Google Drive (Google cloud). Google Drive (Google cloud) Things to work on

Google Drive is a service for working with "cloud" storage, which is very useful to you if you want to have backups important information for you. After all, if any problems occur with your PC, and you have saved all the most important things in Google Drive, replacing your computer will be almost painless for you.

What you need to know about Google Drive

Cloud storage is a modern and secure technology for storing any important information on a secure server on the Internet. If you think that anyone logging on to the Web will be able to access your personal files, you can be sure that this is absolutely not the case. Google Drive uses the most advanced techniques, and access to the storage itself is secure thanks to the https protocol, which protects data exchange between local machine and server at the highest level.

Below you can download the Google Drive client to synchronize data between the "cloud" and PC. Of course, you can exchange data without using this client, but installing this little utility will make working with Google storage much easier. To try the Google Drive client for PC, you need to download and install it, after registering it account from a Mountain View company.

Briefly and clearly:

  • the ability to upload any files to the "cloud" server and upload them back to the PC at any time;
  • management and configuration disk structure on server;
  • distribution of access rights to individual objects;
  • integration of Google Drive with other services from this company, such as My Maps, Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Forms and others;
  • changing the background color scheme of individual objects in the service.

Gained great popularity. This trend is mainly associated with the need for modern man store large amounts of information“at hand”, because such storages make it easy and free to save and share information with other people without taking up extra space on the gadget.

Today, one of the most popular cloud storage is Google Drive 2019. As you might have guessed from the name, this cloud storage was developed by the corporation Google. What makes this program stand out, how to use it and where to download google drive on computer? More on this later.

Program interface

Where to download Google Drive?

Downloading Google Drive for Windows for free is not a problem. Google provides an opportunity to download this cloud storage absolutely free of charge from your official site. Just need to find this program, click the "download" button and wait for the download.

How to use Google Drive?

  1. Logging into your account, you will find a section "My Disc". It is in it that they will store all files that will be uploaded to the cloud.
  2. To add file to your storage drive, you should click on "+" button in your account and select the desired file.
  3. Do not forget that you can allow other storage users to view your files from Google Drive, but only if you wish (by default, all files are available only to you).
  4. It is also not clear to everyone how to download files from google drive. To save any file from the storage from Google, you only need to click on the "functions" button, which represents three dots, and select the item there "download".

How to download a file from Google Drive

Pros and Cons of Google Drive

Google Cloud Drive is closely related to other Google products. Also he has offline mode, and access to files on your disk can be restricted. These are the main positive aspects of this repository.

The first among the minuses is to mention the poor security of files on the cloud. There are not isolated cases of account hacking, so it is not recommended to store important files on Google Drive. The second negative aspect is that despite Google allocating 15 GB to each account, they are also consumed Gmail, Google Docs, and so on.

What devices and systems support Google Drive?

It is possible to download google drive on a computer, tablet or mobile device that support OS Windows 7, 8, 10 (etc.), MAC, Android, iOS. With all of the operating systems listed above, Google Cloud Drive works.


Summing up, it should be said that storing information and files on a cloud drive is very convenient in our information age. And Google Drive, despite its shortcomings, in the form of poor file security, is still one of the the best programs of a kind. After all, it's not in vain for two years of their work in this repository already numbered about 240 million active users.

Remote data storage in the virtual Google cloud is undoubtedly a very effective auxiliary method for any modern user who has to deal with a large number of files and various types of data on a daily basis. At the same time, it is desirable that they can be accessed from anywhere, without being tied to a home or work computer.

Thus, creating a convenient and multifunctional program Google Drive (google drive for computer), a well-known developer company, pleased the vast majority of its regular users and customers with the opportunity to transfer a huge number of their files from hard drives and removable media to a more practical and reliable platform - the Google cloud, freeing up a decent amount of free space on their "machines" for other important needs.

Using cloud storage google drive, you can access your personal data archive at any time through a desktop computer, tablet, mobile phone or a laptop, provided the Internet is connected (if you need to constantly synchronize data with the cloud). Otherwise, such information may be stored on local computer until it goes online, after which the user files will be synchronized with the cloud storage.

Thus, in any life situation, you will not remain cut off from the files that are extremely important to you, wherever you are: at home, at work, in a cafe with friends, or standing in a traffic jam in your own car.

It is important to know that files that are in the cloud can be "shared", granting access to another user for editing or reading. This will allow you to work collectively on common projects by uploading data to the repository. This approach makes the Google Drive cloud service even more useful and important for a common cause (for example, for business partners, work colleagues, or just for home users who like to share their ideas with friends, giving them access to their data).

How to use the service?

There are 2 options which help you fully and free of charge to use the storage on a personal PC(suitable for Mac and PC):
  1. just follow the link (provided that if you have already registered Google mail, you can use the storage for free, the size of which is 15 GB) and work with files via the Internet browser. You will be able to create and edit files in such common formats as .doc, .xls, .txt (more than 30 file types are supported in total) and be able to edit them directly from the browser. The editor's interface will resemble the good old Word, Excel (depending on the type of file being edited). Additionally, users will be able to view and PDF documents, as well as many other common file types that are supported by the web version of Google Cloud.
  2. the second option involves the use of a special program for a PC. For this it is necessary download the Google Drive program for your computer from our website(link at the bottom of the article) or from the official resource (the method is shown in the screenshot below), and then perform its standard installation in your operating system. As a result of the installation, you will be prompted to log in to Google Drive, after which you can already start working with the cloud (upload and download different files, share access, etc.).

And although local program may seem more familiar and convenient compared to the web interface, many users often resort to working with the cloud through a browser. So you can double-check your future presentation for a business project or study, create a new business meeting schedule for work, correct errors in a spreadsheet, and the like.

At the same time, many users will notice that the tools offered for working with files are very similar to Google Docs, which greatly simplifies the task for those who do not want or are not able to install the necessary software on their PC, but want to do everything remotely using Google's available tools.

If you suddenly need a previous version of a document that you worked with before, then, by analogy with the popular Dropbox, Google Drive saves all versions of the modified file for 30 days. Quite a useful and practical feature for those who frequently make changes to documents.

However, for most tasks and more convenient interaction with cloud storage it is better to use the official free program Google Drive for PC. In this case, the time it takes to study it will be limited to a couple of minutes, and any PC user will be able to figure it out.

After installing it, the necessary Google Drive system folder will appear on your computer, which will always be automatically synchronized with the cloud service.

Separately, it is worth noting that if the 15 GB of disk space allocated to you is not enough, then there is a paid version of Google Drive called Google Drive for Work, which has more advanced tools for work and advanced functionality aimed at improving security when working with the cloud. However, for most users, the basic features are enough. free version storage.

Google Backup and Sync (Google Drive) is a program that allows you to use the popular "cloud" service. With its help, you can store information on servers located in different parts of the world, open and restrict access to it for other users.

15 gigabytes of space on a reliable server from Google Drive where files are stored - is it a lot or a little? Given that you will get the ability to store data there different formats and yet, what is especially interesting - collective projects, on which several users can carry out operations at once, probably this is more than enough.

The fact is that installing Google Drive is very beneficial for teamwork. For example, you create a table and want your colleagues to make changes to it, and the boss to look at the result. Instead of endless mailings (besides, the amount of data may not allow it to be so easy to attach them to a letter), you can “share” the document via Google Drive (all project participants will need to download the client to their computer). Thus, all changes can be controlled almost in real time. Everyone who has access will see who is doing what in the project.


  • 15 GB storage space for movies, music, images, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, drawings online;
  • recognition of text and pictures in scanned documents;
  • search by word or phrase;
  • built-in online photo editor;
  • opening, closing and restricting access;
  • creation of collective design projects;
  • rollback of changes for 30 days;
  • integration with 100 applications.


  • the service is available all the time;
  • synchronization of folders on a PC with the "cloud";
  • free distribution of Google Drive - you can download it for free for Windows XP, 7, 8.

Things to work on:

  • more than 15 GB can be obtained only for money (from 100 GB to 30 TB);
  • public files are not loading fast enough.

The software is useful not only for collective projects. If you want to protect yourself from possible computer failures, we recommend placing some of the files on the Google Drive server. Data encryption meets high quality requirements, and therefore no one will gain access to your information without your permission.