How to change the network name of a windows 7 computer. How to change the computer name, and why it is necessary

And do not forget to immediately make a shared folder in which you will add files common to all. If you have a printer, then you can share it and print documents from any computer on your network. Now, almost everyone at home no longer has one computer, but at least two, and sitting around waiting for their turn to access the Internet, when you can make an access point for everyone at the same time, is just stupid. Moreover, for this you do not need to buy expensive equipment and invite a specialist.

You can make all these settings yourself. You don’t know “HOW” yet, everything seems difficult and scary, and when you already know how, it even becomes ridiculous, how simple everything is. Today we will talk about how to change the computer name, and what it is for.

Well, now let's talk about the computer name. You can leave the name as the system itself called it, but this is inconvenient if you already have more than two computers on the network. Remembering some incomprehensible letters and numbers is always more difficult than a word that you are familiar with and understandable to others.

For home local network it is more convenient to name computers by the name of their owner or the nickname of your pet. Then not only you, but also other network users will immediately understand whose computer it is.

You may ask, why do I need to know the name of a computer, and even someone else's? And you need this, at least so that you can correctly configure the connection to, create a common one for exchanging information, or connect one for all.

I will show and tell on the example of Windows 8, because. it is in it that I am currently working, but everything described can be done in Windows 7, and Vista, and Windows XP. Only the entrance to these settings differs, and everything else is similar, so I will first describe the entrance to the settings, and then everything else.

Windows XP:

click right click mouse by icon My computer on the desktop (or Start - Control Panel - System) and select an entry in the drop-down list Properties. Let's go straight to the window Properties of the system, and go to the tab Computer name.

Windows 7 :

Click on the button Start go to record A computer, and right-click on it. Go to the entry in the drop down list Properties. The same window will open. System.

Windows 8/8.1 :

Click the button Start and in the start menu, right-click on the icon called This computer .


Call the main system windows menu XP version by clicking the "Start" button and calling context menu item "My Computer" by clicking the right mouse button. Select the "Properties" item and use the "Change" button in the "Computer Name" section. Enter the desired value for the new name in the "Computer Name" field and confirm your choice by clicking the OK button. Authorize the selected action by clicking another OK button and apply the changes made by clicking the "Yes" button in the system prompt window (for Windows XP).

Open the main system menu Windows versions Vista or 7 by clicking the "Start" button and call the context menu of the "Computer" element by clicking the right mouse button. Select the "Properties" item and go to the "Computer name, domain name ..." tab of the "System" dialog box that opens. Expand the Change Settings node and authorize the selected action by clicking the Continue button in the system prompt window.

Apply the "Change" button in the new dialog box and enter the desired value for the new name in the "Computer Name" line. Confirm your choice by pressing the OK button twice and select the "Close" option. Apply the changes made by clicking the "Reboot now" button in the system prompt window (for Windows Vista/7).

Use the built-in Netdom.exe tool to remotely change the computer name on the network. Note that a prerequisite for the success of the operation being performed is the definition of local administrator accounts in the Active Directory service and the indispensable definition of the account object of the computer itself.

Use the syntax netdom renamecomputer old_computer_name /newname:new_computer_name /userd:administrator_domain_name /hfsswordd:* /usero:local_administrator_name /passwordo:* in the command interpreter text field and authorize the selected action by clicking function key Enter.


  • Changing the computer name using the Netdom program in Windows XP
  • how to rename computer in windows 7

There are situations in an organization when it is necessary to change job title worker. This may happen, for example, due to initially incorrect wording or for other reasons. Here, immediately before the personnel workers, the question arises, how to formalize this change?


According to the Labor Code, Article 72, Chapter 12, any changes in the employment contract are made only with the consent of the employee, moreover, in writing. But this regulatory document does not prescribe a change in position, but interprets that it is necessary to draw up such an operation as a transfer to another job title.

After the agreement is received from the employee, the manager issues an order to change the position and enter this information into the staffing table. The content of the order should be something like this: “I order from (indicate the date) to make changes to the staffing table No. ... from (date) - replace (indicate job title) on (write a new one)". If it is necessary to increase or decrease the salary, then this is also prescribed in the order.

Then the staffing table changes, where all changes are indicated. It is signed by the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant.

Further, an entry is made in the work book: “Transferred to job title(specify which one). In practice, the following abbreviation is also used: “Position ... renamed to job title... ". But the extent to which this record is legitimate is unknown. To avoid problems with the labor inspectorate, it is still better to draw up these changes according to the first option.

After that, do not forget to draw up an additional agreement to the employee's employment contract, where it is necessary to indicate in which paragraph the changes have occurred and which ones. If the change in position led to an increase or decrease in salary, then this should also be written in an additional agreement. This document is drawn up in duplicate and signed by both parties.

If the employee does not agree with the change in position, the manager must offer all possible solutions to this problem. Finally find a compromise.

The iTunes computer authorization process is used to determine which computers are authorized to sync data, download purchased books, music, and movies after purchase from the app store. This feature also allows you to enable certain options for managing the user's home collection.

You will need

  • -iTunes


Click the "Start" button to call the main menu of the system and go to the "All Programs" item to initiate the computer authorization procedure.

Select iTunes and launch the application.

Repeat this sequence of actions for each account to be authorized and close the iTunes application.

Select Deauthorize This Computer and enter your Apple ID in the appropriate fields in the prompt window if you want to deauthorize the selected account, or go to the iTunes Store in the top toolbar of the application window to deauthorize all computers associated with the selected ID.

Specify the "Account" section and use the existing ID and password in the appropriate fields of the request window.

Press the Account button again to display your Apple ID details on the button and re-enter the required information.

Click the View Account button and click the Deauthorize All button in the Account Properties dialog box that opens.

Use a computer administrator account to authorize purchases made from the iTunes store. To do this, log in with an administrator account and authorize the computer. Quit the iTunes application and log out. Use your user account to re-login and play purchases.

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The operation of deauthorization of all computers registered on klby Apple ID can be performed no more than twice a year! The Deauthorize All button becomes active only if there are two or more authorized computers.


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The task of renaming the selected network in Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating systems can be performed using the Network and Control Center. public access”, which provides the user with the functions of configuring all parameters and managing network connections of the computer.


Click the "Start" button to bring up the main menu of the Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system and enter the value " network" in the search bar field to perform the operation of renaming the selected network. (An alternative way to open the main window of the "Network and Sharing Center" can be to right-click on the "Network" icon on the computer's desktop and select the "Properties" item from the drop-down context menu. It is also possible to launch the desired item through the network shortcut in the notification area.)

Call up the new "Network properties settings" dialog box double click click on the icon of the selected network and enter the desired value for the new network name in the "Network Name" field.

Press the "Change" button to select the desired image, symbolizing the parameters to be changed. network(if necessary) and press the OK button to apply the selected changes.

Return to the main "Start" menu and go to the "Control Panel" item to perform the operation of renaming the selected VPN connection.

Call the context menu of the connection name to be changed by clicking the right mouse button and specify the Rename command.

Enter the desired name for the selected VPN connection in the text field of the dialog box that opens and click the OK button to apply the required changes.


Use the features provided by the "Network and Sharing Center" and the "Network Connection Wizard", which is one of the components of the center, to configure advanced settings for displaying all network connections on your computer.

Helpful advice

Carrying out some of the above operations implies that you have administrator access to computer resources.


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At Email much more advantages than the usual. The most important advantage is efficiency and low cost. Your messages are delivered almost instantly. Yes, and email etiquette is softer. After all, you can even write a letter to a stranger.


Owner's name drawer you can still change it by clicking the settings in the upper right corner, but the mailbox cannot be renamed. If you need a different mail name, register a new mailbox. In order to be able to recover your password in the future, if you forget it, enter the number in your personal settings mobile phone and answer the security question. This data will help you quickly recover forgotten password. To better remember new data, write them down in your diary or just in a notebook. You should not store these records in electronic form on your computer.

You can delete the old mailbox. This procedure is simple, just a few clicks. Let's say you have a mailbox on Yandex. On the Yandex page, click on the "log in mail" line located in the upper right corner of the page. Enter your details: login and password. When your mailbox opens, follow the "settings" link.

If you do not want to delete the old mailbox and you are still interested in the correspondence that comes to it, enable the "Collect mail from other mailboxes". The collector can collect mail even from ten mailboxes. To do this, follow the "Settings" link, which is located in the upper right corner, and on the settings page that opens, select "Collection of mail from other mailboxes".

In the window that appears, enter your login and password, and then the mail collector will be configured automatically. For most popular mail services, it is enough to indicate in the window that appears the login and password that you use to enter this Post service. In the collector, set up rules for mail processing. If this function does not suit you over time, you can change it at any time, in the settings, simply disable the "collect mail from other mailboxes" function.

Music track files burned from CDs or downloaded from the Internet may have names that do not give an idea of ​​their content. Renaming files is a fairly simple task, it can be solved using the native tools of the operating system. If you need to rename enough a large number of objects or change the mp3 tags registered in them, you will have to use some specialized application.

You will need

  • Flash Renamer app.


You can rename one or more music files in the usual way. Right-click the desired object and select the "Rename" line from the pop-up menu, or select it in the file list and press the F2 button. The file manager will turn on the title editing mode - type the desired text and press the Enter key.

The described method uses the capabilities of the operating system's file manager, but many music playback programs also have a built-in editing function. For example, in The KMPlayer, to call it, you need to right-click the playlist line, open the "Manage List Items" section in the menu and select the "Rename" command. The renaming dialog can also be invoked by pressing Alt+R. After changing the file name in this dialog, click the OK button.

Specialized applications can change file names in batch mode, i.e. apply this operation not to one, but to the entire contents of a folder or any selected group of objects. In this case, the names of the songs are read from the file itself - it contains tags with the title, artist, album name and track number. The program can be given a template according to which it will make up a new file name from all this data.

For example, if you install the Flash Renamer application, then the Open with Flash Renamer item will be added to the context menu of the folders - select it by right-clicking the icon of the directory in which the edited files are located. Then click the Music button and select one of the preset patterns from the Style list, or check the Custom box and compose your own.

In the right panel of the application window, select all files or the desired group and click the Rename button. The program will do everything necessary and display a report on the results of the operation.

You can also edit tags inside music files - the player displays the title, artist and album during playback, reading them from these tags. For such operations, there are also special programs. The Flash Renamer described above is a universal application, it has a lot of functions for a variety of batch operations with files, including editing tags. To open the form for changing them, select the Mp3 Tagger tab from the menu.

Select the desired file in the right panel and fill in the form fields in the left panel - here you can specify the track number, its name, artist, album name, year of release, genre and your own comments. If the source tags are empty, then everything that you want to fill in, you need to type it yourself, and if not, these fields will already have values, they can be corrected. When you're done, click Write Tags.

When accessing drives, folders, or optical drive someone else's computer on the local network, the system uses the addresses of these devices and objects, which include the network name remote computer. It also accesses the printer, flash drive and other peripherals connected to someone else's computer. You can change this network name in the operating system settings.


The window with the settings related to the network name of the computer is called through one of the Windows Control Panel applets. A link to this panel is placed in the main menu of the operating system - click on the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" in the right column. In the window that opens, click on the inscription "System and Security", and then - "System". After that, the desired applet will appear on the screen. However, all these actions can be replaced by pressing a pair of "hot keys" Win + Pause.

The applet has a separate section subtitled "Computer Name, Domain Name, and Workgroup Settings" with a "Change Settings" link at the right edge. Click it to open a window for changing some system properties. Access to them requires the user to have administrator rights. If you are not logged in as an administrator, a dialog box will appear asking you to enter a password.

On the “Computer Name” tab in the system properties window, click the “Change” button, after which, finally, a window will appear with the “Computer Name” field, the value of which you need to change. Enter a new network name, following the standard rules for Internet names. They allow the use of letters only of the Latin alphabet, as well as numbers and some symbols, with the exception of special ones. Forbidden include, for example,; : " * + \ | , ? =. Microsoft recommends using short and descriptive names no longer than 15 characters. In addition, they must not be all numbers and cannot contain spaces.

Then click the OK button and close the Control Panel. If the computer is part of a domain, the system will also require you to enter the password of a user who has the right to change the names of computers in the domain. And if the domain is not used, note that other computers on the local network will try to find the resources of this computer (for example, network drive) at the same address. Therefore, you will need to manually change the name in the address of the network resource, or disconnect it and reconnect it.


This article will discuss how you can change the computer name in Windows 7. This is done quite simply, in just a few steps. The computer name is usually used to identify it on the network and is set during system installation. You can find out this name in the properties of the Computer (which is in the Start menu). To change the computer name, follow the steps

Helpful advice

Change the computer name. Each computer on the network must have its own unique name so that computers can uniquely identify each other and communicate. Most computers have default names, but it is usually possible to change them. It is advisable to assign short (no more than fifteen characters) and understandable names to computers. We recommend using only standard Internet characters for the computer name.


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There may come a time in a person's life when he realizes that he needs change. To reset yourself, you can change the environment, appearance and occupation. But the main thing is to work on your internal attitudes.


Consider whether there are any qualities in your character that prevent you from achieving your goals and establishing contact with others. Perhaps you should pay attention to your shortcomings if they objectively reduce your standard of living. Work on yourself. Watch your emotions. For this purpose, you can keep a diary. This will help you capture certain feelings and determine the reasons for their occurrence. Try to turn your weaknesses to your advantage. To do this, you need to understand in what life situations certain character traits will help you, and when they only interfere with achieving the desired result. Subsequently, try to be flexible and adapt to the situation.

Determine what can be changed in your appearance. Maybe something needs to be improved. If the condition of the skin, hair or teeth leaves much to be desired, do not delay a visit to a professional. Perhaps you should work on your figure - get rid of excess weight or tighten your shape. Then go to the gym and watch your diet. You will see how much easier and happier you will become when you just start working on improving your appearance. And when the first results of your efforts appear, you will have an incentive to continue and become an even more athletic, well-groomed and beautiful person. Perhaps your self-acceptance will change, your self-esteem will increase, and you will feel much better than before the reboot.

Update your wardrobe. Go shopping and buy yourself fashionable, beautiful clothes. Perhaps you should change your style. It is necessary that appearance reflected your inner state. Since your worldview can change over time, there must also be changes in the external image. Think about which trend in fashion is closer to you. It might be worth asking a stylist for help. Visit also a beauty salon. Professionals working in the beauty industry can advise you on a new look. If you don't want drastic changes just yet, just go for a new haircut. It is possible that your life after this will begin to change for the better.

For a full reboot, you need some kind of shake. New positive emotions will help you discover your own potential and reconsider your life values. Travel to places you have never been before. Let it be a completely unexpected choice. The more exotic the trip, the better. Maybe you should try one of the extreme sports like diving, rock climbing, snowboarding or cycling. Thrills will help you look at your life differently and change your outlook.

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When accessing disks, folders, or an optical drive of another computer on a local network, the system uses the addresses of these devices and objects, which include the network name of the remote computer. It also accesses the printer, flash drive and other peripherals connected to someone else's computer. You can change this network name in the operating system settings.

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The window with the settings related to the network name of the computer is called through one of the Windows Control Panel applets. A link to this panel is placed in the main menu of the operating system - click on the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" in the right column. In the window that opens, click on the inscription "System and Security", and then - "System". After that, the desired applet will appear on the screen. However, all these actions can be replaced by pressing a pair of "hot keys" Win + Pause. The applet has a separate section subtitled "Computer Name, Domain Name, and Workgroup Settings" with a "Change Settings" link at the right edge. Click it to open a window for changing some system properties. Access to them requires the user to have administrator rights. If you are not logged in as an administrator, a dialog box will appear asking you to enter a password. On the “Computer Name” tab in the system properties window, click the “Change” button, after which, finally, a window will appear with the “Computer Name” field, the value of which you need to change. Enter a new network name, following the standard rules for Internet names. They allow the use of letters only of the Latin alphabet, as well as numbers and some symbols, with the exception of special ones. Forbidden include, for example,; : " * + | , ? =. Microsoft recommends using short and descriptive names no longer than 15 characters. In addition, they must not consist only of numbers and cannot contain spaces. Then click the OK button and close the Control Panel. If the computer is a member of a domain, the system will also require you to enter the password of a user who has the right to change the names of computers in the domain.And if the domain is not used, please note that other computers on the local network will try to find the resources of this computer (for example, a network drive) at the same address Therefore, you will need to manually change the name in the address of the network resource, or disconnect it and reconnect it.

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