and Restore".

    Click on the "Create System Recovery Disc" button

  2. Select the drive with the inserted disc in the window that opens and click "Create Disc".

    Click "Create Disc"

Now you can use this disk to reset Windows settings 10.

Video: How to create a Windows 10 recovery disc without using additional media

Possible problems resetting Windows 10

Despite the fact that the Windows 10 reset procedure looks quite simple, there are chances for errors to appear. Consider the most common of them:

  1. Resetting problem. If the message "Problem to reset" appears on the screen during a system reset, the recovery files are most likely corrupted. In this case, you can try to start the reset again, as the error may be accidental. If this does not help, you need to reinstall Windows. Please note that even when you reinstall the system, you can keep your personal files.

    "Problem resetting PC" error occurs due to corrupted recovery files

  2. You need a recovery disk. If the system displayed a similar message during the reset process, it may be missing some recovery files or libraries. Insert a recovery disk/flash drive or use the Refresh Windows Tool to solve this problem.

    Insert the recovery disc or installation media to resolve the error

If you encounter other problems during the Windows 10 reset process, proceed to the next method from the above. If none of them helped, you will have to reinstall operating system.

Resetting Windows 10 to factory settings is easy. In most situations, the proposed Microsoft programs and utilities do a great job with this task. If not, you can use the recovery disk/flash drive. One way or another, you can reinstall the OS, after saving your personal data.

You can relate to the Windows 10 operating system in different ways, but it has one indisputable advantage over its predecessors - it is a faster and easier way to reset the OS to factory settings. This method is a kind of panacea that can solve many system errors and malfunctions without having to reinstall the operating system. In addition, after reinstalling Windows, all files stored on your system drive will be deleted, and when resetting the settings, they will be saved (only installed programs will be deleted).

Resetting the system to factory settings can solve the following problems:

  • the system works with freezes, lags, and so on;
  • you are unable to perform a system restore;
  • Windows does not work correctly or does not start at all (for this case, you will need to create a recovery disk, but more on that later).

If your operating system boots, then you can implement a factory reset in just a few clicks. To do this, follow the steps described in the instructions:

  1. Open the menu "Options". The easiest way to do this is by first clicking the left button on the menu "Start".

  2. Select an item "Update and Security".

  3. Now go to tab "Recovery". On the right you will see a menu that is responsible for returning the computer to its original state. Press on "To begin" to initiate a factory reset.

  4. Next, you will see a modal window that will prompt you to delete files or keep them. Choose "Keep my files".

  5. When you complete all the steps above, the system will notify you that it is ready to perform a factory reset. Click "Reset" and wait for the process to finish. It will be accompanied by repeated reboots of your computer and can take a long time.

Method number 2. Reset settings using the built-in Refresh Windows Tool

Unfortunately, in Windows 10, restoring settings through the standard interface does not always work correctly, which even Microsoft confirms. Therefore, as an alternative, the company has created a special utility Refresh Windows Tool, which is able to reset the system settings. To do this, follow the instructions below:

When you have restored the system to factory settings, it is first of all recommended to clean up the system disk from temporary files that take up a lot of space. To do this, follow these steps:

These files take up a lot of space on your hard drive (in this example, about 18 gigabytes), and deleting them will improve the performance of your computer.

Method number 3. Reset settings via BIOS (for laptops)

If your operating system refuses to boot, then you will not be able to reset the settings either through the standard interface or through the utility. Here you will need to resort to a more complex method, which requires a BIOS. This method is only suitable for laptops that have a licensed version of Windows installed. So, follow the next instructions:

  1. First, go into the BIOS itself. To do this, restart your computer and immediately after the splash screen, when the system has not yet booted, press the key F2 or "Delete". For different models laptops have a different key responsible for entering this menu, so you can press them at the same time if you don’t know which one you need - nothing will happen from this.

  2. When you enter the BIOS, go to the tab Boot and set the value "disabled" opposite the parameter Boot Booster. Navigation through the BIOS is carried out using the arrows, but in newer versions you can do this with the mouse.

  3. Exit the BIOS, saving the changes in the settings. In this case, the key is responsible for this. "F10". If you do not know the desired key, then pay attention to the BIOS interface - usually the purpose of each key is described there. Just find the one signed as "Save and Exit"("Save and Exit").

  4. After restarting the computer, the program for restoring the system to factory settings will open. Different laptops have different programs. For laptops Samsung models this is "Samsung Recovery Solution", Acer has "Acer eRecovery Management", and so on. They have a different design and interface, but the functionality is similar. After the program starts (in this example it is "Samsung Recovery Solution"), click on "Restore" and wait for the automatic reset process to finish.

Method number 4. Reset settings using removable media

So we smoothly moved on to a more complicated way to reset the settings - using a flash drive or disk. If your system does not boot and there is no built-in reset utility, this method will help you. For it, you will need a free flash drive or disk with at least 8 GB of memory, as well as another computer with a working operating system.

Create a bootable flash drive

To be able to restore the system settings to factory settings, using a USB flash drive, plug it into a free USB port on your computer and follow these steps:

  1. Click menu "Start" right click and select "Control Panel" by clicking on the corresponding menu.

    On a note! If this menu does not appear, press the "Win + X" buttons on the keyboard at the same time.

  2. Now select menu "Recovery". To make it easier to find, set the view mode to icons rather than categories.

  3. Go to menu "Creating a recovery drive".

  4. You will be prompted to back up. Accept this offer by checking the box and clicking "Further". Backup, although it will take up more memory on your flash drive, it will help you perform a factory reset significantly faster.

  5. Select your flash drive (it will be displayed in the list of available drives) and click "Further". After that, it will be automatically formatted and can be used as a reset tool. We will discuss the process itself a little later.

Create a boot disk

A similar procedure can be done with a CD / DVD disc. To get started, insert it into your drive. system block, then do everything as described in the instructions:


So, you have written all the data necessary for resetting the settings to your disk or flash drive. Now it's time to go directly to the process itself:

  1. Go to BIOS, then to the tab Boot. Earlier in the article, instructions were given on how to go there.

  2. Select "Hard Disk Drives" and press the key "Enter".

  3. You will see a menu in which you can configure the boot order. You need to move your removable device, from which you plan to run a factory reset, to the first place. To do this, navigate to "1st Drive", click "Enter" and select your carrier.

  4. Then click on the button corresponding to the parameter "Save and Exit".

  5. After your computer is restarted, the recovery program will start. Now you have to choose "Troubleshooting".

  6. Next, select the menu item that corresponds to returning the computer to its original state. Then wait for the recovery process to complete and you're done.

Quick rollback as an alternative way

If for some reason you are unable to execute, then you can try to do a quick system rollback to the previous version. This method will also help you solve a number of system problems. However, it can only be used if you have recently upgraded your operating system to Windows 10.

Important! If thirty days have not passed since the update, then you can make a quick rollback to the previous version of the operating system.

To do this, follow the further step-by-step instructions:

Solving problems with resetting settings

It would seem that restoring factory settings is a fairly simple process, but even it can cause difficulties and lead to various system errors. Consider the two most common among them:

Perhaps the most valuable advice that can be given in this case is to use exclusively a licensed version of the Windows operating system. This will help you minimize the likelihood of system errors, including those related to resetting settings. Many pirated assemblies are frankly of poor quality - they sometimes lack the necessary system files, drivers, and so on. So it's better not to spare money and purchase a licensed version than to spend a lot of time on fixing system errors that "pirates" are teeming with.

So, now you know how to reset Windows 10 to factory settings. This process is simple and useful - it helps to fix many system problems. If you managed to reset the settings, but your problem is not solved, then refer to the guide to reset Windows installation.

Video - Windows 10: rollback or restore the system to factory settings

Windows 10, like any operating system, may not work correctly. When the number of errors exceeds all permissible limits, and the computer starts to slow down, there is a logical desire to reset Windows 10 to factory settings. Fortunately, for this you do not have to reinstall the system again - you can simply use a special recovery tool.

Attention. Some users of the site wrote in the comments that when performing the reset procedure, they had errors and the system stopped loading.

I tested the factory reset tool several times on test systems and came to the conclusion that this problem occurs on certain builds of Windows 10. For example, I had similar errors when testing build 10240, and everything worked without problems on build 10586. The build version can be checked by running the command winter through the "Run" window (combination Windows keys+ R).

Rollback to original state

After upgrading to Windows 10 within 31 days, you can quickly roll back to the previous version. If a month has already passed, or you performed a clean installation with partition formatting after the update, then the quick rollback function will disappear, since the Windows.old folder (it stores the files of the old system) will be deleted.

How to return the computer to its original state in this case? Use the special feature of Windows 10 settings:

  1. Expand the Start menu and launch Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Update & Security tab.
  3. Open the "Recovery" section.

The Recovery section has two functions - resetting the computer and launching special boot options. You need the first tool that allows you to reset the settings to the factory state.

When reverting to the original state, no bootable media is required. The procedure involves files that are stored on a special partition (its size is about 500 MB).

To start the rollback, click "Start". A window for selecting the return to original files mode will appear. There are two options:

  • Save files. All applications and settings will be removed, but user files will remain.
  • Delete everything. FROM hard drive all information will be erased, including your files.

In order not to suffer with overwriting information to other media, select a rollback with saving files. Device preparation starts.

After the preparation is completed, it will be displayed full list programs that will be uninstalled as a result of a system rollback. The list will include all the applications that you have installed (browsers, games, graphic editor etc.). If you agree, click Next.

On the next screen of the reset wizard, carefully read about the progress of the rollback procedure and its consequences. If everything suits you, click the "Reset" button.

After starting the rollback procedure, the computer will restart. Your participation is no longer required, as the machine will perform all the necessary actions on its own. After successfully completing the factory reset, you will receive new system without unnecessary programs and settings, but with your files.

If you have specified the mode complete removal data, then at the end of the rollback procedure, you need to specify the system operation parameters, as well as create account. After the rollback is completed, you will receive a full clean system.

System won't boot

We figured out how to start the rollback of settings in the Windows environment, but how to reset the settings if the system does not boot? In this case, you will have to use bootable media with a Windows 10 distribution.

Factory reset on a laptop

The laptop has an additional built-in reset tool that allows you to quickly and without unnecessary settings roll back the system to its original state.

Important: for the system rollback tool to work, you need a partition with backup files. If you deleted it by formatting the disk during installation, then you will not be able to return to its original state.

Depending on the laptop manufacturer, the reset tool will run different ways:

  • ASUS - press the F9 key when starting the computer until the recovery program window appears.
  • HP - F11 key until the Recovery Manager utility appears (the program can be run in a Windows environment).
  • Acer - Alt + F10. The password to run the recovery utility is 000000 (six zeros). In addition, the eRecovery Management program runs in a Windows environment.
  • Samsung - F4 key at boot.

Since the Windows 10 installation automatically enables the Fast Startup mode, you need to disable it in the BIOS before pressing the above keys. On the Boot tab, there is a Boot Booster option - set it to Disabled and save the configuration.

Alternative way- turn on the laptop, and then restart it. After the reboot, start pressing the desired key, the reset utility should start. There is nothing complicated in working with it: usually the interface is completely translated into Russian and contains only one function - reset to the original settings.

The Windows 10 operating system, like any other operating system, may not work correctly or malfunction. When the number of errors exceeds the allowable rate and there is no strength and patience to deal with problems, there is a desire to reset the settings in Windows 10 to factory settings. It is quite simple to do this, since there are many ways for this purpose. However, we note one caveat: some assemblies, such as 10240, 10586 and some others, may not be loaded at all after a rollback. Therefore, if you are the owner of these assemblies, you will perform all actions at your own peril and risk.

Rollback Windows 10 to factory state from a working system

If you want to reset all settings on Windows 10 to the factory state and, at the same time, your OS is fully functional (boots, has access to the network, parameters), then the rollback steps will be as follows:

  • Click "Start", "Settings", select the section "Updates and Security".
  • Click on the "Start" button in the "Reset your computer" item.

  • A small window will appear. We click "Press".
  • If the system prompts you to select an action, click on the one that is most suitable. We recommend "Keep personal files".

  • The process of saving information may take several minutes. In the next window, we look at the warning that after the rollback, all settings will be changed. If you agree with the actions, click "Reset".

  • The entire factory reset process can take 2 to 4 hours. Do not touch the computer at this time, turn it off or restart it.

How to reset Windows 10 if PC won't boot?

If the PC does not boot, then the way to reset all settings on Windows 10 will be as follows:

  • We connect the media with the installation files to the PC Windows files 10 of the same version and bitness as installed. Select "Troubleshooting".

  • In the next step, click "Reset the computer to its original state." This also applies to laptops.

  • In the next window, as in the previous method, we choose to save or delete personal files.

  • After choosing the operating room Windows system Click "Reset your computer".
  • Again, we are waiting for the files to be installed and the system to boot in the usual mode.

IMPORTANT! If you changed settings in the BIOS to boot from the installation media, change them back.

Safely reset Windows 10 to factory settings

At the end of the free upgrade in August 2016, Windows 10 received useful tool– Refresh Windows Tool. With it, you can perform a clean installation of the OS or rollback while preserving personal files. In order to use it, you should do the following:

  • Go to the "Update and Security", "Recovery" settings section and lower the slider down the entire section. Click on the link "Learn how to start over with a clean install of Windows".

  • A window will open in the browser (you need to have IE or Microsoft Edge installed). Download Refresh Windows Tool.

  • After launching the application, you will need to accept the license agreement. After that, we choose what actions to take: save personal data or delete everything.

  • The computer will be busy installing clean files. Nothing needs to be done until the end of the rollback.
  • After the system boots in the usual mode, you should press "Win + R" and enter the "cleanmgr" command in the "Run" line.

  • A new window will open. In the "Disk Cleanup" tab, mark the necessary files and click "OK". System disk will be cleared of unnecessary data.

  • Now the system can be used without fear of new errors.

Hello dear readers.

If suddenly on your Windows computer started working with errors or stopped starting at all, and there is no way to restore it to its previous state, resetting to the original parameters will always help. In fact, the OS is being reinstalled. Further from the article you will learn how to reset to factory windows settings 10 different ways, depending on the desired result and the current health of the system.

From a running OS

In general, the whole process has become easier compared to previous versions of Microsoft products. This is because a new way of storing the tool is being used to perform these tasks.

It should be noted right away that in most cases, users will not even need to additionally connect a USB flash drive or disk.

So, most in a simple way you can call the process when the operating system starts. If this is the case, the entire system recovery process on the computer will take only a few steps:

Refresh Windows Tool

After the release of update 1607, a new item appeared in the recovery options - reinstalling Windows 10 using the Refresh Windows Tool application. At the same time, the files that are already on the device are saved. The utility makes it possible to perform a reset when the first option cannot be performed for some reason. To do this, you need to make some movements:

The duration of the procedure directly depends on the parameters of the device, the chosen method and the amount of data.

As a result, users will receive a completely reinstalled x64 or x32 OS, depending on the operating system used earlier.

After starting the desktop, it is recommended to execute " Cleaning up system files". To do this, press " Win+R" and enter " cleanmgr". Press " Enter» and select the corresponding button. Sometimes this helps to free up up to 20 GB of space on the hard drive.

System won't start

If your device refuses to go to the desktop, you can restore the OS using a special disk or bootable USB flash drive.

In case you purchased the device with already installed system, it will be easiest to use the special buttons for resetting to factory settings. Which ones - it is better to find out on the official website of the manufacturer.

Otherwise, you should use a portable device with the appropriate distribution. Now let's do some steps:

Smartphone recovery

Sometimes returning to the original state also helps with using windows mobile. This is usually necessary when the phone is frozen or no longer performs its functions correctly.

Important! Remember that during the procedure, all data on the phone will be deleted.

The reset looks like this:

  1. Let's go to " Settings».
  2. We are interested in " Device Information».
  3. Now select " Reset».

If mobile device refuses to perform any action, you need to perform an authoritative restore:

  1. Hold down the power and volume up buttons at the same time for 15 seconds.
  2. As soon as the vibration starts, you must press the volume down and hold until an exclamation mark appears on the display.
  3. Next, alternately click on adding volume, decreasing, power and decreasing again.

As a result, a complete reset will occur. All data will be deleted.

It is worth noting that everything is carried out exactly the same on the tablet.

Errors and Possible Solutions

Sometimes, after trying to reset Win 10, a problem message may appear. This usually indicates corrupted files needed by the process. Most likely, only a clean installation of the operating system will help.

In addition, often the device asks to insert a portable recovery device. The solution is simple - give the hardware what it wants by creating the appropriate component on another computer.

In addition, there is an option to register your own image, although for this the operating system should work:

  1. Download the Win 10 image.
  2. We mount it. Go to folder " Sources"and copy the file" install.wim". Create directory " ResetRecoveryImage» on any partition, except for the system one, and insert the element located in the RAM here.
  3. By using command line use the command: reagent /setosimage /path I:\ResetRecoveryImage /index 1.

After that, you can again try to run a system reset to the original version.

Well, as you can see, there are several options for returning the system to working capacity. And at the same time, you do not need to enter a license key anywhere.

I hope at least one of the above methods will help you deal with the problem.