Computer networks by whom to work. Computer specialties



Technician + computer systems salary

Computer systems and complexes | Vocational and Pedagogical College of Saratov State Technical University named after. Gagarina Yu.A.

Qualification – computer systems technician

Specialty code: 09.02.01

The level of education: specialist

Relevance of training

In the labor market, specialties corresponding to the sphere of economics, services for the population and information technology are intensively developing. If 20 years ago a personal computer and a mobile phone were signs of luxury, now they are essential items that are found in every home. The rapid development of electronic computer technology, devices, and the introduction of advanced technologies to all enterprises has created a need for specialists capable of servicing and repairing this numerous equipment.

Every year the speed of development of electronic technology increases, and, undoubtedly, the results of progress in this area will exceed all our expectations. Therefore, getting an education in the field computer technology smart and ambitious young people are coming. Obviously, having received an education in this field, you will not be left without work, because there are computer systems in every office, organization and production unit. One of the youngest professions on the labor market is COMPUTER SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN.

This specialty combines two components of computer technology: hardware (the study of electronic and digital technology) and software (mastering programming languages, information technologies and systems).

This specialist ensures the smooth operation of computer equipment, local networks, software in offices and companies. Responsible for network security, operation of computers and computer programs. His range of responsibilities is wide - from purchasing equipment and components to writing Web sites. Technician computer networks carries out another important task for any organization - protecting the local network from hacker attacks, thereby protecting important information.

This wide range of knowledge is highly valued and well paid. The salary of a computer network technician is quite high, even for those just starting their career.

After graduating from this specialty, YOU will be in demand to work at enterprises and firms in various industries.

Personal qualities of a computer systems specialist that ensure the success of professional activities:

  • good vision (working with small parts and on a computer);
  • fine fine motor skills (manual dexterity);
  • organization and responsibility;
  • expressed interest in technical innovations and a penchant for working with technology;
  • a pronounced tendency to work with information;
  • attentiveness and accuracy;
  • logical abilities;
  • mathematical abilities;
  • emotional stability;
  • desire for self-education;
  • knowledge of English.

Work restrictions are usually established for people with diseases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc.);
  • deformation of fingers;
  • visual impairment (severe myopia);
  • diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders;
  • attention disorders.

If you have signs of these or other diseases, consult your doctor for advice on choosing a profession.

Admission of applicants

specialties Base Term
training Form of study Computer systems and complexes
Qualification – technical technician
computer systems based on 11 classes 2 years 10 months. Full-time
training based on 9 classes 3 years 10 months.

The state educational standard in the specialty “Computer systems and complexes” for training a specialist in this profile provides study of many professional and special disciplines:

Future professions:

  • Installer of computer networks, digital and electronic equipment.
  • Computer's operator.
  • Computer network service specialist.

Come to us and you will not regret your choice!


In details

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates in the specialty “Computer systems and complexes”:

  • a set of methods and tools for the development and production of computer systems and complexes;
  • exploitation, Maintenance, maintenance and configuration of computer systems and complexes;
  • ensuring the functioning of software and hardware information security tools in computer systems and complexes.

The objects of professional activity of the graduate are

  • digital devices;
  • systems computer-aided design;
  • regulatory and technical documentation;
  • microprocessor systems;
  • periphery equipment;
  • computer systems, complexes and networks;
  • means of support information security in computer systems, complexes and networks;
  • sale of complex technical systems.

Advantages of the specialty:

The Computer Systems Technician prepares for the following activities:

Design of digital devices:

  • develop circuits of digital devices based on integrated circuits of varying degrees of integration.
  • fulfill the requirements of the technical specifications for the design of digital devices.
  • use computer-aided design tools and methods in the development of digital devices.
  • determine reliability and quality indicators of designed digital devices.
  • comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

Application of microprocessor systems, installation and configuration of peripheral equipment:

  • create programs in assembly language for microprocessor systems.
  • test and debug microprocessor systems.
  • carry out installation and configuration personal computers and connecting peripheral devices.
  • identify the causes of peripheral equipment malfunctions.

Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes:

  • carry out monitoring, diagnostics and restoration of computer systems and complexes.
  • carry out system maintenance of computer systems and complexes.
  • take part in debugging and technical tests computer systems and complexes; installation, software configuration.


With the advent of computer technology in our lives, professions related to computer systems and complexes are gaining popularity in the labor market. Even 20 years ago availability mobile phone and a computer was considered an unprecedented luxury that only very wealthy people could afford.

Today these items are almost the most important in the life of every person. No modern person can imagine life without a computer and mobile phone. The rapid development of electronics has created a need for specialists who can repair computer equipment.

Currently, many smart and ambitious young people are pursuing higher education in the field of computer technology. Let us note that this profession is of interest not only to men, but also to women, although there are much fewer of them than the stronger sex.

One of the most popular professions in the field of electronics is a specialist in computer systems and complexes.

Computer systems and complexes: what kind of profession?

A computer systems specialist ensures the smooth operation of computer equipment, local networks and software in companies. He is responsible for the operation of computers, as well as for their security. In general, the range of responsibilities of this specialist is quite wide – from purchasing computer equipment to creating websites. Another important responsibility of a technician is to protect computers from intruders.

It should be noted that this is a very profitable specialty today, since they pay decent money for it. Even beginners' salaries are quite high.

Qualities that a computer systems specialist should have

In order to be a successful technician and earn big money, you must have certain qualities that are important in this profession:

  • fairly good vision. Full time job working at the computer suggests a deterioration in visual acuity, so it is important that it is initially good. However, today many specialists in this field, having poor vision, demonstrate excellent work;
  • organization and responsibility. The employee has a lot of responsibility, so he must be collected and organized;
  • desire to engage in self-education. This profession involves the constant accumulation of knowledge and learning on the job;
  • mathematical abilities. When working with computer technology, you need to be capable of the exact sciences, in particular in such a subject as mathematics;
  • attentiveness and accuracy;
  • well developed logical thinking. Knowledge and logic are the main components in the computer field.
  • pronounced interest in new technologies. A computer systems specialist simply cannot help but be interested in new technologies, since his work is directly related to this;
  • knowledge of English. Since almost all computer programs are written in English, without knowledge of this language it will be very difficult to work. You need at least an average level;
  • emotional stability. Computer freezes occur very often, so the employee should take it calmly;
  • good memory. This profession requires a large amount of knowledge that must be applied in various work situations. That is why you need to be able to quickly grasp and remember for a long time;
  • perseverance. Without this quality there is no way to become a good professional. There are often situations when it is necessary to pore over work for a long time in order to have a positive result. Sometimes you have to do the same work for days to achieve results;
  • curiosity. The desire to learn and gain as much knowledge as possible are very important qualities of a successful specialist;
  • discipline. A disciplined and restrained specialist will achieve a lot, unlike an eccentric and overly emotional one;
  • persistence. This quality should manifest itself in the desire to complete the assigned task to the end, and to do it as best and with the highest quality possible.

In general, even those who do not possess some of the qualities listed above can do this work. However, there are some diseases that are incompatible with computer work. Among them are:

  • mental disorders;
  • very low vision;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, for example, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis and others.

Computer worker education

In order to work in the computer field, you need to receive the appropriate education. You can go to study either after the 11th grade or after the 9th grade, but in the second case the training will be a year longer. Sometimes it happens that a person learned this profession himself, without receiving the appropriate education. But in order to be hired to work in a decent organization, he needs to receive at least a correspondence education or take special courses.

Having received education in this specialty, the graduate must be able to:

  1. Monitor and diagnose the performance of computer systems.
  2. Be able to test microprocessor systems;
  3. Be able to identify the causes of problems in computer equipment.
  4. Know how to design digital device circuits.
  5. Be able to participate in debugging and technical testing of computer systems.
  6. Comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.
  7. Be able to install a PC and connect peripheral devices.

The future position of a computer systems specialist involves working with digital devices, microprocessor systems, peripheral equipment, regulatory documentation and directly with computer systems and complexes.

Advantages of this profession

Among the advantages of this specialty are the following:

  1. Rapid growth in wages during work. The more experienced the worker, the higher his income.
  2. Unlimited scope of activity. Having received this specialty, you can work as a technician in scientific institutes, configure the operation of computer equipment in companies and offices, create various programs and websites, and much more.
  3. Demand in the labor market. As we have already said, today this profession is one of the most in demand and popular.

Today, thanks to the process of informatization, not only production is changing, but the way of life of people, the value system. The wider information space, the more intelligence and knowledge are valued. Therefore, the profession “Computer systems technician” is one of the most in demand in production. This specialist ensures the uninterrupted operation of computer equipment, local networks, and software in offices and companies. Responsible for network security, operation of computers and computer programs. His range of responsibilities is wide - from purchasing equipment and components to writing Web sites.

A computer network technician connects network equipment and maintains its operation, diagnoses and troubleshoots one or more elements of a local network and network equipment, ensures the exchange of information over local corporate network, performs preventive work, coordinates activities on the operation of computer networks, covering segments of the global Internet. A computer network technician carries out another important task for any organization - protecting the local network from hacker attacks, thereby protecting important information.

This wide range of knowledge is highly valued and well paid. The salary of a computer network technician is quite high, even for those just starting their career. This is despite the fact that while doing the work necessary for enterprises and production, he is doing what he loves, because people who are truly in love with technology go into this profession.

Advantages of this profession

Specialty 230111 (“Computer Networks”) is a specialty that, having received it, graduates will no longer need to think about how to get a job. Our country needs professionals in the field of computer technology now more than ever. Network administration, information security, cable structure design, installation, configuration and maintenance of technical and software-hardware tools - this is not a complete list of what yesterday’s schoolchild will learn when he enrolls in the specialty “Computer Networks”. Not a single large enterprise or private company can do without such specialists. In addition, a large salary, the opportunity to do what you love, because people who are truly in love with computers go into this profession. A highly qualified computer network specialist will be needed always and everywhere.

In the 21st century, with the rapid development of information technology, the pace of life is accelerating, and the main resource is information, which “compresses” space and speeds up time.

In modern conditions, knowledge, intelligence, culture, education, intelligence should become priorities in the life of a modern person. The main directions of innovative education include democratization, humanization, fundamentalization, informatization, integration, multivariance, technologization and are determined by social order, since modern society needs competitive professionals in demand in the labor market. Education as a sociocultural phenomenon focused on the formation of personality performs the most important functions of professionalization and socialization.

These changes affect not only established values, but also the choice of profession, where the criterion for the correctness of the decision is, first of all, practical meaning. In addition, Russia’s entry into the global information space entails the widespread use of the latest information technologies, and first of all, computer networks.

Today it is impossible to imagine any enterprise, organization, technological process or production, educational process or entertainment industry without the use of computer technology in modern society. Sooner or later, the issue of automation for most enterprises and organizations becomes more relevant than ever, and many managers strive to use the achievements of modern information technologies. Consequently, the programmer is a kind of consultant, performing an intermediary function between what the manager wants to receive and what the world is currently offering high technology. An important feature of information technology is, undoubtedly, computer software and computer technology.

At the same time, the user’s capabilities sharply increase and qualitatively change both in providing services to their clients and in solving their own organizational and economic problems. Information Technology, developing and improving, they modify the business: the mechanisms of its conduct, methods of communication, provision of services and production of goods. Thus, the construction of a modern information society is underway. That is why the specialty “Programming in Computer Systems” is one of the most popular not only in Russia, but also in the world.

Programming is now a particularly rapidly developing area, and a programmer must be able to quickly adapt to the current state of technology and constantly learn new ones.

At the time of its inception, programming was akin to art, since the basic laws and rules had not yet been developed. It is noteworthy that the first programmer was a woman - Ada Lovelace, the daughter of the famous English poet Byron. In 1833, the English mathematician C. Babbage invented and designed the first model of a mechanical “analytical” machine that performed simple arithmetic operations. Ada Lovelace wrote several programs for this machine. In the 40s of the 20th century, digital computers appeared. The idea of ​​their creation belongs to the American mathematician von Neumann. For first-generation cars, extremely detailed programs, providing for each step, each calculation operation. Moreover, the machine did not yet understand any language other than its own. Numerous developments are currently underway in the field of computing and programming, and incredible advances have already been made. There is lively debate among scientists about the future of computerization, but undoubtedly, the results of progress in this area will exceed all our expectations.

Thanks to international standards, the ease and speed of dissemination of new products and technologies (the pinnacle of which was the Internet), programming leaves other types of production far behind.

This specialist ensures the uninterrupted operation of computer equipment, local networks, and software in offices and companies. Responsible for network security, operation of computers and computer programs. His range of responsibilities is wide - from purchasing equipment and components to writing Web sites. Such a wide range of knowledge is highly valued and well paid. In this case, the competence of one specialist may include servicing enterprises with numerous user stations and powerful servers, or working with local networks small firms.

Today, the dominant activities of the programmer profession are development, based on the analysis of mathematical algorithms, of programs that implement the solution of various problems: choosing a method for numerically solving a problem, i.e., reducing complex mathematical formulas to elementary arithmetic operations; drawing up an algorithm - a detailed plan for solving a problem - or choosing the optimal algorithm for solving a given problem; determination of information to be processed on a computer, its volume, structure, layouts and schemes for input, processing, storage and output of information, methods of its control; determining the possibility of using ready-made programs; choosing a programming language and translating used models and algorithms into it; preparing the program for debugging and carrying out debugging and adjustments; development of instructions for working with programs; participation in the creation of technical documentation; ; support of implemented programs and software; development and implementation of programming automation methods.

And the success of a programmer’s professional activities is ensured by such qualities as logical thinking; flexibility and dynamism of thinking; ability to analyze a situation (analytical abilities); good level of memory development; high level of development of concentration, volume, distribution and switching of attention; the ability to competently express one’s thoughts; high level of development of technical abilities; mathematical abilities; developed imagination.

Personal qualities, interests and inclinations are also important: attentiveness; accuracy; patience; persistence; determination; responsibility; propensity for intellectual activities; ability to make decisions independently; independence (having your own opinion). A programmer needs to develop his horizons and level of thinking. Much depends on the individual qualities of a person, but to become a real professional, you need to work a lot on your own (for example, self-study languages ​​and technologies).

In programming, not only practical skills are given first place, but also the ideas of a specialist. A software engineer today is developing software modules computer systems and database software, performs database administration, and participates in the integration of software modules.

This specialty is and will be of great importance in professional and everyday life. A programmer has a huge selection of interesting and promising areas for applying his knowledge and skills.

Programming technicians work in computer centers, IT companies, banks, and educational institutions. They are engaged in software development, troubleshooting computer equipment, setting up equipment, and training users. They also update databases and software used, and monitor the validity of license agreements related to the operation of programs. Develop instructions for working with computer programs, draw up technical documentation. A computer systems technician develops and produces hardware and software systems, operates and carries out maintenance of computer systems, provides technical support and configuration of both the system as a whole and its individual elements, and ensures the process of protecting information in software systems computer systems. He installs and configures peripheral equipment, designs digital devices, carries out maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes, and develops circuit diagrams of computer systems.

Without such specialists, the technical progress of the future is impossible, and the need for qualified personnel at city enterprises is increasing.

The salary of a computer network technician is quite high, even for those just starting their career. This is despite the fact that while performing the work necessary for enterprises and production, he is doing what he loves, because people who are truly in love with technology go into this profession. When hired, a person with a diploma in the specialty “Computer Networks” can take both a position system administrator, and become a technician for designing the cable structure of computer networks, as well as an adjuster for their setup and operation. Even the least advanced specialist can find a job in accordance with his level of knowledge, and then gradually learn and gain experience. It is important that during the course of work the programmer can move within his specialty, improving professionally.

If you are one of those in whom all of the above is combined with the desire to acquire a profession related to computers, we invite you to the “RADIO ENGINEERING COLLEGE” to obtain a specialty

Programming is an immense area of ​​tasks and knowledge. A good specialist has a huge amount of theoretical knowledge and knows how to put it into practice. By entering the Radio Engineering College, you will learn the basics of the profession from the very beginning. For this purpose, the college has created a modern material and technical base with well-equipped computer classes.

Programmer is a challenging, intellectual and respected profession. Education and training of programmers are aimed at ensuring that students receive detailed knowledge of computational methods and the ability to apply them, including maintaining and operating computer equipment.

The state educational standard for the specialty for training a specialist in this profile provides for the study of many professional and special disciplines:

  • OS
  • Computer systems architecture
  • Technical means of informatization
  • Information Technology
  • Basics of programming
  • Basics of Economics
  • Legal support of professional activities
  • Theory of algorithms
  • Math modeling
  • Engineering graphics
  • System Programming
  • Application programming
  • Infocommunication systems and networks
  • Database development and protection technology
  • Software Development Technology
  • Software Development Tools
  • Documentation and certification
  • Software modeling and analysis
  • Project management
  • Implementation and support of computer systems software, etc.

But this is not all the knowledge that students will receive while studying at the Radio Engineering College. It is important for the future programmer to learn to think, find the right solutions, and “use their brains.” And here students need basic knowledge of economics and history, mathematics and physics, and in order to understand others and clearly express their thoughts, they need knowledge of the Russian language and literature. Often he needs to have geographical knowledge in order to create an electronic atlas, physical and geometric knowledge in order to find out how the body moves after an impact, in order to then create a three-dimensional game. Possession English language at the level of reading technical documentation is another mandatory requirement for representatives of this profession.

A programmer needs to develop his horizons and level of thinking. Much depends on the individual qualities of a person, but to become a real professional, you need to work a lot on your own (for example, independently studying technology).

As a result of mastering the professional educational program “Programming in Computer Systems,” the graduate must be ready for professional activities related to the use of computer systems and networks, the creation, implementation and maintenance of computer software.

During your studies at the Radio Engineering College, you will receive all the necessary skills and knowledge in order to realize yourself in the profession.

"Radio Engineering College" is waiting for guys who are interested in programming and computer equipment. Yours The desire to “be with a computer” is feasible precisely at the “Radio Engineering College”!