How to find out what OS you have. How to find out the version of Windows if the system does not start? Determine which Windows is installed through the winver command

We all like to play some kind of computer toy from time to time. But sometimes our machines can't handle the load. Often it is the video card that is “to blame”: outdated and budget solutions do not implement modern graphics and textures. Consider how to find out which video card is on a computer or laptop and find out the differences between an integrated and a discrete video card.

Advice! If you are planning to buy a laptop for gaming purposes, be sure to choose machines with a discrete graphics adapter.

How to view video

To begin with, there are two types of video cards on a laptop: integrated and discrete.

An integrated video chip is a graphics adapter built into the motherboard that uses the resources of the processor and random access memory. Such cards are not very high performance and are intended for using a laptop for office purposes.

Discrete graphics card - separate graphics module, which has a separate processor, memory and cooling. Able to support many games with multi-level graphics. Consider how to determine the type and model of a video card.

Using the "Device Manager"

You can find out which video card is on the computer through the device manager as follows:

    • Go to "My Computer" and click on the "System Properties" button.
  • After the Properties window appears, click Device Manager.
  • Expand the list of video chips and find out the model of your video card.

Using hardware ID

If for some reason the model name of your video card is not displayed, there is a second way. In the same "Device Manager", double-click on the name of the video card and go to the "Details" tab. Here, select the hardware ID from the drop-down list and copy the third value.

Go to this site and determine the model of your video chip.

We simply and quickly figure out what version of the Windows operating system I have. 32 or 64 bits, which processor and how much memory

Hello. In this article, we will analyze how to quickly and easily find out which one you have. operating system(OS), plus some other information along the way. Quite often, many users are faced with this issue. Usually in these situations:

  • To install programs, games, drivers that require a specific OS version
  • For other various services and services on the Internet

It's easy to find out. There are two ways to find out information about the operating system you have installed:

  1. Using winver command (windows version)
  2. In my computer properties

Let's start with the winver command. To use it, you need to launch the "run" system menu. This is done simply. By pressing the key combination win and at the same time r:

in the menu that appears, enter the winver command and press enter:

You will see a summary of the OS you have installed:

If these data are enough for you, then your issue is resolved. If interested in more detailed information, for example, how many bits are 32 or 64, etc., which processor or how much RAM, then we look at the next method.

We need to look in the properties of my computer. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the icon of my computer on the desktop or in the start menu and press the right mouse button. In the opened quick menu, you need to select "properties" at the very bottom:

We will see more detailed data on the operating system. Here, starting from the very top, we can see:

  • Operating system version and edition - Windows 7 Ultimate
  • Manufacturing firm
  • Service pack 1, that is, the version of the official update (which, however, may not be)
  • Below we can observe the model
  • The performance evaluation that the system itself produces, depending on the installed parts and components in the computer
  • The processor model and its clock frequency, which is very useful to know for running games and complex programs on a PC
  • The amount of RAM, which is also superfluous will not know
  • The type of system is also very important parameter, since it is he who often affects whether a game or program is installed on this OS or not. It is best to always install a 64-bit (bit) system, it does not impose any restrictions on any applications you install, unlike 32-bit
  • Well, then less important information on working group, activations, etc.

As you can see, knowing 2 simple ways to check information about the system, you can significantly improve your knowledge not only in computer topics, but always be ready, knowing which programs or games you have installed and which not.

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, the vast majority of users have no idea what version of the operating system is installed on their computers. It's not even a matter of defining Windows version extremely difficult - it's just the same very simple. The average user does not care what version he has there. The main thing is that everything works. But in some cases, knowing the version of the operating system is simply necessary. And how do you know which "Windows" is installed on the computer? This will be discussed, but first a little general information.

Why do you need to know the version of Windows?

Sometimes this knowledge is absolutely necessary. For example, you need to download some specific program or component. You need to know the version of the operating system in order to download what you need. AT system requirements some applications knowingly write versions of operating systems on which this application works fine. How to know if you can use this program or not? Only knowing the version of Windows. And this brings us back to the question of how to find out which "Windows" is on the computer. Fortunately, there are quite a few ways to do this.

You also need to know the version of Windows when downloading drivers for installed equipment. For example, if you have Windows 7, then drivers from the "eight" or "tens" will not work. What's more, they won't even install. But the case with drivers is special. Here you need to know not only the version of the operating system, but also its bit depth (32 bit or 64). All this is in the window of general information about the installed OS. You just need to get to it, and now we will try to explain how to do it. First, let's try using the "My Computer" icon - this is a much more functional element than many people think.

Using the features of the "My Computer" icon

The easiest way to view the operating system version is to use the My Computer icon. It is located on the user's desktop. You need to click on it right click mouse and select "Properties" from the menu that appears. After that, a window with comprehensive information about a specific operating system will appear. And there will be a version of it too. This is one of the answers to the question of how to find out which "Windows" is on the computer. You can, of course, use third-party powerful tools like Everest or AIDA 64. But they are useful if you need to find out all the information about the computer as a whole. And firing a cannon at sparrows is not worth it. Moreover, these software products are by no means free.

And if instead of the icon "My Computer" - a shortcut?

In this case, the previous method will not work, because instead of the system properties, the above action will open the properties of the shortcut, and we do not need this. But there is a way out: open the "Start" menu and in its right half find the inscription "My Computer". Now you need to right-click on this item and select "Properties". The same window will appear, providing information about the operating system. And this is another answer to the question of how to find out which "Windows" is installed. You will have to perform a little more actions, but the result will be the same. For the future: if you have a shortcut instead of the "My Computer" icon, then it's better to install the icon. It's more functional. To do this, you just need to right-click on the desktop, select "Personalization" and find the option to manage icons. There you can enable the display of the "My Computer" icon.

Using the WinVer System Utility

Few people know, but Windows comes with a special program that is designed to display information about the version of the operating system on the screen. Searching for it manually is useless, because among the heap system files with the EXE extension, it is not easy to find it. It is better to use the system search. You need to open the "Start" menu and in the bottom line type "winver.exe". After a short search, the operating system will open the desired file in Explorer. All that is required is to run the executable. A window will appear with the version of the installed operating system, a warning that the product is licensed, and the name of the owner of the licensed copy. And this is another answer to the question of how to find out which "Windows" is installed on a computer or laptop. It is worth noting that this information utility is available in all versions of Windows. Starting with XP and ending with the tenth version. You just need to know how to find it, and what to do with it.


So, we realized that the version of the operating system is very important information. As well as information about its capacity. Therefore, you need to know it, even if you do not install new drivers so often. How to find out which "Windows" is installed was described a little higher. There are several ways to get the information you need, and all of them are quite simple. You just need to strictly follow the instructions provided and everything will be fine. The easiest way is to use the "My Computer" icon, it will not cause any difficulties even for a novice user.

Which is installed on the computer, can occur in a variety of situations. For example, in most cases, in order to download, you must first specify your version of Windows.

If you are in a similar situation and do not know your version of Windows, then this article should help you. We offer you several ways to find out which Windows is on your computer.

Method number 1. Computer properties.

If there is an icon on your desktop (namely, an icon, not a shortcut), then you can find out which Windows is on your computer using it. To do this, right-click on this icon and select the "Properties" menu item.

This will open a window with information about your computer. The version of Windows will be indicated here, as well as basic information about the computer (processor name, amount of RAM).

It also contains information about the bitness of your operating system. Almost at the very bottom of the window, opposite the "System Type" item.

It should be noted that if you do not have a computer icon on your desktop, then you can call this window using the combination Windows keys+ Pause/Break .

Method number 2. WinVer command.

The second way to find out which Windows is on the computer is the WinVer command. Press the key combination Windows + R and in the menu that appears, enter the command WinVer.

After that, a window with basic information about your operating system will appear on the screen. Here you can find out which Windows is on the computer, as well as its version and build number.

Method number 3. The systeminfo command.

Another useful command that will let you know which Windows is on your computer is the systeminfo command. To use this command, type systeminfo and press enter. After that, basic information about your computer will appear on the screen. Among this information you will be able to find the version of your Windows.

Also you can do given command and in another way. To do this, press the key combination Windows + R and in the window that opens, enter cmd /k systeminfo.

In this case, it will first run " Command line”, and only then the systeminfo command will be executed in it.

Method number 4. System Information window.

The last method we'll look at is the System Information window. In order to call this window, press the key combination Windows + R and in the window that appears, enter the command msinfo32.

After that, the "System Information" window will open in front of you, in which you can find out which Windows is on your computer. Finding this information will be easy, as it will immediately appear before your eyes.

If you have any difficulty running the msinfo32 command, you can open this window by searching the Start menu. To do this, simply enter "System Information" in the search and open the found program.

Many inexperienced users often ask the question of how to find out which Windows is installed on a computer. There are two classifications of the question: operating system version and bit depth. Both are easy to learn, let's see how it's done.

Find out the version of Windows on the computer

How to find out which Windows is installed on the computer? It is not difficult to see the OS version. This can be done through the interface of the OS itself or with special programs.

Method 1: AIDA64

AIDA64 is a program that allows you to get extended information about your PC. With it, you can find out what components you have installed: processor, motherboard, how much RAM (its type), video adapter and much more, as well as the version of the operating system. Action algorithm:

  1. We install the program.
  2. Launch the AIDA64 application.
  3. On the left side there are sections, you need to open "A computer".
  4. Among the dropped subsections, you need to go to "Summary Information".
  5. There in the line "Operating system" information will be needed.
  6. Method 2: Through the OS interface

    How to find out which Windows is installed on the computer? You can use a special command:

    Method 3: Find out the OS version on the laptop

    If you have a laptop and you have no idea how to find out which Windows is installed on your laptop, look for a sticker that will indicate the version of Windows. If you bought a laptop with Windows installed, there must be a sticker somewhere.

    You can use one of the previous methods: download the program, or write a special command.

    How to find out the bitness of the operating system

    To do this, the system has a built-in command:

    Here's how to find out which Windows 32 or 64 is installed on your computer. This method is simple and works on all versions of Windows, including XP, so we recommend using it.

    If x86 bit depth is specified, it means that you have x32 bit Windows.


    You should no longer have the question: “How do I find out what kind of Windows I have?” or “What bitness is the operating system?”. Use the methods provided by us and ask questions in the comments if something is not clear.