World Backup Day. Backup Day (World Backup Day) Backup Day

March 31 is an unofficial holiday - Day Reserve copy(World Backup Day). This day was established to attract public attention to the issues of ensuring the safety of information and protection against data loss.

A backup is a backup copy of all the files you need, for example, emails, documents, videos, family photos, etc. Instead of storing all important information on one medium, which cannot be guaranteed to be 100% reliable, another copy is placed on additional media.

So as not to lose important information, you just need to set up backup once. As an additional storage medium for backing up your most important data, you can use either a physical disk (external drive) or cloud storage data on the Internet. If you have never made a backup before, March 31 is the best day to do it for the first time. Who chose this date and why?

Today there are many different approaches and programs that provide a competent backup system. How to organize this process is up to each user.

But you shouldn’t let the situation take its course and assume that this problem will never affect you. Everything is possible - from man-made problems, technical failures and equipment failure to accidental deletion of files or intrusion malicious virus.

Protect yourself from force majeure and back up your important information today!

Backup is the process of creating a copy of data on a medium designed to restore information if the original medium is damaged. Today, people all over the world - system administrators, Enikey specialists and ordinary users - are celebrating World Backup Day. The date was not chosen by chance - some of the viruses are activated on April 1, leaving unprotected users in the cold on April Fools' Day.

How did bloggers celebrate backup day?

1500py470 I remembered the oath of the defender of information:

International Backup Day (in their barbarian – ) is held annually on March 31st. Backup Day was stirred up by Reddit users, and since cases of information loss on April 1 are widely known (Such cute “jokes”. It’s just some kind of holiday!) - exists whole group April Fools' viruses, which are activated on this day for greater joy on one of our main and favorite national holidays, and therefore it was no coincidence that this labor holiday, like a subbotnik, was scheduled for March 31, and not April 22 (for slow-witted people or those who are not young I found it - it’s Ilyich’s birthday and the festive communist subbotnik on this occasion)

Protect yourself
Back up your important information today!

“I solemnly swear on March 31st to make a backup of all the documents and valuable memories I need.”

In addition, I will tell my friends and family about International Backup Day - a friend will not leave a friend without a backup!

rhunwolf I made a selection of pictures and facts about backup:

The computer froze, HDD died, what should I do?! Did you make a backup (and did you move away from it)? What, it might explode?!!
There is a play on words here: backup is a backup, back up is to retreat.

We make backup copies of data on sticky notes. Because they don't freeze.

I didn't make a backup...

My backup crashed!!! What a blessing that the data was saved on the main copy!

Jim simply drew a backup of his PC.

A little from English Wikipedia:
On May 5, 1996, during a fire at the headquarters of Crédit Lyonnais, the largest bank in Paris, system administrators ran into a burning building to rescue tape backups since the copies were physically located in the same building. Data from computers was copied onto magnetic tapes, which were stored there, on the computers, until the next backup. Backups were made every day, with the exception of Friday, because Friday backup took place on Sunday. And it’s bad luck that the fire happened on Saturday. - Crédit Lyonnais errors are discussed here and all sorts of backup tips are provided.

Between 2005 and 2006, the human rights organization Privacy Rights Clearinghouse recorded 16 cases of abduction or disappearance. backup copies. Among the affected organizations were: Bank of America, Ameritrade, Citigroup and Time Warner.

On January 3, 2008, the mail server of the largest Scandinavian provider, the telecommunications company TeliaSonera, crashed. To their horror, they had to discover that the last working backup had the date: December 15, 2007. This affected 300,000 user accounts. mail accounts.

February 27, 2011 due to a failure software in Gmail, 0.02% of users lost all their mail. After a few hours, the data was restored from a backup copy and the messages did not disappear into oblivion.

Discuss on the author's blog

ammo1 organized a competition!

Today, March 31st, is International Backup Day. It was no coincidence that Backup Day was set for March 31, because there is a whole group of April Fools’ viruses that play their “pranks” on April Fool’s Day.

There can be many reasons for losing important information. According to the study, 78% of cases are caused by hardware failure, 11% human error, 7% software errors, 2% Computer viruses, 1% Natural disasters, 1% Other reasons.

Another sad statistic. 5% hard drives fails in the first year. Then for 2-3 years they work relatively stably (probability of failure is 1.5%), and after the third year the probability is already 11-12%.

Let's celebrate backup day by making copies of your important data today, without putting it off, as usual, “until tomorrow.”

I wish you joy always
And a cheerful mood,
Never know sadness
And all the best in life.
Never be discouraged
Don't see grief
And start the days with a smile,
Just like on this birthday!

Happy every birthday
Experience is added
Plans and desires
More often performed
Happiness gives the most
Bright moments -
Sun, excellent
Days and mood!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Nice and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way into powerlessness.
Let everything you want come true.
Love to you, faith, hope, goodness!

I wish you the most joyful days,
I wish you the most faithful friends,
I wish you love all year long,
I wish there were no troubles and adversities!
Only success accompanies work,
And at home I am greeted with boisterous laughter,
May everything work out in life, lovingly!
And I wish you a Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, programmer!
Turn off your Macintosh
Well-known coupletist
And he will congratulate you too!

Break away from those programs
Be a man for at least an hour -
A whole kilogram of vodka
We'll accept it for you!

Without computer tricks,
Eating onions, lard,
Let's drink to my wife and children -
The most important thing in our life!

Life goes on in a spiral
And all the time upward.
We invited our friends to visit,
Laughter will come when you didn't expect it,
And it will cover everyone!

All the joy that is on earth,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.
May spring live forever in a wise heart,
Let the first flower bloom for you,
May success accompany you in life -
We wish you great happiness.

Congratulations, dear!
We wish you not to be sad,
And with a glance at least one soul
Give it back to the girl!
May your family be healthy
May happiness be on the porch,
And let the sons be proud
Father's last name!
Let the features be rounded,
May the years be a succession
But let your dreams never grow old
Happy birthday, dear!

Let the angel, without looking away,
Will look after you
Let him protect you all your life,
Covering yourself from troubles.

Let the star protect your sleep,
Shining in the silence of the night,
And the sun rises in the morning,
Dispelling the darkness of the night.

Let the wind blow away the clouds,
What will happen to you?
And in the rain a rainbow will rise,
Connecting with the soul.

May God be merciful
Will give life like this:
Where are you from a thousand roads
You will find your direct line!

But paper messages are not in fashion.
And the poems are somewhat outdated.
But I wanted to say something important.
Oh, yes! Well, of course, happiness!

Happy Birthday to You
And I wish you bright days and a lot of happiness,
To have true friends in life,
So that all bad weather passes by.
To have a loved one nearby,
And work brought only joy,
So that luck never leaves,
And fatigue would not settle in my soul!

Happy birthday!
May life always be full of prosperity,
Let your mood sparkle with light,
And there will be eternal spring in your soul.
May all your wishes come true,
And success is always ahead.
Let your friends envy and admire
That over the years you have only blossomed more!

I congratulate you with all my heart
Happy one of the best dates in my life.
I wish you great love and joy,
Success and well-deserved awards.
May all your dreams come true,
Let happiness be your light on the way.
Believe me, you shouldn’t be ashamed of your age,
After all, the best is only yet to come!

We wish you a sea of ​​happiness
And good luck - waterfall,
A pound of success overnight,
Money - a whole shower of stars.
May the sun shine on your birthday
Shining brighter than ever
Let the joy flow
And there will be no end to it!

I wish you joy on this holiday,
Gifts, smiles and lots of warmth.
I wish you success, love, inspiration,
Sublime words and great kindness.
Let joy cover you completely,
And your life path will be happy,
The dream will give you wings and lead you
And it won’t allow you to turn off the right path!

Let the candles flicker and your eyes shine.
Don't be sad that you can't turn back time!
Something didn’t work out, something didn’t come true,
How much has happened, how much has been achieved!
I wish you many warm words,
So that there is happiness and there is love,
Joy flowed like a stormy river,
The sun was shining everywhere above you!

Time rushes by without looking back,
And year after year runs.
Well, such are the rules -
We need to move forward.
May your health increase
The joy of life is in full swing,
Let the feast be generous,
All the problems are nothing.
Let there be prosperity in the house,
Lots of light and warmth.
Let order reign in your thoughts,
There is peace and kindness in the heart!

Happy birthday to you!
We give these poems from our hearts.
We wish you a lot of joy and laughter,
To live without sadness and melancholy.
May the sun shine tenderly on you
And will warm you with warmth in difficult times,
May fate greet you with a kind glance
And it will give you good luck more than once!

Health, joy, love
On your glorious birthday,
And wonderful days are ahead,
And wild fun.

And I wish you inspiration in everything,
To have good health,
And along the way, the star shone.

Congratulations on your birthday
And I want to celebrate it brightly.
Please accept my congratulations
And prepare a place for gifts.

Happy birthday,
I wish you all the best in the world.
This day will be a bright holiday,
And no one will forget about you.

I wish you sunshine and warmth on your birthday,
I congratulate you on your rainbow day.
Let everything you do succeed
Like a gentle melody flows.

Who's birthday is it today?
Who deserves gifts from the sea?
We wish you, without a doubt,
To live your life with dignity.

Let the sun shine only for you,
And you are beaming with happiness and love.
I congratulate you, dear, my life,
And I rejoice that I am with you.

May you live a beautiful life
I wish you a lot of beer!
In mugs, in jars and in bottles!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And so that you can cope with it,
We are already running to you!

I wish you oceans of beer,
And they contain rams and shrimps
You would be a better captain
Didn't get out of the round-the-world trip!

Find adventures
I wish on this day
For your favorite butt
If only you weren't lazy.

You are a young woman
And so serious
When you flutter one eyelash,
The men will fall like birds.

Black silk panties
To seduce men!
And in general - bold outfits
Buy it on your birthday! I wish you stone health,
Like a miracle wall in Asia,
I wish you a fiery man,
Love for all time.

I wish you emoticons on your faces
And sincere kind speeches,
I wish I could be a good girl during the day,
And at night it’s hot!

I want to drive a sports car
Breathe with buffalo health,
Be in the mood, in the mood
Perform the Herculean feat!

Not a man, but a tiger!
All desires in a moment
They will come true soon.
Just believe it!

Happy Birthday to You,
May there be happiness for years to come,
All dreams come true,
And every day in great love!
Enormous wealth
So that no one forgets you,
And my soul was warm,
The rest doesn't matter!

We wish you simple happiness
And quiet earthly joy.
May life's bad weather
Always bypassed.
As always, store it with care.
There are beautiful features in my soul.
As before, give generously to everyone.
Fire of spiritual warmth.

True Woman with a big letter
Sweet, cheerful, with a kind soul.
How you admire the foliage and flowers.
True Woman means you!

Faith in beauty is not lost in the heart.
You try to conquer the heights of the spirit.
The future, the past - everything lives in you,
The craving for the unknown calls you on a journey.

Oh, don’t know old age, always be like this.
Please don’t be friends with sadness and longing.
Let the sun make you happy, let your friends make you happy.
A woman simply cannot live any other way.

Happy Birthday, sunshine,
And let your heart beat more cheerfully,
More kind, sincere speeches,
May the holiday turn out to be a huge miracle!
Cherished dreams will come true,
And all the bad things will go away instantly,
Health, happiness, sincere love,
May life be extraordinary!

I wish you light and warmth,
Good and kind friends,
Happy days, blessed words,
Great hopes, drunken feasts.
Live cheerfully, cheerfully and boldly,
So that you never get tired of it.
Laugh, sing songs, joke,
And happiness to drink to the bottom!

It doesn't matter how old you are,
Let this day be the dawn
Dawn for dear life,
With love, with great joy!
Let the fairy tale come in pairs,
Fulfills your wishes
And celebrating your birthday,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you joy and good luck!
Doubly good health.
I wish you the best -
great happiness on earth.

There are many wishes in the world,
You can't count them all.
I just congratulate you
I love it the way it is.

Be beautiful all the time:
Both with soul and with yourself.
Be loved all the time:
Both in winter and in spring.

I wish you all the best and bright thoughts
Let the past grievances go away
Get rid of them quietly
Forgiving and letting go is not easy work

But every morning early at dawn
Try to forgive someone
Because the sun is shining brightly in the sky,
Start giving thanks in your life

She's sending you lessons,
So that you become more responsive, wiser
But he only hears offensive reproaches,
Either there is no money, then there are no true friends

You thank your life for everything
Because you don't know war,
For sitting at the computer.
Because someone needs you

Because you have a family and children,
And if not, ask her.
She's not deaf and she'll answer you,
Forgiving you for your previous whining

Do you want to be rich? Dream!
The money will come to you on its own
Do you want to be happy? Go for it!
Learn to trust, forgive, love

Imagine your life without fears
Without fears, without reproaches and insults
Free yourself from empty doubts
You will see that fortunately the path is open

Leave your past alone!
It's gone and can't be brought back
Think about your fate today
And draw a bright path in your thoughts

The whole world cannot be rebuilt under one,
But you can rebuild the world inside
And it's better to trust than to argue forever
And it's better to find than not to find

Life gives you invaluable advice
What is, might not have been
Introduced? For every ray of light
Learn to be grateful for your life

Dance barefoot on shards of glass
Dance, hugging the slanting rains,
Dance so that your life is not wasted,
And sing in unison with the young winds.

Love! love freely and warmly!
Love so that your heart burns everything inside,
Without feeling pain and fear in the blood,
Love that it covers both of your heads!

Live! Break and live again!
Take your wings from the wide road!
Don’t tear your soul apart with empty words.
Look to the skies and think about God.

Dance! barefoot on shards of glass.
Dance! under the cover of the raging night.
Dance! as if there is not a drop of evil in life.
Dance! tearing the whole world to shreds.

Smile as often as possible.
And give your joy to everyone.
Wake up with a light smile
Betting in the clouds with happiness.

And take care of joy in your heart.
Don't be shy to give a smile
Help me believe in miracles.

Enjoy every moment,
Just look around.
When suddenly it’s bad, smile
And joy will be found along the way.

Try, just smile.
Reveal yourself with all your heart.
And try to be happy
“I love you forever” - say.

Life is so beautiful, smile.
And the world will laugh with you.
Smile as often as possible.
Greet every day with a smile.

Irina, bringing happiness, peace,
We are proud to know you and be friends with you.
And we are happy about the golden autumn times
Congratulations on your birthday, being close to you.

Kind and always with a smile on your lips.
To catch you in your thoughts, not in your dreams
Often we can, but carefully:
There is no way to disturb your peace!

Your delicacy and calmness are strength!
And it’s hard to imagine asking for anything.
Rather, you help others, lovingly,
Forgetting myself for a while.

For this we especially appreciate
And on your birthday we want you unbearably
Shower flowers, confess your love,
Give at least a piece of your soul in love!

And wish you magical and wonderful meetings -
Everything for you, for the lovely Irina!
So be you dearly loved by everyone,
Uniquely happy in life!

Always be cheerful and carefree,
Give up your family affairs

Oh! What a woman went!

Don't forget your makeup, of course.
Even if you're going home
So that everyone you meet involuntarily thinks -
Oh! What a Lady - my God!

Let happiness be a downpour and an avalanche,
A whirlpool, a whirlpool, a river.
What is happiness? -Be loved.
So be loved like no other!
Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, dear.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
A toast to your happiness
We've been in a hurry for a long time.
Let all troubles go away
And all the sorrows will go away,
Only joy to you, (name),
Let your years carry you.
Be cheerful and happy
And beautiful - just like now.
May good luck accompany you
Every day and every hour.

To spite your enemies - live beautifully!
In spite of the years - be young!
Drive away all misfortunes from home
And everything will come by itself.
Suddenly you will become prosperous,
Lucky, always lucky.
The reward awaits you, success!
I wish you to be the happiest of all!

Many years have passed since then.
When the miracle happened.
You came into this world... from nowhere.
Something like this only happens once in a lifetime...
Therefore, let me congratulate you on your birthday.

We wish you:
in work - speed,
in health - vigor,
in happiness - eternity,
in life - infinity.
from the sun - heat,
from people - kindness,
from my husband - tenderness,
from friends - love and loyalty.

The morning will come, and your
In a moment the rose will open its petals.
Let your tender eyes
They don't know what tears are
Let everything be as you want
Let your expectations not be deceived,
And all the wonderful dreams
They will become your reality!

Let surprises delight you
Smiles and flowers
And quickly in life
Dreams will come true!
May every day come
To give happiness,
And there will be a reason in life
Always be happy!

It's your birthday today
We wish you happiness and goodness
And eternal youth bloom
Smiles, sun and warmth
Be young, always beautiful,
Desired, kind and simple,
Always friendly and nice
Always loved, dear

Let there be no sadness in your life,
May happiness meet you everywhere,
May joy remain your companion forever,
And your loved one will be nearby forever

Let the sun shine bright, bright
At the white tender birches,
We wish you good luck and success,
Health and vigor always,
Prosperity for all the years to come.

I wish that your eyes
How a hundred candles burned,
And like nightingales in May
My soul and heart sang.
Comfort, warmth and kindness
They moved into your house,
And so that all your dreams
Turned into reality!

Let all the moments be happy,
Full of tender words and smiles,
Life gives beautiful emotions,
And the aroma of novelty will captivate you!
Compliments, flowers, admiration,
Dreams come true, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And keep the warmth in your heart!

Like a rose in drops of dew,
Let happiness be tender,
Like a turquoise sky,
Boundless and boundless!
And life will be full of warmth,
Smiles, admiration,
Lovely, joyful, bright
Always like it's your birthday!

I want to wish everything to be great
A great amount of cash in your wallet
Great colleagues at a great job
Take a five-day break from work on Saturday
Various issues with excellent solutions
You have excellent relationships with your family
Excellent health, and in your personal life
Let everything be just “excellent” for you!

“So how old is she?
“And really how much. ",
And the woman waves her hand
And he will say in a sing-song voice, lightly and bitterly:
“Why count in vain? Everything is mine"
And then he’ll drink to his friends who came
And will emit a high light
There are only women's birthdays.
Women don't have birth dates!

How much energy this woman has!
How much simple, humane care,
How much love and desire to love -
People who recognize her should not forget!
So let us wish her eternal youth,
Great happiness and heartfelt friendship,
Decorate the family hearth with kindness,
Continue through life with a smile!

The words sound wonderful!
Let there be everything you need in life,
So that happiness increases again -
Warmth of hearts and joy of friendship,
Prosperity, love!

May your life be wonderful
Blooming like a spring garden,
Magical, light, interesting
And as bright as the sky!

Smile more often to your loved ones,
Give the warmth of your soul, loving!
Stay cheerful and bright!
All the colors of happiness are for you!

We wish you not to know grief,
So that there is a sea of ​​happiness,
I would never get sick
Don't grow old for a very long time -
So that in your personal life
Everything was always great.

The scents of velvet roses,
Every bright, wonderful moment,
Fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May your birthday be a joy!

Gentle, sincere words of warmth
Let it warm you with a magical breath,
So that there is always happiness in your soul
And any wishes came true!

Lives in it at once, all in one
And a bitch with an angelic soul
and inaccessibility in a sea of ​​passion
and a subtle mind with no thirst for power.
And the harmfulness in it is like inevitability
SHE is unbridled tenderness
is it clear to you and me now?
She's too tough for everyone

Let the light stripes
There will be more than gray ones
Live in your heart
Hope and faith!

Let the sunshine
It makes me happy more often in the morning,
Fate gives friendship
Good luck and happiness!

Everyone knows you as sweet, gentle,
Although you may lose your temper.
I want to wish you
Only joy in fate.

So that for more than a dozen years
She brought warmth and light to others.
You take life easier.
Dream, work, have fun

Today is my birthday
Family and friends came
They said a lot of beautiful words,
Everyone drank wine for you.

Silky hair! Snow-white teeth!
Husbands - wealthy! Sponsors - gentle!
Lovers - smart! Spouses are in law!
Mothers-in-law - living in another region!

Submissive daughters-in-law! Dishes - washed!
Husbands who don't snore and are shaved at night!
Colleagues - not fixated only on women!
Enemies - weak! Enemies - very weak!

Lunch to bed! Impressions - polar!
And, these, well, those regular ones!
Stocking - no puffs! Not a day without something new!
Husbands are on a very long business trip

Just as cute, fresh, young
Stay longer, not knowing sorrows,
Dream, read, keep peace in your soul,
And I'll come to you for a cup of tea.

There are many wishes in the world,
You can't count them all.
I just congratulate you
I love it the way it is!

You deserve joy in life
Many days are already ahead.
So be happy and healthy
And every day, and every year!

Humane care
And patient hands
Son (daughter) appreciates endlessly,
And my grandson loves it.

We wish you all
Live long without growing old
And, maintaining vigor,
Don't regret the past!

Our wishes are brief:
Health, happiness, less troubles,
So that everything is in order in the family
And life for many, many years.

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And you bloom day by day!
Much - much happiness for you,
Joy, love, goodness!
Walk through life more cheerfully,
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

In the case of public holidays, it is possible that all classes must be postponed to a day off. In such a situation, the lesson schedule for the weekend can be copied from any other weekday schedule.

To transfer school days to weekends, you must fill out the lesson schedule for weekends in advance in the “Stay Mode” directory. Otherwise, the lesson schedule cannot be copied.

To transfer school days to weekends, in the main system menu, select “General education → Timetable → Yearly schedule”(See Figure 1).

Figure 1. Selecting a partition "Schedule for the year"

The annual schedule page will open (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Schedule for the year

Click the icon "Edit" in the cell of the week in which you want to copy the schedule for the weekend. The page will open "Teacher Schedule"(see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Teacher schedule

In the right function menu, select the schedule display mode "Schedule by class". The page will open "Schedule by class"(see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Timetable by class

On the page that opens, in the right functional menu, click the icon to set the parameters of the level of education, parallel and class. Select a week by clicking the ​ icon "Calendar"..

After that, press the button. To reset filtering parameters, click the button . The schedule for given parameters(See Figure 5). To reset filtering parameters, click the button .

Figure 5. Schedule based on specified parameters

On the page that opens, at the top of the schedule there is a line for copying the schedule to a date. Hover your mouse cursor over this line over the day of the week that you want to copy. As a result, the ability to copy the current day’s schedule to a date will become available - the button will appear. To copy the schedule, click the button. A dialog box will open"Copying lessons"(see Figure 6).

Figure 6. Copying lessons

Select the required date to copy the lesson schedule by clicking the icon "Calendar".

If you need to copy the schedule for the entire parallel, fill in the appropriate checkbox.

Important! Checkbox "Copy for entire parallel" available if you select the value in the right functional menu "All" in the parameter "Class"..

Click the button to confirm the selected parameters or button to cancel the selection. An updated schedule will open with the copied day (see Figure 7). The line for copying the schedule will display information from which date the schedule was copied.

Figure 7. Updated schedule with copied day

To cancel copying the schedule, click the button (see Figure 7).

Important! A copy of the daily schedule is not taken into account for this week's workload and cannot be edited for individual lessons. If the schedule includes metagroups that include different classes, then when copying the schedule of only one of these classes, the schedule of the metagroup will be copied to those classes whose groups are part of it.

International Backup Day or Backup Day is held annually on March 31st.

Backup- this is the creation of a copy of data on a medium (hard drive, flash card, CD-ROM and other media) designed to restore data in case of damage or loss on the main medium.

In this age of computers and electronics, ensuring the safety of valuable information is becoming increasingly important. The loss of financial information, databases or website information can lead to big problems in the organization and significantly hit the wallet. Yes, and each individual user home computer, communicator or simple cell phone can get a lot of grief by losing the necessary data - from favorite photos, home videos or necessary articles to contact numbers and addresses.

Therefore, International Backup Day is intended to attract public attention to the issues of ensuring the preservation of information, as well as to spread awareness about the need to protect against data loss.

Backup Day was established on the initiative of users of the social news site Reddit and it was no coincidence that it was set for March 31st. In the computer environment, there are known cases of information loss on April 1 (those are the “jokes”) - there is even a whole group of April Fools’ viruses that are activated on this day. The result of their merciless action is a system failure or loss of information.

Today there are many different approaches, tools and programs that provide a competent backup system. How to organize this process is up to each user. You can take appropriate actions yourself or contact specialists on this issue.

The statistics prepared by the online backup service Backblaze for such a significant date are simply amazing. It turns out that 35% of all users have NEVER backed up their data! 51% of users make backups once a year or less! And only about 8% of users make backups daily, 15% - once a week, 30% - once a month! It’s interesting that over time, the percentage of users who make backups does not change at all, i.e. people don't want to study at all own mistakes. As expected, the need for backup is understood by more experienced users who have higher education and sufficient experience working with computer equipment.

You should not let the situation take its course and assume that this problem will never affect you. Everything is possible - from man-made problems, technical failures and equipment failure to accidental deletion of files or the introduction of a malicious virus, and sometimes simply losing your phone.

Beginning users, and especially women, come to the idea of ​​backing up important data, as a rule, only after it has been lost. Let's not wait, according to the great Russian tradition, for the roast rooster to peck, and let's start backing up at least the most important data today. Therefore, today’s holiday can be celebrated very in a simple way- create a backup copy of your data from your computer and save it on a reliable resource. And, of course, tell all your friends and acquaintances about this so that they do the same.

Protect yourself from force majeure by backing up important information today!

I solemnly swear on March 31st to make a backup of all the documents and valuable memories I need. In addition, I will tell my friends and family about International Backup Day - a friend will not leave a friend without a backup!


Most people choose one of two methods to backup their files: saving copies to external drive, or to some online storage.
It's really simple and you only need to set up the process once!
DISCLAIMER: Although this process is very simple, we are not responsible for the loss of any data. Make sure you read everything carefully and then everything should work out!

You will need external hard disk, preferably larger than your computer's hard drive.
The good news is that they are inexpensive!

Click the Start button.
Enter the word “backup” into the search bar.
Click on Backup and Restore.
Select “Set up Backup”.
When Windows has finished preparing, select your external drive and click Next.
Select “Let Windows Choose” and click Next.
If you want, you can choose which one Windows time will backup your files by clicking “Change Backup Schedule”. The more often the better!
After that, click “Save settings and run backup”.
That's all! Now Windows will automatically make backups. Make sure your hard drive is still connected; if you use a laptop, set yourself a reminder to plug it in periodically.

Open start screen and start typing “file history settings”.
Select “File History Settings” from the search results.
Select “Select a drive”.
Select your external drive from the list provided.
Click “Turn on”.
It's that simple. Now Windows will automatically make backups. Make sure your hard drive remains on or plug it in as often as possible.
Congratulations on setting up your first backup!

First, connect your USB drive. After that, follow the instructions below to start automatically backing up your Mac!
**WARNING:** Make sure your new USB drive is completely clean! Time Machine requires *clean disk*, keep that in mind. If this new disk or cleaning it doesn't bother you, read on!
Open the menu (top left of your screen) and select System Preferences.
Click “Time Machine”.
Click “Select Disk”.
Select your USB drive from the list provided and click “Use Disk”.
That's all! Now your Mac will back up your data automatically. If you use a MacBook, be sure to connect your hard drive to it regularly so it can save files!

Every Linux distribution offers various tools to backup your data. We've posted the instructions for Ubuntu below.
Open the HUD (click the Ubuntu button in the Dash) and type “Backup”.
Click on the search result “Backup”.
Click on “Just show my backup settings”.
Activate “Automatic backups”.
Choose the location to store your backup on the tab “Storage” (your external drive).
Choose how often to backup on the “Schedule” tab. The more often, the better!
Click on “Back Up Now” on the tab “Overview” to start backing up.
That was easy. Ubuntu will backup all your files automatically fromnow on. Make sure you leave your hard drive plugged in - or at least plug it in often.
Congratulations on setting up your first backup!

An easy way to save your files online is to use OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive to backup the most important data you are currently working on.
These online services are not that powerful and only back up one folder on your computer. However, this is a great option for students or workers who need to reliably protect their most important data.

If you want to create a backup purchase of EVERYTHING (bravo!) - pay attention to this review - it can help you choose the most suitable service for you.

Backup rule "3-2-1"

It is believed that the “3-2-1” backup rule was first described by Peter Krogh in his book “Digital Asset Management for Photographers.” And this is probably not surprising, since the loss of a personal archive means complete disaster for a professional photographer, and he simply must adhere to a backup strategy that is guaranteed to protect him from data loss.

So, the “3-2-1” rule states that to ensure reliable data storage, you must have at least:

  1. THREE backups,
  2. which should be stored in TWO various physical storage formats,
  3. and ONE from copies must be transferred to off-site storage
All three components of the rule are based on the principle of ensuring fault tolerance through data storage redundancy.

"Three different copies" means "three copies stored in three physically different locations." (Two different folders, located on one physical disk are considered to be located in one place). I won't get into the math, but as you increase the number of copies, (assuming the physical characteristics of the storage devices are the same and the threats to those devices are statistically independent) the probability of failure increases linearly and the reliability of storage increases according to a power function. That is, when you make three copies instead of one, you get a tripling of the probability of failure of a given set of copies with a cubic increase in reliability. In real life, this makes data stored in triplicate virtually “indestructible,” although you may have to replace failed drives a little more often simply because there are more of them in the aggregate.

However, alas, it is in real life that there is often a statistical dependence of threats. For example, when an electromagnetic pulse occurs in the office power circuit, it equally affects all disks at once. And, if one disk fails, then, most likely, the other two will also fail (due to the homogeneous nature of the impact of the pulse on typical commercially produced disks, which have identical requirements for the quality of the power supply).

Why do you need three copies and not two? Because in real life, very often, threats to two copies of data turn out to be statistically dependent due to the logical organization of the backup procedure. For example, consider RAID1 (or a disk array with “mirroring”). If a virus infects a file on one disk of the array, the second copy on the mirror disk is immediately infected. Likewise, if replication is configured, the replica will also be instantly corrupted by the virus. Even if a full backup is simply created daily, it will also be infected if the administrator does not notice the infection of the source data within a day. In general: two copies will not be enough to restore information in all cases where the time to identify and respond to damage to the original data exceeds the period between adjacent tasks of copying/replicating/mirroring this data.

To ensure even greater statistical independence of threats, it is recommended that data be recorded in at least two different physical formats. For example, if you save data on a DVD (optical recording of information), then it will not be affected by the electromagnetic pulse described earlier. Even if the DVD drive fails, the optical storage media themselves will save your data. Other examples of a statistically dependent threat could be a long-term critical increase in temperature due to a failed air conditioner in a server room or a fire in the office, which, of course, has an absolutely uniform effect on all copies stored inside the office.

Thus, storing copies in different physical formats is intended to reduce the likelihood of simultaneous data loss of all copies due to uniform impact.

In fact, the third point, storing one copy outside the office, solves the same problem (reducing the statistical dependence of threats to different copies of data), only through the geographical distribution of storage locations. A theft or fire in an office may result in the loss of all copies stored there, but a fire or theft in one office will not lead to a fire or theft in another geographically isolated office, making these threats at different offices statistically independent.

What about storing data in the cloud? Can this be considered a backup replacement? Obviously not. This is simply an alternative place to store data or backups of it, and, by the way, a good candidate for off-site backup storage. However, we must always remember that data can be lost in the cloud just like in any other place.

At the same time, the undoubted advantage of cloud providers is that the backup process is greatly simplified. The administrator does not need to buy and configure complex storage systems or “mess around” with changing tapes. Often, cloud storage is transparently expanded at the client’s request, that is, it does not have a physical size limit for the client (the limitation for the client is rather financial in nature), which also has its advantages over storage systems, the free space on which can “suddenly” run out.

In fact, cloud storage of backup copies of copies is an alternative to tapes, since data from it, compared to local disk storage, is retrieved with a certain delay (which depends on the channel width and the provider’s tariff, since, usually, the lower the tariff in cost, the slower it will be data retrieval speed).

Is it always necessary to strictly follow the “3-2-1” rule? No, it all depends on the value of your data, on the one hand, and the criticality (cost of potential damage) and the likelihood of threats to the data, on the other hand. Any protection should not exceed the cost of the protected object. Therefore, if you store data that is not particularly valuable, or the threats are low critical or unlikely, you can partially implement the “3-2-1” rule. The main thing is to still create a matrix of threats to data (that is, make a list of all possible threats, assess their likelihood and criticality) and carry out the process of their de-actualization (that is, for each threat either write in the table either “de-actualized by such and such a technical measure” or “recognize not relevant from the point of view of the nature of the company's business"). After working through the threat matrix, it will become clear to what extent the 3-2-1 rule should be implemented, and what budget will ultimately be required.