What is the best operating system for the phone. Operating systems for smartphones. Other advantages and disadvantages of the Big Three operating systems

When choosing a new smartphone, the user inevitably has to take into account a lot of technical parameters: camera resolution, battery capacity, processor power, display type and resolution, and so on. But first of all, it is important to decide under which operating system the smartphone will work.

The decision in favor of a particular operating system depends on how the new device will meet the user's expectations in terms of performing various tasks, whether he will be able to install specific applications or will have to be content with analogues, how the new gadget will interact with other mobile and stationary electronic devices.

And of course, the operating system largely determines the cost of the device.

In our article, we will consider 3 main operating systems for smartphones, which by 2017 have become the most popular and in demand in the world:

Sales volumes

According to NetMarketShare portal analysts, software products from Apple and Google remain the main players in the mobile OS market in 2017. Windows Phone every month loses a tenth of a percent in sales. According to some forecasts, by 2020 the OS from Microsoft may completely leave the market due to the fact that not only users, but also developers are losing interest in it. mobile applications.

As can be seen from the graph, Android remains the leader in sales, despite the fact that Apple's operating system has shown steady growth over the past six months. However, it is possible that the balance of growth between Google and Apple will change towards Android in the coming weeks, given the emergence of a large number of interesting new products based on this OS, which were announced at the last MWC 2017 in Barcelona.

Now let's compare each OS separately and try to figure out which operating system is best for a smartphone.


Apple products are a closed ecosystem. That is, one company is both a manufacturer of smartphones and tablets, and a supplier software. Therefore, "Yabloko" can guarantee the highest quality and reliability of their devices, which, in turn, affects the price. So, the cost of the latest model is from Apple iPhone 7 ranges from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand dollars.


  • Simple and thoughtful shell interface
  • Spectacular design
  • Closed development environment for high-quality professional applications
  • No viruses
  • Constant updates


  • The high cost of gadgets
  • Inability to customize the operating system for yourself
  • Small selection of apps compared to Google Play
  • Extremely limited user choice of devices
  • You have to synchronize with a PC and manage multimedia files through a separate program

There is an opinion that by choosing an iOS device, the user buys not so much a device as an introduction to a fashion brand. However, the high price here is fully justified by the excellent quality.


The popularity of the operating system from Google is explained by the fact that a huge number of devices are based on it, not only smartphones and tablets, but also watches, bicycles and even cars. Android is both unique and diverse - each user can very finely customize the original shell on their device.


  • Open source. Anyone who understands programming can write an Android application and put it on Google Play
  • In this regard, more than 1.5 million programs for all occasions, available for both paid and free downloads
  • One personal account gives access to all Google services, many of which are very tightly integrated with each other
  • Convenient synchronization with other devices via modules wireless communication or USB cable without additional software
  • Convenient and intuitive operation
  • High performance and multitasking
  • Huge selection of manufacturers
  • Wide range of prices. An Android device, depending on the configuration, can cost both 2,000 and 32,000 rubles.


  • high vulnerability to hacker attacks and viruses
  • Among free apps eat a large number of frankly low-quality software
  • A huge number of settings, which are sometimes difficult to understand for an unprepared user

An Android smartphone or tablet is ideal for those who have just started to learn mobile technologies and confident users. Given the combination of pros and cons of the OS, we can confidently say that Android is the best operating system for a smartphone.

Perhaps the main thing here is to keep track of what and how you install and download, and not delve into complex settings without the appropriate skills.

Windows phone

Microsoft, unlike its competitors, who sometimes spy on each other's technological solutions, is trying to go its own way. As a result, the operating Windows system Phone has a unique design and work specifics. And yet, gadgets under the Windows Phone OS, to put it mildly, are not swept off the shelves.


  • Single OS for mobile devices and PC
  • Low system requirements
  • Windows Phone is annually recognized as the most secure operating system in the world.
  • Spectacular tiled interface
  • Quality Applications


  • A small number of applications in the branded Marketplace store (about 300 thousand)
  • Incompatibility with popular applications. For example, there is no version of Instagram for Windows Phone. We have to use rather inconvenient analogues
  • Limited choice of gadget manufacturers
  • Lack of customization
  • Cumbersome system for transferring Windows Phone contacts to another OS
  • Errors in the system
  • The inconvenient built-in Edge browser, which in this regard has become a direct successor to Internet Explorer

As a rule, smartphones under Windows Phone are recommended for businessmen who can process various types of documents in one software environment. Microsoft Office. At the same time, it is quite difficult to choose a gadget for Windows Phone, for example, for a student.

As mentioned above, one of the main advantages of the Android OS is the pricing policy of smartphone manufacturers that use this “OS”. For an affordable price of up to $150, a user can find a gadget on current version OS with reliable and powerful stuffing.

One of the most prominent manufacturers of smartphones, which perfectly combines modern technology, quality, reliability and affordability. If you prefer the accessibility and simplicity of the Android OS to other systems, and also choose a powerful and inexpensive smartphone for yourself, we recommend that you pay attention to the products of the British company Fly.

Why Fly

Since 2003, Fly has been producing mobile gadgets designed for the most mass consumer. Mine best smartphone for any requests and tasks can be found by any user, regardless of profession, age, social status and earnings. Businessman, student, schoolboy, athlete, builder, rescuer, traveler - everyone can find the perfect Fly for themselves.

Fly Cirrus 9 and Fly Cirrus 12 are among the latest models that combine the full range of Android features with high-quality and reliable technical components, spectacular case design and a pleasant price.

Fly Cirrus 9

The gadget is an LTE phablet with a large 5.5-inch screen on an IPS matrix and HD resolution. On such a screen, it is incredibly convenient to work with a variety of Android applications, watch movies, read books and process documentation. A fast 1.25 GHz quad-core processor is responsible for speed and multitasking.

Fly Cirrus 9 is a great answer to those who complain that Android is draining the battery in a matter of hours. Thanks to the excellent optimization of the system, hardware and a capacious 2800 mAh battery, the smartphone will work stably for up to 10 hours of talk time and up to 280 hours of standby time. Adding to this quality camera at 8 and 2 megapixels, a nice glossy back panel design and we get a great smartphone with a nice price tag - only $ 100.

Fly Cirrus 12

LTE-smartphone Fly Cirrus 12 will be chosen by amateurs great photos to a smartphone. 13 and 5 megapixel cameras on a CMOS matrix were inherited from the early model Fly Cirrus 7, which at one time was called a “camera phone” in many reviews. The 5-inch IPS screen offers a great tactile experience thanks to 2.5D technology, which allows you to create screens with nice rounded edges.

The combination of the Android 6.0 operating system and a powerful 1.3 GHz quad-core processor is responsible for stability, convenience and performance in the smartphone. And 8 hours of talk time and 150 hours of standby time will provide a capacious 2600 mAh battery.


We have analyzed which operating systems in smartphones are the most popular in the world. When choosing a smartphone for a particular OS, consider the combination of advantages and disadvantages of each system and proceed from your own requests. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main characteristics of smartphones, which will help you choose the most suitable model for yourself.

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Despite their small size, modern "smart" mobile devices are real PDAs, multifunctional and high-tech. And their operating systems make them so, competently managing all their components. However, it should be borne in mind that, in contrast to the usual desktop computer, The OS in a smartphone is designed not only to ensure the stable operation of this device, but also to monitor its power consumption.

What are the operating systems for smartphones

For the first time, the term "smartphone" (which is translated from of English language means "smart phone") was introduced in 2001 when the latter released its new slider. It was a "smart" cellular device that ran on the Symbian platform. This event was in some way of historical significance, because later the term "" began to be used by other manufacturers of high-tech mobile equipment.

Today, this is very common. It is under its control that most modern "smart" mobile devices operate. This operating system was developed by Google, and its basis was a computer OS called Linux. It is an open platform that has managed to achieve unprecedented distribution among consumers.

No less popular is such an operating system as iOS, developed and acting as the subject of its endless pride. Its feature is a closed code, which ensures not only the stable operation of the platform, but also reliably protects it from virus software. Such an operating system can only be found on a smartphone with a proprietary "apple" logo.

In third place is the operating system in a smartphone called. Previously, it could be found on mobile devices. Today, such smartphones are produced by Microsoft. The features of this operating system include stability and a minimalistic "tiled" interface. The platform was developed on the basis of a full-fledged Windows OS, familiar to everyone who has a computer. Due to its somewhat ascetic nature, this system has not become as popular as iOS or Android, but it also has its devoted adherents - especially since it works very quickly.

There are a number of other platforms running smartphones. Among them, it is worth highlighting some customized versions of the Android system, as well as an OS such as . As a rule, updates for such platforms are released with enviable regularity, but they are far from being as common and convenient as those that are in the aforementioned top three.

Choosing the best OS for your gadget

How to determine which platform is optimal? To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each of them, and then figure out how convenient all these personal features will be for a particular user.
  1. Android is considered the most flexible operating system in a smartphone. The owner of such a mobile device can completely customize it for themselves, or leave everything as it is. In terms of flexibility, this platform can only be compared with the operating system of a desktop computer.
  2. For those who like expensive and reliable gadgets, iOS is best suited. This operating system is considered intuitive, and even an unprepared user can deal with it. True, in this case, the latter will have to put up with the fact that a single file system is missing, as well as carefully deal with the branded "apple" store and the features of working with programs, audio and video. Of the advantages, it is worth noting that the owner of an iOS-based gadget will have access to many applications that work with excellent speed. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such a mobile device, and therefore the iPhone is considered something like a premium smartphone.
  3. A user who prefers minimalism will certainly turn their attention to Windows Phone. Such an OS in the phone is considered as simple as possible. In this case, the owner of the mobile device will have free access to data, and will also be able to place not only shortcuts on their home screen, but various links and notifications.

Pros and cons of the most popular OS for smartphones

As already mentioned, a platform such as iOS compares favorably with a huge range of applications hosted by . All of them are completely safe from the point of view of the presence of virus software, which becomes possible due to the closed code of the system. A few fewer applications are offered to users by the Android platform, while even fewer are available to owners of Windows Phone devices.

An operating system such as iOS is distinguished by the ability to work with a special "cloud" browser. At the same time, the synchronization function with a mobile device is implemented in a somewhat peculiar way. However, web browsing from all iOS devices can be easily unified. Android developers have also taken care of tab synchronization. In addition, bookmarks made by users and queries entered by them in the search bar (which is very convenient) are subject to synchronization. Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Windows Phone, which can be considered more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

When it comes to voice commands, both iOS and Android are very convenient in this regard. The developers from Cupertino took care of the excellent intellectual. As for the Google platform, it also has a speech and voice command recognition. Much less opportunities are offered by the developers of Windows Phone. However, support for voice commands is still implemented.

Ample navigation opportunities open up for owners of such an OS in a smartphone like Android. Almost every modern user knows what Google maps are and how to work with them. Mine own service iOS has it too. It is quite useful and functional, but there are some drawbacks - for example, there are no public transport routes. As for Windows Phone, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, and the cards of this platform are very convenient.

Now a few words about mobile payments. Thanks to the presence of a Google wallet, it is very convenient for owners of Android gadgets to work with them - however, not all are supported. payment systems. A full-fledged electronic wallet was also created by the developers of Windows Phone, and it is thought out to the maximum. As for iOS, the long-awaited support for mobile payments appeared relatively recently, already with the release of the "apple" smartphone of the eighth generation.

Communication capabilities in smartphones with different operating systems

The main purpose of any mobile device, including the "smart" one, is communication. Of course, the owner of a smartphone can count on receiving and making calls, exchanging text messages, and so on. For iOS and Android users, handling calls is very convenient. The advantage of the Apple-OS in the phone is that the manufacturer has taken care of the Do Not Disturb function. The least convenient is Windows Phone, which not only lacks the above function, but also lacks the ability to compose and send text to quickly answer a call.

When it comes to instant messaging, this service is best thought out on the Android platform. It is not only the most convenient, but also very reliable - which cannot be said about IMessage on an "apple" smartphone, messages from which are sometimes delayed. In addition, it will be possible to communicate only with those who also use iOS. A much more convenient operating system in this regard in a smartphone is Windows Phone. The function is well thought out and very reliable.

Other advantages and disadvantages of the Big Three operating systems

The function of working with media stream is best implemented on platforms such as iOS and Android. In the "apple" operating system, it is intuitive, and therefore it is easy to figure it out. Of course, this should take into account the closed code. In practice, this means the ability to work with the media stream exclusively within the Apple ecosystem. It will be even easier for owners of gadgets on Android based. They will be able not only to transmit and receive a media stream, but also to link hubs together. As for the Windows Phone platform, its developers have taken care of a special technology that not only simplifies the entire data transfer process and makes it visual, but also helps to transfer additional content.

A modern OS user in a smartphone is often worried about even such a question as the convenience of working with icons. Android platform notable for the presence of a large number of widgets that can be configured at the discretion of the owner of the gadget. At the same time, the icons themselves are quite standard. Unfortunately, the "apple" platform cannot boast of such a large number of widgets. In this regard, the palm should be given to Windows Phone. Its dynamic icons display all the most necessary information and updates. Plus, they are easy to organize. In other words, Microsoft has gone far ahead here.

BlackBerry operating system and its features

This platform was developed by Research In Motion based on an operating system it purchased in 2010. It received the same name as mobile devices, the history of which dates back to the 80s in Canada. A notable feature of the operating system is that it could be used both on touchscreen "smart" gadgets and on phones with a QWERTY keyboard. Of course, she never managed to compete with platforms like iOS or Android, but she still became quite popular.

The main advantage of the BlackBerry OS in the phone is support for all the services of the developer company. At the same time, you can count on complete security and confidentiality of data when working online, provided thanks to a special encryption method. That is why such an operating system is especially in demand among well-known global companies.

Already in 2012, the platform's branded app store contained over 79,000 different programs. In addition, a service was developed to convert utilities for the Android OS. A rather remarkable gadget was a tablet running BlackBerry. Its owner could, for example, run SonyPlayStation games.

The interface of the "blackberry" operating system (translated from English "blackberry" means "blackberry", and this is the design that the manufacturer's smart sliders received) is very convenient. This is especially evident when viewing various electronic documents, which makes the company's smartphones ideal business communicators. In addition, the management of such mobile devices is intuitive. Their owner will be able to easily customize the menu at their own discretion. There is also a full-fledged browser that resembles a desktop browser in its functionality.

As already mentioned, the “blackberry” operating system in a smartphone is primarily focused on working with documents. It is also convenient for those who, on duty, often use email. Unfortunately, multimedia functionality is not as well developed as other platforms, and in this regard, the operating system lags far behind others. Such an OS in a smartphone is best suited for a business person who does not have time for games, listening to music, and so on. Not too well things are with the support of instant messengers. For example, in the early spring of 2016, it became known that the "smart" mobile devices of the company of the same name would no longer support Facebook. In fairness, it should still be noted that at the same time the operating system is very reliable and works stably - and this is perhaps the main quality for a business smartphone.

With an abundance of offers on the smartphone market, it is very difficult for a novice user to make a choice, deciding first of all on which OS the device should work on.

The team from Digital Trends tried to help the newcomers, trying to get to the truth by comparing the “three whales” of modern mobile operating systems:

  • Android 4.4;
  • iOS 7;
  • Windows phone 8.

The results of their research can be safely used when comparing the capabilities of various smartphones.

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute that the most expensive smartphone on the market is the iPhone. The cost of the 5s model starts at $650, the expected novelty of the 6th series is even higher.

Up to Windows mobile version 6.5, a fairly wide range of phones worked on this OS. Now, after phones on the G8 were produced only by Nokia, devices from LG, Samsung, Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei, etc. will work on this platform.

However, Android is far superior to its competitors in scale and customization options. Most manufacturers of mobile gadgets release their gadgets on Android in all price categories. In addition, PlayMarket offers a huge number of free applications, which adds to the popularity of the "green robot".

Winner: Android

2. Interface

All three operating systems are created with a trendy flat design, their interface has a few differences. However, android widgets third party manufacturers significantly change appearance systems.

Appeared Android L follows the idea of ​​"material design and it is not known exactly how the general animation of third-party and system applications will be combined.

iOS 7 is modern, it looks quite stylish. The animation is beautiful and understandable, but somewhat tedious. The undoubted advantage was the ability to disable unnecessary visual effects.

Windows Phone is based on tiles, which, as in the PC version, are easily customized for the user. The OS looks better than competitors, but it is somewhat slow.

Outcome: Draw

3. Applications

iOS is leading here, Android is almost not far behind. Windows is far outsiders. This can be judged by looking at the number of applications:

  • iOS - 1.2 million;
  • Android - 1.2 million;
  • Windows - 245 thousand.

The leaders have approximately the same number, but the quality of Apple's mobile operating system surpasses the rest. Thanks to the convenience for developers and protection from piracy, it is on it that the hits of mobile applications are the first to come out. And then they are transferred to Android. However, there is a lot more free software for Android.

Winner: iOS

4. App Store

In terms of ease of use, it is difficult to single out any of the stores. To select the desired application, you need to take a lot of steps. But AppleStore makes it much easier to navigate through recommendations. The Windows Store works worse in this regard.

Winner: iOS

5. Alternative stores

Developer companies Microsoft and Apple categorically do not accept the use of third-party stores. Google is more loyal in this regard: the program can be downloaded from PlayMarket, installed from a large computer, or found on any of the third-party stores.

Winner: Android

6. Battery

One of the main problems of modern smartphones is the short battery life. It is difficult to give an objective assessment of which of the three systems has the best energy savings - you cannot use the same comparison methods. Traditionally, iOS is considered to be less energy-intensive, but Android and Windows smartphones are equipped with powerful batteries. Another advantage of Android is the ability to independently and produce by disabling not desired programs leading to increased battery consumption.

All three systems are updated regularly. However, Google is less closely monitoring its software, so patches from Apple and Microsoft are easier. Even old iOS devices still have good support, while Android can only be updated by installing new firmware from vendors that periodically forget about old devices.

Winner: iOS

8. Additional decorations

Here, each mobile OS is good in its own way:

  • Android . You can personalize the system different ways: change launcher, reflash, set lock screen, shuffle widgets. Additionally, you can install various keyboards from third-party developers.
  • Windows . Customization is quite poor: the color scheme and the size of the tiles change.
  • iOS . Widgets seem to be enough, but they are tied to the notification center.

Winner: Android


A fairly complex function allows you to access all the features of the phone. With its help, you can set any settings and update your gadget, regardless of the release of the update by the manufacturer.

This idea does not find support from Apple and Microsoft. For smartphones on iOS, there is a special jailbreak utility, after which you can install any software from third-party stores.

Winner: Android

10. Calls and sms

Direct dialers are good for all three platforms. The exchange of SMS e-mail is also organized conveniently for everyone, but Windows does not have the ability to install a third-party client.

Outcome: Draw

11. Accessories

For the "apples", which are far ahead of their competitors in this respect, the vast majority of all kinds of accessories have been released. At the same time, Apple still refuses to use the standard MicroUSB connector, which makes their gadgets dependent on the use of "native" cables.

More and more companies are entering the mobile device market in the hope of taking their place. Trying to buy a smartphone, we see many brands, models, we are immersed in an ocean of various characteristics: processors, RAM, diagonal, megapixels and much more. One way or another, all these characteristics are no longer as important as before. Comparing both flagship and simple models, you increasingly come to the conclusion that they differ little from each other in their “stuffing”. The operating system comes first. It determines how well your device will work, how convenient it will be to use it, and this is where the main differences between products on the mobile market lie. What operating systems exist, how are they different and which system is better? All this will be discussed later in the article.

Few users pay attention to the OS when choosing a gadget.

There are not so many operating systems for smartphones, there are only three of them:

  • android;
  • Windows phone.

Of course, they differ in many ways: they have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, each has its own market share.


Let's start with it - with the most popular and widespread mobile operating system. The brainchild of one of the largest and most influential companies in the world - Google, which since its inception in 2008 began to rapidly conquer the market. According to statistics for 2014, Android OS was installed on 86% of mobile devices. The prevalence of this system is associated primarily with its flexibility and openness. Developers from Google allowed any manufacturer to install it on their products. Why is Android so good? Let's figure it out:

  • Almost complete freedom of action in the system. You can change its appearance as you like. And getting root-rights gives you completely unlimited possibilities when working with it.

  • Huge number of applications. No other operating system writes as many applications as Android. You can find literally anything: any games, text editors, file managers, means of working with video - you can enumerate endlessly. Know one thing - if you use the OS from Google, you will never experience a lack of programs and content.

  • Regular updates. Some will consider this a disadvantage, but when developers work so hard to fix bugs (even if there are enough of them, no matter how much they fix), it's good. Applications are also very quickly adjusted to new OS versions, which practically eliminates all compatibility problems.

Where without flaws. The product from Google has something to scold and scold:

  • The openness of Android is its main plus and at the same time the main scourge. Indeed, you can install this OS on any device, but another thing is that the interaction between the physical and hardware components of the smartphone is not established, which leads to constant brakes, glitches and other unpleasant things.
  • Application selection. Yes, this item was also recorded as a plus, but there are so many applications that they are not checked in the Google Play store. Anyone can write them, there is no verification - all this leads to the fact that the Google store has a lot of unreliable and, to be honest, frankly viral content.

  • Settings. Another controversial point. In many ways, Android has so many adherents around the world precisely because of the ability to customize and to the maximum. But what emerges from this is that it can be very difficult to understand the system itself. There are too many buttons, sliders, parameters and other similar things that sometimes you don’t want to fool around with.

What can be said about Android in the end? And the fact that this operating system is very controversial is perhaps the most controversial of all. Almost all the advantages of this system are also disadvantages at the same time. You can't judge objectively. It's a matter of taste, that's all.


This operating system is installed exclusively on Apple devices. iOS, like Android, raises many questions for itself. These two operating systems are constantly trying to push the foreheads of adherents of both one system and the other. Let's talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of the system from developers from Cupertino:

  • Optimization. iOS is ideally tailored for Apple smartphones on which it is installed. This fully justifies the decision of the Cupertino developers to make the system closed and operate exclusively on their devices. Stability and speed are clearly the main advantages of this system.

  • Design. No matter what anyone says, but iOS has an incredibly nice design. The interface is user-friendly, clear and concise. Everything is simple and tasteful, just like Johnny Ive.
  • Autonomy. It's no secret that time battery life Apple devices are significantly higher than those of competitors. In the modern intensive rhythm of life, when there is not enough time for anything, including charging the phone, this feature is very useful.

  • Simplicity. The iOS interface is simple and intuitive. There are no problems understanding any of the settings.

With all the advantages, it was not without its drawbacks:

  • Closed system. As in the case of Android, this is both a plus and a minus at the same time. The system turned out to be secure, reliable, almost without lags, but at the same time it must be loved just the way the developers made it. You will not be able to change, correct the system interface.

  • Applications. Their choice is much smaller than in the Google Market. The AppStore offers all the necessary programs, however, many of them are paid. True, all content is of high quality and is tested before it gets into the AppStore, which will protect your iPhone from malware.

  • Choice of gadgets. If you like iOS, please buy an iPhone, and you have no other choice.

As a result, the following can be said about Apple's operating system: it has no objective shortcomings, but there are many subjective ones. It all ultimately comes down to your taste and what you like best.

Windows phone

Such a third force, which is somehow not customary to be taken with great seriousness. While iOS and Android are fighting for the title of the best operating system, and Apple and Google with each new version their OS make them more and more similar to each other, linkers from Microsoft go their own way, not trying to be like someone else. Some of the consumers support this decision, some do not understand. Next, consider the advantages of this OS:

  • It's not iOS or Android. This is a completely different system, not like the others. It has an interesting, original, memorable interface. Quite a lot of people liked Windows tiles.

  • This is Windows. Microsoft is gradually implementing very interesting idea, it lies in a single OS for mobile and desktop devices. If you operate an electronic computer running Windows 10, then you can link your smartphone and computer closely enough, which is very convenient when working, exchanging data, organizing events.
  • Low requirements. The system from Microsoft turned out to be very “easy”. This is good in terms of what is not required large volume random access memory. The system works smoothly and stably even on older devices.
  • Security. It is the Windows Phone OS that has been empirically recognized as the most secure system.

And now for the disadvantages:

  • Interface. Many people do not like the “tiled” design at all, even though it cannot be called uncomfortable.
  • Small selection of applications. This shortcoming can be called really catastrophic. The Windows Store has a frankly small selection. Many programs are simply not enough.

  • Support. Absolutely clueless. Updates are rare, but they are of little use. In addition, Microsoft is generally going to refuse to update older smartphone models.

From all of the above about Windows Phone, you can conclude that a lot of things are done right, and there are very few shortcomings, but these flaws are so significant that it is almost impossible not to accept or ignore them.

It is objectively impossible to choose the best operating system for the device. Each offers something different, has its own shortcomings, with which some are ready to put up with, while others are not. Verdict: The best mobile OS for everyone.

Be interested in smartphones and technologies, write in the comments about which operating system you personally consider the best and what exactly each of the considered systems lacks in order to become “ideal”.

It's no secret that Android is the leader in the mobile device market: according to the latest statistics, the operating system from Google is used by more than 80% of users worldwide. The dominance of Google is primarily due to the availability and widest range of mobile gadgets. Apple's iOS has long been at the forefront of convenience, stability, and superior design. However, over time, the situation has changed: Google, consistently upgrading the Android OS, has brought important updates to it and adapted it to a 64-bit system. Apple made only a few major changes in iOS 8, but brought back some restrictions, expanded connectivity, and added numerous but small options to the system. Microsoft also wasted no time in providing Windows Phone 8.1 with important improvements that will allow this mobile OS to keep up with competitors in the future. All of the above was the reason for writing this article, which is dedicated to comparing the three operating systems.

Android 5 Lollipop comes with a new user interface that hasn't been seen in any previous update. The updates are so significant that Google had to change the name of the interface - Material Design. Icons are now flatter and colors are more saturated. Especially worth noting are the new notifications, which you can now respond to without being distracted from the current one. running application. In addition, users have more options for customizing the display of information on the lock screen.

There are few changes in iOS 8 regarding the user interface, Apple remains faithful to the development of iOS 7. The so-called minimalist flat design (Flat Design) is clear, functional and visually appealing - not least thanks to animation. There are transparent and three-dimensional effects, which, by the way, can be turned off.

General view of the desktop

Microsoft also did not dare to make major changes to the interface. However, now you can choose background picture home screen. Useful and the ability to create folders that integrate into the tiled Desktop main screen. To create a new folder, just drag the icon of one application to another, as in Android and iOS. One of the innovations in Android 5 Lollipop is the notification center: important information and reminders appear as a window that pops on top of other applications, and depending on the settings, this can even happen on the lock screen. The notification system allows you to perform some typical actions, for example, to archive letters.

By comparison, iOS 8 even has the ability to reply to SMS and iMessages directly from the notification window. Windows Phone has had pop-up notifications for a long time, and in version 8.1, the long-awaited notification center finally appeared. It opens in the same way as on iOS and Android - with a swipe down from the top edge of the screen. It displays information and quick links to system functions.

Autonomy and energy saving

New features in Android 5 Lollipop are designed to improve battery life and security. So, in power saving mode, the device will work much longer. It is convenient to manually activate the mode when the battery is fully charged or change the parameters so that when the charge level is 15%, this mode is activated by itself. In the first case, my XPERIA Z2 worked for about 3.5 hours longer, in the second - almost 30 minutes. The OS from Google showed good results due to the limitation of background processes, processor performance and display brightness. In addition, Android informs the user how much time is left before the battery is completely discharged, or - when connected to the mains - how much is left until it is fully charged. Alas, there is no automatically activated power saving mode in iOS 8, but a new battery usage menu has appeared, where it is convenient to monitor the activity of applications and disable the most resource-intensive of them. If desired, you can separately limit the most energy-consuming background processes. However, when it comes to power saving settings, Windows Phone 8.1 is particularly noteworthy, offering the most extensive configuration options.

iOS is the best data protection system

In terms of data protection for mobile operating systems, Apple's iOS leads the way. Before installing the application, the user is not informed of the requirements for program access rights, but unwanted ones can be disabled separately after installation. In addition, Apple uses automatic encryption and secures the device with a secure Activation Lock feature that makes it difficult to continue using your iPhone and iPad if it is stolen. By this remote control method ("Kill Switch") Google Gadgets not yet provided, but there are default services from certain manufacturers. As you understand, locking the smartphone during the boot process by setting a PIN code does not exclude the possibility of resetting the device to factory settings in recovery mode. However, the memory encryption feature of new Android 5 devices, designed to prevent unwanted reading of user data stored on them, is enabled by default. In the struggle for leadership in the number of applications between iOS and Android, it is currently, in fact, a draw: more than 1.3 million programs are offered in the official stores of both systems. In turn, more is available in the App Store compared to the store Play market the number of applications optimized for tablets.

Windows Phone, which entered the market later, clearly loses in terms of the variety of programs: Microsoft's system with its 560,000 applications lags far behind its rivals. A closer look reveals a large number of vulnerabilities, although Microsoft is honestly trying to fix bugs. So, in the Windows online store you will not find the updated Wikipedia application, there are not even Firefox or Chrome browsers, as well as the ability to install third-party keyboards. In addition, management Windows programs Phone is very inconvenient. There are only a few functions for organizing downloaded utilities, and the proprietary app store is rather confusing. Also, Microsoft does not notify you of the presence of in-app purchases before installing free software and does not allow you to return money for purchased applications that you do not like.

Access to apps on your smartphone

Android multitasking optimization

Unlike iOS and Android, there are no changes to the Windows Phone multitasking menu. Apple also introduces a useful option: access to favorite contacts from the multitasking menu above the three open applications.

However, the new Android 5 multitasking menu is, in my opinion, a step backwards. Google OS displays open applications in the form of a "stack of cards" - the menu turned out to be less visual than in Android 4.

In the eighth version, the rigid regulation of iOS is slightly relaxed. Apple now allows the installation of third-party keyboards - Touch Pal and Swift Key, while providing own function word predictions. Also in iOS 8, an extension interface is provided that third-party developers can use to exchange data between applications. Unlike Android, on iOS you can enforce which apps are allowed to use a particular feature. An important innovation in iOS 8 is also the automatic synchronization of devices using Apple ID: now it is possible to make phone calls from a tablet or Mac in one wireless network if the iPhone, for example, is in a bag. And "family sharing" allows you to buy applications and install them on multiple devices at the same time, and even create a family photo album and calendar. Apple, following the state of iCloud, has provided the cloud with a function to synchronize data with iOS and Mac OS like Dropbox.

Voice control

Of the voice assistants, today only Google Now for Android is fully localized, which perfectly recognizes Russian text. Among other things, it helps you plan routes, set reminders and alarms, call contacts, and get information about the weather or points of interest. Russian version voice assistant Cortana in Windows Phone is still at the testing stage, and the localized Siri assistant for iOS in Russian will appear only in iOS versions 8.3 in the summer of 2015.

New Mobile OS Features

The three mobile operating systems in current versions offer updates that improve usability, security, and energy efficiency. We'll take a closer look at some useful features below.


Android and Windows Phone have optimized their notification systems: Android 5 now uses useful toast notifications that can also be displayed on the lock screen, Windows Phone 8.1 has a notification shade that opens with a swipe from top to bottom.


Google has provided Android 5 with a useful power saving mode that slightly reduces the performance and brightness of your gadget's display.

In the battery monitoring system menu, the iOS operating system displays energy consumption statistics for individual applications and allows you to limit various background processes. In this aspect, the Windows Phone B system is more advanced: it offers not only automatic, but also manual settings.


Android 5 offers to “pin” applications to the user (1 - this feature is very useful when your device is, for example, in the hands of a friend. Apple iOS only allows you to protect your gadget from “curious” programs: privacy settings are available AND utilities that request access, for example , to your photos.


New recently used menu android apps 5 presents the tools in the form of a “stack of cards”, which can easily confuse the user C. The “Apple” multitasking menu with a list of favorite contacts looks more convenient and pleasant in comparison.

Cloud technologies

iCloud Drive now syncs data from gadgets running iOS and computers running Mac OS X. The user decides which applications to give access to the cloud. The option of exchanging data with programs from third-party developers is also useful.

Menu structure

Menu android settings 5 are conveniently categorized and presented on a white background. Less clear windows menu Phone: Options are not listed alphabetically or by function. The iOS multi-level menu also raises questions.


With a minimal margin from iOS 8, Android 5 turned out to be the leader among operating systems for mobile devices. modern design, convenient use and a sufficiently high level of security. iOS 8 is a well-thought-out evolution of Apple's OS with a huge number of small improvements. Windows Phone 8, with important updates - the notification center and folders - is a worthy alternative to both leaders, but this system still lacks the elegance and a large assortment of applications in the store.

Place 1 2 3
Manufacturer Google Apple Microsoft
Overall score, points 87,7 85,6 72,9
Ease of use (40%) 88 87 78
Functionality (40%) 84 79 73
App Store (20%) 96 97 62
Customizing Desktops ■ (advanced) ■ (extensive) ■ (simple)
Application setup extensive satisfactory satisfactory
Quick access to settings
Unified interface in OS and applications ■ (intuitive)
Using gestures ■ (limited use) ■ (system-wide and app.) ■ (very limited)
Widget support ■ (advanced) ■ (limited by the system) ■ (limited by the system)
Voice assistant Google Now Siri Cortana*
Location services
Lock screen access camera camera camera
Connecting to a computer ■ Access via Explorer □ (iTunes) ■ Access via Explorer
Online backup ■ (apps, data, contacts) ■ (apps, data, contacts)
Free network storage 15 GB 5 GB 15 GB
Multitasking support
Do not disturb mode
Automatic power saving
Data encryption ■ (on smartphones ate, generation) ■ (automatically)
Application rights management □ (with Root rights)
Number of available apps about 1.3 million about 1.3 million over 500,000
Categories apps, movies, music, books, magazines apps, movies, music
Password protection for in-app purchases
Refund in case of refusal to purchase software ■ (within two hours without explanation) ■ (within 14 days without explanation)
Information about in-app purchases
Ways of payment credit cards. PayPal, gift certificates credit cards, PayPal, gift certificates