The concept of social role presentation. Presentation on the topic "social statuses and roles". Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

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Social statuses and roles Plan. The social status of the individual. Social roles of the individual. Socialization of the individual. Who teaches us to play by the rules?

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Status - a certain position in the social structure of a group or society, associated with other positions through a system of rights and obligations. A status set is the totality of all the statuses of a given individual.

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The main status is the most characteristic status for a given individual, according to which others distinguish him or with which they identify him. Researcher Police Director of Commercial Bank

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Personal status - the position that a person occupies in a small, or primary, group, depending on how he is assessed by his individual qualities. Social status - the position of a person, which he automatically occupies as a representative of a large social group (professional, class, national).

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Social and personal status may or may not coincide. Doctor N. has a high professional status, since his specialty is prestigious, but in the karate sports section, where he practices twice a week, he is treated as an outsider.

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Assigned status (also called ascriptive) is the status in which a person is born or which is assigned to him over time. Assigned status does not coincide with natural born Only three social statuses are considered born: sex, nationality, race. (Negro, man, Russian)

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The king is an ascribed status. Why? And the prince, the count? It is more correct to speak of ascribed rather than innate status. Inborn statuses: "son", "daughter", "sister", "brother", "nephew", "uncle", "grandmother" and all "relatives in law". The only way to become a "relative in law" is through marriage. And what about the status of stepdaughter, stepson, godfather, godmother?

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Innate is a biologically inherited status, and ascribed is a socially acquired, but identical in name with a born status. The son is both a born and ascribed status. To avoid confusion, sociologists have agreed to call both types of status the same - attributed status

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Emperor Head of the Catholic Church Senator President Father-in-law Husband Ukrainian Prince Duke Boyar Oprichnik Noble

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Social roles of personality The whole world is a theater. There are women, men - all actors. They have exits, exits. And each one plays a role. Shakespeare

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A behavior model focused on a specific status is called a status role, or simply a role. An individual who occupies a high position in society, if measured by this height, or rank, in terms of the power, income, education and prestige available to him, is most eager to correspond to his status and behave properly. The set of roles performed by a person is called a role set (role repertoire).

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What factors determine the role set? circumstances age environment image Are status symbols and social status interconnected?

Class: 11th grade, profile level.

Topic title: Social statuses and roles.

The role and place of this topic in the course: The topic is studied in the 11th grade at the profile level according to the program of L.N. , social roles, role set, image, socialization.

The main questions of the topic of lesson 1:

  1. What is status.
  2. What is the social status of a person.
  3. social roles.

The main features of the use of digital educational Internet resources and computer software tools: digital educational resources in this topic are used to search for and organize information about social statuses and roles, as well as to prepare student speeches. Students use the Internet to search for information, Microsoft programs Office Word and Microsoft Office PowerPoint for preparing presentations.

Technical means: computer, printer, projection equipment.

Using the computer to prepare the teacher for the lesson: the teacher uses the Internet and programs Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office PowerPoint to help students in the process of independent work and information search.

Expected learning outcomes: Students will get acquainted with the main positions of social status, its types, role set of personality. They are able to find, systematize, select and apply the information found in the preparation for the lesson. They are able to prepare presentations on a given topic using computer programs. They are able to form and argue a thought, present information, give examples, ask questions and answer them.

Description of the lesson on the topic: “social statuses and roles”

The objectives of the lesson: to deepen and systematize students' knowledge about the social status of the individual. Formation of the foundations of social culture.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: to learn the concepts of “social status” and “social role”.
  • Educational: to form an attitude towards the process of socialization, to develop an active citizenship, to cultivate a tolerant attitude towards people.
  • Developing: to develop students' cognitive interest in studying this topic when working with the Internet, electronic media, to develop the ability to integrate work with computer technology and educational literature on this topic.

Lesson type: web quest.

Equipment: computers with Internet connection, projector, screen, printer.

The list of digital resources used in the lesson:

social role. The concept of "social role", which was proposed by J. Mead in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, is closely related to the concept of "social status". A social role (fr. - Role) is a set of norms that determine how a person of a given social position, in a given social position, should behave; it is the behavior expected of someone who has a certain social status. For the emergence of a role, a whole system of norms is needed that regulates the actions of a person as an executor of a particular role. If, for example, only a few norms are prescribed for a given social category (for example, pedestrians must cross the road in specially designated places), this set is not yet regarded as a social role.

Slide 7 from the presentation "Role concept of personality" to the lessons of social science on the topic "Man and Society"

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Human and society

"Social statuses and roles of the individual" - Assigned status. The concept of "status". Ralph Linton. social status. Responsibilities. Portrait. personal status. Role identification. Status. Status types. A status portrait of a person, or a status set. Status set (portrait) of a person. Specialty "Taxes and taxation". Role set. The position of the person he occupies.

Boss. Role set. Friend, acquaintance. A set of actions that a person must perform. "Psychodramatic" roles. Employee. Jacob Levy Moreno (1892-1974). Student. Son (daughter), brother (sister). Plan. Student. Social assessment. The whole world is theater. Social roles in adolescence. Society citizen.

"Teachings about society and man" - Existentialism. New time. G. W. F. Hegel. Ancient China. Person. Adam Smith. Ancient India. Ancient Greece. value approach. Representatives. materialistic understanding of society. Myths. Middle Ages. Post-Marxism. Renaissance. Functions. Teachings about society and man. Aristotle. Forms of government.

"Man in modern society" - The main institutions of society. The macrostructure of society = society as a system. Practice. Relationship. Worldview, its types and forms. needs and interests. Human and society. An individual is born, a person becomes, individuality is defended. cognitive activity. The concept of "society" in the narrow sense.

"Role concept of personality" - Hierarchy of statuses. Role rationalization. Role learning. role conflicts. social role. Social status and role set of personality. Characteristics of the social role. social mobility. Personality. Mastering a new role. intragroup roles. social status. role behavior. Role concept.

The social role and social status of a personMaterials for preparing for the exam
Teacher: Jebko G.P.
MOU "Sahaptinskaya secondary school"
Nazarovsky District, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Outline of the topic "Social Role"
1. The concept of "social role".
2. The structure of the social role.
3. The main roles of a person in society (role set).
4. Role expectation and role performance.
5. Role unity and role conflict.
6. Social sanctions and their significance in public life.

Social role is what is expected
in this society from every person,
occupying a certain place
in social system(expected behavior).
social role
1) Description of the type of behavior,
corresponding to this role;
2) Requirements for behavior;
3) Evaluation of the performance of the assigned role;
4) Sanctions - the social consequences of
or other action (moral, legal,
political, etc.)

The whole world is theater.
There are women, men - all actors.
They have exits, exits.
And each one plays a role.
Seven actions in the play toy.
Baby, schoolboy, youth, lover,
soldier, judge, old man.
The set of roles performed by a person is called
role set
The main social roles include:
worker, owner, consumer, family member

if it doesn't match
should encourage
person to
certain type

Outline of the topic "Social status"
1. The concept of "social status".
2. Status set.
3. Types of social status:
a) prescribed;
b) achieved (acquired)
3. Social and personal status.
4. Prestige and authority.

Social status is the position of a person in society
which he occupies according to his age, sex,
profession, origin, income level, marital status
etc., granting certain rights and obligations
main status
status set

place of work
marital status

The position that
man occupies
in society as
big social
(recognition by society
occupied by groups or
people in society).
Human position
in a small social
group, his assessment
with personal
(recognition by society
personal and business qualities

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The presentation on the topic "Social statuses and roles" (Grade 10) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 13 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Social statuses and roles

Lesson 10-11 08/17/2018

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Lesson plan

What is the social status of a person; Social roles of the individual; Socialization of the individual; Who teaches us to "play by the rules"? Social adaptation.

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1. What is the social status of a person

For a long time, the concept of “personal status” was associated mainly with the characteristics of the legal status of a person.

In sociology, the concepts of "status" and "role" began to be actively used in the first half of the 19th century.

Arguing with K. Marx, the German sociologist M. Weber argued that not only the economic situation, but also (wider) social status is important characteristic place and role of man in society

Weber called this position social status.

In modern sociology, the concepts of "social status" and "social role", the theory of role conflicts help to comprehend social processes more deeply, predict the behavior of the individual, interpersonal relationships

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The social status (from Latin status - position, state) of a person is the position of a person in society, which he occupies in accordance with his age, gender, origin, profession, marital status

In reality, any person occupies many positions in society.


So sociologists talk about the status set

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Statuses determined by the position of an individual in a group

Social status - the position of a person in society, which he occupies as a representative of a large social group in relations with other groups

Personal status - the position of an individual in a small group, depending on how its members evaluate him in accordance with his personal qualities

Statuses acquired or not acquired

Prescribed status - a social position that is prescribed to an individual by society, regardless of the merits of the individual

Achievable status - acquired as a result of free choice, personal effort and is under the control of a person

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The individual not only has a certain social status, he is constantly evaluated by other people, groups and the society in which he lives.

Prestige - assessment by society of the significance of certain positions occupied by individuals

Banker; - economist; - lawyer; - doctor; - manager; - a policeman; - military; - firefighter; - teacher; - tailor.

It is necessary to arrange these professions in order of ranking: A) taking into account their importance; B) taking into account the prestige.

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2. Social roles of the individual

From a person occupying a certain social position, others expect appropriate behavior

Assessing the role behavior of a person, we correlate it with a certain typical idea (standard) of how one should act, behave, dress, etc. a person of a given social position

A model of behavior focused on this status is commonly called a social role.

Each of us has a lot of social roles, as well as statuses. The set of roles performed by a person is called a role set (role repertoire)

The role set forms a set of social relations

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The following social roles are distinguished:

Psychosomatic (gr. soma - body) - the behavior of the individual depends on biological needs, human culture

Psychodramatic - the behavior of the individual depends on the requirements of the social environment

Social - a person behaves as expected from a representative of a particular social category

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Roles are defined by people's expectations

For example, the idea that parents should take care of their children, that an employee is obliged to conscientiously carry out the work entrusted to him, has taken root in the public mind.

Thus, a social role is a kind of behavior pattern required from a carrier of a certain status. Applying for this status, a person must fulfill all the role requirements assigned to this social position.

Real role behavior should be distinguished from a social role as a model of behavior, which means not socially expected, but the actual behavior of the performer of a particular role.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.