How to open the last document in Word. How to recover an unsaved Word document

Do you know the situation when, after a long work in Word, it suddenly freezes tightly operating system or the electricity goes out, and the document that you have been sitting on for so long has not been saved? Having met with her, you should not despair: in most cases, there is an opportunity to restore the file you are looking for. Let's look at two main ways to solve the problem.

Document autosave

If you do not have the oldest version Microsoft Word, then it already has the function of automatically saving files. Open the editor again, go to the file menu, select "Details".

In the "Versions" section we find a list of documents available for recovery, click on the required one and restore it. Naturally, for the successful completion of the operation, you must have autosave documents set. How to do this - see the help section of your Word versions. Usually this parameter is set in the "File" - "Options" menu, the "Save" section.

By default, an interval of 10 minutes is set for automatic saving, feel free to reduce it by at least 2 times. Activate also the option "Keep the last autosaved version when closing without saving".

We are looking for a document in temporary files

This method is not as efficient as the previous one and is much more complicated. It is based on the fact that while working on open documents Word creates intermediate copies of files in temporary Windows folder. Usually, when the editor is closed correctly, these files are deleted, but in our case they may remain.

Open the temporary folder Windows files and sort them by date. Unsaved documents have the extension (file type) ".tmp" and a "~" sign at the beginning of the name. Find the files that match your documents, try copying them to another location, renaming them to ".doc" or ".docx" and opening them with Word. Sometimes in this way it is possible to recover information.


We hope that our article will help you save seemingly irretrievably lost electronic documents.

Exists different ways recovering lost Word files. In this article, we will consider several options for returning disappeared documents without the use of third-party programs.

The reasons for the loss of Word documents can be different: the system hung up, the power supply suddenly turned off, they forgot to save the document when exiting the program, and others. All of them are unpleasant and even painful. However, do not be upset, because you can return the disappeared files.

Method 1: AutoRecover Document in Word

In the event of a system failure, after which Windows was forced to reboot, the program itself will offer to restore unsaved documents. However, after a crash, the automatic file recovery function will only work the first time you start Word.


  1. Double click on the Word icon and open a new empty document;
  2. On the left side of the window, you will see a list of documents that were open when the computer crashed. Under each of them is the date and time of their last adjustment. Select the document you need, click on it, and the text will appear on the screen.

When you close the list tab, the copies of the documents will be moved to the trash. But first, the system will ask you to confirm their removal. Be careful, because this list opens only when you first enter the text word editor after a crash.

Method 2: Restore from autosave folder.

If you accidentally closed the list discussed in the previous method, but did not select the document and, therefore, did not reanimate it, then this method will do.

Method 3: Recovery from hidden reserve.

Latest Versions text editor Word makes automatic saving of all versions of documents at intervals of 10 minutes. For these needs, there is a hidden folder, to go to which you need to do a few simple steps:

Method 4: Restore from the original file.

An unsaved document could also remain in the original Word file of the system, which is located in two steps:

All the methods described above are different, but each of them is designed to help you find the Word document that needs to be restored. At least one of them will definitely solve your problem.

Greetings my dear readers website ! You have no idea what I've been through recently! Well, it's clear that I didn't look here very often. The reason is banal, the main work has dragged on and there is not enough time at all, even sometimes to sleep normally. These are the "hot" months of September-October for the school. The beginning of the year, reports, papers and the most, probably, terrible - these are PLANS!

Imagine the situation, I took five lessons, in addition, I did a lot of work on the class lists, handed in 4 reports, did some more work and came home about an hour at 7 pm.

And also prepare plans for the next day, lessons start at 8.00! And now I am finishing the last plan at 23.00, my head is not very thinking anymore. The plan is already all ready and it remains just to save and print it to the printer. And what am I doing? You probably remember that I already use Word 2010. It asks me whether to save the file or not? And instead of clicking the "Save" button, I click the "Cancel" button!

Slowly it dawns on me that I did something wrong ... About 10 minutes before that, I re-saved this document, but after that, I never once pressed the cherished floppy button in the upper left corner. Hoping for a miracle, I open the file and see the very initial document in front of me ...

Already without any emotions, I begin to think that it is still possible to restore this file, well, I don’t want to print everything again! I go with a request to our beloved Internet and, OH GOD! What a blessing that I installed Word 2010 for myself! I found and restored the file! Do you want to know the action? They can be played for Word 2007 too!

How to recover an unsaved file

So, I'm telling you step by step. If you have Word 2010 installed, then perform just a couple of actions FILE - LAST - RESTORE SAVE DATA. The last inscription is in the lower right corner of the screen. I won’t do a screenshot of the picture, you can easily find this inscription yourself. A window will open in which you will see this how to recover an unsaved file.

If you have Word 2007, you will have to do the following.

1.Go to MY DOCUMENTS, look for the menu SERVICE - FOLDER OPTION. In the window that opens, select the VIEW tab and uncheck the box next to HIDE PROTECTED SYSTEM FILES (recommended) and check the box next to SHOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS. After that click OK.

2. Now go to the local drive C and select the C: Documents and SettingsUserLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeUnsavedFiles folder there. At this address you can find your temporary files that were not saved.

One moment, if you have more than 10 minutes in the Autosave Options, then you are unlikely to be able to fish out the saved file. I advise you to set autosave after 5-10 minutes.

To do this, follow these steps in Word program 2010:


This is how I answered my own question. And I hope you find this article useful too!

Now you know, in Worde. I think that you will not get such a panic as I have.

And if you want to study Word 2010 from A to Z, then I advise you to watch the course.

Sincerely, Svetlana Bukhtoyarova!

Two deplorable stories are forever imprinted in my memory when I missed the “Save” button at the most crucial moment. Once they just started talking to me, and the second time I was in such a hurry that I finished the work standing at the computer already dressed. Distractions and exceeding a reasonable speed then cost a lot of nerves.

Surely, similar office disasters happened in your life, after which you wanted to give vent to feelings and show the stupid car who is the boss in the house. Exactly like in the old popular video.

But you restrained yourself, realizing that next time, instead of your native Mac, you will get an import-substituting Elbrus. How to protect yourself from the state of passion and not become a laughing stock victim of sanctions? It is enough to know that Word, contrary to your desire, still keeps in reserve what you decided to refuse (whether it was consciously or erroneously).

Open the main text editor window and navigate to the first "Details" section. Click on the "Document Management" icon, where you will find the treasured function.

Click on the "Recover Unsaved Documents" option, after which the Word service folder will open in front of you with several files that you have already forgotten about.

I hope that you are lucky and you will return the entire document from oblivion, and at worst - most of it. But it is important to understand that luck will smile at you only if the “Keep the last autosaved version when closing without saving” checkbox is checked in the settings of the program itself. The smile width directly depends on the autosave interval.

If I'm not mistaken, the saving feature is enabled by default. But the interval is not the most optimal. I recommend reducing it to 2-3 minutes.