Heliporter write us a copy of the message. How to send one email to many recipients at once. You don't subscribe

found on the same Internet (see, for example, http://www.si>ber.com/sib/russify) or on the BBS. Nevertheless, sometimes you can encounter a situation where a person who has been using email, there is no MIME support, and no means to work with uuencode. It is impossible to send decoding utilities to him by mail, since for this they themselves need to be encoded first. A vicious circle emerges.

To solve this problem, a version of the uudecode utility for MS DOS and Windows was created, which is remarkable in that it does not contain a single non-printable character. The executable file of this utility can be inserted into a letter without any encoding and sent by mail. The recipient will only have to cut this fragment of the letter into a separate file with the .corn extension, and he will become the owner of a decoding utility that is compatible with uudecode.

To get this great utility, send a blank email to [email protected], by entering the string "send uudecode.coin" (without quotes) in the Subject field.

Returns and delivery confirmations

Sooner or later, you are bound to come across outdated or incorrect email addresses. If you send a letter to such an address, any of the intermediate network nodes will send you an error message. Unfortunately, these messages always come from a computer, not a person, so they often confuse the inexperienced user. Let's look at examples of such returns in order to learn how to extract the maximum information from them.

Let's start simple. Let's say an error occurred in the username. Then you will probably receive something like this:

From "UUPC/O Daemon"

[email protected]>To: [email protected]

Subject: Delivering Eggs

Unknown local username(a):

Your message forwarded to

[email protected] su Message header


The line "Message header follows" is followed by the header of your letter with the wrong address. The letter itself does not disappear, but is forwarded to the administrator (postmaster) of this computer - in our example, there is no John user on the polylog.spb.su node, so the letter is forwarded to the address post

[email protected]. The error message in this case is sent automatically by the mail system of the polylog.spb.su machine.

However, far from always everything ends so idyllic: personally. Accept a letter and only then start to figure out which user to forward it to - this behavior is typical mainly for computers that have only a mail connection to the network (p. 203). Most network nodes behave differently - having found out directly online that the letter is addressed to a non-existent user, they immediately wrap it back. In this case, you will receive your completely undelivered letter with the following diagnostics:

Subject: Returned mail: User unknown

To: [email protected] MIME Version: 1.0

Content Type: multipart/mixed: boundary="l)AA07768.787B57257/lgu gw,lgu.spb.su"

UAA07768.787857257/lgu gw.lgu.spb.su

The following addresses had delivery problems [email protected](unrecoverable error)

Transcript of session follows . while

talking to north.pole.org.:

»^ RCPT To:

«< 550 ,..User unknown 550 [email protected].,. User unknown

Original message follows

The fragment, to which the line with “While talking to...” is prefaced, is part of the “log record” of a communication session between two computers, during which it turned out that on the second of them (north.pole.org) there is no user with this identifier ( elvis).

If the error is contained in the domain name, then things get even more complicated. Such a letter can take a completely unpredictable route and return after quite a long wandering. For example, sending a letter from St. Petersburg to the wrong (but St. Petersburg) address, you can get an indignant response right from Kyiv:

To: reltec "dk% [email protected]

The following addresses had delivery problems [email protected](unrecoverable error)

Transcript of session follows

501g [email protected]... 550 Host unknown (Name server: host not found)

Original message follows

IN In such error messages, the original letter is quoted in full (because it has never been attached anywhere).

Finally, sometimes even a letter with the correct address cannot be delivered to its destination due to: technical problems online. In this case, after some time, you will receive approximately the following diagnostics:

From: Mail Delivery Subsystem Subject: Returned mail: warning: cannot send message for 2 days

To: cfl.lgu. spb.su "dk<»cfl. lgu.spb.su MIME Version: 1.0

Content Type: multipart/mixed:boundary="VAA07914.785098490lgu gw.lgu.spb.su"

This is a MIME encapsulated message

VAA07914.785098490/lgu gw.lgu.spb.su



The following addresses had delivery problems

mailserveriaph.irkutsk.su (transient failure)

Transcript of session follows

[email protected]... Deferred:

Name server: riaph.Irkutsk.su: host name lookup failure Warning: message still undelivered after 2 days Will keep trying until message is 5 days old

Original message follows

As you can see, large and framed, you are asked not to send the letter again (yet), since the system has not yet despaired of delivering it to its destination. If she still fails to do this in the next three days, the attempts will be stopped and you will be told about this with:

\ additional communication. Specific dates may vary; for example, some nodes begin to sound the alarm even if the letter cannot be delivered within 4 hours, and they have enough patience for 3 days (instead of 5, as in the above example).

Of course, these restrictions are valid only for "real" network nodes, which are required to be in touch around the clock. Having reached the host of the provider, from which the user picks up mail only during communication sessions (whether through mail or direct connection), the letter will wait for the addressee for an arbitrarily long time.

The main thing that is required in such cases from the user is to be able to understand which of his letters received a return. Even better, if you can figure out which part of the address - before or after the "@" symbol - contains an error. If only the username is wrong, then you should write to the administrator of the destination host and ask if he has such a user and how to reach him.

Another type of automatic mail, but sent already at the request of the sender, is a delivery notice. If the header of your letter contains the field "Return Receipt To:" (p. 229), then the recipient's mail system, having written his letter to the mailbox, automatically generates and sends to the address specified in this field, a delivery notification, which looks like that:

Subject: Return Receipt

Your inessage sucessfully delivered to: dmitry Message header follows

The notification also contains the full header of the delivered email with all "postmarks" ("Received:" fields).

List mailing

The first and seemingly obvious rule - do not send letters to just anyone. Mailing by list, generally speaking, is justified only if each of the recipients has previously expressed interest in what you are going to send him.

Business communication is its own world with its own laws. A lot depends on how we comply with these laws: the impression we make on colleagues and partners, work productivity, and even career advancement.

A special place in business communication is occupied by business correspondence, which is the daily duty of most office workers and not only. The ability to properly conduct business correspondence can be a good help for making profitable deals and building your business image.

Let's look at some of the features of a business letter. So, business correspondence is:

  • use of formulaic phrases and clichés
  • emotional neutrality,
  • semantic accuracy and conciseness of presentation,
  • well-structured argument.

Business correspondence in English is the same set of rules and cliches, some of which we recommend to everyone who works with foreign partners or in international companies. We bring to your attention some useful phrases that will decorate your business correspondence. These phrases will emphasize your professionalism and help shape the image of a business person. Start? m!

1.Please find attached

Let's start with the classics. Often you have to attach various documents or other files to the letter. In order to notify the recipient about the presence of an attachment, this phrase is perfect. After all, the word “Attachment” in translation means “investment”. The phrase should be used at the end of the letter.

Here are a couple of usage examples:

  • Please find attached my portfolio.
  • Please find attached copy of the agreement/contract.

2.I have forwarded

This phrase can be used if you need to forward the email to other recipients. To notify the addressee about this, the phrase “I have forwarded” is perfect. For example:

  • I have forwarded Anna's CV to you.
  • I have forwarded John's email to you.

3.I've cc'ed

A person uninitiated in all the secrets of the peculiarities of business correspondence may not understand what this strange abbreviation means. But we are professionals. "I've cc'ed" is an abbreviation that stands for I have carbon copied. The phrase means "put someone on a copy to receive letters."

So if you need to let someone know that you put other recipients in a copy, feel free to use this phrase. Eg:

  • I've cc'ed Sara on this email.
  • I've cc'ed Jack and Jimmy on these emails.

As for abbreviations that cannot be used in business correspondence, an exception is usually made for this case.

4.For further details

This phrase is a proven way to politely end your letter in English. "For further details", means "for more detailed information", "in more detail". Examples of using:

  • For further details contact me any time.
  • For further details write to our Sales-manager.

Another phrase to help you finish politely is "If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me." In translation, this means "If you have any questions, feel free to write to me."

5.I look forward to

The phrase "look forward" means "to look forward to". So if you are looking forward to a response or some other action from the addressee, then it would be quite appropriate to use this phrase. Eg:

  • I look forward to your answer.
  • I'm looking forward to your reply.

The phrase is best used at the end of the letter.

When writing a letter, you need to be polite even when you don’t really feel like it. The ability to write competent letters in any situation reflects your professionalism, good breeding and knowledge of business ethics. In conclusion, we recall that in business correspondence you must show the accuracy of the wording and impeccable literacy. It is also unacceptable to use abbreviations (with rare exceptions).

Write emails in English correctly, dear friends! Good luck!

Most email clients, including gmail, Mail.ru, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, allow you to put multiple recipients in copy(abbreviation adopted in English SS), or Bcc (CCB). IN Copies recipients can see other people's addresses. In the second case, the identity of additional recipients is hidden.

Adding a recipient address

To specify the recipient(s) of the email, enter their email address in the field To whom (That):

Some email clients allow you to simply enter a username in a field that is then automatically populated by the program.

If you use this field to send email to multiple people, each of them will be able to see the full list of other recipients.

How to copy an email

Field CC or Copy used to exchange electronic messages in a more indirect way than the field To whom. If you are not directly addressing a person in your email, but would like that person to follow the discussion in the email thread or just be aware of this topic, the field Copy would be a great option. Addressee located in Copies letters, receives an unread letter in his mailbox, just like the one who was placed in the box To whom; the difference is only in who you address the letter first in the body of your e-mail. In the professional world, mailing to Copies is used very widely and serves to keep colleagues informed about different events and topics.

You can list email recipients by simply entering a list of addresses in the field Copy, which is usually located immediately below the field To whom. Everyone in this chain of recipients will be able to see the names and email addresses of all other recipients:

How to Bcc an Email

Every email client (Gmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo, etc.) allows the sender of an email to reach out to a large number of people without exposing their details to other users in the email chain. This function is called BCC or Hidden copy. You can hide recipients by entering their addresses in the field Hidden copy instead of using fields To whom And Copy:

You can use this feature for both individual and group emails. This is especially useful if you want to keep your contacts private, protect them from spam and spam, or simply don't want your recipients to know who received the same message.

Field Hidden copy not always available by default for all email clients. For example, in Outlook You will need to go to Options to access the setting; V Thunderbird you will need to select this function from the drop-down menu; V gmail you have to press the button Copy And Hidden copy; V Windows Live Mail You will need to simultaneously press the keys alt + B.

Image: © Web Hosting - Unsplash.com

We send dozens of emails every day. Sometimes these are very short messages, such as: "Let's go to lunch?". Sometimes - with which you present your business or website. When there are a lot of letters and little time, we start to rush and make mistakes. Usually trifling, like a typo, but sometimes there are those that can really hurt your reputation and ruin your relationship with a client or employee.

This can be avoided, you just need to be collected and be aware of some pitfalls. Here are the most common mistakes made when sending emails. Read carefully and remember that you first need to take a short pause, check if everything is in order, and only then click on the "Submit" button.

You are dialing the wrong address

The most common and most annoying mistake. Imagine you want to send some pretty personal photos to a friend or girlfriend, but you automatically type in the address of your boss or customer. And only after the letter is gone, you realize with horror what has just happened. If it’s any consolation, each of us has been in this situation at least once in our lives: lawyers sent confidential documents to the opposite side, designers sent site layouts to the wrong client, and so on. But when this happens to us, it seems that the earth is slipping away from under our feet.

Fortunately, in many mail services, for example, in the same Gmail, there is a function. Turn it on and specify a large time interval - so, you know, calmer.

You forgot to invest

You wrote that a file was attached to the letter, but you forgot to attach it. Another common mistake that often leads to misunderstandings and apologies. On the one hand, it's okay, no one is perfect, but it's better to check everything first, and only then send a letter. And to avoid questions from the recipient, we recommend that you list all the attached files right in the body of the letter. For example, like this:

Hey Maxim! I am sending you some files, they are in the attachment:

Service Agreement

GIF with a cat

You don't think about decorating

Meet, as you remember, by clothes. If you don't want your email to make you want to delete it immediately, work on its form. They say that it should be given as much time as the content. Fortunately, today it's easy. For this, we recommend using the Wix ShoutOut app, choosing the appropriate template and adding your text to it. No special knowledge is required, just make sure that everything looks neat and beautiful. By the way, a good mailing list has its own secrets and rules, so we advise you to read our director of email marketing. Don't thank.

You do not include a subject line

The subject of the letter performs approximately the same role as the title of the text. It appears next to your name, the recipient sees it and understands what you sent him: an invoice, the results of a meeting, a job offer, a website layout, etc. Remember that the subject should be clearly formulated so that, if necessary, a person quickly finds your letter, and convincing, so that he is interested, if we are talking about, say, a mailing list. Not so long ago we wrote about if you forgot - it is worth re-reading.

You don't save drafts

If you like writing letters in text editors, then save more often, otherwise it will turn out that you have been sitting on a letter all day, and then suddenly the computer freezes and everything is gone. Or write directly in the mail service - then all your sketches will be automatically saved in the "Drafts" folder.

You are being impolite

Politeness in correspondence is just as important as in life. Here are the basic rules that everyone and everyone must follow:

    Always thank the sender for the letter, especially if you see that he did a good job. Remember when we were all taught “magic” words as children? Let's not forget them, despite the fact that we are already adults.

    Remain calm, even if the matter is extremely urgent and important. Nervousness and reproaches will definitely not lead to anything good.

    Start and end your letter with common phrases. The degree of formality will depend on who you are corresponding with. If this is your boss or just an official, do not use "Hello", "Bye" or "Kiss". And vice versa, if you are writing to a colleague or friend, you can do without the traditional “Respectfully”.

You don't read text

Misprints can spoil the whole impression, so carefully reread the written letter, preferably several times. Doubt about spelling or syntax - go to Diploma.ru. It is better to measure seven times, that is, to check, than later to apologize for typos and prove that you are actually literate.

And by the way: if you are afraid to accidentally send an unfinished letter, first write the entire text in full, and only then type the recipient's address.

You do not put the right people in the copy of the letter

Let's figure out who can even receive your letter. The To field is the primary recipient. The "CC" field is the person who will receive the copy. He does not relate directly to the issue under discussion, but wants or should be aware. The "Bcc" field is the hidden recipients. You add them, but the primary recipient doesn't see them. And here you need to be careful: you can confuse Cc and Bcc, and then the recipient will think that he is being spied on.

Keep in mind that it is important for some people to be aware of what is happening. You do not want to listen to reproaches on the topic “How could you not add me to the copy ?! I worked on this project for two months!” If in doubt, add everyone who has anything to do with the issue. Maybe not everyone will be happy that they are distracted, but there will be no complaints against you.

You don't subscribe

You wrote “Respectfully, Masha” and you think that everything is in order, but the recipient of the letter sits and puzzles over what kind of Masha it is. From a print shop? Or maybe an illustrator? In order not to make him guess - set up a signature, and it will be automatically added to the end of each of your messages. Be sure to include your first name, last name, company name, position, and contact information, such as Skype or phone number. You can add the address - although this is advertising, it is unobtrusive.

You pick the wrong time

Writing letters at night is not the best idea. The first reason: you are probably terribly tired during the day, you don’t think very well and risk making all these mistakes. The second reason: an avalanche of morning mail will bury your midnight letter under it, and in the near future the addressee will definitely not see it. And the third: apparently, you have nothing else to do, since you are writing business letters at three in the morning.

Our advice: if nothing Important and Urgent happened, send messages from Monday to Friday and during business hours, like all normal people.

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"Commercial offer", "News", "For you" or simply "Re:" - if such a letter came from an unknown address, then most likely it will seem like spam. A few words in the subject line of an email can grab the attention of the recipient or make them send the email to the trash. The subject line is the first thing the recipient of the email will read. That is why it is so important to formulate it.

In the subject line of the letter, briefly formulate its main content. It is advisable to write as specifically as possible, not "On the problems", but "Problems in the supply of drugs to the pharmacy on Selezneva Street." If you are applying for cooperation, then indicate in the subject line what affects the interests of the addressee. For example, write not "Proposal for cooperation", but "We offer a joint promotion to increase sales." Or: "For Alfa company: exclusive discount for advertising in Beta outlets". The recipient should immediately understand how your letter will be useful to him. In addition, if he wants to find it in the list of received ones after some time, he will be able to set the keywords you specified in the subject for search. When the recipient of the letter is a potential employer, a convenient option for the subject line would be: "Resume of I. A. Ivanova for the vacancy of a pharmacist."

Never send any files without a cover letter. It's like walking into a business partner's office without saying hello and just throwing the necessary documents on the table. Start your cover letter with a polite appeal: by name and patronymic - to those who are older than you, hold a leadership position, or simply prefer such an appeal to yourself; by name - to those who always introduce themselves only in this way and do not offer to call themselves by patronymic. If you do not know how best to address, then address by name and patronymic. Go to a more familiar address by name, the recipient will suggest you himself. If the name is unknown, you can use generalized words: "Dear colleagues!", "Dear company management!", "Dear suppliers/clients/future partners!" Finally, if you absolutely do not know how to address - just leave the word "Hello!"

At the beginning of the letter, it is best to remind the addressee of how you started cooperation, got to know each other. For example: "During a conference in Moscow, we met and discussed the possibility of further cooperation." With this phrase, you remind the person who you are and why you are writing to him at all. It would not be superfluous to express gratitude, if there is anything for it, for example: "We express our deep gratitude to you for helping us with the advertising campaign."

Then immediately go to the main content of the letter. It is advisable to formulate the reason for the appeal without prefaces in one phrase: "I propose to organize a meeting and discuss the opening of a new branch." Remember that screen text is harder for most people to read than typed text. Therefore, it is important that the person understands as quickly as possible what you want from him. In addition, the first phrases are remembered best. And if you "hide" the main idea in the middle of the letter, then the recipient may simply not catch it. Try to logically break the entire text of the letter into paragraphs. Each of them begin with the main idea of ​​the fragment. If you propose to discuss several issues, then they can be numbered. Avoid overly long emails. If the statement of the problem took up a large amount, it is better to copy it into a separate file and attach it to the letter. Then, if necessary, it will be more convenient for the recipient to save the file in a separate folder or print it.

At the end of the letter, it is customary to express hope for further cooperation, thank you, or in some other way indicate your benevolent attitude towards the recipient of the letter. For example: "I hope that all the difficulties in our cooperation will be overcome, and we will establish the most effective interaction!", "We express our gratitude for the long and fruitful cooperation and support of our project!"

At the end of the letter, include your full name, position, company name and contact information. It is advisable to indicate all the contacts that the recipient may need: postal address, telephones, fax, e-mail, website address. If you use Skype and ICQ for business purposes, please indicate them. In this case, it is desirable not to indicate "extra" contacts. For example, you should not specify several email addresses - it is better to write one to which mail is delivered most reliably.

Sign each of your letters. It is extremely inconvenient when a person indicates contacts from time to time, and in order to call him, you have to look through several of his letters in search of a phone number. Use autosignature in mail programs and mail sites. Due to this feature, the mail program automatically adds an autosignature to each letter it creates.

If you need multiple signature options - for example, with different contact details for regional and federal partners - you can create multiple auto-signature options.

"Oh, I forgot to attach the file. I'm sending it" - this is perhaps the most common phrase that can be found in letters with attached files. Such forgetfulness seems to be a trifle. But because of it, there are significant delays in business processes. You sent a file and are waiting for a response. Call the next day and find out that the file was not received because you forgot to attach it. To avoid this situation, make it a habit to attach files to the letter first when sending files, and then write a cover letter.

Another tip is to name the files in such a way that the recipient can understand them. If your addressee is a potential employer, then the file should not be called "Resume", but "Ivanova I. A. Resume for the vacancy of a pharmacist" or "Pharmacist. Ivanova". If the recipient is a business partner, then also look at the file through his eyes. Name not: "Commercial offer for the Alpha company", but "Commercial offer from the Beta company". Not: "Price", but "Price. Advertising on coin boxes. Company "Reklamist"". In this case, the recipient will quickly save the letter in his folder and he will not have to rename it specially.

It is advisable to send a letter to the person whose competence really includes resolving the issues raised in the letter. If you are sending a resume, you must first find out the email of the HR manager or manager. If a proposal for cooperation is sent, then it is obligatory for the one who makes decisions on such issues, be it a purchasing manager, an advertising specialist or a director.

It happens that the only available address is the general address of a company like info@ or reklama@. If you write to such an address, you can easily go unnoticed, because it receives a lot of spam. Therefore, it is advisable to indicate in the subject of the letter the name of the employee of the company for whom the letter is intended or the name of the company you are contacting. Also, keywords related to the company's activities will help to attract attention. For example: "Problems with the supply of wood from the company" Firewood of Siberia "" - such a wording will attract the attention of the managers of the corresponding company.

Another typical mistake of senders is the desire to notify everyone about the content of their letter. They indicate the addresses of all more or less interested people so that they receive copies. Unnecessary letters irritate the recipients, they distract from work, including yourself, when they start calling you back for clarification.

There is a rule: if you list all recipients separated by commas, then you expect a response from each of them, and if you indicate part of the addresses in the "Copy of the letter" line, then you do not expect a response from these recipients, just informing them. However, this rule is not followed by everyone. And with permanent addressees it is better to specifically agree on such a rule.

Another handy feature for sending copies is Bcc. If you enter the address of the second recipient in this line, the first one will not know that you have informed someone else.

Use delivery notification for important emails. Don't try to include it in every letter. You can also use a note that the letter is especially important. Just don't abuse it. And then some senders of letters like to mark as especially important all letters in a row, and from this their letters generally cease to be perceived as significant.

To work with received letters, the function of sorting received letters into folders is very convenient. In the mail program, you can create certain rules according to which incoming letters will be distributed into folders from a certain addressee, with a certain keyword, and so on. Letters can be sorted by almost any parameter: by importance, size, date, address list, and so on. Using sorting is especially convenient if you subscribe to any mailing lists or if you receive a large volume of letters. In this case, for example, news coming from the mailing list will fall into a separate folder, and you will be able to read them when the time is right, and not every time such a letter arrives.

It is not customary to use emoticons in business letters. Express emotions with words: "wonderful", "very happy", "admire". The exception is correspondence with business partners with whom you switched to "you", have already drunk coffee together more than once and generally maintain informal relations. Some try to be original in their letters. For example, they come up with non-standard signatures and final phrases: "The most creative director", "The best sales manager", "With respect and love for you", "I look forward to hearing from you".

For an employee of a holiday agency, a design studio whose work involves a creative approach, non-standard wording will only be a plus, but if an accountant or manager starts being original, then this is unlikely to be accepted with understanding.

When replying to letters, it is most convenient to keep a copy of the incoming letter in the body of the letter, it is also more convenient to leave the subject the same as that stated by the sender. Then it will be convenient for both of you to follow the progress of the solution to the problem. But the manner is extremely inconvenient when the author, for the first time sending a letter on some new topic, leaves the topic that has been preserved in some old incoming letter. Receive a letter in the spring with the subject "Re: Happy New Year!" not very nice and comfortable. It will be impossible to immediately understand what the letter will be about. Finding it through the "Search" by keywords will also fail later.

If you go on vacation or go on a business trip for some time - use the "Auto-answer in the absence" function. In this case, during your departure, everyone who sends you letters will receive a standard response that you yourself will write. In this auto-response, it is advisable to indicate what date you will return to work, as well as who can be contacted during your absence.

This type of business correspondence is used less and less in our lives, it has been replaced by e-mail. However, there are situations when paper letters are more effective than electronic ones. For example, when you need to invite an executive to a particularly significant event or when you want to hand over a high-quality printed commercial offer personally. In this case, the fact that the sender spent time printing and mailing the letter will emphasize respect for the recipient.

The recommendations for writing paper letters are generally the same as for electronic ones. It is necessary to respectfully address the recipient, at the very beginning to formulate the main idea of ​​the letter (for example: "We invite you to the solemn presentation of awards"), to structure the main content and indicate all the necessary contacts.

It is important to use quality paper and a clear printer to create the letter and print the envelope. Only in this case, a paper letter will really emphasize that its recipient is an extremely important person for the sender.

Write letters only when it is really necessary. An important requirement of business correspondence, as well as business communication in general, is a respectful attitude to the partner's time. Save the time of your email recipients by carefully wording your questions and stripping out unnecessary details. Then your messages will always be perceived as important and informative, and you will receive answers to them.

Text: Irina Kurivchak