How to rotate screen on acer laptop. How can I flip the monitor screen to its original position.

If you are experiencing this and need to know how to flip screen to normal, then most likely you are looking for a keyboard shortcut or hotkeys to return the flipped screen to starting position on your laptop or computer. This method is suitable for any Windows XP, 7, 8.1, 10 operating system. There can be many reasons: you or your child accidentally pressed the keyboard with pens. Not scary. There is a solution, more on this later in the article. The key combination “Ctrl + Alt + arrow on the keyboard” will help with this. Let's analyze all these key combinations.

How to flip the desktop screen. Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+"

Return the screen to its original position

Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+↓"

Flip screen upside down

Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+→"

Flip the screen to the right

Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+←"

Flip the screen to the left

So, the problem is solved, but in order not to repeat the mistake in the future, I would recommend that you simply disable hotkeys through the following setting (details in the screenshot):

  1. Click right click mice on the desktop;
  2. AT context menu select the "Graphics Options" item;
  3. "Hotkeys";
  4. "Off".

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To date, there are various ways how to rotate the screen on a laptop. On the one hand, such a reversal can happen by accident. With the help of such a solution, working conditions are significantly improved when solving some special, specific tasks. But one thing can be safely stated with great confidence - this knowledge will not be superfluous.

In which cases?

Did you let your kid go behind your mobile PC, did he accidentally unfold the image during the game and now it’s inconvenient to work on the gadget? Nothing strange happened, and getting out of this situation is not difficult. It happens that there is not enough portrait orientation of the screen and it makes sense to change it to landscape. For example, such a need may be caused by working with a large text document. Conventionally, the ways to rotate the screen on a laptop can be divided into three types:

  1. Using the video adapter control panel.
  2. With the use of OS tools.
  3. Special key combination.

When installing video card drivers, it is mandatory to install which significantly expands its functionality. Starting from the operating room Windows systems 7, it became possible to expand the image on the monitor screen. Some video adapter developers have gone further and provided the ability to rotate the image using a special key combination.

Panel Application

This is the most commonly used method of how to rotate the screen on a laptop. Simultaneously with the installation of the drivers, the video adapter control panel is installed. Her shortcut is on the bottom right corner. Depending on the manufacturer, it may be of the following form:

Consider how to rotate the screen on a laptop, using an example Intel graphics cards. To do this, point to the shortcut. Do a left-click on it. In the menu that opens, select "Graphics Options". It will open in which you need to find the item "Rotate". A list of possible options will open:

  • normal appearance;
  • 90 degrees;
  • 180 degrees;
  • 270 degrees.

By default, the checkbox is next to the first one. If you press left button mouse in front of any of them, the image will instantly unfold. In this case, a request will appear, which must be answered within 15 seconds, otherwise everything will return to its original state. The principle of changing the screen orientation is similar for other developers, but since their solutions have more functionality and there are much more menu items, it is more difficult to find the necessary section.

Keyboard shortcuts

To rotate the image, special key combinations are used. Each manufacturer is different. For example, for Intel products, "Ctrl" and "Alt" are used simultaneously, and, without releasing them, any of the cursor keys.

OS Tools

How to flip the screen on a laptop? Such an operation, for example, can be done with using operating system tools. To do this, call on any free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desktop and select the "Screen Resolution" item. In the window that opens, in the "Orientation" drop-down list, you can select the desired image rotation. To save the changes, click "OK".


A properly configured laptop screen is the key to fast and productive work. This must be remembered and taken into account when processing texts or editing images. With this tool, you can significantly reduce the time spent. On the other hand, if the picture was accidentally rotated, then it can be returned to its original position without any problems using any of the previously described methods.

It happens that the screen turned upside down on the laptop. How to return back and is it difficult to do it? These questions are most often asked by laptop users. But there is nothing terrible in this phenomenon. If this happens, do not rush to call the master and do not panic. Try to correct this misunderstanding on your own. The recommendations in this article apply to Windows 7, 8, and 10.


The Windows operating system has many settings that the user does not even know about. What to do if the screen on the laptop suddenly turned upside down? How to return back and why did this happen? The fact is that one of the "hidden" settings of the system is to rotate the image up to 270 degrees. You can flip the picture yourself, but it happens that Windows crashes and displays the image on the monitor in a twisted form. There are several reasons why the screen turned upside down on the device.

This happens due to the carelessness of the user. Enabling the "hot keys" responsible for screen rotation (Ctrl + Alt + arrow) accidentally leads to similar consequences. Software issues also cause the screen to flip. If this happens, then the laptop may need diagnostics to help eliminate the cause of the inverted image. Another cause of this phenomenon are viruses. The orientation from landscape to portrait changes if the laptop is struck. What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over due to viruses? How to get back the image? First, you need to check your computer antivirus program; secondly, restore the system; Thirdly, reinstall Windows.


If the screen on the laptop turned over, how to get the image back? There are ways to fix the problem. The picture can be flipped back using "hot keys", the usual settings of the installed OS and a flip in the video card software. All these methods are effective and solve the problem quickly and without the help of a specialist.

How to flip

What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over? How to get back the image? In addition to the "hot keys" flip image is possible using the OS settings. For Windows 7 and 8, the following solutions are relevant.

The user should right-click on an empty field of the desktop and select the "Screen resolution" line. A menu should open with various options. Find the "Orientation" column. Select landscape orientation or another, in case of non-standard settings, and save the changes.

For the Windows 10 operating system, there are several ways to change the orientation. Second-click the Start icon and select Toolbar and Adjust Screen Resolution. Set the orientation to landscape and click Apply and Save Changes. Another way that is relevant for the tenth version of the operating system. On the desktop, click the second mouse button, find the line "Display Settings". In the system menu that appears, set the landscape orientation, which is standard for all versions, and save the changes.

Now users know what to do if the screen is flipped on the laptop. How to return back from Windows 10 if this OS is installed on laptops that combine the functions of a tablet and a computer? In this case, make sure the device has an accelerometer. It is responsible for auto-rotating the screen depending on the position of the laptop. This feature is available in modern smartphones and tablets.

Setting in the video card

What to do if the screen is turned upside down on the laptop? How to return back? Windows 7 and later versions of the operating system provide the ability to adjust the display using a video card. If a discrete graphics card is installed in a laptop by the manufacturer, then it has its own software. It is the video card that is responsible for displaying the image on the device screen, so if it turned over, you should look at its settings. If the video card is from AMD, on the desktop field, click the 2nd mouse button and select AMD, find the line "General display tasks" - "Rotate desktop". Apply changes and save. If the video card is installed from the manufacturer NVIDIA, click, as already described, call up the settings, select "Display" - "Display Rotation". Next, set the required orientation. As you can see, the problem of flipping the screen is easy to solve on your own and without outside help.


What to do if the screen on the laptop turned over? How to get back the correct image orientation quickly? There is a simple shortcut for this. This option is suitable for modern operating systems Windows 7,8,10. Press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+ arrow left, down, right, up depending on the direction. This combination may not work on some laptops due to the lack of appropriate settings.

If you accidentally flipped the image on a Lenovo laptop, then this can be easily fixed. There are several ways to return the original parameters. Let's get to the point of the article.

How to flip the screen on a laptop?

As mentioned above, there are several main methods for solving the problem of an inverted screen:

  • If the laptop is running Windows 7, then you need to click on the PCM desktop to call up a special menu. Select "Screen Resolution" from the list. The display will show a new window through which you can quickly rotate the screen. To do this, you need to change the parameters in the "Orientation" column, and save the changes.
  • The easiest way to change the orientation of an image is with keyboard shortcuts. To rotate the image 180 degrees, use the combination of Alt + Ctrl and the down arrow. Returning the image to its original state is carried out using an identical combination, only the down arrow is replaced by an up arrow.

There is nothing complicated about flipping the screen on a computer. You just need to use one of the methods described above.

During the user's work with a laptop, situations may arise when the image on the screen is rotated 90 or 180 degrees. The user does not know why this happened, and he also does not know how to return the image to its normal state. In this article I will tell you what to do if flipped laptop screen I will list the causes of this phenomenon and outline options for solving the problem.

So why is the laptop screen upside down? This phenomenon may have the following reasons:

How to fix screen flip on laptop

After we have decided on what reasons cause the screen to flip on a laptop, we will decide on the means of how to turn the screen on a laptop back. I suggest doing the following:

How to disable random screen rotation on laptops

You can also remove the ability to rotate the screen if it is enabled through hotkeys.

  1. Go to the "graphic characteristics" of the video card settings;
  2. Find the activation settings for the mentioned hotkeys and uncheck the corresponding options (the latter may sound like “Using hotkeys”, “Key functions quick start" etc).
  3. After unchecking this checkbox, the possibility of accidentally pressing hotkeys will be eliminated.


In this article, I described the specifics of the problem if the screen on the laptop turned over, listed the causes of this trouble and described options for solving it. In most cases, it will be enough to use the hotkey functionality, or go to the laptop screen settings and select landscape screen orientation. If you followed all the tips and nothing worked, then you need to contact the nearest service center- it is quite possible that your laptop has problems with the graphics card.

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