A set of tags for videos with animals. How to find out and add keywords, tags for YouTube in a video, on a channel

If you want to promote your video on Youtube, you need to know what tools users can use to find it on the service. This is precisely the main task - it is desirable that your video be viewed by as many people as possible. And for this, it must be in the top positions of the ranking - this is true both in the search engine and in the internal YouTube search. One of the means by which this result is achieved is popular YouTube tags..

What are video tags

Since YouTube is the most popular video viewing service, it should not be underestimated in terms of promoting your videos.

The same scheme works here as when searching for information through search engines. There you enter search query- and get the pages that most accurately answer it.

In the YouTube service, the user also has the ability to search for videos. By entering text into the search box, he will receive a result that most closely matches his request. It is the tags that help to implement the search. This is a short and informative description of your video. The tag can be a single word, or a phrase of several words.

Tags are specified in the description of the video by its owner.

To summarize, let's imagine that we have a video about creating websites. What tags could we add to it to make it easier for users to find it through a search?

Here's a list that would be fine:

  • SEO promotion
  • Website promotion
  • How to promote sites
  • Website promotion tools
  • Search promotion

These phrases briefly and informatively talk about what our video is about.

How to choose tags for a video

It would seem that the easiest way is to indicate all the appropriate words and phrases. But it won't be quite right. First you need to make sure that such phrases are used by people when searching for videos. In other words, look at the request statistics.

The following tools are used for this purpose.

Selection of tags using search suggestions

We will work with Google search engine suggestions and YouTube internal search. It works like this.

Recall the tags that we indicated as an example. Let's keep working with them. Let's take the first phrase from the list - seo promotion. Now go to YouTube and type it in the search bar. The service will automatically select suitable hints and give them to us in a list. It will be located just below:

As you can see in the picture, we have 3 search suggestions. Let's imagine that in our video clip we will touch on the topic self promotion online store, and briefly talk about what SEO promotion is in general.

And this means that all phrases from search suggestions are suitable for us - we add them to our list of tags.

Now we need to do the same in Google. We open the google.ru page and type our request.

Imagine that in our video there is no section on working with CMS WordPress. So this hint is not suitable for us. But "seo promotion of the basics" is quite suitable. Let's add this tag to our list.

Keywords selection services

The first tool we will look at will be the website:


Go to it - you will see home page, with a form for entering a request:

Here we type our query, and press the search button. The service will kindly provide us with a large selection of suitable tags.

Look through the whole list and write down the most suitable phrases. For example, we will take the phrase "seo video promotion" from this list.

Google Keyword Planner

This service is used by webmasters when they need to select keywords for your site. But as a search for phrases that can be used as tags for videos on youtube, it will also work.

The process here is extremely simple. Log in to the service at:


Go to block Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category". In the shape of " Specify one or more values", write the selected phrase, and click the " Get options".

After that, you will be taken to the results page. Here open the tab " Keyword Options". You will see a list of results.

Choose the appropriate phrases from the list.

These are the two main tools for selecting tags. But there is another way - it is related to the analysis of your competitors' videos. We need to talk about it in more detail.

How to find out the tags of someone else's YouTube video

Here we will work a little with the HTML code of the page. But let's take it all in order.

Let's say that on our request "seo promotion", the youtube service gave us search results. The first video in the list is dedicated to the same topic as our video. So this is our main competitor. And we need to find out what tags the author indicated in the description of his video - after all, he got to the top line in the search!

To do this, we go to the page of this video - in the search results, we simply click on it. Or if we know a direct link, we enter it in the address bar (see).

Now click anywhere on the empty space on the page right click mice. In the menu that appears, click " Source pages".

note: depending on which browser you are using, the naming of the menu item that allows you to view the HTML code of the page may change.

Now press the Ctrl+F keys - this will bring up the search box. Here you need to type "keywords" (without quotes). This is a special field that shows the keywords (tags) that were added by the author for this video. The "content" attribute will contain all the keywords.

Review them and add suitable tags to our general list.

Now that we've finished collecting the appropriate tags, we need to add them to our video.

How to add tags to YouTube videos

At this point, we already have a prepared list of words and phrases that we want to use as tags.

Now go to the video manager page:


All the videos that you have uploaded to your channel will be displayed here. Find among them the one we want to edit. To the right of it there will be a button " Edit". There is an arrow next to it - click it. An additional menu will open - click here Information and settings".

We will go to the edit page. At the very bottom there is a block " Tags". We need to fill it in.

Here we indicate in turn all the phrases from the list that we prepared in the previous steps. When you write all the tags for the video, click the " Save".

It is best to use the tools that Google offers to search for phrases. After all, YouTube is their service. Therefore, it is less advisable to use the wordstat keyword selection tool from Yandex. But the least popularity does not exclude this tool.

You should periodically analyze the relevance of the selected tags, and replace them if necessary.


Do not neglect video optimization - it is not enough to shoot a high-quality and useful video. It still needs to be done so that interested users can see it. Use the best tags - if your video appears in the first positions in the search results, it will be viewed by dozens or even hundreds of users.

Today I will talk about how to write tags on Youtube correctly.

All YouTube users who have their own video channels want to quickly and effectively promote the channel, moreover, for free.

There are many ways to promote a channel. More details on this topic will be discussed later. Although, for example, I talked about ways to increase the number of views in one of the previous articles - “How to increase the number of views on youtube?” By the way, you can even use affiliate programs from the article "" to promote the channel.

But, now we will talk specifically about how to prescribe tags on Youtube. Ask why write tags for YouTube? Answer: using them, you can significantly increase the number of video views completely free of charge, without investing money, without asking anyone for anything. The YouTube tag directly affects the promotion of content.

What are tags?

tags- these are the keywords of the video, by which Youtube users find the video on the Internet. YouTube tag, a word (phrase) that reflects the essence of the video, the so-called keyword, using it, search engines find the necessary information. If you write the correct tags on Youtube, the number of video views instantly increases. In addition to search traffic, tags help videos get into the "Related Videos" list, bringing channels up to 60% of the total number of views.

Thematic tags.

When will you write tags for youtube, remember - tag in youtube should be thematic - convey the essence of the video in which it is located. Why? Youtube has a special algorithm that works according to the scheme: the user enters the main Youtube page, enters the name of the channel of a popular blogger in the search. By clicking on the "Search" button, on the very first position of the results, the viewer sees a link to the blogger's channel, after it a list of all his videos. If not for such an algorithm, hundreds of other videos that are not related to the blogger would be displayed in the search results ... With non-thematic tags, it is difficult for YouTube to consider a video that is similar in meaning to recommend to the viewer. This means that such films will not get many views from Related Videos. The overall traffic will decrease.

We realized how important it is to write tags for YouTube correctly!

Youtube first offers the video as a result in the search, given the specified tags. The more viewers click on the video, the longer the total viewing time, the more likely it is that the video will rank for the key phrase. From this it follows that the indication of fake metadata that is not related to the video will not bring long-term benefit. A false YouTube tag will sometimes even result in a strike for violating the Community Guidelines.

Conclusion: it is necessary to write tags for YouTube without deceiving people with false topics. The YouTube tag is required to convey the meaning of the video.

So, how to write tags on YouTube?

Where do tags come from?

You upload a new video to the channel, you want to select thematic tags for it. You can youtube tag come up with, but it is preferable to use services in which a special generator automatically suggests words frequently used in queries. good services have Google (Keyword Planner) and Yandex (Wordstat). To use, you must have email, respectively in Google, or in Yandex.

The figure shows the use of Yandex in order to find tags for YouTube. In the search bar indicated " tags for youtube". Press "Select". The results are given: - in the first column popular words, the number of impressions per month; - in the second column, similar queries (popular tag ...).

It is convenient to select tags using KeyWordTool. I often use it.

Sometimes looking for youtube tags, no need to invent a steam locomotive. There are sensible competitors that have been present on YouTube for a long time. You can "borrow" the keys from them.

How to "steal" YouTube competitor tags?

Nothing complicated. It would be a desire to borrow tags for YouTube. We go to the page of the necessary video. We press the right mouse button, in the window that appears, click "Page source code".

A page opens on which the keywords of the video we like are located.

We look, analyze, start writing tags for YouTube on the channel, using the achievements of a colleague.

How many tags to write on YouTube?

There is no specific answer. I would be glad, but I can not advise a clear number - 5, 10, or 100! YouTube does not provide a specific standard for the optimal number of tags. His recommendation is to specify as many tags as possible so that the main idea of ​​the video becomes clear.

Know that if you specify too many of them, the search engine will take the keywords for spam, the video may be deleted.

I usually try to write YouTube tags in the amount of 7 to 13.

What Youtube tags to prescribe?

High-frequency, one-word, or key phrases that are semantically appropriate? The advice is different - how many specialists there are, so many recommendations are available. My answer: use two options.

High-frequency queries (HF) are popular, they are more often searched for information, but less frequent keys have less competition. Therefore, it is desirable to use both high-frequency and low-frequency requests. Start prescribing tags on Youtube with high-frequency queries (usually single-word), continue with low-frequency phrases.

In general, friends, I briefly opened the topic. I think you will agree with me that the YouTube tag, namely, the popular tag, is an important point when working with YouTube. If you want to know in more detail how to write tags for YouTube correctly, please contact me, I will answer. Please share personal experience, knowledge.

Goodbye, see you again!

how to write tags for youtube updated: April 28, 2017 by: Eduard Galanov

Good afternoon! In this article, we will talk with you about how to select tags for YouTube using the service Keyword Tool.

More recently, oh this service almost no one knew, but after it ceased to exist official service selection of keywords from YouTube, users had to look for some alternative to it. Of course, it could be done through, for example, Yandex's Wordstat, but in this case, the video would be "sharpened" for the Yandex search engine, and not YouTube, which does not suit all users. Accordingly, the ranking of such a video did not take place on YouTube itself, but in Yandex. Therefore, in order to properly optimize videos on YouTube, you need to use services that are "sharpened" for YouTube, and not for other search engines.

Today you will learn how to select tags for YouTube using the service Keyword Tool. The article will be presented in the form step by step instructions for using the service Keyword Tool, reading which, you can easily navigate the site and select keywords. Well then, let's get started!

Tags for youtube. How to select tags using the Keyword Tool service

First of all, go to the service itself using the link: " Keyword Tool", After which you will see the following window:

This is the main window of the site, which contains information about the service, how the service works, and so on.

In the upper part of the window there is a search line (1), in which you need to enter the keywords you need, and in which the necessary tags for YouTube are selected. On the right side of this line, you can see two drop-down lists. What it is?

In the first list, you can select a country, depending on which you need to select keywords (tags). This is the so-called "geo-targeting" of keywords, which allows you to filter them by specific countries. For example, choosing the country " Russia”, and by entering the desired query in the search box, you can find out the keywords that users from Russia enter into YouTube (or a search engine) and use them as tags for your videos. This is very convenient if your channel is focused not on the whole world at once, but on a specific country.

In the second list, the language in which the keywords will be displayed is selected.

To the right, using the red magnifying glass button, you can start searching for the entered keyword.

So let's now move on to looking at the tabs that are above the search bar ( Picture 1):

The first tab ( 2 ) is designed to select keywords with search engine Google.

The second tab (3) is for selecting tags from YouTube. This tab is exactly what we need.

With the help of the third tab (4), you can match the keywords entered into the Bing search engine.

Well last tab(5 ), which is called App Store, is intended for the selection of keywords from the search engine of this application.

Click on the " YouTube”, then in the first and second lists to the right of the search line, select the country you need for keyword geotargeting. Ready! Now you can proceed to the very selection of tags for YouTube.

To do this, enter the query you need in the search box and click on the red button, which is located to the right. You will see a list of similar keywords and phrases from which you can choose the ones you need.

Here is an example of entering the keyword "tea":

At the top of the window (1 ), you can see the number of found keywords for the entered query. In my case, there are 152 of them.

A little lower (2 ) are the letters of the alphabet, by which you can sort the found keywords. By pressing, for example, on the letter " a”, you will see a list of those keywords that begin with this letter and so on.

Even lower (3) are the lists of similar keywords themselves. Depending on the entered request, there may be a different number of them.

To quickly add all the keywords to the clipboard and download them to your computer, click on the " Copy all", which is located slightly below and to the right of the search bar. If you do not need all the keywords, but only need to select certain ones, then you can easily and quickly do this by clicking on the plus button, which is located to the right of each keyword.

After you select the keywords and phrases you need, click on the button " Copy”, which you can find at the bottom of the window. This button looks like this:

By clicking on the button, open a simple notepad and using the keyboard shortcut " CTRL+V”, paste the copied keywords there. These keywords you can now save on your computer and use in your YouTube videos.

That seems to be all I wanted to tell you. Today you learned how to select tags for YouTube using the service Keyword Tool.

In order for a YouTube channel to successfully develop and gain popularity, you need to know the basics of its optimization. These include the correct selection of tags. Top tags for videos - popular YouTube tags, because they carry information about what is now in demand in the media. In this article, I want to show how popular video tags are found based on the key phrase and its name.

High-quality selection of popular YouTube tags is possible in two ways:

  1. Using "Keyword Tool" service and video uploaded by competitors.
  2. Using the Google Keyword Planner.

Let's deal with the first option. Let's go to the website first. Next, select the language, domain we need, substitute the keyword from the video title and click the search icon. We write down suitable phrases for a particular video and save them somewhere (Excel, notepad).

After starts second stage - selection of keywords from competitors' videos. We go to YouTube, where we enter the main phrase in the search column, according to which the video will be optimized. For my video - a review of the Champions League match - the video "Real Madrid - Bayern 1:0 ..." is suitable (see image below).

Now go to the service and, this time, in the column "Enter a domain ..." paste the copied link from the search results found in the previous step (just right-click on the video link and click "Copy link" and paste in the appropriate field, then click " Analyze"). As a result, a list of keywords will be displayed below, for which the competitor's video was optimized - we collect the actual "keywords" and add them to the previously created list.

In the first direction, everything - we have a list ready popular tags YouTube, and you can start proper video optimization.

The second way to select popular youtube tags, as mentioned above, is based on interaction with Google's Keyword Planner. It should be noted that this method is more universal - suitable for both the site and YouTube channel. We go to the site, it should be noted that in order to work with this service need Account Google. We drive in a keyword and set the necessary filters, then click "Get options".

Displayed keyword suggestion list, from which you need to select the appropriate ones and make a list. For youtube video usually 5-10 keywords are enough.

Hi all!

Uploading videos on Youtube has already become commonplace, but the issue of channel promotion still worries many. What are keywords? How to choose tags for Youtube? And how will it help promote your channel? These are the questions that you will find answers to in this article.

What are keywords?

Learn to think like your target audience. You should understand as accurately as possible how they would request information on your video in YouTube search. Follow clear rules when selecting keywords:

Where can I find tags for my video?

There are many different resources that provide this feature. By searching on YouTube, for example, the service is suitable - Youtube keywords ( http://keywordtool.io/uk/youtube). To search for keywords, select the language, region and enter the word. Further, from the options given to you, select the most successful ones, and best of all with low or average frequency. Same in a simple way you can choose keywords for the Google search engine in the Google Adwords service ( https://www.google.com.ua/adwords/) and for Yandex in the Wordstat service (https://wordstat.yandex.ua/ ).

I would advise you to pay more attention to Google Adwords, because many people are looking for videos from this particular search engine. And Youtube is a Google app. Google Adwords can only be used by people registered with Google. Click the Login button in the upper right corner and enter your username and password.

Next, enter a keyword, select a country, language and look at the list of keywords selected for you. In Google Adwords, it is convenient to choose tags with the frequency you need, since next to the keywords it is written - low, medium or high.

To , 5-10 tags are enough for you. You can insert and change them in the Video Manager, Information and settings tab. The main thing is to choose the tags as well as possible! Do you think you can handle it?

I have been doing optimization for several years now, so I learned this process from A to Z. If you need help with this, please contact me! Using quality tags is just one way to get promoted. Therefore, depending on your desire, we can use the maximum effective methods to promote your channel on YouTube. Subscribe to my blog updates and repost.

Until then, friends!