Guest access on Android devices. Don't forget the service menu

In four years from a small but ambitious android project turned into perhaps the most complex and feature-packed mobile operating system of our time. Android has support for a huge number of technologies and features, many of which are hidden from the user or hidden where you would not even think to look. This article is a collection of tips and tricks that can be applied to any Android device without the need to be rooted.


I think I'm not the only one who annoys how the market behaves when installing the application. For some reason, he thinks that for any little bit of software or another game, I definitely need an icon on the desktop, and successfully creates it. And I have to remove it. And then another. And so every time.

Fortunately, this behavior is easy to disable - just open the settings Google Play(on the panel on the left) and uncheck the box "Add icons". In the same place, you can turn off the forced password request every 30 minutes when purchasing applications, as well as the hated auto-update of applications.


Standard Android firmware includes a huge amount of useless software, ranging from a bunch of Google applications (you know that Google requires manufacturers to include almost all the software it develops in the firmware of their devices?) And ending with all sorts of junk from the smartphone manufacturer . All of these (or at least most) can be turned off.

Go to "Settings → Applications → All", tap on the desired software and click "Disable" (of course, you will be warned how "dangerous" this is). By the way, when you turn off Google search, Google Now will also disappear, as well as the search bar from the desktop (after a reboot), instead of which there will be an empty area.


Few people know, but in Android, as in many other operating systems, there is a so-called Safe mode. This is a mode in which the OS is loaded with third-party applications disabled. Not too skillfully written malware (the one that does not register in the system partition) falls off, like any software that interferes with the normal operation of the system. Safe mode can be used to bypass screen blockers, applications that freeze the smartphone, or, alternatively, to identify who is actually eating the battery - the next firmware or software update.

The mode is turned on in a rather simple, but not at all obvious way: by holding down the power button and then holding your finger on the “Power off” item. After the reboot, the culprit of the problem can be removed through "Settings → Applications".


"The construction of the castle is finished!" How did you get those notifications? Everyone who is not too lazy is trying to notify me of all possible and impossible events: "Vasya Dzhubga answered you on Twitter", "You have 100500 new messages", "You won the operation to increase your right leg." You swipe one notification, three new ones appear in its place.

How to get rid of all this slag: hold your finger on the notification for a long time and uncheck the box under the "Stop" button. This is a KitKat recipe. In Lollipop, everything is a little different, but the essence is the same: hold down, then the i button, in the window that opens, put a tick on “Block”. In the same place, you can force the notification to be a priority so that it is always at the very top.


Another completely non-obvious function is the service menu. It can be opened by dialing *#*#4636#*#*. Basically there are different Technical information like IMEI number, signal strength, current location or network type. But there is also a very useful function for some situations to force the smartphone to switch to the desired network type (2G, 3G, LTE).

In conditions of poor 3G / LTE signal strength, the device tends to reset to 2G in order to conserve battery power and ensure subscriber availability. This behavior can be disabled. Open the service menu and select WCDMA only or LTE only in the "Set preferred network type" item. In the same way, you can switch your smartphone to 2G - GSM only. It will help if you need to save battery power and the Internet is rarely used. By the way, in the same place you can disable the radio module altogether (of course, until the next reboot).

Smartphones based on Chinese MTK chips have their own and much more sophisticated service menu. His number is *#*#3646633#*#*. There is various system information and a huge number of tests, among which you can find several useful settings, such as adjusting the volume level during a call or, for example, changing GPS / AGPS settings. The menu itself is terribly illogical and contains so much diverse information that I don’t even dare to describe it, but simply send the reader to three letters - XDA.


I don't know why users don't like the built-in Android browser so much. In my opinion, he is wonderful. Lightweight, fast, on the Chromium engine, can synchronize with a Google account (that is, it immediately includes all bookmarks and passwords from Chrome), but most importantly, it has a very convenient and almost ingenious navigation method. This is the so-called radial menu, which can be activated in the settings (only in Android 4.0-4.4).


Google has web services not only for remote software installation, blocking and searching for a smartphone, but also for managing contacts. All contacts of people ever saved and synchronized when connecting a new smartphone can always be found at They can be viewed, edited, added and deleted. And, oddly enough, in fact it is part of Gmail.


Android has a built-in feature to show the current CPU load and currently active processes on top of the screen. In theory, it is intended for application and firmware developers and is hidden from ordinary users, but no one bothers us to activate it. But first, you will have to reach the “For Developers” settings section, which does not exist by default at all.

We go to the settings, then "About phone", we find the line "Build number" and tap on it seven times in a row. The message “You have become a developer!” should appear on the screen. This means that the “For Developers” item is now open, and we are moving into it. We rewind almost to the very bottom of the screen and in the "Monitoring" section we find the switch "Show CPU usage".

We turn it on and see a list in the upper right part of the screen. The first line is the so-called loadavg, showing the number of processes that had to work or wait for their turn to execute in the last minute, five and ten minutes. To put it very bluntly: if these values ​​divided by the number of processor cores are higher than one, this means 100% processor load in the last minute, five or ten minutes, respectively. Below is a list of the most gluttonous processes (essentially similar to the Linux top command).


We have already written more than once about a wonderful tool called ADB, which can greatly simplify device management from a computer for a person who is familiar with the console (here we are mainly talking about Linux, of course). In addition to the ability to install software, transfer files to a smartphone, view logs and other useful things, recently ADB allows you to backup all the settings and applications of a smartphone.

To use this functionality, install the universal ADB driver (, then download the ADB itself (, install the driver, then expand the archive with ADB, connect the smartphone to the computer with a USB cable, run command line and execute the command

A message will appear on the smartphone screen asking you to specify the encryption password for the backup - you can safely press "Next". The process of backing up applications will begin, which will affect both the APK packages themselves (the -apk flag in the command) and their settings. The backup will also include all applications from the memory card. You can restore a backup using the following command:

$ adb restore backup . ab


Running in the background, apps can actively use the internet for a variety of purposes, from updating their content to leaking information about your location. In addition, such activity in any case leads to increased battery consumption.

Android has the ability to selectively restrict apps from background data transfer, but it's located in a place that most users would hardly ever look at. To prevent any application from using the Internet in the background, you need to go to the settings, then - “Data transfer”, scroll down the screen to the list of applications actively using the network (for some it will be a surprise that it is there at all) and tap on the desired software. At the bottom there will be an option "Restrict background mode". It is worth bearing in mind that the option will disable data transfer only over the mobile network, so data will continue to flow over Wi-Fi.


Often smartphone owners Android based neglect the search bar at the top of the main screen. This is really logical, given the ability to perform a search by typing a query into the address bar of any mobile browser.

Meanwhile, the search bar on the desktop can do much more than just redirect the request to It allows you to search contacts, applications, calendar events, bookmarks and web browser history automatically. In normal smartphone use, it may not be as useful, but when connecting an external keyboard, it is an indispensable tool. Just click and drive in the name of the application, contact or anything else, and it immediately appears on the screen.


Smart Lock is one of those features that you don't think about, but once you try it, you can't live without it. This is one of the most notable new Android Lollipop and one of the most useful features added to Android recently. The idea of ​​Smart Lock is very simple - it disables the pin code or other lock screen protection in case there is a certain Bluetooth device or a place on the map nearby.

By default, Smart Lock "as if" is disabled. That is, it does not glow anywhere, but after pairing with a new Bluetooth device (of any type), it will definitely offer to add it to your white list. After that, you will forget about it again. But only until you turn on the lock screen protection in the "Security" section of the settings. Now it will work the way it should.

The Smart Lock settings themselves are in the same section, and in addition to adding new Bluetooth devices, you can specify "safe places" there, and right away with a list of options based on Google Now "observations". By the way, if you disable it, as described in the first tip, then this functionality will also be lost.


Another notable innovation of Lollipop is the power saving mode. It migrated to standard Android from the firmware of smartphone manufacturers, who used to implement it on their own. Now there is a function in pure Android - you use your smartphone to the fullest, and when you reach 15% of the battery charge, the system offers to turn on the power saving mode, which disables background data transfer, reduces brightness to a minimum, disables some sensors and reduces the screen rendering FPS to a couple of dozen frames per give me a sec. For clarity, the status bar and on-screen buttons at the bottom of the screen turn red - so as not to forget.

To save battery on your AMOLED smartphone, you can set black wallpapers and use apps with black backgrounds.

The power saving mode is configurable. Go to "Settings → Battery → menu → Power saving mode". Here you can specify the condition for automatically enabling the mode (although the choice is poor: 5%, 15% or never) and, most importantly, enable the mode right now. It is very convenient if you have a long trip without the possibility of recharging.


Most likely, smartphone manufacturers, as usual, will shovel the standard Android 5.0 interface and change everything (hello Samsung - the biggest fan of breaking interfaces), but in the standard Lollipop curtain, or rather, in the “second curtain” with book
The quick settings ops have one zest. The data transfer button in the center does not switch data transfer at all, but expands into an interface that allows you not only to view the current traffic consumption, but also turn off data transfer using the switch on top.


Especially for those who like to give their phone to other people, Lollipop has a Screen pinning feature that allows you to lock your smartphone on one application without the ability to close it or switch to another. Like many other usefulness, it is completely invisible and hidden quite deep in the settings. To activate, go to "Settings → Security", scroll almost to the very end and turn on the "App Lock" option.

Now if you press the view button running applications(“Browse”), a button will appear at the bottom of the thumbnail of the current application. After clicking on the icon, the screen will be locked on the selected application and you will need to hold the "Back" and "Browse" buttons at the same time to go back. In this case, you will have to enter a pin code if it is set for the lock screen.


Any graphic Android application includes one or more so-called "activities" (activity). Each of them is a window (screen) of the application, for example main screen or a settings screen, maybe even a file selection window. By default, you can open directly (from the desktop) only those activities that the application developer marks as main (main), the rest are available only through the application itself and only if the developer himself allows it.

However, with the right tool at hand, you can reach out to any other activity in any application and even create a desktop shortcut for it. The Activity Launcher does just that. Just install the application, select "All actions" in the menu above and find the software you need. All her activities will appear on the screen, and any of them can be opened with a simple tap or hung on the desktop with a long finger hold.

An example of useful “internal” activities is the Chrome bookmark window (Chrome → Bookmark), access to the hidden AppOps mechanism in Android< 4.4.2 (Настройки → AppOps), запуск поиска в TuneIn Radio (tunein.ui.activities.TuneInSearchActivity). Очень много активностей имеет в себе ES Проводник, включая редактор, музыкальный плеер, просмотрщик изображений и многое другое. Любую из них можно запустить напрямую с рабочего стола. Таким же образом можно открыть любой раздел настроек и получить доступ к некоторым функциям ОС, достучаться до которых проблематично. Это абсолютно легальная функцио нальность, и она не требует root.

Android has a large set of hotkeys for plug-in keyboards. Arrows, Tab and Enter can be used to navigate the desktop and various menus. In addition, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:

Esc - "Back" button;
Win + Esc - Home button;
Ctrl + Esc - "Menu" button;
Alt + Tab - switching between applications;
Ctrl + Space - switch layout;
Ctrl + P - open settings;
Ctrl + M - manage installed applications;
Ctrl + W - change wallpaper;
Win + E - write a letter;
Win + P - music player;
Win + A - calculator;
Win + S - write SMS;
Win + L - calendar;
Win + C - contacts;
Win + B - browser;
Win+M- google maps;
Win + Space - search;

To find out your MAC and IP address, go to "Settings → Wi-Fi → menu → Advanced-
functions”. MAC and IP will be at the very bottom.

Lollipop has a built-in Flappy Bird style game. Go to "Settings → About phone",
several times tap on the item "Android version", then hold your finger on the "chupa-chups" that appears. We play.

Google Now supports a large number of Russian-speaking voice commands. All of them can be divided into two groups: voice search and the actual voice commands themselves. Voice search allows you to perform smart searches on Google, where the system displays a specific answer instead of a list of links, and voice commands allow you to perform certain actions, such as sending SMS or setting an alarm. The list of commands is shown in the "Google Now Voice Commands" image. Voice search includes more than a dozen different types of questions:
Weather. What will the weather be like tomorrow morning?
Addresses. Where is the nearest pharmacy?
Flight information. When does Aeroflot flight number 2336 depart?
Time. What time is it in London?
Developments. When is the sunset today?
Calculations. What is the square root of 2209?
Translation. What is the Spanish word for "cucumber"?
Sport. When is Spartak playing?
Finance. What is the S&P 500 index today?
Facts. What is the height of the tallest building in the world?
Exchange Rates. Convert 2600 rupees to US dollars.
Images. Show pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Interestingly, in English, Google Now understands a large number of and much less obvious questions. As an example, you can give:
Should I wear a jacket today?
How much tip from 420 rubles?
Where is my parcel?

This, of course, is not all that could be told, but it will not work to stretch the article, and many of the other possibilities are already known. Do not forget about these tricks, and the smartphone will become
a little more comfortable.

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Android smartphone owners sometimes let other people use their gadgets. The phone can be borrowed from you to make calls, check e-mail or send SMS.

When transferring the phone to unauthorized hands, its owner usually worries that the guest does not see his personal information: Internet banking data; balance in applications used for online purchases; information contained in the account used in the application for playing cards or other personal information.

Many of us trust our electronic devices with personal information: private correspondence, photos, financial secrets, and so on. No one wants to share such information with outsiders.

However, you are also unlikely to like standing over the soul of acquaintances and relatives examining your smartphone, and not taking your eyes off them. Today, there are already more convenient and effective methods from prying eyes, you can restrict access to smartphone or tablet data.

The "Guest Access" feature will allow you to safely lend your smartphone to other people, blocking their access to your personal data, SMS messages and settings.

Guest mode on an android smartphone will block access to your e-mail and applications, as well as exclude the ability to view those materials associated with your account (for example, downloaded files and photos). Only the owner of the smartphone can also add a new user in the "Guest" mode.

Guest mode features

Guest mode on android works with version 5.0 and higher. This mode allows the owner of the device to set up a list of those operations that the guest can perform on his phone.

For example, if you give a mobile device to your child and allow him to play only certain games, you can completely block access to other applications, as well as text messages and contacts. This application can serve as an analogue of the children's mode.

Each user can set a specific list of those applications that he can use.

The mode is activated as follows:

  • Open the notification panel and click on your avatar located in the upper right corner.
  • You will see 3 icons: "Your Google Account", "Add User" and "Add Guest". Click on the "Add Guest" icon.
  • Now you need to choose which guest will use your smartphone - permanent or new. If you specify that the guest is new, then after changing the mode, all data saved in it will be automatically deleted. If you select a regular guest, the data will be saved.
  • To close the guest mode, you can simply remove the guest from the user list (the "Remove guest" button). After that, yours will be activated (before activating the main account, the system will ask you to confirm access rights by entering a password, fingerprint or other information).

How to easily set up guest mode on android?

The smartphone owner has the ability to configure for each guest a list of actions that the user can perform in guest mode, as well as create a list of applications that the guest can use. In terms of functionality, it is similar to parental control applications.

For example, to allow a guest to send SMS messages and make calls, go to "Settings", then select "Users", click on the guest's name, activate the settings button and check the box next to the line "Allow SMS and calls". Other functions that the guest can perform are also configured.

There is also a setting software methods. The above features are supported only in mobile devices operating on the Android 5.0 or higher operating system.

In devices that operate on earlier versions of the OS, guest mode can be configured using applications.

The principle of operation of such applications is the possibility of all actions, or a password. With the help of such applications, you can block both the activation of certain applications and various actions, for example, the purchase of content in the Play Market.

These programs support the ability to create profiles, which allows you to configure for each profile its own list of actions allowed by the owner of the smartphone. These applications are installed on android starting from version 2.1, so they will go on almost all devices.

We have already talked about the pros and cons of getting. If you despised all the dangers and still decided the question "root or not root" in favor of the first option, tablet owners do not have a natural question: what about the presence of several users in the system? This feature has become both a privilege and a problem for owners of gadgets with the latest version of Android today. How will it affect root on Android 4.2?

A good option for getting root rights would be, for example, Framaroot - getting root rights in one click. If you are worried about whether a child (husband / wife, brother / sister, etc.) will delete innocent games instead system files with your root rights, don't worry: Google did a good job of separating accounts. Everything that you do in your "master" part of the system remains only here. All apps, settings, data and even Root on Android 4.2 with multi-user mode concern only you. Other users will not receive any new features.

Another thing is if you just need to provide root rights for the second user. This is where things get more complicated. On the one hand, it is understandable - there will be few cases when the owner of the device wants to take such risks. On the other hand, the heroes of these rare cases still feel left out.

An attempt to solve this problem is going to be proposed by the developer SuperSu applications. This application is installed on a rooted android and allows you to conveniently manage these features. You can allow or deny applications access to such rights, temporarily remove the root and make a bunch of useful settings.

Unfortunately, in order to speed up the release of the application, the author postponed the multi-user function for the simple reason that the prevalence of Android 4.2 is still very low, and multi-user support is only possible on tablets, which further narrows the circle of those who need such a function. However, he did not give up on this idea, and those who follow the updates will surely notice such a possibility in the changelog one day.

Anyway, supersu it may well come in handy for you - even without the ability to work with a multiuser, so we upload its latest version for download - SuperSu 1.04. Application e (pro version can be found on Google Play).

On October 15, 2014, a new 5th version of the Android system called Lollipop was released, which means "lollipop" in translation. The number of devices to which the update is already available includes such popular models as the Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and Nexus 7, HTC One, Samsung GALAXY S4, LG G Pad 8.3, SONY Xperia Z, Motorola Moto G and many others. Some new products have a built-in Android Lollipop system, for example, Nexus 6 and Nexus 9. In general, for six months, the percentage of users new version Android OS exceeded the mark of 12%, which is a considerable indicator in the market.


For this reason, we decided to take a closer look at all the useful innovations that Android OS version 5, Lollipop, gave users.

material design

The main feature of the new interface of the system is animation, in relation to which the developers themselves use the term "choreography". If earlier the animation of each element was separately configured at the discretion of the developers, now its main principles have been formed. The main such principle was the following: "nothing appears out of nowhere, the windows smoothly flow into each other." This means that from now on, if something appears on the screen, then this appearance will be gradual, and the element will “leave” from somewhere. For example, when you click on someone's contact, the name will move up, thus becoming the title of the subscriber's card. The windows will smoothly run into each other.

In addition to animation in Android 5 Lollipop, the structure of the interface has changed somewhat, new light-shadow effects, new colors and shades have been added.

Notification system

Despite the fact that before that the system had a full-fledged notification panel, the developers of Android 5.0 are convinced that there is no limit to perfection, and therefore they were not too lazy to improve it. If earlier the notification and settings panels were located in separate windows, now it's all on one screen. Also, two auxiliary elements appeared near the icons to enable / disable a particular function. The first opens the full settings screen, and the second brings up an additional panel with advanced settings, which "leaves" right on top of the current one.

However, the “automatic brightness” function has disappeared, since the operating system will now always adjust to the lighting automatically, changing the brightness level, relative to which further manual setting brightness.


The principles of sorting notifications have also changed, which will greatly simplify the search for the reason why the device beeped. Previously, the system used the so-called notification priorities: minimum (weather and other informative information), low (new updates, etc.), standard, high (new letters in the mail) and maximum (various alarms, important reminders and missed calls). Now, in addition to priorities, the system will also sort notifications by time, and sometimes automatically determine their importance. For example, a message from a subscriber from your favorite contacts will be higher than usual.


Also, notifications with a maximum priority no longer pop up in full screen, which allows you to complete the currently running task, and only after that - respond to the notification.

The new 5th Android OS has a setting for modes in which sound and light alerts are turned on according to the selected one.

There are only three modes: all notifications, only important ones, do not disturb at all. In the list of these notifications in the corresponding panel will be all, including notifications that did not cause any visual notifications.

Lock screen

The main innovation in the design of the lock screen is the ability to include a list of notifications that will be displayed in the center of the screen. And if you slide your finger from top to bottom, it will seem full list notifications. Each type of notification can be assigned the attributes "public", "private" or "secret" - in the latter case, they are not displayed on the lock screen. Unlocking the device is done using a swipe in any other direction.


An interesting innovation was "Smart Look", that is, the so-called "smart lock". Among the specific ways to protect the phone included such a function as face recognition. True, you should not seriously use it, since a person with a similar appearance will be able to access your device, so for now this function is more likely to exist for entertainment purposes. Other unlock methods include Bluetooth on your smartwatch or on your car dashboard.

Multiplayer mode

Initially, two user accounts are built into the Android 5 Lollipop system: for the owner and for guests. In the second case, you can transfer the phone to someone on limited time use, being confident in the safety of their data stored on the device.

Also, thanks to the multi-user mode, you can access your device, which, for example, is left at home, using any other - just log into your account. The only condition is the presence of the Lollipop system on this second device.

Google Search

Now a full-fledged Google Search program with a large number of functions is built into the new system. It is noteworthy that a voice search starting with the phrase "OK Google" can now be performed even if you are working in another program, or do not use the phone at all, and it is on lock. To execute the command, it is enough that the device simply has the screen turned on. The exception will be running games or a video being watched, during which, if voice search works, the requested information is usually displayed in text form in the top panel of the screen.


Application manager and performance

New dispatcher design open applications has a slightly different look. If earlier these were screenshots from programs that were evenly spaced horizontally, now we have several sheets with specific applications that are displayed on top of each other. In this case, several tabs of the same program are displayed as separate applications. In addition to the new design, the manager now has the ability to block, set the device to work with this one application, which allows you to direct all the processor's power to it.

Speaking of performance, one cannot fail to mention the new virtual machine Java - Android RunTime (ART). Due to its superiority over the previous Dalvik, the power consumption of the device is reduced and its performance is increased, in the case of some applications - four times.

Other innovations in Android 5.0

The new operating system reduces the delay in video playback, has a multi-channel playback function. Using the OpenGL ES 3.1 specification, Lollipop can compete with computers and game consoles.

The interface of Google Calendar has also changed, while most of its functions have been cut. Changed appearance system settings, in the section of which it is now possible to search by a particular parameter.


Summing up, it should be said that Google developers really tried to do everything as best as possible, down to minor details - all for the sake of user convenience. You may not like some of the innovations, but the vast majority of them make working with the device much easier. Also, version 5 of the Android OS optimizes the work with applications, minimizing power consumption and increasing performance.

The ability to update the system is already available for most mobile devices, and soon there will be many new gadgets on the market that already use Lollipop.

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The announcement of Android 5.0, the release date of which happened on October 15, 2014, was quite expected. Google created intrigue in June 2014, when everyone was waiting for the presentation of the fifth android versions, and we got some Android L. However, in the end, a few months later, everything came together - there was a Developer Preview in the summer, and now - Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Moreover, the funny thing is, literally a day before the announcement, Google posted a short teaser video, where it clearly hinted at Android 5.0, but created another intrigue about the code name. As a result, it turned out to be Lollipop or Lollipop. Earlier, we recall, there were rumors that Key Lime Pie (lime pie) would become such. Actually, in early assemblies they even found a mention of Key Lime Pie. But in the end, Google outplayed everything, introducing a fundamentally new Android 5.0.

Android 5.0 - what's new?

A lot of new. And very. True, most of the changes affected primarily the internal components of the system. Some of them have not been updated since the first versions! However, there is another subtle point regarding the so-called fragmentation. Recall that Android fragmentation is understood as poor updating of devices to the latest versions. Google has been trying to somehow influence manufacturers for a long time, but they practically do not move - this is understandable, because supporting old smartphones and tablets means losing money.

As a result, Google tried to take out the components as much as possible operating system outside of it. As a result, all standard applications are now easily updated through the Google Play Store, and various APIs for developers have been moved to Google Play Services.

So it turns out that the design of Android 5.0 today can be obtained in older versions. True, there is a nuance. Many, but not all applications of the fifth "robot" have been fully updated. Even in Android 5.0 itself, they are partially or completely made in the old design. However, Google will gradually refine them. In addition, some of the planned was not even included in this version of the OS! So we're pretty soon - somewhere in the first half of 2015.

In the meantime, let me introduce a short list of innovations and android changes 5.0:

It would seem, what else can be done with the first launch of an Android device? Connected to the Internet, authorized a Google account - that's it, you can get to work! But not everything is so simple. First of all, in Android 5.0, the initialization wizard has become simpler and more functional at the same time.

And besides, the so-called two-factor authorization (2FA) is now built into it - right when you enter your Google account information, the system will prompt you to enter a code sent via SMS. But the most fun is ahead. If Android 5.0 detects at the first launch that there are updates for the initialization wizard, it will download them, install them, and offer to take advantage of all the “happy happiness”. No, no, this is not Big Brother - it's all for the security of your data. For example, you may be asked to additionally encrypt data, or log in in some other tricky way.

But that's not all. Remember how in 2011 it became the first smartphone with NFC support? Google was eager to introduce wireless payments through this technology. But they somehow still slip. But with Android 5.0, a new feature has appeared that uses NFC. If you bring another phone with Android 5 to an unconfigured smartphone with this system, then through NFC the first one will receive all the settings from the second one - this is a kind of NFC authorization.

Sounds good - it will definitely come in handy in the future. Of course, the data will be transmitted via Bluetooth, but authorization will occur via NFC. But in any case, you will have to enter the password - after all, confidential information will be transmitted. At the same time, to restore (and not authorize) data using NFC, the second smartphone does not have to have Android 5. The latest is enough Google versions Play Services, and the system will be enough and Android 2.3.

If you were already using Android before getting the fifth version of the system (I wonder if there are people who did not use Android?), then Google suggests changes at this stage as well. In the sense at the stage of restoring data from the previous account. Sorry, records. Yes, yes - Android 5.0 will prompt you to choose the one you need from all your accounts. And then a list of applications will appear, which should be downloaded to the smartphone from the Play Store. A very useful addition, giving an extra reason to evaluate the significance of a particular program and get rid of the excess. Previously, we recall that Android simply downloaded a complete list of the "junk" that was listed for the selected "account".

Everyone is used to the fact that when you first start Android, it prompts you to set up a Wi-Fi connection. And swears a lot if you don't. As if alternatives to "wi-fi" do not exist. So, Android 5.0 is already aware that there is an alternative! Now you can configure not only Wi-Fi, but also add APN access points. If anyone does not know, these are the settings with which data is transferred to cellular network- Internet through your operator in other words.

You see? We haven't even gotten to the desktop yet, and there's so much new in Android 5.0! I wonder what will happen next?

material design

Material Design is not a style for Android 5.0. It's a whole ideology. Of course, the mobile system will benefit the most from this "material design". These are not only new principles for building an interface, but also its “flat” style, a lot of animation.

But, as we said, Google will not be limited to Android alone. She will design all her applications in this style, both for smartphones/tablets (including iPhone/iPad) and browsers. And what's more, on a dedicated website Entire volumes have already been posted on how to use this very Material Design for your own developments. The company's goal is simple: using different devices (smartphone, tablet, watch, TV and even a car), the interface should remain familiar, like everywhere else.

Material Design uses the concept of "paper". This term refers to everything that is displayed by the application. Moreover, the program can have as many “leaves” as you like, and all of them are located above the substrate. That is, for a "sheet of paper" you can set the Z-coordinate relative to the substrate. If it is equal to 0, then this is the background, and if it is higher, then a shadow is projected onto the background. And the higher the sheet, the greater the shadow.

"Sheets" can be of different sizes. For example, the toolbar, which Google calls the Action Bar, occupies a thin strip at the top (or bottom). And all this casts a shadow on the substrate. Moreover, if earlier shadow rendering was a task for developers, who usually used special graphic files for this, now Android 5.0 is responsible for everything. The 3D shadow is computed and generated in real time by the system itself. This is especially noticeable in effects with animation.

The thing is that the animation in the new Android is built on completely different principles. Even not so - these very principles appeared. In fact, they didn't exist before. The developers inserted animation at their discretion, and Google implemented something at the OS level. And now a single model, a system, a set of rules is proposed, according to which elements and screens flow from one to another.

The main rule is that nothing should be teleported anywhere. Now it will be clear where it came from and where it came from. Google even uses the term "choreography". Everything flows smoothly from one to another. For example, by clicking on the picture, it will evenly expand to full screen. If you tap on a piece of text, for example, a contact, the name will move to the top of the screen and become the heading for the subscriber's card. And even in those rare cases when there will be a complete change of screens, the new one will not instantly block the old one, but will smoothly move into its place.

The updated Android 5.0 framework is responsible for everything. And, of course, you will have to follow Google's recommendations for shaping the interface. But in this case, there is no need to take care of all the "beauties" of the new system - it will take care of it.

Android 5.0 began to work with color in a completely different way. Google now recommends using a rich color for headings and white for the text in that heading. At the same time, developers got the opportunity to recolor the status bar at the top and the navigation bar at the bottom (if its functions are not performed by individual buttons). In particular, the status bar is recommended to be slightly darker than the main heading. Recall that with the release of Android 3.0, the status bar was made black with blue icons. Android 4.4 recolored them grey. But the fifth version offers a much less boring option, you see.

Although, of course, the developer is not limited only to the shade of the title. The possibilities are expanded so much that you can set any color.

And Google is trying to make life easier for developers. They can either set all the colors themselves or use the Palette API. This API itself selects colors from the picture offered to it, and then, based on the selected palette, forms the color of the controls, title, text, and status bar.

Of course, the Palette API is not relevant for all applications. One of the clearest examples is a music player that shows the album cover in the background. The colors are chosen based on the artwork and the interface adjusts accordingly to the music. This is exactly what was demonstrated in June 2014 at the Google I / O conference - the application behaved like a chameleon.

Of course, there are situations when the Palette API will not work - if the cover is too monotonous and there are simply not enough colors in the picture to select contrasting options. In this case, the developer can set default colors.

In addition, Google brought some of its iOS style to Android 5.0. "hamburger" button calling context menu application, is now displayed in its entirety, and not half its width from the very edge of the header. So it is noticeably better, and it’s much easier to hit it with your finger.

The app icon in the header has also disappeared. Now it is replaced by either a hamburger button with three stripes, or a return to the previous screen button.

Probably, many have already noticed not only in Android 5.0, but also in the updated applications of Google, made in accordance with Material Design, a large round button, usually placed at the bottom. It's called the Floating Action Button or FAB. If you translate literally, you get a "floating action button". It can be located anywhere in the application. Invariably, its purpose is a challenge main function applications. In the mail client, this is the creation of a new letter, in the document editor - a new document, and the like.

Of course, applications often have many such "main" functions. In this case, the button will not call one of them, but will show their full list. For example, an office application will prompt you to create a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file. And in the messenger will show a list of contacts.

And no, FAB does not replace the three-square button normally placed in the top right corner. The latter today calls an additional menu of operations if their list does not fit into the main toolbar. And if among these not included operations there are those that relate to the main actions, then they will be transferred to the FAB list. Thus, the grouping is improved: everything is hidden under the FAB, and everything else is hidden under the "squares".


Everything has changed in Android since the first version. Except for one - the Dalvik virtual machine. Dalvik is what makes most applications work. To facilitate their creation, Google has created a framework in Java. This language is popular, moderately modern, well-known to many. But there is a caveat - all Java programs are executed not by the system itself, but by a virtual machine.

On the one hand, this slows down their speed, and on the other hand, it increases the ease of development, and also greatly simplifies the portability of applications between systems. All of these claims that Android apps can run on BlackBerry 10, Sailfish OS, and even Windows mean that these OSes just have their own Dalvik-compatible Java Virtual Machine implemented and running.

Dalvik was originally designed with low-end, single-core devices with low memory, both RAM and persistent. Of course, Dalvik has evolved over time. So he got support for JIT compilation, simultaneous garbage collection, multithreading, and so on. Compared with the first Android smartphone HTC G1, the performance modern devices increased 50 times. With such resources, patching holes in Dalvik is no longer enough.

And now we have Android 5.0, and with it the ART virtual machine or Android RunTime. Google wrote it from scratch and implemented it in Android 4.4, but only as an option - developers could test their applications under ART. In version 5.0, there is nothing left except ART.

What gives ART? Actually, everything. The virtual machine takes full advantage of modern components, providing not only an increase in performance, but also a reduction in power consumption. Moreover, developers do not need to redesign their programs - ART as a basic runtime environment optimizes their work with its increased efficiency. This is the lafa went to all those who will receive Android 5.0.

One of the main differences between Dalvik and ART is the change in compilation method from JIT to AOT. JIT (just-in-time) forced Dalvik to compile the application every time it was run. As a result, it was maximally optimized for the resources available on the device. AOT (ahead-of-time) involves compiling only once, which creates an "average" executable bytecode that may not run as fast.

However, ART has been made smarter - the system receives an APK file with uncompiled code from the Play Store. Further, during installation, a compilation takes place, taking into account all the features of the device. And the result is an application optimized for a specific smartphone (tablet, car, computer, watch, etc.), the launch of which becomes noticeably shorter, since it no longer needs to be compiled.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but ART functions better on weak devices with a small volume random access memory. After the JIT, the compiled code remained in RAM and was not written to the flash drive. ART, as you understand, immediately executes the saved compiled code without loading it into RAM.

It is not difficult to guess how all of the above affects the increase in energy efficiency. Every time the application is compiled at startup, there is a serious load on the processor. Let short-term, but if you remove it and replace it with a less resource-intensive operation, then the battery charge will not be consumed so quickly.

And to top it all off, ART got a concurrent garbage collector, a special memory cleanup mechanism. Dalvik, when loading a new application, starts the collector, temporarily stopping all processes. ART doesn't collect garbage as often and pauses when stopping are not so long. As a result, this affects the smoothness of the animation and the overall responsiveness of the interface.

It should be understood that not all Android applications are written in Java. There is also the so-called NDK - Native Development Kit. It provides an API for languages ​​such as C and C++. Applications created on them run much faster, but their portability to other systems is much worse. Of course, they are executed by the OS itself - they do not need any intermediary in the form of a virtual machine.

But don't worry too much - NDK uses a very small percentage of applications. Usually these are performance tests, 3D games, browsers and the like. Everything else, like shells, notification bars, Gmail (and email clients), maps, and pretty much any 2D application, is written in Java. According to statistics such 85%.

And there is one more important change that ART brings - support for 64-bit processors and 64-bit memory addressing. Android has finally become 64-bit, and therefore it is from version 5.0 that they will begin to appear with more than 3 GB of RAM. At the same time, one can expect an increase in speed here as well. Not everywhere, of course - mainly in resource-intensive applications that work with media, archiving or cryptography. But in any case, it will all be "free".

As for the compatibility of applications with ART, then in theory there should be a minimum of problems with this. Recall that ART has been present in Android 4.4 since the fall of 2013, and later developers could check everything in .

In total, Android 5.0 offered not only fundamental changes in the principles of building interfaces, but also replaced its main component - the virtual Java machine. This system really got the right to change the major number in the index.

Android 5.0 notifications

It would seem that Google almost “invented” the notification bar in its Android. Everyone else copied it in one form or another. Even Apple did in their iOS. But no, Android 5.0 has again been improved in terms of notifications. Google sincerely believes that there is no limit to perfection, and that's fine.

AT new system again revised the design of the notification panel. It is now combined with quick settings. In Android 4.4, we recall, there is a separate screen for notifications and a separate one for settings. Switching between them happened by pressing a special button. Now everything is displayed on one screen, even on tablets. Pulling down the notification panel, a separate fragment at the top presents several settings. If you press this mini-panel with your finger or drag it down, the full list will open.

Google abandoned the background on the notification bar, and the "grip" from below disappeared. Notifications themselves are now made not dark, but light with a round icon on the left. In quick settings, now there are not only "switches" - icons that turn on or off one or another component. There are shortcuts to bring up the full settings screen, and some of them bring up another panel with advanced settings right on top of the current one.

And the best part is that the list of quick options has been replenished with buttons for blocking orientation changes (in bare Android, this was only on tablets) and a flashlight. But the "automatic brightness" button is gone. Now the system always adjusts to the current lighting and you can adjust the brightness based on this level.

An extended quick settings option is available for the user profile, mobile data network and image transfer to other devices. From the first one, you can quickly switch to another account, or call up all the settings - this is described in detail below. On the second one, you can see the amount of traffic, whether the limit has been exceeded. Well, the third screen serves to broadcast the image to another screen. Devices like Chromecast can use this feature.

The system for sorting notifications has changed significantly. It hasn't happened in a long time. Back in Android 4.2, notification priorities were added: min (minimum - notifications about the weather, etc.), low (low - updates to applications, systems, etc.), default (default), high (high - messages from messengers, receipt of new letters) and max (maximum - incoming calls and alarms). Android 5.0 has become even smarter. For example, it takes into account who the notification came from - if from a contact from the favorite list, then it rises higher. Also, the newest notifications can be displayed at the top. Now it is not difficult to determine why the smartphone beeped.

The best part is that the highest priority notifications no longer cover the entire screen. It's a familiar situation: you're playing a game and you're about to get killed... and then everything slows down, then a screen appears with an incoming call, and a second later the phone starts playing a nasty ringtone. At such moments it is difficult to love someone, you see. Android 5.0 is less annoying - such events no longer cover the entire screen, but appear as a small panel on top. And you are immediately offered actions with this notification: accept or reject. Great, right? The only pity is that this is not customizable yet - only from the side of the developers.

The behavior of notifications can now be configured on the sound control panel. Something similar, some smartphone manufacturers have long implemented themselves. Now this feature comes out of the box. In total, three options are offered: do not disturb, important and that's it. It is not difficult to guess which notifications are skipped in the first and last case. In the second, only those that will be specified in the settings will remain.

So you can leave alerts when you call or receive messages. You can set the switching modes on time. It's been great, right? But keep in mind that all notifications will be displayed on their panel, pulled together from above. Everything described applies to sound alerts and alerts that cause the indicator on the smartphone to flash.

Lock screen

Android 5.0 has finally taken full advantage of the lock screen. It is now very functional and its central part is notifications.

They are now displayed approximately the same as on the notification panel, but not in a complete list. Swiping down from top to bottom brings up the full list. If you swipe in any direction, you will be prompted to enter a code (if configured). And so two icons appeared at the bottom along the edges: a phone and a camera. But these are not shortcuts: you will have to swipe from left to right to call the dialer, and from right to left for the camera.

The set of basic unlock protection methods has not changed. It's all the same graphic key, PIN or password. But something new has also been added.

An untranslated Smart Lock subsection has appeared in the security settings, which hides "smart" ways to protect the phone. The most fun of them all is facial recognition. At the same time, Google does not recommend installing it, since a similar person also unlocks the smartphone. And so a similar function has long been implemented by individual manufacturers.

Unlocking by trusted devices is more interesting and original. The phone or tablet will respond to smart watch connected via Bluetooth, or on the Bluetooth in your car. You can also log in with an NFC tag.

Another interesting feature of displaying notifications on the lock screen is privacy priority. The lock screen, in theory, can be seen by absolutely anyone - knowledge of passwords, paired devices and your face is not required. To limit the information available, a notification can be labeled public (public), private (private), and secret (secret). In the first case, you will see everything in its entirety. In the second, something like "GMail: unlock smartphone to view notification." And in the third, you won’t even be told which application the notification came from.

By the way, now you can configure notifications for individual applications. There are a lot of settings in Android 5.0 on this topic and it's really good.

Multiplayer mode

We mentioned above that from the notification panel there is an option to switch the user. But what are these users and what do they eat with? In fact, this is exactly what you think: what appeared a couple of versions of Android back on tablets is now implemented on smartphones - support for multiple user accounts.

By default, two profiles are created in the system: your own (owner) and guest. The latter can be useful if you have to hand over the phone to someone else for a short time. Other users will not have access to your data.

Other users have almost the same options as the owner. They will be able to download and install applications from the Play Store, have access to almost all settings. Unless the data transfer parameters in mobile networks (APN access points) are used in common.

You can also prevent other users from making calls and sending SMS. And all this applies to outgoing calls - the phone will not accept incoming calls and messages for the owner when another account is enabled on it. And Android won't remember messages and calls for the owner, although ideally it should.

Google Search

Android 4.4 received an expanded search application. It was no longer just a “search bar” on the desktop, but a full-fledged program that could replace the main screen. And in Android 5.0, this integration is only strengthened. Google search(Google Search) is now everywhere, throughout the system. On most devices, the definition of the already famous “OK Google” combination is included - saying this phrase will launch a voice search. It does not matter what is currently running on the phone - if the screen is on, then everything will work.

And if it is not included, then options are possible. More precisely, there are few options - only on Motorola Moto X, Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 "OK Google" will wake the device if it is in standby mode with the display turned off. The rest will not wake up. No, it is theoretically possible to implement this function, but then the smartphone or tablet will constantly “listen” in anticipation of the desired command. This battery will drain very quickly. Whereas the named devices have a separate coprocessor to which this operation is assigned. This chip consumes little energy, and in general, any manufacturer can install one - there would be a desire. Android 5.0 offers everything software for his work.

Of course, saying "OK Google" in the middle of watching a movie or while playing a game will not override the current Google Search app. The smartphone will simply start to “listen”. And here are the possible options. Some answers, like the weather, will simply appear at the top of the screen, taking up little space. And some can open a full-fledged search application.

Decorated Google Now and Google Search entirely in the style of Android 5.0 and Material Design. Large and bright cards are very informative and are provided with beautiful and smooth animation.

At the same time, the search field remained on the desktop. But the list of applications has changed markedly. Now there is no translucent background, as in Android 4.4, it is white. It looks very unusual and many even somehow swear.

But the saddest thing is that even in Android 5.0, landscape mode did not appear on smartphones. After all, if you install the phone in a car, then it would not be superfluous at all.

Task Manager

For the first time about the list of recent applications, where the latter are represented by large pictures with a screenshot of the application itself, they started talking in Android 3.0 - the system for tablets offered an updated task manager. Then he migrated to Android 4.0 and all subsequent versions.

But since the release of the "fourth robot" Google has come up with a more interesting way to display the list open programs. More precisely, at first the company came up with a new design for the list of tabs in the Chrome browser - in the form of card tabs. And then, obviously realizing how convenient and visual it is, I decided to display the list of recent applications in the same way.

Moreover, the influence of the browser on the task manager from Android 5.0 literally "sticks out of all the cracks." Individual tabs are now listed at the individual application level. And, most importantly, with other applications exactly the same situation: several tabs can receive system settings, Google drive, where several documents are open (one tab for each). Hangouts, Gmail/Inbox emails, and more are now in the center open document, not a standalone application. And this applies to third-party developers - they can use this feature of Android 5.0.

The title of each tab is the title of the document. To the left of it is the application logo. You can close the tab either with a “sweep” gesture to the side, or simply by clicking on the cross on the right. Please note that apps from Android 5.0 that can change the color of the status bar also change the color of the tab title.

However, the mechanism for displaying tabs has not yet been fully developed. It's more about tabs. Chrome browser. For them, not the browser icon is displayed on the left, but a dark gray square with the first letter of the site name. Why there is no icon-logo of the site, which is set for most web pages, is not clear. But in general, in future versions, the browser will be able to display this icon and determine the color of the tab title according to the data specified on the site using a special meta tag.

Of course, all application document tabs are grouped - mixed documents from Google Drive and chrome pages the new Android will not output.

Unfortunately, there was no regression. In Android 4.x, if you hold your finger on the application for a long time, a menu will appear where you can open information about the application, or remove it from the list. In Android 5.0, this forces the application to close. However, the function is not removed, but only deeply hidden - turn on the developer tools and it will return. But how many users will do this?

One last thing about Android 5.0's task manager is the app lock feature (Screen pinning in English version). It allows you to lock your smartphone to work with a single application.

By enabling it in the settings, a pushpin icon will appear in the task manager on the tabs in the lower right corner. Pressing it will block the smartphone for this particular application. This will make the status bar disappear. Getting out of here is easy - just hold down the Back button and the application list, so this lock cannot be used for public terminals. But in general, developers received an API that allows blocking at a more serious level.

Project Volta

In everything latest versions Android Google actively implemented all sorts of "projects". So in Jelly Bean (Android 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3) Project Butter was implemented (project "butter"). Its main goal is to provide animation at 60 frames per second. This ensures smooth interface switching. Android 4.4 was proposed by Project Svelte (“slim” project), whose goal is to run the system on devices with 512 MB of RAM. However, earlier “androids” were also satisfied with individual unique ones - we saw.

And now Android 5.0 offers to get acquainted with Project Volta (project "Volta"). It aims to reduce energy consumption. Yes, yes, above we, describing what a wonderful thing the new ART virtual machine is, mentioned that it now also saves energy. But ART does this automatically due to its architecture, while Project Volta is a set of APIs that developers can use in their applications. That is, this tool is for programmers, and it will work only if they "descend".

One of the main modules of Project Volta is a special Battery Historian script written in Python that allows you to collect data on the application's energy consumption. Everything is displayed in the form of a graph and you can track at what moments the program eats the battery charge to the maximum.

While working on Project Volta, Google did an experiment. They turned on the Nexus 5 Airplane mode, turned off the screen and looked when the battery runs out. Guess when? A month later! The bottom line here is extremely simple: the more the phone is in sleep mode, the better.

However, that's the "trick" of Android and its applications - this whole "zoo" likes to work in the background. Programs perform certain scheduled operations, perform background cleaning, keep an event log, update their databases, send statistics, and so on. And the more applications you have, the more such “undercover” activity is going on on your smartphone.

It is impossible to refuse this functionality, but it can be systematized. For this, the JobScheduler API was created, which allows you to schedule such operations. After all, it is more effective to “wake up” once every two hours than to “pull” the phone every 3 minutes.

The same thing happens with the Internet connection. Without JobScheduler, the program simply requests access to the network, and if it is not there, then it repeats the operation after a few minutes. JobScheduler can not only plan this, but also set the conditions under which the connection will be provided: connection via Wi-Fi, mobile network, to a computer, and so on.

In addition, it will be possible to indicate to the system that the task must be completed not “exactly in so many minutes”, but, for example, within the next two hours. This way the JobScheduler will accumulate several such requests and execute them all in one fell swoop.

If developers listen to Google's recommendations (and we hope they do - if I were a search engine, I would introduce some motivational priorities), then it will be possible to achieve up to 15-20% improvement in terms of energy consumption. For example, the Play Store is already optimized this way, which, in the absence of WiFi connections does not even try to check for app updates, saving not only energy, but also paid traffic in mobile networks.

Even in the settings there was a section Power saving mode or Battery saver in the English version. By enabling it, the system will start to reduce the frequency of the processor in a more aggressive way, reduce the activity of background tasks, animation will be cut down, and so on. When the mode is active, the status bar and navigation bar are recolored in bright orange. Also, the activation of the mode can be made automatic when the battery charge is 5% or 15%.

New Camera API

As sad as it is (or maybe not really sad?) to admit, but smartphones have de facto killed cheap soap dishes. The latter, although they have become quite compact, but why does a person need a soap dish if 80% of its functions are available to the phone, which is always in your pocket anyway?

True, a smartphone is different for a smartphone. In its purest form, Android does not offer anything supernatural, and therefore even a good quality sensor does not save. So devices of the Nexus family have excellent performance, but their cameras shoot a maximum of medium. Samsung has succeeded most of all here, which has perfectly implemented its own photo processing algorithms - its mobile phones in this respect are considered the best. Apple also did a good job, although it's not Android. Cameras from LG and Sony are worthy of filming, Huawei seems to be something to boast of. Of course, the smaller the manufacturer, the less funds he has for such developments.

And now, we have Android 5.0, and with it the new Camera2 API. Its most important difference from the past is the ability to save personnel in RAW format, not just JPEGs. Well? Who in the army of DSLR owners knows the difference between these formats and will explain their pros and cons? Let's leave this topic for comments! The first person to give the correct answer will receive a consolation prize!

Camera2 doesn't use any special RAW version, but saves everything in Adobe DNG, so any Photoshop or Lightroom will open the footage without question. Also, the new API allows you to control the parameters before the frame is taken. So now you can adjust the focus in manual mode, ISO, shutter speed and white balance.

Tightened the speed of work. On Google I / O, the Nexus 5 smartphone “pulled out” 3 frames per second with a resolution of 8 MP and with the same shooting parameters. And with the use of Camera2, the number of frames increased to 30 per second, while changing the settings for them!

In Camera2 terminology, there is no difference between taking photos and taking videos. Now it all goes through a single rendering pipeline - what difference does it make if it renders 1 photo frame or 24 video frames per second?

Unfortunately, Camera2 is an API, a developer toolkit, not an application. Standard program Google Camera does not use any of the above. So all hope lies with programmers, including those who work for large manufacturers - we have no doubt that Samsung and other companies will certainly take advantage of new opportunities.

And so, if anyone wants to try the new functionality of Camera2, there is an application lcamera. It is still in the development stage, decently buggy, but gives a general idea of ​​​​new features.

Corporate Functions

Android is not well represented in the corporate segment today. On the one hand, this is understandable - the open and most popular system does not quite meet the strict requirements of companies. But on the other hand, no one forbids releasing appropriate protected applications, making entire shells and even forks! Nevertheless, a step forward from Google is still made.

Android 5.0 can encrypt data on its own. Moreover, it works as follows: everything is encrypted, and then, when the device starts, even before the system starts loading, you will be prompted to enter a PIN code, pattern or password. And only then the system partition will be decrypted and the download will continue.

Something else Google borrowed from Samsung and implemented it in Android 5.0. We are talking about dividing the user profile into work and home - Samsung's Knox system, presented along with. It allows you to separate work data from the rest. Exactly the same thing happens in Android 5.0.

But these are still not two different users, this is a working addition to the main account. In particular, you can create two shortcuts for the same application. For example, one leads to your "general" Gmail inbox, and the second one leads to your work one. Such shortcuts are marked with a special orange icon.

However, the whole squiggle is that this corporate mode is not yet available to users of Android 5.0. The screenshot above is from Google's description page. So it is obvious that in the future this feature will be “rolled out” again.

Android 5.0 settings

Settings in Android have not been touched de facto since version 4.0. Recall that there they were made in dark colors. However, this did not prevent smartphone manufacturers from changing the design in their own way. But in Android 5.0, everything was redrawn here. Settings are now white, with green icons. Everything is bright, beautiful, cheers.

Also in android settings 5.0 added search. Moreover, he searches not only by the names of sections, but also by their description. That is why, in response to the request for “screen”, we received, among other things, the subsection “Brightness”. But keep in mind - the search "does not climb" deeply. If something is hidden very far away (for example, APN parameters - access points for mobile networks), then you have to do the old-fashioned way - dig yourself.

Also, the settings received a landscape mode, as in tablets. They can be arranged in two columns if you turn your smartphone.

As for the new settings directly, they were practically not added, except for those already described. Of the old ones, only the Wi-Fi parameters have changed. Now such a connection can be designated "paid", as well as on a mobile network. It specifies the limit of traffic consumption, automatic updates The Play Store will not work on it, and when downloading large files you will be asked if this can be done.

Gmail mail client

FROM email client In Android 5.0, Google did something strange. Recall that until now, two applications were supplied with each Android: Gmail, for working with the service of the same name, and Email, for all the rest. mailboxes. But now they have been merged into Gmail.

And the shortcut to the old Email application remained! Only he opens Gmail. And inside this client, all additional mailboxes are visible as secondary Gmail mailboxes. But the most interesting thing is that the former application can be downloaded from the Play Store. Why couldn't you leave this name and not link everything to Gmail? Completely incomprehensible.

Google Calendar

Something strange happened to the regular calendar. I mean with the Google Calendar scheduling app. In Android 5.0, its functionality has been seriously curtailed, the interface has been simplified. It seems that Google decided to remake it from scratch, and even in the style of Material Design, but did not have time.

The new calendar does not allow the event to be magnified by showing more than detailed information about him. The monthly view of the calendar is gone. The week is displayed five-, not seven-day. At the same time, the same amount of information about the event is displayed, only the font has become larger. That is, everything has become larger, but at the expense of useful elements. Some strange approach. There are problems with animation while scrolling pictures - frames are often lost.

Are there any advantages? The tablet version looks good. It seems that it was "pulled" on smartphones. In addition, an event can be added via Google Now or Inbox - they are automatically sent to the calendar.

In general, are we waiting for Android 5.1 with a corrected calendar?

Dedicated SMS Application

One of the major innovations in Android 4.4 is the integration of an SMS client into the Hangouts app. Hangouts, we recall, is a Google application that has combined all the possible messengers of the company, of which you could count 5 pieces if you wish. And in Android, SMS was also transferred there. However, both the subscribers themselves and the operators, who did not want such integration, did not like it very much. After all, Hangouts, if possible, can send SMS via IP protocol, and not via a mobile network.

In general, in Android 5.0 everything was returned back. Hangouts, of course, has not been removed - this application still supports SMS. And so in the settings you can choose which program to use for SMS.

The new SMS messenger is really "new" - it is obvious that it was rewritten, or even made from scratch. It is quite simple, but it looks "fun" - various bright colors are chosen for conversations. You can also attach pictures to messages. voice messages.

Android 5.0 release date

Android 5.0 has already been released and is available on all Nexus devices and Google Play Edition - in November-December 2014, Google extended the system to all its tablets and smartphones.

Little is known about other devices. Major A-brands have already announced the schedule and plans for upgrading to Android 5.0. Among them are Samsung, HTC, Sony, Motorola, LG - the flagships of these companies will get a new firmware.


Android 5.0 is the biggest change to the mobile system of all time, according to Google. You can start with the fact that the OS received a new ART virtual machine, and end with new principles for building an interface. Moreover, all this has been redesigned from scratch, designed for the future, and therefore in many places it has not been completed.

No, don't worry, ART is in order - it works faster, consumes less energy. But applications in the style of Material Design Google did not have time to finalize. Of course, only a part. But, for example, what the calendar has become is not very convenient to use. It is not clear why they screwed things up with the mail client. And the settings turned out great - you can't say anything.

Separately, we praise the notification panel, its work algorithms, integration with the toolbar. This also includes an updated lock screen - you can finally see notifications on it! The task manager is also well done - in the form of cards it is much more visual. Perhaps the benefit will be from a full-fledged multiplayer mode. Not everyone will appreciate it, but for some users it will be a godsend.

But in general, Android 5.0 is still a huge reserve for the future than a self-sustaining system. , having survived many bug fixes and minor updates, the new OS will become very advanced and convenient. In the meantime, this is a massive set of advanced tools for developers. Yes, we are talking about the rules of Material Design and a lot of new APIs, including the Palette API, JobScheduler and Camera2 described above. Their presence allows programmers to create new, more beautiful, productive and energy-efficient applications.

Meanwhile, Android 5.0 has already received a lot of complaints. Many are unhappy with its interface, stability, and so on. Well, this is normal for any new software, especially one that has undergone such a major upgrade. We are confident that Google will fix bugs, although at least until version 5.1 there will be no noticeable changes in the design of applications and new functionality. But in any case, the entire 2015 "pyaterochka" will be actively updated! Follow the news on our website - we constantly write about all the changes in Android!

Moreover, as android updates 5.0 we will write to supplement this material. So stay with us and express your opinion below in the comments!

Android 5.0 updates

Android 5.0.1

The release date for Android 5.0.1 was set for December 4, 2014, which was when the first update for Android 5.0 was released. Of course, it did not offer anything new - only errors were corrected.

The most important of them is a factory reset, which rarely happened when unlocking the screen. And this error concerns mainly those who use graphical protection. The system considered each touch as an authorization attempt. And after three such unsuccessful attempts, the device was reset. The problem was solved by increasing the number of graphics points to four.

In addition, Android 5.0.1 plays videos better on the Nexus 7.

As of release date, the new Android 5.0.1 is currently only available for Nexus 7, 9 and 10 tablets. Nexus smartphones will receive the update a little later.

Android 5.0.2

This Android index 5.0.2 came out somehow very suddenly. There is no list of changes for it - Google is silent. Yes, and you can download Android 5.0.2 only for ASUS tablet Nexus 7 2012. And only for the Wi-Fi version. Obviously, this is a corrective release for one device only. It is possible that the rest will immediately receive Android 5.0.3.