Is it possible to remove the key sewn into the BIOS. How to find OEM Windows Activation Key from BIOS. Getting the Windows key in Speccy

So, it so happened that you have to reinstall windows (hdd, bsod, other problems die ...) and next to the problem there is a desire to transfer an honestly purchased license. But here's the bad luck: the sticker was erased, the record was not preserved, but what did I care? Yet it worked! There is a way out, but with Windows 8 , 8.1 And 10 even easier, there the key is sewn into the bios. Microsoft uses a 25-digit code, which is what we need. I'll tell you about three relatively simple ways find out the product key: software, using a script and wired into the BIOS, let's go:

ProduKey, a time-tested program, shows keys for Windows, MS-Office, SQL Server. Just download and run the .exe file from the archive in a couple of seconds, you're done.

Using this utility, you can not only look at the key on installed system but also for example from an external device ( external drive, usb flash drive) or connect a disk with a second system. It happens that Windows does not start due to disk damage or blue screen this is to blame, but it is necessary to find out the key, then Product KeyFinder perfect solution.

Download, install. Run as administrator.

Click the tab Tools, and then Load Hive

Choose on external device Windows folder and press Enter. After a few seconds of scanning, we get the system version and the key for installation on new disk clean Windows.

2. With a script

A method for seekers, it is a little more complicated, but more interesting.

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") regKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\" DigitalProductId = WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "DigitalProductId") Win8ProductName = "Windows Product Name: " & WshShell.RegRead (regKey & "ProductName") & vbNewLine Win8ProductID = "Windows Product ID: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductID") & vbNewLine Win8ProductKey = ConvertToKey(DigitalProductId) strProductKey ="Windows 8 Key: " & Win8ProductKey Win8ProductID = Win8ProductName & Win8ProductID & strProductKey MsgBox(Win8ProductKey) MsgBox(Win8ProductID) Function ConvertToKey(regKey) Const KeyOffset = 52 isWin8 = (regKey(66) \ 6) And 1 regKey(66) = (regKey(66) And &HF7) Or ((isWin8 And 2) * 4) j = 24 Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789" Do Cur = 0 y = 14 Do Cur = Cur * 256 Cur = regKey(y + KeyOffset) + Cur regKey(y + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24) Cur = Cur Mod 24 y = y -1 Loop While y >= 0 j = j -1 winKeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & winKeyOutput Last = Cur Loop While j >= 0 If (is Win8 = 1) Then keypart1 = Mid(winKeyOutput, 2, Last) insert = "N" winKeyOutput = Replace(winKeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0) If Last = 0 Then winKeyOutput = insert & winKeyOutput End If a = Mid(winKeyOutput, 1, 5) b = Mid(winKeyOutput, 6, 5) c = Mid(winKeyOutput, 11, 5) d = Mid(winKeyOutput, 16, 5) e = Mid(winKeyOutput, 21, 5) ConvertToKey = a & "-" & b & "-" & c & "-" & d & "-" & e End Function

Create a plain text document .txt open it and paste this text there:

Change the file extension from .txt on .vbs and run the script, after a couple of seconds we see the key. Who is too lazy to do manipulations, download the finished script.

3. Pull the key out of BIOS (bios)

This method is real hardcore, it will help you find out the key of all windows wired into bios. IN latest versions computers with installed Windows 8, 8.1, 10 there is no sticker with the key, of course it can be recognized by the methods listed above, but what if you put another version or Linux on top, for example? The key is stored in the bios chip, and on the one hand, it's great, you won't lose it, and if you want to know it, use RWeverything. Download the utility according to the version of your system, version 32 bit or 64 bit. It needs to be downloaded, unpacked (winrar, winzip), installed and run. Then:

  1. Click on the ACPI button.
  2. Select the MSDM tab.
  3. In the bottom line Data will be the Windows key hardwired into your BIOS? copy it and use it as intended

Conclusion: if you had to find and restore the key, be sure to write it down in a safe place. The license is important, you paid for it.

If it was useful, click on the button below and tell your friends, Thank you!

A new working way to extract the key, including if the system does not start.

I found this method on the Internet and checked that it works even in the latest build Windows 10.0.14393 of course, it is somewhat complicated for an ordinary user, but sometimes the cost of a lost license makes us purposeful, especially since the instructions themselves are detailed and understandable. Yes, it is in English, but which of us does not use a translator in chrome? So, be careful and follow the instructions, if you do everything correctly, then at the end you will decrypt the binary code and get the product key, this field looks like this:

To activate the operating Windows systems special license key product. The Windows product key used to activate the system differs depending on the version operating system(Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, etc.), OS editions (Home, Pro, etc.), distribution method (OEM, Retail, etc.).

To activate the Windows operating system, a product key is used, consisting of 25 characters in the form of numbers and uppercase (upper case) English letters, divided into 5 groups of 5 characters: "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX".

Laptops used to have a glued key Windows activation. At the moment, manufacturers of laptops with pre-installed operating systems sew a product key into the BIOS to automatically activate Windows.

In the event of a system reinstall, or for some other reason (for example, activation failed after a hardware failure), the user may need a Windows product key. How to find the Windows activation key?

You can find out the license key of the installed Windows by running a special VBS script, as well as using five programs: ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit, Speccy, AIDA64, SIW. All listed programs free, except AIDA64 and SIW.

Script with ".vbs" extension and portable free programs(ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit) can be downloaded from here. Download the rest of the programs to your computer from the official websites of manufacturers.

Using these methods, you can find out the key of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. After you have found out the Windows product key, the data obtained for subsequent use, in case of reinstalling the operating system, to activate the operating system.

How to find out the Windows key in ProduKey

The free ProduKey program from the well-known manufacturer NirSoft does not require installation on a computer. The application shows the keys to the Windows OS, Internet browser Explorer, Microsoft Office.

Unzip the archive with the program, and then run the "Application" file from the folder. After launch, the ProduKey utility window will display the key to the installed operating system.

Highlight the entry with the Windows 10 key, or another operating system, and then in context menu select "Copy Product Key" to copy the activation key to the clipboard.

We look at the license key in ShowKeyPlus

The free program ShowKeyPlus does not require installation on a computer. After launch, in the application window you will see information:

  • Product Name - The operating system currently installed on the computer.
  • Product ID (Product code) - product code.
  • Installed Key - the key of the operating system currently installed on the computer.
  • OEM Key - the key is sewn into laptop BIOS originally installed operating system.

To save the data, click on the "Save" button, and then the received information in a text file.

How to view the Windows key in Free PC Audit

The free program Free PC Audit will help you find out the key of the installed Windows. This program does not require installation on a computer. Run the utility file, after that a window will open Free programs PC Audit, which will start scanning the system.

After the scan is completed, in the "System" tab, opposite the "Windows product key" item, you will see the product key of the installed Windows operating system.

To copy the key, select the line with the license key, and then using the "Copy" context menu item, or using the "Ctrl" + "C" keys, copy the Windows product key from the utility window.

How to find out Windows 8 key using VBSCrit

Activation keys for the Windows operating system are stored on the hard drive in encrypted form. Executing the VBSCrit script will allow you to get the product key of the installed operating system in decrypted form. This script was developed for Windows 8 operating system, but this code also works fine in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 operating systems.

To perform the operation, double-click on the “WindowsKey.vbs” file. In the window that opens, you will see the Windows activation code. Next, click on the "OK" button.

The next window will display information about the operating system version, product ID, and product key number. Ignore the name of the entry "Windows 8 Key". The name of this OS will be displayed on any version of the Windows operating system.

Getting the Windows key in Speccy

The free Speccy program from the well-known company Piriform, the manufacturer of CCleaner and other software. From the official site you can download a portable (portable) version of Speccy. There is a paid version of the program with advanced features.

The program provides the user detailed information about hardware computer, you can also use the application to find out the license key of the installed Windows.

Run the Speccy program, in the "Operating system" section, the version of the installed operating system will be displayed, its serial number(activation key).

Find out the product key in AIDA64

AIDA64- powerful program for all sorts of information about your computer's software and hardware.

After launching the AIDA64 program, in the "Menu" tab, in the "Operating system" section, license information will be displayed, including the Windows product key.

Select the product key, select "Copy" in the context menu, then paste the key into Notepad, or another similar program to save.

Read detailed overview programs .

Key information in SIW

SIW (System Information of Windows) - a program for obtaining information about the hardware status and software computer.

After launching SIW, enter the "Programs", "Licenses" section. This will display information about the product key that is used in the Windows operating system installed on the computer.

Incorrect (incomprehensible) product key

When checking the keys in the ways listed above, the Windows product key may appear as follows: "BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB".

This means that your computer is activated with a corporate MAK or VLK key. Operating Windows does not save such keys, so programs do not see them.

Windows 10 uses a new system authentication method (not for all cases in Windows 10). The activation record is stored on the servers and is not displayed on the computer. After reinstallation, Windows will automatically activate for some time.

The retention of the license is subject to changes in the hardware configuration of the computer. In case of replacement motherboard, Microsoft activation servers will revoke the license for this computer. Windows will prompt you to purchase a new product key.

Article Conclusions

If necessary, the user will be required to enter a valid product key to activate the Windows operating system. The user can find out the license code of the Windows operating system by running a VBS script, or using specialized programs: ProduKey, ShowKeyPlus, Free PC Audit, Speccy, AIDA64, SIW.

Experienced PC and Internet user

  1. Hello dear administrators! Question: how to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop if it does not have a hard drive? Or in other words, how to find out the Windows 8.1 key embedded in the laptop's BIOS? My problem is that my HDD and I bought a new one, now I want to install on it the previously preinstalled Windows 8.1 Single Language (For one language) store, but I'm afraid that the system is not automatically activated during installation. I read on the Internet that with the help of some programs you can find out the Windows 8.1 key,“sewn” into the BIOS of the laptop and this key is saved in any case, for the entire life of the laptop.
  2. Hi admin! I bought a laptop a year ago, then Windows 8 was installed on it, which I immediately demolished and installed Windows 7, but now I’m thinking of returning Windows 8 back, but I don’t know the license key, can I see it somewhere? The Windows key used to be printed on the bottom of the laptop, but now it's not there.

How to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop if it does not have a hard drive. Or in other words, how to find out the Windows 8.1 key "embedded" in the laptop's BIOS

Hello friends! With the advent of laptops with pre-installed Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and UEFI BIOS, Microsoft has changed the rules for distributing licensed copies of Windows, now the license key of the operating system is no longer on the sticker located on the bottom of the laptop, from now on the key is “sewn” in text form into the ACPI MSD BIOS table laptop. What to do, these are the new rules, and according to them, it is not necessary for an ordinary user to know the key of the operating system installed on his laptop.

Despite this, you can view the contents of the ACPI tables and find out the Windows 8.1 key in BIOS using various utilities: RWEverything, OemKey, ShowKeyPlus, ProduKey. If your laptop boots up, then these utilities can be run directly in running Windows and it doesn’t matter which operating system you currently have installed: Windows 7 or Windows 10, regardless of this, any of the programs I have listed consider the Windows 8.1 key from BIOS.

You can also find out the key if the laptop does not have a hard drive at all, in which case we will have to boot the laptop from the bootable Live CD AOMEI PE Builder flash drive, this flash drive contains all the programs I mentioned, in today's article I will show you how to create such a flash drive.

  • Note: If you look at the question from the other side, then it is not necessary for an ordinary user to recognize the Windows 8.1 key sewn into the BIOS of a laptop, and that's why. The fact is that when installing on a laptop exactly the version of the operating system that was preinstalled on it from the store (in most cases, Windows 8.1 Single Language), the key will be substituted during system installation automatically and you will not need to enter anything. In other words, to know the key prescribed in the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS is not needed under any circumstances, even if you replace the hard drive on the laptop. I wrote about all this with details in this.

For example, let's take a laptop with Windows 8.1 preinstalled from the store, delete everything from the hard drive and install another Windows 10 operating system, and then run our utilities and find out the Win 8.1 key registered in the BIOS.

Download all programs in one archive on my cloud storage.

So, we look at the Windows 8.1 key registered in the BIOS with the programs: ShowKeyPlus, OemKey, RWEverything, ProduKey.

First in line program ShowKeyPlus

The program displays detailed information.

product name(The version of the operating system currently installed on the laptop) - Windows 10 Single Language (For one language).

Product ID : Product ID .

Installed Key: Key installed now on Windows laptop 10 Single Language.

OEM Key: TO key from Windows 8.1, prescribed into the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS (what we need is the key embedded in the BIOS).

OEM Edition: Operating system version ( Windows 8.1 Single Language) preinstalled by the laptop manufacturer. It is for this version that the key is suitable ( OEM Key) and it will be substituted automatically during the installation of the system, that is, you do not have to enter it.

OEM Key Program

Shows only the key Windows 8.1 sewn into the BIOS of the laptop.

RWEverything Program

Go to the program folder and run the executable file rw.exe.

Click on the button ACPI.

Click on the MSDM button and see the Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 key.

ProduKey Program

Already familiar to you from our previous articles, the ProduKey program will also cope with the task of determining the key of a laptop sewn into the BIOS.

The utility shows two keys, the first one is the OEM key registered to the ACPI MSD table of the laptop BIOS, and the second, the key of the currently installed Windows 10.

How to find out the OEM key of a licensed Windows 8.1 laptop if it does not have a hard drive?

Create bootable flash drive Live CD AOMEI PE Builder

Friends, in this case, we need to boot the laptop from a bootable USB flash drive Live CD AOMEI PE Builder. Download the flash drive image on my cloud storage.

After download ISO image and run the program, it is for her that we will create a bootable USB flash drive.

In the main window of the WinSetupFromUSB program, select our flash drive (be careful, all data on the flash drive will be deleted).

Put a tick in the box Auto format it with FBinst and tick FAT32.

Check the box Vista/7/8/Server 2008/2012 based ISO and click on the button on the right to open the explorer window.

Explorer opens, find the Live CD AOMEI PE Builder ISO image, select it with the left mouse button and click "Open".

In today's article, we will explore the issue of how to find windows serial number, which was pre-installed on your equipment upon purchase.

Recently, Microsoft has changed the way they license their OEM products, namely Microsoft Windows. We are talking about those types of licenses that are usually pre-installed on laptops and system blocks manufacturer or assemblers, namely OEM licenses, developer licenses and single language versions.

Previously, when you bought a laptop with Windows 7 installed, you could find a sticker on the back of the equipment with the name of the purchased license and its activation key, which usually consisted of 25 characters. But since the release of Windows 8, the methods of distributing licenses have changed and now on the back of your laptop you will find only the Microsoft branded label, which confirms the right to use the operating system. Neither the name of the license nor the key will be on the sticker!

Why is that? The thing is that with the advent of the UEFI BIOS, it became possible to sew the key directly into it, and the system is activated automatically, without manually entering the key, provided that the laptop has exactly the edition of the operating system for which the serial number is preinstalled. Those. If you bought a Windows 8 laptop with a single language license and then upgraded to Windows 8 Professional, then your copy of Windows will not be activated.

  • Contact the technical support of the equipment manufacturer. It will take a lot of time and will cost a lot of money. In addition, you will receive a clean operating system with basic settings and you will definitely lose all personal information.
  • Use regular resources Windows Recovery. In this case, you simply roll back your system to its original state from the copy that is stored on the “invisible” partition of your hard drive unless you delete it.

    This method is more likely designed for novice users, but not very convenient in practice. The thing is that when the system is rolled back, the user gets the original pre-installed copy of Windows, with all the previously installed demo programs, proprietary utilities and other garbage that clogs the system and in most cases will never come in handy for an ordinary, and advanced user. You will also not be able to change the hard disk partitions as it would be more convenient for you during recovery.

    In addition, you must copy your personal data and settings to external storage in advance, otherwise you will lose them. This also brings some inconvenience.

    If for various reasons you do not want to carry out these operations yourself, then we are ready to offer you our assistance in installing the operating system on your equipment. Check out our website!

  • What if the recovery partition does not exist, or recovery from it is impossible for various reasons? In this case, you will need to download the distribution kit of the operating system that is associated with your purchased license. Next, you need to burn it to a DVD disc or create a bootable USB flash drive, and then carry out a clean installation of the operating system.

    But the difficulty is that Microsoft has not officially published its distributions for download for a long time and finding the edition of Windows you need can cause problems, and downloading various modified pirated assemblies is also wrong. Another disadvantage in this approach is the problem with the initial activation after a clean installation. Windows for various reasons, despite the fact that the assembly is selected correctly, may not want to go through activation.

How to get a Windows license key on a laptop

That is why we will need to extract the license key from the BIOS in order to activate the system manually via the Internet or by phone. To do this, we need to open command line: Start > Run > cmd.exe

In the window that appears, run the command:

wmic path softwarelicensingservice get oa3xoriginalproductkey