How to insert a community widget from VKontakte. Overview and configuration of widgets for VK groups: automate lead generation! Why create a VKontakte group widget? For what purpose

Hello! Summer has almost come and the brain is slowly starting to melt from the heat, but I decided to put it together and write an article on how to insert the VKontakte group widget on the site, since several friends have already contacted me with this question.

Such a widget will come in handy in order to link your blog with your VKontakte group, and, accordingly, make the blog more popular and visited.

Of course, this assumes that you already have a group on this social network, as we will need your group's address in order to embed the widget on the site.
It is most often placed in the sidebar or above the footer, whichever you prefer. Externally, this block will look something like this:

So let's get started with the installation. First of all, in order for us to get this widget, we need to go to the following address:

You can also get to the page we need from your page on VKontakte. All you need to do is follow the link at the bottom of the page. "developers":

By the way, as you know, getting to the very bottom of the page is very difficult, especially if you have a large number of news. Therefore, I advise you to go to the "settings" section, from where it will be very easy to get to the bottom of the page.

Also, you can get to the desired page bypassing all the previous points, simply by going to the address: You will get to the same place.

I will analyze the settings according to the points that I numbered in the figure:

1. In the first paragraph, you need to insert the address of the page of your group. To do this, open your group in a new window and copy the address of the group from the address bar.

2. Decide how the widget will be displayed: as avatars of participants (as in my example), news, or just as a title. Test all the points in turn and see which one you like best.

When you change any parameter, the widget at the bottom, for example, will constantly change, depending on the new settings, so all changes will be immediately visible.

3. Adjust the width and height, depending on the place on the site where the widget will be located.
By the way, in the future, if you need to change the size, it is not at all necessary to go back to this page and set other numbers. It is quite simple in the code that we will insert on the blog to change the parameters "width" (width) and "height" (height)

4. In the fourth paragraph, select the color of the background, text and button to your liking.

5. And the last thing to do is copy the code below to the clipboard.

6. The sixth point is just a good example of how the created widget will look.

Now let's look at how to insert the Vkontakte widget on the site.

There are two options for pasting the code. I've used both and both worked for me with no problems. So see which option is best for you.

The first option is considered more correct. The first part of the code, next to which I put the letter “A” in the figure, needs to be copied and pasted into a template file called “header.php” before the closing tag “» .
Some bloggers advise to insert all such codes into a file footer.php so that they do not interfere with the loading of the main content of the site. But, with this widget it doesn't work, it just won't work

The second part of the code (marked with the letter B) must be written in the place where the widget will be located. Most often this is the "sidebar.php" file. Or you can simply insert it through the site admin panel. To do this, go to the "Widgets" section, select the "text" widget, drag it to the sidebar and write the second part of the code there.

Second option. If you're new to website building and don't enjoy tinkering with your blog's template files, this option is for you.

In this option, you don’t need to open any files, just go straight to the site’s admin panel to the “Widgets” section and, as in the previous option, write both parts of the code in the “text” widget, that is, both A and B. Don't forget to save the changes.

Everything, after that the VKontakte group widget should appear in the sidebar on your site. I hope you will not have any difficulties installing the widget, however, if something does not work out, write in the comments, we will figure it out together.

Synergy is what is needed for any community and group, store and blog. What will help synchronize the work of the site and VK? The VKontakte group widget on the site solves a number of issues - virality, increased sales and feedback from users. How to add a vk widget, which ones are the best and what do they eat with? The answers to all these questions are at the end of the article.

Why create a VKontakte group widget? For what purpose?

Regardless of what direction your site and group in VK are, they must be synchronized, united, harmonious. You don't need to be a programmer to set up the integration, just use simple installation instructions. By themselves, they represent applications that are responsible for establishing a two-way communication between the resource and the community. The best example is “Like”, which allows users to like from their account on the site.

The main goal of the installation is to simplify the use of the resource, because then the visitor wants to stay longer and see more. This affects the conversion and increases the loyalty of visitors to the site, speaks of reliability.

Remember that nothing will tell you better than your personal account or community. What will help establish friendly, trusting relationships?

The most useful "helpers" for any resource:

  • Authorization - suitable for those who have a personal account.
  • I like it - ideal for any resource, regardless of subject matter.
  • Comments - suitable for those who are engaged in sales.
  • Messages and communities - for all selling companies.
  • Write to us - a universal option.
  • Recommendations - for blogs.
  • - a universal thing for market research and user activity.
  • Wall posting is for everyone.
  • Communities are for everyone and everyone.
  • Publication of links - for those who are engaged in promotion on the Internet.

How to create a VK group widget?

To add the desired widget, you do not always need to download additional applications. It is enough to enter the community from a computer and make a couple of simple movements:

  • go to community management;
  • go to applications;
  • select the desired widget;
  • fill in the settings;
  • save your changes.

Do not forget that different widgets have additional settings. For example, when uploading lead widgets, you need to select the type (text or personal), and when adding a “message distribution”, select a group of recipients.

There is also a special application LiveWidget, where you can add several at once. To do this, you need to go to the community management, then to applications, go to LiveWidget and add the ones you need.

How does the group widget on the site help in increasing customers, users?

VK group widgets on the site help in a number of issues, which ultimately attracts customers:

  • increase the number of registrations;
  • help to study the needs of users or customers, adapting to their requests;
  • make a portrait of the consumer;
  • involve users in group activities;
  • provide advice and assistance;
  • increase the number of users;
  • establish a connection between business and ordinary buyer;
  • lead to increased trust among users.

Why does a widget solve so many questions? Because it becomes easy and pleasant for the client to use the site, he does not need to spend extra time studying and searching for the necessary sections and functions. The interaction is systematized, and therefore I want to return to you more often.

Possible problems when creating a VK group widget

The main difficulty is to choose the right one and install it. In order not to be mistaken, determine what effect you want to achieve and what is the focus of the resource. If you have problems adding the widget, please contact technical support or try again later.

Good afternoon dear friends. Social networks have become an integral part of the lives of many people. Some find interlocutors, others find friends, and some work. One way or another, the number of social media users is steadily growing every year. Therefore, to miss the opportunity to attract such users to your site would be a big mistake. For this purpose, we want VK users to be able to easily comment on posts.

Many large sites have their own VK groups through which communication with customers, sales, advertising companies etc. VKontakte offers the opportunity to increase the number of community subscribers, by installing the VKontakte group widget on your website. Today we'll talk about how to do it.

How to add a VKontakte group widget

1. Log in and go to the developer section

Searching on the page the inscription "Developers".

2. Go to the section "Widgets for sites"

We go down to the very bottom of the page and find the link in the footer.

3. Select the "Communities" section

It makes it possible to associate a VK group with a site.

4. Set up the group widget

  1. Specify the address of the community
  2. Install appearance. You can customize the contents of the window, namely: Members - photos of group members will be displayed in the widget, News - the community news feed is displayed, Name only - only the name of the community and the number of subscribers are displayed. All changes will be shown at the bottom of the settings window, by changing one item, you can see how it will visually look
  3. Width. Specify the size of the plugin
  4. Background color, text color, button color - customize the widget palette

5. Insert the code of the VKontakte group widget on the site

As in all VK products, the code is divided into two parts. We put the first one in the tag …, the second - to the place where you want to see it. It is important if your site already has installed widgets VK, then there is no need to install the first part of this code.

I am sure that everyone who reads this article will register at least in one of the social networks. And practically each of the registered users with great pleasure uses the proposed functionality and capabilities of social networks.

That is why some functionality is in demand for us, the owners of sites and blogs, which we will consider today.

Vkontakte community message widget

The most useful, in my opinion, is the Community Posts widget.

A widget with which any registered user of the Vkontakte network can send a message from the site to your group.

Installing the Community Posts Widget on Your Site

In order for the widget to work, you need to enable the widget in the group settings in the "Messages" section and allow its use on the pages of the blog or site.

  1. select the group we need,
  2. copy and paste the received code on the pages of your site (for example: footer)

Of the additional settings, the “Open immediately” parameter (shown: 1) should be noted. Do not be intrusive, let your user decide on their own whether to write you a message, leave this option hidden.

Widget you can see at the bottom right of my blog, try to write something.

Widget "Write to us"

The Contact Us widget is a simplified version of the previous widget. The only difference is that an authorized user of the Vkontakte network, when clicking "Write to us", proceeds to a dialogue with a group or a specific person.

In this widget, you can specify not only a group and your own page.

Installing the Contact Us Widget

It is enough to enter the necessary data and install the code to display the “Write to us” button in the right place on the site:

  1. group link,
  2. message text in the button (max 140 characters),
  3. button size (18, 20, 22, 24, 30).

Vkontakte comments widget for the site

Widget "Comments" - ready-made commenting functionality for your site.

Unfortunately, this widget cannot be integrated into the site system, and therefore VKontakte comments on the pages of your site or blog will not be indexed, which is both a minus and a plus.

This kind of commenting form is suitable for information sites where there is no moderation of information received from users, or its volume does not allow moderation. Everything that will be written in the comments is not yet available for search robots. At the same time, it will not work to expand the volume of content and dilute it with “good additional” keys.

An additional advantage of this widget is the duplication of the left comment on the user's page with a link back to the source.

Installing the Comments Widget

  1. select the required application,
  2. specify the required number of comments to display,
  3. disable or enable the attachment functionality, select the ones you need,
  4. specify the width of the comments widget (minimum value is 300px),
  5. paste the resulting code in the place where the comment form is displayed.

Widget Administration

Any of the administrators connected to the application can moderate comments. Just click in the comment header on the link "administration"

Wall Post Widget

One of the simplest widgets in which you can use any posts from VKontakte pages (including audio and video recordings)

This widget will be useful for those who hold various promotions and contests in their own groups, or publish user-generated content that, for one reason or another, cannot be posted on the official website.

Installing the Wall Post Widget

  1. specify a link to the desired post or message,
  2. choose the desired width
  3. install the resulting code in the required place on the site (for example: sidebar).

Vkontakte community widget

One of the most common widgets from the social network Vkontakte.

You have met this widget, and perhaps you yourself use it on the pages of your own blog.

Installing the Communities Widget

  1. indicate the link to the VKontakte group,
  2. choose the type:
    participants(title, description, number of participants with multiple output and subscribe button)
    news(title, description, community members, pinned post and subscribe button)
    name only(title, description, number of participants and subscribe button)
  3. specify the width (minimum 120px), height can be specified in the code (minimum 120px, maximum 1200px)
  4. choose the color of the text, background and buttons,
  5. put the code in the right place on the site.

Two related to each other and at the same time of little use widget.

Like Widget

With this widget, you can like the page. The data will be entered into the Vkontakte application and will be stored for a month.

Installing the Like Widget

  1. specify the desired application,
  2. select the desired output format,
  3. set button height
  4. change the text of the button (two options: "I like it", "it's interesting"),

This widget displays posts liked by your users by the number of likes, but counts them exclusively from the application. Therefore, it takes into account only those likes that were made thanks to the "Like" widget.

  1. specify the desired application,
  2. select the number of records to be displayed,
  3. specify the sampling period (maximum month),
  4. choose the wording
  5. install the code in the right place on the site.

Vkontakte poll widget

Using the "Polls" widget, any registered user of Vkontakte can take part in the voting or express their own opinion on the pages of your site.

Installing the Polls Widget

  1. specify the desired application,
  2. creating a survey topic
  3. indicate the answer options
  4. specifying the width of the block (minimum 300px),
  5. install the code in the right place on the site.

Vkontakte authorization widget

This widget can be incredibly useful, but in cases where it is tied to a specific functionality. This topic, I think, is quite complicated, and requires a separate article. If there is a need for it, I ask you to vote a little higher for its appearance on the blog.

The Publish Links widget is a great name for a widget, especially for SEOs. Shares of pages on your site or blog in a social network, with which you can really get a significant number of links that your readers and users share.

Installing the Publish Links Widget

  1. choose button style
  2. specifies the text for the button,
  3. specify what will be published (the page on which the button is located or a specific url),
  4. install the code in the right place on the site.

Information about the shared page is best read through OGP.

Follow Author Widget

Standard functionality for subscribing to a group or a specific page for authorized Vkontakte users.

Installing the Follow Author Widget

  1. provide a link to the subscription page,
  2. select button type
  3. install the code in the right place on the site.

Good day everyone! I have touched on the topic many times social networks, where I mainly focus on receiving social signals.

Today I will continue the topic of community promotion, but already one of free methods, thanks to the Vkontakte group widget on the site.

What webmaster does not strive to increase the traffic of his projects, because this is one of the significant factors in the success of his activities on the network. Since you need traffic, why not get it not only from search engines, but also from social networks, for example: Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte and others.

I will not dwell on promotion in social networks now, but will only touch on a separate topic regarding receiving transitions from communities (groups) from VK.

In past articles, I told in detail, who did not read this post, use the link above.

The essence of this technique is as simple as the world, you need to make a community of similar subjects with your sites and promote it in all possible ways.

Later, my method was described using special programs (Group Builder, Inviter, Troll, Botovod), but since they are paid, not every beginner can take them into service.

But for those who have at least a little traffic on the site, there is an excellent opportunity to attract the attention of visitors to the Vkontakte thematic group widget, which will help increase the number of subscribers, which in the future can be converted not only into regular visitors, but also into customers.

To make it immediately clear what we are going to do today, I ask you to pay attention to the sidebar, the right column, the blog site.

In a couple of minutes, a similar picture will be displayed on your projects.

How to make a Vkontakte group widget

It is time to move from theory to practice, for which we go to the well-known site and on any page we go down to the very bottom of the screen, where in the footer you will have to click on the link "To Developers".

After that, you should get to a special page where you can develop or manage social applications. In this section of the site, we need the “Authorization and Widgets for Sites” window, so we click on it.

Now you need to click on the "Communities" link from the "Widgets for the site" section to connect it to the site.

On the last page it will be possible to produce everything necessary settings group display on the site.

View- mark what will be displayed in the information field:

Members— avatars of subscribers;
News- latest community news;
Title only I don't think it's worth explaining.

Style Settings- here you set the width and height of the block in pixels, and also choose what color it will have: background, text and buttons.

Embed code- presents the code that needs to be added to the site files in order for the custom block to start displaying.

The first piece of code (red color) will have to be inserted anywhere in the file header.php before the closing tag. If you have previously installed similar applications, such as the comments widget, then this code should, in theory, be added to you already.

The second piece of code ( blue color) will have to be inserted into the place on the site where you plan to display the group widget from Vkontakte and below I will show you how to do it.

Installing a community block from Vk to a WordPress blog

Since my blog is powered by WordPress CMS (engine), I will show by my own example the easiest way to implement this group info window in the sidebar of my blog.

This technology will work on all WordPress platforms, and the widget itself can be displayed in any place convenient for you: footer (footer), header, article.

Go to the site's admin panel and select the "Widgets" tab. Of the available blocks, we are interested in the one called "Text" (arbitrary text or HTML code.), So we drag it to our sidebar.

You should get something similar to mine:

Now if you go to the blog page, then your group from Vkontakte will be displayed in the sidebar.

By the way, you can edit the style settings directly from the code itself, if you look closely, you can see all the previously set parameters (width, height, color) there.

It would seem that such a disgracefully simple way, but for some reason it causes problems for some.

That's all for me, if you have any questions I'm always happy to help. Bye!