Save the wallpaper image to your desktop. How to choose a background on your computer desktop and install it correctly

Picture on the desktop in the operating room Windows system Vista and Windows 7. In other operating systems, such as MacOS and Linux, these steps are very similar.
Windows 7: The first thing to do is click right click mice on the desktop and in context menu select "Personalization". In the window that appears at the bottom you will see " Desktop background". Click on this inscription and in the new window that opens you will see the line "File location". You can choose not only default pictures, but also pictures downloaded from the Internet or your own photos. To do this, click the "Browse" button and find the desired file, then click OK in the dialog box and OK in the "Wallpaper" window

Windows Vista: As in the instructions for Windows 7, you need to right-click on the desktop and select "Personalization" in the context menu. After that, select the "Desktop Wallpaper" option from the list. Next, find the "Browse" button on the screen and select the desired image, then click OK in the dialog box and OK in the "Desktop Wallpaper" window. Wallpaper set.

Alternative way– open the desired picture or photo in a Windows image viewer. Right-click on the picture and select "Set as desktop background". Wallpaper set.

The Windows GUI desktop background, installed by default with the operating system, can be changed in almost any version of that operating system. Even in those that, at the behest of Microsoft, do not support this option. Depending on the version of the OS, the ways to replace the "wallpaper" will differ - in some, it is enough to select an item in the context menu, in others you will have to install or use additional programs one-time.


If the wallpaper you want to install is posted on the Internet, the easiest way to solve the problem is to use the appropriate browser option. To do this, load a full-size image into its window - usually this is done by clicking on the thumbnail image of the desired wallpaper option. Then right-click the full image and select the desired item from the drop-down context menu. It is worded slightly differently in different browsers - in Opera this command is called "Like desktop image", in Internet Explorer- "Set as wallpaper" Mozilla Firefox- Set as desktop background.

AT Google browsers Chrome and Apple Safari do not have such an item in the picture menu, so use the similar option of the operating system. To do this, first save the full image to your computer, then using the "Explorer", which is called by pressing the Win + E keys, go to the picture folder and right-click it. In the pop-up menu, the desired item is called "Set as desktop background image" - select it.

A file with photo wallpapers stored on a computer can also be made a background image through a special control panel applet - in latest versions Windows OS it is called "Personalization". To launch it, right-click on an existing desktop picture and select "Personalize" from the menu. Under the table with theme icons in the window of the applet that opens, there is also a picture with the caption "Desktop background" - click on it and a page with a table of background images known to the system will be loaded into the same window. To add your own files to it, click the "Browse" button, in the dialog that opens, specify the folder in which they are stored, and click OK. Then select the icon of the desired picture in the changed table, in the "Image Position" field, set the parameters for its placement on the desktop and click "Save Changes".

And don't know how to do it or don't have interesting images on your computer? This article will help you figure it out. Here we will consider various ways installation, as well as try to find the topics you are interested in.

So, let's start studying the question of how to put pictures on the desktop.

To a computer with Windows XP

If you have Windows XP or an earlier version installed on your computer, then you just need to right-click on any place on the desktop. You will see a menu, and at the very bottom "Properties". Choose "Desktop". You can choose the patterns offered by the operating system,

You don't like the suggested images? You can choose yours. If you have previously taken pictures on a smartphone or camera and “transferred” pictures from the device to your computer, then remember where they are stored. Without leaving the desktop menu, click "Browse", select the disk, then the folder where your pictures are stored. Choose the one you like and click OK. This is one of the most time-consuming ways to put pictures on your desktop. In reality, in fact, everything is not so difficult.

Own repertoire

Now let's look at the most simplest way put a picture on the desktop of any computer. Open the folders with photos on your computer or laptop, see what they have beautiful pictures, What do you like. Found? Click on the image with the right mouse button. And in the menu there is already a hint for you, find it - this is the phrase "Set as background image." Well, the picture is already pleasing to the eye. No need to go to Properties to stretch or tile it. This elementary method allows you to very quickly put pictures on your desktop beautifully.

It should be noted that this method is applicable to almost all Windows versions, so it makes no sense to consider it separately for different versions of the operating system.

On a computer with Windows 7 and above

Here it is also easy to set the picture you like. Right-click on any empty space on the desktop. You will see in the menu "Personalization". In the window that opens, at the very bottom left there is a button with the already existing photo "Desktop Background". Click and choose what you have. Here we are again,

To make it easier for you to find the images you need, try to save them all on the same drive or in the same folder. Of course, you may have different themes, dates and events, so it is recommended to create separate folders with corresponding titles. Let them all be kept in one shared folder, for example, on the desktop. By the way, it is from him that you can easily enter, select the desired photo and install it with one click.

If the repertoire is poor

Don't have suitable photos for your desktop or are the images too small? Then you should look for them on CDs or on the Internet. For example, you like nature. Pictures on the desktop of this subject can be found on sites with photo wallpapers. Download the images you like. But keep in mind that the quality of the photo must be high and the resolution suitable for the desktop.


Finally, we will look at options for smartphones. You can use both personal photos and downloaded from the Internet. But special applications with pictures are more popular. Different operating systems for mobile devices your applications with photo wallpaper. Choose any. Download to your smartphone. Open it and go to the category you are interested in. The system itself will offer to download the photo.

How to put pictures on the desktop if there is already a photo? You can do this with one touch. Everything will look similar to installing on Windows. Select Set as Wallpaper.

Let's hope everything worked out for you! Remember that you always have the opportunity to add your own flavor - to make a beautiful photo collage that can be placed on your desktop.

The operating platforms of advanced devices provide their users with a small number of screensaver options, but the vast majority are standard photos that soon get bored. Fortunately, now on the Internet you can find and download from photo portals any picture you like on your desktop in a format that suits you. Moreover, there are two options: you can download images from paid image banks for little money, and if you are not going to spend money, you can easily find sites on the Web where you can just as quickly select and upload worthy pictures for free, without additional registration or sending any SMS. .

How to choose the right background image?

1. Pictures for the screen saver should be loaded with small elements to a minimum, since folders and icons will become poorly visible against such a background. But if suddenly there is at least one monochromatic corner on the splash screen, the icons, so that they can be clearly seen, should be moved to that area.

2. The contrast of the selected picture and color brightness should be reduced to the least load on the human visual organs, because the organs of vision already experience significant stress from the monitor. It makes no sense to opt for dark wallpapers, such colors are overwhelming, and there is not much to see on them.

3. Before installing wallpaper, consider the resolution and format of the picture, due to the fact that it is desirable to install those photos that will occupy the entire area of ​​the desktop. If you choose the wrong resolution, after installation, the picture may shrink or stretch, and also look fuzzy.

4. Screensavers can reflect your originality. In this case, everything is completely clear, any person selects an illustration for himself. If you go crazy looking at the sea, you will be happy to see the turquoise expanse or waves running against each other. In the Global Network, every time it is possible to find a picture that will appeal to you at one moment.

5. Do not forget that wallpapers are always eye-catching and therefore, as they say, they must match the situation. Forget about drawings showing a naked body, female or male, if you work in a reputable company, your office is in a business center, and visitors often come to you.

1 . Experts strongly recommend a collection of landscapes or natural elements, with the dominance of green and blue tones, which have a positive effect on the human nervous system and favor intellectual activity. Well, a photograph of a person or animals will distract your attention.

2 . Do not put anything depressing, frightening and aggressive as a background - these wallpapers will begin to influence your psyche and mood at the subconscious level.

3 . Give preference to wallpaper on which the contours are smooth, and pointed corners - a minimum. In addition, soft color transitions are preferable - just such drawings will help you relax and take a break.

4 . Each color affects the individual in its own way. Forget about images in rich reds or burgundy tones - your nervous system will soon get tired. Red coloring makes it difficult to collect thoughts, the worst way affects the relationship between colleagues. Also, do not choose intense colors, even more peaceful tones - greens and blues. And pastel colors will relax the eyes and have a positive effect on intellectual activity.

How to install wallpaper on your computer desktop?

  • First, find out the resolution of your display: right-click on a free area on the desktop and click on the “Screen Resolution” menu. Or study the screen settings in the properties of the video system.
  • Download your favorite graphic image from the website in a size that suits the resolution of your monitor, wait until the file is completely downloaded.
  • Hover over the downloaded file and right click.
  • In the list, find the item "Set as wallpaper".

If the image does not appear on the table, you need to update it. On the empty area of ​​​​the desktop, press the right mouse button and find the item "Update / Refresh".

How to make the background change automatically on the monitor screen?

In the latest versions of Windows, you have the ability to set up an automatic change in the desktop background: right-click on the desktop and find the "Personalization" item. Next sub-item "Desktop background. Slideshow. Here you specify the location where the downloaded images are located.

Or, if you want, you can resort to one of the programs that change screen savers themselves from the folder you specify to store files on your hard drive. The most noteworthy: Wallpaper Juggler, WallpaperChanger or Simple Wallpaper Change for Linux.