Macbook user manual. In the footsteps of the teapot - Mac OS X programs. Turn on the right mouse button and change the movement speed

The default settings do not always make everyday work with the operating system as convenient and efficient as possible. In this post, we've compiled 30 useful macOS setup tips that can be useful for both new and experienced Mac users.

Steve Jobs spent a lot of his life making Macs as easy to use as possible, but many of the really useful features still remain hidden.

1. Turn on the right mouse button and change the movement speed

By default, the right mouse button in macOS is disabled altogether, which is a big surprise for new Mac users, and cursor movement speed leaves much to be desired. In order to configure both of these parameters, go to  → System settingsMouseSelecting and pressing.

Here we put a tick in front of the second item " Simulated right button (click right)”, and below there is a movement speed control, turning it to the right, we will get just the reactive speed of the cursor on the display.

By default, the Dock is located at the bottom of the display, but you can use your workspace more productively by moving the panel to the left or right side of the display. Thus, the working part of the window will increase in many applications, for example, in Safari, the width of the page is not as important as the height.

To customize the Dock, go to  → System settings...Dock and in the column Screen location» put a dot in front of « Left" or " On right».

If at some point in your work with this or that application you need to minimize it, then in the upper left part of the window, click on the yellow button between the cross and expand it. The program thumbnail will collapse to the right side of the Dock with a nice animation. But in this case, the program will not collapse into its icon, but an additional thumbnail will be created. If you are not satisfied with this alignment, then everything is fixable.

Go to  → System settings...Dock and check the box next to " Hide the window in the Dock in the program icon».

After that, by clicking on the button Collapse”, the thumbnail will not be created if the program icon is already in the Dock.

4. Spotlight - macOS search engine

The easiest way to get things done faster on your Mac is to use Spotlight search. Just press the keyboard shortcut ⌘Cmd + Space(some may have Ctrl + Space), and you can instantly find files, open applications, search the Internet (yes, you don't need to open a browser for this), or your entire computer.

Spotlight can also be used as a calculator or currency converter. For example, enter the query "1000 usd" in the Spotlight search bar. The search engine will instantly display the current course.

You can read more about search capabilities on Mac.

5. Lost your cursor?

Just quickly move the mouse left and right, and at the same time look at the screen. The cursor will automatically increase in size, and it will be very difficult not to notice it. If desired, this function can be disabled ().

6. Analogue Ctrl + Alt + Delete on Mac

This combination of Windows does not work on Mac, but there is a great alternative - click ⌘Cmd + ⌥Option (Alt) + Esc, and immediately get access to the menu for forcibly closing "hung" programs ().

If you are looking for an analogue Task Manager from Windows to Mac, it tells you how to find it.

7. Deleting files using hotkeys

Still delete files on Mac by dragging them to the icon Baskets? There is a way to do the same a little faster - ⌘Cmd + Delete.

8. Taking a screenshot on a Mac is easier than on Windows

To take a screenshot of the entire screen, click ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + 3 to select a specific area - ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + 4. By the way, these and many other key combinations on a Mac can be easily changed “for yourself” in the settings (section Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts).

With the release of macOS Mojave, Apple's desktop operating system has received a new screenshot tool.

If you don't need the shadow in the screenshots, then open the Terminal (through the Spotlight search or by going to the Finder along the path Programs → Utilities), enter the following commands and press the key return(Enter) after each line:

defaults write disable-shadow -bool true

killall SystemUIServer

The shadow won't bother you anymore.

P.S.: To return everything to starting position replace true on false.

9. Moving application windows in the background

To move an application window that is in the background without affecting the active application window in the foreground, press the key while dragging ⌘Cmd + left button mice.

10. Autoload on Mac

You can set a set of applications that will be loaded immediately after turning on your Mac. To do this, go to System Preferences → Users and Groups → Login Items tab and uncheck/uncheck ().

11. How to type the letter "yo" if it is not indicated on the keyboard

If you need a letter "yo"- just press and hold the Russian letter on the keyboard "e", and after you see the hint window, press the number on the keyboard "1".

There is a reliable way to check if music is randomly starting to play from your Mac's speakers. To do this, simply click on the sound icon in the upper right corner of the screen (this is called the status menu, and the entire bar at the top of the screen is the menu bar). You will see (a checkmark next to the device name) whether your headphones are connected to your Mac right now.

Speaking of the menu bar, if it bothers you (for example, you don't like that it takes up valuable screen space), you can set it to appear only when you need it. To do this, go to System Preferences → General, and check the box next to Automatically hide and show the menu bar .

14. How to change the location of icons on the menu bar

If you want to change the arrangement of items in the status menu - press and hold on the keyboard ⌘Cmd, and then drag and drop the desired elements with the mouse. By the way, unnecessary elements can be deleted.

15. Split View mode, or how to quickly place two program windows on the screen at the same time

Do you need two programs to work at the same time? No problem - at the top of the window, press and hold the rightmost (most often green) button for 2 seconds. Choose a second program from among those already open - and enjoy working in a "clean" interface without distracting details.

16. Hot Corners on Mac

Function Active corners allows you to move your mouse cursor to a specific corner of the screen and instantly do things like minimize all open windows, open mission control, Command centre or put the display in sleep mode. You can configure hot corners in the menu of the same name ( System Preferences → Mission Control).

17. Use the Preview program to view and edit images

Standard program View allows not only to view images, but also to resize, add comments and .

It can also be used to import a digital copy of your signature if you need to digitally sign a document.

18. QuickTime Player allows you to record video and audio from your Mac screen without third party apps

The built-in media player QuickTime Player has the ability to record an audio or video file that is currently playing on your screen, i.e. there is absolutely no need to look for third-party software for the same purposes ().

Starting with macOS Mojave, there is another way to record video from the Mac screen, which we talked about.

19. Precise control of volume and screen brightness

If you want to reduce the sound volume on your Mac just a little, hold down the keyboard shortcut when changing the setting with F11 or F12 ⇧Shift + ⌥Option (Alt). So the sound will decrease more slowly than with normal adjustment. Fn+F11 or F12. The same trick can be done with screen brightness ()..

21. How to rename multiple files at once

To rename several (for example, a dozen) files or photos at once in the Finder, select them, right-click and select the option Rename objects(number of objects).

You can also create keyboard shortcuts for applications. To do this, go to System settings, Choose a section Keyboard, Further Keyboard Shortcuts.

Add the program to the application list (if it is not there) using the icon «+» , then enter the name of the command for which you want to assign a keyboard shortcut (it must be written exactly the same as in the program itself, including the symbols "..."). The last step is to assign a keyboard shortcut to an action in the program ().

23. Voice search with Siri

Of course, talking to your computer in public is a strange thing. But if no one bothers you, then a voice query is a great way to search for information on the Internet, find photos, messages and other files on your Mac. You can find the multi-colored Siri voice assistant icon (search works through it) on the right side of the menu bar.

Examples of useful Siri commands on macOS can be found at this.

Apple is accustomed to surprising its consumers with amazing modern devices which are sometimes hard to keep track of. It is even more difficult to figure out how to use such gadgets, how to extract a lot of positive opportunities from them. If you have become the owner of a new MacBook, but do not understand anything about it, do not know even the most basic steps that should be taken to start working, it will be useful for you to read the instructions that can guide even a beginner regarding many useful features.

MacBook basics.

It is also important to take into account the fact that the manufacturer does not leave MacBook owners alone with the device, the company's developers systematically update the software, adding new features, as well as correcting the identified shortcomings. Given this circumstance, wanting to help your device work as efficiently as possible, you can update the software yourself. To do this, it is enough to select the "Software Update" option. With the updated version of the software, using the Macbook will be much more comfortable.

Initial information

Problems when using a Macbook appear for many users, since many have many years of practical experience in the most common operating environment, Windows. Unfortunately, on a MacBook, not only completely different rules can be dumbfounded, but even the interface of system windows, the desktop.

If you need to install some kind of program, you can afford it, but it is only important to consider that you need to download software targeted specifically for the MacBook from the Internet. Such programs are most often accompanied by dmg-archives. Drag the downloaded program to the "Programs" folder, then extract it from the archive, and delete the downloaded file itself.

ADVICE. You will have to learn how to work with windows, because at first you will be confused due to a slightly different location of some buttons. In particular, the control buttons are located in the left corner, while in Windows we are used to finding them in the upper right corner.

However, it may also surprise you that when you try to close the program window, wanting to stop its work, you will press the “x” button, but at the same time you will not be able to completely close the program in this way. To do this, we recommend that you hold down the two keys Cmd and Q at the same time. You can do otherwise by right-clicking on the icon, and then select the “Finish” option.

You can perform actions on your MacBook using the mouse or the unique trackpad that the device is equipped with. The trackpad is unique in that its operation is accompanied by support for gestures, while they can be configured directly by the user himself. To do this, it is enough to go to "Settings" and go to the "Trackpad" section. In this section, it will be enough for you to check the checkboxes next to those gestures that you would like to activate.

To have an idea which programs are currently active, we recommend that you activate two useful features. A feature such as Expose just allows you to successfully show windows of active programs, but also, if necessary, it can show the desktop without any open tabs.

The second Spaces function allows the Macbook desktop to be conditionally divided into several parts. To speed up and facilitate the launch of these two functions, in the settings we suggest selecting and specifying keys for them, by pressing which the process of launching them will be carried out automatically.

Additional features

Using a MacBook, you can visit Internet sites in the same way, download any content. Of course, for this you will need to install and then use some Internet browsers. We recommend that you do not overload the operating system, opt for one of the browsers. Do not forget to be safe when working on the Internet, always remember that the global network is full of threats. Install a firewall to keep your device safe. He's the one who can keep track of everything. network protocols, protecting your device from unwanted attacks.

With a Macbook, you can successfully view video materials, all kinds of images, listen to your favorite audio files on it. And also there are no restrictions when working with archives, since the device successfully archives and unzips any archives.

Create folders

To keep content organized on your Macbook, you need to learn how to create folders. After creating them, it is useful to assign an appropriate name to each so that you can later find desired folder it wouldn't be boring for you. The creation of folders is provided by several methods, the easiest way to quickly create a folder is considered to be Finder.

Go to the "File" menu, there you will find the option " new folder”, as soon as you click on it, you will immediately be able to create the desired object.

By the way, there is an amazing feature in the MacBook that will definitely delight the users of the device. In just a few seconds, it is possible not only to create a simple folder, but also one oriented for specific files. To do this, first select the files that you would like to define in one folder, then hold down the keys: Control, Command and N.

All the files you have designated will automatically be collected in one folder called "New Folder with Elements". Of course, it is better not to leave it in this form, because after time it will be difficult for you to figure out where and what is stored. Accordingly, you will have to rename the folder, giving it any name that suits you. It is not difficult to rename any object on a MacBook, but it is only important to consider that there is no “Rename” item in the context menu, as in Windows.

ADVICE. To assign a new name to a folder, just click on the old name once, click immediately after that on the Enter key, then enter any name and click on the Enter key again. No further action is expected.

As you can see, even a beginner will be able to rename objects on a MacBook, since it is not expected to encounter difficulties when performing such actions.

Working with removable drives

A modern user is accustomed to saving many documents on a USB flash drive, providing himself with the opportunity to have them always at hand, always quickly use them. However, many users are at a loss how to use a flash drive, if there is a device equipped with Windows that is not familiar to all.

  • X-plore File Manager;
  • ES File Explorer.

Connect your flash drive to the USB connector, wait a few seconds, after which your removable drive will be displayed. Double click on its icon, you will immediately be able to watch all the content placed on the drive.

If you are faced with a more complicated task, you need to connect and then immediately open the flash drive on which the hidden files are saved, we recommend that you perform other actions. Initially, open the USB flash drive in the usual way for you, then find the "Service" section in the menu, enter it and find the "Folder Options" parameter. Next, you will need to make two more transitions, sequentially going to the "View" and "Advanced Options" folders.

Now you will find several "tempting" offers, opposite which there will be empty and filled checkboxes. Clear the checkbox located next to the line "Hide protected system files”, but next to the other parameter “Show hidden files and folders”, we recommend that you, on the contrary, check the box.

So, it will not be difficult for you to work on a MacBook if you carefully read the instructions, find out for yourself all the necessary nuances that are often encountered when working with such a device.

Hi guys! I then remembered that a long time ago, when dragons were still flying in the sky, there was a heading “Friday Relax” on my blog. On Fridays, I tried to write on abstract topics so as not to overload the heads of my faithful and friendly readers. I will try to restore the tradition and on Fridays present you with such information that would not load your brains, but on the contrary, would make them relax, smile or dream.

I would like to talk about another dream of mine that came true back in December last year. But I still couldn't go into more detail about it. And, to be more specific, I bought myself a Macbook Air (this is such a laptop with a glowing apple 🙂). I really dreamed about this for a long time.

How did it all start?

In general, my love for Apple products woke up after me (about 3 years ago), which was a very serious acquisition for me. Then I was just starting to “get into shura-mura” with the Internet. For a long time I despised all these “apple” fanatics, I never understood why buy these devices when similar devices with the same characteristics cost 2-3 times cheaper. These "Yabloko" constantly made me smile (it seemed to me that they were stupid), and envy, probably. But, whatever one may say, these devices could impress others, because of their price they distinguished their “owner” well. It's Apple all around right now.

I chose for a long time whether to buy an iPhone or something else. The brother who owned the iPhone 3G persuaded me to take this pretentious little thing of the 4th model. She had just left then. And from the very first days I began to fall in love with this magnificent technique.

After the iPhone, I wanted an iPad. Moreover, it was a pity for money for him, I kept trying to win him in competitions. With the 3rd attempt, on which I still read books and use the navigator.

After two Apple devices, I madly wanted a laptop from the same company. I don't need a desktop computer, I often change my location. I wanted to have a versatile device that I would be comfortable using at home, in my office, while traveling. As a result, I set a goal: if I can increase sales of my company by the Nth amount (remember, ), then I will take myself a Macbook. You will not believe it, but in 1 week we managed to reach this level, which seemed impossible. That's how much I wanted him. 🙂

In general, MacBooks come in the following models: Air and Pro. Air is a lighter version, weaker in relation to the firmware, but it keeps the battery longer and wins a lot in price. Pro for those who need strong performance for video editing, huge image sizes and more. I realized that I need Air.

And the next stage was the choice of memory hard drive SSD. 128 GB or 256 GB. Between these models, the difference in price is almost 8,000 rubles. Too much, I thought, in the end I took myself a Macbook Air 13′ 128 GB. And, in order not to “steam” with the memory on the hard drive, I bought myself external HDD 1 Tb hard drive for 3000 rubles with USB 3.0 support. It also works very fast.

I quickly figured out the secret of why I'm obsessed with Apple products. It's not about the characteristics, but about its operating system Os X. It is so coherent, thoughtful and convenient. When I had desktop computer, after 2-3 months Windows installation the thought arose: “Oh, now I would put another 4 GB of “RAM”, and the processor would be updated.” So, with the advent of the “Macbook”, such thoughts disappeared altogether: everything works clearly, without any delays, “blue screens of death”. I don’t even know what characteristics my favorite device has, because its work satisfies me very well.

For the sake of interest, I went to look at the characteristics, and I will say that they are:

  • Monitor - 13 inches.
  • Processor - 1.3 Ghz Intel Core i5.
  • Memory - 4 GB 1600 Ghz DDR 3.
  • Graphics – Intel HD 5000
  • Hard drive - 128 GB SSD.
  • A full description is available.

Macbook Air took a new model, which was released in mid-2013. It cost me 43,000 rubles (as of December 2013). Now many will wake up like: “Yes, for the same money you could buy 2 laptops with similar characteristics!”. Yes, I do not argue. But I get high from working with this device, I don’t regret a single ruble that I invested in it.

First Impressions

Bought! I'm running home! We need to unpack the box! I open it carefully and immediately this same smell “in the nose” rushes. The smell of a new device, which should bring a lot of positive impressions. Gently lift the lid. I look at my new silver friend. How beautiful he is!

The main benefits are immediately noticeable:

The first week after the purchase, there were still doubts about the need for this very purchase. The main question that tormented me - what is it? Do I really need it. Everything seemed not so convenient, I was already quite used to Windows. But only a week passed and I began to feel all the charm. I figured out the software and began to enjoy working with this laptop.

I especially enjoy writing. You expand the WordPress post editor to full screen, just a white screen and text, soft buttons that fingers play like a piano, and if you add to this that I type blindly, then typing is a pleasure. My thoughts do not run away, my fingers keep up with them, I do not have to press the key twice, everything works clearly and correctly. In a word - thrill.

The MacBook was created in order to create and not be nervous about all sorts of “brakes”, “glitches”, “ blue screens” and to another rubbish. Especially if you like to write texts or draw, then you will like it. Imagine, I always thought that the background on my site is just white, it turns out there are still horizontal stripes that are very visible on the “mac”, in general, my site has now become much more beautiful for me, I get satisfaction:

I don't know if it's noticeable on your computer, but imagine: for 2 years I didn't know that my website background was not white. Somehow, gentlemen. 🙂 I repeat, “poppy” for writers, designers, people involved in video is an ideal option. That is, if you are a creative person, you will be mega-satisfied. Probably the only person who doesn't like Apple products are programmers. My suggestion.

I repeat, I bought the device for 43,000 rubles. I do not regret a single ruble that I spent on it. You should not think that by buying a Macbook, you will start earning 2 times more. Although this is also possible. When I really wanted a car, I could not work properly, it was constantly in my thoughts, I could not really concentrate. As bought, the head unloaded and the work went. This is also possible, if you really want to.

What's installed on my Macbook Air

1. Publishing blog posts.

I wrote posts on Windows using the . Loved her very much. As it turned out, on the "Mac" it is not. Started looking for a replacement. Tried a bunch of options, all was not the same. The solution turned out to be insanely simple. Writing through the WordPress admin panel, as it turned out, is unrealistically convenient! I expand the screen to full screen mode and just write. Even WordPress itself says briefly and clearly: “Write.”:

Yes, and hotkeys greatly facilitate the work, in front of me is just a white screen and text, nothing else. I also recommend that owners of Windows computers try this method of writing articles. After the 3rd post, you will start to get great pleasure. Checked.

So what's the loss Windows Live Writter turned out to be even positive for me. AT standard editor I get more buzz. I focus entirely on the text.

2. Text editor.

I also use Microsoft Word and Excel. There is no doubt about it, indeed these programs are almost irreplaceable. As I had them on “Windows”, they migrated to “Mac”.

3. Browser.

4. FTP client

5. PHP editor.

6. Antivirus.

Antivirus does not need to be installed at all. All "chiki-farts". 🙂 Do not "worry".

7. Virtual machine.

Unfortunately, there are some programs that I simply need in my work, but they cannot be replaced and they only work on Windows so far. In these cases, the so-called “virtual machine” comes to the rescue. What it is, I will tell below, and first I will list the list of programs that I need, but they are not available for Os X:

  • Webmoney - yes, there is no full-fledged version on the Mac for some reason I do not understand. Of course, you can do without a client, operations can be carried out by confirming by phone, but still. Updated: Webmoney app is now available on Mac too, hooray! Link -
  • my favorite SEO software keywords.
  • - a favorite program for removing positions.

I was worried, thinking about what to do with these programs. It turns out that everything is solved very simply. Install on Mac virtual machine. It's very easy to install and there are a lot of choices. I got myself a free VirtualBox, installed Windows 7 on it, allocated 512 MB of RAM and 20 GB of memory. And that's all. Now I can run a full-fledged “Windows” on my Mac, and I don’t need to restart anything, everything opens in a convenient window as a separate application, or it can be expanded to full screen. And transferring files from one system to another, using the clipboard and other things is not a problem. In general, everything is simple:

It is generally very easy to launch it, there “Windows” just flies. The only thing is that I was a little sorry to allocate 512 MB of RAM and 20 GB of hard disk. But I note that I did not notice any deterioration in the speed of work.

8. Required software

All the main software is also on Os X. This is me pro, Skype, Firefox, Chrome, Photoshop. I will even say more: programs on the Mac are made better and more convenient. They are also significantly faster (I remember how long it took me to run Photoshop on a desktop computer).

9. Soft for an amateur

I also have the following installed:

  • SelfControl - You can block the URLs of different sites for a certain amount of time. Vkontakte, Twitter, etc. during work, so as not to be distracted. We start, set a timer for 2 hours, and during this time it is impossible to enter VKontakte, etc.
  • Lightshot Screenshot is a very handy program for webmasters when it comes to sharing screenshots. By pressing the key, a screenshot of a certain area of ​​the monitor is taken, it is automatically uploaded to the server and a link to this picture is immediately displayed. We just throw off the link to the interlocutor.
  • Snagit - I use this program to take screenshots for lessons, although the previous one can be dispensed with. Shooter habit.
  • Screenflick - with the help of it I make screencasts (video recordings from the monitor screen).
  • iMovie is a video editor. And the official product of Apple. In my opinion, the best.
  • Mindjet - I use it to create mind maps (mind map).
  • PuntoSwitcher - automatic translation of a word if it is written in the wrong layout. Very handy program from Yandex.
  • CheatSheet is a program that suggests "hot keys" in any program. Press cmd and that's it.
  • Great time management program. Until I say which one, here you need to devote a whole post to this. In general, I said that in 4 years of searching I managed to find . I also, in my opinion, practically found the ideal program. I'll let you know very soon.

Everybody. Nothing else is installed on my Mac, all that is enough. For the rest, I use standard software. If there are any good worthwhile programs, write in the comments, I'm interested.


I completely switched to a Mac in about 2-3 weeks of use. He threw everything and forced to work only on him. At first it was uncomfortable. But now I don't turn on my desktop computer at all. I only work on one device. I carry it everywhere and all the time.

I am writing this post and I am in such ecstasy. Even if you start writing a book, it seems to me that it will be written by itself. Work should be fun and should not be distracted by all sorts of little things. Hooray!

I remembered myself when all the SEOs around were sitting on Macs. Even then I thought: here are the show-offs, braggarts and majors! 🙂

If you want to buy yourself a Windows laptop in the near future, think about it. Maybe it's better to wait another half a year and save up for this miracle device. But I warn you: once you get hooked on an Apple device, you will not be able to “jump off” it. Believe me.

Now for me Macbook Air is not a tool, but a real friend.

If you became the proud owner of a Mac computer during the New Year holidays, and this is your first computer from Apple, then you can accept congratulations! Macs are incredibly powerful and easy to use, but it's still best to make sure you're getting the most out of your device. For this purpose, MacDigger offers instructions for beginners, which will be a start for them on their way to an advanced level of Mac ownership.

1. Set up a backup

time machine- a reliable system backup tool that allows you to easily restore data on your computer as a result of failures. Time Machine will also help you migrate your system to a new Mac.

If you are worried about possible malfunctions or deleting important files, Time Machine takes care of that uncertainty. The utility allows you to view and restore files or changes that have been made since backups were created.

Time Machine works with external hard drives and Apple's Time Capsule (a Wi-Fi base station with built-in backup disk). To turn on backup, activate the Time Machine switch to the "On" position, setting the frequency of creating backups and specifying the location to save them. This way, your Mac will always be ready to restore the system to a working state.

2. Connect iCloud

If you already have an iPhone or iPad when you buy a Mac, you can use your Apple ID. To plug account iCloud is available during initial setup or later through system properties.

iCloud cloud service allows you to share photos, contacts, calendars and more between devices without a physical connection and manual synchronization.

If you don't have an Apple ID, be sure to register.

3. Use the Help menu

Macs don't come with thick brochures and computer manuals. In fact, such a guide is already in the system itself. This section can be accessed via context menu or menu bar. Help content may vary depending on which application is open.

The Help menu contains an input field search query, helpful tips and step by step instructions, often accompanied by visual cues. If suddenly you do not understand how to work with running program, feel free to refer to the help menu.

4. Familiarize yourself with the Menu 

The  menu is located in the upper left corner of your Mac screen. It allows you to get instant access to the properties of your computer, Mac App Store, recently open applications and documents. This menu can be used to restart or shut down the computer.

If an application is unstable or unresponsive, you can find the Force Quit function in the  menu, which will force quit the selected application and allow you to return to work.

5. Go to the Mac App Store

The Mac App Store is a convenient and secure way to download software for your Mac. You will need an Apple ID and password to use the service. The Mac App Store has thousands of apps, including free ones.

The Mac App Store allows you to not only download new programs, but also update existing ones. Most often, updates include stability and security improvements. We recommend updating the software in a timely manner.

However, before making changes to the system configuration, remember to create backups time machine.

6. Set up email

Using the standard Apple Mail application is much more convenient, including when working with multiple accounts, than checking emails in web versions mail clients Gmail, Yahoo, Yandex and many others. Mail Data also integrates with other core Mac apps such as Contacts, Calendar, and Maps.

7. Install the printer

Most printers come with a CD or DVD that contains drivers and software from the manufacturer. Don't be discouraged if your Mac doesn't have a SuperDrive.

You need to physically connect the printer to your Mac, or follow its built-in prompts to connect via home network WiFi. Open System Settings -> Printers and Scanners and click on the + button. If your computer recognizes the printer, then the device will download drivers from the Apple website if necessary and will be configured automatically.

8. Learn Spotlight

Spotlight is built into macOS and helps you quickly find documents, apps, pictures, contacts, directions, and other files. What's more, when connected to the Internet, Spotlight searches for content from Wikipedia, news sites, movie posters, and more. You can use this tool to perform simple arithmetic operations.

Spotlight can be launched from the magnifying glass icon on the menu bar. You can also call the search without using the keys: while holding the Command button, press the Spacebar, and you will see a text input field.

Once you get used to Spotlight, it will be your go-to fast way launch applications and search for documents.

9. Customize the Dock

The Dock is the row of icons at the bottom of the Mac screen. By clicking on these icons, you can launch standard macOS applications: Safari, Mail, Contacts, Calendar and Notes. But you can customize the dock for your own purposes by adding other applications, files, and folders.

Just drag and drop them to the dock. You can remove shortcuts from the dock by dragging them until you see the appropriate label. Dock icons are not applications, so don't be afraid to add, move, or remove them.

In the system settings, you can change the dock settings by setting the size of the icons, change the scale when hovering over the cursor and the position of the dock itself on the screen.

10. Learn hotkeys

Application management on Mac is based on simple and familiar menus such as File or Edit. Want to print a document? To do this, select File -> Print. But you can save a lot of time by using hotkeys. For example, to switch to printing, just press the P key while holding down the Command button.

Each application on Mac can have its own keyboard shortcuts, which can be found in the relevant help topics.

The author hopes these tips will help you get comfortable with your new Mac. The most important thing is more confidence. The Mac is designed for active work, and Apple does everything possible to make this work more enjoyable and easier.

You are reading the first line of the first, perhaps even "pilot" issue of a new series of articles called "From A to Z". In this short cycle, we will tell you all the most important information about the latest models of Apple computers from the following lines: Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, iMac, Mac mini and Mac Pro. For some, this information will be useful for making a purchase decision, for someone to expand their own knowledge, and for someone for crossword puzzles - it does not matter, as long as it is useful. In general, do not judge strictly, let's go.

The first MacBook Pro was introduced by Apple in early 2006. This model replaced the PowerBook G4 computers. The MacBook Pro was able to instantly win the hearts of its users, and until now, many of us look forward to each next update of this line, wondering what the new generation of firmware will get.

These were the first Intel-laptops of the "apple" company. Until the release of the first MacBook Pro, all Apple laptops were equipped with a PowerPC chip, which is a joint development of Apple, IBM and Motorola. This transition was very important for the entire company and its users. But the responsibility for this step was no less. Apple had to guarantee its users that they and all software would run on an Intel-Mac. The solution to this dilemma was Rossetta, an efficient dynamic translator that allows applications designed for the Power PC to run on Apple computers using Intel processors.

Why was it necessary to switch to new processors at all? It's simple: speed. The first MacBook Pro impressed its users with a huge speed boost over its predecessor, the PowerBook G4. Intel Core-Duo is, in simple terms, two processors in one, thanks to which it was possible to increase the speed of work, but in no way affect the rate of depletion of the laptop battery. Of course, users reacted positively to the new processors, although some of them still complained about compatibility issues with some older software. In general, for the most part, the new MacBook Pro received very positive reviews.

The target audience for the first MacBook Pro were users who needed high speed and a decent amount of memory. So it's no coincidence that the first MacBook Pro looked about the same as its predecessor, which was replaced. Inside, they were completely different.

In the seven years since its introduction, the MacBook Pro has gone through a huge amount of changes, from software to Retina display.

In the good old days, Apple offered us three types of firmware (not to mention specific configurations): with a 13-inch display, with a 15-inch display, and with a 17-inch display. But not so long ago, Apple stopped production of 17-inch MacBook Pros, concentrating on 13 and 15-inch models. Thanks to this, in June 2012 we saw a 15-inch MacBook Pro with a Retina display, and already in October with a Retina display there was also a junior model of the line.

Let's divide all the "firmware" into two categories: those that do not have a Retina display, that is, ordinary ones, and those that can boast of such. First, of course, let's talk about those that are ordinary.

The 15-inch MacBook Pro has a quad-core Intel processor Core i7 clocked at 2.3 and 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.6 GHz) with a shared 6 MB L3 cache. But if you need more fast laptop, then you can get a MacBook Pro with a 2.7GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.7GHz) and 8MB cache. Moreover, you can supplement your brand new “firmware” with a semiconductor hard drive third generation 512 GB that will run 4 times faster than traditional hard disks. To increase the amount of memory, you can install HDD even 1 TB.

The younger, 13-inch model also received significant improvements. So, for example, it was equipped with the fastest dual-core processors: Intel Core i5 with a clock speed of 2.5 GHz and Intel Core i7 with a clock speed of 2.9 GHz. And Turbo Boost technology accelerates the processor up to 3.6 GHz.

MacBook Pro 13/15 Specifications:

  • Diagonal: 13.3 / 15.4
  • Screen resolution: 1280×800 dots / 1440×900 dots
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 2.5 GHz or Intel Core i7 2.9 GHz / Intel Core i7 2.3 GHz or Intel Core i7 2.6 GHz
  • Dimensions (height x width x depth): 2.41 x 32.5 x 22.7 cm / 2.41 x 36.4 x 24.9 cm
  • Weight: 2.06 kg / 2.56 kg
  • Memory: DDR3 1600MHz SO-DIMM
  • Number of memory slots: 2, up to 8 GB supported
  • Memory installed: 4 or 8 GB (both slots occupied)
  • Storage: 500 or 750 GB hard drive, optical drive slot-loading 8x SuperDrive
  • Wireless interfaces: Wi-Fi 802.11n (backwards compatible with IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards), Bluetooth 4.0
  • Ports and connectors: network port Gigabit Ethernet, 2 USB port 3.0, FireWire 800 port, Thunderbolt port, SDXC card slot, Kensington security slot, MagSafe 2, headphone output
  • Battery capacity: 63.5 Wh / 77.5 Wh

As for the battery life, according to Apple, it is 7 hours. What is for the younger, what is for the older model. In principle, this is true, although, of course, it primarily depends on what you do and how you use your MacBook Pro. So, for example, if you “walk” on web pages, then 7 hours is a reality, but if you play games or edit videos, then 4-5 hours is your maximum.

The package includes the MacBook Pro itself, a screen cleaning cloth, Charger MagSafe (electrical plug, power cable and block) and documentation in printed and electronic form. The laptop itself is covered by the official global warranty from Apple for a period of 1 year (warranty and post-warranty service in any authorized service center).

The 13-inch model with a 2.5GHz Intel Core i5 processor will set you back $1,199. An older model with a 2.9GHz Intel Core i5 processor is available for $1,499. As for the 15-inch models, the situation is as follows: an Intel Core i7 with a frequency of 2.3 GHz costs $1,799, an Intel Core i7 with a frequency of 2.6 GHz will cost you $2,199.

We deliberately designate prices in dollars, since, unfortunately, there is no single price for Apple equipment in rubles: firstly, official resellers will have the same prices (and they may differ from each other), gray sellers and stores - other; secondly, prices in our market are constantly changing, so we will dance from the Apple online store.

Specifications for MacBook Pro with Retina Display

Finally, we have reached the “firmware” with a Retina display, a sort of standard among laptops from the “apple” company. There are plenty of differences between the MacBook Pro with Retina display and the "regular" MacBook Pro.

So, let's start our acquaintance with these computers from the most important thing - with processors. With the dual-core Intel Core i5 or Intel Core i7 processors included with the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display, you can run even the heaviest applications that require the highest performance without any problems. Both the younger and older models support such an excellent technology as Hyper-Threading, which can increase performance by allowing each core to simultaneously process several processes at once. By the way, the well-known Turbo Boost technology increases the clock frequency of processors up to 3.6 GHz. In general, the language does not turn to call this model a “baby”.

It goes without saying that the 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display will surprise us even more. Inside you'll find (just please don't try to open it yourself) 3rd generation Intel Core i7 processors based on an advanced 22nm microarchitecture that deliver the best performance of any MacBook Pro. And with up to 2.6 GHz clock speeds up to 3.7 GHz with Turbo Boost and up to 8 MB shared L3 cache, these processors are indispensable for the most demanding tasks. .

Specifications for MacBook Pro with Retina 13/15 display:

  • Diagonal: 13.3 / 15.4
  • Screen resolution: 2560×1600 dots / 2880×1800 dots
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000
  • Processor: Intel Ivy Bridge Core i5 2.5 GHz / Intel Ivy Bridge Core i7 2.3 GHz or Intel Ivy Bridge Core i7 2.6 GHz
  • Dimensions (height x width x depth): 1.9 x 31.4 x 21.9 cm / 1.8 x 35.9 x 24.7 cm
  • Weight: 1.62 kg / 2.02 kg
  • Memory: 8 GB DDR3L 1600 MHz memory soldered in motherboard
  • Storage: 128GB or 256GB Flash Drive / 256GB or 512GB Flash Drive
  • Wireless interfaces: Wi-Fi 802.11n (backwards compatible with IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards), Bluetooth 4.0
  • Ports and Slots: 2 Thunderbolt, 2 USB 3.0, HDMI, MagSafe 2, SDXC card slot, headphone out
  • Battery capacity: 74 Wh / 95 Wh

The bundle of these "firmware" is no different from those that are not equipped with a Retina display, so we will not paint it a second time. The same applies to the stated working time. Moreover, the time is declared one, but in fact it is completely different. And, of course, the same is true with the warranty.

The junior 13-inch model with an Intel Core i5 processor will set you back $1699, the older one $1999. As for the 15-inch models, the situation is as follows: an Intel Core i7 with a frequency of 2.3 GHz costs $2,199, an Intel Core i7 with a frequency of 2.6 GHz will cost you $2,799.


As regards questions about software"proshek", then here, regardless of the presence of the Retina display, they are all identical.

Every MacBook Pro comes preloaded with OS X Mountain Lion. The Mountain Lion operating system turned out to be quite controversial: someone elevates it to the skies and sees something truly revolutionary in it, while someone, on the contrary, believes that the difference with OS X Lion is not so great. In fact, the new operating system turned out to be very good. Of course, it cannot be called revolutionary, but there are a lot of pluses in it. The only negative that comes to my mind is that the operating time of MacBooks under this system has decreased slightly compared to running OS X Lion.

When you turn on your brand new MacBook for the first time, you will find that the following applications and programs are already installed on it: Mail, Messages, Contacts, Calendar, Reminders, Safari web browser, Notification Center, Notes, Time Machine, FaceTime, Photo Booth, iTunes, Game Center, Gatekeeper, Mac App Store, iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand and more. In addition, the Mountain Lion operating system is almost fully integrated with iCloud, Twitter and Facebook.

The iWork Suite, which includes apps like Pages, Numbers, and Keynote, will have to be downloaded from the Mac App Store. Each of these programs will cost you 649 rubles. In principle, it is quite adequate and affordable price for such a product.

One "but": if you count on the fact that the MacBook Pro is a great gaming computer, then it is not. Of course, in terms of specifications it's perfect (well, maybe), but the problem is that there are very few games for OS X. Very little.

Another small, and maybe not so small problem is that some office and business applications are not available for computers running operating system OS X. But if necessary, you can install the Windows operating system on your MacBook Pro. You can do this, for example, using Parallels Desktop - this will probably be the best and most simple option.

Macbook Pro Accessories

Many users, when deciding to buy a particular device, including laptops such as the MacBook Pro, are concerned about the number of accessories available for this very device. Therefore, this item cannot be skipped.

There are more than enough accessories for the MacBook Pro. For example, if you are not very comfortable using the trackpad all the time (for example, due to the specifics of your work), you can buy a regular mouse for your “firmware”. It can be either Apple's Magic Mouse or any other mouse from any other manufacturer.

Apart from mice, there are a huge number of various stands, holders, protective films for screens and even vinyl stickers on its cover for the "pros". And, of course, you can find a suitable case for your aluminum pet, of which there are a dime a dozen in online and offline stores.

What's more, you can connect both additional storage (let's call it hard drives) and additional screens to your MacBook Pro if even 15 inches is not enough for you.

In general, as you already understood, there are no problems with this. The only problem with accessories for the MacBook Pro is that they are usually very expensive, but, as they say, if there is a desire, there will already be opportunities.


If you read everything very carefully, you should have understood that the MacBook Pro is not a toy. This is a serious laptop for serious people. He is capable of much, if, of course, you yourself are capable of much. Before buying, think carefully about whether you need just such a laptop, whether you will use all its resources. If not, but you really want a laptop from Apple, then you better take a closer look at the MacBook Air: it is cheaper, simpler, and smaller.

For those who are sure that they will use absolutely all (or at least most) resources of the MacBook Pro, but still doubt whether it is worth taking it, we inform you: take it, you will not regret it.

The MacBook Pro is a real leader in its market segment, which I think is one notch above most of its competitors. But it also costs more than many similar PCs running an operating system. Windows systems. But you have something to pay for. Probably, now many PC owners will be ready to argue with me, but I will still say this: the MacBook Pro is more reliable than any PC, so it will last you much longer (both in terms of hardware and in terms of the operating system).

Of course, the final choice will always be yours, but you can be sure that the MacBook Pro pays for every dollar spent on it. This is a beautiful, powerful and prestigious laptop.

P.S. If you have any comments and suggestions, then do not forget to indicate them in the comments, we will definitely take them into account in the next issue of the "From A to Z" cycle. In addition, you can write in the comments your wishes regarding which device should be devoted to the next material.