The file is not deleted on windows xp. Using DeadLock to unlock access to files. Removing a locked file using a bootable USB flash drive or disk

A common problem faced by novice users is that a file or folder is not deleted (due to some file) that needs to be deleted. At the same time, the system writes the file is in use by another process or action cannot be performed because this file is open in program_name or that you need to ask permission from someone. This can be encountered in any version of the OS - Windows 7, 8, Windows 10 or XP.

In fact, there are several ways to delete such files at once, each of which will be discussed here. Let's see how to delete a non-removable file without using third-party tools, and then I will describe how to delete busy files using a LiveCD and a free Unlocker programs. I note that deleting such files is not always safe. Be careful that this is not a system file (especially when you are told that you need permission from TrustedInstaller).

It is also worth adding that if the user believes that his files were deleted incorrectly, then after clarifying the dispute between the user and the notifier, access to the files can be restored. This occurs after we have received information from the applicant that the files were misidentified by him.

"Easiest" means "best"?

This sounds good, but there is one problem. These anti-piracy organizations often do not respond to correspondence. Rafal Skviot acknowledged that the files could be recovered after the confessor confessed, but the complainant could ignore the case and be unable to recover the file. Rafal Squiot also decided to remind us of something.

Note: if the file is not deleted not because it is in use, but with a message that access is denied and you need permission to perform this operation or you need to request permission from the owner, then use this guide: How to take ownership of a file and folder in Windows or Request permission from TrustedInstaller (also suitable for the case when you need to request permission from Administrators).

Deleting a file without additional programs

As a rule, if the file is not deleted, then in the message you can see what process it is busy with - it may be explorer.exe or some other problem. It is logical to assume that in order to delete it, you need to make sure that the file is “not busy”.

It's easy to do - start the task manager:

  • In Windows 7 and XP, you can get to it by Ctrl + Alt + Del.
  • In Windows 8 and Windows 10, you can click windows keys+ X and select task manager.

Find the process that is using the file you want to delete and stop the task. Delete the file. If the file is occupied by the explorer.exe process, then before canceling the task in the task manager, run command line on behalf of the administrator and, after you remove the task, use the command in the command line del full_path_to_file to remove it.

In order to return the standard view of the desktop after that, you need to run explorer.exe again, for this, in the task manager, select "File" - "New task" - "explorer.exe".

Removing a locked file using a bootable USB flash drive or disk

Another way to delete such a file is to boot from any LiveCD drive, system recovery disk, or boot Windows flash drives. When using LiveCD in any of its variants, you can use either the standard Windows graphical interface (for example, in BartPE) and Linux (Ubuntu), or command line tools. Please note that when booting from such a drive, hard drives computer may be under different letters. To make sure you are deleting a file from desired disk, you can use the command dirc:(this example will display a list of folders on drive C).

Using bootable flash drive or installation Windows disk 7 and Windows 8, at any time during the installation (after the language selection window has already loaded and in the following steps), press Shift + F10 to enter the command prompt. You can also select "System Restore", a link to which is also present in the installer. Also, as in the previous case, pay attention to the possible change in drive letters.

Using DeadLock to Unlock and Delete Files

Since the Unlocker program discussed below, even from the official site, has recently (2016) begun to install various unwanted programs and is blocked by browsers and antiviruses, I suggest considering an alternative - DeadLock, which also allows you to unlock and delete files from your computer (it also promises to change the owner, but in it didn't work in my tests).

So, if when deleting a file you see a message that the action cannot be performed because the file is open in some program, then using DeadLock in the File menu you can add this file to the list, and then, using the right click - unlock it (Unlock) and remove (Remove). You can also move the file.

The program, although in English (maybe a Russian translation will appear soon), is very easy to use. The disadvantage (and for some, perhaps, the advantage) - unlike Unlocker, it does not add the file unlock action to the Explorer context menu. You can download DeadLock from the official website

Free Unlocker to Unlock Files That Can't Be Deleted

The Unlocker program is probably the most popular way to delete files that are in use by a particular process. The reasons for this are simple: it is free, it does its job well, in general, it works. You can download Unlocker for free on the official website of the developer, the site has been identified as malicious).

Using the program is very simple - after installation, just click right click mouse over the file that is not deleted and select in context menu"Unlocker" item. In the case of using the portable version of the program, which is also available for download, run the program, a window will open for selecting the file or folder that you want to delete.

The essence of the program is the same as in the first described method - unloading from the memory of the processes that the file is busy with. The main advantages over the first method - using the program Unlocker file it is easier to remove and, moreover, it can find and end a process that is hidden from the eyes of users, that is, not available for viewing through the task manager.

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After removing some programs, files, folders or documents remain, the removal of which blocks itself operating system. In this case, on the screen of your monitor, you can see the message this file is "already in use" or "you need to get permission from the administrator." You can face this problem in all Windows versions. But how do you delete such a file?

This question is of interest mainly to a beginner in working with a PC. This can be done in several ways. In this article, you will learn how to delete files that are not deleted. To begin with, consider the method of uninstallation without installing an additional software, and then with DeadLock and free program unlocker.

Important! Be careful when deleting files. Some of them may be related to "system", and their removal will lead to malfunctions of the computer.

First, let's look at a few common reasons why you can't delete a particular fragment.

  1. The antivirus program has blocked access to the file, mistaking it for a virus. Such files are placed in a "quarantine zone". In this case, turn off the antivirus and remove the remaining fragments manually.
  2. Asks for administrator permission. Just log in using an account called "Admin".
  3. The file is in use by the system. In this case, restart your computer, then try deleting the file again.
  4. Other users local network use given file. Just wait or restart your PC.
  5. The file is protected from erasure. Most memory cards and flash drives have special protection against accidental erasure. Look for a switch on the body of the device that says " Safe mode” or something similar and turn off.
  6. Virus. Nowadays, programmers have come to the point that a virus that infects a file is protected and thus does not allow itself to be deleted. In this case, scan the system antivirus program(the best ones are Avast, Kaspersky and Avira Free Antivirus).

If you see a similar message on your monitor screen, you need to launch the "Task Manager".

In the window that opens, go to the "Processes" tab and click on the one that uses your file, then close it by clicking on the "End Process" button or press Delete on the keyboard (located above the arrow keys)

If the file is being used by the File Explorer process, start the command line, and only then close it. In the same line you need to write / del and the path to the file.

Sometimes, just restarting the PC is enough and all problems are solved by themselves.

Using DeadLock to unlock access to files

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