What is an information network. Information networks definition of information network and network. Purpose and classification of computer networks

Information network- a set of geographically dispersed end systems and a telecommunications network connecting them, providing access to application processes of any of these systems to all network resources and their sharing.

User(User) - a consumer of information who has gained access to the information network (individuals, legal entities (firms, organizations, enterprises)).

Application process(Application Process) is process in a network end system that performs information processing for a specific communications service or application. Thus, a user, when organizing a request for the provision of a particular service, activates a certain application process.

End systems information network:

· terminal systems (Terminal System), providing access to the network and its resources;

· workers systems (Server, Host System), providing network services (controlling access to files, programs, network devices, servicing calls, etc.);

· administrative systems (Management System), implementing management of the network and its individual parts.

Information network resources:

Informational resources- information and knowledge accumulated in all areas of science, culture and social life, as well as entertainment industry products. They are systematized in network data banks with which network users interact. These resources determine the consumer value of the information network and must not only be constantly created and expanded, but also updated on time. Outdated data should be dumped into archives. Using the network provides the opportunity to receive up-to-date information exactly when it is needed.

Data processing and storage resources– this is the performance of processors network computers and storage capacity of storage devices, as well as the time for which they are used.

Software Resources- software involved in providing services and applications to users, as well as programs for related functions. The latter include: issuing invoices, accounting for payments for services, navigation, searching for information on the Internet, servicing electronic mailboxes, organization of a bridge for teleconferences, conversion of formats of transmitted information messages, cryptographic protection of information (coding and encryption), authentication (electronic signature of documents certifying their authenticity).

Communication Resources– these are resources involved in transporting information and redistributing flows in communication nodes. These include the capacity of communication lines, the switching capabilities of nodes, as well as the time they are occupied during user interaction with the network. They classified according to the type of telecommunication networks:

dial-up resources telephone network public network (PSTN),

· packet switching data network resources,

· network resources mobile communications,

· terrestrial broadcast network resources,

· resources of the integrated service digital network (ISDN), etc.

All listed information network resources shared , i.e. can be used simultaneously by several application processes.

Severability can be either actual or simulated.

The basic component, the core of the information network, is telecommunications network(TN - Telecommunication Network), which is a set of technical means that ensure the transmission and distribution of information flows during the interaction of remote objects.

Deleted objects:

terminal systems of information networks

· separate local and territorial networks.

Telecommunication networks are usually assessed side by side indicators, reflecting in general the possibility and efficiency of transporting information in them.

Opportunity transfer of information in a telecommunications network is related to the degree of its performance in time, i.e. execution specified functions

· in the prescribed amount

at the required quality level

· during a certain period of network operation or at an arbitrary point in time.

Performance networks is related to concepts reliability And survivability.

Reliability- the ability to provide communication while maintaining the values ​​of established quality indicators over time under specified operating conditions. (Internal influencing factors– random failures of technical equipment caused by aging processes, manufacturing technology defects or maintenance personnel errors).

Indicators reliability, for example:

· ratio of network uptime to total operating time,

number of possible independent ways of transmitting an information message between a pair of points,

· probability of failure-free communication, etc.

Vitality - ability to maintain full or partial functionality during action reasons, hiding offline and leading to destruction or significant damage to some of its elements (points and communication lines). Possible reasons:

· spontaneous

§ earthquake, landslides, river floods, etc.

· intentional. to deliberate

§ enemy nuclear missile strikes, sabotage actions, terrorism, unscrupulous competition, etc.

Survivability indicators:

· the probability that a limited amount of information can be transmitted between any pair (a given pair) of network points after exposure to damaging factors;

· the minimum number of points, lines (or both) of the network, the failure of which leads to a disconnected network for an arbitrary pair of points;

· the average number of points that remain connected when several communication lines are damaged simultaneously.

Bandwidth. In cases where the network cannot service (implement) the imposed load, it makes sense to talk about the volume of implemented load in the network.

The amount of realized load is determined by the capacity of the communication network. In some cases, throughput can be quantified. For example, you can estimate the maximum information flow that can be passed between a certain pair of points (source-sink), or determine the capacity of the network section that is the bottleneck when dividing the network between the source and sink into two parts.

Bandwidth assessment is largely related to parameters quality of service , since the implementation of the imposed load in the network must be carried out with given parameters quality.

Quality of service We will understand it as a set of characteristics that determine the degree of satisfaction of the network user:

· network operational characteristics (information transfer speed, probability of errors, etc.),

indicators of ease of use of services,

· completeness of services (these indicators are usually assessed in points), etc.

Profitability and cost. A telecommunications network is profitable if the costs of organizing it and ensuring its operation are repaid by the economic effect provided by the services provided to users through it. The main economic characteristics of the communication network are reduced costs(social costs), which are determined by the cost of the network, the cost of its operation and management.

Fixed and variable expenses.

Explicit and implicit costs.

Information network

Information network

Information network - a network designed for processing, storing and transmitting data. The information network consists of:
- from subscriber and administrative systems; And
- from the communication network connecting them.
Depending on the distance between subscriber systems, information networks are divided into global, territorial and local. There are universal and specialized information networks.

In English: Information network

Synonyms: computer network

See also: Information networks Networks Information systems

Finam Financial Dictionary.

See what “Information network” is in other dictionaries:

    information network- a set of information systems that use computer technology and interact with each other through communication channels.

    information network A communication network in which the product... ...

    Information network is a network designed for processing, storing and transmitting data. The information network consists of: subscriber and administrative systems; communication network connecting them. Depending on the distance between subscribers ... Wikipedia

    Information network Modern encyclopedia - a set of information systems interacting with each other via communication channels... Source: MODEL LAW ON INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE...

    Information network Official terminology - INFORMATION NETWORK, a set of interacting automatic information processing systems (mainly computers), united by data transmission channels. There are local (operating within the enterprise, organization, farm) and... ...

    information network Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Information network- informacijos tinklas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. information network vok. Informationsnetz, n rus. information network, f pranc. réseau informatique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas - 1. A set of technical means and communication channels for the exchange of information between divisions of STE of primary networks. Used in the document: Approved by Order of the State Communications Committee of Russia dated October 19, 1998 No. 187 ...

    Telecommunications dictionary US EPA Information Network for New Technology Transfer - - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN EPA Technology Transfer Network ...

    Technical Translator's Guide- — EN environmental information network A system of interrelated persons and devices linked to permit the exchange of data or knowledge concerning natural resources, human health and … - - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN EPA Technology Transfer Network ...

    development support information network- - [E.S. Alekseev, A.A. Myachev. English-Russian explanatory dictionary on computer systems engineering. Moscow 1993] Topics information Technology in general EN development information networkDEVNET … - - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN EPA Technology Transfer Network ...


  • The existential status of number and the universal information network. Experience of rethinking the concept of number and the subject of mathematics, Viktor Kudrin. The subject of the work is the experience of rethinking the concept of number and the foundations of mathematics, carried out in 1920–1930 by A.F. Losev. According to Losev, mathematics should not be limited to the world...
  • Small business information system from scratch. The most necessary things, Senkevich Gleb Evgenievich. It is shown how to create and maintain “from scratch” on your own information system small enterprise. Planning and optimization of costs for information support,…

A network is a collection of objects formed by data transmission and processing devices. The International Organization for Standardization has defined a computer network as the serial bit-oriented transfer of information between interconnected independent devices.

Networks are usually privately run by the user and occupy a certain territory and are divided on a territorial basis into:

Local computer networks(LAN) or Local Area Network (LAN) located in one or more nearby buildings. LANs are usually located within an organization (corporation, institution), which is why they are called corporate.

Distributed computer networks, global or Wide Area Network (WAN), located in different buildings, cities and countries, which can be territorial, mixed and global. Depending on this, global networks come in four main types: city, regional, national and transnational. Examples of distributed networks of a very large scale include: Internet, EUNET, Relcom, FIDO.

In general, the network includes the following elements:

Network computers (equipped with a network adapter);

Communication channels (cable, satellite, telephone, digital, fiber optic, radio channels, etc.);

Various types of signal converters;

Network hardware.

There are two concepts of network: communication network and information network (Fig. 1.1).

The communication network is designed to transmit data, and it also performs tasks related to data conversion. Communication networks vary in the type of physical connection used.

An information network is designed to store information and consists of information systems. A group of information networks can be built on the basis of a communication network.

An information system should be understood as a system that is a supplier or consumer of information.

Rice. 1.1. Information and communication networks

A computer network consists of information systems and communication channels.

An information system should be understood as an object capable of storing, processing or transmitting information. The information system includes: computers, programs, users and other components intended for the process of processing and transmitting data. In the future, the information system designed to solve user problems will be called a workstation (client). A workstation on a network is different from a regular one personal computer(PC) the presence of a network card (network adapter), a data transmission channel and network software.

A communication channel refers to the path or medium through which signals are transmitted. The means of transmitting signals is called a subscriber, or physical, channel.

Communication channels (data link) are created along communication lines using network equipment and physical means of communication. Physical means of communication are built on the basis twisted pairs, coaxial cables, optical channels or airwaves. Logical channels are established between interacting information systems through physical channels of the communication network and switching nodes.

A logical channel is a path for transmitting data from one system to another. A logical channel is routed through one or more physical channels. A logical channel can be characterized as a route laid through physical channels and switching nodes.

Information on the network is transmitted in blocks of data according to exchange procedures between objects. These procedures are called data transfer protocols.

A protocol is a set of rules that establish the format and procedures for exchanging information between two or more devices.

Network load is characterized by a parameter called traffic. Traffic is the flow of messages on a data network. It is understood as quantitative measurement at selected network points, the number of data blocks passing and their length, expressed in bits per second.

The access method has a significant impact on the network characteristics. An access method is a way of determining which workstation can next use the communication channel and how to control access to the communication channel (cable).

In a network, all workstations are physically connected to each other by communication channels according to a certain structure called topology. Topology is a description of the physical connections in a network, indicating which workstations can communicate with each other. The type of topology determines the performance, operability and reliability of workstations, as well as the time it takes to access the file server. Depending on the network topology, one or another access method is used.

The composition of the main elements in a network depends on its architecture. Architecture is a concept that defines the interconnection, structure, and functionality of workstations in a network. It provides for the logical, functional and physical organization of technical and software networks. The architecture determines the principles of construction and operation of the hardware and software of network elements.

There are mainly three types of architectures: terminal architecture - main computer, client-server architecture and peer-to-peer architecture.

Modern networks can be classified according to various criteria: remoteness of computers, topology, purpose, list of services provided, management principles (centralized and decentralized), switching methods, access methods, types of transmission media, data transfer rates, etc.

Any networks created or laid across any territory using technical means and aimed at serving various categories of users constitute the engineering infrastructure of residential and industrial facilities, cities and states. They have a certain structure that allows them to most effectively realize the needs of states, social formations, economic sectors and individuals. In information processes, systems and technologies, the term “network” refers to at least several computers and other computers connected to each other using special equipment to provide calculations and exchange of various types of information. Complex networks imply a large number of users, a branched structure, switching and communication nodes that connect everyone into a single structure.

Communication network – a system of objects that perform the functions of creation (generation), transformation, storage and consumption of a product and transmission lines through which this product is transmitted within the network. Objects of such a system are called points or nodes of the network, and lines are called communications, connections or communication channels. The product in such networks can be energy, mass and information.

Creation of the first communication computer networks oriented, first of all, to carrying out mathematical calculations, gave rise to their name - “ computer networks».

computer network – a computer communication network designed for carrying out measurements, experiments, complex integrated mathematical calculations, etc. works, including in automatic and automated systems.

Almost immediately with the advent of computer networks, they began to be used for the exchange of various kinds of data (data networks) and information. The development of computer networks and network technologies has shown the possibility with their help to most fully reveal the information essence of networks and organize large-scale information support for society. This led to the fact that computer networks providing the exchange of information resources began to be called “ informational networks." At the same time, it is not expected to abandon network computing; moreover, this technology is constantly being improved, and supercomputers now connected to an information network make it possible to carry out ultra-fast calculations related to the needs of any subject areas.

Information network – a communication network in which information acts as a product of creation, processing, storage and use.

Note that computing devices used in creating networks have historically gone by different names: computers (VMs), electronic computers (computers), mini- and micro-computers, computers, including personal computers (PCs), supercomputers, etc. They can also perform specific functions that are different from each other, but in our case we will perceive them as similar devices and use them as synonyms in the text.

So, let's move on to considering the types and types of networks.

By functional affiliation Let's select the networks:

● Informational,

● Computing,

● Information and computing.

By data transfer methods there are networks with:

1) data transmission via dedicated communication channels;

2) channel switching;

3) message switching;

4) switching of message packets.

The presented systematization of networks by functionality and data transmission methods implies their structuring. Network architecture includes three structures:

● logical,

● hardware,

● software.

Consideration logical structure necessary when solving research problems consisting of two types: analysis and synthesis. Logical structure network requires the presence of the following components:

● computers (computers),

● main control computer,

● auxiliary computer,

● communication devices and systems,

● territorial equipment.

Actual network structures may differ from the logical ones. The functions of a computing, main control and switching machine can be concentrated in one computer network.

Hardware structure implies in this case the network topology discussed within the framework of this topic.

Program structure includes an OS and various software that ensures the interconnection of computers in networks, information transfer, protection against unauthorized actions, etc. The software is discussed in topic 8.

Development computer equipment and technology has given rise to the need to exchange information not only within one organization, but also with other enterprises and individuals located at various distances from each other. This contributed to the development of territorial, regional, international (global) computer systems and the emergence of a worldwide “network of networks” – the Internet. It turned out that the computer can be connected to the subscriber telephone network and gain access to other Internet subscribers, e-mail, teletypes and telefaxes working with this network, etc. In general, to create simple but effective automated information technologies, you can use two or three PCs, allowing, among other things, the creation of separate, distributed and integrated resources.

The growth of information systems connecting with each other to exchange information and solve other problems initiated the creation of international networks, and then the Internet. Heterogeneous networks can be physically connected by communication channels, but it is impossible to ensure the functioning of various hardware and software without agreeing on the relevant parameters. This circumstance was decisive for the formation of uniform network rules, and then Internet standards, which influenced the creation of Internet technologies.

Under Internet technology is understood as a set of rules and procedures, as a result of which the user receives Internet information resources.

The structure of Internet technology is based on the general structure of networks and consists of the following elements:

● hardware – communication lines and necessary equipment(routers, servers, user systems);

● software – server applications that ensure the functioning of the main network nodes, client software (browsers, mail programs, FTP clients);

● organizational support – a hierarchical structure, at the top of which are telecommunications companies that own large communication channels. Below are regional suppliers, Internet service providers (primary - owning their own communication channels with the core network and secondary - renting channels from primary providers and regional telecommunications companies).

Any network is characterized by the presence of one or more structures that manage its operation and end users (executors, clients, customers, etc.). In information networks, control systems are called servers.

Under the term " server" (English " server " - service processor, service node) understand a network-connected, fairly powerful computer that has certain public resources, and also, as a rule, the ability to connect a certain number of computers in both local and global information networks. Servers typically perform administrative functions on a network and are called system administrators. Their tasks include checking the functionality of the system (channels, computers, programs, etc.); identifying failures, unauthorized access and other violations in the network; restoring network functionality; accounting for network operation, preparing reports on its operation and providing users with information about network resources.

By purposeservers are divided into: file, communication, application, mail, etc.

Historically the first to appear file server (« File Server ") and was intended to provide clients with certain programs and files. At user requests, the file server provides copies of certain software components. Therefore, the server must have powerful storage for all required programs. Job file server largely corresponds to centralized dispatch.

Communication server provides auxiliary communication functions, laying out optimal routes for the delivery of correspondence. To do this, he uses tables: control, state of network nodes.

Applications server ("Application Server ") performs all the necessary work, and users deal only with the original data and the result of processing.

Mail serverdesigned for organizing email. Mail server software can be installed on any PC with any domain name, even third or fourth level.

In addition, networks use: a database server (“ Data Base Server "), print server, fax server, etc. Windows is the most widely used software N.T.

Computers connected to servers on a network are called workstations (PCs) or clients. The difference lies in the used software, allowing you to use computers on the network only as a server or as a PC. It is possible that any computer on the network can be a server in some conditions, and a “client” in others. " Client» is generally considered to be a less powerful computer whose resources are not shared across the network. A network formed from computers “servers” and “clients”, based on software that ensures their operation in such modes, is called “ client-server».

The main task of the network is the reliable organization of the operational exchange of information between its subscribers, which is carried out by the data transmission system (DTS) organized in this network. Achieving this goal depends on the chosen network structure, the capacity of its channel-forming equipment, the method of data transmission, etc.

The main requirements for networks include: ease of use, high speed of information transfer, low cost and confidentiality. Important parameters networks are also openness, reliability, dynamism, and autonomy. In addition, the network is determined by the resources used in it, software and hardware solutions, interface, the ability to carry out error-free information transfer, as well as services.

Under interface refers to the user's method of accessing network resources. It implies the appearance of information on the computer display screen, the convenience and simplicity of executing the necessary commands, a user-friendly menu and hint system, a standard methodology for working with programs, a system for displaying messages that control the functioning of the network (monitoring), maximum use of natural languages, etc.

From an organizational point of view, there is a division of networks into three types: real, artificial and peer-to-peer. Let's take a closer look at them.

TO real networks include those in which computers are connected to each other according to a certain scheme using special devices - network adapters and the presence of specialists monitoring and operating such networks is required. They are called "real network or Network With an Attitude" (NWA). For example, NetWare from Novell and Windows NT from Microsoft . The “client/server” network technology is considered more complex and at the same time widespread, when any computer on the network in certain situations can alternately be both a server and a client. Their IRs are usually located on hard drives one or more servers. In any case, wherever the shared IR is located, it is available to all users of this network.

Artificial networks do not require a special network hard drive. Computers on these networks communicate with each other through serial or parallel ports without special network adapters. Sometimes this connection is called zero-modem or zero-slot (eng. " zero-slot network "), since there is no network card (adapter) included in any of the computer slots. Such networks operate very slowly and, as a rule, allow simultaneous work with only two computers. These include Laplink, Interlink, etc.

Peer-to-peer networks are organized according to the principle of “equal among equals” (eng. “ peer-to-peer network ") and belong to an intermediate type between real and artificial. In a peer-to-peer network, depending on the need, each computer can be a server or a PC. For example, a PC with a printer connected to it can be used as a network print server, etc. Firm Microsoft embeds such a network into OS Windows'95/97/98/2000. Company Artisoft offers peer-to-peer network LANtastic working with operating systems DOS and Windows.

The advantage of such networks is that they provide almost the same capabilities (services) as in real networks, while being much easier to install and maintain. In addition, there is no need to uniquely select servers, since any computer can be a server and a client at the same time. At the same time, from user computers you can access folders, files and printers located on other computers on this network.

An important aspect of network technology is the choice method of transmitting messages over a network. Three transmission methods are known and used.

Priority access transmission method . A request to transfer information is received from the sending computer. He is given a channel for temporary use. All other computers on the network are waiting for the end of the transfer session.

Shuttle survey method . An information packet circulates in the network with an empty interval and sequentially polls all computers for the need to transmit information. If there is such a need, the moving interval picks up an information packet that can be transmitted and transfers it to the addressee.

Token packet method . This method is similar to container shipping, when a message prepared for transmission is “converted” (converted) into packets with an address and waits for an opportunity with a transporter, which in this case is a marked time interval. This interval can only be used by one computer.

If a single-channel communication system is adopted, then only one PC can transmit data at any time. With a multichannel communication system, the maximum number of transmitted messages is equal to the number of information channels. Such a system allows you to transmit graphic information and organize video conferences.

Processes carried out on the network can be divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones include application processes– input, processing, storage and transmission of information to users. Are considered auxiliary interaction processes application processes with each other using communication tools. These processes are quite complex, so the International Standards Organization ( ISO ) recommends dividing them into seven levels. From top to bottom it is:

Applied (7),

Representative (6),

Session (5),

Transport (4),

Network (3),

Duct (2),

Physical (1).

Each level carries out the instructions of the higher level. The application layer uses the service of all other layers of interaction processes. The main task of the layers is to ensure reliable interaction of application processes. Higher levels are able to correct the mistakes of lower ones. So, for example, an error missed link layer When transmitting information, it will be identified and corrected by the transport.

INFORMATION NETWORK INFORMATION NETWORK, a set of interacting automatic information processing systems (mainly computers), united by data transmission channels. There are local (operating within an enterprise, organization, economy) and territorial (covering regions, countries, continents) information networks.

Information network is a network designed for processing, storing and transmitting data. The information network consists of: subscriber and administrative systems; communication network connecting them. Depending on the distance between subscribers ... Wikipedia. 2000 .

See what "INFORMATION NETWORK" is in other dictionaries:

    A network designed for processing, storing and transmitting data. The information network consists of: subscriber and administrative systems; and from the communication network connecting them. Depending on the distance between subscriber systems,... ... Financial Dictionary

    information network- a set of information systems that use computer technology and interact with each other through communication channels.

    information network A communication network in which the product... ...

    Information network Modern encyclopedia - a set of information systems interacting with each other via communication channels... Source: MODEL LAW ON INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE...

    Information network Official terminology - INFORMATION NETWORK, a set of interacting automatic information processing systems (mainly computers), united by data transmission channels. There are local (operating within the enterprise, organization, farm) and... ...

    information network Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Information network- informacijos tinklas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. information network vok. Informationsnetz, n rus. information network, f pranc. réseau informatique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas - 1. A set of technical means and communication channels for the exchange of information between divisions of STE of primary networks. Used in the document: Approved by Order of the State Communications Committee of Russia dated October 19, 1998 No. 187 ...

    Telecommunications dictionary US EPA Information Network for New Technology Transfer - - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN EPA Technology Transfer Network ...

    Technical Translator's Guide- — EN environmental information network A system of interrelated persons and devices linked to permit the exchange of data or knowledge concerning natural resources, human health and … - - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN EPA Technology Transfer Network ...

    development support information network- - [E.S. Alekseev, A.A. Myachev. English-Russian explanatory dictionary on computer systems engineering. Moscow 1993] Topics information technology in general EN development information networkDEVNET ... - - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN EPA Technology Transfer Network ...


  • The existential status of number and the universal information network. Experience of rethinking the concept of number and the subject of mathematics, Viktor Kudrin. The subject of the work is the experience of rethinking the concept of number and the foundations of mathematics, carried out in 1920–1930 by A.F. Losev. According to Losev, mathematics should not be limited to the world...
  • Small business information system from scratch. The most necessary things, Senkevich Gleb Evgenievich. It is shown how to create and maintain an information system for a small enterprise from scratch on your own. Planning and optimization of costs for information support,…