Other systems besides windows overview. What is an operating system? Types of operating systems

So what is an operating system on a computer? The OS is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages memory, processes, and all software and hardware. We can say that the OS is a bridge between a computer and a person. Because without an operating system, a computer is useless.

In addition to being completely free, it is also considered to be more stable and much better protected from possible intrusion. The disadvantages of this system are that it is more difficult to set up and use, making it more suitable for more advanced users. At first it was a text system, although it was multitasking and 32-bit. This occurs as a material good and an intangible good. It is multi-tasking, multi-threaded and multi-user.

It has been designed to respond uncompromisingly to multitasking and multithreading processes. It depends on how you choose to use your computer. It's good that this choice is known and our system is safe. The importance and complexity of systems make them an important target for hackers. Cybercriminals are looking for gaps in the code to attack computers. Viruses have infected millions of computers around the world and only through a small system error.

Apple MacOS X

Mac OS is a line of operating systems created by Apple. It comes pre-installed on all new Macintosh or Mac computers. Latest Versions this operating system are known as OS X. Namely Yosetime(released in 2014), Mavericks (2013), Mountine Leon (2012), Leon(2011), and Show Leopard(2009). Also have Mac OS X Server, which is designed to run on servers.

What is hidden under the slogan of a "safe" operating system?

Even if our computer is purely for entertainment, it is important to take care of its security. When choosing a system, it is important to consider the most reliable environment. We checked which operating system is the best protected today. For a system to be considered secure, we must keep in mind three main aspects.

Availability: Information should be available only to authorized persons at a specific location and at a specific time. Integrity: data cannot be changed without our consent and knowledge. . An operating system that adheres to these basic rules can be considered secure. This is achieved through user accounts, file systems, data processing isolation, data encryption, etc.

According to general statistics StatCounter Global Stats, the percentage of Mac OS X users is 9.5% of the operating system market, as of September 2014. This is much lower than the percentage Windows users(almost 90% ). One reason for this is that Apple computers are very expensive.

The security of operating systems largely depends on external factors. A good example is the popularity factor. Most used OS are valuable prey for hackers. That is why they are much more vulnerable to attacks.

Comparison of operating systems

Fortunately, even popular systems can be secure. Thanks to the appropriate structure, adequate security and, of course, the user's sense of well-being. An operating system can be more than just secure. It must also be practical for the user. Using it should be easy and enjoyable, and the system itself should be functional. Of course, security guarantees are no less important here.


Linux is a family of open source operating systems. This means that they can be modified (changed) and distributed by anyone around the world. This is very different from others such as Windows, which can only be modified and redistributed by the owner (Microsoft). The advantage of Linux is that it is free and there are many different versions to choose from. Each version has its own appearance, and the most popular of them are ubuntu, mint and Fedora.

The security of the system we use is often determined by the human factor. Our practice, our methods of action often determine whether a system will be more or less vulnerable to attack. However, in order to provide the most objective test possible, we only focused on the technical aspects of security.

Which of these operating systems is the most secure? This question is not easy to answer. However, based on the latest data, we decided to check it out. The results are in the range from 1 to This indicator shows how the program behaves and whether it guarantees the safety of the operations performed. This is a popular solution used by developers to analyze the structure of a system.

Linux is named after Linus Torvalds, who laid the foundation for Linux in 1991.

According to StatCounter Global Stats, the percentage of Linux users is less than 2% of the operating system market, as of September 2014. However, due to the flexibility and ease of setup, most servers run on Linux.

This means good security with enough flexibility. How it searches for selected systems. Moreover, it is usually considered a very reliable system. Maybe it's because research was done on version 6, which exists a few years ago, and now we have the version.

Probably because the developers of the system do not have money or they are simply not interested in it. The laboratory itself must also be certified by the United States government. The more accurate the test, the higher the cost for system manufacturers. However, this is only a theory, in order to check which system is the most secure, we need to check other data as well.

Operating systems for mobile devices

All of the operating systems we talked about above are designed for desktop and laptop computers such as laptops. There are operating systems that are designed specifically for mobile devices, such as phones, and MP3 players, such as Apple, IOS, Windows Phone and Google Android. In the picture below you can see Apple iOS running on iPad.

system gaps. How many?

A good test for system security is the number of vulnerabilities. It is worth checking how many holes are found in the system and how quickly they are fixed by the system developers. Each vulnerability can potentially be used to attack our computer.

We find here a division into critical and non-critical holes. This does not mean that the system is less secure. During the year, they found no more than a dozen vulnerabilities in them. They are rarely updated, the creators insist on the security of the system. But this is not a solution for home use.

Of course, they are inferior in functionality to computer operating systems, but they are still capable of performing many basic tasks. For example, watching movies, browsing the Internet, running applications, playing games, etc.

That's all. Leave in the comments which operating system you use and why you like it

External factors: popularity and knowledge

The numbers still do not give us a clear answer to our question. We must find another way to find out which system is the most secure. This architecture was to guarantee security. However, these systems were generally not particularly popular with general users. For technical reasons, it is difficult to determine the winner. As a rule, all systems today provide a high level of security. It also makes you exposed to danger. Therefore, the security of the operating system largely depends on the behavior of the user.