Check activation. Check Windows license from XP to Windows10. Through the execution of commands

A heartfelt hello to all! What is the iPhone activation date? In fact, this is the date of the first full inclusion and registration of the device on the Apple servers. Immediately after this moment, almost always (there are nuances -) the warranty period begins and the phone becomes at least a little, but already used.

Why even know this date? The first thing that comes to mind is for the sake of checking the iPhone upon purchase. After all, if we are told that the phone is new (not beaten, not beautiful, just bought), and the activation date was more than a year ago, then this, to put it mildly, is a lie. But we don’t want to be deceived and waste money, do we? Not!

So let's figure it out: how to check when the iPhone was activated for the first time? Let's go! :)

And now let's go!

Method 1. You can find out the activation date on the official Apple website

In fact, Apple is a "big fellow" - on its official website there are very good tool to check any "apple" devices. How to use it?

We open the page "Checking the right to service and support" - here is the link.

  1. Enter the serial number.
  2. Enter the verification code.
  3. Click to continue.

A window with results appears. We are interested in the line - "the right to maintenance and repair." And in it, in turn, the estimated expiration date.

As you can see in the picture, this specific example is October 31, 2018. So to calculate the exact date activation, subtract 1 year from this period and add 1 day.

As a result, we get that the iPhone from this example was first fully turned on and registered on Apple servers on November 1, 2017.

I think the meaning is clear - if you have questions, write in the comments :)

However, when checking, you may encounter other results (), but we are only interested in two:

  1. “You need to activate iPhone” - see this inscription? Wonderful! Your iPhone is new and has never been turned on.
  2. Service and Repair Eligibility: Expired, which means that more than a year has definitely passed since the iPhone was activated.

If everything is clear in the first case, you just need to rejoice new iPhone, then what to do in the second? After all, the activation date more than a year ago is too vague data, I would like specifics! I have them...

Method 2. Alternative sites to check

They are also called "checkers". What are their advantages? The fact that they provide much more information than the official Apple website (for example,) and store this data for a much longer time. There are also disadvantages - this is still not an official tool with all the ensuing consequences.

Okay, let's move on to testing. We will use one of the most famous and popular checker sites.

  1. Open the resource at this link.
  2. Also indicate the serial number.
  3. We look at the activation date (it is also the warranty start date - Warranty Start Date).

Note 1. What is nice, the site gives out a lot of other, no less useful additional information about the device.

Note 2: I have nothing to do with the iPhone verification resource in question. But it is, just in case :)

Note 3 (2019). Unfortunately, the resource has become paid. However, judging by the comments:

  • They ask for little money.
  • The activation date is shown exactly.

To use or not? It's up to you to decide.

So, as you can see, quite a lot of time has passed since the first inclusion. Almost two years. Therefore, if you are offered to buy something similar and call it a new or "refurbished" device, it is better to refuse to buy - they are simply trying to deceive you.

P.S. Did you manage to find out the activation date of the iPhone? Put "Like" and click on the buttons social networks- the author will be very grateful. Many thanks!

Under an agreement with Microsoft, users who upgrade to Windows 10 receive a licensed system. At the same time, its activation takes place in the background, that is, the OS does not inform the user in any way that the process has been successfully completed. Therefore, not everyone knows how to understand if a copy of the system is activated. The situation is similar with the license key and activation terms - you have to look for this data yourself.

How to Check Windows 10 Activation

There are several ways to check if your copy of Windows 10 is activated:

  1. Through the system properties window: you need to press the Win + X keys and select the "System" tab in the menu that appears. At the very bottom of the window there will be information about whether Windows activation has been completed or not. This will also display license key.

    The easiest way to find out if Windows 10 is activated is through the system properties window

  2. In the system settings: you need to click the "Start" button and select "Settings", then find the "Update and Security" section, then open the "Activation" tab in the menu on the left. All information will be there: system release, activation data and product code.

    All data about Windows activation are also displayed in the "Settings" menu of the system

  3. With the help of a script command line: for this, a special script SLMgr.vbs is used, which is responsible for managing licenses, license keys and activations of the operating system. To execute it, you need to launch the command prompt with administrator rights by pressing the Win + X key combination. In the drop-down menu, select the "Command Prompt" item and type the command "slmgr / xpr". If the system is activated and the activation period is indefinite, the message "The machine is permanently activated" will appear. In the case of activation valid until a certain period, the system will display a window with the end date of this period.

    Using the SLMgr.vbs script, you can check if Windows 10 is activated and find out the activation dates

The cscript slmgr.vbs -xpr command prints an activation message to the command line console.

How to find out the activation period of Windows 10

If a license key was entered during system installation or the current OS was upgraded to Windows 10, then the activation period is infinite. If a trial version was installed for a limited number of days, then to check the period, you need to press the combination Win + R, enter the command “winver.exe” in the window that opens. A window will open in which the activation expiration date will be indicated. If it is not indicated, then the system is set for an indefinite period.

The system has a specific activation period only if a trial version is installed

In addition, the activation period can be found using the SLMgr.vbs script, which is described in detail above in paragraph 3.

How to find out the license key of installed Windows 10

The product license key is a 25-character code - it is used not only to activate the system, but also to reinstall, so it's better to know it and not lose it. Since the activation of Windows 10 takes place in the background, the user is not informed of the code in any way, and he needs to look at it himself. There are several ways to do this:

  • with the help of special programs;
  • through the system properties window (see point 1 above);
  • through the system parameters (see paragraph 2 above);
  • using scripts.

The easiest way to look at the code is through the system settings or the properties window, but these methods are not always available - for some reason, the computer may not display numbers or display the "No data" message. Therefore, you have to resort to special programs for viewing the license key or scripts.

Utilities for viewing the activation code can be downloaded from official sites and installed on your PC. There are several, here are the simplest:

  • Speccy is a Russian-language application with a user-friendly interface that shows all information about the OS, including its serial number: it is located in the "Operating System" section;

    In the Speccy utility, the license number is located in the "Operating system" section

  • ProduKey is a utility that does not need installation, you just need to download it and run it, the activation key will immediately be displayed in the information window;

    The ProduKey utility only shows the license key, but it starts up quickly

  • ShowKeyPlus does not require installation either, the application is simply downloaded from the official website and launched. Serial number is shown on the screen.

    The ShowKeyPlus utility also does not need to be installed - it displays the system key immediately after launch

In addition, the license key can be found by running a special script. This method will be more complicated than those described above, but sometimes, for some reason, installing third-party applications on a computer is not available. The task is then executed using native Windows PowerShell.

First you need to open the Notepad program and create a file with the extension .ps1 in it: for this, the value “All files” is entered in the “File type” field, and the extension is entered by hand. Copy the following script to the file:

$regHKLM = 2147483650

$regPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"

$DigitalProductId = "DigitalProductId"

$wmi = "\\$env:COMPUTERNAME\root\default:stdRegProv"

$Object = $wmi.GetBinaryValue($regHKLM, $regPath,$DigitalProductId)

$DigitalProductId = $Object.uValue


$ResKey = ConvertToWinkey $DigitalProductId

$OS = (Get-WmiObject "Win32_OperatingSystem" | select Caption).Caption

If($OS -match "Windows 10")

$value ="Windows Key: $ResKey"

$w1="The script is for Windows 10 only"

$w1| Write Warning

$w2="The script is for Windows 10 only"

$w2| Write Warning

$w3="An unexpected error occurred while getting the key"

$w3| Write Warning

Function ConvertToWinKey($WinKey)

$isWindows10 = ($WinKey/6) -band 1

$WinKey = ($WinKey -band $HF7) -bOr (($isWindows10 -band 2) * 4)

$Symbols = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"

$CurIndex = $CurIndex * 256

$CurIndex = $WinKey[$X + $OffsetKey] + $CurIndex

$WinKey[$X + $OffsetKey] = ::Floor(($CurIndex/24))

$CurIndex = $CurIndex % 24

$KeyResult = $Symbols.SubString($CurIndex,1) + $KeyResult

$last = $CurIndex

while($c -ge 0)

$WinKeypart1 = $KeyResult.SubString(1,$last)

$WinKeypart2 = $KeyResult.Substring(1,$KeyResult.length-1)

$KeyResult = "N" + $WinKeypart2

$KeyResult = $WinKeypart2.Insert($WinKeypart2.IndexOf($WinKeypart1)+$WinKeypart1.length,"N")

$WindowsKey = $KeyResult.Substring(0,5) + "-" + $KeyResult.substring(5,5) + "-"+ $KeyResult.substring(10,5) + "-"+ $KeyResult.substring( 15.5) + "-" + $KeyResult.substring(20.5)

Next, start the Windows PowerShell shell itself: press the Win + R key combination, and in the window that appears, enter "powershell" - this is the most fast way. In the window that opens, you need to type the cmd command and the name of the directory where the file created in Notepad is stored, press the Enter key, then enter the script name in the form: “./filename.ps1” and press Enter again.

Photo gallery: how to find out the license key of installed Windows 10 using a script

Create a text file in Notepad and copy the script there Save the text file as .ps1 (choose All Files from the File Type menu) Launch a PowerShell shell via the command on the line quick start Type cmd command, directory path with text file and script name

Sometimes you may see a message that scripting is disabled on the system. Then in the PowerShell console you should enter the command "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned", and then confirm the actions with the Y and Enter keys.

Video: how to find out the activation key for Windows 10

How to find out the computer ID on Windows 10

To remotely activate programs and remotely control your PC from other devices, you need to know its ID. You can find out on your own. To do this, in Windows 10, you need to go to the "Control Panel", sequentially open the sections "Network and Internet", "Network and Control Center and public access", "Change adapter settings". Next, in the window that opens, on the adapter you are using, you need to click right click mouse, select the "Status" item and in the window that appears below, click the "Details" button. In the column "Physical address" and your ID will be indicated.

There is an easier way, the previous one still requires a lot of gestures. Through the Win + R combination, you need to call the quick access line, type cmd, press Enter and type "ipconfig / all". A window with data will be displayed, where in the section "Physical address" the required computer ID is indicated.

To find out the computer ID, just type "ipconfig / all" at the command line

Despite the fact that Windows 10 activation occurs without the direct participation of the user and without issuing an information window about completion, you can always see if the system is activated, as well as find out the license key. It is better to do this using Microsoft tools, although they also resort to installing and running third-party applications. The main thing is to run and install on your computer only verified files from official sources.

It's been almost a month since the free update started Windows users 7 and Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. According to Microsoft, users of these operating systems receive licensed Windows 10 after the upgrade, and the system is activated automatically in the background. How to understand if your copy of Windows 10 is activated or not?

When you upgrade to Windows 10, the system should automatically activate the OS on Microsoft activation servers. The problem is that the user is not shown information windows about the successful activation of the OS. There are several ways to check the system activation status in Windows 10.

1. System properties window

Press keyboard shortcut Windows + X and select the item System. The activation status is displayed in the Windows activation section. In our example, the message "" indicates that the system is activated.

2. New panel system settings

The activation status can also be found in the parameters of the new Modern (modern) Control Panel. To do this, click on the notification icon in the lower right corner of the taskbar and select the menu item All Settings.

Then go to the " Update and Security". As you can see, the status in the line activation indicates that the system is activated.

3. Command line

The activation status can also be obtained from the command line using a script SLMgr.vbs, which is used to manage licenses, activations, and serial keys systems since the days of Window Vista. Open a command prompt (cmd) with administrator rights and run the command:

After a few seconds, a window will appear with the text “ The machine is permanently activated” .

Advice. If you need to print information about the activation status to the command line console, use the following command line: cscript slmgr.vbs -xpr

After activating Windows 10 installed on your PC, you can view all the data about this process: whether it was activated or not, whether a license key was received to activate the system, the id of the computer for which activation was performed. All this data can be found and verified using the built-in Windows Tools, as well as through third-party programs.

How to find out the license key of installed Windows 10

Windows status is information about whether the system is activated by entering a license key and confirming it, as well as the number of an individual activation key. You can find out this data in several ways: through system settings, command execution, computer settings, third-party programs and scripts. Remember that the license key consists of 25 numbers and letters divided into 5 blocks of 5 numbers or letters.

Through the execution of commands

In this way, you can only find out whether Windows is activated, but the product key will not be specified:

How to check activation through computer settings

Through system settings

Through a third party program

Another way to find out the activation key is to use a third-party program:

Through scripts

Script to be in the file:

    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    regKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\"

    DigitalProductId = WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "DigitalProductId")

    Win8ProductName = "Windows Product Name: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductName") & vbNewLine

    Win8ProductID = "Windows Product ID: " & WshShell.RegRead(regKey & "ProductID") & vbNewLine

    Win8ProductKey = ConvertToKey(DigitalProductId)

    strProductKey = "Windows Key: " & Win8ProductKey

    Win8ProductID = Win8ProductName & Win8ProductID & strProductKey



    Function ConvertToKey(regKey)

    Const KeyOffset = 52

    isWin8 = (regKey(66) \ 6) And 1

    regKey(66) = (regKey(66) And &HF7) Or ((isWin8 And 2) * 4)

    Chars = "BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"

    Cur = regKey(y + KeyOffset) + Cur

    regKey(y + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24)

    Cur = Cur Mod 24

    Loop While y >= 0

    winKeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & winKeyOutput

    Loop While j >= 0

    If(isWin8=1) Then

    keypart1 = Mid(winKeyOutput, 2, Last)

    winKeyOutput = Replace(winKeyOutput, keypart1, keypart1 & insert, 2, 1, 0)

    If Last = 0 Then winKeyOutput = insert & winKeyOutput

    a = Mid(winKeyOutput, 1, 5)

    b = Mid(winKeyOutput, 6, 5)

    c = Mid(winKeyOutput, 11, 5)

    d = Mid(winKeyOutput, 16, 5)

    e = Mid(winKeyOutput, 21, 5)

    ConvertToKey = a & "-" & b & "-" & c & "-" & d & "-" & e

Video: checking the activation of the operating system

How to check activation expiration dates for Windows 10

If you entered a license key, then the activation period will be infinite, since Windows is activated once and for all. But if you installed a trial version of the system on your computer that was issued to you for a certain number of days, then you can view when the trial period ends by doing the following:

Video tutorial: how to find out the activation expiration dates

How to find out the computer ID of Windows 10

The computer ID is the same as the ID of the network card installed in it, since with the help of this card the computer makes all connections to the Internet. You can view the unique computer code without third party programs by doing the following:

  1. Right-click on the Start icon at the bottom left of the screen.
  2. Select "Device Manager".
  3. Expand the Network Adapters tree.
  4. Right-click on your network card and open its properties. The name of the network card is different for everyone, you should not navigate by it.
  5. Go to the "Details" tab.
  6. Expand the "Properties" block and select the line "ID or hardware ID".
  7. The "Values" block will contain all the IDs related to your PC.

This completes the search for information about the state of Windows and the computer ID. You can always view the activation key through the computer settings if the old one is no longer valid or was entered incorrectly. Remember that you need to activate Windows 10, that is, pay for a license key, only once. So if your key is no longer accepted by the system, contact official service Microsoft support.

- a fairly simple and understandable procedure (well, at least more or less) than what we are going to consider later in this article. What if you want to do something more advanced and complex with the license, such as how to remove/change the product key, perform online activation, or extend the activation time. It's not as simple as a simple activation that is done standard means OS with a user-friendly GUI, but also not that difficult. In this article, I will give you information on how and with what it can be done.

There is a command-line tool called Slmgr.vbs that comes with Windows that provides features not available in the standard activation interface found in the Update and Security window that can be reached by opening the Start menu and selecting Settings.

First: open a command prompt with administrator privileges

This is required to use Slmgr.vbs. In Windows 10 or 8, right-click on the Start button (or the keyboard shortcut Win + X) and select "Command Prompt (Admin)". In Windows 7, find Command Prompt in the Start menu, under All Programs > Utilities. Right click on it and select "Run as administrator".

View activation/license information

To display basic license information and activation information, run the command below which will tell you what version of Windows you have, part of the product key so you can identify and show you if the system is activated.

To get more detailed information about the license, including activation ID, installation ID, and other details, type the following command:

Viewing the license expiration date

To find out the current system activation period, use the command below. Since retail licenses for, say, home computers activate on a perpetual basis that will never expire, the command will be useful for commercial KMS organizations and servers. However, you can check the expiration date of your license to make sure it is permanent.

How to remove a product key

You can also use Slmgr.vbs to remove the product key of the current Windows system. After executing the command below, restart your computer and your operating system will not have a product key, which means Windows will become inactive - without a license.

This allows you to transfer the license to another computer if needed. For example, if you want to give an old computer to a friend, but you want to keep the license for yourself. However, as you know, Windows activation will be “tied” to the hardware of the computer on which it is installed, so it will not work just like that, but it’s still possible, but that’s not about it now (it will be in future articles).

To remove a license key, enter the following command at the command prompt:

However, the command does not completely remove the activation. Windows also stores the product key in the registry, because it is sometimes necessary when setting up a computer, and also to prevent key theft. malware, which can access the registry. In addition, the future owner of the computer (if he is more or less versed in computers) can easily pull the key out of the registry, so you must also remove it from the registry with the following command:

How to install or change a product key

With slmgr.vbs you can enter a new product key. If the Windows system is already activated, using the command below, you can replace the old key with a new one (instead of #####-#####-#####-#####-#####, enter a new key). After that, it is recommended that you restart your computer.

You can also do this from the activation settings screen in Computer Options, but the following command allows you to do this from the command line:

slmgr.vbs /ipk #####-#####-#####-#####-#####

Windows Activation

Windows activation online

The next command you can try to activate Windows via the Internet.

Windows offline activation

To get the Installation ID (ID) for offline activation, run the following command:

Now you need to receive a system activation confirmation code by phone. Go to the official Microsoft Windows Activation Help page. According to the instructions, call the Microsoft Product Activation Center (nothing to worry about, you will follow the instructions of the robot) and provide the installation ID obtained above and you will receive an activation code (if everything is successfully confirmed). This may help you activate Windows system without internet connection.

Instead of ACTIVATIONID, enter the activation ID. which you received:

slmgr.vbs /atpACTIVATIONID

After that, to make sure that your OS is activated, you can use the following commands:

slmgr.vbs /dli or slmgr.vbs /dlv

How to extend activation

Take Windows 7 for example, which has a 30-day trial period before it asks you for a product key. You can extend the trial period, i.e. reset this trial period back to 30 days by running the command below.


However, you will not be able to extend the trial period again and again and indefinitely - the command can only be used a few times. If you want to know how many times, enter the slmgr.vbs /dlv command. I don't remember exactly, but each version seems to have its own "number of times". In Windows 7, if I'm not mistaken 3 times, and 5 times on Windows Server 2008R2. Per Windows exception 10 option works in all earlier versions.

Applying Slmgr.vbs to Remote Computers

Normally, Slmgr runs on the current computer, but you have the ability to remotely administer computers on the network if you have access to them. For example, the first command below applies to the current computer, and the second to remote computer. You only need to know the Computer Name, Username and Password.

slmgr.vbs /option

slmgr.vbs computername username password /option

Other commands related to system activation can be used with the Slmgr.vbs command. See Slmgr.vbs Options for more information.