How to quickly get views. How to get views on YouTube: the secrets of competent promotion of video content. What are YouTube views

If you have a dream, then do your best to make it come true. If you have a high-quality video, then it's time to post it on YouTube. It would seem, how are these two statements related? But the fact is that just as you slowly and surely overcome obstacles on the way to your goal, your video is gradually gaining more and more views, the number of which will eventually become an objective indicator of your success. How to get an impressive amount of views on YouTube without resorting to the help of psychics and hackers?

Features of promotion on YouTube

Each video, even the most relevant and high-quality one, needs to be promoted at the initial stage. The more people watch the video work, the more chances the video has to become successful literally within a few days after uploading. If you want your YouTube video to become popular, then you just need to attract relevant social networks, thereby organizing a large-scale action around your video. Your reliable virtual "partners" can be such social networks as:

What is image video?

Remember that you can order or draw a video to order, which can illustrate all the necessary aspects and attract the attention of viewers.

Pay special attention to the quality of your video. Of course, creative and unusual videos shot with a good camera are not too cheap, but if your video work does not attract attention, then even an effective advertising campaign will not help your video get the desired number of views.

Another secret to successful promotion of YouTube videos is regular channel updates. Viewers who will come to you to watch a video always pay attention to updates and are happy to view not only new, but also previously uploaded videos. To get a large number of views on YouTube, try to share the video with your friends on social networks as actively as possible. In this case, the word of mouth principle will work and a huge number of viewers will know about your video.

Secrets to get YouTube videos

To increase the number of views, place your video in a thematic category, title the video and write down the necessary tags, by which interested users can find and watch your video. Remember that all your friends on the YouTube channel are the audience of your potential viewers, and if they are not interested in your video work, then try to post a more meaningful and better video that will be of interest, first of all, to your friends on YouTube.

Never post ad-like videos on YouTube, because videos in this category are more likely to annoy the viewer, rather than attract their attention. A high-quality video should not be too long, it is best if it does not exceed 30 seconds.

Remember that YouTube views are a measure of your work, so do your best and do your job better than 100,000 views!

Hello friends, Pavel Yamb is in touch.

Do you have your own Youtube channel? How many videos have you uploaded there? It is their own, taken by your hands? How many views do you have?

Everyone knows Youtube. Everyone has visited this video hosting at least once in their life. Or watched clips and jokes that were downloaded from it. This is a huge platform with an incredible amount of videos and a flurry of visits, 3 billion views per day. Youtube also has a huge amount of search traffic.

And if you have your own website, then you have heard about SEO (optimizing your resource for greater visibility by search engines). And to promote their site, to get traffic to it, they also use this video platform. That is, they post their masterpieces there, put a link to their site, and if the video is interesting, useful, worthwhile, then they receive transitions to their resource.

How does this apply to SEO? See.

An Internet user enters a query into a search engine, say, Yandex. And even if your site is not in the top ten for this query, your video may be in this top ten. Through it, the visitor can come to your site, unless, of course, your video helped him.

As a result, it often turns out that it is easier to promote the video for the same request, because it has less competition. And getting into the top ten is easier!

But how to do it? Again, SEO, but specifically for Youtube.

You need to optimize your video! I will tell you about this. In the future, we will talk about the promotion of the video in social networks, and the use of a special service. And now I want to give you the basis, without which promotion is almost impossible.

Let me tell you a little story first. Being engaged in SEO, and understanding the basics by which search engines see this or that site, I easily came to the understanding that it is even easier to optimize a video than a website page. I had a video where my eight-month-old son grimaces at the camera, parodying Turchinov. I decided to post this video on Youtube, according to all the rules of optimization. I note that I did not use any third-party promotion services or social networks. I just correctly named the video, correctly described and correctly optimized. Here is the video.

I posted it, watched it for a week and forgot. I even forgot the password for the account I posted from. Recently I went to youtube, entered in the search engine “show Turchinov” and was very surprised by the number of views 16000. First place for this request. And, accordingly, in Yandex also in the top ten issuance.

So what did I do in terms of optimization?

Before uploading my entry on Youtube, I called him exactly the way I want to be found - Malysh shows and parodies Turchinov. That is, the keywords are "baby, parodies, shows, Turchinov." According to them, I want to be found.

  1. The description of the video should also contain the same words. That is, the description of the video - the kid shows Turchinov.
  2. And for each video, you have the opportunity to register several dozen tags - the same keys that, as it were, personify your video. It's like hashtags on twitter. Here we prescribe everything that is connected with your video: baby, parodies, shows, Turchinov, shows Turchinov, funny, fun .... And so on. That is, so that the search engine understands what your video is about and who might like it or find it useful.

In the near future, by the way, I plan to create my own channel and only then add videos. Decided to buy a video course YouTube Master Popova, you probably heard about it, mega-cool courses, and if you took this one, please write in the comments whether you liked it or not.

How to get views on youtube? Today I will give you a method that will help you get views on every video with absolutely no programs, no cheating and for free. The result will depend on your perseverance.

So how do you get views?

The bottom line is that you post (in social networks) in various groups in the comments videos. But not in every group in a row, but in thematic. Thematic groups are those groups that are directly related to the subject of your channel. If the video is about building a house, then you need to look for groups dedicated to building a house (logically). Let's say you have a fishing video. If you post your video in public on the topic of music, then no one will watch you and you will not have views. It is necessary to take thematic communities. Well, don't forget about near-thematic groups. Examples of near-thematic publics / groups: video, youtube, YouTube.

Here is a prime example:

Every day I left a new one link per roller in more than 20-70 publics. Everything was done by hand. It takes about 20-30 minutes to do this. At the end of the day, I already have the n-th number of views. The juice is that the video (in most cases) remain and you will move on recruit views. I'm talking about those groups / publics where there are very few new posts.
If you say in the video that they say “ subscribe to my channel“, then you will gain more subscribers. Kill 2 birds with one stone.

In large groups / publics you will receive ban for spam. But do not be upset, because there are other publics.
The more you put links to your videos, the more and more efficient the output will be. The result will depend on your perseverance.

This method is good because it gives push your channel and your videos. At first, it’s better to move forward like this, because it white way promotion. Once you get promoted and have enough followers, you can quit.

After 3 months..

If you have not yet used this method, then you are missing out on a lot. Until now, I actively use this method. But now I scatter videos not by 40 publics, but by 2-3 times more, so that the result is better. “Fake” pages help me in this. Oh yes, it takes more time (an hour), but as I said, the result is worth it.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Every day, thousands of new channels are created on such a huge world-famous video hosting site as YouTube (and this is only in Russia). And most of their owners think about how to make their videos more popular than others.

And what is the determining indicator of the popularity of a video on YouTube? Of course, it's views! Of course, your video will not advance to the Top if you do not have subscribers, likes (this is especially true or) and comments, but nevertheless, views are the first thing that users pay attention to when searching for a particular video on the service.

As a result, the question arises: “How to quickly get these same views under your video?” There are many options and ways to solve this problem. So, for example, if you have a small channel and you need views only to not be completely bored, then you can go through various free cheat services that work in the format of resource exchange between users. You give your task, and in return you have to subscribe to someone, watch a video or like it.

Where can I buy live views on YouTube?

For those whose channel reaches a more serious level, such cheating is not suitable, because in this case you risk being left without a channel at all. In this case, you just need to know where you can buy live views on youtube.

In order for you not to rush about in search of a decent service on the Internet (although this is your business), you can immediately offer to offer a working option - the site Here you will find what you need. This site is intended both for amateurs (read "schoolchildren"), and for professional work at the highest level. Buying wholesale YouTube views is one of those jobs.

I would like to highlight three main factors that positively affect the promotion of video when ordering this service:

  1. Time to add views. After you have left your order on the site, it is put into operation within the first hour. The process of cheating itself lasts gradually, but no more than 2 days from the moment the order is placed.
  2. Quality. All those views that you order will be no different from the standard view of any YouTube user. Thus, this will be taken into account both by the YouTube counter and by the service analyst
  3. Guarantees. You can be sure that with such a cheat, the received views will not be written off, and your channel will not be blocked (of course, if you purchase views correctly, which we will discuss later)

The pricing policy of the site requires separate consideration, since it may seem that the cost of views is quite low (from 99 to 150 rubles per 1000 views), and accordingly, the quality of the material may also leave much to be desired. But the site does not pursue profit at all, using unscrupulous methods or fraud, but tries to attract as reliable sources and databases as possible.

How to get views on YouTube so that the video is not blocked?

However, not a single site will be able to protect your channel from a ban if the promotion is done illiterately. To achieve really high results in promotion, it is necessary to independently carry out a number of organizational and optimization measures. Unfortunately, even with paid cheating, you are unlikely to be able to overclock the zero channel without some elementary design and structuring.

In this regard, first you need to prepare the channel for cheating and additional traffic attraction to it. Get serious about styling. If you want purchased views to not only hang like a dead weight under your videos, but also bring other users to the channel, you need to attract them with interesting content. Be sure to upload your logo and channel header, especially if you want to promote your business with YouTube. Thus, at a glance, you will let the user know what to expect when viewing this channel.

If you have already uploaded enough videos, it makes sense to give them a neat look by breaking them into playlists. This will make it much easier for users to find the information they need. When answering the question: How to get views on YouTube so that the video is not blocked?”, try to achieve minimal promotion and activity on the channel yourself. Post new videos on all social platforms to which you have access. The main thing is to be able to embed the YouTube player itself directly.

In this case, all views from other social networks will also be taken into account by YouTube. It must be remembered that newcomers to video hosting are treated with great suspicion, so all your unnatural actions may be stopped in the bud by blocking both individual videos and the channel as a whole. Although, of course, you may be lucky, but it's still better not to risk it.

And only after your channel is ready to boost and receive new traffic, you can start artificial promotion of your videos. As we mentioned earlier, not all videos may be suitable for this. Those videos that are contrary to the law or YouTube rules are not allowed to be promoted. So, for example, you can add views to a video with copyright infringement, but in the end your attachments will be useless because the video will be removed by YouTube. Also, do not wind up tens of thousands of views on a video with zero activity, that is, if there are no comments and likes under it yet.

Users on YouTube are quite sociable and it is unlikely that any new video will be left without attention, but even if this is the case, just ask your friends to leave any comments and give a like. Otherwise, again, the YouTube system will consider this unnatural action. In general, any cheat requires its gradual and unhurried implementation, in this regard, it is better to order a thousand views every two days than to put a hundred thousand at once. This will save you from unnecessary worries, and the quality of promotion will be much better.

How to get a lot of views on YouTube with and without retention?

Another important indicator when buying video views on YouTube is the view format: whether it will be with or without retention. Let's try to explain what it is. The fact is that YouTube takes into account absolutely all views, which is good on the one hand, but not all views are suitable for displaying a video clip in the top search.

So, if a user opened your video and immediately left the site or turned it off, this view will be considered without retention, that is, the person watched the video less than half, which does not have a particularly positive effect on its promotion. YouTube analyzes not only statistical data expressed in numbers (read more in the article on VK, YouTube and other social networks), but also the degree of user interest in the content.

Let's form some definition of the concept of views with and without retention. The concept of "views with hold" means that one view of the video will be 60-80% of the total duration of the video, while "views without hold" last from 3 to 12 seconds.

From this definition, the conclusion follows that when solving the problem of how to get a lot of views on YouTube with and without retention, higher quality material are views with retention. However, the purchase of such views will not always be the most successful and profitable.

So, for example, if your video is only a minute long, the best option for you would be to order views without holding. You can view options cheat views on YouTube with and without retention. Due to the fact that YouTube considers the duration of the view from the time of the video itself, in this case, the views without retention will also be taken into account by the YouTube analyst.

Probably, some are wondering why different view formats are needed at all. This is necessary for those users who wish not only to maintain a high-quality interesting channel, but also to make a profit from this activity. As a result, it turns out that the more enthusiastically the audience views your videos, the faster they will rise in the top and, accordingly, will be more appreciated when they are monetized.

Cheat views on YouTube online

Many users who read this article from the very beginning may be upset by the fact that the promised time for cheating is such a long period - they want to immediately get the result for the money paid. But such a duration of cheating is needed not only for its high-quality and gradual implementation. The fact is that a large number of views are not immediately counted by YouTube. It must be at least 48 hours before it is updated.

If you want to see your YouTube views in real time, then other methods may be suitable for you. Therefore, we will try to talk about alternative ways to cheat views on YouTube in online mode.

  1. You can use various exchangers. They can be both free and with the option of buying local currency. The essence of exchangers is that you place your order on any service and wait for its execution. Each view you can see online. Instead, you will need to complete some tasks. For example, like a video or subscribe to a channel. As a result, it turns out that the same users complete your order. The advantage of this option is that you really see how your task is being performed. But there are also downsides, of course. For example, the order execution time may be extended depending on the workload of the exchanger. Also, given that the order is performed by ordinary users who also want to receive something, it is unlikely that you will achieve the desired retention of views. And of course, you can just simply run into the next scammers.
  2. The next option to cheat YouTube views is self-promotion. It is performed both manually and using various programs. The essence of this method is that you yourself watch the video many times. YouTube also counts views from the same IP address. To make it easier to perform these actions and not bother watching one video hundreds of times, you can use special browser extensions that allow you to automatically refresh the page after a certain period of time. Thus, you can achieve a complete viewing of the video from beginning to end with the appropriate retention. However, YouTube only allows you to watch videos up to 300 times. If you try to increase this number, the video will be blocked.

Here are the most popular options for cheating views on YouTube. But it is easy to guess that such options may not be suitable for everyone. This cheat is intended for amateur use, when you need to cheat no more than 200-300 views on a video. But when it comes to serious promotion on a social network, these methods seem ridiculous, although they are available online.

How much does YouTube pay?

And of course, one cannot lose sight of the most attractive reason for cheating views on YouTube for most users - the opportunity to earn money. It has long been no secret that you can make money on YouTube videos. But not everyone knows how to do this, what options for making money on YouTube and how much profit views can bring. We will try to answer these questions. And let's start with the first one.

In order to start making money on YouTube, it is not enough just to have a channel and upload everything that is filmed on your phone to it. First of all, your earnings will consist of several factors: how popular the thematic niche is the channel, its rating and user interest in the content. This implies the conclusion that you can earn at least something only if you shoot and upload a really high-quality video that will be interesting to users.

On the technical side, you only need to enable monetization in the channel's creative studio. However, for this it will be necessary to fulfill some YouTube conditions, which consist in recruiting a certain number of subscribers and views on the channel. After fulfilling these conditions, you will be able to choose the option of earning on the channel.

Therefore, we move on to the second question. One of the ways to monetize the channel is the one that YouTube itself offers - advertising in your videos. And here it is worth clarifying what exactly the money is paid for. Many users mistakenly believe that they can only earn money by watching their video. But this is absolutely not true. Of course, views are simply necessary for making money, but the service does not pay for them, but for the ads that are placed in your videos. Therefore, the question “How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views?” somewhat incorrect. Much more informative, it sounds like this: “How much do they pay for 1000 ad views on YouTube?”. Now let's try to answer this question.

In fact, you will not find exact figures anywhere, since income even on two high-quality channels with the same subject matter can be completely different. It depends on the number of views, and on the degree of user interest, and on the advertisers themselves, whose ads will be placed on the channel. But the approximate figures are already known. So, in Russia YouTubers are paid for 1000 views from $0.25 to $2. And this, of course, is not the best world performance. For example, if you create a channel for Norwegians or Americans, you can already earn at least $10. In this regard, it is rational to create a channel aimed at a foreign audience.

You can also use other options for earning, or rather, choose other advertising services that are more generous in payment. But the conditions for connecting to their program are quite tricky.

How to avoid getting scammed when buying YouTube views?

But let's get back to buying views. If you still decide on paid artificial cheating with the help of services offering such services, you need to carefully consider the choice of this organization. At the moment, the Internet is simply teeming with unscrupulous "sharashkas" who want to cash in on your account. As a result, the question arises: how to make the right choice when buying views and not fall for deception?

Let's highlight the main points for choosing the necessary service:

  1. First of all, review all the information about the work of this service. That is, study the reviews that users leave on various forums, since there is enough such information on the Internet. Of course, it is better to ask the opinion of those people who have already ordered services on this site personally (for example, if you have such acquaintances in social networks), since reviews are not always written by real people.
  2. Now very useful information is provided by the payment systems with which cheat services work. For example, if PayPal or Webmoney checkouts are connected on the site, this means that the site owners have provided these systems with all the necessary documentation about the legality of such activities.
  3. Look for the guarantees that this or that service provides in case of a poorly performed service. You can also ask the same question to support. In this case, you will also check the efficiency of the service and the desire of employees to help you sort out any issue.
  4. Well, after all the information received, which really suits you, you can make a preliminary order for a minimum amount to check the service in action.

Only after all the actions performed, you can confidently place large orders on this service. And you can check all the tips provided on the website and make really profitable and safe cheating not only views on YouTube, but also any other resources in various social networks

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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It happened yesterday. In the morning, I looked at Youtube Analitics and saw that my channel had passed the . This day became significant also because 850 views per day came up. Previously, there were 800 per day. Therefore, I made an immediate decision - to share information with you and return to the days when I had dozens of views in 24 hours.

Perhaps, remember, I wrote about and today I will try to supplement this material, based on a real example - the Clear TV channel.

How long does it take to get 100,000 views

I answer directly: in order to gain 100,000 views on youtube, it took me about 9 months. To be more precise, 9 months and 3 days. Today, thousands of views My videos don’t gain per day, but the channel’s traffic indicator tends to this mark.

During this time there were ups and downs, but at this stage stability has come - + - 800 views per day. The next goal is 1000 video views per day.

I remember very well the time when there were 20-50 views per day. I remember the times when I waited until I got the first 3000 views and 100 subscribers in order to make money on youtube. By the way, if your channel meets these criteria, you can too (link where you can apply).

How do I get a lot of views on youtube

- download music from VKontakte in one click 23 015 (15%)

- how to make 10,000 friends on VKontakte 10,850 (7%)

— how to delete a folder that cannot be deleted in 59 seconds 8,000 (5%)

— videos have a beautiful (in my opinion) preview,

- videos correspond to the name,

- have an SEO description.

I draw your attention to the fact that most of my videos last no more than 3 minutes, and the views are not cheated. All the videos on my channel were watched by people. I have never used any sites, cheat programs (I advise you to do the same).

I didn’t have a magic wand and managed to score only by:

— constant addition of new videos (at least once a week);

- thanks to a well-written description;

- annotations, which I wrote about recently in an article: .